#sorry my photo quality is terrible but i had to zoom in on it and my phone does not have a good camera rip
naffeclipse · 2 years
Went hiking and ran into a rattlesnake! Don't worry, we kept our distance. He gave us a little warning shake and slithered on his way
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moonbiscuitsims · 10 months
Noodle appreciation on Sims 4 Gorillaz Project
2D's room pics Russel's room pics Murdoc's room pics ("mature") More Gorillaz themed posts
From the wiki: ヌードル (Nuudoru), better known as Noodle, is the official guitarist and former occasional backing vocalist of Gorillaz.
Born: Osaka, Kansai, Japan on 31st October 1990.
Instruments: Guitar, keyboard, synthesizer.
Occupation(s): Songwriter, Guitarist, Vocalist, Ex-Super Soldier
Nationality: Japanese
Religion: Buddhism and Shinto
Created by: Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn
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Inspired by D.A.R.E. I used the video for extra reference especially for the front side of the room which i couldn't see well in the reference pics.
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Theres a cute little scene in the MTV Cribs Gorillaz short where noodle kicks Murdoc out of her room. The cute ceiling lanterns are missing in this pic because I forgot to start the tab camera from a zoomed out position and they fade when you zoom in my bad.
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In the Phase 1 room, that little blue chair was actually Noodle's bed but after she has the white one, so I made it into a chair. If you understand it, please ignore the sign probably meaning something extremely random I can (slightly) read hiragana/katakana but not kanjis sorry I hope it doesn't mean poop or something bad it was just for aesthetic.
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I made her room quite messy, because I have an obsession with messy rooms and Gorillaz aesthetics did tend to be quite cluttered and messy.
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I like to imagine Cyborg Noodle stole Noodles soldier clothes, so that's why she is wearing them. She is still a badass who loves to train just in case.
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The literal description of Kids with Guns. Obviously guns are bad, this is fiction, don't use guns.
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I used tons of Cyberpunk 2077 cc for this room and other parts of the building. So that giant head is a Beta version of Shaun Ryder before he could drunk-British karaoke sing D.A.R.E. with Noodle in her secret room. No one is going to convince me that Gorillaz is not slightly cyberpunk, they're a virtual band with holograms, with cyborgs, weird talking robot heads, dystopian and apocalyptic themes and beaches made of plastic.
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The bathroom and many parts of the lot were made up but there was no way I was gonna make a poor innocent little teen girl share the disgusting toilets and bathrooms with three dirty grown men ( ×m×) Hers is also slightly dirty but nowhere near as bad I'll post them in future posts.
I created these sims a long time ago, they were so much fun to make, I even made my own (terrible) cc to make certain clothing items more accurate. The lot they live on is Kong Studios, I kind of mixed all the Phases, but my favourite was Phase 2. In the future I hope to do more Phase 3, after that everything is a bit unknown to me as Gorillaz were kind of on hiatus for many years after Plastic Beach and I fell out of touch with them, only to realise quite recently they have tons of new music 🧡
For the inspiration I used I'll leave reference photos I found, from all the old online flash games there use to be, I loved them it's a shame that part of the internet is over x), as well as using their music videos and Rise of the Ogre comic. They're all super bad quality because 240p videos and footage of the 2000's.
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Overall I had a really fun time making them and taking these pics, I know they're old but it gives me a lot of nostalgia and I love their music and the entire project. Also I use tons of cc so I don't know if I'll be sharing a CC list, I started making it only to see I was taking 3 hours for barely any of it, so I may (possibly) share it in the future with the lot and sims files, but for now I'm just showing the project. I might also make some cosy lets play videos with them just chilling for my YouTube.
Any support for my posts is greatly appreciated 🧡
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irlkpop · 2 years
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ill-skillsgard · 4 years
The Gloaming Hour - Alex Hogh Andersen
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Title: The Gloaming Hour
Characters: Alex Hogh Andersen x ambiguous fem
Warning: No real warnings. Just angst and feelings!
Note:  In honour of @flowers-in-your-hayr​​ birthday, I wrote a little imagine inspired by one of her wonderful moodboards! Thank you @maggiescarborough​​ for organizing this fun event and asking me to take part <3
The concept of this piece isn’t based on the moodboard directly, rather an idea that popped into my head from the collection of images. Hope you like it! Kisses!
Excitement drained from Alex's face ounce by ounce, leaving his jovial smile deflated, his bright eyes a lifeless blue. As the curator flipped through his collection of portraits, scrutiny notched a wrinkle between his eyebrows that deepened with each turn of the page. Though a facetious mustache hid the curator's top lip, Alex recognized a grimace and the discontent infiltrating the air between them.
The older man closed the portfolio and sighed. He took off his glasses, polished the lenses on the lapel of his jacket and replaced them on his nose to better assess Alex's mood.
"Please, just Alex," the photographer insisted.
"Alex. It... It just—it breaks my heart to see your passion shrivelling."
Struck as though the curator had set his work on fire before him on the desk, Alex took a half-step back to prepare for harsher evaluations. "Shrivelling? I'd have to disagree."
"This isn't up to par with what you've brought to me in recent times. There's no trace of emotion. At least, nothing genuine. They're good photos, Alex, but they're stock photos at best. Destined for a watermark."
Alex gestured at the portfolio. "They're not the worst. I made do with what I had. There's only so many angles of Copenhagen I can give you before it looks postcard-ish. I took these at the height of the panic, while the entire world held its breath waiting for answers. I feel I reflect this in my work. Did you see the one of the little girl on the swing?"
The curator pushed the folder across the desk, a final swing of the axe. "I can't put these in the show, Alex. It's not my reputation I'm worried about, it's yours. I don't want to be the rope that ties your young career to the stake. My patrons wouldn't piss on these if they were on fire. Now, your winter series... If you brought me something like that, then I'd sing a different tune. Those were raw. Unfettered by trivial surface emotions. These are rather college-level, just-got-my-hands-on-my-first-DSLR quality. We've seen much better from you."
"What about the photo of the old woman?" Alex gave one last push.
"I'm looking for a coherent series. Something that tells an ongoing story. One diamond in a bed of zirconias just won't cut it, Alex," said the curator. "But we like you here. I want you to be part of the show."
Alex nodded in agreement. "So do I."
"You have five days to put together something that will wow me. I need to be awe-struck. Do you think inspiration will strike in that amount of time?" 
"If I knew when inspiration planned a visit, I'd do nothing but schedule my time around it, trust me," Alex said.
"Five days, Alex, you have less than a week to put something stirring on my desk. I believe in you. Now, I must ask that we get a move on. I have another appointment."
Alex took his portfolio, tucked it under his arm, nodded at the curator and left the gallery. It wasn't until he stepped onto the street the numbness in his face gave way to the severe weight of rejection. He remembered walking into the studio but fifteen minutes prior, brimming with confidence, but that zeal had melted, leaving Alex dispirited and ready to give up his dreams. How could he capture a full series in a few short days? No great work of art had ever been executed in such a minimal amount of time. Alex sighed, lit a cigarette, and walked in no particular direction.
His camera hung around his neck as it nearly always did, but it only served to remind him of his shortcomings. When he passed over a canal of rushing water, Alex thought of ridding himself of the padded noose and chucking the device into the river below. Yet he clutched the camera's zoom lens, running his fingertips over the rubber grip for comfort.
Sequestered in grey daydreams, Alex's feet took him to the walking trails before his head caught up. He left the din of the city behind, and when he snapped from his ruminations, budding birch trees and new foliage surrounded him. Alex had walked the trails many times before, but that day a golden hue drenched the atmosphere and had him appreciating the landscape with eyes afresh. He wandered this way and that, losing himself in the thicket on purpose as he watched for rare birds above. 
He came to the river's bend where an arcing walking bridge connected one side to the other. A woman was standing on the apex, looking out over the water with her back turned to Alex. She paid no attention to anything but the rapids below as the gentle wind carried pieces of her hair, abandoning the strands to float about her pate like a strange halo. From afar, Alex studied the slopes of her profile, but without his glasses, he couldn't make out the subtleties that made her eye-catching. The woman didn't notice him step onto the walking bridge.
The closer Alex came to the woman, the stronger his urge to photograph her became. He uncapped the camera lens, turned on the device and adjusted the settings to compliment the evening glow. From a distance, Alex relied on the power of the lens to bring her closer. He snapped some photos, then approached another four steps, fixed his frame, and captured a few more.
Alex cycled through the newest photos and noticed something about the woman's face he hadn't before: she was crying. Below her left cheek, a small stream glimmered, the setting sun illuminating a teardrop hanging off her jaw. This discovery made Alex's heart sink. He went a little closer, snapped another picture with his proximity taken into consideration, then studied the image. Her sadness tainted the entire frame, a beacon of black and grey on a gilded backdrop.
The woman turned just as Alex clicked the shutter again, and her melancholy transformed into indignation. She swiped at her incriminating tears in hopes the stranger wouldn't see them, but it was far too late. Alex already had evidence of her mournful spell.
"Excuse me! Just what do you think you're doing taking photos of me?" The woman yelled, approaching swiftly. "Did I give you permission to take my picture?"
The photographer took a step back, abandoning his camera near his chest to display open palms. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bother. You just looked so... I'm sorry. I'll delete them, I promise."
Redness swallowed the whites of her eyes. Now that she was within slapping distance of Alex's face, it was clear the woman had been suffering there on the bridge for a long while. Though all traces of her dreary expression fled, he got the sense something terrible had happened to her, and he had taken advantage of her private moment for his benefit.
"Why would you do that? Take pictures of people without them knowing?" She demanded to know.
"I'm a photographer. I swear, I'm not some creepy guy that goes around taking photos of women."
"Pfft," she hissed. "I bet you have loads of disgusting pictures on that thing because you're a man, and all men are absolutely disgusting!"
Taken aback by her accosting, Alex realized her hurt ran deep and fresh. Her tears dried up, leaving behind nothing but scorn and red, puffy cheeks. Whatever internal wound she bore still bled, and he apologized again in hopes the woman might forgive him.
"Honestly, I'm just a photographer. Not a weirdo. Here, I'll even show you what I have on my camera roll. It's nothing but portraits and pictures of trees, I swear on my life. I was just walking and saw you on the bridge, and you looked... Um."
Her anger lessened, curiosity taking its place at least in her eyes. "I looked what? What did I look like?"
Alex chewed his bottom lip and toed a plank of the walking bridge. She met his silence with another step forward.
"You looked so sad... And beautiful," whispered Alex.
She clicked her tongue, shaking her head as a sarcastic laugh punched the air. "You're so full of shit."
"I'm not lying!" Alex defended himself. "Look for yourself."
The photographer turned his camera around, but the woman stepped back. Alex sighed, waited for her to build up enough trust to approach him, and let her come to his side when she was sure he wouldn't lunge. She looked at the display and the photo he'd captured of her hanging her head, one lone teardrop on her face alight with the diminishing aura of day. 
"Well... It's not terrible, I guess," she said.
"I'll still delete them," assured Alex
The woman shook her head. "You're a real photographer? Like a real, professional one?"
Alex fetched a business card from his pocket and passed it to her. She scanned the piece of cardstock and then his face.
"I've had my work displayed in art galleries if that helps."
"I guess it does."
A silence leavened the tension between them. The warbling water below clashed with bird calls above, and the sun slipped away, leaving them in deepening twilight. After five long minutes of quietude, the woman finally sighed.
"You don't have to delete them. They're good. You're obviously talented, and who am I to stifle your art?"
Surprised by her revelation, Alex chuckled nervously. "You sure? I don't have a problem getting rid of them."
"No," she shook her head. "You somehow made the shittiest day of my life look... Beautiful."
There was something about the woman's change of mind that told of understanding and kindness. Alex suddenly wanted to comfort her further. He slipped his camera behind him and spread his arms open. She flinched at this but realized what he meant to do.
"Would you like a hug? You look like you could use a good hug," offered Alex.
She bit the inside of her cheek as a bubble of a sob fought to escape her throat. Nodding while her eyes brimmed with another crop of tears, she stepped into his embrace and crushed her face into the collar of his denim coat. Surprised by the strength in which she clung to his torso, Alex matched it and held the girl tight until her tears dried up once more. 
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extraordinary merry christmas 🎄  (part 1: jg) 
summary: your boyfriend jake has been busy all month organizing parties for his production company and already promoting his play in london. he comes home to his place almost entirely decorated by you, thanks to your extreme boredom and to the fact you two can’t facetime 24/7. he wishes nothing more than to spend quality time with you on this special day!
warnings: christmas (with no mentions of religion besides the name!), extremely sweet fluff like call your dentist you might have a cavity, curse words, jake being the man of my dreams.
word count: 1227
notes: i’m writing this with a terrible headache, so i didn’t proof read it before posting! i was listening to some holiday songs by glee and i had muse, so why not share it with you guys? enjoy some fluff, wrapped in fairy lights and ornaments! happy holidays to all! if you don’t celebrate christmas, well, happy eat all the sweets & food! i love you all! if you are alone on this special day, drop in my IMs, we’ll chat!
“I just landed!” Jake’s voice resonated in the room, from your phone that you set up nearby while you were playing with the box of ornaments. 
“Jake, you’re basically screaming!” You laughed, looking down at the screen to see his zoomed in face, middle aged dad style. “Think about the people around you.” You shook your head playfully. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I want them to know I missed my girl and that I can’t wait to be home!” Jake answered, after he lowered his voice a little bit when he, too, noticed that he was disturbing the crowd. 
“You’re too much.” You poked your tongue out and presented two different ornaments to the screen. “Your favorite?” 
While you were decorating, and while he was spending some time in his Londonian hotel room in between press sessions, you made him participate in the decoration of the house and even in the color of the frosting for the cookies. He absolutely loved it. It felt as if he was right next to you, letting your inner perfectionist interior designer shine while he gave you tips once in a while about the color scheme. “I love the silver one.” 
You nodded and set the golden one aside. “You’re on a silver roll this year. We’re running out of decorations in that color!” And of space to put the ones you already had, but that was another story. 
“Silver is pretty.” He cleared his throat, not without you noticing his attempt at changing the subject. “Some stores are still open at this hour. Do you want me to get something?” 
You made a weird little face, causing him to giggle when he saw it, as you looked over his place. It was one of those open and free New Yorker lofts, but with all the decorations and food and presents, it looked like it was about to explode. “Nah, thanks, love. I think I’m good!” 
“Alrighty. I’ll be there soon. I love you so much, star sprinkled sugar cookie!” He said, using a cute and endearing voice. 
Even though you were not in public with him, you were blushing. If, three years ago, someone would have told you this man, who was invited on a blind date as an attempt to finally find you a partner, was such a softie, you would have never believed it. “Jake, stop, please! I’m ashamed.” You hid your face in your hands. 
“Fucking cute. Okay, my Uber is here. I’m on my way!”
You waited for Jake leaning against the armrest of the couch. You wore one of the ugly Christmas sweaters his sister Maggie always bought him for Christmas with a pair of leggings, and the comfiest slippers you could find around. As time went by, you started to snack on the gingerbread cookies you baked with his assistance. It should not be this long… Every now and then, your phone would light up as he sent you photos of where he was. The restaurant of your first date, the park that was not filled with tourists where you hosted all of your summer picnics, the crossroad where you two almost died when he decided to make out with you out of nowhere… Until you saw the last picture: it was the entrance of your apartment block.
Jake’s phone died before he could call you and warn you of his arrival. Instead, he decided to sprint up the stairs all the way to your floor and rush his key into the door, slamming it open. “Fucking finally.” He said, dropping his heavy bags to the ground, closing the door with his foot and running to bring your face in a loving kiss, tongues and teeth mixing up. “My girl. I missed you so much.” 
You set the platter on the couch and replied to his kiss with just as much intensity. It felt like a Christmas miracle that he was here in front of you, in the flesh and not in a screen. “I missed you too!” You mumbled against his lips and stopped him as you felt him pushing you down on the couch. As much as this would have been nice, you did not want to smash your creations. “Hey, be careful!” You said and moved for him to see the cookies. 
He frowned of confusion when you pushed him away, but he got even more excited at the view of the sweets. “They look delicious, my love!” 
You spent hours catching up and hearing about his stories in London. He promised to take you there, next time. He promised to show you around all the landmarks, to let you attend the rehearsals and to introduce you to Annaleigh. He was so tired, you could tell by his dark under eyes, but he was glowing with joy and pride. And you swore you could feel yourself falling even more in love with him.
“I’m rambling so much, I’m sorry, Y/N. I think it’s the sugar high from all the cookies and pies.” He looked down at the coffee table, filled with dirty dishes and remaining pieces of pie crusts. 
You pressed your hand against his cheek, grinning at him. “It’s okay! What has gotten to you? You only talk so much when you’re tired.” 
Jake leaned in your touch and smiled tenderly back at you. “I have something to tell you.” 
You felt your heart racing, and your mind started to worry, forcing terrible thoughts on you.
He cut you off before you started to panic when he slid off the couch to get on his knee. He pulled out of his back pocket a turquoise box. You could recognize it from miles away. It was from Tiffany’s, where he bought you all the jewelry that reminded him of you and your style. 
“I look like shit and I’m being delusional from all the sweets, but there’s no better time to do it than now.” He started his speech with a disclaimer that made you laugh, which proceeded in calming you down a bit. “You’ve made my life tremendously better over the past years. When I first saw you, I had this crazy feeling that I never wanted to lose you, that I always wanted to be by your sides. My sister said I was being a psychopath, but I knew I was in love.” 
Your jaw slowly dropped open when the ring inside the box was revealed. It was a beautiful silver ring with diamonds surrounding a small sapphire. You looked up into his eyes, they matched the color of the gemstone. 
“We met in September, three years ago. And ever since, it’s been my favorite month of the year. Because I got to discover the most exquisite creature on this planet.” 
Tears were pooling in your eyes and your vision was so blurry, you could not see that he was crying too. But you could hear it at the way his voice broke. “Yes, yes, yes! Please, yes!” 
You made him laugh at the way you accepted his request, before he even said it. “I didn’t even ask you yet!” He exclaimed and wiped some of your tears with his thumb, before he finally popped the question. “Y/N, you are the love of my life. And I want to spend my life loving you. Will you marry me?”
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Gendrya Endgame Proof? Also Possible Clues for Brienne’s Future.
Ok so three pictures of three dresses have appeared online. Now from what I understand these pictures were taken at the premiere. But I think they actually could hold some clues as to what might be in store for some of our favourite characters. I did post this before but it had analysis of all three dresses  and as anyone whoe has read my other posts know I like to over analyse everything and so it got really really long to the point where some pictures weren’t loading so now I’ve split the post into two parts. If you would like to read the other one you can find it here. Now this is a potential spoiler so I’m going to put the rest under the tab.
So the thing that’s most exicting about these three dresses is they are three white dresses that at first glance look like they could be wedding dresses.
So I’m going to start with this one
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So this is one i’ve seen some people suggest is arya’s wedding dress. Which at first glance I was like yeah that looks like something Arya might wear. But as previously stated I like to analyse every little detail so with each of these images I zoomed in on them and assessed every inch of it. What I learned. It actually looks nothing like what Arya would wear.
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If you look at arya’s typical costume next to it you see there are a lot of differences. Arya’s is a lace up whereas the white dress looks more like pieces of armour. Arya’s is patterned with squares but the white one has diagonal stripes. The neck lines are also very different. Now does the fact that they are not identical mean that it’s not Arya’s of course not, it’s possible it could be as I said my first impression was I could see Arya in it. But then I compared it to Brienne.
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And as you can see it is identical. The shape around the top, the armour on the arms the diagonal lines, everything is the same right down to the slanting belt. So does this mean this is Brienne’s wedding dress. As much as I would love that I don’t think so. If you read my recent review of episode 4 you would have seen that I said that I thought it was likely Brienne would end up as the Kings/ Queens Guard for the next ruler. I think this might be her new armour for that. If it is I’ve got to say firstly I love it, Brienne the White Knight of the Noble Kings/Queens Guard. Secondly, Brienne good luck keeping that one clean :p  
Ok it’s time for the next dress. My favourite of the dresses. The dress that was the cause of my huge freak out right before I started writing this post.
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I know what you’re all thinking. Aww this silly girl this dress is obviously for Sansa what is there to talk about. Yeah ok I thought that too I mean..
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that’s the same dress right I mean right down to the necklace. I was the same when I first saw the images, I was all aww look at Sansa’s pretty new dress with all it’s pretty feathers on it. But as I said I like to over analyse everything so I zoomed in on all of these images and when I did this time I damn near had a heart attack. Because my dears those ain’t no feathers
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Those are GOLDEN LEAVES!! Now any Gendrya shipper out there can understand why I was freaking out to the point of feeling physically ill. At first I was devastated because there is a dress that looks just like one Sansa has previously worn that is literally a gown of golden leaves. There’s also that rumor about Gendry and Sansa. But here’s the thing it would make no sense for Sansa and Gendry to get married with her in this gown which is from a song that is clearly written about Gendrya, The whole gown of golden leaves comes from my featherbed which is about a girl who doesn’t want to be a lady but still wants to have her love. That’s not Sansa, she is the epitome of a Lady she’s never struggled with that identity unlike Arya. So I’m sorry but if this is Sansa’s dress and she’s marrying Gendry in it then as much as I have been defending the show and it’s writing not even I would be able to defend it, because that wouldn’t be bad writing that would be truely terrible writing. So I got to thinking why then would this gown look so much like one Sansa would own if it’s not hers. I think I have an answer for you all. I made a post a few weeks back saying that when Gendrya get married Sansa has to make Arya a gown of golden leaves because come on who else is going to make Arya’s dress. But imagine for a second you’re Sansa and Arya comes to you and she says I’m getting married and I need you to make my dress. Sansa of course will agree and so she says no problem what kind of dress do you want to wear. Arya will be completely stumped by this question because Arya doesn’t wear dresses. I mean when even was the last time we saw Arya in a dress? The other thing we need to remember is that this dress, her wedding dress needs to represent her transition into Lady of Storms End as well as her journey throughout the seasons. To Arya Sansa represents what it is to be a Lady so it would make sense if Arya would just say well make me something that a lady would wear, something the you would wear. Sansa has no reference for what style of dress Arya would wear so instead she makes something familiar to her but something she thinks Arya might like. So I am now going to explain how the show’s crew and producers are trying to pull a fast one on us and that this dress despite appearances is not Sansa’s but actually Arya’s and not only that but why this dress is actually kinda perfect for Arya.
So first I’m going to compare elements of Arya’s previous costumes to elements of this dress. Like I said Arya rarely wears dresses so you would think it would be hard to actually find comparasons but I actually did find some. They are subtle but they are there.
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Ok so first look at the shoulders here. And yes I know that Sansa’s raven dress is closer I’m not disputing that but the shape of the shoulders here is still similar. Then there’s the collar which is also similar in shape and length. If you compare it with the collar on Sansa’s dress
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you can see that Sansa’s collar is alot taller and covers the whole length of her neck. Compare it to the collar on Arya however they are identicle in shape and size. This is because Sophie has a much longer neck than Maisie. Now you might say this is of little consequence but I would disagree. You have to remember that Maisie has to fit into this dress, which is why they can’t put a tall collar on the dress because her neck isn’t long enough. Also Sansa has other dresses that have high collars on them for example her wedding dress to Tyrion did. So if this was a dress made for Sansa it would make more sense to keep the high dramatic collar that has throwbacks to her previous outfits. The devil is in the details as they say.
Speaking of details something else I noticed is the necklace that comes with the dress. Again looks just like the neck chain Sansa wears.
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But if we look closer there are some differences. For example the fact that Sansa’s chain only has one chain dangling down. The necklace with the golden dress has two. To me it looks like the two threads that hang down from the neck of Arya’s Braavosi outfit. Another detail is that the circle at the top is much smaller than Sansa’s
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If you look at the three necklaces side by side you can see that the circle on Sansa’s are like twice the size. Also the chain unlike Sansa’s ones does not pass through the circle. There is something in the centre of the circle but unfortunately due to the quality of the photo when I zoom in I can’t make out what it is. Also the band of the circle is alot thicker/ wider than Sansa’s. But it got me to thinking what is there is Arya’s storyline that could be represented by a circle?
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Maybe a coin? The size of the circle is much closer to the size of the coin than it is Sansa’s chain. If you look at the coin it does have a thick band around the outside and then the emblem in the centre which mirrors the necklace. Now like I said I can’t make out what is at the centre of the necklace but it does make me wonder if it’s suppose to represent this coin which after all played a very important part in Arya’s journey.
Another small but I think significant detail about this necklace are the two pendants.
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Like I said Sansa’s only has the one chain and the one pendant so I feel like there must be some significance to the fact that this one has two. There’s also the fact that the pendants on this one are a completely different shape to hers. She had a very long, sharp triangular pendant but these are circular almost like teardrops or...
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Bottles of poison? Jaqen H’gar gives Arya two bottles of poison during her time in Braavos. The first is what starts her journey into becoming No One, she doesn’t use it instead deciding to kill Meran Trant which leads to her going blind and all the rest. The second is what ends her journey as No One. This was the one that was meant for Lady Crane which again she does not use instead breaking away from the Faceless Men and deciding to be Arya Stark again. Another important part of her journey and story. So I think the two pendants represent those two bottles of poison.
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Now look at the position of the gems on the dress and how along with the leaves they create an illusion of a fishing net. Just like the net that Arya wore around the top of her skirt in this image. It’s another small but interesting detail that links into Arya’s story.
Lastly I want to look at the necklines
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As you can see when you compare the neckline of Sansa’s to the gold dress her’s is alot wider. I also think it might be lower on Sansa’s.
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Yet as you can see from this neckline its got some similarities in shape, its narrower like the gold dress and it has that lower collar that frames the neck.
But this is the really important part. There is some significance to this particular outfit its the one she’s wearing when she says she’s Arya Stark of Winterfell and I’m going home. That scene was an important turning point for Arya and it was very similar to a scene of Sansa’s which just happened to be when Sansa was wearing her raven dress. The importance about these scenes were that they not only were the beginning of both girls journey home but they marked the start of a new chapter of both girls stories.
Something else that I think is significant is that we only ever actually see Sansa in that dress once for a couple of episodes at most. Also its unlike any of her other dresses. In fact if you took away that one dress she wore and tried to compare Sansa’s typical outfits to this golden dress you actually wouldn’t find many similarities. Also this dress while more ladylike than Arya’s other clothes still isn’t what a typical Lady would wear. It’s just a little bit too badass. Particularly with the shoulders which look very much like armour. You could even say that the position of the gems and leaves look a little like scaled chain mail like the Blackfish used to wear which would make a connection with her mothers Tulley side. What do I think this means? Well I think it means Arya will marry Gendry and become the Lady of Storms End or possibly they might even both end up on the Iron Throne together I think this is a dress fit for a Queen don’t you? But just as the dress isn’t a typical Lady’s dress Arya won’t be a typical Lady. There have been other representatives who have the title Lady but who were still utter badasses I mean Lady Lyanna Mormont anyone. I see no reason why Arya can’t be the same. Also it wouldn’t be that weird for Arya to wear a dress that has a connection to Sansa, she is her sister. Also in the past the show has made connections between family members using the fashion of the show.
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Like here for example where all three Stark Ladies had similar necklines and colours. Or here
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when both Sansa and Caitlyn had virtually identicle button pins. Which they both wore to dreadful weddings. It’s not just the Starks they’ve done it with either Joffrey had thorns and roses woven through his crown when he married Margery to connect him with house Tyrell. Sansa had lions embroided on her dress when she married Tyrion to connect her with the Lannisters. Then there were the numerous lion pendants that got passed around various characters. So it could just be that Arya is wearing a dress that looks like one of her sisters just because its like one of her sister’s and the show want’s the audience to make that connection between Sansa the Lady and Arya whose about to gain the title of Lady.
Seeing that dress actual gave me alot of hope. Like in my opinion it would make no sense at all for anyone other than Arya to wear a dress of golden leaves. It’s obvious that the dress comes from and is heavily influenced by the song ‘My Featherbed’. The only and I really do mean the only female character that has a connection to that song that is in the series is Arya. Therefore I am now very confident that the dress belongs to Arya and that she will marry Gendry. Now this post is once again as is typical of my posts getting on a bit so I am going to cut it off here. However I will be in a little while posting an analysis of the song My Featherbed and how I think it guarantees us a Gendraya end game and why it could be a clue that Arya despite her insistence that she’s not a Lady will become one if anyone is interested in that. I do think we need alot more positivity in the tag so I’m here to sprinkle some cheer me up fairy dust all over this tag. Let me know what you guys think about the dresses. Which is your favourite? Who do you think they belong to? And do you think they are wedding dresses or for some other occasion?  
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philosophronia · 5 years
aaww my gawd you have a daughter?! how did i not know this before?! could you maybe later post that pic of her again? the only bad thing about living in canada is that i keep missing all of your cute baby posts :'( it's totally fine if you don't feel comfortable doing so!
I don't talk about her too much on here, so it makes sense that you didn't know. 😄
0 notes
airoasis · 5 years
"Cigarettes and Alcohol and Rollerblading" | Father Ted | Series 2 Episode 8 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/cigarettes-and-alcohol-and-rollerblading-father-ted-series-2-episode-8-dead-parrot/
"Cigarettes and Alcohol and Rollerblading" | Father Ted | Series 2 Episode 8 | Dead Parrot
I see what a little go that all about sure And speak people could had been confused about where the parochial condominium is So I proposal i would put a gigantic pass up within the center of the backyard just hope they are aware of it way i’m a priest and not some Madman Some madman’s put up a move beautiful Ted, i’m off rollerblading. All right Dougal whats up, Craggy Island parochial house father Ted real talking. Hiya Ted, Dick Bern right here. Oh dick. Well Ted I just thought i might offer you a call and want you the entire great for lent this yr what oh yeah, lent, What are you giving up? Being the largest a while within the priesthood critically ted if we might just put joking apart for a minute into the solemn time of year know now we have had our disagreements up to now Ted but on the end of the day.We’re both brothers in Christ. So anyway over here we decided. We would make a detailed effort this year I’ve given up cigarettes father Johnson is giving up alcohol and father macduff is giving up skateboarding I must say the surroundings of serenity and devotion to our lord in the parochial house this yr may be very very particular indeed proper So what about it ted, will you make a identical effort? Will you join us ted, will you go the extra mile this yr ? Think you are right . I feel. We will have to make a specific effort it is going to be worth it Ted God bless you, goodbye dick and um God bless you dick i am giving up the fags father jack that you could supply the oil drinker pass over and no extra rollerblading for you on till Easter dougal Easter’s miles away it’s nevertheless it wouldn’t be a sacrifice if it was once too handy would it not.And keep in mind why we’re doing this i know i do know for the reason that of the sacrifice our far more foremost than that i am not going to be crushed by using father dick burn and their giving things up competitors And that’s what this a giving things up competition. We have now received to exhibit him what we are able to do peculiarly after that Scrabble, you have got certainly not advised us what there ted. He I don’t know how he did it He need to have cheated he ought to’ve due to the fact all is to assert useless monks can not say, Mass So received that no extra fags rollerblading our booze intially sir understood all right handiest once their afternoon drink pleasant. , yeah No, no, no fathers lens bear in mind you mentioned you would provide it up for a couple of days, ? He does remember you stated you would offer top our lord Arnold who’s ? Our lord. I feel. I made your valve for you. That deep down within. You’ll wish to make just a little sacrifice sacrifice it’s an extraordinarily unique time of the year for all us first-rate nice is not going to find any father. Put them somewhere very reliable the place don’t father right here.We go. No more fight for me now unless easter okay, no trouble there at all God almighty. Do not even leave out them at all. This is handy sure, i’m no longer even fascinated by smoking now not even considering it’s establishing to kick in experiment Yeah, i do know me too God is horrible. I do not like this in any respect might be we will have to stick to it k. I imply we’ve got come by way of worse collectively and keep in mind six burn do not you believe so mmM? I definitely do absolutely How are you doing father you all proper there? Do you want me to blah blah blah? De Nada? Love the the daddy father is he all proper ? Believe he is a just circling the airport out you all right there dugan exhibit yourself infront of it.Well. Yes father. I know father and you are so fine father. Oh, you’re making me sick I don’t know what you are talking about you’re fucking worse. Oh, you are outstanding. Father You will have to be pope does not provoke them makes me unwell. God you’re an orphan . Oh Father hello, John whats up Mary, oh father. You appear unusual. Is that a new outfit? We proposal you need some easter eggs on the store. Oh, that’s terribly satisfactory of you. Thank you very so much feel it involves about eight pounds i am sorry bringing it down to you We’re going on holidays, and we’re no longer definite when we’ll be back. Yes, we’re uh we’ll roll. Oh so looking forward We might see your friend. Who’s asked Sophia Loren. Oh trouble oh, he’s no friend of mine absolutely that might have sounded slightly disrespectful. No challenge father someday you think was once the intention someday with out giving in to temptation? Hello howdy God almighty after I suppose of the sacrifices that Mary made who Massey He was notorious drunkard who discovered God and then determined to punish himself for sins used to all kinds of things like had this horrible hypersensitive reaction to cats so as an alternative of warding off them used to carry a kitten in his pocket this is now and again Its head just inflated like a balloon We substitute him imply Google would you not knock the rollerblading on the pinnacle for a couple of weeks? I know i know what head i was blissful adequate with the historical bike you know I used to get a high-quality bonus simply happening to the shops, however after a while it simply wasn’t enough just kept going for higher and larger trails So i will control its head I would stop each time.I want well you tried to quit the day prior to this, and also you couldn’t Your right head, I admitted i’ve a difficulty Come on out google. No need for that no longer now that we’re getting external aid anyway. Come on come on God why do not need such terrible song when you are on keep? However right here ave Maria an extra time. I don’t Excuse me How much longer am I going to be on preserve? She’ll be with you in a second father? Whats up, Sister Mary Gondola. How am i able to aid you? Whats up, my name is that father ted look i ponder could you ship anyone else when now we have a small quandary here retaining our Lenten vows, what do you want to quit precisely when them? Cigarettes alcohol and Rollerblading all proper on detailed offer this month.We’ve the lenten package pounds just about of 200 kilos 200 kilos, i’m now not looking to buy cocaine we’ve a normal present at 50 poem I just that’ll do nice things now How do you want to pay we be given all most important credit cards? Can you maintain please father? Listen I have to ring. You back. What’s up with him dead? It appears just like the final of the alcohol has left his process. I believe he could in reality be sober Is that his father? Are you seeing things as they relatively are at last my God? That’s . All correct I think sobriety for father jack ought to be variety of like taking some mad Loosli genic the place does the other the other I See the ancient imaginative and prescient is back to ordinary. No. Just the 2 of us father and what do you told you that? We’re clergymen what? Please don’t tell ian still on that Island well sure, sure father How do you consider what is the satisfactory to be sober every as soon as in a whilst or even each 12 years? Share when do not father cartons ground all coming back to you is it father? Don’t Chase.I keep in mind I recollect i am offering my Lenten pilgrimage to her father’s oh i’m off to st.. Patrick’s hills. What’s that mentioned? Oh, it is a huge mountain you have to take your socks off on your place of job and once you stand up at the top there They chase you the entire method back off with a giant plank Oh, I do not want it to be any enjoyable at all father. I need a good depressing time. She’s me on the straight and slim I met a couple there final yr, and get them the phrase of God they have been a bit of obsessive about the old s God, i am completely happy I by no means believe that type of factor father whole sexual world God would you believe what’s a dirty 50 thing is not it father? Are you able to imagine father? Watching up at your husband and then standing over you together with his lead in his hand one thing will some almighty are you able to suppose that father? Photo their father Will get a good intellectual patient? Can you see him there capable to do the industry? Battle, . Are you there? What an property ? Only a spoon father come on CB. Here. My salami hi there Dr.. Steuben, do you consider sister i know? She was once right here last year, after which we stayed to corporation the conference again and cuz there pricey participants I do And then you definately were hit by vehicle when you went right down to the retail outlets for the paper You ought to remember all that after which you want a hundred pounds together with your lover ecard , must keep in mind it too busy and wait to accidentally arrested for shoplifting maybe we must go all the way down to the police station to get you and the police station went on hearth be rescued by using helicopter Do you bear in mind you any ? Huh the helicopter whilst you discovered on the helicopter? Zoom consider the tigers you don’t recall? You were carrying your blue jumper ah I ought to say I have no thought sister some thing that with the matty code. Oh, sure the whole lot I rated Pamphlets abstinence has been both my keeper and my reward yeah, gosh well in any case all we want is a basic 50 quid job the bare essentials keep us off the booze and fags and Rollerblading i’m afraid the rollerblading is my own precise vice.Hiya, we’ll do our satisfactory i am looking forward it. You already know. I began on myself – you should exercise the ancient willpower What about Jackie looking ahead to it ? Father Jack oh. Oh, sure none proper father he’s simply long gone for his stroll God almighty good the article is fires of Viola . It can be simply time to get off It it’s 5:00 a.M.. Appear too just right 5:00 a.M.. God. I’ve certainly not visible a cock at 5:00 a.M.. Before She’s most likely made a mistake. Let’s simply return to mattress fair enough Ted What do you do? I am just writing to in order to tell us that we do not normally stand up later? Oh? Excellent determine it oh I have no idea little bit of breakfast, and i feel can be excellent.God. I am hoping So okay J. No we quite are simplest done for the elemental booze fags and rollerblading . I imply they may be getting running it’s first-rate viable. This is war fur , all right having a little bit of a laugh with the massive pickles from the Island. The place’s our real breakfast ted i would love a yes, father dugan likes his pop-muffins very first thing in the morning I fairly do not take pop-tarts of any position in our Lord’s plan for the world feel they have got as a lot a situation as anything else probably our lord does not take a personal interest in them, however i am definite he delegated to any person nearly as important and what about frosty once more the equal factor he might have give you the idea, however he did one would supply them the fairway gentle all right however in the event you take something like say a sugar puffs now or a fortunate attraction now, youngster Michael would you please discontinue having that conversation just conclude your breakfast and are available outside for your daily punishment? Reasonable ample so additionally simply completed Daddy wash i am sorry every day what you there your day-to-day punishment his luck’s modified a application to ridding yourself of your pleasure a single finest challenge to interior achievement oh Sounds sounds loopy How are we to doing so fine? Thanks, fishing you all right? Quickly you can be able to start the ten steps, this isn’t the primary one nonetheless tend to move it is just glenview a type of training for what? Are we going into space? I can not suppose my neck oh God still tend to head with a bit of luck just a legitimate extra prayer Oh, God, i’m looking for exchange my Oh, that’s it.That is it. She’s most likely insane do good. We now have obtained to get out of right here where can we go no main issue? We know lots of people? My wang wei his dad and mom are away for the weekend, and he’s received the whole condo free and he is bought satellite Google he lives in What about dick Barnett no no? I am now not ringing dick burn. Don’t i will name father Larry job he pulls up provider And wait a 2nd no he advised me not to purpose the night time he is received this significant main factor on will ought to be father dick burns so over on rugged Island I depart her a notice announcing we’ve got gone to a funeral or anything or an autopsy Why do not we say we had to go to an autopsy alternatively? I might be more pleasing No, do with a funeral is extra plausible all correct got to do that as quietly as feasible, okay. Do not all of the sudden panic or make a noise if we take it easy won’t there Come on. Papa’s simply get an early start to thriller correct godfather dumped Their in most cases seat. I just no longer very gently on the door all correct jack so that you wake them up and i’ll ought to wait no question now not cloudy proper good point might be they may be not house.No, I surely heard anything I must have known I must have visible it you simply can not take a tremendous burn as please go he is a really unhealthy priest yeah, and we nonetheless bought . Recognize this is what it well that definitely puts another spin on matters Ha you is not going to tell you when will your father? I could not have to do it. Simply go chocolatey and come back to the other nuns of reformatory after easter. Oh, God, please do not tell them that I gave in to temptation She’s been consuming chocolate Please father you have to be so disillusioned in me there may be some thing i will do to make it up well, duh, you are the mad concept whats up, sister. How can help you? Ah i am again oh my God .
0 notes
sheminecrafts · 5 years
My product launch wishlist for Instagram, Twitter, Uber and more
‘Twas the night before Xmas, and all through the house, not a feature was stirring from the designer’s mouse . . . Not Twitter! Not Uber, Not Apple or Pinterest! On Facebook! On Snapchat! On Lyft or on Insta! . . . From the sidelines I ask you to flex your code’s might. Happy Xmas to all if you make these apps right.
See More Like This – A button on feed posts that when tapped inserts a burst of similar posts before the timeline continues. Want to see more fashion, sunsets, selfies, food porn, pets, or Boomerangs? Instagram’s machine vision technology and metadata would gather them from people you follow and give you a dose. You shouldn’t have to work through search, hashtags, or the Explore page, nor permanently change your feed by following new accounts. Pinterest briefly had this feature (and should bring it back) but it’d work better on Insta.
Web DMs – Instagram’s messaging feature has become the defacto place for sharing memes and trash talk about people’s photos, but it’s stuck on mobile. For all the college kids and entry-level office workers out there, this would make being stuck on laptops all day much more fun. Plus, youth culture truthsayer Taylor Lorenz wants Instagram web DMs too.
Upload Quality Indicator – Try to post a Story video or Boomerang from a crummy internet connection and they turn out a blurry mess. Instagram should warn us if our signal strength is low compared to what we usually have (since some places it’s always mediocre) and either recommend we wait for Wi-Fi, or post a low-res copy that’s replaced by the high-res version when possible.
Oh, and if new VP of product Vishal Shah is listening, I’d also like Bitmoji-style avatars and a better way to discover accounts that shows a selection of their recent posts plus their bio, instead of just one post and no context in Explore which is better for discovering content.
Every feed app should steal Pinterest’s ‘more like this’ button
DM Search – Ummm, this is pretty straightforward. It’s absurd that you can’t even search DMs by person, let alone keyword. Twitter knows messaging is a big thing on mobile right? And DMs are one of the most powerful ways to get in contact with mid-level public figures and journalists. PS: My DMs are open if you’ve got a news tip — @JoshConstine.
Unfollow Suggestions – Social networks are obsessed with getting us to follow more people, but do a terrible job of helping us clean up our feeds. With Twitter bringing back the option to see a chronological feed, we need unfollow suggestions more than ever. It should analyze who I follow but never click, fave, reply to, retweet, or even slow down to read and ask if I want to nix them. I asked for this 5 years ago and the problem has only gotten worse. Since people feel like their feeds are already overflowing, they’re stingy with following new people. That’s partly why you see accounts get only a handful of new followers when their tweets go viral and are seen by millions. I recently had a tweet with 1.7 million impressions and 18,000 Likes that drove just 11 follows. Yes I know that’s a self-own.
Analytics Benchmarks – If Twitter wants to improve conversation quality, it should teach us what works. Twitter offers analytics about each of your tweets, but not in context of your other posts. Did this drive more or fewer link clicks or follows than my typical tweet? That kind of info could guide users to create more compelling content.
Twitter Quitters And The Unfiltered Feed Problem
(Obviously we could get into Facebook’s myriad problems here. A less sensationalized feed that doesn’t reward exaggerated claims would top my list. Hopefully its plan to downrank “borderline content” that almost violates its policies will help when it rolls out.)
Batched Notifications – Facebook sends way too many notifications. Some are downright useless and should be eliminated. “14 friends responded to events happening tomorrow”? “Someone’s fundraiser is half way to its goal?” Get that shit out of here. But there are other notifications I want to see but that aren’t urgent nor crucial to know about individually. Facebook should let us decide to batch notifications so we’d only get one of a certain type every 12 or 24 hours, or only when a certain number of similar ones are triggered. I’d love a digest of posts to my Groups or Events from the past day rather than every time someone opens their mouth.
I so don’t care
Notifications In The “Time Well Spent” Feature – Facebook tells you how many minutes you spent on it each day over the past week and on average, but my total time on Facebook matters less to me than how often it interrupts my life with push notifications. The “Your Time On Facebook” feature should show how many notifications of each type I’ve received, which ones I actually opened, and let me turn off or batch the ones I want fewer of.
Facebook is finally rolling out its ‘how long do I spend on Facebook’ dashboard
Oh, and for Will Cathcart, Facebook’s VP of apps, can I also get proper syncing so I don’t rewatch the same Stories on Instagram and Facebook, the ability to invite people to Events on mobile based on past invite lists of those I’ve hosted or attended, and the See More Like This feature I recommended for Instagram?
“Quiet Ride” Button – Sometimes you’re just not in the mood for small talk. Had a rough day, need to get work done, or want to just zone out? Ridesharing apps should offer a request for a quiet ride that if the driver accepts, you pay them an extra dollar (or get it free as a loyalty perk), and you get ferried to your destination without unnecessary conversation. I get that it’s a bit dehumanizing for the driver, but I’d bet some would happily take a little extra cash for their compliance.
“I Need More Time” Button – Sometimes you overestimate the ETA and suddenly your car is arriving before you’re ready to leave. Instead of cancelling and rebooking a few minutes later, frantically rushing so you don’t miss your window and get smacked with a no-show fee, or making the driver wait while they and the company aren’t getting paid, Uber, Lyft, and the rest should offer the “I Need More Time” button that simply rebooks you a car that’s a little further away.
Spotify/Music Streaming Apps
Scan My Collection – I wish I could just take photos of the album covers, spines, or even discs of my CD or record collection and have them instantly added to a playlist or folder. It’s kind of sad that after lifetimes of collecting physical music, most of it now sits on a shelf and we forget to play what we used to love. Music apps want more data on what we like, and it’s just sitting there gathering dust. There’s obviously some fun viral potential here too. Let me share what’s my most embarrassing CD. For me, it’s my dual copies of Limp Bizkit’s “Significant Other” because I played the first one so much it got scratched.
Friends Weekly – Spotify ditched its in-app messaging, third-party app platform, and other ways to discover music so its playlists would decide what becomes a hit in order to exert leverage over the record labels to negotiate better deals. But music discovery is inherently social and the desktop little ticker of what friends are playing on doesn’t cut it. Spotify should let me choose to recommend my new favorite song or agree to let it share what I’ve recently played most, and put those into a Discover Weekly-style social playlist of what friends are listening to.
How Spotify is finally gaining leverage over record labels
Growth – I’m sorry, I had to.
Bulk Export Memories – But seriously, Snapchat is shrinking. That’s worrisome because some users’ photos and videos are trapped on its Memories cloud hosting feature that’s supposed to help free up space on your phone. But there’s no bulk export option, meaning it could take hours of saving shots one at a time to your camera roll if you needed to get off of Snapchat, if for example it was shutting down, or got acquired, or you’re just bored of it.
Add-On Cameras – Snapchat’s Spectacles are actually pretty neat for recording first-person or underwater shots in a circular format. But otherwise they don’t do much more, and in some ways do much less, than your phone’s camera and are a long way from being a Magic Leap competitor. That’s why if Snapchat really wants to become a “Camera Company”, it should build sleek add-on cameras that augment our phone’s hardware. Snap previously explored selling a 360-camera but never launched one. A little Giroptic iO-style 360 lens that attaches to your phone’s charging port could let you capture a new kind of content that really makes people feel like they’re there with you. An Aukey Aura-style zoom lens attachment that easily fits in your pocket unlike a DSLR could also be a hit
Snap explored selling a 360 camera
Switch Wi-Fi/Bluetooth From Control Center – I thought the whole point of Control Center was one touch access, but I can only turn on or off the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It’s silly having to dig into the Settings menu to switch to a different Wi-Fi network or Bluetooth device, especially as we interact with more and more of them. Control Center should unfurl a menu of networks or devices you can choose from.
Shoot GIFs – Live Photos are a clumsy proprietary format. Instagram’s Boomerang nailed what we want out of live action GIFs and we should be able to shoot them straight from the iOS camera and export them as actual GIFs that can be used across the web. Give us some extra GIF settings and iPhones could have a new reason for teens to choose them over Androids.
Gradual Alarms – Anyone else have a heart attack whenever they hear their phone’s Alarm Clock ringtone? I know I do because I leave my alarms on so loud that I’ll never miss them, but end up being rudely shocked awake. A setting that gradually increases the volume of the iOS Alarm Clock every 15 seconds or minute so I can be gently arisen unless I refuse to get up.
Maybe some of these apply to Android, but I wouldn’t know because I’m a filthy casual iPhoner. Send me your Android suggestions, as well as what else you want to see added to your favorite apps.
[Image Credit: Hanson Inc]
from iraidajzsmmwtv http://bit.ly/2AcFp4w via IFTTT
0 notes
‘Twas the night before Xmas, and all through the house, not a feature was stirring from the designer’s mouse . . . Not Twitter! Not Uber, Not Apple or Pinterest! On Facebook! On Snapchat! On Lyft or on Insta! . . . From the sidelines I ask you to flex your code’s might. Happy Xmas to all if you make these apps right.
See More Like This – A button on feed posts that when tapped inserts a burst of similar posts before the timeline continues. Want to see more fashion, sunsets, selfies, food porn, pets, or Boomerangs? Instagram’s machine vision technology and metadata would gather them from people you follow and give you a dose. You shouldn’t have to work through search, hashtags, or the Explore page, nor permanently change your feed by following new accounts. Pinterest briefly had this feature (and should bring it back) but it’d work better on Insta.
Web DMs – Instagram’s messaging feature has become the defacto place for sharing memes and trash talk about people’s photos, but it’s stuck on mobile. For all the college kids and entry-level office workers out there, this would make being stuck on laptops all day much more fun. Plus, youth culture truthsayer Taylor Lorenz wants Instagram web DMs too.
Upload Quality Indicator – Try to post a Story video or Boomerang from a crummy internet connection and they turn out a blurry mess. Instagram should warn us if our signal strength is low compared to what we usually have (since some places it’s always mediocre) and either recommend we wait for Wi-Fi, or post a low-res copy that’s replaced by the high-res version when possible.
Oh, and if new VP of product Vishal Shah is listening, I’d also like Bitmoji-style avatars and a better way to discover accounts that shows a selection of their recent posts plus their bio, instead of just one post and no context in Explore which is better for discovering content.
Every feed app should steal Pinterest’s ‘more like this’ button
DM Search – Ummm, this is pretty straightforward. It’s absurd that you can’t even search DMs by person, let alone keyword. Twitter knows messaging is a big thing on mobile right? And DMs are one of the most powerful ways to get in contact with mid-level public figures and journalists. PS: My DMs are open if you’ve got a news tip — @JoshConstine.
Unfollow Suggestions – Social networks are obsessed with getting us to follow more people, but do a terrible job of helping us clean up our feeds. With Twitter bringing back the option to see a chronological feed, we need unfollow suggestions more than ever. It should analyze who I follow but never click, fave, reply to, retweet, or even slow down to read and ask if I want to nix them. I asked for this 5 years ago and the problem has only gotten worse. Since people feel like their feeds are already overflowing, they’re stingy with following new people. That’s partly why you see accounts get only a handful of new followers when their tweets go viral and are seen by millions. I recently had a tweet with 1.7 million impressions and 18,000 Likes that drove just 11 follows. Yes I know that’s a self-own.
Analytics Benchmarks – If Twitter wants to improve conversation quality, it should teach us what works. Twitter offers analytics about each of your tweets, but not in context of your other posts. Did this drive more or fewer link clicks or follows than my typical tweet? That kind of info could guide users to create more compelling content.
Twitter Quitters And The Unfiltered Feed Problem
(Obviously we could get into Facebook’s myriad problems here. A less sensationalized feed that doesn’t reward exaggerated claims would top my list. Hopefully its plan to downrank “borderline content” that almost violates its policies will help when it rolls out.)
Batched Notifications – Facebook sends way too many notifications. Some are downright useless and should be eliminated. “14 friends responded to events happening tomorrow”? “Someone’s fundraiser is half way to its goal?” Get that shit out of here. But there are other notifications I want to see but that aren’t urgent nor crucial to know about individually. Facebook should let us decide to batch notifications so we’d only get one of a certain type every 12 or 24 hours, or only when a certain number of similar ones are triggered. I’d love a digest of posts to my Groups or Events from the past day rather than every time someone opens their mouth.
I so don’t care
Notifications In The “Time Well Spent” Feature – Facebook tells you how many minutes you spent on it each day over the past week and on average, but my total time on Facebook matters less to me than how often it interrupts my life with push notifications. The “Your Time On Facebook” feature should show how many notifications of each type I’ve received, which ones I actually opened, and let me turn off or batch the ones I want fewer of.
Facebook is finally rolling out its ‘how long do I spend on Facebook’ dashboard
Oh, and for Will Cathcart, Facebook’s VP of apps, can I also get proper syncing so I don’t rewatch the same Stories on Instagram and Facebook, the ability to invite people to Events on mobile based on past invite lists of those I’ve hosted or attended, and the See More Like This feature I recommended for Instagram?
“Quiet Ride” Button – Sometimes you’re just not in the mood for small talk. Had a rough day, need to get work done, or want to just zone out? Ridesharing apps should offer a request for a quiet ride that if the driver accepts, you pay them an extra dollar (or get it free as a loyalty perk), and you get ferried to your destination without unnecessary conversation. I get that it’s a bit dehumanizing for the driver, but I’d bet some would happily take a little extra cash for their compliance.
“I Need More Time” Button – Sometimes you overestimate the ETA and suddenly your car is arriving before you’re ready to leave. Instead of cancelling and rebooking a few minutes later, frantically rushing so you don’t miss your window and get smacked with a no-show fee, or making the driver wait while they and the company aren’t getting paid, Uber, Lyft, and the rest should offer the “I Need More Time” button that simply rebooks you a car that’s a little further away.
Spotify/Music Streaming Apps
Scan My Collection – I wish I could just take photos of the album covers, spines, or even discs of my CD or record collection and have them instantly added to a playlist or folder. It’s kind of sad that after lifetimes of collecting physical music, most of it now sits on a shelf and we forget to play what we used to love. Music apps want more data on what we like, and it’s just sitting there gathering dust. There’s obviously some fun viral potential here too. Let me share what’s my most embarrassing CD. For me, it’s my dual copies of Limp Bizkit’s “Significant Other” because I played the first one so much it got scratched.
Friends Weekly – Spotify ditched its in-app messaging, third-party app platform, and other ways to discover music so its playlists would decide what becomes a hit in order to exert leverage over the record labels to negotiate better deals. But music discovery is inherently social and the desktop little ticker of what friends are playing on doesn’t cut it. Spotify should let me choose to recommend my new favorite song or agree to let it share what I’ve recently played most, and put those into a Discover Weekly-style social playlist of what friends are listening to.
How Spotify is finally gaining leverage over record labels
Growth – I’m sorry, I had to.
Bulk Export Memories – But seriously, Snapchat is shrinking. That’s worrisome because some users’ photos and videos are trapped on its Memories cloud hosting feature that’s supposed to help free up space on your phone. But there’s no bulk export option, meaning it could take hours of saving shots one at a time to your camera roll if you needed to get off of Snapchat, if for example it was shutting down, or got acquired, or you’re just bored of it.
Add-On Cameras – Snapchat’s Spectacles are actually pretty neat for recording first-person or underwater shots in a circular format. But otherwise they don’t do much more, and in some ways do much less, than your phone’s camera and are a long way from being a Magic Leap competitor. That’s why if Snapchat really wants to become a “Camera Company”, it should build sleek add-on cameras that augment our phone’s hardware. Snap previously explored selling a 360-camera but never launched one. A little Giroptic iO-style 360 lens that attaches to your phone’s charging port could let you capture a new kind of content that really makes people feel like they’re there with you. An Aukey Aura-style zoom lens attachment that easily fits in your pocket unlike a DSLR could also be a hit
Snap explored selling a 360 camera
Switch Wi-Fi/Bluetooth From Control Center – I thought the whole point of Control Center was one touch access, but I can only turn on or off the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It’s silly having to dig into the Settings menu to switch to a different Wi-Fi network or Bluetooth device, especially as we interact with more and more of them. Control Center should unfurl a menu of networks or devices you can choose from.
Shoot GIFs – Live Photos are a clumsy proprietary format. Instagram’s Boomerang nailed what we want out of live action GIFs and we should be able to shoot them straight from the iOS camera and export them as actual GIFs that can be used across the web. Give us some extra GIF settings and iPhones could have a new reason for teens to choose them over Androids.
Gradual Alarms – Anyone else have a heart attack whenever they hear their phone’s Alarm Clock ringtone? I know I do because I leave my alarms on so loud that I’ll never miss them, but end up being rudely shocked awake. A setting that gradually increases the volume of the iOS Alarm Clock every 15 seconds or minute so I can be gently arisen unless I refuse to get up.
Maybe some of these apply to Android, but I wouldn’t know because I’m a filthy casual iPhoner. Send me your Android suggestions, as well as what else you want to see added to your favorite apps.
[Image Credit: Hanson Inc]
from Mobile – TechCrunch https://tcrn.ch/2ELMwDV ORIGINAL CONTENT FROM: https://techcrunch.com/
0 notes
theinvinciblenoob · 5 years
‘Twas the night before Xmas, and all through the house, not a feature was stirring from the designer’s mouse . . . Not Twitter! Not Uber, Not Apple or Pinterest! On Facebook! On Snapchat! On Lyft or on Insta! . . . From the sidelines I ask you to flex your code’s might. Happy Xmas to all if you make these apps right.
See More Like This – A button on feed posts that when tapped inserts a burst of similar posts before the timeline continues. Want to see more fashion, sunsets, selfies, food porn, pets, or Boomerangs? Instagram’s machine vision technology and metadata would gather them from people you follow and give you a dose. You shouldn’t have to work through search, hashtags, or the Explore page, nor permanently change your feed by following new accounts. Pinterest briefly had this feature (and should bring it back) but it’d work better on Insta.
Web DMs – Instagram’s messaging feature has become the defacto place for sharing memes and trash talk about people’s photos, but it’s stuck on mobile. For all the college kids and entry-level office workers out there, this would make being stuck on laptops all day much more fun. Plus, youth culture truthsayer Taylor Lorenz wants Instagram web DMs too.
Upload Quality Indicator – Try to post a Story video or Boomerang from a crummy internet connection and they turn out a blurry mess. Instagram should warn us if our signal strength is low compared to what we usually have (since some places it’s always mediocre) and either recommend we wait for Wi-Fi, or post a low-res copy that’s replaced by the high-res version when possible.
Oh, and if new VP of product Vishal Shah is listening, I’d also like Bitmoji-style avatars and a better way to discover accounts that shows a selection of their recent posts plus their bio, instead of just one post and no context in Explore which is better for discovering content.
Every feed app should steal Pinterest’s ‘more like this’ button
DM Search – Ummm, this is pretty straightforward. It’s absurd that you can’t even search DMs by person, let alone keyword. Twitter knows messaging is a big thing on mobile right? And DMs are one of the most powerful ways to get in contact with mid-level public figures and journalists. PS: My DMs are open if you’ve got a news tip — @JoshConstine.
Unfollow Suggestions – Social networks are obsessed with getting us to follow more people, but do a terrible job of helping us clean up our feeds. With Twitter bringing back the option to see a chronological feed, we need unfollow suggestions more than ever. It should analyze who I follow but never click, fave, reply to, retweet, or even slow down to read and ask if I want to nix them. I asked for this 5 years ago and the problem has only gotten worse. Since people feel like their feeds are already overflowing, they’re stingy with following new people. That’s partly why you see accounts get only a handful of new followers when their tweets go viral and are seen by millions. I recently had a tweet with 1.7 million impressions and 18,000 Likes that drove just 11 follows. Yes I know that’s a self-own.
Analytics Benchmarks – If Twitter wants to improve conversation quality, it should teach us what works. Twitter offers analytics about each of your tweets, but not in context of your other posts. Did this drive more or fewer link clicks or follows than my typical tweet? That kind of info could guide users to create more compelling content.
Twitter Quitters And The Unfiltered Feed Problem
(Obviously we could get into Facebook’s myriad problems here. A less sensationalized feed that doesn’t reward exaggerated claims would top my list. Hopefully its plan to downrank “borderline content” that almost violates its policies will help when it rolls out.)
Batched Notifications – Facebook sends way too many notifications. Some are downright useless and should be eliminated. “14 friends responded to events happening tomorrow”? “Someone’s fundraiser is half way to its goal?” Get that shit out of here. But there are other notifications I want to see but that aren’t urgent nor crucial to know about individually. Facebook should let us decide to batch notifications so we’d only get one of a certain type every 12 or 24 hours, or only when a certain number of similar ones are triggered. I’d love a digest of posts to my Groups or Events from the past day rather than every time someone opens their mouth.
I so don’t care
Notifications In The “Time Well Spent” Feature – Facebook tells you how many minutes you spent on it each day over the past week and on average, but my total time on Facebook matters less to me than how often it interrupts my life with push notifications. The “Your Time On Facebook” feature should show how many notifications of each type I’ve received, which ones I actually opened, and let me turn off or batch the ones I want fewer of.
Facebook is finally rolling out its ‘how long do I spend on Facebook’ dashboard
Oh, and for Will Cathcart, Facebook’s VP of apps, can I also get proper syncing so I don’t rewatch the same Stories on Instagram and Facebook, the ability to invite people to Events on mobile based on past invite lists of those I’ve hosted or attended, and the See More Like This feature I recommended for Instagram?
“Quiet Ride” Button – Sometimes you’re just not in the mood for small talk. Had a rough day, need to get work done, or want to just zone out? Ridesharing apps should offer a request for a quiet ride that if the driver accepts, you pay them an extra dollar (or get it free as a loyalty perk), and you get ferried to your destination without unnecessary conversation. I get that it’s a bit dehumanizing for the driver, but I’d bet some would happily take a little extra cash for their compliance.
“I Need More Time” Button – Sometimes you overestimate the ETA and suddenly your car is arriving before you’re ready to leave. Instead of cancelling and rebooking a few minutes later, frantically rushing so you don’t miss your window and get smacked with a no-show fee, or making the driver wait while they and the company aren’t getting paid, Uber, Lyft, and the rest should offer the “I Need More Time” button that simply rebooks you a car that’s a little further away.
Spotify/Music Streaming Apps
Scan My Collection – I wish I could just take photos of the album covers, spines, or even discs of my CD or record collection and have them instantly added to a playlist or folder. It’s kind of sad that after lifetimes of collecting physical music, most of it now sits on a shelf and we forget to play what we used to love. Music apps want more data on what we like, and it’s just sitting there gathering dust. There’s obviously some fun viral potential here too. Let me share what’s my most embarrassing CD. For me, it’s my dual copies of Limp Bizkit’s “Significant Other” because I played the first one so much it got scratched.
Friends Weekly – Spotify ditched its in-app messaging, third-party app platform, and other ways to discover music so its playlists would decide what becomes a hit in order to exert leverage over the record labels to negotiate better deals. But music discovery is inherently social and the desktop little ticker of what friends are playing on doesn’t cut it. Spotify should let me choose to recommend my new favorite song or agree to let it share what I’ve recently played most, and put those into a Discover Weekly-style social playlist of what friends are listening to.
How Spotify is finally gaining leverage over record labels
Growth – I’m sorry, I had to.
Bulk Export Memories – But seriously, Snapchat is shrinking. That’s worrisome because some users’ photos and videos are trapped on its Memories cloud hosting feature that’s supposed to help free up space on your phone. But there’s no bulk export option, meaning it could take hours of saving shots one at a time to your camera roll if you needed to get off of Snapchat, if for example it was shutting down, or got acquired, or you’re just bored of it.
Add-On Cameras – Snapchat’s Spectacles are actually pretty neat for recording first-person or underwater shots in a circular format. But otherwise they don’t do much more, and in some ways do much less, than your phone’s camera and are a long way from being a Magic Leap competitor. That’s why if Snapchat really wants to become a “Camera Company”, it should build sleek add-on cameras that augment our phone’s hardware. Snap previously explored selling a 360-camera but never launched one. A little Giroptic iO-style 360 lens that attaches to your phone’s charging port could let you capture a new kind of content that really makes people feel like they’re there with you. An Aukey Aura-style zoom lens attachment that easily fits in your pocket unlike a DSLR could also be a hit
Snap explored selling a 360 camera
Switch Wi-Fi/Bluetooth From Control Center – I thought the whole point of Control Center was one touch access, but I can only turn on or off the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It’s silly having to dig into the Settings menu to switch to a different Wi-Fi network or Bluetooth device, especially as we interact with more and more of them. Control Center should unfurl a menu of networks or devices you can choose from.
Shoot GIFs – Live Photos are a clumsy proprietary format. Instagram’s Boomerang nailed what we want out of live action GIFs and we should be able to shoot them straight from the iOS camera and export them as actual GIFs that can be used across the web. Give us some extra GIF settings and iPhones could have a new reason for teens to choose them over Androids.
Gradual Alarms – Anyone else have a heart attack whenever they hear their phone’s Alarm Clock ringtone? I know I do because I leave my alarms on so loud that I’ll never miss them, but end up being rudely shocked awake. A setting that gradually increases the volume of the iOS Alarm Clock every 15 seconds or minute so I can be gently arisen unless I refuse to get up.
Maybe some of these apply to Android, but I wouldn’t know because I’m a filthy casual iPhoner. Send me your Android suggestions, as well as what else you want to see added to your favorite apps.
[Image Credit: Hanson Inc]
via TechCrunch
0 notes
fmservers · 5 years
My product launch wishlist for Instagram, Twitter, Uber and more
‘Twas the night before Xmas, and all through the house, not a feature was stirring from the designer’s mouse . . . Not Twitter! Not Uber, Not Apple or Pinterest! On Facebook! On Snapchat! On Lyft or on Insta! . . . From the sidelines I ask you to flex your code’s might. Happy Xmas to all if you make these apps right.
See More Like This – A button on feed posts that when tapped inserts a burst of similar posts before the timeline continues. Want to see more fashion, sunsets, selfies, food porn, pets, or Boomerangs? Instagram’s machine vision technology and metadata would gather them from people you follow and give you a dose. You shouldn’t have to work through search, hashtags, or the Explore page, nor permanently change your feed by following new accounts. Pinterest briefly had this feature (and should bring it back) but it’d work better on Insta.
Web DMs – Instagram’s messaging feature has become the defacto place for sharing memes and trash talk about people’s photos, but it’s stuck on mobile. For all the college kids and entry-level office workers out there, this would make being stuck on laptops all day much more fun. Plus, youth culture truthsayer Taylor Lorenz wants Instagram web DMs too.
Upload Quality Indicator – Try to post a Story video or Boomerang from a crummy internet connection and they turn out a blurry mess. Instagram should warn us if our signal strength is low compared to what we usually have (since some places it’s always mediocre) and either recommend we wait for Wi-Fi, or post a low-res copy that’s replaced by the high-res version when possible.
Oh, and if new VP of product Vishal Shah is listening, I’d also like Bitmoji-style avatars and a better way to discover accounts that shows a selection of their recent posts plus their bio, instead of just one post and no context in Explore which is better for discovering content.
Every feed app should steal Pinterest’s ‘more like this’ button
DM Search – Ummm, this is pretty straightforward. It’s absurd that you can’t even search DMs by person, let alone keyword. Twitter knows messaging is a big thing on mobile right? And DMs are one of the most powerful ways to get in contact with mid-level public figures and journalists. PS: My DMs are open if you’ve got a news tip — @JoshConstine.
Unfollow Suggestions – Social networks are obsessed with getting us to follow more people, but do a terrible job of helping us clean up our feeds. With Twitter bringing back the option to see a chronological feed, we need unfollow suggestions more than ever. It should analyze who I follow but never click, fave, reply to, retweet, or even slow down to read and ask if I want to nix them. I asked for this 5 years ago and the problem has only gotten worse. Since people feel like their feeds are already overflowing, they’re stingy with following new people. That’s partly why you see accounts get only a handful of new followers when their tweets go viral and are seen by millions. I recently had a tweet with 1.7 million impressions and 18,000 Likes that drove just 11 follows. Yes I know that’s a self-own.
Analytics Benchmarks – If Twitter wants to improve conversation quality, it should teach us what works. Twitter offers analytics about each of your tweets, but not in context of your other posts. Did this drive more or fewer link clicks or follows than my typical tweet? That kind of info could guide users to create more compelling content.
Twitter Quitters And The Unfiltered Feed Problem
(Obviously we could get into Facebook’s myriad problems here. A less sensationalized feed that doesn’t reward exaggerated claims would top my list. Hopefully its plan to downrank “borderline content” that almost violates its policies will help when it rolls out.)
Batched Notifications – Facebook sends way too many notifications. Some are downright useless and should be eliminated. “14 friends responded to events happening tomorrow”? “Someone’s fundraiser is half way to its goal?” Get that shit out of here. But there are other notifications I want to see but that aren’t urgent nor crucial to know about individually. Facebook should let us decide to batch notifications so we’d only get one of a certain type every 12 or 24 hours, or only when a certain number of similar ones are triggered. I’d love a digest of posts to my Groups or Events from the past day rather than every time someone opens their mouth.
I so don’t care
Notifications In The “Time Well Spent” Feature – Facebook tells you how many minutes you spent on it each day over the past week and on average, but my total time on Facebook matters less to me than how often it interrupts my life with push notifications. The “Your Time On Facebook” feature should show how many notifications of each type I’ve received, which ones I actually opened, and let me turn off or batch the ones I want fewer of.
Facebook is finally rolling out its ‘how long do I spend on Facebook’ dashboard
Oh, and for Will Cathcart, Facebook’s VP of apps, can I also get proper syncing so I don’t rewatch the same Stories on Instagram and Facebook, the ability to invite people to Events on mobile based on past invite lists of those I’ve hosted or attended, and the See More Like This feature I recommended for Instagram?
“Quiet Ride” Button – Sometimes you’re just not in the mood for small talk. Had a rough day, need to get work done, or want to just zone out? Ridesharing apps should offer a request for a quiet ride that if the driver accepts, you pay them an extra dollar (or get it free as a loyalty perk), and you get ferried to your destination without unnecessary conversation. I get that it’s a bit dehumanizing for the driver, but I’d bet some would happily take a little extra cash for their compliance.
“I Need More Time” Button – Sometimes you overestimate the ETA and suddenly your car is arriving before you’re ready to leave. Instead of cancelling and rebooking a few minutes later, frantically rushing so you don’t miss your window and get smacked with a no-show fee, or making the driver wait while they and the company aren’t getting paid, Uber, Lyft, and the rest should offer the “I Need More Time” button that simply rebooks you a car that’s a little further away.
Spotify/Music Streaming Apps
Scan My Collection – I wish I could just take photos of the album covers, spines, or even discs of my CD or record collection and have them instantly added to a playlist or folder. It’s kind of sad that after lifetimes of collecting physical music, most of it now sits on a shelf and we forget to play what we used to love. Music apps want more data on what we like, and it’s just sitting there gathering dust. There’s obviously some fun viral potential here too. Let me share what’s my most embarrassing CD. For me, it’s my dual copies of Limp Bizkit’s “Significant Other” because I played the first one so much it got scratched.
Friends Weekly – Spotify ditched its in-app messaging, third-party app platform, and other ways to discover music so its playlists would decide what becomes a hit in order to exert leverage over the record labels to negotiate better deals. But music discovery is inherently social and the desktop little ticker of what friends are playing on doesn’t cut it. Spotify should let me choose to recommend my new favorite song or agree to let it share what I’ve recently played most, and put those into a Discover Weekly-style social playlist of what friends are listening to.
How Spotify is finally gaining leverage over record labels
Growth – I’m sorry, I had to.
Bulk Export Memories – But seriously, Snapchat is shrinking. That’s worrisome because some users’ photos and videos are trapped on its Memories cloud hosting feature that’s supposed to help free up space on your phone. But there’s no bulk export option, meaning it could take hours of saving shots one at a time to your camera roll if you needed to get off of Snapchat, if for example it was shutting down, or got acquired, or you’re just bored of it.
Add-On Cameras – Snapchat’s Spectacles are actually pretty neat for recording first-person or underwater shots in a circular format. But otherwise they don’t do much more, and in some ways do much less, than your phone’s camera and are a long way from being a Magic Leap competitor. That’s why if Snapchat really wants to become a “Camera Company”, it should build sleek add-on cameras that augment our phone’s hardware. Snap previously explored selling a 360-camera but never launched one. A little Giroptic iO-style 360 lens that attaches to your phone’s charging port could let you capture a new kind of content that really makes people feel like they’re there with you. An Aukey Aura-style zoom lens attachment that easily fits in your pocket unlike a DSLR could also be a hit
Snap explored selling a 360 camera
Switch Wi-Fi/Bluetooth From Control Center – I thought the whole point of Control Center was one touch access, but I can only turn on or off the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It’s silly having to dig into the Settings menu to switch to a different Wi-Fi network or Bluetooth device, especially as we interact with more and more of them. Control Center should unfurl a menu of networks or devices you can choose from.
Shoot GIFs – Live Photos are a clumsy proprietary format. Instagram’s Boomerang nailed what we want out of live action GIFs and we should be able to shoot them straight from the iOS camera and export them as actual GIFs that can be used across the web. Give us some extra GIF settings and iPhones could have a new reason for teens to choose them over Androids.
Gradual Alarms – Anyone else have a heart attack whenever they hear their phone’s Alarm Clock ringtone? I know I do because I leave my alarms on so loud that I’ll never miss them, but end up being rudely shocked awake. A setting that gradually increases the volume of the iOS Alarm Clock every 15 seconds or minute so I can be gently arisen unless I refuse to get up.
Maybe some of these apply to Android, but I wouldn’t know because I’m a filthy casual iPhoner. Send me your Android suggestions, as well as what else you want to see added to your favorite apps.
[Image Credit: Hanson Inc]
Via Josh Constine https://techcrunch.com
0 notes
williamsjoan · 5 years
My product launch wishlist for Instagram, Twitter, Uber and more
‘Twas the night before Xmas, and all through the house, not a feature was stirring from the designer’s mouse . . . Not Twitter! Not Uber, Not Apple or Pinterest! On Facebook! On Snapchat! On Lyft or on Insta! . . . From the sidelines I ask you to flex your code’s might. Happy Xmas to all if you make these apps right.
See More Like This – A button on feed posts that when tapped inserts a burst of similar posts before the timeline continues. Want to see more fashion, sunsets, selfies, food porn, pets, or Boomerangs? Instagram’s machine vision technology and metadata would gather them from people you follow and give you a dose. You shouldn’t have to work through search, hashtags, or the Explore page, nor permanently change your feed by following new accounts. Pinterest briefly had this feature (and should bring it back) but it’d work better on Insta.
Web DMs – Instagram’s messaging feature has become the defacto place for sharing memes and trash talk about people’s photos, but it’s stuck on mobile. For all the college kids and entry-level office workers out there, this would make being stuck on laptops all day much more fun. Plus, youth culture truthsayer Taylor Lorenz wants Instagram web DMs too.
Upload Quality Indicator – Try to post a Story video or Boomerang from a crummy internet connection and they turn out a blurry mess. Instagram should warn us if our signal strength is low compared to what we usually have (since some places it’s always mediocre) and either recommend we wait for Wi-Fi, or post a low-res copy that’s replaced by the high-res version when possible.
Oh, and if new VP of product Vishal Shah is listening, I’d also like Bitmoji-style avatars and a better way to discover accounts that shows a selection of their recent posts plus their bio, instead of just one post and no context in Explore which is better for discovering content.
Every feed app should steal Pinterest’s ‘more like this’ button
DM Search – Ummm, this is pretty straightforward. It’s absurd that you can’t even search DMs by person, let alone keyword. Twitter knows messaging is a big thing on mobile right? And DMs are one of the most powerful ways to get in contact with mid-level public figures and journalists. PS: My DMs are open if you’ve got a news tip — @JoshConstine.
Unfollow Suggestions – Social networks are obsessed with getting us to follow more people, but do a terrible job of helping us clean up our feeds. With Twitter bringing back the option to see a chronological feed, we need unfollow suggestions more than ever. It should analyze who I follow but never click, fave, reply to, retweet, or even slow down to read and ask if I want to nix them. I asked for this 5 years ago and the problem has only gotten worse. Since people feel like their feeds are already overflowing, they’re stingy with following new people. That’s partly why you see accounts get only a handful of new followers when their tweets go viral and are seen by millions. I recently had a tweet with 1.7 million impressions and 18,000 Likes that drove just 11 follows. Yes I know that’s a self-own.
Analytics Benchmarks – If Twitter wants to improve conversation quality, it should teach us what works. Twitter offers analytics about each of your tweets, but not in context of your other posts. Did this drive more or fewer link clicks or follows than my typical tweet? That kind of info could guide users to create more compelling content.
Twitter Quitters And The Unfiltered Feed Problem
(Obviously we could get into Facebook’s myriad problems here. A less sensationalized feed that doesn’t reward exaggerated claims would top my list. Hopefully its plan to downrank “borderline content” that almost violates its policies will help when it rolls out.)
Batched Notifications – Facebook sends way too many notifications. Some are downright useless and should be eliminated. “14 friends responded to events happening tomorrow”? “Someone’s fundraiser is half way to its goal?” Get that shit out of here. But there are other notifications I want to see but that aren’t urgent nor crucial to know about individually. Facebook should let us decide to batch notifications so we’d only get one of a certain type every 12 or 24 hours, or only when a certain number of similar ones are triggered. I’d love a digest of posts to my Groups or Events from the past day rather than every time someone opens their mouth.
I so don’t care
Notifications In The “Time Well Spent” Feature – Facebook tells you how many minutes you spent on it each day over the past week and on average, but my total time on Facebook matters less to me than how often it interrupts my life with push notifications. The “Your Time On Facebook” feature should show how many notifications of each type I’ve received, which ones I actually opened, and let me turn off or batch the ones I want fewer of.
Facebook is finally rolling out its ‘how long do I spend on Facebook’ dashboard
Oh, and for Will Cathcart, Facebook’s VP of apps, can I also get proper syncing so I don’t rewatch the same Stories on Instagram and Facebook, the ability to invite people to Events on mobile based on past invite lists of those I’ve hosted or attended, and the See More Like This feature I recommended for Instagram?
“Quiet Ride” Button – Sometimes you’re just not in the mood for small talk. Had a rough day, need to get work done, or want to just zone out? Ridesharing apps should offer a request for a quiet ride that if the driver accepts, you pay them an extra dollar (or get it free as a loyalty perk), and you get ferried to your destination without unnecessary conversation. I get that it’s a bit dehumanizing for the driver, but I’d bet some would happily take a little extra cash for their compliance.
“I Need More Time” Button – Sometimes you overestimate the ETA and suddenly your car is arriving before you’re ready to leave. Instead of cancelling and rebooking a few minutes later, frantically rushing so you don’t miss your window and get smacked with a no-show fee, or making the driver wait while they and the company aren’t getting paid, Uber, Lyft, and the rest should offer the “I Need More Time” button that simply rebooks you a car that’s a little further away.
Spotify/Music Streaming Apps
Scan My Collection – I wish I could just take photos of the album covers, spines, or even discs of my CD or record collection and have them instantly added to a playlist or folder. It’s kind of sad that after lifetimes of collecting physical music, most of it now sits on a shelf and we forget to play what we used to love. Music apps want more data on what we like, and it’s just sitting there gathering dust. There’s obviously some fun viral potential here too. Let me share what’s my most embarrassing CD. For me, it’s my dual copies of Limp Bizkit’s “Significant Other” because I played the first one so much it got scratched.
Friends Weekly – Spotify ditched its in-app messaging, third-party app platform, and other ways to discover music so its playlists would decide what becomes a hit in order to exert leverage over the record labels to negotiate better deals. But music discovery is inherently social and the desktop little ticker of what friends are playing on doesn’t cut it. Spotify should let me choose to recommend my new favorite song or agree to let it share what I’ve recently played most, and put those into a Discover Weekly-style social playlist of what friends are listening to.
How Spotify is finally gaining leverage over record labels
Growth – I’m sorry, I had to.
Bulk Export Memories – But seriously, Snapchat is shrinking. That’s worrisome because some users’ photos and videos are trapped on its Memories cloud hosting feature that’s supposed to help free up space on your phone. But there’s no bulk export option, meaning it could take hours of saving shots one at a time to your camera roll if you needed to get off of Snapchat, if for example it was shutting down, or got acquired, or you’re just bored of it.
Add-On Cameras – Snapchat’s Spectacles are actually pretty neat for recording first-person or underwater shots in a circular format. But otherwise they don’t do much more, and in some ways do much less, than your phone’s camera and are a long way from being a Magic Leap competitor. That’s why if Snapchat really wants to become a “Camera Company”, it should build sleek add-on cameras that augment our phone’s hardware. Snap previously explored selling a 360-camera but never launched one. A little Giroptic iO-style 360 lens that attaches to your phone’s charging port could let you capture a new kind of content that really makes people feel like they’re there with you. An Aukey Aura-style zoom lens attachment that easily fits in your pocket unlike a DSLR could also be a hit
Snap explored selling a 360 camera
Switch Wi-Fi/Bluetooth From Control Center – I thought the whole point of Control Center was one touch access, but I can only turn on or off the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It’s silly having to dig into the Settings menu to switch to a different Wi-Fi network or Bluetooth device, especially as we interact with more and more of them. Control Center should unfurl a menu of networks or devices you can choose from.
Shoot GIFs – Live Photos are a clumsy proprietary format. Instagram’s Boomerang nailed what we want out of live action GIFs and we should be able to shoot them straight from the iOS camera and export them as actual GIFs that can be used across the web. Give us some extra GIF settings and iPhones could have a new reason for teens to choose them over Androids.
Gradual Alarms – Anyone else have a heart attack whenever they hear their phone’s Alarm Clock ringtone? I know I do because I leave my alarms on so loud that I’ll never miss them, but end up being rudely shocked awake. A setting that gradually increases the volume of the iOS Alarm Clock every 15 seconds or minute so I can be gently arisen unless I refuse to get up.
Maybe some of these apply to Android, but I wouldn’t know because I’m a filthy casual iPhoner. Send me your Android suggestions, as well as what else you want to see added to your favorite apps.
[Image Credit: Hanson Inc]
My product launch wishlist for Instagram, Twitter, Uber and more published first on https://timloewe.tumblr.com/
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readersforum · 5 years
My product launch wishlist for Instagram, Twitter, Uber and more
New Post has been published on http://www.readersforum.tk/my-product-launch-wishlist-for-instagram-twitter-uber-and-more/
My product launch wishlist for Instagram, Twitter, Uber and more
‘Twas the night before Xmas, and all through the house, not a feature was stirring from the designer’s mouse . . . Not Twitter! Not Uber, Not Apple or Pinterest! On Facebook! On Snapchat! On Lyft or on Insta! . . . From the sidelines I ask you to flex your code’s might. Happy Xmas to all if you make these apps right.
See More Like This – A button on feed posts that when tapped inserts a burst of similar posts before the timeline continues. Want to see more fashion, sunsets, selfies, food porn, pets, or Boomerangs? Instagram’s machine vision technology and metadata would gather them from people you follow and give you a dose. You shouldn’t have to work through search, hashtags, or the Explore page, nor permanently change your feed by following new accounts. Pinterest briefly had this feature (and should bring it back) but it’d work better on Insta.
Web DMs – Instagram’s messaging feature has become the defacto place for sharing memes and trash talk about people’s photos, but it’s stuck on mobile. For all the college kids and entry-level office workers out there, this would make being stuck on laptops all day much more fun. Plus, youth culture truthsayer Taylor Lorenz wants Instagram web DMs too.
Upload Quality Indicator – Try to post a Story video or Boomerang from a crummy internet connection and they turn out a blurry mess. Instagram should warn us if our signal strength is low compared to what we usually have (since some places it’s always mediocre) and either recommend we wait for Wi-Fi, or post a low-res copy that’s replaced by the high-res version when possible.
Oh, and if new VP of product Vishal Shah is listening, I’d also like Bitmoji-style avatars and a better way to discover accounts that shows a selection of their recent posts plus their bio, instead of just one post and no context in Explore which is better for discovering content.
Every feed app should steal Pinterest’s ‘more like this’ button
DM Search – Ummm, this is pretty straightforward. It’s absurd that you can’t even search DMs by person, let alone keyword. Twitter knows messaging is a big thing on mobile right? And DMs are one of the most powerful ways to get in contact with mid-level public figures and journalists. PS: My DMs are open if you’ve got a news tip — @JoshConstine.
Unfollow Suggestions – Social networks are obsessed with getting us to follow more people, but do a terrible job of helping us clean up our feeds. With Twitter bringing back the option to see a chronological feed, we need unfollow suggestions more than ever. It should analyze who I follow but never click, fave, reply to, retweet, or even slow down to read and ask if I want to nix them. I asked for this 5 years ago and the problem has only gotten worse. Since people feel like their feeds are already overflowing, they’re stingy with following new people. That’s partly why you see accounts get only a handful of new followers when their tweets go viral and are seen by millions. I recently had a tweet with 1.7 million impressions and 18,000 Likes that drove just 11 follows. Yes I know that’s a self-own.
Analytics Benchmarks – If Twitter wants to improve conversation quality, it should teach us what works. Twitter offers analytics about each of your tweets, but not in context of your other posts. Did this drive more or fewer link clicks or follows than my typical tweet? That kind of info could guide users to create more compelling content.
Twitter Quitters And The Unfiltered Feed Problem
(Obviously we could get into Facebook’s myriad problems here. A less sensationalized feed that doesn’t reward exaggerated claims would top my list. Hopefully its plan to downrank “borderline content” that almost violates its policies will help when it rolls out.)
Batched Notifications – Facebook sends way too many notifications. Some are downright useless and should be eliminated. “14 friends responded to events happening tomorrow”? “Someone’s fundraiser is half way to its goal?” Get that shit out of here. But there are other notifications I want to see but that aren’t urgent nor crucial to know about individually. Facebook should let us decide to batch notifications so we’d only get one of a certain type every 12 or 24 hours, or only when a certain number of similar ones are triggered. I’d love a digest of posts to my Groups or Events from the past day rather than every time someone opens their mouth.
I so don’t care
Notifications In The “Time Well Spent” Feature – Facebook tells you how many minutes you spent on it each day over the past week and on average, but my total time on Facebook matters less to me than how often it interrupts my life with push notifications. The “Your Time On Facebook” feature should show how many notifications of each type I’ve received, which ones I actually opened, and let me turn off or batch the ones I want fewer of.
Facebook is finally rolling out its ‘how long do I spend on Facebook’ dashboard
Oh, and for Will Cathcart, Facebook’s VP of apps, can I also get proper syncing so I don’t rewatch the same Stories on Instagram and Facebook, the ability to invite people to Events on mobile based on past invite lists of those I’ve hosted or attended, and the See More Like This feature I recommended for Instagram?
“Quiet Ride” Button – Sometimes you’re just not in the mood for small talk. Had a rough day, need to get work done, or want to just zone out? Ridesharing apps should offer a request for a quiet ride that if the driver accepts, you pay them an extra dollar (or get it free as a loyalty perk), and you get ferried to your destination without unnecessary conversation. I get that it’s a bit dehumanizing for the driver, but I’d bet some would happily take a little extra cash for their compliance.
“I Need More Time” Button – Sometimes you overestimate the ETA and suddenly your car is arriving before you’re ready to leave. Instead of cancelling and rebooking a few minutes later, frantically rushing so you don’t miss your window and get smacked with a no-show fee, or making the driver wait while they and the company aren’t getting paid, Uber, Lyft, and the rest should offer the “I Need More Time” button that simply rebooks you a car that’s a little further away.
Spotify/Music Streaming Apps
Scan My Collection – I wish I could just take photos of the album covers, spines, or even discs of my CD or record collection and have them instantly added to a playlist or folder. It’s kind of sad that after lifetimes of collecting physical music, most of it now sits on a shelf and we forget to play what we used to love. Music apps want more data on what we like, and it’s just sitting there gathering dust. There’s obviously some fun viral potential here too. Let me share what’s my most embarrassing CD. For me, it’s my dual copies of Limp Bizkit’s “Significant Other” because I played the first one so much it got scratched.
Friends Weekly – Spotify ditched its in-app messaging, third-party app platform, and other ways to discover music so its playlists would decide what becomes a hit in order to exert leverage over the record labels to negotiate better deals. But music discovery is inherently social and the desktop little ticker of what friends are playing on doesn’t cut it. Spotify should let me choose to recommend my new favorite song or agree to let it share what I’ve recently played most, and put those into a Discover Weekly-style social playlist of what friends are listening to.
How Spotify is finally gaining leverage over record labels
Growth – I’m sorry, I had to.
Bulk Export Memories – But seriously, Snapchat is shrinking. That’s worrisome because some users’ photos and videos are trapped on its Memories cloud hosting feature that’s supposed to help free up space on your phone. But there’s no bulk export option, meaning it could take hours of saving shots one at a time to your camera roll if you needed to get off of Snapchat, if for example it was shutting down, or got acquired, or you’re just bored of it.
Add-On Cameras – Snapchat’s Spectacles are actually pretty neat for recording first-person or underwater shots in a circular format. But otherwise they don’t do much more, and in some ways do much less, than your phone’s camera and are a long way from being a Magic Leap competitor. That’s why if Snapchat really wants to become a “Camera Company”, it should build sleek add-on cameras that augment our phone’s hardware. Snap previously explored selling a 360-camera but never launched one. A little Giroptic iO-style 360 lens that attaches to your phone’s charging port could let you capture a new kind of content that really makes people feel like they’re there with you. An Aukey Aura-style zoom lens attachment that easily fits in your pocket unlike a DSLR could also be a hit
Snap explored selling a 360 camera
Switch Wi-Fi/Bluetooth From Control Center – I thought the whole point of Control Center was one touch access, but I can only turn on or off the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. It’s silly having to dig into the Settings menu to switch to a different Wi-Fi network or Bluetooth device, especially as we interact with more and more of them. Control Center should unfurl a menu of networks or devices you can choose from.
Shoot GIFs – Live Photos are a clumsy proprietary format. Instagram’s Boomerang nailed what we want out of live action GIFs and we should be able to shoot them straight from the iOS camera and export them as actual GIFs that can be used across the web. Give us some extra GIF settings and iPhones could have a new reason for teens to choose them over Androids.
Gradual Alarms – Anyone else have a heart attack whenever they hear their phone’s Alarm Clock ringtone? I know I do because I leave my alarms on so loud that I’ll never miss them, but end up being rudely shocked awake. A setting that gradually increases the volume of the iOS Alarm Clock every 15 seconds or minute so I can be gently arisen unless I refuse to get up.
Maybe some of these apply to Android, but I wouldn’t know because I’m a filthy casual iPhoner. Send me your Android suggestions, as well as what else you want to see added to your favorite apps.
[Image Credit: Hanson Inc]
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itdisneymatter · 7 years
Day 01 - Magic Kingdom
Instead of a summary this time around, I'll try to sum up the day in a few words and sentences with a TLDR (too long; didnt read). Mostly to save me from repeating myself too much but also means you can skip on me droming on about nothing.
So the TLDR for today: Magic Kingdom. Custom t-shirts. Magic Bands. Really worth it. Got a good few rides in and hit 2 out of 3 of the mountains. Went for lunch at Belle's castle. Hot, hot, hot. Seen the 3pm parade. Missed out on a few rides but we'll get them in on a return. Everyone really enjoyed it and kicked the holiday off really well. Didnt hit dinner till late. Caught in a thunderstorm on the way home. Soaked.
And now...
First things first, or is that now second. Anyway,  I may have missed one or two details in my less than awake state which had an impact on todays events. We had planned, all going well, that we would head to Disney Springs (previously Downtown Disney) to get some Magic Bands - a watch-y thing that replaces your park ticket making it easier for Fast Passes and the like. With all the delays and the tiredness of yesterday it just wasnt a thing we were able to do. Ah well, best laid plans and all that. It meant however that we now had to try and pick them up when we hit the park today, pushing out our plans slightly. 
Some of us got personalised t-shirts made up (with our name and a specially selected Disney character), so today was a perfect opportunity to wear them.  We skipped on breakfast, and didnt have any bottled water to make a coffee (normally eek but ok for this morning, strangely). Not too hungry anyway so headed to my mum and dad's hotel to pick them up. They are in the same hotel as my sister, so its really convenient as a meet up point as my brother was picking them up in his car and its between both of our hotels. We were pretty spot on time for it being the first day so off we set for Magic Kingdom.
Parked up and within five minutes we stumbled upon a wee gift shop that sold Magic Bands - woohoo!  They have different colours and design so Ann picked up a nice wee 45th Anniversary Limited edition number. Patrick went for Sorcerers Apprentice (to match his tshirt.) Robert went for Up (to match his tshirt AAAND favourite Disney movie). Grace went for Orange Bird, who is a wee orange bird (funnily enough) who used to appear is old, Disney animations. We picked up a cup one time on the first visit to Disney (in 2013) and that cup had Orange Bird on it, and Grace has had an affinity with the character ever since. I went for Aladdin. Mum and Dad picked some funky coloured bands and we headed off to the park entrance. Spotted some of the other party (the ones in the second car) in their custom t-shirts so sped up to meet them just in time to board the ferry to the Magic Kingdom entrance. Tshirts already coming in handy with finding peeps, so colour matching tees in the way to go for future outings I think! Ferry was lovely and all of the kids were getting really excited.
So me trying to Facebook Live the Magic Kingdom entry was a complete and utter failure. I didnt even know how to start the thing - I should be as ashamed, calling myself a techie. Though I did get slightly reprimanded taking my phone out as they had a no selfie policy at security, prior to going in. He had a gun, so I pretty much did what he said and put my phone away. I fell back on my trusty Go-Pro (that I havent used since last time, but how hard can it be, right?). Video to follow as my laptop is ancient and I can barely run wordpad nevermind a full 1080p video clip. 
Full of smiles we headed in and once we stocked up on some water, a first visit badge for Emily and the others picked up their magic bands, we had 20 minutes to get to to our first fast pass - Splash Mountain in Frontier Land (good job I knew the way :P). Bypassed some rides as well as an opportunity to get Dole Whip (marked down on our initial plans), but we made the ride with 5 minutes to spare - phew!
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Magic Kingdom Mountains 1 & 2... check!
Splash mountain. All of the family (save for my Mum, Alessio and Isabella) hit up the ride and it was AWESOME! Grace was quite panicky so was a little clingy (even though she'd been on it before) but Emily and Corrie both first timers absolutely loved it. And for our efforts, our first family ride photo! :D
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Then we headed to Big Thunder straight after - ended up riding on my jack jones which was arite though as I go pro-ed the whole thing (our party's reactions, not the ride itself). We did also get a video for our memory maker which we have never had before but its a really fantasticly amazing this to have (even if the photographers does make you hold invisible fairies and set you up in a variety of cheesy poses).
On a role, we then hit Haunted Mansion, It's a Small World (GG's personal fave), Mickey's Philharmagic AND Peter Pan all before lunch. Not bad, for running an hour or so later off plan.
Be. Our. Guest!
Due to availability and a LOT of pre-planning, our wee family were the only ones booked in to Be Our Guest today. We said our goodbyes to the rest of the party and after arranging a meet up point and time we set off for a now, very much needed, lunch. We decided on some really nice menu choices, including a monster Grilled Cheese Sandwich and Barbequed Pulled Pork. The guys also got the infamous "Grey Stuff" for dessert, which seemed to be the kids favourite course of the day. However the star of the show for me was the French Onion Soup which was sublimely awesome (I'd eat this every day and I'm really really not a soup guy!).
We caught back up with the rest of the party after lunch just in time for the 3pm parade, which was only listed as a might-do due to time so really impressed we managed it. Time to get the zoom lens out! :D A side note on cameras - last time we were here I opted to take a reasonably good performing compact camera instead of my main SLR, for accessiblity purposes. While it was good, I always missed the feel and added control of my main camera, so this year its the exact opposite - Im gonna be a packhorse. Quality over comfort! The parade was really colourful and with the smaller kiddos were put up on shoulders so they had a perfect view (however I must add, its quite difficult to take quality photos through a 70-200mm lens mounted on a 5D with a flashgun, I'll have you know).
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After cycling through most of the main Disney Princess movies in the Parade (except Frozen, which was kinda dissapointing, mainly as *I* wanted to see Elsa), Mickey and Mickey signed off the show to resounding cheers and waves and applause.
A little time to go before our last listed Fast Pass of the Day - Seven Dwarves Mine Train, so we queued up for Enchanted Tales With Belle beforehand. The main premise is that kids (and some adults), volunteer to get chosen to reeact a little scene with Belle. For one of the main roles, The Beast, kids must roar their loudest and Grace got chosen! (though I shouldnt really be surposed by that). She was all chuffed and kept saying her and Robert had switched roles from last time with Robert now playing the part of the mighty steed Snaggleforp, or whatever the horses name is (its late and and I'm not going to google Belle's hor..., right fine... its Phillipe). Patrick, Robert, Corrie and Emily were also picked to be part of the show. Even Kevin was picked as a Knight in shining armor - which he played brilliantly (mostly it was about standing still, but still, brilliantly). They all got presented with a little bookmark as a small token, at the end for taking part.
By now, everyone was feeling a little drained so decided after Seven Dwarves that we would head for home and grab a bite to eat. We are going to be back at Magic Kingdom at least one other time when we can prioritize Tomorrowland, so everyone was on board. Seven Dwarves, I ended up on my own again after having lost my little sidekick Gracie (who opted out of the ride). I didn't mind though as I had my Gopro already to go again. I was slotted in on the first seat with a lady, who immediately asked my name and introduced herself (as Martha?... maybe, it was loud and after two attempts of saying 'what' you just need to go along with it). She just started chatting away all through the ride. In fact, just today loads of people just started up full blown convo's with me out of the blue - I mustve been rocking a approachable/chatterbox vibe in my backward facing hat and camera loadout. Those of you who know me, know me as anything but (listen I try, but I'm the first to admit I'm pretty terrible with words and interesting conversation at times). That being said, it was great to chat with so many different people around the world and just goes to show how friendly and amazing this place really is.
A wee cheeky ride on the Speedway for a few folk, a quick tee shirt pic in front of the castle and we headed home.
An absolutely amazing day with Splash mountain being the clear favourite for most of the kids. And although we missed out on a section or two, we still got loads of rides in and everyone was content with general flow how the day. With everyone on the same wavelength I think its gonna make this holiday a really magical one (sorry for the being soppy, Im getting tired, but we're nearly there).
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Thunder and Lightning, very very frightening.
Michael & Sarah-Jane decided to grab some dinner and get an early night so we said our goodbyes for the day. We headed out to the shop after getting back to the hotel to grab so Beers and water (in order of priority obvs), as well as a few other bits and pieces. We then met up with my Mum, Dad, Kev, Pauline and Emily to go for a bite to eat (I just realised I havent formall introduced everyone in the party, Ill get around to that tomorrow, promise). With it being a Saturday most places were pretty packed and after checking out a few places (unsuccessfully), we ended up in Johnny Rockets (which Robert pointed out was where we went the second night the last time after failing to find a place - kids memorys are scary at times). We got seated but the service was SLOOOOOW! I can fault our waitress too much though, she brought me over a freee refill pretty much as soon as I finished my first drink. It instantly reminded me of Steve Buchemi's in that infamous Diner scene at the beginning of  Reservoir Dogs...
Mr. Pink: Look, I ordered coffee, alright? And we been here a long *bleeping* time and she's only filled my cup three times. When I order coffee I want it filled six times.
Ok, so it wasnt six times, it was one time, and it wasnt coffee (mmm coffee, I really shoulda went with coffee now that I think about it), but it was the single good thing about the service and one that warranted the tip even if it didnt meet Mr. Pink's stringent tipping criteria.
I actually haven't had an appetite since those prissy little sammiches on the plane. Even at Belle's castle and I wasnt particulary hungry even when we sat down at Johnny Rockets. But hey, do they mak a mean burger! Opted for a Smokehouse, which included some Bacon-y goodness and crispy onion rings - good stuff and nearly worth the wait, nearly... but then again it was a long wait. So the whole experience was fairly ok but then it took a big huge nose dive to round off the night...
When we left the restaurant,  its was bucketing it down. I know coming from Scotland we should be used to a little rain, but this was torrential, and we got huge flashes & bangs of thunder and lightening thrown in, in good measure. Big Rain as Grace so eloquently put it (shes just brilliant with words). Our hotel was right across the road, which was handy, but we had to leave the other guys to struggle to their hotel which was pretty much a mile away :( 
Ok, I'm delivering this really late and have no time to edit so apologies, I must try harder during the day in future. The images are also taking an age to download, so might not have all the ones I want in by the time this goes up, though Ill try to add more later in maybe a weekly slideshow or something. See you tomorrow for Day 02 - Epcot which will which will likely being unofficially subtitled - Battling The Storm!
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airoasis · 5 years
"Cigarettes and Alcohol and Rollerblading" | Father Ted | Series 2 Episode 8 | Dead Parrot
New Post has been published on https://hititem.kr/cigarettes-and-alcohol-and-rollerblading-father-ted-series-2-episode-8-dead-parrot/
"Cigarettes and Alcohol and Rollerblading" | Father Ted | Series 2 Episode 8 | Dead Parrot
I see what a little go that all about sure And speak people could had been confused about where the parochial condominium is So I proposal i would put a gigantic pass up within the center of the backyard just hope they are aware of it way i’m a priest and not some Madman Some madman’s put up a move beautiful Ted, i’m off rollerblading. All right Dougal whats up, Craggy Island parochial house father Ted real talking. Hiya Ted, Dick Bern right here. Oh dick. Well Ted I just thought i might offer you a call and want you the entire great for lent this yr what oh yeah, lent, What are you giving up? Being the largest a while within the priesthood critically ted if we might just put joking apart for a minute into the solemn time of year know now we have had our disagreements up to now Ted but on the end of the day.We’re both brothers in Christ. So anyway over here we decided. We would make a detailed effort this year I’ve given up cigarettes father Johnson is giving up alcohol and father macduff is giving up skateboarding I must say the surroundings of serenity and devotion to our lord in the parochial house this yr may be very very particular indeed proper So what about it ted, will you make a identical effort? Will you join us ted, will you go the extra mile this yr ? Think you are right . I feel. We will have to make a specific effort it is going to be worth it Ted God bless you, goodbye dick and um God bless you dick i am giving up the fags father jack that you could supply the oil drinker pass over and no extra rollerblading for you on till Easter dougal Easter’s miles away it’s nevertheless it wouldn’t be a sacrifice if it was once too handy would it not.And keep in mind why we’re doing this i know i do know for the reason that of the sacrifice our far more foremost than that i am not going to be crushed by using father dick burn and their giving things up competitors And that’s what this a giving things up competition. We have now received to exhibit him what we are able to do peculiarly after that Scrabble, you have got certainly not advised us what there ted. He I don’t know how he did it He need to have cheated he ought to’ve due to the fact all is to assert useless monks can not say, Mass So received that no extra fags rollerblading our booze intially sir understood all right handiest once their afternoon drink pleasant. , yeah No, no, no fathers lens bear in mind you mentioned you would provide it up for a couple of days, ? He does remember you stated you would offer top our lord Arnold who’s ? Our lord. I feel. I made your valve for you. That deep down within. You’ll wish to make just a little sacrifice sacrifice it’s an extraordinarily unique time of the year for all us first-rate nice is not going to find any father. Put them somewhere very reliable the place don’t father right here.We go. No more fight for me now unless easter okay, no trouble there at all God almighty. Do not even leave out them at all. This is handy sure, i’m no longer even fascinated by smoking now not even considering it’s establishing to kick in experiment Yeah, i do know me too God is horrible. I do not like this in any respect might be we will have to stick to it k. I imply we’ve got come by way of worse collectively and keep in mind six burn do not you believe so mmM? I definitely do absolutely How are you doing father you all proper there? Do you want me to blah blah blah? De Nada? Love the the daddy father is he all proper ? Believe he is a just circling the airport out you all right there dugan exhibit yourself infront of it.Well. Yes father. I know father and you are so fine father. Oh, you’re making me sick I don’t know what you are talking about you’re fucking worse. Oh, you are outstanding. Father You will have to be pope does not provoke them makes me unwell. God you’re an orphan . Oh Father hello, John whats up Mary, oh father. You appear unusual. Is that a new outfit? We proposal you need some easter eggs on the store. Oh, that’s terribly satisfactory of you. Thank you very so much feel it involves about eight pounds i am sorry bringing it down to you We’re going on holidays, and we’re no longer definite when we’ll be back. Yes, we’re uh we’ll roll. Oh so looking forward We might see your friend. Who’s asked Sophia Loren. Oh trouble oh, he’s no friend of mine absolutely that might have sounded slightly disrespectful. No challenge father someday you think was once the intention someday with out giving in to temptation? Hello howdy God almighty after I suppose of the sacrifices that Mary made who Massey He was notorious drunkard who discovered God and then determined to punish himself for sins used to all kinds of things like had this horrible hypersensitive reaction to cats so as an alternative of warding off them used to carry a kitten in his pocket this is now and again Its head just inflated like a balloon We substitute him imply Google would you not knock the rollerblading on the pinnacle for a couple of weeks? I know i know what head i was blissful adequate with the historical bike you know I used to get a high-quality bonus simply happening to the shops, however after a while it simply wasn’t enough just kept going for higher and larger trails So i will control its head I would stop each time.I want well you tried to quit the day prior to this, and also you couldn’t Your right head, I admitted i’ve a difficulty Come on out google. No need for that no longer now that we’re getting external aid anyway. Come on come on God why do not need such terrible song when you are on keep? However right here ave Maria an extra time. I don’t Excuse me How much longer am I going to be on preserve? She’ll be with you in a second father? Whats up, Sister Mary Gondola. How am i able to aid you? Whats up, my name is that father ted look i ponder could you ship anyone else when now we have a small quandary here retaining our Lenten vows, what do you want to quit precisely when them? Cigarettes alcohol and Rollerblading all proper on detailed offer this month.We’ve the lenten package pounds just about of 200 kilos 200 kilos, i’m now not looking to buy cocaine we’ve a normal present at 50 poem I just that’ll do nice things now How do you want to pay we be given all most important credit cards? Can you maintain please father? Listen I have to ring. You back. What’s up with him dead? It appears just like the final of the alcohol has left his process. I believe he could in reality be sober Is that his father? Are you seeing things as they relatively are at last my God? That’s . All correct I think sobriety for father jack ought to be variety of like taking some mad Loosli genic the place does the other the other I See the ancient imaginative and prescient is back to ordinary. No. Just the 2 of us father and what do you told you that? We’re clergymen what? Please don’t tell ian still on that Island well sure, sure father How do you consider what is the satisfactory to be sober every as soon as in a whilst or even each 12 years? Share when do not father cartons ground all coming back to you is it father? Don’t Chase.I keep in mind I recollect i am offering my Lenten pilgrimage to her father’s oh i’m off to st.. Patrick’s hills. What’s that mentioned? Oh, it is a huge mountain you have to take your socks off on your place of job and once you stand up at the top there They chase you the entire method back off with a giant plank Oh, I do not want it to be any enjoyable at all father. I need a good depressing time. She’s me on the straight and slim I met a couple there final yr, and get them the phrase of God they have been a bit of obsessive about the old s God, i am completely happy I by no means believe that type of factor father whole sexual world God would you believe what’s a dirty 50 thing is not it father? Are you able to imagine father? Watching up at your husband and then standing over you together with his lead in his hand one thing will some almighty are you able to suppose that father? Photo their father Will get a good intellectual patient? Can you see him there capable to do the industry? Battle, . Are you there? What an property ? Only a spoon father come on CB. Here. My salami hi there Dr.. Steuben, do you consider sister i know? She was once right here last year, after which we stayed to corporation the conference again and cuz there pricey participants I do And then you definately were hit by vehicle when you went right down to the retail outlets for the paper You ought to remember all that after which you want a hundred pounds together with your lover ecard , must keep in mind it too busy and wait to accidentally arrested for shoplifting maybe we must go all the way down to the police station to get you and the police station went on hearth be rescued by using helicopter Do you bear in mind you any ? Huh the helicopter whilst you discovered on the helicopter? Zoom consider the tigers you don’t recall? You were carrying your blue jumper ah I ought to say I have no thought sister some thing that with the matty code. Oh, sure the whole lot I rated Pamphlets abstinence has been both my keeper and my reward yeah, gosh well in any case all we want is a basic 50 quid job the bare essentials keep us off the booze and fags and Rollerblading i’m afraid the rollerblading is my own precise vice.Hiya, we’ll do our satisfactory i am looking forward it. You already know. I began on myself – you should exercise the ancient willpower What about Jackie looking ahead to it ? Father Jack oh. Oh, sure none proper father he’s simply long gone for his stroll God almighty good the article is fires of Viola . It can be simply time to get off It it’s 5:00 a.M.. Appear too just right 5:00 a.M.. God. I’ve certainly not visible a cock at 5:00 a.M.. Before She’s most likely made a mistake. Let’s simply return to mattress fair enough Ted What do you do? I am just writing to in order to tell us that we do not normally stand up later? Oh? Excellent determine it oh I have no idea little bit of breakfast, and i feel can be excellent.God. I am hoping So okay J. No we quite are simplest done for the elemental booze fags and rollerblading . I imply they may be getting running it’s first-rate viable. This is war fur , all right having a little bit of a laugh with the massive pickles from the Island. The place’s our real breakfast ted i would love a yes, father dugan likes his pop-muffins very first thing in the morning I fairly do not take pop-tarts of any position in our Lord’s plan for the world feel they have got as a lot a situation as anything else probably our lord does not take a personal interest in them, however i am definite he delegated to any person nearly as important and what about frosty once more the equal factor he might have give you the idea, however he did one would supply them the fairway gentle all right however in the event you take something like say a sugar puffs now or a fortunate attraction now, youngster Michael would you please discontinue having that conversation just conclude your breakfast and are available outside for your daily punishment? Reasonable ample so additionally simply completed Daddy wash i am sorry every day what you there your day-to-day punishment his luck’s modified a application to ridding yourself of your pleasure a single finest challenge to interior achievement oh Sounds sounds loopy How are we to doing so fine? Thanks, fishing you all right? Quickly you can be able to start the ten steps, this isn’t the primary one nonetheless tend to move it is just glenview a type of training for what? Are we going into space? I can not suppose my neck oh God still tend to head with a bit of luck just a legitimate extra prayer Oh, God, i’m looking for exchange my Oh, that’s it.That is it. She’s most likely insane do good. We now have obtained to get out of right here where can we go no main issue? We know lots of people? My wang wei his dad and mom are away for the weekend, and he’s received the whole condo free and he is bought satellite Google he lives in What about dick Barnett no no? I am now not ringing dick burn. Don’t i will name father Larry job he pulls up provider And wait a 2nd no he advised me not to purpose the night time he is received this significant main factor on will ought to be father dick burns so over on rugged Island I depart her a notice announcing we’ve got gone to a funeral or anything or an autopsy Why do not we say we had to go to an autopsy alternatively? I might be more pleasing No, do with a funeral is extra plausible all correct got to do that as quietly as feasible, okay. Do not all of the sudden panic or make a noise if we take it easy won’t there Come on. Papa’s simply get an early start to thriller correct godfather dumped Their in most cases seat. I just no longer very gently on the door all correct jack so that you wake them up and i’ll ought to wait no question now not cloudy proper good point might be they may be not house.No, I surely heard anything I must have known I must have visible it you simply can not take a tremendous burn as please go he is a really unhealthy priest yeah, and we nonetheless bought . Recognize this is what it well that definitely puts another spin on matters Ha you is not going to tell you when will your father? I could not have to do it. Simply go chocolatey and come back to the other nuns of reformatory after easter. Oh, God, please do not tell them that I gave in to temptation She’s been consuming chocolate Please father you have to be so disillusioned in me there may be some thing i will do to make it up well, duh, you are the mad concept whats up, sister. How can help you? Ah i am again oh my God .
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