#soooooooo ready for spring break
cloudwhisper23 · 3 months
I kept thinking today was Tuesday. Hm.
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lady-celeste25 · 4 years
Christmas with the Dork- John Egbert x reader
(I’m really in a Christmas mood so take this.
Tw: Nothing)
You rub your eyes as you scroll through your phone. Old messages, TikTok, anything that could entertain you at this point. You’re home from college for Christmas Break and you are having, not gonna lie, a pretty amazing time. Your mom and dad made a bunch of food. Plus, it was only the 23rd so that means things are barely over yet. They both wanted to know every single thing about what happened during the semester. Both of them especially wanted to know about your boyfriend, John Egbert. It got so bad that eventually, you just invited him over. Of course, they loved him. 
You had been dating for about three months and had known each other since practically the first day. Rose Lalonde, one of your good friends, was in one of your classes and introduced him to you. Mostly because she said your personalities meshed perfectly. She was right, of course. 
As you keep on scrolling, your phone buzzes. You sit up from your bed to read it. It was a Pesterchum from none other than John Egbert. A grin spreads across your face. He had been messaging you every single day since break, telling you all his hopes for this Christmas. His biggest goal is to get a new nerf gun, a good one with an extra holster for extra bullets. He wants it so he can get a chance to try and ambush Strider. Just for the hell of it. You shake your head and read the messages from him. 
--ectoBiologist started pestering (chumHandle) at 3:27 PM--
EB: (Y/N)!!
EB: hey!!
CH: John!
EB: i can’t believe i get the chance to talk to you again
CH: You literally talked to me yesterday, buddy. 
EB: i know
EB: but still
EB: it’s been soooooooo long :(
CH: Haha. 
CH: So what’s up, nerd guy? 
EB: listen i know this is kinda short notice but
EB: would you like to come over to a christmas party at my house
EB: my family would really like to meet you
EB: and I kinda promised them you would come
EB: it’s at 5 so you would have time to get ready
EB: pleassssssssssse
You think about it for a moment. You wonder if it’s worth it. You’re a bit of a mess. You’ve barely moved from the house for the entire break. Your eyes were crusty, your breath was probably deadly, and the feeling of uncleanliness just stayed on your skin. The more you thought about it, however, the more you realized you couldn’t turn this down. It was your boyfriend! Plus, it’s Christmas. It wouldn’t be very sweet of you to do that. Also, you could finally meet John’s family! He met your family and now you can meet his. It’s only fair. 
CH: Sure!
CH: Yes!
CH: I would love to come over, John. :)
EB: yessssssss
EB: see you in a bit
--ectoBiologist ceased pestering chumHandle at 3:33 PM--
You lay there for a moment, a smile on your face. This was so extremely exciting. As you stayed in that moment of happiness, another moment followed. Shit, you have to get ready. Scrambling out of bed, your thoughts go everywhere. What should you wear? Is this like a formal event or something more chilled out? It’s just a Christmas party but you want to impress. John doesn’t care what you look like as long as you’re being yourself, so you have an idea. You go to quickly hop in the shower and freshen up a bit. After that, you quickly throw on a movie t-shirt, some jeans, and a jacket. 
In your closet, you grab a small box wrapped up in blue wrapping paper. The box may or may not be a gift for John. You put it carefully under your arm Finally, you leave your bedroom after a straight five hours just chilling in there. Your parents wave goodbye to you before you leave to go get in your car. You shoot a quick message John’s way to say you’re on your way. He responds with a smiley face. Butterflies flew through your stomach. This was extremely exciting. This was a good time to meet them and it was so exciting. It’s Christmas and Christmas parties normally always ended up really well for you! At least you’ve heard about most of his family members and had a general idea of how many people would be there. You put his address into your phone, turn up the music on the radio, turn up the heater, and get to driving. 
The drive was a relatively nice one but when you finally stopped at his house, you were, of course, nervous. Looking up at it was even more threatening, like a looming giant. It seemed like a very nice little house. It was nice, medium-sized, and colored an off-white. On one side of the house, a nice little deck sat, and on it was a brass telescope. The chimney was puffing out smoke, indicating that a fire had been started already. The driveway was piled with cars. In the front yard, snow angels and snowmen were sprayed across the fresh snow proudly. All the snowmen were decorated differently. 
As you get out of your car, the nerves just get worse, twisting around your stomach painfully. You carry John’s present safely as you step carefully around the icy sidewalk. You reached the door with ease, took a deep breath, and knocked. From inside, a girl’s voice screeched ‘I got it!’ The door was opened by what you would assume was the same voice. A girl, maybe around a year or so younger than you and John with glasses and a pixie cut stood there. This has got to be John’s little sister, Jane. You’ve seen a lot of pictures of John with her from when they were kids. You even followed her on a few social medias but this was your first time meeting her. 
“Oh my gosh!” She squeals in excitement. “(Y/N)! It’s so good to finally see you in person!” 
“Hey there Jane!” You smile widely. “It’s so good to see you too!” 
Jane holds her arms out for a hug and you move to hug her. Her grip is tight. It actually helps to calm your nerves a bit. We both laugh as she drags me into the living room. There’s a bunch of people inside. The living room was clean and everything was practically pristine. The smell, however… ugh. The smell was completely unbearable. Like cake mix and frosting mashed together. Too much of it. 
First of all, you see your good friend and John’s cousin, Jade Harley sitting on the couch with her lovely dog, Bec, laying in her lap. They’re watching what seems to be Home Alone on the TV. Next to her is whom you’re assuming is John’s aunt. He never told you her first name but you know her last name is Claire. She has a glass of wine in her hand and is also watching the movie. A little boy who seems to maybe John’s little cousin, Jude, is holding a small gun while an older man, Jade’s grandpa, holds a real gun. They seem to be practicing some kind of shooting. Not actually pulling he trigger, just learning how to hold it correctly. Yikes. 
“GUYS, LOOK!” Jane yells out. “(Y/N’S) HERE!” Everyone stops what they’re doing and looks at you. 
Jade’s the first one to spring up, Bec jumping from the couch as well, “(Y/N)! Hey, there! I feel like I haven’t seen you in weeks!” She runs to you and gives you a big huge just like Jane did. 
“You haven’t,” You laugh out, patting her back. “We’ve been on winter break.” 
“Oh, yeah!” Jade breaks the hug, looking straight at you. “I’m so glad John invited you over! It’s not every day I get to see my bestie!” Before she can keep going on and on, the woman steps up. She gives Jade a little push as a way to say ‘it’s my turn’ and Jade gets the hint. 
“Hello,” she offers her hand and you take it, “I’m A. Claire. It’s so nice to meet you. We’ve heard a lot about you.” 
“It’s nice to meet you too, ma’am,” you give her hand a proper shake. The little boy then came running up. He pushes in front of Miss Claire and grins at you with crooked teeth. He puts his hands on his hips. 
“Hi!” The boy said. “I’m Jude.” 
“Hey there, Jude,” you smile back down at him. “I like your shirt.” He was wearing a shirt with a UFO that was levitating Santa’s sleigh. The compliment made him grin even more. 
“A fan of aliens I see,” Jude taps his chin, “that’s a big plus on your side. Now, just a few more questions to see if you’re acceptable enough to date my favorite cousin.” He brings out a notebook and pen that seemed to be covered in questions. Luckily, before he can start Jade’s Grandpa takes his shoulder and drags him back a bit so he can talk to you. 
“Hello there again, (Y/N)!” Grandpa Harley says in his jolly, booming voice. You two have met before since you hang out with Jade all the time too. 
“Hi Grandpa Harley,” you give him a nod. “It’s nice to see you again.” 
“It’s a pleasure,” he looks down at Jude. “Why don’t we go outside and do some target practice on those snowmen.”
Jude’s face lights up even more than before, “YEAH!” Jane gasps in horror from behind you. 
“Don’t you dare shoot my snowmen!” Jane yells, shaking her fist at them. “You two wouldn’t dare. I MADE THOSE WITH PRIDE AND LOVE!” 
“Try us, Jane!” Jude laughs out, grabbing the gun out of his pocket and running outside with Grandpa Harley, Jane in tow. 
“Such dorks, am I right?” Jade laughs, looking at you. 
“Yep, they’re definitely a part of the extended Egbert family,” you say, laughing along with her. Your laughter stops, however, when you feel something bump into your legs. Looking down, you see John’s salamander-daughter thing. You take her into your arms, wanting to get her off the floor where she could be trampled by Bec or something.
“Casey!” Jade scolded. “John told you not to be down here without him!” Casey did nothing but gurgle in response. 
“You can never win against a salamander, Jade,” you turn to her with a smile. “It’s just not mathematically possible.” Jade crosses her arms and sticks her tongue out at Casey with a small giggle. 
“(Y/N), hey!” Someone says. Standing in the doorway that leads into the kitchen stood… Jake! Jade’s younger brother. A girl follows him out looking similar to Jude. 
“Hey, Jake,” You wave at him. He walks over to where the two of you stood and the little girl followed. “I’m guessing you’re Joey, huh?” The little girl nods. Joey was another one of John’s cousins. 
“Are you dating John?” Joey asked curiously. 
“Yeah, I am!” You nod. Joey’s face falls and she beckons you down to her height. You lean down. 
“Are you sure you can’t do better than him?” She whispered into your ear. “I mean, I know he seems cute now… but he’s such a doofus. It really seems like you can do better!” I laugh at her concern. 
“I hope you’re not saying anything bad about me,” a voice says from the stairs. “Cause if you are, I’m screwed.” 
Looking up, there stood John, like he was Cinderella or something. His glasses didn’t sit right on his face and he was wearing the ugliest Christmas sweater anyone has ever seen. Your face runs red as you smile up at him. You stand up from Joey and set Casey down on the floor before flinging yourself up the stairs and into his open arms. 
“John!” You grin, setting your forehead on his shoulder. 
“Awww!” Jade squeals from downstairs. “You two are so cute!” Looking down at everyone, you got mixed responses. Joey gives a so-so sign with her hand but Miss Claire smiled pleasantly. Jake gave John a thumbs up. 
“Jeez, Jade,” John blushed. “Shut up.” Jade keeps on giggling while John looks back at you. “Have you met my dad and nanna yet?” 
“No,” you shake your head, “but I have met Miss Claire, Grandpa Harley, Jude, Joey, Jane, and of course, Jake and Jade who I already know.”  
“Man,” John shakes his head laughing, “you’ve met everyone except my dad and nanna. They’re very antsy to meet you, so we better hurry.” He takes your hand with his own warm one. Together you two practically flew down the stairs. 
Together we walk past everyone and straight into the kitchen opening that Jake and Joey ducked out from. The smell of cake batter hits you and it’s twelve times worse than before. It hits John as well because both of you cover your noses making sour faces. Standing there is an older woman mixing cake batter and a professional-looking man holding a fully decorated cake. John clears his throat and they finally both turn to face us. 
“Johnathan,” the older man spoke first, “is this (Y/N)?” 
“Dad,” John groans out, “you know it’s just John. Yes, this is them. So please, don’t scare them off. I’m begging you.” 
The older woman sits down the cake immediately and glides up to you, “hello, (Y/N), dear!” She throws her arms around you and pulls her down to her height. “It’s so good to meet you! We’re so glad John found you! We’ve all heard so much about you from him. He never stops talking about you!” John’s face flames red. 
“It’s nice to meet you too, ma’am,” you stutter out from her tight grip. 
“Oh, just call me Nanna, dear!” She chirps, finally letting go of you so you can gulp down some air. Next up was John’s dad with his hand out for a shake. I take his blistered hand into my own and give it a proper shake. 
“That’s quite a good handshake you’ve got there,” he comments. “You can call me Mr. Egbert.”
“Thanks,” you smile back. “My dad always taught me that a strong handshake can make a lasting impression.” 
“Smart man,” he mutters out before going back to decorating the cake. 
“Alright, alright,” John’s face had luckily come down from the blush. “I’ve gotta go show (Y/N) something so we’ll be right ba-” 
“(Y/N)!” Jade pushes herself into the kitchen, shoving John onto a chair next to him. She grabs onto your arm. “(Favorite Christmas Movie) is on! Let’s go!” 
“I love that movie!” You gasp. 
“I know!” Jade jumps up and down. “C’mon let’s go watch it!” 
“Jade, uh-” you try to get out but she just wouldn’t listen. You were quickly dragged away from John who could barely stutter out for Jade to stop. 
You were shoved down on the couch and Jade plops down right next to you. Miss Claire sat on a chair next to Jade. It was true that your favorite movie was on but truly, you would’ve liked to see what John had to how you. John stood behind you and you turned to say something to him, but Bec quickly jumps into your lap and steals the words away from you. When you turn around to talk to him again, John’s gone. You shrug it off, try to relax, and watch the movie. 
Everyone had ended up sitting in front of the TV, watching the movie. Grandpa Harley, Jude, and Jane all sat with red cheeks and noses. Jude decided to sit right next to you, questioning you on just about everything. Jake was joking with Jade, Jane sat next to your feet silently watching the TV, and Joey kept telling Jude to shut it and let you enjoy the movie. Grandpa Harley continued chatting on with Miss Claire and Nanna and Mr. Egbert was sitting there silently, watching the movie. Bec had fallen asleep in Jade’s lap and even Casey had tuckered out between Jude and you. The only one missing was John… you couldn’t help but wonder where he went. You hadn’t seen him since. 
“Another question,” Jude says, leaning into view, “do you believe that there are really aliens in Area 51?” 
“Oh, well…” you hum. “I mean, the truth is out there.” 
There’s banging footsteps down the stairs and John finally appears and grabs you by your shoulders, “sorry, Jude! I have to borrow (Y/N) for a second. Okay? Okay.” He pulls you from the couch before anyone could complain and starts to drag you upstairs. 
“John,” you laugh a bit with an amused smile on your face, “what are we doing?” 
“Getting you away from my nuts family,” John jokes, as we walk into what you assumed was his room. It looked the same from when Rose, Dave, Jade, John, and you used to facetime while either of you went home for the weekends. Stupid movie posters, a magician’s chest, computer. It just screamed him. The two of you sat down on his bed. 
“I have a gift for you,” you smile, staring into his eyes. 
“Oh, really?” John smiles back. “I may or may not have one for you too.” 
“The present better not be a stupid prank,” you chuckle, remembering how many times he’s pranked your friends and you. It was a joy. 
“Of course not,” he promises. 
“Okay, okay, mine first,” you say, grabbing into your jacket and bringing out the small gift. You pushed it into his hands and he beams. 
John took a while trying to unwrap it. He got extremely confused by the ribbon for a moment but then got it and finally got the box open. In it, there were two gifts. The first gift he pulled out was a keychain. Engraved on it was a small lobster and the words ‘you are my lobster.’ John burst out laughing. 
“I love it,” he chuckles out. He grabs his keys off the computer table and attaches it on. 
“I’m glad,” you laugh along. He takes out the other present and unrolls the poster. A Con Air poster signed by Nicolas Cage, John Cusak, and John Malkovich. John lets out a squeak of excitement. 
“Oh my God!” He jumps up, staring at it. “Seriously? Are you serious?” 
“Yes, John,” you nod. “My uncle works somewhere in the movie field and I asked him if he could get this for you.” 
“I LOVE IT I LOVE IT!” John puts the poster down and throws himself into your arms. “I love you! Oh my God!” 
“I’m so glad you like it!” You laugh gripping onto his shoulders. 
“Wait, okay, okay!” He pulls you up from the bed. “Come on, let’s go see your present.” John pulls you out onto what seems like deck from before. The telescope stood proudly there. “Look into the telescope.” 
You move your head down so you can see through the telescope. A beautiful star stood proudly in the frame, “this is beautiful.” Your breath comes out in cold puffs. 
“Hey, can you turn around real quick,” he asks. When you turn around a small folder was held in his hand. John bowed, offering you the folder. When you open it up, a few laminated papers sat in it. Looking at the front page, a star sits there. The same star you were looking at before. “Listen, I don’t want this to be too weird but-” Under the star was a name. Your name. He named a star after you. 
You put a hand over your mouth before throwing your arms around him and kissing him, “I love it, John!” 
“I’m so glad,” he laughs out, “cause I really thought that like, it would be weird and-” 
“Well, it’s not,” you say. “This is adorable and I love it. Thank you so much.” 
“Of course, anything for you,” he pats your back. “Now come on, let’s get back downstairs to my family. We don’t want them thinking I like, pushed you off the balcony or something.” 
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aska234 · 3 years
Noone expected im alive, but i am!!! XD
Soooooooo since i dont have Good excuse for my... "short" break i'll just go straight to The point (kinda).
(Since my last chapter my writting style Has Changed A little and I hope its for The best ^^")
FROM NOW ON, THERE WILL BE POSTED SOMETHING AT LEAST ONCE A MONTH!!! (And this chapter includes bad english, since i didint have much time for correct translation. IM LOOKING 4 BETA READER XD)
This chapter is just an short flashback. These will apear every now and Then to introduce u to come backstory nad New plot.
Nothing Good Comes From Secrets
Chapter 4
—What if it doesn't work?— Asked the young boy, looking unsurely at his old friend. It was a quiet spring morning when the older man called on him to come to his aid. As his assistant boy unfortunately, had no other choice then to come to him and help his "boss". Regardless of the day or time, young assistant nad to be always Ready to come to this.. Blanc and not very clear room. This time He was sitting quietly on one of the many tables in a fairly large room. Young boy was stretching and yawning every now and then, from both obradom nad exuastion. After all, he too was human himself. He couldn't just stay awake for.. woj knows how many days in a row and be in fully rested. At the moment he was under the influence of a "few" mugs of coffee... which he didn't really mind, but probably wasn't the healthiest. While the aforementioned man walked around the room, going from one place to another, the boy most simply enjoyed doing nothing, and enjoyed a moment of peace.
—Don't whine, just stop hanging around and help me here.— said the old man quite dryly when finally, after several minutes of running from place to place, he stopped at a rather.. strange device.. or at least it could seem strange to people who didn't know it. From the very beginning of the device's development, the boy helped an adult onlocrat in constructing it, therefore both the general idea and the operation of the mechanisms were very well known to him. As soon as he paused at the typewriter for a moment, he immediately began rummaging through it, tinkering with a mass of colored cables. As the boy often pointed out to him, the adult never took a break. However, it didn't bother him somehow.. until adult didn't go too far with this all... "job" and happened to knock to his door at Like, for example 5 am. That was quite problematic and annoying. —Would you give me a screwdriver?— He said snapping him out of his mind, rather unhappy with the work of his assistant... since when nothing came to him, he just sits on this damned table and does nothing.
The boy sighed heavily, rolling his eyes at the tone of his friend's voice, then looked around for the tool. He looked around the room for a moment before he saw the screwdriver lying on the table... a few yards away... it was far too far to get up from a comfortable position and go get it... so he focused on the object lying nearby. him, extending his hand towards him. After a short while the object slowly and quite unsteadily lifted into the air and then slowly ventilated to the man, who grabbed it without any problems, even without looking at it. —Thank you, but you could move sometimes for a change— he said as if nothing had happened, continuing to work.
Hearing the tone of his voice, the teenager sighed heavily, placing his elbows on his lap and resting his head on his hands. He was even kicking his legs for some kind of fun in this robił od boredom. How many times has he heard that, and not only from his boss... still only people told him to get his ass off and finally get down to something.. only, his family didn't know where he was working, and couldn't never find out. He won't allow it. He don't want anything to happen to them. —Maybe… I could… but what for, when I can use mine…— he didn't even have a chance to finish The sentence because the older man spoke up, interrupting him.
—Your "tricks"?— He asked, rolling his eyes. He had known his assistant for so long that he already knew every answer or excuse he made almost event day. After all, not only was he working for him, but he also knew it from childhood. From an early age he knew this kid was a really special child.. it was also one of the only reasons why he had not been fired for his laziness yet. Only when he trully wanted something, he could get himself together. If he set something as a goal, it was impossible to stop him from fulfilling it... he always just needed a little kick to the momentum. —unfortunately for you, knowing all these "tricks" doesn't excuse you from not moving at all.— He said quite indifferently, continuing to work. Unfortunately, he did not have time to constantly reprimand his assistant. He was busy literally all the time. After all, he wasn't the type of person to sit still and do nothing. Even if he wanted to, he just couldn't.
At the end of this conversation, the boy shrugged the theatrical shoulders, before he lay down completely on the table he had been sitting on. He had had enough of this. All this craving for his boss... he didn't need a second father since he already had one. Besides, he was also able to take care of himself, even in the most unfavorable conditions. He has proven it more than once, and if necessary, he will prove it again. He's practically an adult, so people have to learn not to treat him like a baby. —yeah, whatever you say.— he said slowly closing his eyes. Maybe if he tries his best, he will get some sleep? At least he hoped so...
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indigodawns · 4 years
well since you ASKED 33 with Norton/Owen :)))))
Soooooooo this got slightly out of hand djfhdjfh but I HOPE YOU LIKE IT
33: an unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it
Owen skids around the corner, chest heaving as his lungs desperately try to pull in more air. Of course he’d run into a bloody Weevil even in London. In the 1950s. Late at night. He sags a little against the grimey wall of the alley he’s slipped into. How does he always end up in these situations? And, okay, whatever, maybe there’s a very clear answer to that question today. He can admit that - it obviously all started going downhill when he ran into Norton Folgate.
Speak of the devil - Norton rounds the corner only seconds later, pressing himself against the wall and way too close to Owen. 
‘So this was your brilliant plan?’ Norton scoffs, carefully straightening out his dark-red blouse. Owen is satisfied to find he’s looking slightly ruffled at last. The man has been infuriatingly composed all evening - conversation-wise too, not dropping his unflappable act for even a second. Owen may not be unfamiliar with that by any means, but Norton’s cool composure, his calculating gaze, and that combed-back hair remind him too much of the exact type of man Owen despises. Reminds him of glib businessmen ready to gamble with other people’s lives.
Now, though, some strands of his hair have sprung loose from his archaic hairdo and are curling sweat-slicked at his temple. Something unfurls low and dark in Owen’s stomach at the sight, the sharp smell of sweat and cologne tickling his nose. Satisfaction, he thinks. Norton catches his gaze.
‘Tell me, Owen Harper, is this how you save your Cardiff from Weevils in the 21st century? By running and hiding?’ He mocks.
‘In the 21st century I have our bloody equipment –’ Owen hisses, leaning past Norton to see if the Weevil has caught onto their scent yet.
Norton talks over him, his voice way too loud in the quieting night air. ‘Sadie help us all. Worth nothing without their equipment. No wonder then –’ He breaks off, eyes glazing over as he stares into the distance. ‘Ah, well. Still, such a shame.’ 
Owen grits his teeth together. He is not taking that bait. It’s clearly still an act and he doesn’t give a shit what Norton may or may not know. He doesn’t. ‘I hate to remind you, but that Weevil out there still wants to kill us. Both of us.’ 
Norton waves a dismissive hand and produces something from the breast pocket of his blouse. As he presses it under Owen’s nose with his long, lean fingers, it catches the light of the moon. It’s a tiny dart with a capped tip. 
‘Stupefier,’ Norton says triumphantly. ‘Be glad that I, unlike you, never go anywhere unprepared. Should put him to sleep within a minute - granted that we don’t miss, of course.’ His eyes fix on Owen’s, and he’s still way too close, his heat seeping through his clothes. ‘How good are you with your hands, darling?’
Owen doesn’t look away; he knows this kind of game. He’s been misjudged before, men being certain he’d shy away once they got too close. And sure, it had taken him a while to figure it all out, but he’s never been scared. Not of the physicality.
‘Why, you curious?’ he shoots back.
Something like pleased surprise flits over Norton’s face, and Owen grins. So the mask does slip sometimes. It suits his features that much better, too. Then Norton leans in even closer, his breath ghosting over Owen’s face, and whispers, ‘Would that change anything?’
Before Owen can respond, Norton slowly drags his fingers down his chest, leaving a thin trail of concentrated fire behind. It contrasts with the muggy spring air and Owen barely suppresses a shiver. This is ridiculous. He’s not bloody fourteen. He just needs to think clearly, get away from Norton’s stupid musky smell, the burning where there legs touch. He’s just about to say something witty, maybe comment on the Weevil that’s still one the loose, when Norton’s fingers suddenly change course, and drag over his sides towards his lower back, their chests pressing together. Owen involuntarily cants his hips just a fraction. A light weight settles in his back pocket and Norton withdraws his hand, steps back. The dart. Right. Of course.
‘All yours,’ Norton says sweetly. ‘Impress me.’ 
The self-satisfied, nonchalant expression is back in place and something snaps in Owen at that. Anything to crack that impassive mask. They’re both better than that. He snarls, fists his hand in Norton’s blouse and drags him back in, crashing their mouths together. 
Norton lets out a high, shocked noise, but before Owen’s mind can ruminate on that, he’s responding in kind, kissing back eagerly, biting at his lips. It’s rough and ungraceful, and, still wild with the thought of undoing Norton, Owen uses his grip on the blouse to switch their position, pressing Norton up against the bricks.  
Norton doesn’t miss a beat and retaliates immediately, pushing a thigh between his legs and snaking his tongue into his mouth. Owen gasps as the feeling travels straight to his dick. His hand catches on Norton’s belt buckle and they break apart for a beat. 
That’s when there’s a loud growl, and the Weevil storms into the alley. 
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tfdtrdtr · 3 years
This newshoe is one of several releases
The deadly sin of slavery is its denial of humanity to man. It will be extremely difficult to replace her from a professional and personal standpoint as she has become someone who I trust and seek input on a regular basis.". Dr Ryan added: analysis shows that increased uptake of e cigarettes as an aid to quitting would increase the number of people who successfully quit compared with the existing situation in Ireland and would be cost effective, provided that the currently available evidence on their effectiveness is confirmed by further studies. cizme din denim Asha could see the beacon fire burning atop the watchtower, a faint orange glow floating in the air. But I’m trusted by certain persons just because I’m not a chatterbox. The other is 88 years old. The hill grew steeper. Foster served as a Colorado state representative between 1988 and 1996 and helped carry a bill in the early 1990s that would transfer liability of canal banks to the state, paving the way to combine trails with canals. “Death is part of war, Justin.” Ser Richard Horpe stood inside the door, his dark hair damp with melting snow. This newshoe is one of several releases of Jordan shoes for basketball that Jordan Brand has blessed the sneaker community with. retros kabátok “The moment we got in, though, you could see none of it pendientes bulgari preciowas going to work. The animals are wondrous, whimsical, occasionally terrifying, and the film offers a strongly felt sentiment about caring for all creatures, great and small. They also noted that congressional pages positioned in the mine to monitor air quality were chatting happily just seconds before the disaster. It was a fearful story. Letters went out to all nonprofits, except governmental entities, that own property but don't participate in PILOT.. Awkward! BBC Breakfast's Dan Walker quips 'today's going. At first mother didn’t believe me, but afterwards she was so delighted that she asked me questions all the evening, kissed me and cried; and when I had told her all about it she told me for the future not to be afraid of him, and that grandfather must love me since he came up to me on purpose. She may not prove as willing as you wish.”. (Foxboro, MA, 01/01/16) Hockey tailgaters Chris Tighe, left, of Shrewsbury, Matt Tufo of Hudson, and Andre St. It’s that bloody boar. Schoenborn: Yeah. Carina breaks into a bedroom,
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as Chuck wonders if this was the kind of thing Sarah and Bryce used to do.. Hardhome had been halfway toward becoming a town, the only true town north of the Wall, until the night six hundred years ago when hell had swallowed it. He was an intimate friend of Muller’s, but as yet knew nothing of the old man or many of the customers. Especially the Tokidoki Barbie. They give a taller look and the appearance of longer legs with shorter toes, and not only do they do all that but they also just look nice.. That good progress.". If I drink enough fire wine, he told himself, perhaps I’ll dream of dragons.. Keep your smoke. “More ships will come. It was $25, and I wanted twin set cardigan outletit SOOOOOOOO BAD. Ashland, the 2015 region runner up to Rowan County, and 62nd District winner East Carter remain fixtures in the 16th Region picture. There is usually hot weather and the heating system needed to be turned off.Yes, each school needs a maintenance staff to turn the boiler off and turn the AC system on.FREDERICK COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS, MDWhat date do you turn on the air conditioning in the schools?Usually May 1st with testing in last two weeks in AprilYes, individual schools can turn on earlier than usual.That's exactly what happened this week. But did we expect him to do all the work? As our children outgrow Rogers Neighborhood, have we ourselves outgrown the unambiguous lessons of the show to love a child every day, to nurture self esteem, to be there?. The amount of time you devote to improving your health through use of the stair climber at the gym depends on your fitness goals. “I can pay the price. "ANYTHING that I EVER do is geared towards the evolution and vibrational elevation of this planet through the inspiration of individuals," reads a recent thought. And Osney Kettleblack.” Both men had confessed to bedding her, it would do her no good to deny it. On March 9, Tie
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food and shelter at Castle Black, and the Wall to keep you safe from the things that haunt these woods.
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soyunaprofesora · 5 years
The Blur that is Term 4
Sorry for the long absence. Term 4 has flown by and it seems crazy that I will be done with my first year of teaching here in Mexico in about a month.
For the final two weeks in March, I was on Spring Break. It was a very welcome change to get two weeks off instead of the one week I’m used to. Patrick came to visit me during the first week of my break. It was amazing to see him and I dragged him all over Monterrey to introduce him to my city.
I think he had a good time. We had tacos, churros, enchiladas, tacos, flautas, empanadas, margaritas, and more tacos. We went to Obispado, Macroplaza, Parque Fundidora, and Chipinque. On Patrick’s last full day here, we went to a nearby town called Santiago with my landlady. I had a lot of fun, and I was soooooooo happy to see my brother who I have missed dearly this year. I’m so used to seeing him 1-2 times per month that its really hard to have only seen him twice since I moved here.
During my second week of Spring Break, I did a lot of relaxing. 
Jumping back in, school since then is moving at a rapid pace. I have one unit left to get through and have pretty much everything planned out class-wise from here until the end of exam week. The week after exams is typically dedicated to celebrating the 9th graders, so I don’t know what exactly I’ll be doing then. But I’m very much ready for June 14th to roll around so they can graduate and move on to the next stage of their lives.
I’ve always had 9th graders in their first year in a school so saying goodbye to them at the end of the year is really easy since I know I’ll get to see them in the following years. Although, last year was ROUGH because I knew I wouldn’t see them again. This year’s 9th graders are moving on to high school after this year so I won’t be seeing them around. This means 9th grade-itis has hit in full force. I dealt with senioritis when I was student teaching, but it is definitely a different monster to contend with here. They are so done and I’m so done trying to make them learn from me. We are all just tired and ready to move on. 
Usually, I find myself falling more in love with my students over the course of a school year or semester. That has not been the case this year. It’s like the longer I’m around them, the more annoying they seem to get.
Definitely ready for summer break. 23 school days left!
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greggreaen · 6 years
I GOT MARRIED!!! How I Planned my Wedding | Enchanted Oasis Part 1
AHHHHHH!!!!! I am officially married to my best friend, the love of my life, and my partner in everything…Sam Livits! After 10 years of being together, we walked down the aisle, said our vows in front of all of ur friends and family and had THE MOST MAGICAL day of our lives! The ceremony was so emotional for both Sam and I. I don’t know what it is about weddings, but it heightens all the feels. I was laugh-crying (but like a different kind than I had ever experienced) as I was walking down the aisle. I am so grateful to have found my soul mate and am soooooo happy that we got to spend our day with the people we care about most.
I am currently in a state of bliss but also majorly crashing from the high. No one tells you about these post wedding blues. Ugh. I never wanted it to end!! So that’s why I NEED to do a lot of blogging – to keep the happy feelings alive!
So, this is part 1 of the Enchanted Oasis Wedding series! In this post, I will tell you everything I did to plan the wedding of my dreams! And let me warn you…I let my creativity and extra-ness run wild! Ready!!???
As soon as I got engaged in Kauai, my sister IMMEDIATELY booked some bridal gown try on appointments in LA! OMG I cannot tell you how fun this was. I truly felt like all my princess dreams were coming true. Like, can I just do this for fun all the time as a hobby!!???
I decided to keep my “audience” small for this. Low drama. Not too many opinions. So the only people in attendance were me, my sis, and the person helping me put on the dresses! The mission? To find 2 gowns. An ultra grand one for the ceremony and a whimsical, romantical one for the reception!
The designer we ended up choosing was Galia Lahav! Walking in to her store was like walking into a haute couture dream. Here are some of the stand outs I tried on!
This is the Gia. I was so close to getting this one! The corset fit so well and the skirt was just so flowy.
Okay, I just had to try this on. A bridal cape!!??? Why not!!!
As soon as I put the Lidya, I knew this had to be my reception dress. I loved the little polka dots and how the dress hugged my silhouette. It was the definition of romantic. I ended up customizing the dress by adding fluttery drop sleeves to soften the look.
The train on the Ms. Elle was DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA and I LOVED IT. I mean, when else in life can you really drag a huge train behind you?!!??  I loved how the exquisite little beaded details on the dress elegantly complemented the low back before it waterfalled out into a longest tulle train I have ever seen!!! This was TRULY GRAND.
To customize the gown, I ended up changing the color to blush, I added in a dramatic low V detail to the sweetheart in the front, changed the low back to a V shape as well (to help make my booty stand out!), and then added fierce side cut outs to accentuate my waist.
Then I waited several months to even get a first look at my gowns! They were all hand crafted in Tel Aviv!
This was really hard. We spent several weekends driving all over California trying to find the most magical, whimsical venue that “hadn’t been done” before. I basically wanted a modern day castle on the West Coast. So, my sister and I looked into renting out private estates.
The problem? Well, at first, a lot of the listings we ran into were fake! Some websites collected pictures of gorgeous venues in Italy and France and then put it in a gallery to trick brides! Then when contacted, they told me to pay a fee to see the venue. Like…what!!??
So after running into a bunch of those scammers, scouting numerous hotels, countless wineries, and some beautiful homes – nothing felt right.
I was exhausted from looking, so I took a break for a couple months.
Then one night…I came across a random real estate listing that ended up leading me to the PERFECT venue: The Solomon Estate in Rancho Mirage, CA.
When Sam and I first walked onto the property late January 2018, we fell in love!! It oozed glamour, class, and Gatsby vibes all with a west coast feel.
The best part? We found our dream wedding planner. When I first met Laurie Lund of The Events Department (she’s the planner for this specific estate), I was drawn to her positivity and her energy. She’s such a happy person!
I told her everything I wanted to do (which included miniature horses and other crazy wild ideas at the time), and she was ALL IN. To be completely honest, I do not think our dream Enchanted Oasis wedding would have happened as seamlessly as it did without Laurie. Not only is she an experienced veteran in the wedding planning business, she’s so giddy and happy about all the details as if it were her own wedding! The woman is amazing and truly made my journey to wedding day as fun as can be.
(Oh yeah, and just for fun, there’s a “mini” lake in the front :P)
Finding the venue is what set the tone for the wedding theme. Three themes that really stuck out to me were “Enchanted Forest”, “Boho Desert” and “Tropical Jungle”. I cannot tell you how many hours I spent on Pinterest (probably thousands) trying to figure out what I wanted. When I couldn’t find a theme that was exactly what I was going for, I decided to mesh them all together to create our own: “Enchanted Oasis”.
Now that we had our venue, and we knew what the theme was going to be, the next step was to create the invitations! I wanted to set the tone for Enchanted Oasis RIGHT AWAY so that our guests could start dreaming up what was waiting for them!
I knew from the beginning of time that we HAD TO  have acrylic invitations! (Thanks Pinterest.) I also wanted it shipped in a classy box so that the whole opening process would feel luxurious.
The logo you see of “Sam & Cassey” came to be from a bunch of doodles I was making back in February. I had an issue with “Sam” looking like “Jam”. It took a while to figure it out!
I am fortunate to have learned graphic design and how to use Adobe Illustrator back when I was an intern at a fashion design company in college. Those are the same skills I use today at work! And the same skills I used to draw the custom monstera leaf cut out for the acrylic. (The leaf was my sister’s idea by the way.) There wasn’t anything like that on the market (boy don’t I just make wedding planning so easy on myself…LOL) so I had to find someone to custom laser cut the acrylic leaf shapes for me!
Then I ordered supplies, DIY’d hard, and made an assembly line at home. My sister became a pro at folding cardboard boxes and I fine tuned the art of stuffing small boxes with live moss. It was tedious labor.
Though oftentimes unsure of why I have to make things so complicated for myself, Sam understands my hunger to embrace art and design. He’s always so supportive! I am proud to say that Sam and Jackelyn’s boyfriend Nick helped on the assembly line too!
Sam and I are foodies. We love eating. A lot. In fact when we first met, we both gained so much weight because we explored restaurants and even fast food joints as a hobby. Hahaha.
Since Sam and I are of two totally different cultures, we wanted to unite our guests through food. So, we worked with Fusion Flair to create a totally authentic menu that would represent both the Chinese and Vietnamese flavors for my side while also paying tribute to the Israeli and Jewish side for Sam. Instead of doing a sit down plated dinner, we got everyone up and tasting “cultural tapas”!
Ah yes, the tacos. No they are not Asian or Mediterranean, but they were there to represent our life in LA okay!!??! And we didn’t end up going with the tomato soup and grilled cheese (though it was super good) and opted for a vegan gazpacho instead to be more veggie friendly!
The tasting was SO MUCH FUN and we were SO FULL. Chef Heng did an incredible job with the food. Everything was extremely flavorful and delicious.
The one cake that Sam and I both equally love is Blue Velvet Cake. Have you ever tried? If not, YOU MUST. We first discovered it at MILK in LA when we first moved here together. It’s so buttery and dense! With fresh blueberries and thick cream cheese frosting (ugh I am salivating as I write this), you cannot go wrong!
So we knew even 5 years ago that our wedding cake HAD TO be blue velvet! I called up MILK to ask if they could make our wedding cake, but unfortunately they’re not in that business. So we asked our wedding planner to help us find a bakery out in Palm Springs that could help make our cake. Laurie recommended Exquisite Desserts and they did not disappoint!
Here’s what our tasting looked like. All sorts of cake flavors and a wide variety of frosting flavors. Everything was SOOOOOOOO GOOD. But nothing beat the blue velvet. So, we decided to go all in and get the ENTIRE 4 tiered cake all in blue velvet with cream cheese frosting!
Sam and I LOOOOOOOVEEEEEE matcha!!! So much so that we even made a shirt that is one of our best sellers on POPFLEX:
Since I don’t drink alcohol, and I know some of our friends don’t either, I wanted to create a unique bar experience. We thought that in addition to the regular bar bar…why not also have a matcha bar!!??
I reached out to my friends at Midori Matcha and asked if they’d be down to make this happen. They had never done a matcha bar for a wedding before, but were excited to make it a reality for our cocktail hour!
Midori also catered the matcha desserts table for the reception! Above is a photo from our initial tasting. OMG everything was SOOOOOOO GOOD – but ESPECIALLY that matcha croissant. I basically LIVE for it.
If you guys are ever in Southern CA, check out their newest Midori Matcha Cafe location in Old Town Pasadena at 165 S. De Lacey Ave #1049, Pasadena, CA 91105! They also have a cafe in Little Tokyo and Orange County!
Did you know that the amazing person who did the flowers for our wedding also did the flowers for the Bridal Bootcamp series?
Jeany, the owner of Lovesome Blossoms is also a POPster and she reached out when she found out that I got engaged! It was so special to have a florist who I felt connected with!
The photos that inspired everything floral for the wedding were this cupcake photo from Baker P (OMG look at that color palette)…
…and this whimsical chuppah photo from Mark’s Garden.
To create the “oasis” look, we decided to incorporate some tropical greenery! We specifically chose to decorate with the Monstera leaf – yes, the same leaf that I drew out for our acrylic invitations  – to bring out the tropical-ness!
In 2016, Sam and I went to Australia for my POP Pilates tour and while there, we walked through one of the most beautiful structures I had ever seen!
This light tunnel was so magical. It never left my thoughts. So when it was time to design the outdoor tent for our dinner reception, I knew we had to recreate some version of this!
Here’s a picture of me admiring the tent construcuted by BRIGHT 2 nights before our wedding. At this point, it was totally still in progress and did not have the hanging florals and glass orbs that Jeany would later suspend from the top!
Before we got our puppy baby love Sir George the Magnificent, I wanted to have a miniature horse walk down the aisle with our flower girl! Yes, totally leaning in to that magical theme. But then…in January 2018 we were blessed with our first puppy, so we canceled the horse idea and began thinking of interesting ways to have Sir walk down the aisle!
(Don’t mind his back arm – he just got a shot at the vet and they had to shave him!)
At first I was like, maybe he should float down the aisle in a hot air balloon! Then we deemed it too dangerous.
Next, I was like, let’s have 4 men in tuxedos carry him down the aisle in a Cleopatra style bed! Jackelyn and Sam were like NO.
I thought I was close when I decided that we should construct a mini rose parade float for him to ride on! But there was no way we could find someone small enough to “drive” the car beneath the float.
Finally, Jackelyn had the genius idea of having him drive down the aisle in a fancy car.
BOOM. So that’s what we did.
Sam knows I love dancing, so when it came time for first dance discussions, there was no negotiation that it would be a choreographed number! I was so surprised at how much Sam embraced the lessons and the rehearsals. In fact, most of the time, it was HIM who initiated dance practice at home!!!
“New Light” by John Mayer was our song of choice. Why? We just liked the song! We learned a fun two step by our dance teachers at Your Night Choreo!
My goal for 2018 was to learn how to do calligraphy. I NEVER expected to do it for our wedding, but when the person who was supposed to do the calligraphy bailed on us, I was left with no choice but to do it myself! Through numerous YouTube videos, one live class, and tons of practice, I eventually got here:
Not bad, eh!?
I am still trying to find my style, but I am proud of how far I’ve come in less than a year! I’m glad that person bailed because the situation made me a better calligraphist!
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Concerned with cocktail hour (I’ve been to so many weddings where this time period is just so awkward and boring), I wanted to have an activation that would get everyone talking and having a good time!
First I thought…tethered hot air balloon? We tried, but then found out we didn’t have enough space.
Ferris wheel? Eh, but then kinda scary.
Maybe a rotating swing set!? Someone’s gonna be whacked.
Then I thought…wait a minute…a carousel!!! A carousel would be so whimsical and magical! The imagery of our friends in their evening gowns riding the horses with their legs swept to one side was all I needed to lock down the idea!
This was no easy feat though. The Solomon Estate did not have a carousel. We had to bring it in. It was almost impossible at first because we were told that the big semi truck could not fit through the side of the house to get to the backyard.
But then Laurie had an incredible idea. Bringing in the pieces one by one, by hand. Amazingly, Christiansen Amusements agreed and made it happen!!!!
YESSSSS now that is the level of commitment to excellence that I’m talking about!!!!
Oh boy.
That concludes part 1 of the Enchanted Oasis Wedding series! The planning!
If you loved the visuals but want EVEN more, watch me and my sis talk ALL wedding deets with over the top giddy-ness in my latest YouTube video!
Until part 2…tell me…what would your dream wedding be like?
The post I GOT MARRIED!!! How I Planned my Wedding | Enchanted Oasis Part 1 appeared first on Blogilates.
I GOT MARRIED!!! How I Planned my Wedding | Enchanted Oasis Part 1 published first on http://www.blogilates.com
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