#sonic highschool au
tales-of-green-hill · 3 months
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Sonic is just this teenage boy, he's seen as a cool guy, best kid on track team, and all around a nice guy. He's friends with Amy, and is all around a pretty popular guy, even if he only talks to a few people.
(Side note, Sonic's technically homeless, he lives in a treehouse in Tails' backyard.)
One day, while biking to school with Tails, he heard something call his name, and accidentally falls off the biking path and down a hill, and he saw something shining in a pile of rocks. He rummages through the stones, and he discovers a green emerald that's about the size of his hand. Tails checks to see if Sonic is okay, since Sonic wiped out, and is surprised when he sees the Emerald. He's shocked that such a nice emerald was just sitting in a pile of rocks. Sonic feels drawn to the Emerald, wondering how lucky he was that this happened. Tails notices the time, and quickly urges Sonic to get his bike back on the path because School will start soon. Sonic quickly shoves the Emerald in his bag, and tells Tails that he'll get the bike after school, as it'd take too much time to get back on the path, and he'll just run to school. Tails agrees and they both go on their way, Sonic to the highschool, and Tails to the middle School.
During his classes, Sonic is too preoccupied with thinking about the Emerald to focus on his schoolwork that day.
After school, Tails goes to the robotics club, and Sonic goes back to where he fell off his bike to retrieve it. As he approaches the scene, he hears a soft voice that makes his hair stand on end, along the sound of the trees rustling in the breeze, and approached his bike. He picked it up, and dragged it up the rather steep slope. As he got his bicycle back on the path, he heard anl near rustling in the brush below. He looked back, and saw nothing. He shrugged, and assumed it had just been a rabbit or some other animal.
Sonic goes into Tails' backyard, and pulls out the Emerald. He observes it closely, taking in how it glimmered in the daylight. The wind picked up, and he heard the soft voice again. He's barely able to make out what it says as he listens closely, but he repeats what he had heard. "For the safety of Earth, Chaos is mine to control." As he speaks the final word, the emerald lifts out of his hands, and his feet cease contact with the ground as he gets elevated a few inches into the air. He feels the wind brush through his hair, and his jacket flutters in the wind. As he regains contact with the ground, he looks at a window of Tails' house, and sees his own reflection. Light golden hair that stood up and piercing red eyes. He gasped at the change in his appearance, and stared in awe for a few moments, before laughing in surprise, seeing how he looked like a Super Saiyan. He looks back at the Emerald, and gives a curious smile, wondering if he's dreaming, or of he really just got an anime like power up from a random Emerald he found.
Sonic quickly grabs his phone to call Tails, but he's forwarded to voicemail. He calls again. Voicemail. He sends Tails a couple texts and takes a picture, just in case it's a one time thing. He slips his phone back into his bag, and decides to see if he has any power ups, or if the transformation is purely cosmetic.
He feels quicker, stronger, and more agile as he plays around with his new form, before he gets a call from Tails, and he transforms as he focuses on picking up the phone.
Tails asks Sonic about what happened, and what he needed. Sonic urges Tails to come back as soon as possible, and he says he'll try to rush back, and Sonic says thats fine. They hang up the phone, and Sonic realizes he's detransformed, and attempts to replicate the transformation, trying to recite the incantation, but struggling to remember the exact words.
Tails arrives, and parks his bike before going to meet Sonic. Tails asks what happened, and Sonic says that this is really cool, and hypes it up before reciting the incantation, and transformation into his super form. Tails is completely stunned by the transformation, and takes a few seconds to reply, before going wild with questions, and saying he looked like a super Saiyan, and saying it should be called Super Sonic as a joke. Sonic likes calling it super Sonic so he rolls with it, and he shows Tails about how he's stronger now. Tails already though Sonic was super strong prior, considering how Tails is kind of weak.
After a while of talking and Tails taking notes, Tails tells Sonic that it's getting late, and he was already tired from his extracurricular, and Sonic understands, offering to continue the discussion the following day, which Tails enthusiastically agrees to.
Sonic goes to his treehouse, and sits on his beanbag there, searching up all the questions he could think of about the strange emerald. After getting almost nowhere after an hour, he sees it's getting dark outside, and turns off his phone, but he can't help but observe the Emerald, pondering about how unlikely this should've been, yet it happened. He's staring off into the Emerald, his mind filling with curiosity, when he hears a pretty heavy creaking sound outside, which sounds like it's right on the side deck of his treehouse. He goes outside to check it out, which is when he hardly makes out the figure of a man amongst the shadows.
"Give me the Master Emerald, and I will not hurt you." The speakers voice was rather deep, and this startled Sonic. Sonic hesitantly asks who the person is, and he replies that he is named Knuckles, and it's been his life's duty to seek out and guard the Master Emerald. Sonic can feel his muscles tense up as the person speaks. He didn't want any trouble, but he figure that finding the Emerald would bring danger. He decides to get down from the treehouse, using the ladder to take the first few steps down before jumping off the rest of the way, and running towards Tails' back door. Knuckles jumps down straight off the deck, and goes after Sonic, scaring the hell out of him. Sonic shouts for Tails, before stumbling and falling over, and he looks back to Knuckles who is walking towards Sonic, continuing his monologue about the Master Emerald, now more agitated.  Sonic backs up almost to the back door of the house before the outdoor lights illuminate the backyard causing Knuckles to shield his eyes and telling Sonic he'd be back, before retreating.
Sonic's heart rate is through the roof as he looks at the Emerald he kept in his hand, and holding it close, shaken by the strange occurrence.
Tails opens the door, and asks Sonic what happened and why he was shouting. Sonic says he'd tell Tails in the morning, but they need to lock all the doors outside and shut the windows, because someone wanted the Emerald, and Sonic was afraid what could happen while he was asleep. Tails asks why Sonic didn't just hand over the Emerald, but quickly takes back his question, since he'd rather get shut-eye than answers at the moment. Tails sets up Sonic on the couch so he's not visible to the outside, and Sonic thanks Tails. They both try to sleep, but Sonic is kept up by the thought of Knuckles trying to take back the Emerald by force. Knuckles is tall and muscular, he could snap Sonic in half. After a couple hours, Sonic finally passes out.
Over the next few weeks, Sonic continues to have run-ins with Knuckles, not in any specific place, and he transforms near the beginning of the fight. Knuckles is aware of Tails knowing about everything. Sonic becomes more competent at fighting, but also becomes more stressed as he has to juggle school, track, and his new double life.
Over time, Knuckles makes brief remarks about how Sonic will never be safe if the Master Emerald is in his possession, and how Sonic will have to fight more than just him in the future if he doesn't hand over the Emerald. Sonic dismisses the comments in the moment, as he doesn't know what Knuckles wants out of the Emerald.
One day, Knuckles and Sonic are battling near a bridge over some deep water. Knuckles warns Sonic again, advising him to just hand over the Emerald, and Sonic again dismisses. Knuckles tells Sonic to get down, and yanks him to the ground as something flies over his head.
"Emerl." Knuckles grumbles, and tells Sonic that Emerl is who he was worried about. Emerl has also been searching for the Master Emerald for his own scheme, and he is not afraid to kill those who get in his way. Sonic is immediately on Knuckles' side, and helps him fight off Emerl. During the fight, Emerl knocks Sonic into the water, and Sonic had the Master Emerald in his hand. Knuckles is distracted by Sonic's fall, and Emerl takes the opportunity to punch Knuckles in the face, causing his nose to bleed from the impact. Knuckles regains his composure and shoves Emerl away as he goes to rescue Sonic and the Master Emerald.
Sonic knows he can't swim, and the impact of him being knocked into the water had stunned him from the surprise. Sonic clutched the Emerald, his head spinning, when Knuckles saved grabbed his waist and hoisted him back to land. As Sonic exited the water, he begun to cough up the water he had accidentally breathed in. Knuckles quickly sets Sonic down, and makes sure he's alright, before scolding him, saying that him being unable to swim is a massive liability, that he could have died. Sonic sat there and took the rant, trembling as the cool air hit his damp skin. As Knuckles stopped talking, Sonic agreed with Knuckles, and with his voice shaking, he held out the Master Emerald, telling Knuckles to take it, and he's not cut out for this. Knuckles is surprised by change in demeanor, seeing Sonic looking insecure and weak. Knuckles hesitantly took the Master Emerald from Sonic, and looked into the Emerald, his expression appearing sentimental. He stared for a few seconds, thinking about everything that transpired since their meeting, and thinking about what their futures hold. He sighed, returning the Emerald to Sonic, saying to take it. He says that he'd realized that Sonic is the one who is meant to wield the power of the Emerald, and that if it's not his sole destiny to protect the Master Emerald, maybe he's supposed to protect and train Sonic instead. Sonic is surprised at Knuckles' sentiment, and smiles weakly at him. Knuckles grabs Sonic's dry varsity jacket, and hangs it around Sonic's shoulders to keep him warm, and Knuckles grabs Sonic's bag and carries it as he brings Sonic back home.
Tails is shocked at the sight when he opens his front door, and sees Sonic and Knuckles there, Sonic soaked and shivering, Knuckles beside him, also soaked. Tails quickly asks what happened, and Knuckles explains what happened, and Tails brings Sonic inside, trying to assist him.
Knuckles and Sonic both explain that they are allies now, and how Knuckles plans to guard Sonic from now on. Tails is uncomfortable with the arrangement at first, due to their previous conflicts, but assumes Sonic knows what he's doing, so he doesn't oppose.
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iza-chan20 · 11 months
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Nicky X Goth Amy 😳😳
I came up with this au recently and i think it's a pretty dynamic 🥹❣️✨
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trytofic · 1 year
Just a cute highschool au for Silver. PT 2
Students, their powers and small blurb.
Amy Rose - Strength and Speed
Loves home ec class and science class. Hates history and music class (shes tone deaf). Amy has had messy emotions when it comes to several boys in school so she's trying to just focus on classes. Its... not easy.
Shadow the Hedgehog - Strength and Speed
Loves science class and gym class. Hates Literature class and art class. Shadow is Rouge's adoptive brother and he has a standing rivalry with Sonic. He also has a crush on Amy.
Rouge the Bat - Flying
She loves history and music class, though she tends to like music class because she likes to hear Knuckles play. Rouge teases her brother constantly.
Sonic the Hedgehog - Speed
Loves gym class. Doesn't take most other classes seriously. Though he likes the food Amy makes in Home Ec. He has a crush on Amy and Sally, often getting him the "two-timer" insult from Surge and Jet but only when Scourge isn't around.
Miles "Tails" Prowler - Flying
Loves science and math class, but overall is better at academics than other classes. Tails loves to fix things, to the point where he will often miss school if he is working on something.
Cream the Rabbit - Flying
Tends to struggle academically but it a wiz with literature. She also likes Home Ec because her mom teaches that class. Cream will occasionally be called a teachers pet because of her mother, but she hides it so Vanilla doesn't worry.
Sally Acorn - Strength
Sally is good at almost everything, the whole school tends to be envious of her. But she's under a lot of pressure from her family's high status so she always feels the need to be perfect. Sally tends to only act like herself around Sonic and Blaze. She is an avid reader and even dreams of being an author.
Blaze the Cat - Speed and Strength
Blaze, similarly to Sally, tends to feel pressured because of her status but she doesn't feel the need to be perfect and just acts like a normal teen. Blaze is the first person to reach out to Silver when he transfers because he seems a bit weird and that interests her.
Knuckles the Echindna- Strength and Flying Knuckles is a huge music fan and tends to spend most of his free time in the music room. But he's great at sciences! He loves the outdoors and during the summer does long camping sessions!
Kitsunami the Fennec - Flying
Kit is not a huge fan of school because at his last school he was seriously bullied. But once he met Surge and she stuck at his side, it hasn't happened since. He's very quiet but loves his gym class, as well as his science class.
Surge the Tenrec - Speed and Strength
Surge is at school mostly for her younger brother Kit. She is also apart of.. kind of a gang. They are distinct by putting green patches on their uniform. Surge likes to bully Sonic but she doesn't dare taunt sonic with Scourge around cause he's a bit of a playboy. Shes been punched one to many times to  deal with that. She is jealous of Sally and Blaze because of their "perfect lives" that are nothing like hers or Kits.
Jet the Hawk - Flying and Speed
Jet is the laid back student who really only cares about the social interactions with classes. But he has a secret fondness and fear of Amy.  He is apart of the gang with Scurge and Surge.
Scourge the Hedgehog - Speed
Scourge is highly jealous of his cousin Sonic, life going easy for him all the time. He tends to date around because of lack of attention at home. He causes problems in most classes except for art, cause he's been shown to have talent. He has flirted with all the girls, but most commonly goes after Amy to piss off Sonic.
And finalllyyyyy
Silver the Hedgehog - Strength and Flying
Silver having moved and recently transfered doesn't have a favorite class yet, but he usually like gym and science class. He actively hates art class and music class and he's not super great at those classes. He's actually more of a writer. Silver tends to be a bit of a clairvoyant and calls a lot of things before they actually happen, this catches Blaze's attention.
The next/last post will be things about the professors!!!
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futuristichedge · 6 months
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Sticking him in outfits
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sonadow4life · 3 months
I’m only sketching these cause fuck making full drawings but here’s a little thing I’m working on
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I’ve still got 4 others to do
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angsty-art-ist · 1 year
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hello sonicheads i don’t go here but my bf does. i think ur boys are Nifty.
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madmanwonder · 1 year
Prompt- Crossover- Silver, Shadow and Tails end up at the High School DXD universe thanks to their battle with Eggman. There they meet Rias and her Peerage. Koneko sees how cute Tails is and immediately takes a liking to him and wants to keep him. Akeno sees how broody Shadow is and starts showing her teasing sadistic side, to Shadow's annoyance. And lastly Rias senses the potential in Silver and wants to add him to her peerage as right beside her. The mobians reacting to all this is as expected.
Tail: *In the arms of the superhumanly strong devil catgirl* C-Can you let me go?
Shadow: Leave me be, woman. I don't have the time or patience to deal with you now.
Silver: Thanks but no thanks, Ms.Gremory. But I prefer to stay mobian.
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stobotnik-forever · 2 years
Would any of you Stobotnik fans want to read a Soulmate AU fanfic about Stone and Robotnik? In this particular Soulmate AU you're allowed to send a SINGLE gift to your soulmate every year, also Stone would be 18 and Robotnik would be 28, maybe 30(because I refuse to ignore their age difference). Obviously this would mean Stone is a Senior in high school so he's not an Agent yet(but that also means a look into his family life), as for Robotnik he'd still be building robots just not working for government(it'll happen soon, I promise). Update: I'VE ALREADY POSTED THE FIC!!!! THE 2ND CHAPTER IS PINNED ON MY BLOG(JUST SCROLL DOWN A LITTLE AND YOU'LL SEE THE PROLOGUE + THE 1ST CHAPTER)
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tales-of-green-hill · 2 months
(This arc has more fuzzier parts than the first, and I'll take criticism btw!!)
After his fight against Sonic and Knuckles, Emerl went to a location that is currently unknown. Rouge asks Emerl what had happened, and Emerl explains that Knuckles is no longer working alone, and his partner can wield the power of the Master Emerald. Rouge is surprised and asks about the appearance of the person Knuckles had worked with, and Emerl admits he couldn't get a good look at his unaltered appearance due to him only exiting his super form as he fell into water, and because the person had no distinct articles of clothing (Sonic didn't have his jacket on as he fought). Rouge seems annoyed at how inconvenient this makes the search, before a third undefined person tells Rouge that she should try to locate Knuckles, and then learn about his partner. Rouge nods, accepting the task. Emerl says he'll find out who the person is, but the third person insists on Rouge doing it, as Rouge is stealthier and less blood thirty, as well as her knowing more people. Emerl begrudgingly agrees, and Rouge looks smug due to her being better than Emerl for this. The third person reminds the two that there's a reason they need the Master Emerald, to get Dr. Robotnik back.
Emerl was an android made by Gerald Robotnik over fifty years ago and was created to serve the Robotnik bloodline. Dr. Ivo Robotnik, also known as Dr. Eggman, has Emerl's allegiance.
(This part is fuzzy at the moment, but it's important later) Dr. Eggman is currently trapped in a place that's not exactly on Earth. (I might take inspiration from special stages or Null Space, but I'd appreciate ideas. It's supposed to be like the Darklands from Trollhunters. Eggman is still able to live there and create robots, but he wants out)
Rouge is an ally of the Eggman Empire, but her motivations are unknown currently. She's a community college student, and lives on campus. The third person seems very interested in Dr. Robotnik and seems to idolize him.
Emerl and Rouge seem to be brought together by the third person, even though it seems that nobody really cares about each other.
(This part will just be a summary, since I don't know how it'd go down.) Rouge would look for Knuckles and find him and Sonic. Rouge recognizes Sonic as one of the track team athletes, and she also finds herself crushing on Knuckles. Something would happen where Rouge is shown as being an antagonist, and also her name would likely be used. Rouge would end up retreating in the end.
She meets up with Emerl and their common ally and informs them that Knuckles' new partner is Sonic, a highschooler who's a track runner. Her ally is taken aback, and inquires further, before excusing himself. This is when the common ally is revealed to be none other than Starline, who is Sonic's science teacher. Starline thinks to himself, recounting how Sonic had always been the adventurous type, and then a wicked smile grew on his face as he thought about how this could be advantageous. The school has records of Sonic, and the fact that he normally holds power over his new adversary. Starline begins to take a subtle interest in Sonic in school, asking Sonic more questions, and focusing more attention on him.
Sonic becomes stressed about his workload, juggling school, track, training with Knuckles, and learning about the Master Emerald. Sonic notices Starline's interest, and just chalks it up to him being worried about his stress. Most afternoons, if Sonic doesn't have track, Knuckles will book up his afternoon with either training or telling him about the history of the Master Emerald. The story of Tikal and Chaos, Chao, (and maybe why Dr. Robotnik was sealed away, though I'm not sure why or how it happens yet).
Over time, Amy becomes gradually suspicious of Sonic, as he's repeatedly had to cancel study sessions (Note: She's an honors English student and helps Sonic) with her with no given reason. She's concerned, makes off handed comments to Sticks and Sally, who are both friends of hers. She also asks Tails about what's going on, but she gets nowhere with it. Amy is also a babysitter, often looking after Cream while Vanilla is busy.
Knuckles has told Sonic about the Chao and how despite their cutesy appearance, they're scoundrels, tricky things. The Chao have hardly interacted with mankind ever since Chaos's defeat at the hands of Tikal, and Knuckles describes what a Chao looks like to Sonic. Sonic doesn't see the point of the lesson and doesn't think about it further.
When Sonic finds time to study with Amy, she's busy babysitting Cream, but Amy asks Vanilla if she would agree to letting her study with Sonic while babysitting, and Vanilla agrees. Sonic is grateful, when Amy tells him this, and while they're studying, Amy takes time to try to figure out what's got Sonic so busy recently. She's been meaning to have a conversation for a while but hasn't gotten a good chance. Sonic struggles to come up with a good excuse, before redirecting the conversation, telling Amy that he hasn't seen Cream in a while. Amy immediately goes to find Cream, but she's not inside. Amy checks the backyard and sees a bracelet (or something) belonging to Cream on the ground, but Cream is nowhere to be found. Amy panics, and checks the house again, as Sonic looks outside, before getting a strange feeling. He quickly runs back inside to grab his bag containing the Master Emerald and tells Amy that Cream most likely was outside.
Amy apologizes to Sonic, and says she has to look for Cream, and Sonic says that he'll help her. The two split up, and search for Cream, Amy calling for her, Sonic relying on his Emerald to guide him. Sonic eventually finds Cream, and she'd being led away by a Chao. Sonic is shocked, and Sonic shouts to Cream, which alerts Amy. Sonic tries to get the Chao away from Cream, but both put up a fight. The Chao tries to hit Sonic to stall for time, and Cream cries, saying that Sonic shouldn't hurt Cheese, the Chao. Sonic tried to explain but his main focus was on Cream's safety. "What's going on?" Rouge steps out of the bushes, hesitating as she made eye contact with Sonic, and looking surprised at the scene before her. "Rouge?" Sonic is surprised but is now on guard even more. Well, this just got much more interesting." Rouge replies as Cream hides behind Sonic, sniffling. "Chao, you know what to do." Rouge says as she steps forward. Cream cowers and Sonic continues trying to protect her. "You're not getting anywhere near Cream." Sonic keeps Cream close as she hugs his leg. It wasn't Rouge's intention to use Cream, but she decides to play along, to scare Sonic. Sonic looks at his odds against Rouge and the Chao, and then thinks about keeping Cream uninjured, and decides the safest option is going super, so he reaches into his bag to grab his Emerald, and Rouge attacks him before he can power up. This continues for as bit, and Amy finally catches up with them, seeing what's unfolding, but not getting involved. Amy witnesses Sonic go Super and is stunned. Sonic tells Cream to go find Amy, or go home, and grabs the Chao to keep it from interfering. Cream nods and runs towards her house, and finds Amy, who was watching. Amy leads Cream to safety. Sonic and Rouge continue their fight, and Rouge ends up sneakily grabbing the Emerald out of his bag, and dropping a fake Emerald on the ground as she slips the real one into her bag to confuse Sonic. She goes for the fake Emerald, but Sonic beats her to it, and grabs it. After more combat to get the thought of him dropping the emerald off his mind, Rouge flees with the real Emerald, and Sonic de transforms as she flees, not thinking anything of it.
Sonic calms down, tries to brush off the dirt on him, and walks back to Cream's house. As soon as Sonic gets back, Amy asks about everything that had happened. Sonic denies anything supernatural happening and blames his mild injuries and dirtiness on him being clumsy. Amy tells Sonic to stop lying, and that she saw him fighting, and saw him go blonde. Sonic caves, explaining what's going on. Amy was in disbelief for a while, but she couldn't bring herself to believe he was crazy. She asked him if he could prove anything, besides the "Super Sonic" thing, since she saw that. Sonic denies, until Amy says that she could tell others about this, and Sonic just tells her that he'll introduce her to Knuckles if she kept her mouth shut, and Amy enthusiastically agrees. After, Sonic and Amy tell Cream to not tell Vanilla about this, and Cream reluctantly agrees, even though she feels bad about keeping a secret from her mom.
After Vanilla gets home, Amy is paid for her babysitting, and she insists that Sonic introduces her to Knuckles soon. Sonic realizes that Knuckles would probably be really angry about this and tells Amy it may take a few days. Amy says that's fine, but she doesn't want to wait forever. Sonic understands, and the two part ways.
When Sonic gets back, he debates on telling Knuckles about Amy, knowing he'd get upset. Sonic consults Tails first, who is surprised hearing the story, and tells Sonic that there's probably more to worry about than just Amy knowing, since Rouge and the Chao could have bigger implications. Sonic reluctantly agrees, and goes to tell Knuckles, who did in fact, get upset, saying this could be a liability. Sonic agrees, and apologizes, explaining the situation, and Knuckles becomes more sympathetic, but he's still upset. Once Sonic mentions stuff about Rouge and inquisitive, Knuckles becomes more on Guard, asking questions, wondering why Rouge allied with a Chao and the implications. Sonic says he doesn't know enough, and he'll keep his guard up.
Eventually, Sonic would introduce Amy and Knuckles, and she'd be very enthusiastic about everything, which caught Knuckles off guard. Amy would bombard Knuckles with questions, to which Knuckles happily answered, enjoying talking about history and telling stories. It wouldn't take long for Knuckles to warm up to Amy, since she's very sweet and curious. Eventually, Amy asks if Knuckles could train her to fight like he trained Sonic, so she could help out. Sonic denies, but Knuckles agrees, saying it'd be good to have another ally. Sonic is shocked by Knuckles' willingness, and backs down, since Knuckles has the final say. Amy is ecstatic, and thanks Knuckles, and gives him her phone number, and says he can text her when he wants to start her training, and leaves, since she was there for a while. Knuckles would be confused by the gesture, since he doesn't have a phone.
With Rouge, she takes the Emerald back to Starline and Emerl, and gives it to Starline. He makes sure the Emerald is the real one and asks Rouge if Sonic suspects anything abnormal. Rouge tells Starline that the Chao ended up drawing the attention of a girl, and how that lead up to her fighting Sonic and stealing the Emerald. Starline is irritated that the Chao made a mess of things, but just says that it's no matter, and that soon enough, it wouldn't matter what Sonic thinks, and Starline's gaze towards a gateway (picture the Special Rings in Sonic Advance 2) It'd show the Chao, cowering at the scene.
Eventually, the Chao would reunite with Cream, who happily takes him back, calling him Cheese. The next time she'd see Amy, she'd show off Cheese, which would make Amy freak out, as she now knows that Chao don't have good reputations, and this one apparently tried to take Cream, according to Sonic. Amy texts Sonic about it quickly and tries to tell Cream that this isn't a good idea. Cream defends Cheese, saying she chose to follow him. She continuously says Cheese is harmless, and Sonic calls Amy. Amy picks up the phone and tells Sonic about what's happening. Sonic is surprised, but asks to be put in speaker, and to let Cream talk. Cream talks about her experience with Cheese, and how he's harmless. Sonic recalls how Cheese's attacks on him didn't hurt and were just annoying, but also insists that Cheese is allied with Rouge. Cheese shakes their head, which Cream takes as Cheese no longer having an alliance with Rouge, and relays as much. Sonic is skeptical and concerned, and consults Knuckles, who says that Chao aren't usually vicious, but having one accompanying a child could be risky at best. Knuckles tells Amy to keep an eye on the Chao, because it might simply choose to stay despite what anyone does, and if the Chao is a threat, then there'd be no moral issue of disposing it. Amy reluctantly agrees and lets Cheese stay with Cream. During the day, Cream and Cheese would play together, and Cream decided to sit down and draw with crayons. Cheese joined her and begun to draw a picture that seemed to have significance. A golden ring with wings on the side and a star in the middle, the Master Emerald, and a brown Chao. Cream seemed confused at the drawings and showed them to Amy, who knew that they had a meaning she couldn't grasp, so she asked if she could take them to Sonic and Knuckles later. Cream and Cheese agreed, and Cheese continued to draw, this time being Emerl, Rouge, and Starline. Amy didn't recognize Emerl, but assumed she knew that it was Rouge and Starline, but she was confused as to how Cheese knew Starline.
Once Amy was relieved of her babysitting duties, she asked Cheese to come with her, and Cheese obliged. They both go to Tails' house to meet Sonic and Knuckles and showed the first drawings. Sonic seemed interested, and Knuckle was shocked, immediately realizing what it was. He asked Cheese a few questions but could only get a yes or no answer. Eventually, Sonic asked who was involved, and Cheese gestured for Amy to hand over the other paper. Knuckles and Sonic recognize Emerl and Rouge, but it takes a moment for Sonic to realize Starline was the third person. Sonic was shocked, and thought about how Starline treated him differently ever since he met Rouge, and he took a moment, his allegiance sinking in. Amy and Sonic talk about Starline for a bit, as they've both had him as a teacher. Knuckles is still thinking about the significance of this, and Cheese grabs the Master Emerald, and shoves it to Sonics chest. Sonic is confused, but Cheese tries to gesture for Sonic to transform, and Sonic tries a few times, before realizing that the Emerald is fake. Knuckles asks where the real one is, and Cheese points to Rouge and Starline, before pointing to the Special Ring. Knuckles looks almost dreadful for a moment, before grabbing Sonic and saying they have to go, now, since this is now serious. Sonic tells Knuckles that they don't know where they're going, and Knuckles tells Cheese to lead the way. Sonic asks Knuckles if they could bring Tails as back up, and Knuckles agrees, then Amy asks if she could tag along. Knuckles refuses, as she's not as experienced, and he doesn't want her getting hurt. Amy's a bit angry at the idea Tails could handle himself better than she could, but appreciates the concern for her wellbeing. Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, and Cheese all go to the Special Rings location, with Tails being caught up on the way.
While all of this was going on, Starline was trying to figure out how to activate the Special Ring using the Master Emerald, trying several different ways, but none working, so he goes back to researching, seeing he needs someone who can wield the power of Chaos to activate it. Starline considers his opinions, and calls Rouge over to retrieve Sonic, as he can wield chaos energy. Rouge agrees, but that's when Cheese leads the group to their "base". Starline accused Cheese of betrayal, and Rouge said that this could be used to their advantage, as Sonic can now activate the Ring. Starline agrees, and powers on Emerl, who was charging. Now it's a 3 v 4, Emerl, Rouge, and Starline vs. Sonic, Knuckles, Tails, and Cheese. The first half of the fight was focused on Starline and Rouge trying to get Sonic to activate the Special Ring, while Emerl dealt with Knuckles and Tails. After Knuckles sees what they're doing, he tells them that no matter what they do, it won't work, they don't have everything they need. Starline asked what he'd need, and Knuckles said that he wouldn't tell him, but it's an essential piece. Starline, being a coward, independently retreated, leaving Rouge and Emerl to fight. Rouge continued on, taking on Knuckles herself, often dropping compliments and flirtatious lines, hoping he'd let his guard down, or even made any indication he liked her. To Rouge's disappointment, the most acknowledgement she got was a raised eyebrow in the midst of combat. With Sonic and Emerl, Sonic keeps Emerl busy in his super form as Tails tries to find any weak spots in Emerl's design. Sonic mentions that Emerl could be sensitive to water, recalling his retreat during their first meeting. Tails acknowledged this, and grabbed Sonic's water bottle from his bad, and found the perfect time to splash water on Emerl, causing him to short circuit long enough for Knuckles to tear himself from Rouge to smash Emerl's face in, shattering half Emerl's head. Rouge takes the opportunity to make a retreat, seeing her strongest teammate get brutalized. Sonic, Tails, and Cheese are shocked as Knuckles also be breaks Emerl's chest in a heavy strike. Knuckles stands up, saying that Emerl won't recover from that, no matter how hard anyone tries to repair him. Sonic and Tails looks nervous as they celebrate their victory, never having seen Knuckles be that violent.
After, Sonic calls Amy to update her about everything, and she's happy to know everything is alright, and that they'll be back soon. When they get back to Tails' house, Amy is waiting for them. Tails takes Knuckles to go clean off the oil he got on himself because of the attack on Emerl, while Amy and Sonic chat more in detail about what had happened. Amy asks what Sonic thinks is going to happen with Starline, and Sonic says he has no clue, as he fled rather early on. After more conversation, Amy decides to leave, and goes home. Sonic goes to check on Knuckles and Tails, and the three chat about everything, and what the future could hold.
On Monday, Sonic and Amy are informed that Starline will be taking a sudden vacation, and a substitute will be taking his place for two weeks.
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sonicexelle-junkary · 3 months
Happy birthday mate, so can I ask this as a birthday request. How many aus have you created through your entire time on tumblr?
Thank you all for the birthday wishes!
But uhhhh let’s see uhhhhhhmmmmm
Probably more than ten, and that’s not counting my non Sonic AU’s I’ve made when I was in highschool. I don’t wanna actually count them all, man.
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trytofic · 1 year
Just a cute highschool au for Silver. PT 1
Silver transfers to a new school your typical Japanese anime type school but at this school it is also there to help train young mobians to control their powers and live a normal life.
There tends to be classes that suit your abilities, but the kids only have 2 classes about those while the rest are your average classes. One class is specifically for your power type ie sonic heroes. Except! There are a few who can attend multiple courses.
EX Amy Rose is both a speed and strength power user. Shadow is also speed and strength. Silver is a strength and flying user. Blaze is a speed and strength user. Knickles is a power and flight. This changes their uniform.
So power is red, speed is blue, flight is yellow. They have a plaid mix of colors.
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Plenty of solo users as well like sonic being speed, tails being flight with Rouge and cream(shes their age here shush). They have similar uniforms but their colors are just solo power types.
So Silver joins and hijinks ensue!!!!!! <3 pt 2 will have details on the students and professors!
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abysseung · 2 years
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➸ SYNOPSIS It’s your last year at Sacred-Heart High and what better to start the year with a crush. Wait did I say a crush? Sorry, I meant a bunch of crushes. But hey, at least they like you too.
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➸ PAIRING enha 02 line x fem!reader [schoolmate!jake x reader; frenemy!jay x reader; church boy!sunghoon x reader]
➸ GENRE smau, major major major crack, fluff, slight angst if u squint hard enough, high school au, friends to lovers, frenemies to lovers, childhood friends to lovers, soulmates to lovers??, mutual pining
➸ WARNINGS lots and lots of swearing; sex jokes; suggestive content; mentions of alcohol consumption, kys and kms jokes, smoking, suicide, sex
➸ STATUS COMPLETED (10/28/22 - 11/13/22)
➸ AUTHORS NOTE to whoever is seeing this fanfic, u are one lucky mf. this is actually my first smau (or i guess u could say fanfic) no way. this fic is supposed to be based on my love life experience in highschool cause i want ppl to know what i went through. please note that im trying to base this in the korean school system so if there’s anything wrong, please ignore :)
☆ playlist — «i'll give you everything, take my heart»
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➸ PROFILES yn and her crush supporters bitchless losers too good boys unholy brothers extras
00 — back to school antics (prologue)
01 — jay’s deskmate??? (written + smau)
02 — yn’s kdrama life
03 — L word
04 — matching sonic pfps
05 — are u guys dating?
06 — not so first date (written + smau)
07 — heartbroken
08 — happy national boyfriend day
08 (1)— jisung and jisung bromance
08 (2) — beomgyu’s love letter
08 (3)— jiung’s discord kitten
08 (4) — chanhee gets a gf (real)
09 — mr closet man (written + smau)
10 (1) — arm wrestling match
10 (2) — hand slapping game
11 — wake up and break up
12 — panda keychain
13 — rip homeroom server
14 — caption (the chapter disappeared 😭)
15 — emo’s fave colour
16 — confession
17 — yn the wingwoman
18 — cousin reunion
18 (1) — fortnite buddies unite
19 — confession pt.2
20 — who do u like? (written + smau)
21 — who do i like?
22 — confession pt.3
23 — mr soulmate
24 — opposites attract (written + smau)
25 — bf material (written + smau) | alternative vers
26 — real love (written + smau)
27 — unlocked locker
28 — unlucky day
28 (1) — yunjin’s beomgyu’s yunjin’s nametag
28 (2) — kid pics
28 (3) — farewell ningning
28 (4) — jeongin is back
29 — to my lovers
31 — #jirina4life (after jay’s epilogue)
32 — THERES FOUR OTHER??? (after chapter 21)
33 — ur pfp looks like my bf (after sunghoon’s epilogue)
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enhypen masterlist
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idiototheinternet · 2 months
Would y'all like me to write a BSD highschool AU? Ideas i'm thinking of using include
ooc mori who takes okay care of dazai and is just overall really stressed and tired with being a surgeon
chuuya immediately thinking of dazai as an asshole because dazai is wearing a turtleneck under a hoodie from late August to the beginning of the school year, as well as having a blond 'sister' (in chuuya's mind, people with blond siblings are no good)
Old man yaoi between Fukuzawa and Mori
Late night conversations hanging out on the roof
Big sister Kouyou
Dazai is obsessed with sonic and may or may not force his friends to make what is technically the snapcube fandubs
Ranpo gathers information for both the school paper and the forensics club
Oda isn't dead and he and Ango are both newfound restraints for dazai
Poe edits the school paper and plays(loses) against Ranpo at clue on fridays
Atsushi has a striped ragdoll cat that follows him around
Akutagawa tries to kill Atsushi on a daily basis by now
Chuuya has a big fluffy dog named Daisy Bell
Dazai somehow found a male calico and named it pickles
Yosano runs the forensics club and gets the ada gang together
Karl is judging and is co-writing this fanfic with me
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sonadow4life · 3 months
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Realised I cannot for the life of me draw knuckles, rouge or Amy so I give up you can have these lol
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madmanwonder · 1 year
Type: Ask
AU: Crossover AU
Summary of the Question: How are you four mobians adjusting to life as part of the peerage? From Tails with Koneko to Shadow with Akeno and lastly Silver with Rias and Amy.
Tails: I need help from hiding from her now.
Shadow: I need large amounts of painkillers to deal with my headache now.
Silver: Blaze is going to kill Rias when she finds out about this.
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stobotnik-forever · 2 years
Soulmate AU Chapter 1
Side note: I know the prologue didn't have any Stobotnik in it BUUUUUT in this chapter you'll find out who Stone's soulmate is:D I bet you guys already have a pretty good guess on who Stone's soulmate is~
The move to Afghanistan was hectic, though his mother took it the hardest, saying her goodbyes to all her neighborhood friends(Aban had lost count after 27), reminiscing about all the good times while packing up what little their family had, and having one hell of a struggle trying to catch the family dog, a fierce looking Rottweiler a young(er) Stone named Pablo, to get him into the truck because as his father said every time they moved, 'No dog left behind'.
Now Aban was out and about on the street, free from the burden of unpacking boxes all thanks to his mom who insisted he get out and meet some people. The town had such an American feel to it Stone hardly even remembered he was cruising down the road in Afghanistan as he sang Call me Maybe! Then something caught his eye. It was a mall with giant glass windows and a big glittery red sign that was just bound to catch the attention of anyone who happened to pass by. I should get something for my soulmate here, Stone told himself with the biggest grin on his face as he turned into the parking lot.
The mall was just as big as it was on the outside as it was on the inside with a food court, a photobooth, and all sorts of different little shops popping up around each corner. Stone stopped to look at some nail polish, eyeing up all the different colors. Black would be a good color for me, he thought to himself, reaching for the nail polish. Stone stopped mid grab, No I'm shopping for my soulmate not me. And besides father would lose his shit if he saw me wearing this.
The 18 year old sighed and walked away, continuing his search for the perfect gift to give his soulmate. And that's when he saw it. A plain white mug with the words 'World's Greatest Soulmate' written in big black bold letters. It was cliche, it was a little cheesy, and yet Stone bought it anyway. Lots of people love coffee, I love coffee, so why wouldn't my soulmate? Speaking of coffee...I think I saw someone selling some back at the food court. And maybe I could get a job there, we do need the extra money..., he thought to himself.
In the end Stone came home with a mug but no coffee and no job, greatful the woman who sold him the mug spoke English and not so grateful the man at the coffee shop only spoke Dari. He'd have to pick up a book on Dari or get a translator or something otherwise he'd never get through school tomorrow. His father on the other hand had apparently used his downtime in the hospital to learn Dari which made Stone wonder just how long his father had known about this mission in advance...maybe I'll ask him about it sometime, he thought as he walked to his bedroom.
Aban immediately sent the mug to his soulmate, even though he'd never gotten a gift back, he kept sending them, confident there was some reason his soulmate didn't send him gifts. He'd thought up countless reasons over the years like they're just afraid they'll accidentally send me something I don't like, maybe they don't know how to send gifts or-"How was it," his mother asked. "It was...interesting," Aban answered. "Well maybe it'll be more interesting if we learn their language," she told him, holding out a book to him. It was titled Dari for Dummies. He almost laughed at that then motioned for his mom to sit down so they could learn together.
Robotnik was working at his desk when suddenly something appeared right in front of him! He screamed before realizing it was just a simple coffee mug. But it was too late, the scream had triggered his badniks' defense system and alerted his new bodyguard who came running in with his gun drawn. "Where's the danger," the military moron asked, looking around wildly, completely unaware of the red dots aimed at his chest.
Robotnik spun around in his chair to face him, pressing buttons on his gloves to disarm his babies before they could fire. "The only danger here is your own stupidity," the doctor spat.
"But I thought-Who said you were allowed to think," Robotnik interrupted.
"Well...no one but-Shh-I heard-Zip it-you scream," the other man finished.
The evil genius let out an irritated sigh through grit teeth and started to speak in a dangerously calm tone laced with hidden venom, "I did not scream. In fact there was no scream at all." "Now," he continued, getting out of his chair and inching closer to the other man, his voice rising in volume with each step. "If you have even half a brain in that thick, thick, thick skull of yours," Robotnik growled, emphasizing the word thick by flicking the imbecile's forehead. "YOU'LL GO STAND OUTSIDE THE DOOR LIKE A GOOD LITTLE GUARD DOG AND STOP POSIONING MY AIR WITH YOUR INFERIORITY," he boomed. The other man scowled, glaring at the scientist with all the hate he could summon but did exactly as he was told...
Robotnik sat down, spun back around in his chair, ready to dive back into his work when he noticed the cup was still sitting there. Menacingly. He hated the idea of having a soulmate, the doctor didn't believe that there was some halfwit out there just destined to be with him, he knew that there was no human on this planet who would tolerate him, much less love him. Still he was thankful he wouldn't receive another gift until next year.
The evil genius picked the mug up, taking a moment to read the lettering. Robotnik's face contorted into a disgusted, sour expression that made him look like he'd just bit into the world's sourest lemon. Then he made a quick grab for a red marker, effectively crossing out the word soulmate and writing genius over it. Now it read World's Greatest Genius. Robotnik's lips twitched into something almost like a smile as he stared at the mug. Now that's much better...
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