#someone get saberspark on this shit
the-winterstorms · 2 months
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I know everyone’s got different tastes when it comes to media, but I legit don’t understand what people see in Saberspark.
He always came off as a clout chaser to be honest, I remember struggling to get through his Hazbin Hotel video, because listening to him praise Viv for stuff that he gave other shows shit for made me want to tear my own ears off.
Yes, I know it’s easy to criticize these types of YouTubers, especially now that people have moved onto in depth video essays.
But because a lot of these YouTubers have massive online followings, people tend to treat their word as gospel and act like their opinions are the “right” ones.
So when they see someone like Saberspark praise Viv’s shows, they automatically assume that “Oh, this show must be great if this big name YouTuber is singing its praises.”
And that type of attitude does more harm than good when it comes to online discourse.
Sure, we’re at that point where stuff like Nostalgia Critic and Cinema Sis are scoffed at (And rightfully so I might add.) but the long term ramifications those shows had on media criticism as a whole is still an issue.
If you enjoy Saberspark or any other cartoon review channels, then that’s fine, but to put them on a pedestal while treating their opinions as facts is harmful.
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littlealeta · 4 months
A Troll in Central Park Review [Spoilers, not that it matters]
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I never wanted to rewatch this film seriously. I only rewatched it because Saberspark was watching it and trust me, the commentary that he and the comments do make the video much more fun to get through. I first watched this film at way too old of an age and barely remembered anything of it other than it was completely forgettable.
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I could describe the story as so many things. Pointless. Childish. Bizarre. Confusing. Random. It’s like someone wanted to make the most wholesome thing ever, more wholesome than Disney and Animal Crossing combined. If anyone knows me, you know I love wholesome shit. I love Animal Crossing, I love Disney (and many kids films in general), and I love the cozy game genre. But, this film is too wholesome. The entire story centers around a troll with a green thumb who creates pretty flowers and cute animals to anything he touches. He meets two kids (because we gotta have cute kids in a kids movie about ugly trolls because you can’t even bother to make the trolls and backgrounds look appealing) and he shows them all the beauty he can create. He takes them to a utopian land on one of the kids’ boat that he had repaired (with his stupid ass flowers) and enlarged. Then, everything goes to shit. But then they save the day and everything becomes good again.
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Actually… too good. Or maybe bad. Imagine the amount of pests and allergies this shit would cause.
I was struggling to figure out what the point of the movie was and why this was even made. From what I heard, the director was going through his Disney phase at the time, so he was trying to make it look as Disney-esque as possible. Which makes sense because there’s quite a few references taken from Disney. From a character crying an ocean of tears to more music drops than I ever remember seeing from a Don Bluth film, to characters we thought were dead turn out to be alive. But, the real issue is THE MOVIE HAS NO COHESIVE PLOT. The first half is a random happy slice of life story, the second half is a generic dark action film. I’d probably say the last half is slightly better than the first just because things get interesting, but even that doesn’t make up for the fact that the film feels like a bunch of different movies still going through their adolescent phases thrown in a blender. Characters solve issues in forced ways, and we get no character development or theme. Stanley, our protagonist, retires for most of the second half while Gus becomes the real protagonist and Stanley has to go through some half-assed growth to save the kids. The film clearly doesn’t know what it wants to be, what it wants its characters to be, or anything.
One good thing I will give the story is that it made me giggle a couple times, not that it matters though if the entire script is ass.
All the characters are either extremely sweet or the shittiest person in the world. No in-between. Stanley is this pure little troll who’s actually a douchey creep (the movie doesn’t present the latter that way though). He has a green thumb that somehow makes the world more beautiful and better. He becomes friends with these kids and this is where the creepiness factor comes in. He kinda kidnaps them, with no regard for their well-being or their parents. AND he likes kids kissing him! Not to mention, he is so inconsistent. He literally survives drowning in a storm yet he’s afraid of some fucking lightning and leaves his friends off to die. His character development was also rushed too. It made me wonder who was the protagonist supposed to be? Stanley was initially the making all the action happen, but then Gus has to take over because he’s too much of a wuss to save his kidnapped friends. 
Rose pretty much exists to be a toddler. She has this weird quirk of kissing things and somehow making everything better. She’s also… surprisingly brave for her age. There are better depictions of toddlers out there. Like Boo from Monsters Inc. or Sunny from Lemony Snicket’s. 
Gus is the most unlikeable character I’ve seen in, I don’t remember how long. He’s your typical child with neglectful parents and he takes his anger out on everyone else for no apparent reason. He also is extremely cynical for a young child his age. Every scene he’s in, he’s whining about something, bullying his sister and just being a whole ass.
The villains, which are Gnorgna and her minion I forgot the name of (I don't even know if it's mentioned), are just your average evil-for-the-sake-of-being-evil and comedy minion duo. The former likes babies, especially crying babies for some reason. The latter has a slapstick joke that gets repetitive.
The adults are your average ignorant parents (the nanny is too). They constantly got shit to do and don’t care about their kids because the movie’s gotta have a plot so….
And… I don’t remember anyone else nor care to remember them.
Animation/Voice Acting/Music
Don Bluth is known for some usually beautiful animation. While we do see some of that here including some hilariously exaggerated expressions, the animation is also filled with errors, ugliness and inconsistency. At one point, the kids’ heads literally get cut off as they’re walking off the screen. Some points have the characters talking/laughing/crying and their mouths/bodies aren’t moving. Characters are constantly shrinking and growing. The designs for the kids look cute in some scenes and goofy/monstrous in others while the creatures just look completely disgusting. And the parents look like models of other Don Bluth characters.
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And what is with the giant freckles/spots and puffy cheeks on all the characters’ faces? Come on, Don, you can do better than this.
The backgrounds don’t even go well with the tone of the film. Most of the tone is sweet, cute, and light-hearted, yet the backgrounds look dark and drab.
I would say most of the voice acting is decent. I do think Stanley should’ve been given a goofier voice, but every other voice actor looked like they were putting their all into this film. One scene where Gus was crying confused me, it’s like the movie was too lazy to put in sound effects or was trying to have some kind of emotional effect by muting the sounds, but it didn’t work for me.
The music is catchy, and it’s pretty good when listening to it out of context. I don’t really have anything to analyze here since I’m not a music person.
This is a movie clearly meant to be a babysitter for very very young children (I’m talking like under 6, maybe 8 years old.) Even then, I don’t see how this would be appealing to them in any way besides the cute imagery and the dark scenes might scare them.
I have never seen a more pointless movie since probably The Emoji Movie. No, SCRATCH THAT. Even The Emoji Movie had a point to make. THIS… is just random for the sake of random. Like I don’t know what the writers thought they were getting out of this? To appeal to toddlers?
I know why I initially gave this film a 1 out of 10. I didn’t remember shit about this film other than I remember not caring about anything about it. Rewatching it again with a fresh memory and analysis, there are a few things to praise, but in the end, I’m still giving it 3.3 bells out of 10. 
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Everything is pointless and boring. I don’t know what Don Bluth was thinking with this, because it feels so unlike him to create a mess like this. At least he recognizes what he’s done. Still, I’m amazed at how much he’s fallen with this film. Say what you want about Thumbelina, but at least I can get what THAT film was going for.
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deviantartdramanow · 1 year
Speaking of total dramarama, I recall a ‘fart fairy’ in the one cursed ass episode Saberspark covered, I imagine that fairy but collecting diapers and having a hairstyle like Club’s oc as he happily sniffs diapers. Someone out there is going to make that and I hope they do as it makes club realize what a fuck job he is.
Mod note:  https://youtu.be/01m98SaruAQ
Club you are gross, end of discussion. I doubt your 'educational rp’ nonsense will hold up against a pissed off parent scolding your ass for upsetting their kids. Stop talking to kids period or mommy is getting a nice long file of all the shit you put minors through in your gross rps. The rps have already been leaked after all, start panicking <3
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ashitomarisu · 2 years
Final Thoughts: The Aquatope on White Sand (AKA It took me way too long to summarize my feelings to properly praise this damn anime)
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Let's be real, I have no idea how Anime America overlooked this, given it was in the Summer 2021 lineup; unless she did watch but left it in the middleground. Then again, was this available in Australia?!
Oh gosh, do I have so much to say about this series other than being a rare gem left unpolished by a bunch of other anime titles that overshadowed its potential. Yeah, I said it.
While the concept didn't seem that interesting at first, the story behind Kukuru and Fuuka felt engaging (once their friendship gradually builds later in the first season). Not to go into much spoiler territory, you have one who has a dream to keep a dying business alive (inside an aquarium), while the other gave up her idol career (wait for it...) to do something different with her life. (Did I mention this was taken place in Okinawa? You can tell the animation team were dedicated to getting the culture and vibe as accurate and appropriate to the area).
In fact, the theming of this anime felt unknown until Episode 12, when I kept remembering Kukuru seeing the two maternity books, which I left out the spoilers, thinking this would come back later in the next season. Unfortunately, that was not the case, so now I'm begging to know if a follow-up sequel movie will happen. On the other hand, "life" seemed to be the main theme, as there were so many hints dropped, from new lives coming to fruition, and old ones passing on, but told in such a genuine, pleasant pace.
As for season 2, this was a massive whiplash transition with changes on the horizon, especially for Kukuru dealing with the loss of her original dream and adapting to new challenges. Fuuka also deals with developing a new personal goal that becomes her dream by the end of the series.
[Enough with my thoughts on the story; how about the characters?]
The supporting characters and cast were enjoyable in their own ways, but Kuuya...OMG he had me going. His default nature is mainly aloof, and shy towards women, but mention alcohol and he's a complete 180. For basically most of the series, he barely gives a shit about his job, but once he transfers to Tingarla, that mentality starts to disappear.
However, no one hit me harder than Fuuka herself. Even before starting the watch, I did some research, and going back to what I said earlier:
YES, FUUKA MIYAZAWA IS VOICED BY AN IDOL, WHICH IS IRONIC AS HELL.-Here comes the Aqours references all over again, but I don't care because Lantis was also involved with the music.
(You have five seconds to stop read--TOO LATE).
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Finally, someone else I can appreciate that isn't Riko Sakurauchi; and no I don't hate Riko, but RKK doesn't have a lot of main roles from my knowledge.
So, when I found this out, I immediately put this on my watch list as "HIGHLY ANTICIPATED". Yes, Fuuka was a delightful character, even if at first she didn't seem so confident in taking on a new path. Rikako, in my opinion, did a solid job with her performance.
(Time to wrap this up before I get caught too deep)...
Overall, The Aquatope on White Sand, despite not being as spectacular at face value, it is one anime title that deserves more attention. If you're one for environmental topics and need something more on the chill side, give this a shot. It is still available on Crunchyroll at the time of this post.
Hopefully y'all enjoyed reading my final thoughts on this series. My apologies for the late entry; personal reasons got in the way. With that, this concludes the anime watch for April. Next month, I have something really obscure yet beloved to experience.
(If it weren't for Saberspark doing a review on it a while back, this would have not been happening in May. Let's just say, we dial the clocks back to 1999...turn off the lights, lock the doors, get your headphones on, hide the kids and witness the story of one CHEEKY LITTLE HAMSTER).
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channeleven · 3 years
It's easy to throw shit at reviewers nowadays, though it's becoming less common due to so many reviewers appealing more to familiarity and hemorrhaging for views rather than dishing out genuine opinions (with the amount of crappy CGI movies Saberspark covers, something tells me he helped make one years ago and is still proud of it.)
People can single out the personality behind the reviews, as the reviews themselves give us an idea on what someone is like behind the scenes, but sometimes a review can be just as shitty as they are, or they just fucked up at one point and it's hard to dismiss.
Er, fuck it, here're six reviews I find to be quite crappy, including some umbrellaed ones.
Marlyonama: Tentacolino
Starting off small, here's something a bit more obscure. Marlyonama is unique in that she's one of the few female reviewers on YouTube. But that's rendered meaningless due to the fact that her videos are cringe (I mean the more infamous ones anyhow.)
Marlyonama emerged around the time Nostalgia Critic did his review of Legend of the Titanic and refused to do the sequel. It was there that I discovered many new reviewers like WhyBoy and Bobsheaux, and while the former mostly evolved, the latter became stagnant. I mean it checks out, this review came out in 2012, and... it sucked.
It was below the par of other reviews from the time, and it got to the point a commentary was made on it by RickyRay102. Marly isn't the sweetest pot of honey on the shelf, as a matter of fact she's quite passive aggressive, as at one point she left a nice comment on the commentary, then did a negative reaction not long after.
For perspective, it wasn't just that one video, apparently a commentary was also done on her FoodFight! review, this time by DoodleTones, call that a preventative measure for a one-sided hatred claim.
BaseballSam1 was fairly known back in the day, and he still makes new videos though he is now off the radar. Once you see one BaseballSam video, you basically get the gist.
Sam had low production values, footage was recorded off of his phone. Plus he recycled opinions shared on other cartoons verbatim, each of his videos can be considered one in the same.
This guy is lower on the list because the one review I saw of him, the only reason I didn't make it all the way was because it was on Teen Titans Go. If I hated the show as much as everyone else I probably would've made it through.
Otherwise, this is to label all of Sam's crappier content to his old channel. His production has improved quite a bit since then, though I can't say how much else he had improved everywhere else.
MrEnter: Da Boom Crew
On the off-chance you assume I'm blindly defending enter because I'm referring to many of his detractors as starting a new trend of A-Logs, I'm going by what Enter is now, not what he used to be. Enter's videos could be divided into four camps, his avatar videos where he appears when narration isn't needed, his original videos where he was just starting out (bored and uninteresting), his intro videos, where a bulk of his old cringe come from (these Animated Atrocities had the opening), and his episode title-card reviews (the ones with red and black title cards.)
That era was where he started ramping up the anger, and I feel his review of Da Boom Crew at that point was the worst of it. In the past, I actually managed to get through Enter's older videos because I held a similar mindset to the people who watched him back then, but I couldn't make it through his Da Boom Crew review.
Let's get this out of the way, it gets repetitive real fast, and something tells me he hadn't tried to find the context in most of what's going on. Sad thing is, Da Boom Crew is a crappy show, but the review isn't any better. If Enter continued to make videos this way, I wouldn't have warmed up to him and I'd see things through the perspective of his detractors, but frankly he had improved since then, and everyone's stuck with minor hiccups and past follies, hoping and praying they could keep the hate-wagon alive.
Game Dude: Just About Anything
I don't hate the Irate Gamer. It seems many people have moved on from hating him, some even considering his videos welcome compared to where AVGN is now (and this is coming from someone who still watches AVGN). At worst, Chris isn't as honest when it comes to using CAMEO for his celebrity features, but that's about it.
If there's one AVGN clone I do hate however, it's Game Dude. People were so focused on how he ripped off the AVGN, that they practically missed the deeper parts of it, I mean Encyclopedia Dramatica did, and they're usually on the ball. To get you up to speed, Game Dude was a stalker who was actually taken to court for it, before fleeing the country afterwards (though it's rumored he had likely come back.)
While his production values were surprisingly decent, given that he was a film student (albeit one who would frequently re-edit his student projects, much like how he took down reviews that didn't obtain four stars or higher.), it didn't change the fact that his reviews were shitty and sucked ass. People said his Sonic 06 review was good, but then again any review of it is good just as long as you say how bad it is.
Jokes felt forced, he had a habit of shitting on newer adaptations of classic game icons in order to score appeal, plus he shat on lesser known games just for the hell of it. That's really all that could be said about him, everything he has ever done was shit. I couldn't even find a review worse than the others, so here's just a small taste
MoBrosStudios' SpongeBob Reviews
MoBrosStudios' SpongeBob review videos have held up poorly for me. I remember watching them when they were new, back when all I had to worry about was school, he was also the guy who got me into YouTube Poops for a while, and cultivated a negative aspect of the cartoon community that persists to this very day.
Why do we have people militantly pining for the older episodes (at least a lot back then)? MoBrosStudios reaffirmed their importance by treating the later seasons like they were the worst thing ever (now yeah those seasons aren't up to par, frankly the more expressive later episodes make me sick), his projection reaches whining standards, and he's a reason MrEnter's older videos were so garbage.
MoBrosStudios, being one of the pioneers of more ambitious YTPs, had influence, and when it comes to SpongeBob SquarePants, he can bring anyone any way, and MrEnter seemed to be one of them. Well, not by much, just using a term coined by MoBros in his SpongeBob videos, what was it called? Squidward Torture Porn? Why did he call the writers by name in his reviews? Well MoBros did the same in his SpongeBob videos, particularly Aaron Springer.
The reason why I brought up how MoBros and Nostalgia Critic influenced Enter is because of those influences, Enter cultivated a personality that led people to hate him to this very day. Thanks to how he happened to be years ago, people will continue to use him as a means of boosting their own self-esteem. I'm not harping on MoBros, believe me I'm not, he has improved ten fold in terms of reviewing in his Anim8Ball videos, but his earlier content had done more harm than good in the long run.
At large, these videos feel immature in a way, trying to embellish aspects that were less awful and more just mindless. Not to mention, he takes SpongeBob continuity too seriously, well one time he did, he based SpongeBob and Sandy's karate prowess entirely on Karate Choppers. Not to mention, he placed Rodeo Daze as number two on one of his lists, when it was the least offensive of all the other episodes. One aspect? He was mad that the town didn't rally together to help. Thinking about that, I want so bad to see a show parody the whole town coming to help cliche by having them abandon important aspects just for the sake of one guy. It was a stupid episode, but there were plenty other episodes that deserved to rank at 2 in that list.
These reviews are the equivalent of Sonic 93's old rants, good for the time, but wound up doing more harm than good, though at least MoBros' old channel is still open.
Some of these videos are gone, so here's the first part of the one that started it all
TommyPezmaster: Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs: The Series
We started with relative obscurity, we end with relative obscurity. TommyPezMaster isn't just a bad reviewer, but a sight to behold everywhere else. You won't find his reviews on YouTube, but they are on his Vimeo. Tommy strikes me as someone who'd shoot up a store in Canada (because he hates that country so much) and doesn't even know the meaning behind half of his inspirations.
All I got from him is that he hates CatDog and ChalkZone, two great shows, but his reasoning is poor. He assumes CatDog is reliant on toilet humor, and he hates Canadian-sounding guys, which accounts for coherence in his ChalkZone review. I tried to have an open mind when looking up his reviews, so I looked for a review on a show I hardly care about. Then came Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs. I wasn't a fan of the movie, so when it got a TV spin-off... I could've cared less, but it does look very bad, maybe I can focus less on a difference in opinion and just see how he goes on about it.
I stopped watching at the start of a gag where he would insert an anime intro when one character spoke. This felt like a parody of the old MrEnter, but he was desperate to make his own thing to. He claims something is mean spirited, but he doesn't put it to what happens in the episode he's covering, he claims to censor some aspects, but we don't know what (unless this was just him ripping something from another reviewer)
The scary thing is, I cut out after four to five minutes, there could be so much more wrong with the review that I don't know about. It's sad really, this looks like it could very well be a very crappy show, what with it being ugly and being on the lazy side when it comes to plots, not like Tommy'd be smart enough to point out something like that.
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monkey-network · 5 years
Y’know, said this before on twitter, but I’d say it bears repeating with a bit of additions I got in hindsight So...
“You know, spotting multiple videos expressing "the problems w/ the cartoon community", I can't help but say they ain't saying much that you could honestly say about internet culture in general. You can say whatever you will about folks like the past Mr. Enter or whomever had the nerve to say the Meme Movie 2 was worse than gonorrhea, but it's honestly something that we all should've understood by now. We should’ve realized by now that fandom culture can sucking fuck and to me, the appreciation from an individual is better than trying to garner attention over nothing as a group.
A problem I see within this community is that for all the talk of loving animation and stuff, there is a sincere shortage of big names actually giving lesser known shows a better spotlight. I respect the likes of Saberspark, Animat, and Pan Pizza for shedding some light on more niche media, but it's shame that humanity is more into mainstream than exploring to find shows they probably would've never heard about if they continuously relied so much on big time youtubers. It's in the same area as animation on Youtube. We keep hearing about animation deserving more respect, but we seem meek in talking about anything other than the latest, more publicized media. Like forget critics that agree with you or not, it's harder finding people that like something you found alone or remembered by pure happenstance.
Like wow, isn't it amazing that we as a society were able to collectively say the Emoji Movie is wack or that this one show/film everybody's watched 20 times already is,,,, shocker, probably worth checking out? 
Not to say toon lovers need to, but I'm saying that having an opinion on something everybody's probably seen should be less prevalent than talking about something you like that nobody's ever heard of before. And I have the perfect example: Moomins.
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Before 2019, I’d this series has been only occasionally mentioned but generally remained in obscurity online. But, with the 2019 Moominvalley series premiering, you can argue that its overall popularity has certainly boosted this year not much from big name “Cartoon Community” youtubers, but low-key fans of the series giving it the prevalence it needed to catch the eye of many newcomers. You definitely won’t find any of the known Youtube cartoon community showcase this series any time soon, but you don’t need to. This goes for any obscure show you remember or know personally. People will most certainly present you shows that’s out of your norm and they can catch your investment if given enough time and info with prevalence. And if the prevalence ain’t there, you just get famine, so to speak.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m in no way bashing the “Cartoon Community” for not giving more obscure media the spotlight, but it can go without saying that channels should put more passion out there for shows people probably never heard of, and not just shows that were abandoned for a reason. And audiences should explore their media more because there can be shows that can surprise you other the ones on CN or Disney or Netflix. 
And it can go w/o saying, but reviewing cartoons shouldn't be a job. I get that Youtube/Patreon can offer you a pinch of money for doing so, but talking about things you like should be more of a hobby than an obligation. This coming from someone that's reviewed shows for years, hasn't earned shit, yet enjoys doing it because talking about the good stuff, in and out the mainstream center, is something I like to do regardless of the little notes I get. That’s what the cartoon community should be about, to me, finding the good stuff, cartoons, animations, to share with anyone interested.”
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viintagesalt · 5 years
19. What’s your favorite book? 20. Books or movies? 22. Least favorite book you’ve read? 23. Dreamworks or Pixar? 24. Marvel or DC? 25. Nickeloden or Disney? I love you
send me a number and get to know me —- > xxx( love you too sweet pea ~
19. what’s your favorite book?the LOTR’s trilogy really stuck with me, but i guess if i had to pick a SINGLE book it’s a toss up between Howl’s Moving Castle ( Diana Jones ) and The Gospel According to Biff ( Christopher Moore )
20. Books or movies?you know it honestly depends for me? they’re both methods of story telling, but they both do so in very different ways, so sometimes it’s just really hard to translate what the books try to do into straight film and vice versus.
like i’ll say Queen of the Damned? better book than movie, wtf was that about. but Stardust? i enjoyed the movie more than i enjoyed reading the book, so yeah fam, it really just depends on how you tell the story
23. Dreamworks or Pixar?i mean as someone that was studying to be an animator, i like both studios for entirely different reasons lel? i’m honestly frustrated for both studios because A ) Disney has its dick in everything and B ) the people in The Academy still treat animation like a joke category so i’m just... bitter for everyone because i’m gourmet salt.
24. Marvel or DC?while i do think DC makes some very badass intricate characters as far as psychological intrigue goes, i’m also literally 12, so i tend to enjoy Marvel stories a bit more. my general interests are in Dr. Strange and bits of VENOM on the Marvel side, and for DC i’m always here for Poison Ivy and Cat Woman ~
25. Nickelodeon or Disney?oh hecc this is hard ;;; only because growing up, Disney had like such weaker programming as far as cartoons went in comparison to Nickelodeon. they took FOREVER getting the fuck on top of that. Saberspark on YouTube actually has a really interesting video essay about all of that.but going by just 90s kid nostalgia brain? def Nickelodeon until i grew up into Cartoon Network.
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obsessed-fanatic · 3 years
I heard and have been taught things by my parents that obviously led me to where i am today.
All i know is i dont want to be someone thats negative or seems out to get someone. Those scenarios are honestly scary if you think about it.
But to tell the truth i was always growing up with so much interests like cartoon shows, favorite movie franchises, and mini series.
Even animated films were great.
These were the things that kept me above water.
Then i discovered the internet.
Holy shit was i not prepared.
In 2012 many things changed in my life. Entering a new school and year.
Stressful things.
And then i was immersed in a big world like no other.
I first saw internet in 2008 but when the years went by it got really interesting. Now i wasnt that type of guy to watch adult material cause i didnt have needs like that at the time. I was young.
In 2012 i discovered markiplier and the brony fandom
In 2014 i found out about Die Young, the animation that got me into the wonderful magical world of ZooPhobia while going to my first and only pony convention in August of that year, with SaberSpark making a surprise appearance while being disguised in a pikachu hat.
I looked at him one time. I saw him with a pikachu hat. In my mind i was like, " Is that saberspark? No it couldn't be."
Then he revealed himself to the crowd at the convention, including to michelle creber and Gabriel Brown. I was wearing a big white vinyl scratch hoodie that day.
Funnily he asked gabriel a question
With a Banana 😂
I then thought something was up.
I got real excited when he revealed himself.
I laughed when he shouted "Security!!" After black gryph0n tackled him... For some reason.
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hgfstreamchats · 4 years
El Arca
Hello! Hello there! paused Castlevania for christian lion sex Castlevania would understand. but they just found the giant demon that I very much wish to smooch!!! Is the sound functioning? tis! Excellent! Oh, there we go Sound seems okay Well, in that case, I won't delay! Onto the lions we go. It was being... "funny" he wants a cursed kids show he should go watch donkey ollie agin Deleting my messages and so on OH NO NOAHS ARK Ahh, I see you're ahead of the game! I'm deeply suspicious already. did Saberspark ever upload his edited version that includes *all* the jokes You'll love it, night human. It's got lovingly rendered animal excrement. No, but this is the uncut version. oh good Jesus it does not help that they have regular human hands youre gonna see chicken strips, night When you say "chicken strips"... do you mean that a chicken strips? you'll see mr.... noseybonk.... jesus fucking christ And fire. Uh.... yeaah that's about normal for discord servers As you can see, we're off to a great start. prostitutes thinkin he's Zeus
Ha! HAH! I really dont wanna see that one dude's teeth like that again This seems.  Familiar but not too familiar.... Oh man you are NOT gonna like what happens to those trees when they get soaked in seawater. the children are brats she's dumping him lmao Good for her! This is perverse. "are you... the devil" It really is. Especially your grandparents' trees. -calmly- "that's enough :)" And all those slaves you went into debt to free. I mean hey, at least the debt will be gone too! "what do you mean, the fuck do I know about boatbuilding" That's something! "well then. we're all going to die!" "Oh, finally!" "haha, we're all going to die" Oh. Well, that answers that. this is.... surprisingly well done "No more, no less. I want lots of sickly, genetically doomed animals in this new world." Is this some kind of... antisemitic caricature Probably. "kind of making me feel inadequate" chicken strips! Still less self-centered and malevolent than Primus. Pffff Okay, so, chickens don't have... mammaries.  So is this some kind of weird roleplaying thing? Are the chickens furries?? He's summoned as many animals as he knows how to spell. Sorry, Xoloitzcuintli. this movine needs to slow the fuck down oh my god official favorite character I like how he spent valuable time illustrating each one. "I am SO going to this sex resort" She looks awfully happy for someone who just learned everyone she knows is going to die in a flood And the parents look awfully happy for people who just learned THEY'RE going to die in a flood they're going to spend the end times fragging I would. ...And did, come to think of it. Ayyyy. Her? Ahhh, a liar. I like him! I love her They're one another's beards for the sake of surviving the flood. And that's wonderful. True. Who made that chair. some of these animals are super uggo Wait, did both of those kangaroos have pouches? Hang on, were those--yeah, that They do! lesbians I support them The orangutans weren't the only ones to beat the system. Maybe they're pregnant That'd explain how come there's still kangaroos Ironically, if they got pregnant by different parents, they'd be the most genetically diverse species in the world. *partners Yes, exactly! "what was that last one 8)" ...Want to know a fun fact about kangaroos :) that they have multiple vaginas? ...Yes. that still fucks me up Their genitals are positioned in reverse? Oh, that. All this out of a patch of trees? They are PROUD of that model Y'know, you'd think that a LOT of other people would have survived.  There was more than one boat in the world at the time this is set Okay so what ARE the carnivores going to eat idk why they call her fat. she's got an ass that just don't quit and I think that lion;s a fool for choosing some other lioness But the other one has tiddies.  Lion tiddies. And a clever mouth, apparently. Where's the pig's partner? he is a bi disaster The male lion, I mean he is He'd be dead after that. But what ARE the predators going to eat There was a single, doddering old lion in the group. Maybe they're going to divide him up? Write up her report. "Write up my report" = "Legitimately weighing my choices between mating with you or a watery death." Harsh but fair. Ahhh, Perfect Storm-ing it. Well well well. "See, I'd rather room with that tiger" Hello! Hello! Hello, sorry I'm late--is this that weirdo Noah's Ark furry disaster?! It is! It IS Damn "hey do you guys hear music" ....Carrion. *Dear Unicron, are they feeding on the drowned corpses of the dead?* .... oh hey it's the vampires' plan from castlevania Oh hey, that's a possibility They bob right by and they just scoop them up. It makes as much sense as anything else Although, after forty days... reptile room Heheheheh those snakes just wanted to mlem!!!! hahahah "woah that is NOT the letter I got" okay well that explains how the carnivores arre geting fed FEESH Oh right I guess the carnivores are eating fish Fish aren't people! Considering they haven't broken out into an orgy, I'd say they're showing surprising restraint. a least he feels bad about it She has lipstick THATS THE SECOND TIME They... both have pouches. The good ship Bad Decisions in action The kangaroos got away with it. thats way more than two chickens though I guess to be fair eggs are necessary "THEN we can eat them" FISH AND EGGS YOU DUMB LASS this dude has the right idea What...w as that what is ANY of this Who even knows? Where's your *one* female? I like that he's buds with the pig trying to think of what a panlion would look like given ligers and tigons exist she's giving u the key to her vag I wonder where the male panther is https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/39/Leopon01.jpg Found some. oh cute! Huh. In this scene: shadows are rendered. I'm sorry is her name "panty" Panthy, I think, but that's still BAD How charming and necessary. Wow, what a necessary scene those jerks should be thankful the raccoons helped them out All that craftsmanship and you couldn't rig the piles and piles of excrement to dump neatly into the water? nah that'd be too easy Ease of cleanup and sticking it to your god at the same time. Bah I bet he's not even dead that's three Oh no, they kicked the ladder down.  How will he ever get out now he pinched a tiger's rear Does it even matter who steers, I mean none of them know where they're going "quick, smear this blood on your tits" lock him in the slammer oh so that's why it matters whether they can steer Where's he going to pause or rest? ... this is the worst haka I've ever seen doc I'm begging you to look up real hakas after this film to cleanse my eyes Will do. hahahah That was dark. "surrender, we can have a threesome" how convenient Already so many rabbits Monarchy or cannibalism.  The only two choices. "You're here even though you got to this point in your life without knowing fire does that!" "did that lion just look at me?" holy shit lmao It gets caught in a southwesterly breeze and the ship goes up in flames. hukkhhkhkjhjk well the polar bears will be fine! Right? well I guess it woulkdnt be a south american made film without a huge party at the end Uh They're.  Making her cage dance? I don't think they're making her do a thing LOL ALSO I'M SORRY WERE THE DONKEY AND DEER DOING IT IN THE CONGA LINE They've told her multiple times she's free to leave that cage. that was Well, then! look at that dummy thick jaguar That sure did happen That WAS. Let us be thankful it is over That certainly was a thing that happened. now for a much needed reprieve Peel off the tracksuits. I've seen some vids of the womens soccer team from NZ doing hakas and it's absolutely great Much better than the orangutan doing it. for sure Oh, good, she's sixteen Yikes Ewwwwwww I will be honest I thought this was going to be an LP a Planet Coaster thing It's exactly that, but you know...real. God "due to tax state regulation" ...oh, I bet that was LAX state regulation He's clearly someone who has any business demanding "the prettiest girl." [wasted] The advice in question" "Don't" Right? "We are smarter than everyone and that's why we're building the MURDERCOASTER" That one got to live. that kid's smart Apathetic Child is the smartest one in the video. Well that's not good jesus christ is that blood It is. They certainly did show those idiot mathematicians, physicists, and engineers. JESUS CHRIST Jesus Questions about the inspection process. Something special. "We all have something special to hold onto." Like a severed head. christ I'm gonna bump out for now. take caare all! Goodnight! Good night! Wait, did we watch the roller coaster one? I know I've seen THIS one... hmmmm Oh!  With the giant hole! The giant body trench? Yes! Glorious! In that case, I'm all out of light notes to end on. Suggestions? SNL What's That Name? We could just browse this channel a little bit and look for one we haven't seen! All the ones I've seen have been... fun. This, then we'll browse the channel. I'm for it. God Hahhahaha Ohhh boy Finish that thought God They all look good tbh. True, true. Fire.  I like it. Now I'm slightly nostalgic for Interface on Wheels. Do tell! Ohhhh I've forgotten everything about the game save that my city was called that. Just imagine driving through this place I will not. Well then. Drive into the Void. Hey, it makes sense, you can bet on the games. I'm curious to see how the fire's going to happen. I mean, they seem to be happening on their own just fine Lovely. Oh no!  The orphanage! It's Little Lamplight! Hey, I'm up for another if you are. same! Excellent! THIS is the one. Ha! Dear lord. It lives there now. This is like bizarro Ratatouille It's majestic. How else will the customers get their daily dose of broken glass? So ungrateful \o/ Yes.  Yessss. One more? Sure! Yes. And why wouldn't it be. I like how carefully they rendered the butt. Priorities. VERISIMILITUDE I've known medbay Eradicons that would if they could. Amazing. Oh Boy As a doctor, I can verify every single thing about this. I love it. I love their walk animations.  It's like they're on roller skates. It does! or those wheelieshoes Heelies! yes! those. 24/7 Are those bloodstains Oh yes. Uh oh! I like the blow dryer next to her bed. Amazing. The only note worth ending on, something terrible happening to Grace. You might even call it... a Grace note. ;) Terrible. Shame on you. I love it. It's what I'm here for! It is, in fact, your saving grace HAH! :D Although, frankly, I don't think ANYONE'S saving Grace. She had her chance to run. She sure did. Well--thanks for the stream!  It's been a great time, as usual. :) Thank YOU for gracing me with your presence! Ha! Good night! good night! Good night!
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