unyieldingvalxr · 8 months
Henri, miffed about needing to stay behind and continue his lessons on reading English, sticks out his tongue at Sarah. "Ble~h!"
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Though she has a copy of the Pennsylvania Gazette splayed in her lap for proofing, Sarah lifts her head towards the agent of MISCHIEF. "Henri," She patiently chides in that all-too nearly maternalistic manner. "How do you expect to get a masterful grasp on the English lexicon, if you will not at least TRY?" Of course, being cramped in one of Franklin's rooms wasn't nearly as ideal or as fun as what James was doing...
"Truly. It isn't all that difficult." Her own task is shelved and with the swishing of skirts she moves to join her adopted little brother. "Start with the first line. And I do believe," Sarah starts with considerable poise, "Ble-h, isn't written there."
"What is that FIRST line?"
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eyesofcuriosity · 1 year
“We should check out that new bakery the townspeople we’re talking about!” (Zero!)
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"Oh you heard about it too my friend? " she would beam with glee and excitement, it was a small unimportant thing but she loved visiting local businesses. They always had a charm to them and each one always prided with one special item on their menu that she wanted to remember for a good while.
"Lead the way, I heard about a new spin on cinnamon rolls they have that I am absolutely looking forward to trying!"
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annastrxng · 7 months
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Anna swallows down HARD at the sight of the young gent from the Pennsylvania Gazette. With a swish of her long skirts, she moves to collect him.
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She rasps. "Did you not see the gallows in the square?" She lowers her voice into a hiss. "Simcoe --- he's -- he's gone downright murderous. No one is SAFE."
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timeguardiansarchive · 11 months
@somnium-delicata (from Susan Pevensie)
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"Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find James Hiller? A friend of mine sent for me, with instructions that I was to find him, should she not be around. Her name is Sarah Phillips."
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subiysu-chan · 1 year
“You requested for me, father?” (Madeleine)
With glassy eyes, he took a look at his daughter, nervously standing at the door. "Yes. Come on in, Claude."
He allowed her to enter his study. He had to say it to her.
"We had to arrange your marriage to Pierre Hérisson. It's your hand against the family post. It would be this January. Until then, I would ask of you to assist at dissections. This might create trouble with your grandmother, it would probably be wiser for you to learn how to extract human fat before getting married. He's quite poorer, and thus he would need someone who could help him with that task. As much as I dislike going against my mother's wishes, blind obedience would certainly not help."
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liroyalty · 6 months
@somnium-delicata said: ((Marie bows like a faithful knight))
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The Princess's most faithful & favorite knight may stand at her leisure~
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withinycu · 1 year
@somnium-delicata is all yours 
Years before when she and her husband had been children themselves, they had a daughter, Henriette. To them, young and naive, she had been perfect. They had been like Perceval and Blanchefleur and just like in the story he had left her for grand adventures and noble deeds. She had not begrudged him that and defended him to her father and mother until she wept with rage.
Their life would of course be a fairy tale but not a gentle one. Henriette would be their first trial. It had been lonely to mourn alone for both of them. Her Gilbert, her chevalier was an orphan at heart, a little boy with an antique musket stalking the woods determined to protect his own from the Beast of Gévaudan but somehow losing everyone to a beast no musket could scare away.
When he had first described Henri, he had reminded her of that boy. I think if we were to have a son, dear heart, that he would be not unlike this boy, he had later written. He is stubborn and impulsive as I know myself to be but he has your dark eyes and hair. 
They had a son now, Georges Washington Louis Gilbert de La Fayette, but he was an infant of only four small years who looked just like his father. Even if his heart and mind would reveal itself to be just like his mother. 
But they hadn’t forgotten their first born or the boy who had in a strange way comforted them both. When Gilbert suggested the boy return with him, Adrienne had made up a room and asked only what size clothes he wore. 
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Now he was here and she wanted to weep with joy and the sense of something lost being found. But I do not want him to think he is wanted, that I cry because I am upset. 
She reached out both hands to him. “I feel I have waited so very long to meet you,” She said her mouth stretching into a very genuine smile. “I hope you come to think of this as your home.”
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sheyearns · 2 years
        PEOPLE WERE DESPERATE FOR a shred of happiness. It could be the faint and tiny and they’d desire that over everything else. Lacie remembered the first time Jack had laid eyes on her after they didn’t see each other for over a decade. That day the very thought of him never came to her mind and then the moment of his arrival had happened and he came to her without any hesitation. It was the first and last hug he’d every give him and it was terrifying that someone could be this happy to her. 
        Lacie was wild like a beast and like a beat there was no self-control in some arenas, nor the desire to know others on a basic understanding. She’d pounce on a prey and wreck the whole place. How could anyone be happy because of her will of living? She had closed her heart and none could take it no matter how much they pressured on her. She’d push back until they had enough of her. 
        People were going to turn her back on her, stab her feelings and betray them, so why should she give a shit?
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        “What have you come for? To see me for my eyes? You wouldn’t be the first one.”
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What does your Muse’s Name Mean?
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Gender Feminine Usage French, English, Dutch
French form of Susanna.
Susanna means - From Σουσάννα (Sousanna), the Greek form of the Hebrew name שׁוֹשַׁנָּה (Shoshannah). This was derived from the Hebrew word שׁוֹשָׁן (shoshan) meaning "lily" (in modern Hebrew this also means "rose"), perhaps ultimately from Egyptian sšn "lotus". In the Old Testament Apocrypha this is the name of a woman falsely accused of adultery. The prophet Daniel clears her name by tricking her accusers, who end up being condemned themselves. It also occurs in the New Testament belonging to a woman who ministers to Jesus.
As an English name, it was occasionally used during the Middle Ages in honour of the Old Testament heroine. It did not become common until after the Protestant Reformation, at which time it was often spelled Susan.
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Gender Feminine Usage English, Manx
English and Manx form of Anne. In the English-speaking world, both this spelling and Anne have been used since the late Middle Ages. Currently Ann is less popular than Anne (and both are less popular than their relatives Anna and Hannah).
Anne Means - French form of Anna. It was imported to England in the 13th century, but it did not become popular until three centuries later. The spelling variant Ann was also commonly found from this period, and is still used to this day. The name was borne by a 17th-century English queen and also by the second wife of Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn (the mother of Queen Elizabeth I), who was eventually beheaded in the Tower of London. This is also the name of the heroine in Anne of Green Gables (1908) by Canadian author L. M. Montgomery.
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Gender Feminine & Masculine Usage Chinese
From Chinese 理 (lǐ) meaning "reason, logic", 立 (lì) meaning "stand, establish", 黎 (lí) meaning "black, dawn", 力 (lì) meaning "power, capability, influence" (which is usually only masculine) or 丽 (lì) meaning "beautiful" (usually only feminine). Other Chinese characters are also possible.
Tagged bySTOLEN FROM: @lxstsculs
Tagging: @fxtelism, @tetsuwan-atom, @akumanoken, @knightshonour, @sacred-x-solanaceae / @x-ame-x-damnee-x, @frznkingdom, @feathrfcll, @xanican-exile, @thelazyeditor / @petiteamores, @kingdomofbellows, @bricxbrac, @rosecoloredmuses, @rosa-geminae / @somnium-delicata, @alexandraxsuoh, @madamhatter, @lachrymosestorm​ & whoever else loves name lore
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lightcreators · 1 year
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Strangeness  of  people  he  was  meeting  inside  amusing  opportunities  didn’t  diverged  his  casual  indifference  towards  circumstances.  Surely,  surprise  would  be  a  light  term  for  describe  how  he  was  feeling  internally.  How  many  meetings  did  he  take  for  pretend  bear  the  presence  of  the  Earl  Trancy  inside  the  beginning  of  their  partnership  ?  Oh,  there  had  been  one  meeting  in  particular  he  wanted  to  forget  all  about  —  that  time  when  before  deciding  to  playing  inside  another  approach  long  ago  forgotten,  he  presented  himself  with  all  femine  appeal  into  an  charming  intent  …  common  charm  who  had  been  quite  something  usual  once  he  had  an  entire  place  inside  his  manor,  when  an  wound  searched  to  been  healed,  didn’t  stop  him  to  bring  messes  …  At  the  second  pondering,  how  many  weeks  has  been  necessery  for  him  to  accepting  the  presence  of  his  rival,  and  not  perceiving  only  as  a  piece  to  been  used,  a  piece  he  needed  alive  for  survive  himself,  turning  into  an  gentleness  care,  when  eventually,  it  wasn’t  that  much  important  how  he  expressed  his  noblesse  …  Maybe  he  shouldn’t  have  turned  it  that  way  inside  his  thoughts.  There  was  nothing  noble  inside  his  friend  —  for  coming  from  another  darkness  he  preferred  forget  the  reminder,  and  even  if  he  did  embracing  that  noblesse  associated  to  his  social  class  …  it  will  be  dramatic.  Even  along  sealed  lips,  that  silent  guilt  eating  his  soul  over  the  presence  of  another  one,  of  that  walking  truth  reflecting  his  own  lie,  remained.  He  had  been  forgiven  regardless  about  all  the  hurt  he  could  have  done  towards  that  impostor  he  didn’t  knew  he  was  …  however  cannot  push  behind  inside  his  mind  he  was  responsible  of  how  circumstances  turned  into  an  disaster  …  turned  into  an  unwelcomed  tragedy  when  he  had  been  a  piece  of  an  game.  Somewhere,  there  wasn’t  only  that.  There  was  no  comment  over  the  mask  presented  by  the  other  noble  in  which  various  clothes  had  been  offered.  Himself  had  his  little  secret  over  that  masked  eye  —  where  his  pact  remained  hidden  for  the  rest  of  the  world.  It  won’t  be  the  first  sudden  intriguing detail  he  would  came  to  face.  He  met  previously  an  boy  who  seemed  locked  inside  an  observer  seat,  regardless  how  much  efforts  was  carried  out,  who  remained  silent  over  an  clock  on  his  chest  and  seemed  troubled  by  time  as  there  was  an  strange  Wonderland  he  was  linked  with.  He  had  no  desire  to  talk  about  Lelouch  vi  Britannia,  that  Emperor  of  Britannia  he  pushed  too  much  faith  in,  beliving  that  falsery  imagery  of  innocence  …  when  he  ended  up  been  an  ruthless  mastermind  stolen  others  nobles  thrones.  The  little  seconds  he  perceived  of  the  God  of  the  Underground  —  uncanny  would  be  these  young  features  inside  a  millennial  god,  whose  existence  he  still  fully  refused  to  believe,  refused  to  hear  silent  whispers  of  this  encounter  that  he  was  doomed  to  met  him    …  Sebastian  himself  was  an  falsery  of  appareance  :  it’s  was  an  demon,  it  was  normal.  No,  actually,  it  seemed  inside  their  current  conversation,  with  his  entire  friendness  exposed,  he  touched  something  …  unexpected.  An  sensation  hanging  in  the  atmosphere  of  another  truth  who  was  hanging  around  and  awaited  to  been  catch  up  —  because  the  breaking  of  illusions  coming  from  resentment  of  an  silenced  presence  remained  casually  attached  everywhere,  attached  to  every  players  of  that  play .  He  blamed  himself  for  not  having  pay  too  much  attention  towards  the  witch  he  was  so  inclined  to  speak  about  …  There  was  only  an  painting  inside  an  sealed  manor,  when  he  briefly  crossed  path  of  such  indication  over  that  world  of  witches.  There  was  an  attached  name  too,  an  connection  towards  the  underground  and  one  person  he  didn’t  desired  much  the  presence.  It  was  supposed  to  been  consequence  of  that  magic  breaking  illusions  ?  Forced  them  to  realizing  truths  inside  circumstances  no  matter  how  insignificant  it  was  ?  Compared  to  Alois,  he  didn’t  have  to  face  an  eternal  remembrance  by  his  merely  existence  and  name.  Compared  to  Alois,  the  reflection  of  a  mirror  barely  expressed  something  he  was  hiding.  Compared  to  Alois,  he  didn’t  have  to  turn  an  lie  into  a  truth,  for  already  protecting  the  smoothing  cage  of  lies  he  created  around  himself,  for  never  let  the  truth  came  out.  Maybe  …  expressing  how  unaffected  he  would  have  to  remain  about  his  undesired  distance  with  noblesse  sphere  society  for  reasons  that  cannot  been  delayed  awakening  an  deep  care  and  affection  he  came  to  explore  with  outcasts  …  Meeting  something  different  didn’t  seemed  something  strange  inside  circumstances,  but  was  some  kind  of  invisible  link.  At  least,  none  of  these  thoughts  would  came  out  as  he  offered  an  timid  smile, staying  respectful.  
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❝    This  offers  more  choices  to  find  what  would  suit  you  best.    ❞  He  assured.  Despite  his  wide  wardrobe,  he  knew  an  expert  who  could  give  him  new  copies  in  colors  that  would  suit  him.    As  a  rule,  he  knew  what  he  wanted,  could  express  the  desired  feeling  of  care  for  the  outfit  —  but  he  didn’t  care  about  it  personally.  It  had  bothered  him  for  a  long  time  to  hear  Elisabeth’s  wonderment  at  new  fashion  products  … which  would  go  perfectly  with  Alois  eccentricity  about  it.  Ah  yes,  the  main  concerned  had  already  told  him  that  he  didn’t  know  how  to  savor  the  good  things  in  life.  After  all,  it  was  because  he  had  come  to  disturb  his  plans  for  a  gloomy  life  and  had  upset  his  existence  in  its  general  monotomy,  the  end  of  which  was  already  written,  that  he  was  already  allowing  himself  to  live  —  he  wasn’t  going  to  understand  greatness  of  simple  pleasures  in  a  week.    ❝  I  asked  Sebastian  to  offer  you  everything  that  might  suit  you.  My  butler  knows  how  to  do  that  sort  of  thing.  You  have  the  right  not  to  find  what  suits  you,  I  will  find  a  solution  otherwise.  I  have  time  for  you,  it  doesn’t  bother  me  that  you  take  the  time  necessary  for  your  choice.    ❞  Pleasure  of  his  papers  and  the  management  of  his  business,  he  always  found  time  to  do  it  —  his  thoughts  could  escape  from  this  paralyzing  anxiety  which  hadn’t  ceased  to  torment  him  since  this  second  manor,  since  that  guilt  attached  to  his  skin.  He  could  stagger  such  moments  to  socialize  as  he  had  never  done  before  with  so  much  honesty  inside  his  expression.  There  was  an  associated  short  smile  as  he  reassured.    ❝  If  your  happiness  is  not  here,  we  could  see  a  specialist  in  the  field.  Mrs.  Hopkins  has  designated  several  examples  of  my  wardrobe,  she  will  have  the  eye  to  give  you  the  best.  I  would  take  part  in  the  finances  about  it.    ❞
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whiterosemilktea · 2 years
@somnium-delicata​ ||  7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood?
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I don’t think Sofi had lasting childhood friends particularly, mostly cause I feel in her main verse she was homeschooled and didn’t get a lot of interaction with other kids. But I know she’s still in contact with her friends from the circus so that’s a close second! Anyone want to got to the movies with her and the Snake Boy?
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unyieldingvalxr · 2 years
@somnium-delicata continued from here 
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“A’course it’s for ya, silly. Who else woulda earned it?” She teasingly prods, her lips bending into a widened grin. With an affectionate touch, she ruffles his hair. “That little act a’ yours was so good, it kept me and the others alive. Where’d ya learn ta do that?” Her eyes eagerly search him as if the answer would be written plain upon his countenance. “Ya needn’t thank me, Henri. I owe ya a lot more for my life.”
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eyesofcuriosity · 1 month
"This life is amazing when you greet it with open arms!" (Zero)
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"Right? " she was thrilled to hear such poetic yet truthful words. She was glad that Zero was one of the few people with whom she shared many similar points of view. "I think it's easy to simply be close minded and simply go through one path without looking what else is out there. But....I think there is nothing wrong with straying away and try to discover new things as well "
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@sparklymuses and @somnium-delicata​ asked:  8. did you have a muse you tried to play, but didn’t feel connected to?
Munday asks but it’s not Munday and I’m mostly sending memes today to get some threads going - Accepting!
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Honestly? Not really. I don’t necessarily need to feel connected to a muse, per se, but I have to have an idea, or a story that features them, that I want to tell.
Where RP is concerned, however, I try not to take on too many muses (or threads, for that matter, my current state of drafts aside!). I believe in quality over quantity, and I just don’t see myself ever writing a multimuse. I know me: I’ll have muse/fixation on one or two characters...and then never get threads going for them, get annoyed, drop the multi account, rinse and repeat. It’s much better for me to have a single muse blog for this reason: I tend to spend years writing only a couple muses at a time, with guest muses/NPCs here and there (I’ve given some sort of voice to almost every character in Class 77-B, for example, in some capacity). 
With that in mind, there’s plenty of muses I play or have enjoyed playing in the past, but I don’t bring them to tumblr for a few reasons: I’ve exhausted everything I wanted to write with them, there’s only a few characters/situations/dynamics I really wish to play with them and thus it would be unfair as an indie blog to offer them, etc.
For most muses though, I first and foremost try to drabble/HC them on my own. They never get posted anywhere, it’s just for me to see how easily I can write them and if I truly enjoy doing it. 
tl;dr - I don’t tend to even offer muses to interact with if I don’t have ideas for them. I’m really picky on who I pick to play as a ‘main’ character, but NPCs? Sure, I’m happy to have them pop up in threads when they’re needed. I guess I’m the antithesis of muns who add/take on muses every week? Not necessarily a good or a bad thing (as it could be seen as boring/repetitive), but it is what it is.
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subiysu-chan · 10 months
❛  when i get out of here, i’m going to kill you. i promise you that.  ❜ (Madeleine to Subyss)
Crimson eyes shone with sadistic glee at the young women verbally lashing out at him.
To her threat, he seemed quite unafraid. "You wouldn't be the first one to try and murder me. And I'm still here. Besides, it'll be rather hard to hold a knife if I decide to stretch you."
It was years since he had the opportunity to actually stretch the rack, now mostly used as a flogging surface.
He leaned back to make sure her bounds were secure (and he did tie quite strongly, nearly cutting off circulation), before slowly removing his jacket and loosening his shift to allow her to see his chest. A large scar stretch around were his heart was, stretching up his stern and pectoral muscles, with some more from the removal. Above it was a tatooed a small cross, much smaller than his scars. He removed some more clothes, baring his upper body, and turned around to let her see the large hedgehog tatooed accross his shoulder palid shoulder blades.
"If this didn't kill me, why do you think you can ?"
Discreetely, he moved forward, allowing himself to do a first crank. Not nearly enough to damage anything, but it kept her muscles and skin taught.
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"Now, why don't you behave a little bit. Then, I won't dislocate anything, and settle for a whipping. But be warned, I can change my mind any minute."
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morethanaprincess-a · 3 years
Closed starter for @somnium-delicata​ !
Second Anniversary Starter Call - Accepting from mutuals. Please read the entire post!
With a package in her arms, wrapped in brown paper and of considerable weight, Princess Sonia of Novoselic had to be thankful for one thing as she stepped into the bustling crowd of Charing Cross Road: even if she couldn't travel to the likes of Spain, Germany, Austria, or Italy, she could at least look at sketches and, in rare cases, photographs of what she'd originally envisioned to be a proper World Tour.
Instead, she'd been sent only to the likes of Paris and London. The former, to be fitted for a proper stylish wardrobe (as if the tailors and seamstresses in the capitol weren't suitable enough) from Poiret, Vionnet, and Worth, and the latter to be presented to all manner of Polite Society. England still grasped the world firmly by its proverbial collar and demanded it straighten up and pay attention, from colonies in India to Americans that flooded the English ports, eager to take their new fortunes and mix them with old traditions.
Sonia, however, was in a place far more curious and unusual: The Kingdom of Novoselic was one of the few European nations left untouched by Queen Victoria and the House of Hanover. The long-standing monarch hadn't been prepared for how unwilling Novoselic had been to budge on the matter, choosing their own alliances and mostly keeping tight, regulated borders to protect their prosperity and strong military forces. But now, the current King and Queen found themselves in an unwelcome predicament: their daughter, the future monarch, had not only been given plenty of advantages her predecessors had been denied but had used such opportunities to put off (and in some view, fully disregard) her own expectations to create a new alliance for Novoselic through courtship and eventual marriage. Sonia had famously, politely, declined several offers to the point they'd run out of Novosonian (and French, and Italian) courtiers to put forth as eligible candidates for the princess. King Alexandre had been given no choice: he had to sway his daughter's interest in travel on the promise of a World Tour, when in reality she'd be sent to London, to the court of King Edward VII, to be presented before the British monarch and his Queen and take part, properly, in the London Season.
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Weaving through the early afternoon crowds (and trying not to be distracted by every bookshop window), Sonia didn't mind too much: the English took great interest in museums and sport, with new exhibitions, displays, and matches unfolding all over the city and nearby countryside. London, compared to Novoselic at least, was vibrant: constantly changing and while it lacked the bohemian revolution that was unfolding in Paris, it had no shortage of socializing.
What grated on her, however, was the fact that the only topic of conversation most people seemed to care for was the genteel marriage market itself. Topics discussed in parliament, brewing disputes to the east, even the issues that plagued suffragettes were pushed aside for the likes of who had met whom, who had danced with whom more than once at the last ball, and who was seen promenading in Hyde or Regents Park. Theatre and books were equally relegated as to whom was seen indulging in either, too.
"It's not the Tour I imagined," She muttered. Even in the crowd, her pale blue silk walking skirt and white lace blouse stood out among the sea of grays, browns, and other muted tones. Most of the sophisticated set wouldn't visit the bookshops themselves and insist having tomes mailed to them, or send a maid: they weren't as fashionable as shops that sold elaborate lace and bottles of scent. But Sonia needed to pick up each volume, turn them over in her hands and peruse the first chapter or two herself before making her decision. Unfortunately, she hadn't taken the same amount of care as to where she was walking as she collided with another girl, blonde and, it seemed, with her own agenda for the day.
"Oh, I'm very sorry! Please excuse me," Sonia apologized, stepping to the side and careful to keep both the package and her reticule away from the crowd. "It's not a simple thing to navigate the London crowd, especially so close to Oxford Street."
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