#sorry for cropping I just become a neat freak when it comes to long posts i cant put readmores on loll. my blog must be Neat and Nice
stealingpotatoes · 5 months
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ok 1. sorry for decapitating your ask like this, i DID read the whole thing dw and 2. I imagine in the Republic, Jedi had a pretty well-rounded schooling, like most of it DEFINITELY focused on force and jedi stuff but come on you've gotta know maths and physics for all that wild force shit and do literature and history to understand ppl n cultures.
the new jedi order is at a disadvantage bc it's made up of 3 ppl who dropped out of school ages 17 (whose education got shitted by war), 12-13, and 7 respectively and only one guy who actually finished school -- and he went to school on Tatooine of all places. I imagine a visiting Leia, who had the best tutors/went to the fanciest schools on Alderaan, is probably the one to be like hey this is a school you guys-- are you guys teaching them like, stuff that isn't weird force techniques and immediate survival skills?? please say they know maths and literature outside of jedi texts?? which probably devolves into "Cal Ahsoka and Ezra have to sit there while Leia tries to teach them basic high school classes"
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trash-for-seabass · 2 years
Snuggly Fuck Buddies
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Pairing: Loki x Reader.
Warnings: Enemies to friends to lovers, Hate Fucking, slight dub/non-con, night terrors.
Authors note: this is a post from my old blog. Enjoy
You were gonna break it.
You were gonna smash that stupid lute the god of mischief insisted on playing day and night. How anyone managed to make a fucking lute sound this annoying was beyond you, it was like a damn 12 year old playing a recorder.
When Tony first suggested you become Loki’s caretaker roommate, it sounded like fun. He was funny, and seemed to keep to himself for the most part. Plus he was tidy and organized, everything in the fridge was properly labeled, there was never clutter strewn about the floor, and he actually did the freaking dishes. It was a significant improvement to when you shared a space with Thor. The two of you shared a nice little condo away from everyone in Buffalo New York, curtesy of Tony but only because you were secretly his favorite. But that joy quickly dissolved into frustration. Loki acted like a dam pampered queen more often then not. He took way to long in the bathroom, and always used up all the hot water in the shower. He never shared the remote, so you finally bought your own damn tv. Even though it was neat his stuff was everywhere, so much so you were confined to your own room, the smaller of the two because of course the damn drama Queen had to have the bigger room. And the walls. The walls were far to thin (or Loki was far to loud) and you could always hear whatever he was doing. From the lute playing during the day to the grunts and groans during the night. That last part was sexy at first, hearing his deep smooth moans made your core absolutely drip, but now it was just another thing keeping you awake at night.
It was 9:00 at night and he was still fucking strumming. You finally got fed up with it and snapped. Fishing your Bluetooth speaker out of your closet you synched it to your phone and scrolled through a playlist of Metallica, finally deciding on “All Nightmare long” and blasting it at full volume. It was a good song so you didn’t mind listening to it on repeat for about an hour, luckily Loki didn’t dare come into your room to demand you turn it off.
It was only after the music had stopped that he stormed in.
“Are you finally done?” He seared looking down his nose at you and leaning on your door frame.
“Oh I’m sorry is my music annoying you?” you snapped back holding his challenging gaze.
His eye twitched slightly as he gathered what this was about. “People LOVE the sound of my lute, anybody would complain about that racket you were playing a moment ago!”
Your sarcastic smirk fell into a frown as you clenched your fists. “Well I don’t! And I cant stand listening to you moaning and groaning at night either!”
Both your faces turned red after you said that but neither of you said a word. Loki huffed, pushing off your door frame and storming back to his room. You slammed the door so hard it rattled on its hinges, throwing your t-shirt and jeans onto the floor and slipping into a crop top and booty shorts before diving into your bed and drifting into the void of sleep.
Loki was awoken to the most blood curdling screams a few hours after your fight. He sprang from his warm bed and sprinted to your room, almost tearing the door off its hinges as he burst into your room. And what he found made his heart sink.
You were curled up in a ball, knees to your chest, as your body shook like a wet chihuahua. Your breathing was harsh and labored and fresh tears decorated your eyes. Loki walked over to you, gently touching your knee and sitting on your bed.
“are you alright?” he questioned softly, rubbing circles into your knee with his fingers.
You couldn’t find the words, all you could do was shake your head.
“Night terror” You spat. There was a lot of advantages to getting to work with the avengers but unfortunately night terrors were a common side effect of the job.
“Ah, well I just wanted to make sure you were alright, ill leave you be”
You almost whimpered when Loki’s hand left your leg as he moved to stand up. It was only then that you noticed he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Your hand shot out before you even decided to let it and grabbed his wrist, keeping him in place. He threw you a quizzical look as you locked eyes.
“Can you stay?” You asked, your voice small and quiet.
“What?” He asked even more confused.
“Will you stay with me tonight?” You asked a little louder, swallowing your pride “I don’t- I don’t wanna be alone”
Loki let out a sigh and relented, turning to climb into your bed. You scooted back to give him room and he lifted the covers and slipped in beside you. It was kinda nice honestly, the gods warm body pressed into yours as the scent of his peppermint body wash filled your senses. He slipped one arm under your head while the other rested itself lazily against you waist. You were honestly surprised that your roommate, who you loathed at this point, could feel so sweet against you.
Of course now you couldn’t sleep for a different reason.
An ache began to form between your legs as you pressed into the muscles of the raven haired man. You pressed your thighs together, hoping to create a bit of friction your body desperately craved. It only got worse when Loki began to drift off and the arm around your waist squeezed you tightly to him. You could feel the desire beginning to drip between your thighs which made you press them together tighter.
“I can smell that you know”
Loki voice startled you, your eyes flicked up to find his still closed. Did you just imagine that voice?
The prince chuckled “I’m wide awake darling. How could I not be given the fact your quim is dripping with desire.”
“Uhhhhh” you began trying to find the words to defend yourself.
“Perhaps” he began, a wicked grin crossing his face “we should do something about it. That will help you fall asleep faster”
You shoved your arms between both your bodies, pushing him as far away as the bed would let you. “I am not into like that Loki”
The god easily overpowered you, closing the slight distance and pinning you down by straddling your hips and pushing his forearm into your collarbone. As if it were possible you were dripping even more now. With his free hand, Loki slipped his ice cold fingers under the hem of your shorts, chuckling darkly when his fingers came in contact with your dripping folds. “Your a terrible liar darling”
Your about to protest again when two of his fingers slip past your entrance, curling into that delicious spot that has you seeing stars. You gasp as your back arches, a wicked grin flashing across Loki’s face. “Does that feel good darling?” He practically purrs “I can pleasure you in other ways to”
He removes his forearm from your collarbone, pulling your crop top over your head. His one free hand cupping your breast while his mouth comes down to bite and suck on the other. You bite your lip, trying your best not to cum, you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of you cumming first. When his fingers slipped from your core you took the opportunity to flip you both over, which resulted with both of you on the floor.
Loki gasped, attempting to catch his breath after the wind was knocked out of him when he collided with the floor. The carpet burned your knees but it didn’t matter in the slightest as you yanked his gym shorts down, his cock springing free. He hissed as the cool air of your room touched his dripping cock.
You didn’t even bother taking off your booty shorts, you simply pulled the middle to the side exposing your dripping core to the cool air. You reached down, lining him up with your entrance when your eyes flicked up to his.
You smirked, realishing in the helpless, lust blown look in the gods eyes. “Wanna make a bet Laufeyson?”
“W-whats that?” He stammered, trying to sound tough but whimpering as you rubbed the tip of his cock through your wetness.
“I think” you began, punctuating each word by grinding your hips into Loki’s. “I can make you cum before you make me”
His smile turns cocky and his eyes glint with mischief. “Challenge accepted darl- fuck!”
You cut him off by taking his cock all at once, both you moaning at the feeling. Your walls stretched to accommodate his length, making you hiss. He moaned at the feeling of your cunt pulsing, hands coming up to cup your breasts. You grabbed one of his hands, bringing it up to your face and running your tongue across the pad of his middle and pointer. Then you shift, grabbing both his wrists and pinning them above his his, he groans at the feeling of your hips shifting. The new position gave you ample leverage and you and you slowly began to move your hips up and down on his cock. Unfortunately, or fortunately, with you bent over to pin his wrists your breasts were right in Loki’s face, and he took the opportunity to bite and suck at your tits.
The sensation made your hips jerk and you bounced faster on his cock, chasing your high. He moaned at this feeling of you slamming on his cock, sending vibrations through the nipple he had caught between his teeth.
Loki’s thrusts began to meet yours, the resolve to win your challenge completely forgotten as he positioned into you. You but your bottom lip, hard enough to draw blood, in an attempt to fight off the orgasm threatening to drown you. With all your concentration focused on not cumming your grip on Loki’s wrists loosened. His hands flew to your hips, digging in his fingers and bruising your flesh, as he slammed you onto his throbbing member.
Your head fell forward onto Loki’s shoulder as the breath was fucked out of your lungs. You bit and sucked at his neck, trying to urge him closer as you chanted in your head ‘don’t cum don’t cum don’t cum dont-‘
Lokis loud moan pulled you from your trace and he bit into your shoulder as his thrusts grew sloppy. He pulled your hips down, burying his cock as deep as he could before he spilled his hot seed into your cervix. The feeling sent a shudder through your body, goosebumps rising on your skin.
Loki’s head fell back against the floor, his sculpted chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. You slowly pulled off his cock, his cum dripping down over your clit. It made you shudder.
Loki propped himself up on his elbows in an attempt to stand but you grabbed his shoulders and shoved him back down. “And where do you think your going? You still have to make me cum”
Loopy with lust Loki’s green eyes flicked to yours, as if to ask “what did you have in mind?”
A wicked grin crossed your lips and you moved till your thighs were on either side of his head. A look of understanding passed through his ocean eyes and he wrapped his hands around each of your thighs, pulling you down and latching onto your overly sensitive mound.
His silver tongue made quick work of you, lapping at your juices dripping from your entrance and sucking on your clit. That combined with the knowledge that he was currently drinking his own release mixed with your juices pushed you right to the edge but it wasn’t enough. You just need a little bit more.
As if he was reading your mind, Loki removed a hand from your thigh and brought his fingers to your entrance, thrusting them in and immediately curling them into your sweet spot. Combining that with the way he was sucking and humming against your clit was enough and you came with a cry, pulling at the roots of his hair.
Loki gave you soft kitten licks, lapping up your orgasm, as you came down from your high. The muscles in your thighs were twitching as you willed enough strength into them to stand up and flop onto your bed. The raven haired man quickly followed suit, collapsing next to you. The two of you shifted until you were once again curled into his chest, his nose buried into your hair.
“So” you began, smirking into his pecks “guess I’m the winner huh?”
A low growl rumbled in Loki’s throat and he squeezed you tighter. “I hate you” he snarled, clearly to tired to come up with anything clever.
You smiled kissing his chest. “And I hate that I love you.”
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