#sorry for writing so much omg
valeriianz · 6 months
Smutty fic idea prompts - 36 is just perfect for Dreamling please?
36: A rolls sleeves up/takes shirt off, revealing body hair to B. B has no idea how to act normal around A anymore.
Hob dresses up as Sexy Santa for a staff party and Dream absolutely loses his cool <3
These days, Dream finds himself as the newest addition to Johanna Constantine’s friend group. It’s quite nice of her, if not a little presumptuous, to drag him along to nearly every social outing and local music show in order to introduce him to as many people in her network as possible. The only reason they are still friends, Dream and Jo, is the small mercy of her not putting up a fuss when his social battery has been drained and he awkwardly dips out.
The best thing to come out of these adventures, at least, is meeting Hob Gadling.
Hob and Jo go way back, or so she’d announced the first time he and Dream had met. At a bar where the lights were low but Hob’s natural charisma and warm smile had radiated through anyway. They got along immediately, exchanging intellectual conversations where Hob had surprising takes and kept Dream’s interest; kept the dialogue fresh and spontaneous. Dream didn’t even need to contribute much while sharing a space with Hob, he could simply sip on his gin something-or-other and listen as Hob went on passionate rants about revolutions or human invention over the past centuries– each time they met up he’d go down a 100 years. Or complaining about how washed up Shakespeare was (an argument Dream allowed himself to fall into and they’d talked about all night, much to Johanna’s chagrin and massive eye roll, muttering a very clear “nerds” under her breath).
Chemistry aside, Dream also couldn’t deny how… effortlessly attractive Hob was.
Deep brown eyes that seemed to sparkle with barely contained mischief, chocolate dark hair with brush strokes of greys that unfairly complimented his face, and a seemingly permanent five O’clock shadow that Dream never imagined would leave him staring and daydreaming… alas, he’d discovered quite a few new things about himself around Hob.
Like how he’d imagined on more than one occasion, how easily he’d be able to lift Dream, how those broad shoulders and chest, thick biceps that even a cable knit sweater couldn’t hide– might manhandle his own body, lifting and bending him into submission. Dream ached with it; the possibilities. Was dying to kiss Hob’s plush mouth, his gaze fell to it enough, or feel the stubble of Hob’s jaw under his own palm, under his lips, along the inside of Dream’s thighs.
Hob was everything Dream was not; roguish, masculine, and unbearably kind. It was no wonder Dream had developed a crush from their very first meeting.
And maybe Hob was interested too, if you squinted. He always offered Dream a ride home, set his hand on the small of his back, his shoulder, and never seemed to stop smiling in his presence. Dream was never very good at picking up cues though– his prior relationships had been him making the first move, striking immediately at what he wanted, courting in the most by-the-book manner, before he was ultimately either rejected or caught up in a love affair that burned out before the year was up.
He didn’t want to do that with Hob. Dream held back, kept his desires at bay… because he truly enjoyed Hob’s company. It would be devastating if Hob rejected him, or worse, fell into a relationship and then realised Dream was… too much, too fast, too methodical. Dream wasn’t sure he could handle not having Hob in his life now that he’d met him. He was determined to keep him around, even if it meant remaining friends. Dream could work with that, could suffer quietly and go home after a long night of drinking or dancing and being subjected to Hob’s ever-present smile, his unwavering gaze, the warmth his body radiated, even feet apart. Could hold onto those images and sensations and close his eyes, take himself in hand, and work himself to climax in the safe darkness of his own bedroom, clenching his teeth and imagining how it might feel if it were Hob’s hands on him instead.
All of Dream’s self restraint comes crashing down about a week before Christmas, at the staff holiday party Johanna had invited him along to.
Because Hob is sitting on a large red velvet chair at the back of the venue, surrounded by cotton snow and boxed presents, wearing absolutely nothing but a Santa hat, explicitly short red and white trousers, and black boots.
It’s a mockery of what you’d see at perhaps a mall: Santa waiting to greet children and ask what they want for Christmas while his elves putter around and keep order. This is…
Obscene, is what Dream’s brain provides before it completely resets and replaces the word with animal noises.
He’d overheard Hob and Johanna talking about this, how they had a “sexy Santa” every year (because Jo’s office was mostly comprised of women who voted on it every year, vastly sweeping the competition to the point of tradition). And to save on money this year, decided to find a Santa who would do it for free, hence Jo asking Hob to do her a solid.
Dream felt heat rush through his entire body, unable to look away as Jo, Matthew, and him walked out of the foyer and into the thick of the party. Dream heard Johanna speaking, but couldn't decipher her words, his brain wiped clean by the reveal of Hob’s body, something Dream had only imagined in the safety of his own head, and kicked himself over the exclusion of hair.
So much body hair. Thick, dark hairs covered Hob’s chest like a pelt, rolling down his abs and scattered out around his soft belly. It was enough to make Dream’s mouth water, a ringing sound began in his ears, making him dizzy as he forced one foot in front of the other.
Dream had only met Hob a couple months ago, while the weather had just turned cold and they’d both only seen one another buttoned and bundled up in high necklines and long sleeves. To see Hob nearly completely nude was a shock to Dream’s system. And holy shit, Dream wanted. He had to know how those thick hairs felt between his fingers, digging them in while he sat on Hob’s lap, grinding his hips down while his own naked chest slid along Hob’s. What sounds Hob would make while Dream petted and pulled and rubbed his cock along the swell of Hob’s furred stomach.
And then Hob spotted them coming in, his smile dazzling as he stood up and waved.
Giving Dream a fantastic view of his legs, which were just as thick and strong as Dream had fantasised, and just as hairy as his top half. As well as a view of how those pants rode up enough to make Dream question if the man was wearing underwear.
Dream stumbled to the nearest restroom, locking himself in a stall and attempting to breathe and calm his erratic heart beat.
Friend, friend. Hob is your friend. Dream chanted to himself, keeping his hand out of his pants and taking deep breaths as his blood circulation regulated itself. Don’t make it weird.
Dream didn’t know how to socialise on a good day, and how with a half naked Hob in the building– shamelessly on display and humouring drunk female staff as they boldly sat on his knee– Dream felt himself shutting down entirely, spluttering and stumbling over his speech with enough velocity that he feared he'd glitch and spark out, setting the place on fire. Or at the very least, melt into a puddle of goo, the remains of his dignity soaked into the hardwood floor.
Dream tossed back drink after drink, matching Jo’s pace if only to distract his wandering thoughts, losing his jacket somewhere in the scuffle and rolling up the sleeves of his black button down.
Johanna’s laughter snapped Dream back to the present, looking down at the red solo cup in his hand and Jo standing across from him, visibly swaying on that spot. Dream doesn’t remember what he’d said to elicit such a reaction, but felt his lips curl anyway. 
“What’s so funny?”
“You, dreamboat!” Jo’s laughter simmered down to a pleasant chuckle, if not a little devious. “I thought– nah, can’t be. But holy shit, you like Hob, don’t you?”
It took several long, embarrassing seconds to figure out what Jo just asked him. Dream felt warmth spreading up his ears.
“Of course. He’s my friend–”
“Nonono–” Jo stepped into Dream’s space, landing a heavy hand on his bony shoulder. “You like him. I can tell, because you haven’t spoken to him all night.”
Dream swallowed. The alcohol was affecting his brain, sloshing it around and rendering him speechless.
Johanna smirked. “Am I wrong?”
“You’re a menace, Constantine.” Dream said, pushing her hand off him and sliding his gaze sideways to find Hob rubbing the tops of his thighs. It’d been well over an hour since they’d arrived, Dream wondered how long Hob had been sitting there, playing a role he clearly wasn’t enjoying anymore.
Jo inclined her head.
“He likes you too.”
Dream’s head snapped back to meet Jo’s eyes, searching for that tell of humour or sarcasm, and finding none.
She leaned in conspiratorially. “He told me not to tell you. Thinks your eyes are ‘dazzling’ and your hands are pretty–” she makes a face at that one. “And that your hair looks– and I quote– ‘like raven’s feathers’.”
Dream swallows, his throat suddenly dry.
“When did he tell you this?”
Jo huffs a sigh, taking a sip from her beer, her lips making a smacking sound off the bottle’s mouth.
“The night after I introduced you two.”
Dream’s heart flips over at the revelation. 
Johanna winks and shoves at Dream’s shoulder. “Now go say hi before you break his heart.”
Taking Johanna’s advice seems like a death sentence, but Dream is just drunk enough to summon courage, finishing off his drink and setting the empty cup on a random surface, before forcing his shoulders back and finally making his way towards Hob.
The smile that breaks across Hob’s face once he spots Dream is staggering, and it strikes Dream down more so than before, informed with the knowledge that Hob might like him as much as Dream does.
Dream slips his hands into the pockets of his slacks, affecting nonchalance as he finally stands before Hob.
“Hello, Hob.”
“Hey, Dream.” Hob tugs on his ear, looking up at Dream. His entire body seems to relax, even slouching a bit in the chair. “Was surprised to see you here.”
“Yeah, I know parties aren’t really your thing.”
Dream hums, his eyes selfishly taking in their fill. This close to Hob, he can catalogue every hair, curve and freckle in greater detail, storing the information away for later.
And with Hob looking up at him, giving the illusion of superior height, an unmistakable flicker of arousal begins low in Dream’s belly. 
“I can be persuaded, from time to time.” Dream smiles, coy. The alcohol gives him a confidence boost and relaxes him further. “I apologise for not visiting you sooner.”
Hob waves it off. “I honestly didn’t expect you to. I know this is… a lot.” He gestures to himself and laughs self-deprecatingly. “I only agreed to be Sexy Santa because I owe Jo a favour.”
“It’s a fetching look on you,” Dream says, flinging himself into the deep end. He bites his bottom lip as Hob actually looks twice up at Dream, his smile falling into something like disbelief.
“O-oh. Really?” Hob laughs, but it’s small, doubtful. Dream will have to remedy that.
Dream takes a long breath, grounding himself, licking his lips before speaking what he’d wanted to say to Hob all night.
“I believe it’s my turn to ask Santa what I want for Christmas?”
The prettiest pink flush rises up Hob’s cheeks. His lips part as his eyes rove across Dream, down and up.
Despite what Johanna said, Dream feels himself shake with nerves as he tips forward, touching the top of Hob’s thigh before slowly lowering himself onto it. His eyes never leave Hob’s as he goes, silently asking for permission and receiving a nod once he’s fully seated.
Hob’s hand instantly curls around Dream’s narrow hips, holding him steady, locking him into place both upon his lap and in his gaze; wide and dark and focused.
Dream crossed one leg over the other, settling his hands on his knees, which inadvertently causes him to sway that much closer to Hob. He can feel the heat of his body, this close. Can smell something sweet and earthy, like sandalwood and pine, mixed in with something tangy that makes Dream’s mouth water. He has to hold back the urge to close the gap between them and shove his face in Hob’s chest, into the crook of his neck, under his armpit and lose his sanity. Abandon all pretence and inhale Hob like a wild animal, scent and mark him with his teeth and tongue and–
Hob swallows. Dream watches the way his Adam’s apple bobs, fascinated.
“Are you messing with me?”
Dream cocks an eyebrow. “You think me capable of jokes?”
Hob laughs, soft, wonderful. “You are. You’re the funniest person I’ve ever met.”
His thumb is pressing into Dream’s side, caressing back and forth, sending spikes of electricity through his veins and heating him up from the inside.
“No one thinks I’m funny,” Dream says matter-of-factly. 
“Well, you make me laugh,” Hob says simply, his other hand coming across Dream’s front to lace his fingers together, forming a snare around Dream that ignites something within him. “You challenge me, keep me on my toes… keep me guessing.”
Dream’s heart beats so hard against his ribs it nearly hurts. He wonders if Hob can hear it, how he makes his blood race a mile a minute. 
“I’m being very serious,” Dream takes a breath. “But if you deny me, I’ll just say I’m drunk.”
Hob laughs again, his hold around Dream tightening and nearly causing Dream’s knee to bump into Hob’s crotch.
“Are you drunk?”
Dream is very aware that they are in the middle of a party, and although the people around them seem to be paying them little attention, it would probably be inappropriate to follow the path enticing him to resituate himself on Hob’s lap to instead straddle him. To grind his barely contained semi against Hob’s flimsy excuse for shorts, while winding his arms around his shoulders and kiss him stupid.
Dream leans forward, brushing his lips along the shell of Hob’s ear and lowers his voice.
“Not enough to not know what I want.”
Hob groans, Dream can feel the vibration in his own chest as he pulls back just enough to see how his eyes have fluttered shut, swallowing again before opening his eyes and focusing on him.
“And what do you want, Dream?”
“Whatever you’ll give me,” Dream wets his lips. His hands venture up, tentatively brushing his knuckles against Hob’s bronze skin, fascinated at how snow-white his own appears against it. His fingers uncurl as he dares himself to properly touch; pushing into the soft flesh at Hob’s sides and drinking in the unmistakable sound of a choked off whine from his friend.
“I’ll take anything, Hob.”
“Holy shit–” Hob whispers, his head lolling back, exposing his throat which Dream violently refuses to latch his mouth on to.
“Okay…” Hob clears his throat, his eyes swinging over to gauge Dream again. His pupils are blown wide, hunger clear in its depths. “Okay.”
He’s looking at Dream’s mouth as he speaks again. “Meet me out back in 10 minutes?”
Dream bites back a smile and nods, his heart soaring as he climbs off Hob.
Johanna gives him a knowing look as Dream stumbles back into the crowd to find his jacket and coat, managing a wave (great, now he owed her a favour as well) before all but running out of the building to make good on his promise to Hob.
Hob makes good on his offer as well; indeed giving Dream everything he’d wanted. All night.
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spaciebabie · 2 years
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Part 3!
Start / Part 2 / Part 3 (you're here!) / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 / Aftermath
Throws this at you n runs away
5K notes · View notes
long overdue second dbhwks fic (2.8k)
SLAVED AWAY at this for days (i didnt. i could have done it in one but i procrastinated so much it’s unbelievable. but heres some food) quite happy w how it came out too if i do say so myself,, hope u enjoy!! 🫶
“Sorry I’m late.” Dabi. He’s picked the damn lock again. 
“Oh my god, do you seriously not know how to knock?” Hawks calls back, practically skipping into the living room. 
“Don’t wanna stand around outside your door like a creep, thanks,” deadpans the villain. Hawks rolls his eyes.
“You look like more of a creep picking the lock, but sure. Come here.”
He takes Dabi by the hand and leads him toward the couch. His fingers are warm, like usual. God, has Hawks missed that. Between hero work, villainy, and conflicting schedules they’d barely had time to see each other and, man, was it miserable. It takes everything in him not to bowl Dabi over with an absolutely suffocating embrace - it’d probably kill the man. 
Dabi raises his eyebrows. “You cleaned?” 
Hawks had expected Dabi to notice, but not point it out, so he’s a little caught off guard by the halfway-question. “Oh, yeah,” he says, a fraction sheepishly, “Is it too much?”
“Mm, no, looks good,” Dabi smirks, “Makes a nice change from all the crap you’ve usually got lying around.” Hawks hits him playfully and he laughs, clear and smooth, not at all like the peals brimming with malice he’d usually hear from Dabi.
“Uuugh, I hate you, leave me alone,” he complains. When Dabi’s eyebrows raise again, Hawks pulls a face and adds, “I’m a busy man! I don’t have time to clean!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever. I’m flattered.”
He sits Dabi down on the couch, maybe a little too eagerly, and comes down to straddle the taller man’s lap. 
“You’re so pretty,” he whispers, before pressing his lips to Dabi’s with an urgency that only comes from being deprived of seeing one’s lover for far too long. Dabi loosens underneath Hawks and they quickly fall into a long practised pattern, all pretences dropped for this moment of touch-starved tenderness. Nothing exists outside of this room, everything is so warm, and Hawks melts even more when he feels Dabi smile against his lips.
“Seems like someone missed me,” murmurs the villain, voice sleek and low. The response is simply a hand laced through the dyed-black hair at the back of Dabi’s head, taking hold of him and pulling him closer with nothing short of absolute need. In turn, Dabi’s hands find the small of Hawks’ back, and heat begins to pool in his stomach as they slowly threaten to sneak closer to the bases of his wings. And his lips are warm, so warm, and he always seems to know exactly what to do with them to make Hawks collapse like putty in his hands. For a crazed villain who incinerates shit for fun, Dabi’s a fucking good kisser. 
…And a tease, apparently! Hawks knows that Dabi knows how badly he wants this, and how long he’s been waiting - yet he still seems to be taking his sweet time. He can feel the villain absently tracing circles into his back, with the same pace as his mouth is working against Hawks’. The little shit. He knows exactly what he’s doing; well, two can play at that game. Hawks takes it as a challenge, takes Dabi’s scarred face between his hands, and takes control. He presses closer, kissing the man with some previously unseen vigour, practically forcing him to match the increased pace. A little wave of triumph passes through Hawks as he hears Dabi’s breath catch in the back of his throat, nearly silent, but they’re close enough that nothing can really go unheard. Feeling like he’s succeeded, Hawks goes to indulge further, perhaps elicit some more reactions like that, when he feels Dabi’s hand leave his back. Before he can register it properly, the hand is upon his chest, pushing with some insistence. Hawks pulls away, panicked.
“Oh, shit, fuck, sorry, was that too much?”
The arm Dabi has outstretched towards Hawks’ chest slackens slightly, as do his facial features. He doesn’t reply, but rather his lips part and his eyes glaze over, forming an expression so laced with vulnerability that Hawks is almost taken aback - though, he can’t dwell on the display for long, as he’s quickly instead watching Dabi bring his other hand, curled tightly into a fist, up to his own face and press it most firmly to the underside of his nose. His chest rises once with an inhale not unlike before, only this time a little louder and deeper, and he ducks forward slightly with two slightly-awkwardly stifled sneezes.
“hhahh-! ..hh’nGXT! kxNTsh! Ugh, fuck.”
“Oh!” Hawks says, a little surprised, “Bless you.” A part of him wants to chide the villain for holding it in like that, but he refrains, knowing full well he himself would stifle exactly the same.
Dabi hums in lieu of a thanks, and Hawks returns his hand to his boyfriend’s face and leans back in.
“Can I go back to kissing you now?” he murmurs.
Dabi rolls his eyes but drapes his arms lazily over Hawks’ shoulders, an invitation, yes, you can go back to kissing me now. Their lips interlock once again, picking up where they left off, with Hawks feeling absolutely on top of the world from the fact that he’s doing the work here, he’s the one kissing Dabi, not the other way around. He’s never been opposed to Dabi taking control, in fact he loves being ravaged by the man, but sue him, sometimes it feels good to be the one doing the ravaging. However, his elation at this seems to be poorly concealed, or perhaps Dabi just wants to knock him down a peg, because Hawks feels teeth closing on his bottom lip. Not so hard that it hurts, but just enough to tease an audible gasp from him as he tenses up on Dabi’s lap. He’s fairly certain he’s never needed someone all over him so badly until this point. Clearly it shows, too, since Dabi insists on being such a menace and playing the long game with him. Well, Hawks decides that’s not going to fly; he presses in closer, almost entirely closing the gap between them and slides his other hand behind Dabi’s head, not-so-subtly tugging him closer and kissing him harder, once more regaining the upper hand. He takes to gently thumbing back and forth against the base of Dabi’s neck, to which the man lets out, involuntarily, a little noise of satisfaction, finally accepting submission. Hawks is almost tempted to bite Dabi back, but maybe that’d be pushing his luck. Besides, this side of Dabi - soft, pliant, accepting - is one he rarely sees, and he’s kind of into it. It’s a good look on the villain. 
Before long, however, their rhythm is broken once again. One of the arms laying around Hawks’ neck begins to move, and the hand meets his shoulder. Hawks has a sneaking feeling he knows what’s coming (for the second time), as Dabi’s hand pushes against his shoulder - slowly, though, as if he’s really trying to prolong the inevitable. It really doesn’t seem like he wants to pull away, so Hawks does it for him, gently separates their faces, strangely endeared by Dabi’s reluctance - and it seems he did so at exactly the right moment. Being so close to him, Hawks can easily see the way his face immediately crumples, eyes flickering shut and lips parting with an inhale that sounded as though it had been waiting to be drawn for… a while. In a split second, he’s tugging the sleeve of his hoodie over his hand with some urgency, and Hawks catches the flare of his nostrils right before he pinches his nose, clamping the thick black fabric over the bottom half of his face. There’s hardly six inches between the two of them, so Dabi twists awkwardly to the side with a set of cruelly stifled sneezes.
“hh’GKTtch! ‘KXXSHh! Ugh, god– h-hahH’KGXt’sh!”
They sound harsher this time around, harder to stifle, probably.
“Bless,” says Hawks, “You okay?”
“Mm… yeah, just something really… stings,” Dabi replies. He’s knuckling the side of his nose with some force.
“You’re, uh, not getting sick are you?” Hawks asks, unable to conceal the tinge of nervousness that seeps into his tone. As much as he loves the man, he’s got some long days on patrol coming up soon, and a cold from Dabi would severely compromise him.
Dabi raises an eyebrow. “I’m not that much of an asshole, Kei.”
“Right-! Yeah, no, of course not. Sorry, I didn’t really think there.” Hawks grimaces internally at himself, and Dabi shakes his head.
“Ugh, Jesus, hold on–” He turns away again, breath wavering, “hehh’nGXKt!” A shaky exhale escapes from him as he releases his nose.
“So, what’s got you all worked up, then?” asks Hawks, teasing.
Dabi half-sighs, half-groans, and replies, “Don’t know, but I wish it would fucking stop.” As if for emphasis, the sentence is punctuated with an irritated-sounding sniffle.
“Well, it probably would if you stopped stifling like that,” Hawks says pointedly. That earns him a hazy blue-eyed glare… that doesn’t last long, since Dabi’s squinting again, and his mouth curls up into the beginnings of something akin to a snarl. Hawks smirks as he ducks into the crook of his sweater-clad elbow to muffle yet another sneeze.
“hehH’DSHHh’uh! What the fuck?”
At least he didn’t stifle it.
Hawks hums. “Bless you.” He sends a feather to retrieve a box of tissues, then decides the villain probably also needs some space, so he manoeuvres himself gracelessly off Dabi’s lap to sit beside him on the couch. 
“Very elegant,” Dabi remarks.
“Ugh, shut up,” he replies, elbowing Dabi in the ribs. The laugh this elicits almost straight away rises into a staggered gasp, that itself turns into a pair of hastily covered sneezes.
“hhahH’KXXTshuh! hh’huuhh’DZSHHhue!”
“Jeez, bless you.”
Dabi sniffles thickly. “Yeah.”
Hawks’ feather zips back into the room and drops a box of tissues into Dabi’s lap - the thicker, softer ones that the hero always insists on buying despite them being double the price of regular ones. 
“Sounds like they’re getting stronger,” Hawks observes, a note of concern in his tone, but then adds, more teasingly, “Not allergic to me, are you?”
Dabi scoffs and tugs a couple of tissues from the box. “I wish,” he says, scrubbing at his nose. “Then I’d actually have an excuse to avoid your annoying ass.”
“Wow, okay, that was so uncalled for. Just say you hate me at that point.”
It’s Dabi’s turn to elbow Hawks back. He probably deserves it. 
 “Ow, bitch,” he says in mock offence. 
“You’re the bitch,” comes the reply, from behind a handful of tissues (which are then promptly screwed up and tossed, flying in a neat arc, straight into the trash on the other side of the room). 
“Whatever, bitch. Are you done sneezing yet? This couch isn’t as comfy as your thighs-”
“Ugh, shut up, you are so weird,” Dabi interjects in fond disgust. 
“Oh my god, what if you’re allergic to my apartment being clean? Then I never have to clean ever again, hah!”
Dabi gives him a look. “You say that as a joke, but honestly, you migh-might be right…hh.. hehH’KXNTtsh’uh!”
Dabi’s expression falls midway through his sentence, brows drawing together and eyes narrowing as he gives into another sneeze, hastily half-stifled against the back of his hand.
“Seriously,” Hawks deadpans, eyebrows raised. That’s new, he thinks.
“Well, unless you’ve suddenly acquired a pet cat - which I doubt - then yeah, seriously,” says the villain flatly, though with a note of congestion starting to creep into his voice. “Last I checked, your place didn’t reek of fuckin’ –all of spring and then some.” 
Hawks suddenly remembers the air freshener he’d used–the only one he had, some floral one found right at the back of a cupboard, unused for entirely too long. He hadn’t had a clue what clean apartments were supposed to smell of, so he’d sort of just… went ham with it. Definitely a mistake.
“Don’t slander my choice in scents,” he teases, “Are you sure it’s… that?”
“Nothing else changed ‘round here, has it?” Dabi pauses to give his nose a brief rub. “I’m here practically every week and I’ve been fine, so, you tell me.”
Hawks will never not poke the bear when he’s got the opportunity, so he says, “So this does mean I never have to clean the place ever again, right?”
Dabi’s mouth falls open as he feigns offence. He says, dramatically, “Wow. That’s all you have to say? When I could literally die right now in front of you? I’m.. hah- I’m-”
Hawks snickers. “Bless you,” he sing-songs prematurely, utterly pleased with himself. It’s almost cute, the attempted glare Dabi gives him through his glazed over expression. Nobody can look menacing in the slightest when they’re trying not to sneeze (and that’s a fact!).
“Sh-shut uhhhp..” replies Dabi, his voice quavering. He lifts a hand slowly, bringing it to hover weakly before his face. His breathing is unsteady and his eyes half-lidded, and the crease between his dark brows deepens.
“Okay, point proven, idiot,” Hawks says with a laugh, “Just sneeze, this is torture even for me.”
The hazy glare returns, and Hawks clocks it. 
“Oh!” he laughs, giving Dabi a slightly bewildered smile. “Oh my god, I jinxed it. You deserve that ‘cause you’re mean to me.”
“I hahh-hate you-” Dabi responds breathily. He rubs at the side of his nose with two knuckles, pressing decently harder than is probably necessary. The bridge crinkles in irritation when the rubbing clearly has no effect. “Jesus, it won’t go away.”
“Mm, what a shame.”
There goes a third bleary glare from the villain. “I’d like to remind you wh-whose fault thhihhs.. was in the first place,” he says. Any malice intended to be behind his utterance is immediately negated by his breath catching and wavering through the words. Though, at a point, Hawks begins to feel a little… voyeuristic just watching Dabi struggle. Sure, he’s his boyfriend and all, and yeah, he’s definitely seen worse, but it’s easy to tell Dabi’s getting a little self-conscious about this… spectacle. He’s never been a fan of having things out of his control, especially not displays of vulnerability like this, and Hawks knows this, so why prolong it?
“Well, I guess there’s only one thing for it,” he says, taking matters into his own hands. 
“Fuck off- what–” Dabi gets out, as Hawks takes his face between his hands and begins to press kisses softly down the bridge of his nose. Hawks doesn’t let him twist away from it, trying not to laugh to himself about how dumb this probably looks. At least one of them is having fun. He considers pulling away with a “Gonna sneeze yet?”, but refrains - he’d probably end up on fire. He does, however, pause for a moment when he reaches Dabi’s trio of silver nose studs, hovering. There’ve been feathery, wavering breaths coming from his boyfriend consistently but, nothing has come to fruition, so Hawks decides–those piercings have always been sensitive, a fact he’d discovered about Dabi rather early on (and maybe, possibly sometimes used to be a menace). He plants a final, delicate kiss right upon where the three studs lie, and finally lets Dabi pull away.
���Oh, oh, fuck– s-screw you–hh’ehH’IIDTSSHh’uh! ‘kXXTS’SHhue! …Christ, you’re such an ass.” The pair of sneezes that result are harsh to say the very least. And even after all that, he still tries stifling the second– unsurprising, but at that point is it even worth it?
 “Sorry! I had to!” Hawks says, really trying to look like he isn’t laughing. It doesn’t work.
“You absolutely did not have to,” corrects Dabi. 
“Okaaay, okay, sorry. It was funny though.”
“Yeah, for you, maybe,” Dabi mutters, shaking his head, “Oh, fuck’s sake, hold on–”
“I’ll wait till you’re done to say bless you, this time,” says Hawks with a fond snicker. 
“Good plah-an–! hhuh’hHDSHH’SHuh! …Ugh, fuck.”
“Bless,” Hawks replies. He averts his eyes, a little sheepishly. Dabi pulls a face.
He asks, “What the fuck’s with the guilty face?” to which Hawks throws his head back with a groan and slides his hands across his face.
“I just wanted to do something nice,” he says, “You know, clean the place up a bit. Since it’s always kind of a massive mess.”
“Jesus, Kei, I don’t care about that,” says Dabi, breathing a laugh. “It’s you I’m here for, not your fuckin’ apartment. I can kiss you whether or not there’s crap on every surface.”
Hawks isn’t used to Dabi outright saying nice things, so his cheeks flush slightly hearing this. He’s unsure what to say. Thankfully, Dabi speaks again.
“Okay. Where didn’t you spray that shit?”
Hawks scoffs. “I sort of went crazy with it, uh… my bedroom? If that works?”
“Very forward,” Dabi replies, raising his eyebrows. “Almost like you wanted me in there.”
Hawks jabs him in the ribs but still smirks. “Yeah, maybe I did.”
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glimmeringtwilight · 1 month
Hi there, I hope you're doing well 😭 ❤️
I don't mean to bother you with this so please ignore if it makes you uncomfortable, but I was wondering if there's any Dottore piece in the works or if you're planning any in the future or something (any crumb will do KSNDJDBEHSJ) I love your writing and have been reading your fanfics a few times aha :"D
Have a good day, and I hope this doesn't come off rude! p(^-^)q much love!
In the works I have the Dottore halloween fic (one of the drafts I'm eyeing rn) and a modern au one as well!
My phone notes are kinda filled with incoherent concepts and rambles about him bc for the longest time I'd get ideas right before bed, or I'd wake up at 2am for some reason and I'd have Inspiration lol
Most of those are either too short or incoherent to really share, or I intend to actually turn them into fics at some point. I do have one that I'll share though bc I'm unsure where/what to use it in since it's mostly just dialogue... idk
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"None of what you're doing matters," You tell him.
"You're human. And even if you manage to carve the humanity out of yourself, to become a god... to what end? Nothing is forever."
His smile is slow, purposeful. "Perhaps. Does it bring you comfort, then, to know that none of this matters?"
When you don't answer, he continues, standing up to take the seat next to the operating table where you lie, instead. "To know that you've suffered for nothing?"
His fingers tap playfully against your sternum, over freshly bandaged sutures, and you hiss in pain. He smiles wider.
It did, you think. Not the thought that your suffering was pointless-- malicious and cruel for the sake of itself-- but the thought that he'll be forgotten with time, as all things are. But there's a glint in his eye now, a look you don't like. The sentiment turns to ash on your tongue, souring in your chest.
"I think I'll take you with me," He says, after a beat. "Since it doesn't matter, in the end."
A tear slides down your cheek and he clicks his tongue, wiping it away with his thumb.
"I need you to understand something," He tells you as he stands from the seat again, going back to what he was doing on the other side of the room, "I will never let you go. Do you understand? You will never see the light of day again. This lab will be the last thing you'll ever see."
Dottore must see the disappointment in your eyes. He clicks his tongue again, feigning sympathy. "But perhaps if you're good, I'll bring you something from the surface. As a reward. Now be quiet; these next tests don't require you to speak, and I don't need your input."
You feel numb.
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mikakuna · 4 days
I mean this neutrally, but which characters are actually being written by people who are fans and understand them? I feel like half the characters are ooc rn
im not up to date with other characters' comic runs recently so i mean more in the sense of the character's foundation. for example, bruce and dick have amazing foundations for their character and what their character stands for, their personality, their morals, etc. they have so many special relationships, both platonic and romantic. as comic characters, they've had the time and space to develop as interesting and dynamic characters.
they definitely have their ooc comic runs like gotham war for bruce, but at the end of the day, they'll always have numerous comics that are true to their character and are amazing in itself.
for jason on the other hand, his foundation comes from his original robin run in the 80s and his debut as red hood in utrh/lost days. utrh and lost days set jason's character and gave us a pretty strong idea of who he is as a person (i.e., his morals, personality, and perspectives). it continued off his 80s robin run, where we got to see jason todd for the first time and got to know him as a hero instead of anti hero. we see his relationships with his bio family, step mom, bruce, and the things he likes/dislikes. we see from the beginning that jason has a more grey perspective on life due to his own experiences. all we see in the 80s builds to what we see in utrh and lost days.
but then all of a sudden, so many comics after utrh forget who jason actually is. they have him hurt a kid despite his strong stance on protecting children. he somehow kills like he can't control himself and only batman can stop him. he's an impulsive brute who thinks with his fists. he's not as intelligent as everyone else. jason, the kid who grew up homeless and surrounded by impoverished communities whose circumstances ruined their lives, somehow has a lot less empathy now.
jason's character is constantly contradicted. he's never given a chance to grow and develop relationships. everything he does is confined by the bats. he doesn't have a proper foundation because many of his writers know nothing of his backstory and just write him as a selfish, impulsive asshole despite everything we see of him in his robin run and in utrh that contradicts that.
when i compare jason's writing to the bats, i really only mean bruce, dick, and tim since the others are iffy as well when it comes to writing (racism, sexism).
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crybaby-bkg · 2 years
“Just keep looking at the tv, don’t even pay me any mind.” Your voice is a gentle whisper in Bakugou’s ear, sweet and thick like honey sliding into his canal to stick to his brain. He feels fuzzy like this, with his eyes low and his hands laying limp beside his legs. He wants to move, to say something, look at you, acknowledge you, but you only keep his pretty face turned to the low lit television screen.
“Does it feel good? Yeah?” You ask him, mouth pressed against his skin as you drape yourself around him. You’re everywhere—in his brain, your perfume in his nose, your hand shoved down his pants. You’ve been stroking him for an antagonizing time now, slow and steady, firm and hard, twisting your wrist like that so you can force the precum to leak from his slit and down your soft knuckles.
He can only grunt under his breath, forcing his eyes to stay on the hero highlight reels that has been playing on loop for far too long now. But he knows that if he takes his eyes off, you’ll stop, squeeze his base until his incoming orgasm is abated, and start back over, just as slow. He can only take the torture for so long.
“That’s my good boy, huh?” You smirk against him, pressing a chaste kiss to the column of his throat, chuckling when he angles his neck for you to kiss him more. “Finally learning something right in that empty little head of yours.”
If you keep talking to him like that, he thinks he might cum all over himself and your hand. But you encourage it, whisper filth into his ear, keep jerking his cock the way you know he likes until he has to squeeze his eyes close and whimper under his breath. After all, what better way to treat a hero after a long, grueling day of work?
minors/blank/ageless blogs dni
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cassketti · 1 month
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Omg I just remembered eighth grade english class bro the MAZE RUNNER WAS SO BADD 😭😭😭😭
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(This a redraw , original drawing was from eigth grade LMFAO)
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good-beanswrites · 4 months
Happy Valentine's Day @artsy-azure ! Here's your gift for the @milgram-valentines-exchange 💖
Fuuta x Minato (oc) ~ The first section takes place right after his T2 interrogation, and then skips ahead to a tiny post-milgram scene :3 I hope you enjoy!
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Fuuta thought he would drown. Not sink into water or anything like that; he was worried the voices filling his mind would completely suffocate him. There were too many of them. Too many people, all of them knowing every dark corner of his mind, and shouting into it. It should have been impossible for one voice – one softer than all the rest – to reach him.
Then again, everything about that voice should have been impossible.
“Fuuta… Hey, Fuuta… Are you alright?”
He blinked. He scrambled over to the nearest wall. There were no visible openings in the cell, not a single imperfection across any of the surfaces, yet Milgram’s intercom system functioned just fine. Most days it would just deliver the ear-rattling bell to tell him the time. On bad days, it carried Es’ summons to the interrogation room for his extraction. On worse days, it carried Es’ summons to the courtroom for his verdict.
On the very best days, it would bring him the voice of Hoshizawa Minato.
(Though, seeing as he had just returned from a catastrophic extraction, he wasn’t sure what type of day it was yet.)
He tore his attention away from the chorus of judgements and insults. He pressed his shoulder against the wall, still unsure where the sound was coming from, but knowing it was nearby.
“I’m here,” he said, hushed. More than anything he wanted to yell and scream, but he would never risk it, now. Minato had gone through a hell of a lot to break into Milgram’s systems, and he wouldn’t let his big mouth ruin all that. It had already ruined just about everything else.
“How are you holding up?”
Fuuta pressed his lips together. “Any news on getting us out of here?” was all he said.
Hundreds of miles away (or perhaps next door – neither of them could really know), Minato’s fingers adjusted his headset.
“I’m still working on it. These things take time.” 
“I’m definitely gonna need it after today.” 
“Your interrogation… I know.”
Fuuta pulled his hood down tighter, tufts of ginger hair ruffling underneath. “How much did you see?” 
Minato’s eyes flicked over to another monitor. It displayed the files he’d gained access to a few hours prior. It would crush Fuuta to hear about yet another person peeking into his personal moments, so he opted for a non-answer.
“I don’t have cameras. I don’t see much at all.”
“Tch, I’m not a damn idiot, I know that! I meant, how much did you hear?”
Fuuta squeezed his eye shut. He bit a curse back. There came silence.
Minato actually double checked some of his monitors, making sure they hadn’t been disconnected.
“So then, you know,” Fuuta said at last. “There’s no fucking way I’m getting forgiven this time around.”
“You can’t be so sure. The–”
“No one in their right mind would forgive me after that.” He winced, remembering his harsh cries at the end of the interrogation. What kind of accused murderer shouted “I’ll kill you” as their plea of innocence? When he wasn’t running his mouth with threats, he’d been pleading with Es like some kind of coward. And Minato has heard all of it. Fuuta could only imagine the horrors that the extraction held. Who could forgive him after they saw his anger, or worse, his pleasure? Who could ever look kindly on someone like that?
“I would.”
Fuuta’s eyes widened. He let himself sink further into the wall. A strangled laugh escaped him. He let his head hang down. No matter how much he wanted to protest, Minato was as honest as they come. If he said he forgave Fuuta, he meant it. 
“Yeah, like I said, no one in their right mind.”
Minato cracked a smile. 
“You don’t think I’m in my right mind?”
Fuuta scoffed. “You post pictures of clothes for a living. And in your free time, you plan impossible jailbreaks for murderers. Doesn’t sound quite sane to me.”
“Aw, come on. Do you think it’s impossible?” 
Minato was still smirking, ready for some more of their typical back and forth. Fuuta surprised him by pausing. 
“Well, it should be impossible. But…”
They’d been speaking for some time now. Whether it was quick comments when Es wasn’t around or long conversations into the night. Fuuta had seen many sides of him, and knew that he had what it took. He wasn’t like the vast majority of internet personalities – weak or needy or inexperienced. He’d proved himself time and time again. If anyone could pull this off, it would be Minato. 
“If it’s you… there’s a chance.”
“You’ve got that right. You can count on me, alright?”
Fuuta took a deep breath. The tightness of the uniform and the bandages seemed to lessen.
“Although,” Minato put on a falsely serious voice, “we’re gonna have a long talk when you get out… about that yellow jacket you own.”
“Haaah? What’s wrong with my jacket?’
“There are a hundred stylish ways to wear it and that was not one.”
“The fuck does that mean?” 
“You’ll be grateful when someone who ‘posts pictures of clothes for a living’ helps with your wardrobe.” 
Fuuta could feel his chest release even more. Minato spoke so easily about the future, as if it were something real and waiting for him. 
“As if I’d let you touch any of my outfits.”
“As if you could stop me!”
He took another breath. He smiled. No drowning today.
After checking the clock fourteen times, Fuuta thought once more couldn’t hurt. It was still two minutes to noon, just like the last few times he’d checked. His frequent checking hadn’t brought the train to the station any faster.
Minato had told him that he was safe. He’d said this meeting wasn’t that big of a risk. The dust had settled. He just had to relax. 
The announcement overhead signaled the next stop was his. It screeched into the station, a slight murmur rising as the doors opened onto a platform of moving people. 
Fuuta lowered his head. His eyepatch would surely draw attention to himself, so he kept his hood down and his mask up. He just needed to make it to the station entrance. 
He made his way around stiff businessmen and sticky children. He tried to shuffle around a young man, but he seemed to step further into Fuuta’s path. Giving the stranger a quick glance, he started to mumble something to squeeze past. 
“Fuuta,” the man said, gaping in surprise. “It’s me.”
He inhaled sharply.
It was only three words, but it was enough to recognize his voice from a thousand conversations. 
Fuuta’s eye widened as he took Minato in. It was strange to finally see his face. Finally, here was the person he’d spent hours talking to. The person he’d spent days passing the time with. The person he’d spent nights falling for. Here was the one who had saved his life, in more ways than he could count.
His first observation was, fuck, this guy is way outta my league. His next was, he’s shorter than I was expecting. Then, gah, I’m probably shorter than he was expecting. He was in the middle of realizing, he has the nicest smile I think I’ve ever seen, when Minato crushed him in a hug.
Fuuta returned the embrace. His arms tightened around Minato. He was real. He was here. Fuuta’s hands grasped at his clothes and his hair. He was unable to control a laugh bubbling up inside of him. 
“You did it. My god, you did it.”
He breathed into Minato’s shoulder. His chest shook with some laughter, some tears. 
For a moment wondered if people would notice the heartfelt reunion outside of the train, then he realized he didn’t care in the slightest. 
Minato was laughing along with him in that beautiful, familiar voice of his. No more crackling speakers or hidden intercoms – he spoke right into his ear, hair tickling his cheek. Fuuta could have stayed forever in his arms, just like that. All that mattered was he felt safe. At last, he felt happy.
Talk about impossible. 
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hyoqa · 9 days
pairing: akatsuki hyoga x gn!reader (no prns)
request: i wanted to request something of hyoga with a s/o that's reserved just like him, and that even though they were always together, everyone assumed that they were just close friends and nothing more. however it turns out they're married! and everyone is surprised by this; especially moz and homura who thought they knew hyoga to an extent at least lol
warnings: hyoga is very sweet, that's truly about it he's just insanely sweet.
wc: 1100
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The two of you were deeply in love. You knew he loved you and he knew you loved him back— and that was enough for both of you. After all these years, there was of course still lots to talk about, but hardly a need to talk about anything. As long as you were together, you couldn’t ask for any more. You had originally met each other at the same dojo, so often people found you training together and naturally as you did things together, you were close to similar people.
The two of you did share a living space and sleep together so while originally you assumed people would catch on that you were a couple rather quickly, considering the lack of affection you display in public the two of you soon realized they probably thought you were just roommates. However, there wasn’t a true need to bring it up all of a sudden not to mention it would be slightly awkward after all this time— so you figured you’d just wait until someone asked.
Now, behind closed doors he would kiss you first thing in the morning and you would tell him you loved him before you slept each night and there was no doubt that the two of you were terribly in love. And that was perfectly fine.
Yet, if there was one thing that saddened you from time to time, it would be the missing ring on your left hand. 
Hyoga wasn’t one to wear his ring often, all the way back from 3700 years ago, but you were. You had it on all the time— to the point where you could hardly get it off your finger. Although you loved that it showed you were his and he was yours, you truly just loved the way it made you feel safe. It was nothing extravagant, and you asked for it that way. You wanted something that you could keep on while training that wouldn’t get in the way so it was just a band with a small diamond engraved in it. To many it truly wasn’t much but to you, it meant absolutely the world. To you, that little ring made you feel like Hyoga was with you wherever you went and in danger, he would come flying. You absolutely trusted he still would, but your hand did feel empty without the ring.
It was as if he read your mind. It was early in the morning when the two of you were taking a break while training alone. He carefully took off his gloves and took your left hand and the gentle touch made your heart flutter.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
He didn’t reply, but he took out a ring and slipped it right onto your ring finger. It was just a band, no diamond, no gem. Just a band that was exactly the size of your left-hand ring finger.
“Sorry it’s nothing more,” Hyoga said softly, then laughed a little. The look on his face was soft and gentle, one that he would only show you. “Perhaps this is worse than it was without.”
You were in love with him, you had always been and yet you had fallen all over again. He was the one for you and he will always be.
“No, I absolutely adore it!” you said, immediately pulling your hand back just in case he took it away. He chuckled again and you slowly brought your hand back out to look at it on your hand. You loved it so much you couldn’t possibly have the words to express it. The largest diamond in the world couldn’t possibly compare to this simple hoop of metal on your ring finger. “How… did you?”
“I asked Senkuu and Kaseki helped make it,” he said. “It was a slight hassle trying to get your ring size again.”
“When did you get it? While I was asleep?” you asked, absolutely impressed.
“Yes,” he said. “I was afraid to wake you up a couple of times. Also it didn’t help that you sleep on your side a lot.”
“Okay, but aren’t you going to tell?” Senkuu suddenly said.
“Tell what?” you asked, ignoring the fact that you didn’t know he was listening in.
“No.” Hyoga said firmly, purely out of embarrassment.
“He made the ring himself,” Senkuu said. “Late at night, after you were asleep, for multiple nights he was working on it.”
Your head spun back to look at him. “No way,” you said.
In all of your years of being married, you had not seen him look so flustered ever.
“He got it perfect in a few tries though. Considering the tools we have to work with that itself was an insane feat,” Senkuu said, and started walking away. “Okay, sorry to bother, I’ll leave you be.”
“I love you so much,” you said to Hyoga, looking directly into his eyes.
“It’s just a piece of metal really, so I thought it’d make me feel a little more part of it if I made it,” he said, avoiding eye contact.
“Why weren’t you going to tell me?” you asked.
“It’s embarrassing,” he said. “Also, it was just for my self-satisfaction… it doesn’t change the fact that it’s just a band.”
You didn’t even bother to reply because you knew that he knew you didn’t think that for a second. You knew that he knew that made you love the ring a million times more now. Perhaps that was why— perhaps he felt bad if that made you feel like you had to keep it on. How terribly silly— he could have found it on the ground some random day and you would still have it on for the rest of your life if he had given it to you.
“Thank you,” you said, giving him a kiss. “I’ll protect it with my life.”
“Please do not,” he said, returning the kiss. “It’s supposed to protect you.”
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From that moment on, you realized you did want people to know you were married to him after all. You were so insanely proud to have him as your husband, not to mention you didn’t need anyone else falling for him either. He was in love with you, he would spend nights making a ring for you— not anyone else.
So later that day when you were having a meal with Homura and Moz, you made sure to flaunt your brand new ring, surprising them both.
Hyoga stayed silent, but it was obvious he was your partner.
Today, it was absolutely obvious that the two of you were in love.
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an-au-blog · 6 months
In the Cheaper by the Dozen Au I feel like Sanji's siblings finally get a redemption arc
Oh, absolutely.
After they got a bit of distance from their father's influence, they realized (with some help from Reiju) how messed up it was tormenting their brother like that.
At first, Sanji was hesitant to let them back in. In fact he hated the thought of even being near them (and so did all of Sanji's friends). But then because of Reiju, he noticed how they've changed a bit. It wasn't much but it was a start.
the first time they tried to make a mense, they started making jokes that made Sanji uncomfortable or that were softcore bullying. But Reiju was there and wasn't afraid of defining her little brother anymore. She stood up for him. With time they learned how to be more compassionate and in return Sanji got a few more protective siblings.
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missingn000 · 4 months
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insanetvgirl · 5 months
| Yandere Cody with a Intern!Darling Headcanons(Romantic) |
Gender of the darling and pronouns used: Gender Neutral!They/Them/Theirs
Reality show au/World Tour!
Theme song: Average Guy by Tv girl and Monster Rally
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(Let's pretend Sierra don't exist here lol)
Cody was shocked that Chris actually hired someone to check up the contestants(actually everyone was shocked)
But he REALLY dind't expected to create a lovesick obsession fall in love with you,but you are just his type!
Gwen? Who is Gwen?
You are funny,smart,sweet,beautiful and you even let him sleep in the first class(and sometimes even his teammates)!
He was so confused in the first time you asked if he wanted to sleep in the first class
" Hey! But why you doing that? You can lose your job! "
" I know! But let's say you are my favorite contestant.... " *Winks*
He is your favorite
He is your favorite!
His is your favorite of any contestant? Really? He is so happy to hear that
He is so in love with you
He is delusional,kinda you know,if he is your favorite,so you are so into him!
Cody wants your attention most of the time,trying to impress you,sometimes pretending that needs your help and things like! He gets so jealous when you are with another contestant,and if this contestant flirt with you? He gets pissed and he will look like a angry kid
He guilt trip you when you say you need to be with/help another contestant
Why? He needs help too! You don't want to help him?
I mean you nearly having a heart attack because of him in the challanges,remember that i said he tries to impress you?
He always makes some stupid thing in the challanges,just to show you how he is strong!
And you are just looking thinking " What that hell? " you like adventures and dangerous things,but hell this boy haves to fear death a little
He just loves you and wants your attention you know? You are so good to him(Is good to talk with a person who don't think in the competiton,since who are not a contestant)
You are not getting rid of him,he will make sure about that!
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╰┈➤" I get on my knees every other day
Lord keep me out of trouble, and keep me safe from pain
I get these feelings, they're not easy to explain
But when you see me, I'll have a smile on my face "
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I hope this is good and you all liked to read it!
I don't suport yanderes in real life!
Take care my angels!
TAGLIST: 404 not found
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alflis · 8 months
Hi I want to say that I love your game, love Orlam and love you too @just-a-carrot you're such a sweet person ✨
I'm suck at speak well or expressing my feelings but I rlly want let you know that your game wonderful and it's on my "favourite stories" top now :D
Thank you for your game and charactes I like all of them 💖 (Orlam just my favourite hehe~)
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
I love mythology so much and it’s taking everything in me to not write a full fledge fic about a Cupid and Psyche au omfg
justttttt Cupid Bakugou who is just so, so fucking beautiful. he’s always been recorded by other mortals for being akin to sunlight himself—all golden hues and sharp angles and high cheekbones and massive wings. wings that span as wide as an entire village, that sparkle when the light hits them, loud when they beat to send him soaring into the skies above. but his mouth? his attitude?
everyone always wonders why he was never the god of war, instead. but he’s damn good at his job, with his arrows propped up on his back, swift with discharging them into another stupid mortal who’s fallen for the local towns idiot. but hey, they’re in love, and it’s his job to enforce that love go over well.
and then he sees you—the most beautiful mortal, that you’re even compared to the gods, to his mother. he wants you so bad, if not to treasure and keep you against his side as he travels over the oceans cold waters, than to keep you safe from the vile men who want you as their partner and the disgusting women who envy you for having it all.
omg and the part where he takes you to stay in his palace and asks you not to ever look at his face???? it’s killing him, to wear that mask to your nightly dinners, to be able to look at the soft curve of your mouth when you frown and ask him to reveal himself. to be able to look at how you stare back at him, eyes pretty and furious, frustrated and mad, wanting to go back on the conditions you agreed upon because having to sit across from him without seeing him is absolute torture. I am. vibrating.
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p4nishers · 9 months
can we actually take a moment and remember swan upon leda? can we actually shut the fuck up and sit the fuck down and think about our lord and savior swan upon leda because i'm tired of doing it alone every single day guys
#the title itself!!! THE FUCKING TITLE#swan UPON leda#god he's an actual genius THANK U HOZIER SO FUCKING MUCH#i hate how that myth is portrayed and received and objectified bc they make it out to be such a funny little chuckle story like 'hahaha led#is SO easy that she fell for a swan isn't that actually the funniest thing you've ever heard omg like women are literally so easy to please#whatever whatever blahblahblah yes that's fucking hilarious matthew thank u SO much for that absolutely fascinating commentary on a women#getting raped by a god really truly an amazing insight into ur pea fucking brain#like fuck sorry but i just absolutely despises how this myth is made out to be and i remember learning abt it in class and being literally#nauseated bc guess fucking what it's literally not hard to understand wtf is happening and while u r laughing away about i repeat a WOMEN#getting RAPED some fucking of us have brain enough to be mortified#jesus ANYWAY#hozier dropped that song after roe v wade was over turned and i just i love him so fucking much he cares SO MUCH and before anything else#he's an activist and he actually gives a shit about women's rights and he dropped this song as a comfort as something to hold onto but also#as a social commentary and he linked charities and resources to help women and keep them safe and this song just means everything to me#bc greek mythology often gets reduced to children stories bc most ppl know myths from children books and obviously a book for kids not gonn#outloud say the word rape or even imply that that's what's happening and that's fine ig but bc so many ppl know it from there it gets#reduces to a joke and a raped women gets ridiculed but hozier actually took one of the few poems about leda being raped and it being a rape#at all and made it into a song during a time that was so traumatizing for ever afab person in the world basically and it just says 'i see#you i see what you're going through and i'm listening and i actually care and i want to help you' and he's helping by writing a song yes bc#he's spreading the word that way bc that's how movements are spread and people listen to him when he's singing and that's how he helps and#i did i mention that i love him? bc i'd actually do anything for him and to meet him and tell him how much he fucking means to me#the line that always gets me is 'a crying CHILD pushes a CHILD into the night' bc yes she was a fucking child who had to deliver 4 KIDS BC#AN ASSHOLE DECIDED SHE WAS PRETTY ENOUGH TO FUCK and nobody ever cares that she was just a child and her child helen was just a child when#she was abducted and raped and impregnated (JUST LIKE HER MOTHER) by theseus a supposed great hero and im genuinely sick she was just a#child like so many women or girls in greek mythology and ik it was a different time back then or wtv but they were just GIRLS and nobody#cared about that or cares now. but this song does.#bc of course it does it's hozier.#hozier#swan upon leda
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sleepyseals · 2 years
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[Image Description: A digital painting depicting Feldspar standing to the right of a campfire, facing away from the viewer and upwards. They are holding an arm outstretched above them and the other gesticulates as if they were telling a story. Several fireflies surround them and their shadow falls to their right. Wreathed in the smoke of the campfire is a scene of their campsite in Dark Bramble. Three large twisting brambles, the anglerfish fossil’s teeth, and three pine trees are suspended upside down, stretching downwards toward Feldspar and the campfire. A plume of stylized curling smoke stretches across the top of the scene from Feldspar’s ship in the top right corner. The ship is sparking with electrical failure. End Image Description.]
my piece for the @travelers-encore-zine !!!  I think this came out a bit more conceptual than I wanted but I still like it!
Thank you to the mods for making this happen, putting everything together and being an amazing support team!!! Thank you to my fellow contributors for being so lovely and making such amazing things and sharing this project with me, I'm really happy I got to be a part of it!!
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