#sorry if it sucks i wrote this at 1am after an episode
krisdotkom · 7 months
My mother is an amazing woman 
In the sense that her tongue is razor-sharp,
But still claims it loves 
Her hands burn my flesh,
Yet still hold me so gently 
People say I take after her
I wish I didn't 
I try not to see it 
How my tongue is razor-sharp 
Like hers
I try to ignore the burn marks on the ones I love
I want to hate her 
But it's hard 
A dog doesn't want fleas 
But she kept them anyways 
And why wouldn't her tongue be sharp?
The man she loves is sharper 
He spews his vitriol 
And she collects it all
Like water in her bucket 
But somedays it overflows 
And spills all over me
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