#someday I will rest properly
wrathofnature · 2 years
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Finally finished with this artwork for my OCs! It took me a while but I finally got to the point where I’m now satisfied with. (there may be some things I want to adjust but I already spent 50 hours on this.) OC on the left is inspired by a lot of cultivation murim content while the right is inspired by magical girls. Someday I will properly write their story….
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greghatecrimes · 4 months
dear past anya...
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we finally made it out
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memovia · 10 months
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The little details and differences to between Dan Feng and Dan Heng kills me so much.
But design-wise? I love the muted colours on Dan Feng: No teal in his hair Silver instead of gold. The crane design on his sleeves which represents immortality, longevity and wisdom. The earring on the opposite side. Shorter horns. The maple leaf to represent himself and Dan Heng probably THE CHAINS? Whether a metaphor or not. It could mean Dan Heng's future in the shackling prison, or also the fact that Dan Feng was chained to his duty always.
The thing that gets to me is the crane. While Dan Feng has cranes, Dan Heng has a lotus which symbolises rebirth, strength and resilience. The contrast? I love it so much, Dan Heng will persist always. He is the strong one, the one reborn to claim freedom.
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it's xie wanqing from love btwn fairy n devil 🌷🌼💚🥺!!! she is my wife now, lord ronghao DNI 😠😡🤬
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creepiefarm · 2 years
girls will have an easier time writing masky than jessica or brian and think that's normal
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noxtivagus · 1 year
the night sky was so pretty..
#🌙.rambles#the sky was so clear n#the night was cold yeah but it wasn't too much for me. i'm used to the cold#n the stars were.. so bright. i recognized some constellations n planets n#it's. been so long since i saw the night sky as clearly as that n i felt like crying a bit ngl#i'll forever remember the sight i saw tonight. of how i missed it so much. n the many times i've imagined n dreamed of it#finally i.. was under that night sky again. n time stopped for me then n i felt like myself. renewed hope. remembrance.#warmth despite the cold. n. oh my god i'm at a loss for words rn i'm so sleepy but yeah#to my dismay the moon wasn't seen but. the night sky was still so beautiful#one day i rlly want to just stargaze w my family again properly. w my friends n. someday one day with a significant other as well#i'm so happy hfksjfsjfs it's been so long since i saw the night sky so clearly n it means so much to me 🥹#i'll sleep early tonight. i want to be up by dawn tomorrow#i'll always remember this night fr hfkjsfjsjjfs 🥹🤍 please.. please please let me remember that moment forever#edit/ i'm rlly so happy rn i feel like crying bcs last night i.. felt so. nvm i'll move forward from then. i'll remove these tags#n focus on doing better instead forging onwards to the future. n last night will always be a reminder. but seeing the stars tonight i..#i'll still hope! i'll hold on! the sight of the stars tonight make me dream of a better me. they remind me of who i really am#i think i'll sleep early tonight i. i deserve that rest. today was good.#words i have rn aren't enough for me to convey just how much the night n the sky n the stars n. rlly just all of that mean to me :<<#ever since i was young n. honestly just rlly throughout my whole life. yeah. too personal for here though#i wish the wonder n love i felt under the night sky tonight wld last forever. even w its cold i found warmth. w apollo n my family n#one day.. you? if you ever wanted that. if you ever imagined it. one day i know i'll feel this way again. i'll hold unto myself until then.#n one day we'll meet under the night sky n i'll be glad i chose to hold unto myself n continue to forge ahead#ohh last thought yk next time i'll bring a proper camera too ehe i just used my phone this time ><#i just love love capturing memories n keeping them to myself n remembering n reminiscing.#i'm so tempted to write some stories or ideas or wtvr but i think i'll remember what i felt earlier tonight forever.#it rlly means a lot to me for. so many reasons. i'll sleep early tonight since i want to be up for dawn!!!! so. gn <3#i miss the dawn i used to know so well just as much as i missed the same night sky i saw tonight. feels like i'm living in a dream rn#but this.. i guess a scar yeah. its meaning is different from last night n that means the world to me. a reminder i'm still alive.#i can dream n think n write more another day but tonight i hope i'll sleep in peace#there's more i want to do but.. i think i'll just do this for myself this once. yeah. so gn please take care n i'll see you on the morrow
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mt-tiber · 1 month
RS. Personal Log. 5 May 189X.
Things are new, so I’m trying this out. This being the journal. Lieutenant Warren tells me April is an awkward month to join the navy, but I’ve been accommodated nonetheless. They run enlistments year-round. It would be their own fault if they couldn’t.
I am undergoing training. I’m told basic training lasts for two months, which I am currently a quarter through. Professional training lasts half a year at least, though may last longer depending on when we get a ship.
The majority of training consists of small coastal voyages, travelling from city to city. A disproportionate amount of time is spent on land. Any proper experience we get I’m told we’re to go no farther than line of sight of land reaches. True deep sea trips will have to be saved for plain naval duty.
We are to spend a considerable period of time here (Dorskender), which is disappointing. If I see Calvin once more, I will be unable to stop myself from breaking the bastard’s jaw, which will likely not go down well with my superiors. And if I see his poor father, I am worried I’ll hunt him down to break his jaw. Not that I’m particularly fond of this place either.
I’ve had to cut my hair (I’ve been allowed it just above my shoulders, as long as I maintain it above) and cease renting out my apartment. I can’t find it in myself to mourn the place. It was cheap, rat-infested, and falling apart. I will have no reason to pay rent when I have quarters wherever I am in the navy. Besides, I may be able to afford better lodgings when I eventually leave.
There’s a small group of us who apparently will be likely to work together on the same ship in the future as we signed up at similar times. I’m of the impression that our squad is not unique in that. But, we’re being encouraged to get to know each other well, in preparation for duty, to be able to work together well. They are loud. Louder than me, certainly.
I’ve often been told I appear unemotional, but now more than ever. What am I to say! It’s new, it’s a bit frightening, if I’m being honest. I know none of these people. Lieutenant Warren’s asked me to come out of my shell a little more. Somehow, it’s become harder than when meeting new people in the past.
But, my own disconnect from the rest of the squad aside, most come from relatively similar backgrounds. Poor dockworkers, some salt like myself. Often minor troublemakers. Not enough to get in any real trouble with the law, but simple rascals. I’m not confident the commonality is just a coincidence. We’re likely an easy demographic. There’s a reason the enlistment centre was where it was (practically just outside Marquis Dock).
Though I am more withdrawn from the other men, they have been very glad for my fiddle. I decided to bring it along instead of selling it, which I am thankful for. One of them (Flaherty I think it was?) found me playing a more melancholy improvised tune and was delighted to find I could play. They have asked me to play for them several times. They prefer my more cheery songs. They have also attempted to convince me to join the others of them that also play instruments and play together. I have yet to accept.
That’s about all that’s important. I haven’t told anyone of my enlistment. That was probably unkind, but I don’t really care right now. This was also probably a rash decision, to run off and join the navy, but I care even less. I do not regret it.
I’m writing this in a small moment of privacy - I found a small nook in the quarters to hide myself away in. I’m being called out now by some of the others who are determined to become my friends, apparently.
I don’t quite know how to sign this off. Farewell. Best regards, RS.
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diari0deglierrori · 5 months
This is not a gifset à proprement parler but I just felt the need to share it, since I couldn’t find it anywhere
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single handedly saved my mental health
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writemekpop · 3 months
Cold Feet | Mark Lee
Summary: With just one week to go, you call off the wedding. You’ve just realised that you know nothing about your fiancé.
Genre: Angst, established relationship AU
Word count: >1k
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You stood outside Mark’s door, shivering. Icy rain was slamming down, drenching you, but you didn’t care. You just needed to see your boyfriend.
“Come on, open up!” you cried, banging on the door again.
The door swung open. Mark was standing there, in nothing but his grey pyjama bottoms, rubbing his eyes sleepily. His dark hair was splayed out in all directions.
“Y/n, whatchu doin’ out here? It’s three in the morning.” Mark said. He stood to the side, ushering you in. “Come inside, you’re soaked.”
You shook your head, ignoring his outstretched hand. “We’re getting married in a week!”
Mark smiled. “I know. Baby, wedding planning is all we’ve been doin’ for months.”
“No, you don’t get it. Mark, we’re supposed to be getting married, but… but… we can’t!”
Mark frowned. “Why not?”
“Because we don’t know anything about each other!” Tears slid down your cheeks, mixing with the rain.
“What are you talking about, Y/n? Of course we do,” he said softly.
“No we don’t. We’re making a huge mistake!”
“Please just come inside so we can talk about this properly.”
You followed Mark into his apartment. He handed you a towel and one of his spiderman T shirts.
“Put this on, you’re gonna catch a cold,” he said.
Your heart twinged at Mark’s kindness. You got changed out of your clothes and sat on Mark’s bed, wearing his T shirt that smelled just like him. You gulped.
Mark rubbed his neck. “Y/n, this is just pre-wedding jitters. Freaking out in the middle of the night ain’t helpin’ anyone. Can we just talk in the morning?”
“You’re not listening to me! Mark, we’ve been dating for a year, but we haven’t talked about anything important. I mean… where are we going to live once we get married? One of us is going to have to give up their apartment, but who?”
Mark stared at you in silence. You went on.
“We’ve never talked about whether we want kids, or if we’re gonna send them to private school or not. Whose family are we going to visit on the holidays? And what about money?”
Mark shook his head. “Y/n, I don’t care about all that stuff. All I know is that I love you, and that I wanna be with you for the rest of my life.”
Mark touched your arm gently, but you shook him off.
“All that stuff, Mark, is our entire life,” you spat. “Love isn’t enough.”
The temperature in the room fell to zero.
“Do you not love me?” Mark asked, voice small.
“I do, but Mark, what even is love? We don’t live together, we’ve never been on holiday together, heck, we’ve never even had sex!”
Mark gulped; eyes glued to the floor. “I thought you said you were okay with that…”
You sighed. “Mark, don’t you get it? We’re rushing into this lifelong commitment when we’ve barely thought it though. I should never have… said yes when you proposed.”
“Are you saying you don’t wanna marry me next week?”
You let out a shaky breath. “Not next week… but maybe someday?”
“I have never doubted us, Y/n.” Mark stood up, stuffed a pillow under his arm, and walked towards the door.
“Where are you going?”
“To sleep on the couch,” Mark said, rubbing his eyes.
“But this is your apartment…” you said.
Mark groaned. “Fine, you sleep on the couch! Actually, why don’t you go back to your own apartment!”
“Mark, I-“
“Why are you sabotaging our wedding like this, Y/n? You should have talked to me earlier, instead of waiting till the week before our wedding. You’re being so… selfish.”
“I’m sorry,” you said, tears beginning to fall again.
“Go home, Y/n. I can’t be with you right now.” Mark pushed you out of the bedroom and slammed the door shut. The lock clicked.
You looked around Mark’s living room. There were pictures of the two of you on every surface. You felt sick.
You sobbed the entire way home in the taxi. When you got inside your apartment, you flopped onto your bed, not even bothering to take off your shoes. You had just pushed a good man away. What had you done?
The next morning you were awoken by a thumping on the door. You jolted out of bed, head throbbing from crying so much.
Could it be…? You tried not to let yourself hope as you ran to the door and pulled it open.
Yes! It was Mark, looking adorable and tired with his circle glasses and stubble.
“Mark, what are you doing here?”
“I think we should move into your apartment,” Mark said.
You raised your brows. “What?”
“Yours is bigger, so it just makes sense,” Mark said. “And I do want kids, but no more than three. I’d wanna send them to private school if we can afford it. Let’s go to your folks for the holidays, and for money? We can figure it out together.”
You sighed. “Oh, Marky.”
Mark took your hand in his and pressed a kiss to your palm. “I’m sorry for gettin’ mad last night, Y/n. Everything you said was totally reasonable. We… need to talk about this kinda stuff before rushing into anything.”
You sighed.
Mark looked at you, brown eyes glassy. “We can postpone the wedding if that’s what you want. We don’t even have to get married. But, please, I need you in my life.”  
You pulled Mark into a tight hug, too overwhelmed to speak. You breathed in his familiar peach shampoo smell, and basked in the warmth of his body.
“How was I lucky enough to find you?” you whispered; face buried in his neck. “I must have done something amazing in a past life. Saved a bunch of orphans from a burning building or something.”
Mark snorted.
You were beaming as you pulled him into your apartment, shutting the door behind you.
“I want to kiss my man, but I don’t wanna give the neighbours a show,” you said, smirking.
Mark just smiled, and leaned in to kiss you. His lips were eager, and his hands roamed your hips. You could feel his tongue against yours, sending shivers down your spine. You pushed your hands into his hair and kissed him back, hard.
When you pulled away, you were both panting.
Mark leant his forehead against yours. His eyes were closed.
“There was one more thing I wanted to talk about… about what you said last night,” Mark whispered.
“What is it?”
“The fact that we’ve never… you know…” Mark bit his lip.
You pulled away to look your boyfriend in the eye. You cupped his cheek. “Baby, I’m fine with that. You said you wanted to wait till marriage, and… I respect that.”
Mark’s fingers were toying with the hem of your blouse. “Are you sure you’re going to be able to resist me for that long?” His pink lips were pushed out in a smirk.
You giggled, wrapping your hands around his broad shoulders. “It’s true, you are irresistible. It’s going to be torture.”
You dragged out the last word, pressing an open-mouthed kiss to Mark’s neck. He shuddered with pleasure.
“It’ll be worth the wait,” Mark said, his eyes slipping shut.
“Don’t I know it.” 
Let us know what you thought in the comments or on anon! 💋
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r3starttt · 4 months
streamer e! x tattoo artist r!
an: I haven’t got motivation for writing or posting stuff lately, I’ve also been trying to figure how to properly post about tlou rn, so feel free to share your thoughts.
Check this as well and share as much information as possible about Palestine :)
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streamer! Ellie who wanted to get a second tattoo and talked about it on stream (bad idea) just to know people’s experiences and to get recommendations for where to go get it.
streamer! Ellie who almost exposed her ex girlfriend by sharing the story of her first tattoo (some people ended up searching and finding her on social media but none of them said anything about it so everyone moved on)
streamer! Ellie who designed her tattoo and then asked her followers to help her choose what else she should do and where (for the first time most people acted seriously and helped her choose the nicest option)
She was wearing glasses, reflecting the stream chat as she got closer to the screen. She’s been half stream reading all comments and blocking basically everyone that didn’t take this whole situation seriously “y’all I suck at making decisions and I can’t go and get my whole body tattooed y’ know?”
streamer! Ellie who searched on all her followers suggestions and chose you just because you were already following her and you were hot duhh
streamer! Ellie who revealed the studio she’d chosen and took the chance to do some promotion to your studio and social media.
“Guys stop it, it’s not because she’s hot- I mean she probably is I didn’t check but” she gave up, moving her legs to rest on top of the chair and placing her arms around them, resting her chin on her knees and holding her vape as if it could fall at any moment “I’m not gonna fight with you guys… y’all are so annoying”
streamer! Ellie who wanted to get tattooed on live but took her time to ask after making the appointment. She had a plan b ofc
streamer! Ellie who apologized for the comments you were getting on live and couldn’t help but end obsessed with you because you were all cool with it and even started to interact with her followers too.
“They’re saying you chose this place because of me” a small chuckle escaped your lips, shifting your eyes from the screen on Ellie’s phone to her very notorious ashamed face “Nah they’re just annoying, not that you’re not hot or anything just…” “don’t explain then, it’s fine”
streamer! Ellie who was silently crying as she hold her phone as far as possible, trying to hide her pain from both you and the people watching the stream
“If you need to stop just tell me, it’s alright” you could see some laughing emotes in the screen from the corner on your eye, assuming people were making fun of her. You apologized in a whisper, trying not to laugh at her too “How was the other tattoo? that area is more painful” it was definitely a lie, but she was hot and on live and you needed to cover the small mistake you’ve just made by exposing her crybaby ass.
streamer! Ellie who shared the meaning behind the tattoo and got you and everyone watching the stream fangirling because she’s so smart and hot and sweet and the way she explained it and her process and just everything she said was just so so perfect of her.
streamer! Ellie who failed on making eye contact with you but took the small chance she got while she explained the tattoo thing to look as you for some seconds (she had that sheepishly smile ughhh)
streamer! Ellie who kept on asking you the whole session about your story with the tattoos and the studio and just everything about you.
streamer! Ellie who after the session and stream ended really tried to invite you out someday but couldn’t so only tried complimented you and promised you she’ll come back soon because she loved the whole experience with you (she really did)
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lixie-phoria · 1 year
ੈ✩‧➛ jeongin thinks he's subtle as he pines over you
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pairing : jeongin x gn reader
genre : fluff | warnings : none
chan's ver. | hyunjin's ver. | felix's ver. | lee know's ver. | changbin's version | han's ver.
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"are you absolutely sure the sneakers go well with these pants?"
"like one hundred percent? because i'm meeting y/n today and-"
"yes, jeongin. they match. perfectly."
jeongin groans as seungmin cuts him off mid-sentence, hesitantly checking out his outfit in the mirror.
"what if y/n doesn't like it?"
"when have they ever disliked anything that you wear?"
seungmin had a point, so jeongin shuts up. momentarily, of course.
"what about the sweater? should i wear it or-"
"it's literally sweltering outside and you're asking me if you should wear a sweater?"
"yes because it matches y/n's cardigan!"
it's seungmin's turn to groan as he finally sets down his phone and turns to look at the younger boy properly.
"matching outfits with y/n is a terrible way to tell them that you're in love with them."
"i am not-"
"please. don't even finish that."
jeongin scoffs, pulling out his phone to see the picture you had posted.
this had become a daily routine not just for him but the rest of his members too.
everyday you would post your ootd and jeongin would be one of the first few to view it, immediately hunting through his wardrobe for something that would match yours.
it was childish of him, really. he was aware of that much too. but he enjoyed it so much.
even though it was far from a coincidence that his outfit almost always matched yours, it never failed to bring a smile on your face and jeongin loved it. he supposed it had something to do with how it played into his fantasy that maybe someday he would gather enough courage to ask you out and you would say yes.
"hyung are you sure that this shade of blue isn't too light?"
"yes. now will you please stop fussing over this."
"jeongin, you're already 10 minutes late. you're supposed to be picking up y/n in 20."
that jars the boy into reality as he hastily gathers his phone and car keys, shouting a thanks over his shoulder as he rushes out their shared dorm.
seungmin sighs as he picks his phone up again, scrolling to your contact and typing in a quick message.
[ seungminnie ] do us all a favor and acknowledge jeongin's outfit today please?
[ you ] of course :)
[ seungminnie ] and maybe acknowledge his big fat crush on you too because he never will
[ you ] no guarantee <3
seungmin huffs.
it had been months and it seemed like just about everyone knew about jeongin's crush on you. heck, even you were aware of it.
but nobody could ever convince the boy to confess, and you enjoyed flustering him too much to admit it yourself. so until one of you decided to be mature about it, everyone was going to be stuck seeing jeongin match outfits with you everyday and try to be as subtle about it as possible.
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©lixie-phoria, 2023
🏷️ @lethallyprotected @dreamingaboutjisung @selcayuri @uno7 @aak22 @foxinnie8 (send an ask to be added/removed from the taglist :))
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seichira · 1 year
the missiles we fire.
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wherein ran haitani knows he has to let you go but he just can’t. he is aware that you’re hurting because of him but he chooses to string you along—until you finally decide that enough is enough.
pairing : bonten!ran x reader
content : fwb to lovers. angst to comfort. sfw but has allusions to sleeping together. reader with she/her pronouns. ran is a good brother. groveling. inspired by renegade by taylor swift!
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he has never felt this way before.
no one has ever made him want to fix himself up. there is no other person who has made him wish that he had a better past so he can be a better person in the present.
ran haitani has never considered the thought of compromising and adjusting himself for one person until he met you—the bane of his damn existence.
not a single soul in his pathetic, dull world could make him feel the way you do. that is exactly why he is guarding his heart more than he ever has, because he smells the danger that comes with you, the danger of falling in love and getting hurt beyond repair.
he met you a year ago and you have been by his side since then, but he has not given you his heart. you sleep beside him on most nights when he needs you, but he keeps you on arms length when it comes to affection.
you hold his hand when it shakes with his anxiety but he refuses to grip you just as hard. you kiss his jaw when it tenses with his annoyance but you don’t miss the way he pulls away whenever you do so.
your bodies are intimate with each other most nights but while your heart is all laid out for him to take, his is the opposite. his heart is guarded by a strong wall that he never lets down. a wall you can’t seem to get past.
but lately, he can feel the guards on his heart wavering. and lately, he doesn’t want to see you because ran knows he is close to breaking down everything to let you in.
the past months, he has been wanting to whisper the three words to you when he is in your bed. he finds himself wanting to hold your hand when you walk side by side. he catches himself craving your warmth when the nights are cold. he wants to hold your hand as tight as you hold his. he longs to kiss you back when you kiss his demons away.
suddenly, he wants you.
he can’t have that. his irrational fear of losing rindou someday is already too much to bear. he can’t afford to fear losing another person.
he can’t. he shouldn’t.
he knows all that, but he can’t let you go.
he can’t give you everything, he refuses to let you in, but he somehow chooses to keep you.
in every passing day, it kills the life in you. it ignites the doubts and the insecurities you always had. it forms huge question marks in your head and it drives you insane.
“what am i doing wrong, ran?” your breath shakes and ran notices it as you are resting your head on his chest on the sofa where you both had fallen asleep an hour ago.
he swears his heart skips a beat when he hears you start the conversation that he has been dreading since he realized he might have something deeper in store for you.
this man knows exactly what you are talking about, but he decides to play dumb. “what do you mean?”
somehow, he wishes that there is a way to divert the topic and stray from this conversation that he knows is never going to end well. a conversation that can possibly change everything you both have.
“i want to know what i’m doing wrong, or what is not enough. what else do i need to do.. for you to open up your heart for me?”
he refuses to look at your eyes when you sit properly to look at him. he keeps his head turned away from you because seeing your tearful face will not do him good.
“it’s not what you’re doing wrong. there’s nothing else you could do. i just…” fuck, he curses in his mind. “i just want it this way.”
“what way, haitani? stringing me along?”
“we never agreed to having feelings—“
you cut him off before he can even spew out his bullshits. “but you know that’s not the case for me! i love you, and i understand that you don’t feel the same…”
ran squeezes his eyes shut because your last sentence just doesn’t seem right. he knows that you are in love with him and most of the time, he uses that to his advantage. but for you to believe that he doesn’t love you?
it doesn’t feel right.
it’s not right.
“…and that’s alright, really. i understand that you don’t feel the same, but ran, i think this set up between us will work better if you do it with others.”
this alarms him and he now has his eyes on you. there are tears threatening from your eyes as you stare at him like he hung the stars in the sky, as if he is not breaking your heart in this very moment.
“what do you mean?” ran asks in a controlled voice but he fails to mask the fear that is laced with it. he is terrified of the implications of what you just said. he can’t accept it.
“i’m just saying—this friends with benefits thing? it won’t work with us anymore because i love you. you can… find other people… to do this with, because i can’t do it any longer.”
his eyes start to sting from the tears that suddenly want to burst out of the dam. his fear is becoming more and more true as the conversation progresses and ran just wants to go back to an hour before when you were all cuddled up in his arms.
still, he knows it’s unfair. while he was peacefully holding you, it is now clear that the questions you had in your made were plaguing you. while he was alright, he was also breaking your heart.
“what are you saying to me?” he needs to hear it from you directly. it is going to break his heart but he wants to hear it anyway.
“let me go.”
he knows he has to.
he knows you’re right.
he knows keeping you here will only hurt you.
he knows. he knows. he knows. but still—
“what if i don’t want to?”
that was the trigger for you to break down and release the tears and broken sobs you have been suppressing.
“then, make me understand why you can hold me like this but not give me your heart. make me understand. please, ran. if you can’t let me go, at least help me understand why i’m here.”
ran curses himself as he can quite literally feel his heart being powdered into fine pieces while he watches you beg for him. for his heart. a heart that has been battered and bruised through the years but you love anyway.
“y-you know that i try to give you what you n-need,” his voice breaks so he pauses, “but you also know what i’ve been through. what i’m afraid of. you know everything.”
you shake your head. “is it really your past and your fears that keep you from giving me everything, or do you just not want to?”
he can’t come up with an answer.
“let me go. please, let me go.”
he grips your hand when you try to stand up in a feeble attempt to make you stay. his last resort. his desperation reeks in the way he squeezes your hand.
“i can’t do that. ask me for anything but that, please,” his voice breaks once again.
“but can you love me? can you give me everything? your heart, your secrets, your desires? can you love me enough to let down your walls for me, ran?”
he doesn’t answer, and you smile sadly. there goes your answer—his silence. it has always spoken for him when his words fail him.
at this point, you are just tired. you have no fight left in you. you fulfill the promise you made to yourself when you said you will accept whatever he says and erase yourself from his life gracefully.
ran sees that and he regrets not noticing when you decided to ask him to let you go.
“then, for the sake of the both of us, i beg you to please let me go.”
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the daggers that rindou throws at his older brother through his eyes could kill. his blood boils as he watches ran drown himself in alcohol because of some stupid shit he brought upon himself.
“tell me again why you fuckin’ let her go. ‘cuz i can’t understand why you’re sulking like a little girl and poisoning yourself with damn alcohol when it was you who pushed her away.”
the sarcastic tone is not appreciated by ran and he glares at his younger brother in return.
“you just don’t get it, do you? you know our life! she doesn’t fit here! she’s too good for this shit! and what do i do if she gets hurt because of this hellhole, huh? what, then?”
rindou raises an eyebrow, “she literally knew the dangers that came with your life when she decided to love you. save your excuses. you’re just fucking stupid.”
ran stares into space as he takes that in. after a few moments, he speaks. “i’m scared that i’ll lose her.”
the younger haitani laughs maniacally without humor. “well, news flash, you already did—“
“fucker. she’s still in this world, isn’t she?”
“guess so.”
“that’s what i mean. i’d rather not have her in my arms than to lose her in this goddamn pitiful world.”
ran takes another shot from his whiskey and rindou stands up to take the bottle away from his godforsaken brother.
“give me that—!”
“if she was mine, i’d just keep her by my side and love her, and not let anyone lay a finger on her. you underestimate bonten and its capability to protect your girl.”
ran mumbles drunkenly as he gives up trying to get back his stolen bottle. he rests his head on the backrest of the sofa he is on.
“you don’t know shit, rin.”
“nah. i fuckin’ know ‘ya. these are all excuses. you’re making all these up to cover up the fact that you blame yourself for the life we lived and now, you think you don’t deserve her.”
the older haitani starts to tear up at the memory of not being able to give his brother a more decent life when they were younger. he remembers the days when he almost lost rindou to a rival gang because he failed to come home on time.
“the fuck are you? my shrink?” he asks in the middle of his silent crying. rindou sees that and he feels a pinch in his heart for his brother who has always been scared of losing him.
it is rindou’s turn to take a shot from the whiskey, to gain courage for what he is about to say. “i’m your brother. i know it when my brother hates himself.”
“what does that have to do with anything?”
“i wanna tell you that you don’t have to. you gave me a life full of pretty cool memories so stop beating yourself up. get your damn girl so i won’t have to watch this pathetic display!”
ran wants to blame his emotions on the alcohol but the words of his brother really are the cause of his tears. he suddenly feels forgiven. vindicated, even—from the regrets he harbors against himself.
his younger brother feels that he is closer to getting ran to listen to him, so he pushes.
“she loves you. i saw it with my own eyes, ran. she is in love with you. while you hated yourself, you were demolishing her. just fuckin’ forgive yourself and love her, damn it!”
that night, for the first time in his life, thinks that maybe it was not his fault that he and his brother had lived a difficult life. for the first time, he considers the thought that maybe, he deserves to have your love after all.
you open your door at five in the morning after being woken up by continuous rings on your doorbell, and as if that isn’t enough, there are even accompanied by impatient knocks on your door.
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“i swear to god, if this isn’t worth waking me up in these ungodly hours—ran?”
he had just barely sobered himself up but he had to run to you before cowardice gets the best of him. he just had to tell you right now.
“i love you.”
“ran, what—“
he sucks in a huge breath, preparing to speak in one long breath-hold. “i am in love with you. i fell in love with you way before you fell in love with me but i was too scared to admit that. i was afraid that i didn’t deserve you. i was terrified that loving you would mean more hurt for me—but here’s the truth now. here is my truth. fuck my anxieties. fuck everything. i need you. i want you.”
you open the door more widely and you take in his cheeks with your hands, and he relishes in the feel of your warmth for the first time since you walked out of his penthouse a month ago.
“i’m sorry for what i put you through. i’m sorry for hurting you. i can’t promise that i won’t hurt you but i promise that i will actively try not to do that intentionally.”
“i never blamed you for what i felt, ran.”
an angel is what you are. an angel that he is starting to accept that a fallen one like him deserves. an angel for him.
“i will give you everything, y/n. i will give you my heart because i want to. because i need to. i can’t breathe without you. take me back. please, tell me that you’ll take me back.”
it is an easy decision for you. he is shaking in your hands and there is nothing else to do but finally welcome him in your arms again.
there is no other choice but to take him back because it finally makes sense why you always felt like he felt the same love for you. you finally understand why. your questions are finally answered—how can you refuse him?
ran falls apart in your arms, and he embraces you tighter than you hugged him. he holds you tight in fear that he might lose you again. he wraps you tight in his arms so you won’t slip away like a dream that ends.
“i’ve only ever wished for you to come around, ran. you should know by now that i will stay with you in spite of your past, in spite of your regrets, in spite the way you feel about yourself. i’m here to stay, if you love me.”
he no longer has to say it. the way he keeps his face in the crook of your neck and leaving revered kisses at the back of your ear is enough to let you know that he does.
“my heart was only guarded so much when it came to you because it knew that it belonged to you. i’m letting down my guards, baby.”
you slightly pull away so you can look at his eyes. the eyes that you used to wish upon a star are now staring back at you with the same adoration and love.
“that’s everything i need to hear, ran.”
“i am in love with you.”
you smile, “and that.”
“i don’t want you to be my future history. i want you with me forever. i want people to know us, that i belong to you and you to me.”
“that, too.”
you tiptoe to kiss his jaw and he shifts his head so he can reach your lips instead. relief washes over him when it dawns on him that this is real. you are real, and this time, he won’t mess it up.
the missiles he used to fire will be replaced by your gentleness and love, and that’s the kind of change that he can live with. because it’s you.
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satorusluver · 7 months
Hi, you said you were doing a 500 followers thing, correct? If so, could I get number 42, breeding kink with either Toji or Choso? Just if you have a space open of course. I'd very much appreciate it, thank you.
Choso + breeding kink
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Tags/warnings: smut (minors DNI), fem reader, she/her pronouns, established relationship, unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink, slightly subby Choso (?) Lots of "please" lol
Word count: 700 ish
A/N: I go feral for breeding kink Choso. Consider this a sequel to my other lil Choso drabble. I hope you enjoy! <3
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Choso, who loves family above anything else and dreams of someday becoming a father to a chubby lil baby who's the perfect combination of you and him. This man drops to his knees and presses a gentle kiss to your lower belly, to your still empty womb, when you tell him you think you're finally ready to start trying for a baby. He already worships your body to begin with, but now, to know that this woman he adores and reveres is offering to carry his child for him? The thought has blood rushing to his cock faster than it ever has before.
He wants to take you then and there, but more than that he wants to do it right and give you two the best chance of conceiving as soon as possible. So you track your cycle and Choso saves up his sperm for a few days before your window of fertility. After all, blue balling himself a little is worth it if it means increasing his chances of all that cum actually doing what it's meant to do, putting a mini Choso in your belly.
He doesn't last a whole ten minutes before cumming the first time you try to conceive because he's so turned on at the idea of finally getting to breed his sweet girl. He's already a fucked out, babbling mess who's begging for you to take every last drop of the thick load he's so lovingly saved up just for your pussy the moment he slides his length into you. He just can't believe this is real and his beloved is letting him put a baby in her. He's on top of you, one of his large hands resting almost possessively roughly where your womb is located, and his pretty face is all contorted in pleasure at the feeling of your tight, wet heat sucking him in each time he thrusts back into you like it's just as eager for his load as he is to give it to you.
You feel his full, heavy balls slapping against your ass with every stroke, and they begin to tighten as he gets closer to his release. The sounds Choso makes when he gets close to cumming are fucking beautiful, high-pitched moans, desperate whimpers and pussydrunk whines of "take it, take it, please take it. Oh god, please, baby, take my cum. G-gonna make you a mommy, gonna give you a baby, I promise."
He doesn't even really know what he's saying, too lost in the feeling of your warmth around him to think properly. He cums harder than he ever has at the thought of all his hot, sticky seed flooding your fertile womb, hoarsely moaning a mantra of "please please please" as he presses the swollen tip of his dick up against your cervix and spurts rope after thick rope of semen.
And he doesn't stop there. He keeps going, fucking his cum back into you for good measure, his fat cock still so hard and eager to give you more. The cum he's already deposited in you just makes you even wetter, and Choso watches with pride at the sight of the frothy white mess that soon covers his dick from how hard he pounded his first load into you.
"Your little pussy looks so pretty like this, my love. S-so full of my cum, yeah? 'm gonna fill you even more."
And he does, filling you two or three more times until his seed is all but gushing out of your poor, overused cunt. You honestly lose count after cumming around his cock so many times yourself. After all, he's heard that a woman's orgasm can help open up the cervix and increase the chances of conception. Whether or not that's true, Choso makes sure to rub little circles into your puffy, sensitive clit with his thumb as he fucks you until you're so overstimulated you're begging him to stop.
"My poor darling," Choso coos down at the panting mess he's made of you after hours of his ardent lovemaking.
"Does my little mommy-to-be need a break?" he chuckles when you nod weakly in response, already half-asleep sleep beneath him. Choso leans down, pressing a kiss to your cheek before whispering in your ear as you drift off to sleep.
"Rest up, my love, because I have more in store for you where that came from."
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slickfordain · 30 days
♡ 𝐌𝐲 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐜𝐡𝐲 ♡
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MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, fragile bottom female reader, I will never do top/dom readers- I only do bottoms as I am a forever bottom, pls don’t forget to read my rules too
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౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹Nanami⊹₊ ⋆୨ৎ
Who has absolutely no idea what to do without you by his side.
It’s as if you were his sole reason of being able to work properly if he just had you close to him…. Some may even assume that it’s because your husband loves you so, and it’s true. Nanami does love you like a whole damn lot, giving you princess treatment and all that….
But, it’s also because he has such filthy imaginations every now and then when it involves you. Usually, he prefers you sitting on his lap with your pretty little dress— looking like an absolute doll and sweet. It just makes him sane sometimes…. Especially when your pretty little hole is taking his cock so well. He loves it. You’re such a sweetheart for allowing him to do this with you…. It eases him so much.
Thanks to your dress, nobody can tell that Nanami is slowly and torturously fucking you by humping slightly up and down. It…. It’s a bit hard to control his tone, that he’ll admit. But Gods, he can’t have you off his cock— he needed your greedy tight hole to squeeze him. Every negativity of his needed to be out of his body because Gojo is such a fucking bitch sometimes, an annoying whiny asshole that Nanami can’t help himself but to always wanna relief by having you.
Your sweet little hiccups would sometimes get to him too, and the way you squeak and squirm with your cute beautiful body. He’s so soft and gentle with you….
To the point when he feels your insides squeezing him too tightly, and it’s at the end of his work shift, he’ll have to push you down on the table and creampie you so many times. He’ll sometimes be rough, moving his hips back and forth…. Just slamming his entire cock into you, as you’re whimpering and whining, babbling how you can’t take a cock so big… But Nanami just shuts you up in the most loving way possible, by fucking you so deeply, he moves so inhumanly fast. So fast; he cums so much inside you.
But oh, that’s not enough. Oh no, it’s never enough. You were trying to get some rest since today has been such a “hot” day, but then you’re suddenly dropped onto the floor— and all of the sudden, Nanami held you in a mating press position, suddenly forcing his cock back inside you, fucking you through his own load of seed. You can’t handle it? You can’t take it anymore? Yes you can. Just look at your pretty cum flowing and leaking out of your pussy, your tongue lolling out and your eyes rolling back…. Damn…
… Hah… You’re so gorgeous… Nanami cummed a lot inside you again. Losing your mind, being so far gone, you’re suddenly fucked against the wall…. And then later you know it, against his desk again, and then the exit door that luckily was locked.
Nanami loves your inner flesh tightening around him…. He wanna stuff you full of his white cum and someday, perhaps even breed you more in secret, when he has a meeting with his other colleagues. But he forbids Gojo to find out, because Nanami loathes it when Gojo finds out about everything and will yap it to anyone on the damn street.
You were just gorgeous though… Enough to at least forget about that frustrating day, and, cums again inside you one last time. One last time… One more before you have to at least be ready for another day of his “frustration relief”.
(This is embarrassing, I can’t do smut at all-)
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antifrgl · 1 year
maybe something about the aftermath of hobie’s canon event and how the reader would try to comfort him
there are so many theories abt his canon event, so for this i just assumed that he somehow got close to a cop (that he obviously didn't want to die) ??? sorry for the mistakes !!
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comforting hobie after his canon event ☆ atsv
hobie x g-neutral reader.
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he definitely zones out while he's trying to process what just happened, it just feels so unreal to him.
certainly, a thousands of thoughts run through his mind as he's internally panicking.
he just needs to go, but where ? he needs to see someone, quick, but who ? he needs someone to slap some sense into him, but again, who ?
after a few seconds that felt like hours for hobie, it eventually hit him like a thunderbolt.
he needs his safe place ... and all he could think of is you !!
brushing all his thoughts aside, he just swings to your place AND completely ignores the fact that HE'S NOT hobie brown right now !!
at this point of your relationship, hobie didn't reveal to you his spider-man's activities although you were pretty close, he just didn't feel the need to include you in his other life, until that night.
"what the ..."
spider-punk is knocking on your window while his other hand (you assumed) glued to the wall like his feet ??
spider-punk was pretty famous, no, VERY famous, so famous that you can't even believe your eyes ???
eventually, you allow him to come in ?? but he just ... doesn't move, nor speak, which suddenly frightens you 0_o
yep ..
it finally hits him ..
he's not hobie brown right now ..
yet, it's not enough to make him just swing away and pretend like nothing happened :/
while a silent and awkward atmosphere blankets your room, he finally comes in and stands there for a second, before reaching for his mask ...
"wait, HOBIE ?!"
no, it's not that surprising, it definitely makes sense you think ...
he never meets your gaze, he prefers to lower his head, still no words escaping his lips, only loud breathes, hinting that the boy definitely had it rough a few minutes ago ...
once you took a few steps closer, like an instinct you just cup his cheek with the palm of your hand and carefully lift his head and damn ..
it was such a sad sight.
hobie couldn't really function properly, but he certainly felt relief, almost regretting to not have revealed his secret life, his doubts and problems to you earlier in your relationship.
you just froze as he suddenly leans in and rests his head on your shoulder.
the both of you eventually stay like this for a good minute, then two, then three, then four till hobie breaks the silence with a tired voice.
"can i sleep here, tonight ?"
the boy couldn't close one eye through the whole night, but your presence sure calmed him and somehow kept him warm.
he felt a sense of security, something that he never experienced before !
the day after, you wake up without finding hobie next to you BUT before you could panic, you notice an unfamiliar note.
"thank you. ay, keep this a secret, will you ? - hobie"
BUT no need to worry !! there's no need to feel useless or whatever !! you did everything right !!
hobie wouldn't want to talk about what happened, certainly not just a few minutes after it happened, but he'll definitely explain it to you someday (:
the boy just needs some time alone, before he eventually comes back to you, after facing his spider crisis ...
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