#solar panel kit for balcony
riyasinghworld-blog · 3 months
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अब आसान किस्तों पर सोलर लगवाएं, बिजली के बिल से छुटकारा पाए। 🤩 👉बिजली के बिल से छुटकारा पाने के लिए अपने आवास के छत पर On Grid सोलर पावर प्लांट लगवाएं , तथा राज्य सरकार और केंद्र सरकार द्वारा दिए जाने वाले अनुदान का लाभ उठाये। ☀️☀️ 👉सोलर पैनल इंस्टॉल करवाएं बिजली बिल में बचत पाएं VN saur urja projects Pvt. Ltd. . 📱Complete Details Contact us at 91 98385 91555 🌐https://vnsolarpower.com/ . #solarpanels #solarpanelsinstallation #WeatherProtection #gogreen #followthesungosollar☀️ #clean #greenfuture #ecofriendly #solarpower #rooftopsolarpanels #greensource #getsubsidy #statesubsidy #GoSolar #solarenergy #vnsolarpower #bestsolarpanelslucknow #SolarServices
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avnnetwork · 4 months
Sunlit Serenity: Harnessing Solar Power with a Balcony Solar System
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Harnessing the power of the sun has long been a dream for eco-conscious individuals seeking sustainable energy solutions. In urban environments where space is at a premium, the concept of a Balcony Solar System emerges as a beacon of hope, offering a practical and efficient way to tap into renewable energy sources. Picture this: a sleek array of solar panels seamlessly integrated into the architecture of your balcony, silently soaking up sunlight and converting it into clean electricity. This innovative approach to solar energy not only maximizes limited space but also empowers individuals to take control of their energy consumption in a way that harmonizes with the environment.
The beauty of a Balcony Solar System lies in its simplicity and versatility. Unlike traditional rooftop installations that require ample space and structural considerations, balcony solar systems are designed to be compact and adaptable, making them ideal for urban dwellers with limited outdoor space. Whether you reside in a bustling city apartment or a cozy suburban townhouse, a Balcony Solar System can be customized to fit your unique needs and lifestyle.
One of the most remarkable aspects of a Balcony Solar System is its ability to seamlessly blend into the existing architecture of your home. Gone are the days of bulky, unsightly solar panels dominating the aesthetic appeal of your property. With advancements in design and technology, modern solar panels are sleek, discreet, and visually appealing, ensuring that your balcony retains its charm while harnessing the power of the sun. Imagine enjoying your morning coffee on the balcony, basking in the warm glow of sunlight streaming through the translucent panels above, knowing that each ray is being transformed into clean, renewable energy to power your home. Visit https://www.snvee.com/
But the benefits of a Balcony Solar System extend beyond aesthetics. By harnessing solar power, homeowners can significantly reduce their dependence on traditional energy sources, thereby lowering utility bills and minimizing their carbon footprint. In an era defined by environmental awareness and sustainability, embracing solar energy represents a conscious choice to prioritize the health of the planet and future generations. With a Balcony Solar System, individuals can take a proactive stance towards environmental stewardship while enjoying the practical advantages of renewable energy.
Moreover, the installation process for a Balcony Solar System is relatively straightforward, requiring minimal disruption to your daily routine. Unlike larger-scale solar projects that may entail weeks of construction and logistical coordination, balcony solar installations can typically be completed within a matter of days, allowing homeowners to start reaping the benefits of solar energy sooner rather than later. Additionally, advancements in solar technology have made maintenance a breeze, with most systems requiring little more than occasional cleaning to ensure optimal performance.
In addition to its environmental and financial advantages, a Balcony Solar System offers a sense of empowerment to homeowners, allowing them to take control of their energy destiny in a tangible and meaningful way. No longer beholden to fluctuating energy prices or grid dependency, individuals can enjoy greater autonomy and resilience in the face of changing energy landscapes. Whether it's powering household appliances, charging electric vehicles, or simply illuminating outdoor spaces, solar energy from a Balcony Solar System empowers individuals to live more sustainably and self-sufficiently.
In conclusion, a Balcony Solar System represents a beacon of hope in the quest for sustainable energy solutions. By harnessing the power of the sun in a compact and efficient manner, homeowners can reduce their environmental impact, lower utility bills, and enjoy greater energy independence. With its seamless integration into existing architecture and minimal maintenance requirements, a Balcony Solar System offers a practical and aesthetically pleasing way to embrace renewable energy. As we strive towards a greener future, let us look to the sunlit serenity of balcony solar systems as a shining example of innovation and sustainability in action.
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williamjone · 4 months
Solar panel kit for balcony
In the pursuit of sustainable living and reducing our environmental footprint, the integration of solar power has become a compelling solution. While rooftop solar installations have been prevalent, a groundbreaking approach gaining momentum is the harnessing of solar power from your own balcony. Urban living often presents space constraints, making traditional solar setups impractical for many.
The Balcony Solar Revolution:
Urban dwellers face unique challenges when it comes to adopting renewable energy sources. Balcony solar systems offer an innovative and accessible solution, enabling residents of apartments and condominiums to actively participate in the clean energy movement. This solar revolution brings the power of sustainability right to your doorstep, allowing you to generate electricity efficiently and contribute to a greener future.
Advantages of Balcony Solar Power:
Space Utilization: The primary advantage of Solar power from your own balcony lies in their ability to make the most of limited space. In densely populated urban areas, where rooftop space is a premium, balconies provide an untapped resource for harnessing solar energy.
Reduced Energy Bills: By generating your own electricity, you can significantly reduce your dependence on the traditional power grid, leading to lower energy bills over time. Balcony solar power systems empower individuals to take control of their energy consumption.
Architectural Integration: Balcony solar setups can be seamlessly integrated into the design of modern buildings, adding an element of functionality without compromising aesthetics. This integration showcases the adaptability of solar technology to diverse architectural styles.
Easy Installation: One of the key attractions of balcony solar power is its ease of installation. These systems are designed for simplicity, often involving mounting panels on existing balcony structures. This user-friendly approach makes solar power accessible to individuals with varying technical expertise.
Considerations for Implementing Balcony Solar Power:
Before embarking on the installation of a balcony solar power system, it's essential to consider various factors to ensure a seamless and effective setup:
Balcony Orientation: Assess the orientation of your balcony to determine the amount of sunlight it receives throughout the day. Maximum exposure to sunlight is crucial for optimizing energy generation.
Local Regulations and Permits: Check local regulations to understand any restrictions or requirements for installing solar panels on your balcony. Obtain necessary permits to ensure compliance with building codes and legal standards
Structural Assessment: Ensure that your balcony structure can support the additional weight of solar panels and mounting hardware. Consult with a structural engineer if needed to assess and reinforce the structural integrity.
Community Guidelines: If you live in a community or building with shared spaces, consult community guidelines to ensure that the installation aligns with collective regulations and aesthetic standards.
Steps to Implementing Balcony Solar Power:
Implementing a balcony solar power system involves several key steps, ranging from assessing sunlight exposure to connecting the panels to your home's electrical system. Here's a comprehensive guide:
Assess Sunlight Exposure: Determine the amount of sunlight your Solar panel for homes receives throughout the day. The ideal scenario is a south-facing or sun-exposed balcony to maximize energy generation.
Choose the Right Solar Panels: Select solar panels that are suitable for balcony installations. Consider factors such as size, efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. Some manufacturers offer panels specifically designed for balconies, featuring sleek designs and lightweight structures.
Evaluate Structural Capacity: Ensure that your balcony can support the weight of the solar panels and associated mounting hardware. Consult with a structural engineer if necessary to assess the structural integrity and make any required modifications.
Obtain Necessary Permits: Check local regulations and obtain any required permits for the installation. This step is crucial to ensure compliance with building codes and legal requirements.
Install Mounting Hardware: Securely install the mounting hardware on your balcony. This may involve attaching mounting brackets to the railing or other suitable structures. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation.
Mount Solar Panels: Carefully mount the solar panels onto the installed brackets. Ensure that the panels are securely fastened and aligned to receive maximum sunlight exposure.
Connect Wiring and Inverter: Connect the wiring from the solar panels to an inverter, which converts the direct current (DC) electricity generated by the panels into alternating current (AC) electricity for use in your home. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper wiring and connection.
Test and Monitor: Test the system to ensure that it is generating electricity as expected. Monitor the performance regularly, especially during the initial weeks, to identify and address any potential issues.
To ensure the longevity and efficiency of your balcony solar power system, adopt the following maintenance practices:
Regular Cleaning: Keep the solar panels clean from dust, dirt, and debris to maximize sunlight absorption and energy generation.
Visual Inspections: Periodically inspect the solar panels, mounting hardware, and wiring for any signs of wear, damage, or corrosion. Address any issues promptly to prevent further complications.
Trim Surrounding Vegetation: If applicable, trim nearby trees or plants that may cast shadows on the panels, reducing their efficiency.
Monitoring System Performance: Utilize monitoring tools provided by the system or invest in additional monitoring devices to track the performance of your balcony solar power system. This enables you to identify and address any performance issues promptly.
Harnessing solar power from your own balcony represents a powerful step toward sustainable living in urban environments. solar modules demonstrate the adaptability of renewable energy solutions to the unique challenges posed by limited space and architectural constraints. By embracing this innovative approach, individuals can actively contribute to the global shift toward clean energy while enjoying economic benefits and reducing their environmental impact.
As technology continues to advance, and the demand for sustainable living practices grows, balcony solar power systems stand as a testament to the transformative potential of renewable energy. This green revolution at your doorstep not only empowers individuals to take charge of their energy consumption but also serves as a beacon of inspiration for a future where every balcony is a source of clean, renewable power.
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solarpunkbusiness · 28 days
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Solar balconies are booming in Germany
Solar balconies are a piece of the wider energy transition across Europe, explains Jan Osenberg, a policy advisor at the SolarPower Europe association.
“We see them as a subset of rooftop solar, but also as something different,” he tells Euronews Green. “We basically see it as a trend to use all possible artificial infrastructure for solar generation.”
Train tracks, motorways, carparks, car roofs, cemeteries and building facades… the list of structures getting a solar makeover goes on and on.
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Plug & Play Kits
From a customer point of view, the main difference is that balcony PV is much easier to install. You can buy the kit online, and don’t need an electrician to set it up. Unlike for rooftop installations, where certified installers are recommended to avoid fire risks and damage to the structure.
In short: the panels are put on a mounting structure and attached via cables to an inverter that converts the electricity from DC to AC, which goes into your socket via a regular plug.
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Who are solar balconies for?
“The main reason for the success of balcony solar systems is that it gives people the chance to use solar who weren’t able to use it before,” says a spokesperson for German manufacturer Meyer Burger.
“Most people don’t own a house, or they cannot install rooftop solar because of heritage protection, shading, or other constructional conditions of the roof. For them, balcony solar is appealing because they can use solar power to generate their own electricity and reduce their electric bills.”
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captawesomesauce · 10 months
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So I'm just getting a bit of my stuff prepped for Hurricane Hilary and these pics are just a snippet of what I've got lined up. The thing is, I'm not too worried about Hilary as I'm planning on staying home, chilling, and just reading on my kindle until it passes. BUT, all of this stuff is good to have in case of an earthquake which can happen any day of the week, any time of the day! So it's good to be prepared! For those who want my list that I have been checking off today, it's below the read more. The key things are:
Food (x)
Water (x)
Meds & First Aid (x)
Cash on hand (x)
Gas in car (x)
Fans for dealing with the heat (x)
Solar Panels & Battery packs (x)
Stuff to do (arts/crafts/kindle) (x)
Wet weather gear (x)
Clothes 1 pair of leather wildland gloves Clothes 1 pair of padded extraction gloves Clothes 2 Fire Brush jackets Clothes 2 Hard hats Clothes 2 pair of good closed toe shoes Clothes 2 pair of gorilla grip safety gloves Clothes 2 rain coats Clothes 2 rain hats Clothes 2 Umbrellas Cooling 1 Fan/lantern (C batteries w/4 extra batteries) Cooling 1 standing room fan Cooling 3 handheld fans w/water tanks Fire 1 Fire extinguisher outside front door Fire 1 window/balcony escape ladder Fire 3 Fire blankets (1 in the kitchen, 1 bedroom, 1 office) Fire 4 Fire extinguishers throughout the house Food 1 long bbq lighter Food Lots of blueberries Food Lots of canned soups Food lots of condiments Food Lots of crackers/chips/Pretzels Food Lots of freeze dried fruits/veggies Food Lots of Nuts and Trailmix Food Lots of ramen Food Lots of shelf stable/canned meats Food Lots of veggies Light 1 handheld led lantern/flashlight Light 12+ led lights for rooms Light 2 chest mounted lights with reflective harnesses Light 2 handheld flashlights Light 2 head mounted lights Light 8 led puck lights med 1 large stocked first aid kit w/burn & trauma supplies med 1 small stocked first aid kit with bleeding supplies med blood pressure cuff Med N95 & P100 masks med pulse ox meter med stethscope Misc Cash on hand in small bills Power 1 100w Solar Panel Power 1 car jumper/battery pack Power 1 Large Battery pack 146WH 42000mAH Power 1 Large Battery pack 150Wh 40800mAH Power 1 Large Battery pack 250WH 64800mAH Power 1 orange solar panel battery pack (10,000) Power 1 orange solar panel battery pack with wireless charging (10,000) Power 1 white battery pack Power 2 21W Solar Panel Power lots of rechargeable and non-rechargeable AA/AAA batteries Radio 1 desk scanner with NOAA weather alert Radio 2 handheld transceivers Radio 2 programmed handheld scanners w/NOAA radio SD Mace Peppergun SD Taser Stuff to do 2 kindles loaded with books Stuff to do arts and crafts projects Tool 1 demolition tool Tool 1 folding pocket knife Tool 1 Machete/Saw Tool 1 Multipurpose Shovel (shovel/e-tool/window breaker/fire starter/saw/axe) tool 1 raptor EMS shears Tool 1 SOG multitool Tool 2 full rolls of duct tape Tool 2 full rolls of masking tape Tool Various Bungee cords Tool Various ropes & tie downs Water 1 5 gallon collapsible water bucket in the tub Water 1 5 gallon water bottle w/dispenser Water 1 large pitcher of water Water 2 30 cup water filter pitchers Water gallons of bottled water Water multiple 2l and 3l camping bladders of water
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solarparts · 5 months
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SOLARPARTS 400watts 800watts small balcony garden solar system on gird tied micro inverter
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unizsolar · 2 months
Balcony solar kit 800W with 3kwh battery
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This balcony solar power system allows for manual adjustment of the PV module angle to maximize energy output. Users can set a recommended angle or make manual adjustments based on seasonal time changes.
What is included in this kit:
Half Cell Shingled 400W All Black Solar Panel 2pc
800W 220V Solar Micro Inverter 1pc
SF100-E 1.5kwh battery 1pc(Supports capacity expansion)
SF100 1.5kwh battery 1pc
Solar Panel Bracket 2set
+39 3444606026
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mysquirrelguard · 3 months
Essential Squirrel & Pigeon Protection Kit for Your Home
Safeguard your space with our Squirrel and Pigeon Protection Kit. This essential toolkit offers humane, effective solutions to deter unwanted visitors. Ensure peace and cleanliness by investing in protection that respects wildlife while securing your home. Perfect for gardens, roofs, and balconies.
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xinpuguang-official · 2 years
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 Lowering the energy bill is the primary purpose for people switching to solar. The photovoltaic balcony is a practical and space-saving technique to create electricity, which is the ideal compromise between savings and sustainability.
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bananasticky · 2 years
Stationeers game how to get wires through walls
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#Stationeers game how to get wires through walls how to#
Try getting the pressure as close as you can to max for the pipes and see if there is any difference. But with the right tools in hand, you can do it and leave no damage behind. Complex atmospheric, electrical, manufacturing, agriculture, and gravitational systems require your thought and management at all times 29.99. And with how buggy the game can get at times when both pressure and electricity is involved in a specific object, its always a safe bet that pressure is the reason for said bug. Tracing electrical wiring in walls can be tricky, and it involves more than just looking for the wires themselves. Stationeers puts you in control of the construction and management of a space station to run by yourself or online with your friends. Grab one of the large batteries from the crates and insert it into the APC. Open the APC with your wrench to expose the internals. Connect the two with the cables found in your toolbelt. The lack of documentation can be frustrating, and a lot of what we all know has only come from tests made on the players part.įrom what I've understood when it comes to any system in the game that involves both pressure and power (Atmospherics kit A/C, Wall Coolers, etc.) Pressure in the pipes can play a major part in how much electricity something uses. Place the APC down next to the solar panel at least a cable's length away and with the power arrows facing away from the solar panel. However at current version one can not search a. It largely fills the role of the Autolathe, Electronics Printer, Hydraulic Pipe Bender and Tool Manufactory. The Fabricator is an advanced machine used to manufacture most of the craftable items in the game. The best way to run wires to a new wall switch is to drill holes in the studs and feed the wires through them, but you can't do that if the. Note: The Fabricator was removed from the game in version.
#Stationeers game how to get wires through walls how to#
That may be a real world effect, but lack of documentation is frustrating. How to Run an Electric Wire Through a Wall to Switch. The Hot Rails has a lot of output and mids. So that shouldn't be an issue, and there's no documentation on the game I can find that says they take more than that maximum if there's low pressure in the system. 1 day ago &0183 &32 Wahoo Complete Pre-Fabricated Balcony System. Originally posted by DeadMechGaming:How pressurized is the pipes? A lot of the systems will end up using more power if the system isn't properly charged to a decent pressure.Ībout 3 MPa.
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buymetoday · 2 years
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Lambu Solar Fountain Water Bird Bath Power Pump Kit Indoor Garden Outdoor
buy now on :- https://www.buymetoday.com.au/
 As the sun goes behind a cloud the fountain will slow down. Give yourself a water feature out on your balcony.
Key Features
Unique fountain sculpture
Indoors and outdoors
Durable weather-resistant resin
Easy to assemble
Energy efficient
Brand: Lambu
Material: Polyresin
Dimension: 98cm x 49cm (H x Dia)
Colour: White
Solar Panel and Pump
Material: Polycrystalline
Power: 12V/2.4W
Battery type: Lithium
Maximum flow rate: 350L/h
Panel dimension: 31cm x 24cm 1.5cm
Colour: Black
1 x Lambu Fountain
1 x Solar Panel
1 x Water Pump
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zrtranscripts · 3 years
Home Front, Mission 11: Turn Your Radio On
SAM YAO: Five? Five, it's Sam. Are you receiving? I'm getting your headcam feed. I'm glad you're safe. Well, safe as anyone can be, hiding in a camping store in a mall full of zombies. We've got an emergency, Five. We need you. Better warm up, do some jogging on the spot. You've been lying low for weeks, you need to stretch those muscles.
It's the comms. We've had them down for maintenance. We were just bringing everything back online when the super horde trampled Abel's main radio repeater tower. We've set up signal boosters to compensate, but comm range has been crippled. You're at the very edge of our reach. We can't contact half our runners in the field. You can help, Five, but... you're gonna have to leave that store. Are you willing? Yes, that's my Five.
There's a phone mast on the mall roof. Janine says you can find equipment to convert it into a replacement repeater. First, you need to open that store's shutters to get out. They're controlled by a crank handle by the door, remember? Now grab the handle and move it up and down. You know, the same movement as those bicep curls you practiced with tin cans. [shutters rattle and creak] Yeah, that's it. The shutters are raising. Keep going, Five.
No, the crank's jammed! The shutters are too low to fit under. Uh, keep pulling the crank, Five. Try and work it loose. [crank squeaks] Hurry, Five. I've got cams in the mall. No zoms outside your store, but there are plenty in a nearby clothes shop. The noise has them shambling your way. [shutters clang] Yes, that's it! The crank's unjammed. The shutters are inching up. [static] Oh no, signal boosters are burning out. Five, keep working that crack until you're sure you've raised the shutters enough, then slip under them. Find the uh, the Screen and Share electronics store somewhere on that floor. You've got a few minutes before the zoms catch up, but try and be quick. Once you get there – [audio distorts and fades]
PETER LYNNE: Oh Five, how are we? It's Peter, still here in the Princess Louise cinema. Oh, uh, Sam's signal boosters died. But lucky for you, some of us are stranded in the field with radio gear. Sam had us make our own boosters so we could be backup operators. So I've got cam feeds on my cinema screen. I can see you searching the mall. So that is the electronics store on your left. Head in there. [door opens] Oh. Seriously, this store is a complete mess, and looks like part of the ceiling's collapsed. Um, right. Sorry. Five, the gear you're looking for, that's on the back shelf. So it's behind the massive pile of rebar and broken TVs, so you're going to need to move the rubble to get through.
Right. Use your legs to lift. And you know, doing squats should probably help. I mean, you know squats. Come on now. You plant your legs hip-distance apart and then you bend your knees like you're sitting on an invisible chair. So uh, make sure that you're doing one squat for each piece of rubble you shift. Get squatting.
See? There we go. Gorgeous! Best looking chair I've seen in years. That's it, Five. Just throw the rubble aside, no one's using it. Right, we're halfway down, Five. Speed up, come on. Um, I do actually see some shamblers heading towards the store. They're coming through the food court and they've not stopped at Claire's for earrings, so probably hurry on that one. [fox growls] Yeah, I am sorry about that growling, Five. See, you know – easy! I am holed up with a fox and those zombie moans are pretty loud on our end and that's woken the poor thing up.
That's it, Five. Well done, shifted the pile. Right, grab one of the big yellow boxes on the shelf behind. They're the ones labeled Valmont Inc. Home Broadcasting Kit. [zombies moan] Hello, fans. Yep, that's uh, zoms pouring into the store. So right, fire exit on your right. Duck through. [door opens] That's it! Right, okay. Lock the door behind you. Oh, I can tell you're on quite a nice balcony, actually. I mean, it'd be a decent view if it wasn't so foggy.
And uh, that stairwell just downwind of you, that's gonna take you to the roof. Okay, I'll accept that the zoms might break that door down. So the collapsed wall by the stairs, Five. Uh, pick up some more rubble and you're gonna use that to block the door. That's a good idea. And when it looks secure - trusting you on that - head up the stairs. Come on, a little more squatting can't hurt. Come on. Yeah, see? There we go! Great, keep going. [fox growls] Oh, for God's – no! No, listen to me. Stay away from the cable! Uh, sorry, Five. All the noise is freaking out my fox, and he - I don't know if you've had a fox, but he bites things when he's nervous. Uh yeah, no, that door, uh, get that door blocked and then get to the roof. No, bad fox! Bad fox! Drop it – [audio distorts and fades]
SAM YAO: Five, Five, are you there? It's Sam. Yeah. Oh, great. Uh, Peter's having um, technical difficulties. Listen, Janine's setting up better boosters at Abel so we can transmit to the relay once you get it working. She's not done yet, but I wanted to check in. Oh! Oh good, you found a stairwell. Outdoor fire escape, right? That should lead up to the roof. Take the stairs at your own pace, Five. It's misty out. I guess we've all had a lot of practice stair stepping lately, eh?
Uh, Five, turn to the left. Yeah, look through the windows you're passing into the mall. Oh, I was afraid of that. The zoms inside can see you, and they're stalking you, heading up inside the mall while you head up outside it. You need to outpace them or they'll catch you on the roof. Speed up. Start tackling those stairs as fast as you can.
Yeah, that's it. Keep pushing it, Five. The zoms are slow, but the mall has super fast escalators. They're whisking the zoms up right behind you. Great, you're pulling ahead of the zoms, Five. Keep going. Oh God, they're creepy. They're scratching at the windows until you're out of sight, then shambling after you.
Okay, Five, you've got a good lead on the horde. You can slow down. Take the rest of the stairs at whatever pace you like. Huh, that's weird. I'd swear the floor you just passed isn't on the blueprints. What's that, Janine? Okay, right on it. Uh, Janine says I've got to go offline so she can do some calibrations. I'll try and get Peter back so he can take over. In the meantime, get to the roof, find the phone mast there. You're doing great, Five. Just keep going.
JODY MARSH: Five, it's Jody, coming at you from my warehouse den. Peter's still offline. I’m the backup backup operator. Uh, hey, you're on the roof and the fog's clearing, nice. Look at all those rooftop solar panels. The phone mast’s on your left, big metal spike on a little concrete platform. Quick, take your broadcast kit out of the box. [kit pieces jingle] So uh, it's your basic metal tube covered in dials. See the yellow cord on the underside? You need to connect that to the control panel at the base of the mast. They must have been doing rewiring up there when Z-Day hit. Those are live electric cables all around the mast, no room to sit or stand next to it. You'll have to stretch into a planking position to reach the panel.
Get on your knees in front of the cables, holding the end by the yellow cord in your mouth by its side. Lean forward to rest your arms on the platform under the mast. It's just wide enough. Adopt a planking stance. Support your weight on your forearms and toes, keeping your back straight. Now shuffle forward until your toes are almost touching the cables. Right, your face is near the panel. Use your nose to nudge open the latches keeping its outer case shut.
[cables zap, latches click]
Hold that stance. Hold it. Keep going with the latches. Okay, that's a quarter of the latches open. Don't risk using a hand, Five. You could lose balance, and those are live cables under you. Nice. Keep it in place. Halfway done, Five, you're doing great. Stay strong. Zoms shambling onto the roof. They're on the far side, headed your way. Don't panic, Five. You've only got a few latches left. Great, the case is open!
Okay, lean your head forward, stick the cord in that shiny red socket. That's it, Five. Now on your feet. The kit's um, designed to hijack any transmitter it connects to. It was a selling point, apparently. Turn it on. Uh, set it to um, send and receive Abel frequency 1. [buttons beep] It'll take a few minutes to configure.
Those zoms are almost onto you. We need to get you off that roof. They're blocking every way down except... see that railing to your far right? There's a platform below you can jump onto. Trouble is there are loads more live wires that way. You'll have to leap between them, do some fancy footwork. Think of it as dancing, Five! It's less scary that way. Go on, toward the railing. Get dancing, go!
JODY MARSH: That's it. You're at the railing. Jump off the roof now. You okay, Five? That was a rough landing. You're on a window cleaning cradle suspended beside the building by cables. Good job Sam gave us detailed recon notes on that shopping center. Hey, now that the fog’s gone, you can see for miles. The town around the mall, the countryside. The uh, zillion zoms on the pavement below. We'd better get you inside fast. Really fast. Your landing jarred the cradle. It's coming free of its cables.
Okay, don't panic. Think, Jody, think! Oh yeah, great. That's really helpful. Brace yourself, Five, the cradle’s listing. Move your head, look around. There must be some way in! Wait, that window on your left, it's boarded up with plywood. I bet you could punch through it. Quick. Into a jabbing stance, one hand shielding your face, the other eye level, ready to strike. Get punching now. Punch it, come on! Come on, Five, hit those boards. Give it some welly. That's it, belt it! Oh no, my signal booster's overheating. Hurry, Five! Quickly, get through. Keep going, Five, you're getting through. Belt it! Come on, nearly there! That's it, the boarding smashed. Climb through the window, Five.
That was close, Five. The platform's crashed down right behind you. Sometimes I think you're the only runner luckier than me. Better get the lay of whatever shop you've climbed into. Run a perimeter circuit of the room. I've really missed this, Five, working together. I've been stuck in this warehouse for ages, zonked out on painkillers for my sprained leg, which is feeling way better, by the way. Being on a mission again, it's almost like old times, right? I'm losing reception. I can't resolve your head cam feed anymore. I hope that signal [?] works, Five. I guess we'll find out – [audio distorts and fades]
SAM YAO: Five? Five, come in, it's Sam. You did it! That kit hijacked the roof mast for us. Comms are back to full strength. Signal from the Spectrum Mall is green. I repeat, Spectrum is green. You saved the day, Five, just like you always do! Five, are you actually jumping for joy? Yeah, yeah well, I don't blame you, actually. I might join you. Oh yeah, looks like you found your way into the mall’s big games and comic shop. And hey, the door's already barricaded shut. Most of the zoms are still up on the roof. You should be safe there for a while.
I knew you'd come through, Five. You just sit tight until we find a way to get you out. There's a vending machine right by that shelf of Demons and Darkness books, so you won't be bored or hungry. And now the comms are working, we can start the indoor exercises again! Hey... Yeah, but can't I...? But I was just...! All right. [sighs] Janine says I have to go offline for a bit so she can run some systems checks. In the meantime, get some rest. Pick a couple of Demons and Darkness manuals to take from that shelf so we can all have a nice long game when you get home. Stay safe, Five. Keep this channel open. I'll be back really soon, and that's all thanks to you.
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williamjone · 5 months
Solar panel for homes
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In the pursuit of sustainable living and renewable energy solar power has emerged as a game-changer. While traditional rooftop solar installations are commonplace, an innovative approach gaining momentum is the integration of solar energy systems into balconies. This adaptation brings the benefits of solar power to urban dwellers and those with limited space, offering a unique and accessible solution for reducing carbon footprints and embracing clean energy.
The Rise of Solar Energy Balcony Systems:
Solar Energy Balcony System represent a paradigm shift in the way we harness sunlight for electricity generation. Unlike traditional rooftop solar panels, balcony systems are designed to optimize space efficiency, making them an ideal choice for individuals living in apartments, condominiums, or homes with limited roof space. These systems utilize photovoltaic (PV) technology to convert sunlight into electricity, providing a sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to conventional power sources.
Advantages of Solar Energy Balcony Systems:
Space Utilization: The primary advantage of balcony solar systems lies in their ability to make the most of limited space. Urban dwellers, often restricted by building structures and space constraints, can now actively participate in the renewable energy movement.
Reduced Dependence on the Grid: By generating your own electricity, you can significantly reduce your reliance on the traditional power grid, leading to lower energy bills and a decreased environmental impact.
Architectural Integration: Balcony solar systems can be seamlessly integrated into the architecture of buildings, complementing the design without compromising aesthetics. This integration allows for a harmonious blend of functionality and style.
Easy Installation: Most balcony solar systems are designed for easy installation, often as simple as mounting the panels on existing balcony railings or structures. This user-friendly approach makes them accessible to individuals with varying levels of technical expertise.
Considerations for Implementing Solar Energy Balcony Systems:
Before embarking on the installation of a Solar power from your own balcony several considerations should be taken into account. Balcony Orientation and Sun Exposure: Assess the orientation of your balcony and the amount of sunlight it receives throughout the day. Maximum exposure to sunlight ensures optimal energy generation.
Local Regulations and Permits: Check with local authorities to understand regulations and obtain any necessary permits for installing solar panels on your balcony. Compliance with local rules ensures a smooth and legal installation process.
Structural Integrity: Ensure that your balcony structure can support the additional weight of solar panels. Consult with a structural engineer if needed to guarantee the safety and stability of the installation.
Community Guidelines: If you live in a community or building with shared spaces, consult community guidelines to ensure that the installation aligns with the collective vision and regulations.
Steps to Implementing Solar Energy Balcony Systems:
Assess Sunlight Exposure: Determine the amount of sunlight your balcony receives throughout the day. Ideally, the balcony should be south-facing or have a significant amount of sunlight exposure to maximize energy generation.
Choose the Right Solar Panels: Select solar panels that are suitable for balcony installations. Consider factors such as size, efficiency, and aesthetic appeal. Some manufacturers offer panels designed specifically for balconies, with sleek designs and lightweight structures.
Evaluate Structural Capacity: Ensure that your balcony can support the weight of the solar panels and associated mounting hardware. Consult with a structural engineer if necessary to assess the structural integrity and make any required modifications.
Obtain Necessary Permits: Check local regulations and obtain any required permits for the installation. This step is crucial to ensure compliance with building codes and legal requirements.
Install Mounting Hardware: Install the mounting hardware securely on your balcony. This may involve attaching mounting brackets to the railing or other suitable structures. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper installation.
Mount Solar Panels: Carefully mount the solar panels onto the installed brackets. Ensure that the panels are securely fastened and aligned to receive maximum sunlight exposure.
Connect Wiring and Inverter: Connect the wiring from the Easy Solar Kit Balcony to an inverter, which converts the DC electricity generated by the panels into AC electricity for use in your home. Follow the manufacturer's instructions for proper wiring and connection.
Test and Monitor: Test the system to ensure that it is generating electricity as expected. Monitor the performance regularly, especially during the initial weeks, to identify and address any potential issues.
Maintenance and Optimization:
To ensure the longevity and efficiency of your balcony solar energy system, adopt the following maintenance practices:
Regular Cleaning: Keep the solar panels clean from dust, dirt, and debris to maximize sunlight absorption and energy generation.
Visual Inspections: Periodically inspect the solar panels, mounting hardware, and wiring for any signs of wear, damage, or corrosion. Address any issues promptly to prevent further complications.
Trim Surrounding Vegetation: If applicable, trim nearby trees or plants that may cast shadows on the panels, reducing their efficiency.
Monitoring System Performance: Utilize monitoring tools provided by the system or invest in additional monitoring devices to track the performance of your solar energy balcony system. This enables you to identify and address any performance issues promptly.
Solar energy balcony systems herald a new era in the democratization of renewable energy. By bringing the power of the sun to urban balconies and limited spaces, individuals can actively contribute to a sustainable future while enjoying the economic benefits of reduced energy bills. This innovative approach not only leverages cutting-edge technology but also showcases the adaptability of solar power to diverse living environments. As we continue to explore and embrace cleaner and greener alternatives, solar energy balcony systems stand as a shining example of how sustainable practices can be seamlessly integrated into our daily lives, bringing us one step closer to a more environmentally conscious and energy-independent future.
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solarpunkbusiness · 28 days
Ukrainian-born serial entrepreneur Karolina launched WeDoSolar in February 2022, just days before Russia invaded her homeland.
‘It was a super hard time because I also have family and a lot of friends in Ukraine. I was going to the borders, picking people up, developing my product, raising my round with investors, and it was just a completely crazy time.’
The company offers lightweight super-thin photovoltaic panels that tenants can clip onto balcony railings by themselves, without needing an electrician. A smart 5G inverter, also developed by WeDoSolar, converts the solar power into grid power by simply being plugged into a normal power socket, and the company’s specially designed battery system allows users to choose if they want directly to power their household devices, or save the energy to use when it is needed most.
‘Our products are all designed with a DIY aspect in mind in order for anyone to be able to simply hang it on the balcony, plug it into a power socket, and that’s it,’ says Karolina, adding: ‘In an average apartment, our solution, working at full production capacity, can reduce electricity bills by up to 25% and save up to 600 kilograms of CO2 per year.’
An app tracks how much solar power has been produced and also shows consumers their CO2 savings in real time.
‘The spark for WeDoSolar was ignited by a personal desire to use solar energy in my own apartment,’ Karolina recalls.
With soaring energy prices, the first balcony solar kits sold out instantly. The start-up had expected it might have 3 000 customers within the first year, but saw nearly as much demand in the first month alone. WeDoSolar now supplies to 24 EU countries.
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valeriethepussycats · 4 years
I’m Only Human
Chapter 1
Pairing- Loki x Mutant Reader, Thor x Mutant Reader(Best friends) 
Warning- cursing
H/c- hair color
Puente Antiguo,New Mexico
The Suv sits parked in the desert. Suddenly, the roof panel of the Suv FoldOpen. The underside of the panels house a variety of hand-built Astronomical Devices, which now point at the sky. Jane Foster pops her head through the roof. She positions a Magnetometer, so its monitor calibrates with the constellations above. It appears to be cobbled together from spare parts of other devices.  “Hurry!” Jane Insisted. Hearing a loud Bang followed by muffled cursing from below. Jane offers a hand down to Erik Selvig who emerges as well, rubbing his head.”Oh-- watch your head.”
“Thanks. So what's this "anomaly" of yours supposed to look like?” Erik wondered.
“Hopefully you only get a headache from how hard you hit your head” Y/n Munroe giggled as she opens the back door of the suv and jump out.
“ Explain to me why you’re here again” Erik murmured.
“ If I remember correctly you found me and asked if I could be your assistant.” Y/n proclaimed flipping her white and h/c out her face.
“It’s a little different each time. Once it looked like, I don't know,melted stars, pooling in a corner of the sky. But last week it was a rolling rainbow ribbon--"Racing "˜round Orion?" I've always said you should have been a poet.” Erik joked.
Jane reigns in her excitement. She tries for dignity. “Hey, Darcy. Pass up the bubbly and my gloves, will you?.” Jane asked. The Intern Darcy Lewis hands Jane a bottle of Champagne and a pair of gloves through the window. Jane passes it to Selvig to hold while she pulls on the old gloves -- too large and masculine for her small hands. He starts to unwrap the foil, and she stops his hand with an excited grin.”Not until you see it!”
“I recognize those. Think how proud he'd be to see you now.”Erik shared.
Jane's grin fades to a sad smile.”Thank you.”
“For what?”
“The benefit of the doubt.”The three stare out at the sky expectantly. A long beat while they scan the skies. Nothing. Jane's worried. “It's never taken this long before.”
Darcy calls up from the front seat. “Can I turn on the radio?”
“Sure, if you like rocking out to KFRM,All agriculture, all the time. Worried, Jane heads back down into the vehicle.
Y/n walks up to Suv window “Don’t worry everything will work out”Y/n told Jane with a small smile.
The SUV is bathed in the glow of high-tech monitorin equipment and laptops, some looking like they're held together with duct tape. Jane opens a well-worn notebook of handwritten notes and calculations. Selvig watches the frustrated Jane with sympathy.
“The anomalies are always precipitated by geomagnetic storms.”Jane began. She shows Erik and Y/n a complicated chart she's drawn in the book, tracking occurrences and patterns.”The last seventeen occurrences have been predictable to the minute... I just don't understand.”she pondered.
Something catches Darcy's eye out the driver's side mirror. She adjusts it. In the distance, Odd Glowing cloud form in the skies over the Northeastern end of the desert. “Jane?” Darcy calls small panicky voiceJane shushes her, leafs through her notes. The bottle of champagne begins to vibrate.
“There's got to be some new variable... Or an equipment malfunction.” Jane wonders.The lights and equipment in the Suv begin to Flickr around them. The computer monitors squelch with static.
“I don't think there's anything wrong with your equipment...” Darcy stated.
The champagne bottle starts to Rattles noisily now as it shakes more violently. Jane,Y/n and Selvig notice.They watch it curiously, pressure building up inside it, when the cork explodes out of it. Champagne goes spewing everywhere -- over equipment, over Jane. “Jane?”
“What?!”Jane snapped.
“I think you want to see this.”Darcy points out the window. Jane,Y/n and Selvig look out. Over the desert Massive rainbow cloud Churn in the sky. The three stare, dumbfounded.
“Holy Shit” Y/n  swore.
“Holy. Shatner.” Jane blurted.
“That's your "subtle" aurora?!” Erik teased.
“No-- yes! Let's go!” Jane noted.
“See patience is a virtue” Y/n called out as she is standing in the middle of it all.
The roof panels still open, the Suv races towards the strange event, Jane, amazed by the sight, stands with half her body out the roof, taking video of the light storm before them.
The SUV hits a bump. Jane nearly flies out but Selvig grabs her, yanks her back in.
“Y/n gets to be out there and I can’t” Jane grins, thrilled, pumped with adrenaline
“ Well Y/n is not like us” Erik replied.
.”Isn’t this great?!”Jane started with excitement in her voice. A thought strikes her.”You’re seeing it too, right? I'm not crazy?
“That's debateable. Put your seat belt on!” Erik encouraged Jane. Winds howls around the SUV now. Up ahead, spiraling down from out of the clouds comes -- an Enormous tornadoSuffuse with the strange rainbow light, roaring like a thousand freight trains as it touches down.
“Are you doing this!” Erik yelled at Y/n .
“Erik I can change the weather not make a Rainbow tornados.” Y/n yells at  in a dry tone.
Selvig looks up through the still-open sunroof at the enormous glowing funnel cloud with wonder. Jane clambers into the front seat, beside Darcy. She leans way out the window, Taping the storm.
“You've gotta get us closer so I can take a magnetic reading.” Jane Announced.
Darcy laughs.”Yeah, right! Good one.”Pauses.“Oh God, you're serious...”
“You want those college credits or not?” Jena noted.
Erik yells out to Y/n” we’re going to get closer!”
” OK I’ll catch up!” Y/n yells back at Erik as she stands in the middle of the desert watching this mystical tornado.
The SUV tears across a field towards the tornado, Jane leaning out the window, taping the event. The Suv disturbs two ravens perched on a cactus as they race past. The birds take flight, when -- KRAKABOOM! A huge  bolt of lightningstrikes down through the center of the funnel cloud before them with a terrifying intensity. The Suv rocks from the blast. Darcy's had enough. She turns the wheel, starts to head away”Keep the credits. I'll intern at Burger King.”Darcy voiced.
“What are you doing?!” Jane yelped.
“Saving our lives!”
Jane grabs the wheel, jerks it hard the other way. They struggle for control, when the headlights fall on a man.Directly in their path, stumbling through the winds. Darcy slams on the brakes, Jane turns the wheel hard to avoid him.The SUV swerves but too late. The side of the SUV slams into the man with a Thud, sending him flying. The car skids to a stop.
Y/n flies over to see what all the commotion is about. “What’s going on” Y/n wondered but  sees a man unconscious on the groundA paralyzed moment, then they all leap out of the car. Jane, Darcy, and Selvig trade shocked looks, breathing hard.They peer through the dust clouds, unable to see through The four of them  race from the SUV with flashlights. Jane spots the man lying on the ground. He's dressed in tattered clothing,charred and blackened.
“I think that was legally your fault.”Darcy claimed to Y/n in a very convincing voice.
“Get the first aid kit.” Jane urged anyone who was listening.
Darcy heads back inside the SUV as Jane, concerned, kneels next to the man. Selvig and Y/n hovers, protectively. She gently turns his head to the light, and we see him clearly for the first time. He is magnificently handsome,long blonde hair flowing around his classically sculpted Features. She cups her hands around his face, as if willing the life back into him.
“Come on, big guy. Do me a favor and don't be dead, okay? Open your eyes and look at me.”Jane wheedled.
Suddenly, he groans, and she's startled, then relieved, as his eyes flutter open. She looks deep into his confused, azure eyes, which at last focus on her own. Locking onto them.For a moment, they each forget to breathe. The connection is broken as Darcy returns with the kit. She freezes when she sees how gorgeous the man is.
“Wow. Does he need CPR? Because I know CPR.” Darcy Chimed in.
A flustered Jane smooths her hair and sits back on her heels. She looks up at Selvig. Back to being a scientist.
“His eyes-“Jane started.
 “Are beautiful-.” Darcy in a voice soft with affection.
“ -Are dilating. That's a good praised sign. Jane said with a note of relief.
“We still have to get him to a hospital.”  Erik disclosed.
“After we get a reading on the storm?”Jane answered.
“Immediately Jane” Erik insisted.
“Guys this is my forte I’ll stop the storm then we can take this guy hospital” Y/n put forth as she  holds out her hands eyes turning white. Jane,Darcy and Erik watching the storm evaporate above their heads.
“Where did he come from? “They exchange puzzled looks, as we move up through the last glowing remnants of the storm. Earth spins slowly before us as we hear a voice, deep and resonant -- the voice of Heimdall Gatekeeper of Asgard. “Questions, they've always asked questions -- this race called man, on this planet they call earth.Passionately longing to know how they are connected to the heavens. We pull away from the planet, widening, past other worlds, cosmic debris -- leaving first our solar system, then out . In ages past, they looked to us as gods, for indeed so many times we saved them from calamity. We tried to show them how their world was but one of the Nine realms  and in the Nine realms is a planet called a Asgard.” Beautiful beyond imagination. We fly over the magnificent
landscape of the Realm, through the gleaming capital city, modern yet timeless. The palace rises countless stories tall, gleaming with an other-worldly majesty, towering high above the Realm sprawled out before it. We move towards a large window of the palace, where a Figure stands. Odin Stares out at his kingdom. The ravens fly up to the balcony,land at his side.
Odin turns away from the window. His wife Frigga sits at a vanity and tries different earrings before the mirror.
“Do you think he's ready?” Odin wonder.
“He thinks he is. He has his father's confidence.”Frigga replies.
“He'll need his father's wisdom.” Odin told Frigga.”And his humility?” She remarked
 Odin makes a face at this wife. “Thor won't be alone. Loki will be at his side to give him counsel.Have faith in your sons.” Frigga pointed out.
“Yes, but Thor's still a boy. He could be a great King...” Odin stops, notices his hand shaking. It seems to be out of synch temporally with the rest of the world, leaving a trail as it moves. He stares at it determinedly, concentrating,trying to stop the strange event through the force of his sheer will.Finally, the occurrence subsides, his hand normal once more. A worried Frigga covers his hand with her own.
“...if we only had more time.” He whispered.
“ For once, our son needs something we cannot provide.”She voiced.              
“I can fight it a little longer...” he murmured
“No. You've put it off too long! I worry for you.” She said with a fond look.
Odin touches her cheek.”I've destroyed demons and monsters,devastated whole worlds, laid waste to mighty kingdoms, and still you worry for me?”Odin said in a voice soft with affection.
“Not today. Now come kiss your king... while I'm still king.” He pulls her close, and they kiss.
Directly under the throne room, a gloomily lit hall. Banners hang on either side to form a corridor down the middle of the fire lit room. Giant doors open at one end. A huge figure silhouetted against the bright light beyond walks forward. In slo-mo, we recognize the unmistakable shape of the God of Thunder. Hammer in hand, he reaches the end of a raised platform. An  attendant hands the figure a goblet of wine. He downs it quickly, hurls it towards the fire directly below.
“Another!” The cup smashes, the alcohol causes the fire to glow intensely -- and, for a moment, brightly lit, and seen full length, like a King to be, is The mighty Thor. He proceeds down stops, past camera, and down the center of the Hall.
We follow from behind and see at the other end, massively shadowed on one of the great banners, the shape of two great horns. As Thor approaches, the horn shapes move, and then, from the shadows at the side, emerges Loki, wearing his horned headpiece. Like Thor, he is dressed for a great ceremony. They stand by a brazier at the foot of steps that lead up to the crowded throne room.
“Nervous, brother?” Loki asked Thor.
“Have you ever known me to be nervous?” Thor grinned.
“There was the time in Nornheim...”Loki Trailed off.
“That wasn't nerves, brother. I was the rage of battle. How else could I have fought my way through a hundred warriors and pulled us out alive?” Thor replied  to Loki as The Attendant approaches with another goblet of wine for Thor.
“As I recall, I was the one who veiled us in smoke to ease our escape.”Loki put forth.
“Some do battle, others just do tricks.
The Attendant stifles a laugh. Loki notices, doesn't like it. He gestures towards the goblet in the Attendant's hand. Eeels pour over the sides of the goblet, slithering out and across the terrified Attendant's hand. He scream, hurls the goblet to the ground. Loki chuckles.
“Loki...” Thor warned Loki. Loki gestures to the writhing eels on the ground. They turn back to spilled wine, the illusion shattered. “Now that was just a waste of good wine.”
“Just a bit of fun.” Loki said to the Attendant.” Right, my friend?”The Attendant isn't so sure. Thor dons his Eagle winged helmet.
“Nice feathers.” Loki told  Thor about his helmet.
“You don't really want to start this again, do you, Cow?” Thor teased Loki.
“I was being sincere!” Loki Announced.
“You're incapable of sincerity.” Thor proclaimed to Loki.
“Am I?” Loki replied. He looks his brother in the eye, all pretense lost.”I've looked forward to this day as long as you have. You're my brother and my friend. Sometimes I'm envious, but never doubt that I love you.”
Thor searches his brother's face, sees no trace of irony. He's either speaking from his heart or he's a very, very good liar. Maybe both. Thor puts an appreciative hand on his brother's shoulder.
“Thank you.” The two brothers take in the moment a beat, then.
“Give us a kiss.” Loki teased Thor.
“Stop.” Thor makes the final adjustments to his ceremonial wear. “How do I look?” Thor questioned Loki.
“Like a king.” Loki shared as They hear the blast of a ceremonial Horn.”It's time.”
“You go ahead.” Loki casts him a wary look.”I'll be along. Go on.” Thor disclosed in a casual tone. Loki heads inside the palace without his brother.
Volstagg combs his great beard in preparation for the big event. As he does, he's surprised to find a stray grape stuck in the beard. He pulls it out, looks around, then eagerly pops it into his mouth and gobbles it down. Fandral checks his reflection in a mirror, smooths out his moustache, gives himself a dashing smile. A Pretty Maiden holds the mirror before him, as other Maidens  look on dreamily.
“Thank you, love.” Fandral said in a flirtatious way the Maidens. ”Now who'd like to polish my sword for me?” Fandral Announced and the giddy Maidens eagerly raise their hands.
Hogun stands staring ahead grimly, his hands folded in front of him, amidst the hustle and bustle of the attendants and the ceremony preparations going on around him. A Helpful attendants approaches him and starts to polish his armor. Hogun turns his head, gives him a look. Intimidated, the Attendant quickly backs away. From behind, we see a Woman In ceremonial Armor take off her Sword and set it on a table, then her Shield, then several Hidden Daggers  and small, yet intimidating Weapons . We reveal that it's Sif, looking radiant. She eyes the weapons on the table.
“I'll miss you.” Sif whimpered to her weapons.
Colorful ceremonial Banners of the Nine Realms adorn the room, crowded with Aesir and representatives from across Yggdrasil, all Buzzing with excitement. Thor's  Comrades enter and stride to their place of honor at the front of the hall. They are... The Warriors Three.
Volstagg has the girth and strength of a Sumo wrestler, with oversized passions to match. Fandral, the consummate swashbuckler, is agile, charismatic, and nattily dressed. Hogun-- dark, sullen, brooding -- a large mace slung at his side. With them walks the warrior maiden Sif. She's clad in armor,a shield and sword at her side -- a beauty not to be trifled with.
“I hope this goes quickly. I'm famished.” Volstagg grinned.
“Noooo!” Fandral squeaked.
Are you attached to that pretty face of yours? Because one more word, and you won't be. Volstagg commented.
“My, we are hungry, aren't we?” everyone laughs except Hogun. 
Fandral turns to him.”Go on, Hogun. Smile. You can do it. Even you, Hogun the Grim. Just one smile.” Fandral urged Hogun who just stares at him grimly. “All right, half a smile. Look,forget the smile, just show some teeth.” Fandral made public.
“Fandral, is it true the famous Warriors Three are ready to meet any challenge?” Sif asked.
“Name it, Lady Sif.”Fandral insisted.
“Keep your mouth shut.” Sif teased.
Imposing Einherjar Guards clad in armor, swords at the ready,stand watch inside the massive underground structure beneath the palace. A cold Breeze blows past them. Thor stands, his fingers nervously drumming the handle of his hammer. Frigga approaches behind him, sees his anxiety.
“It's all right to be nervous.” Frigga chimed in.
Why does everyone keep saying that? I'm not nervous!” Thor proclaimed in a Casual tone.
“You may be able to fool the rest of Asgard-
“...But never you. I know.”
“Thor, just remember that you have something even the great Allfather never had.”
“And what is that?”
“Me for a mother.” She smiles.”Now don't keep your father waiting.” Frigga  told Thor then leaves.
Sif and the Warriors Three still wait before the crowd. Loki and Frigga enter.
“ There’s something I have to tell you after the ceremony it is very important” Frigga shared with Loki.
“I will mother” Loki agreed as he takes his place at the front of the Phall alongside the others. With another blast of the horn,the crowd goes silent as the Einherjar honor Guards moves into formation. They part to reveal Odin sitting atop his throne, clad in full ceremonial armor. He holds his spear Gungnir before him. Any trace of weakness in him is gone now. He exudes all the power and majesty of a Ruler of Asgard. Frigga joins him at his side. He looks around the hall, casts a glance over to the Warriors. Thor is nowhere to be seen. Odin looks to Loki. Loki shrugs. Odin isn't pleased.A murmur spreads through the crowd.
“Where is he?.” Volstagg asked Loki.
“He said he'd be along.” Loki replied. Sif realizes the truth, shakes her head in disapproval.
“What?” Volstagg questioned Sif.
“He wants to make an entrance.” Sif told Volstagg. 
“Well, if he doesn't show up soon,he shouldn't bother. Odin looks like he's ready to feed him to his ravens.” Fandral commented.
“I wouldn't worry. Father will forgive him. He always does.” Loki replied.
Just then, at the back of the hall, up the steps from the lower level Mjolnir Roars up into the hall, Thor strides cockily into the hall behind it, catching it behind his back. The Crowd erupts in Cheers. Thor spins his hammer with a flourish, holds it up before the crowd, basking in the moment, relishing the adoration, whipping his audience up into a frenzy.
“Oh, please.” Sif murmured.
Odin watches from the front, not liking this showy display. As the sound of the cheers echo from above, the odd, cold breeze picks up in the Vault. The Guards rub their limbs to warm themselves. They grow increasingly uneasy, sensing something's not right. They exchange a look, then walk the length of the Vault's hallway to its end, where a Casket sits undisturbed upon a pedestal. Large shadows suddenly loom over them. They look up and Shout in terror as they raise their weapons.Thor finishes stirring up the crowd, then reaches the front of the room, kneels on one knee before his mother and father. Frigga casts him an admonishing glance. Thor winks up at her. She can't help but smile. Odin strikes Gungnir upon the ground with a deafening Boom.
The crowd falls silent. Odin speaks with quiet, effortless authority. He raises Gungnir before him.
“Gungnir. Its aim is true, its power strong. With it I have defended Asgard and the lives of the innocent across the Nine Realms since the time of the Great Beginning. And though the day has come for a new King to wield his own weapon - that duty remains the same. Thor Odinson, my heir, my first-born.”Pauses.” So long entrusted with this mighty hammer, Mjolnir. Forged in the heart of a dying star, from the sacred metal of Uru. Only one may lift it. Only one is worthy. Who wields this hammer commands the lightning and the storm. Its power has no equal -- as a weapon, to destroy, or as a tool, to build. It is a fit companion for a King.” Odin proclaimed.
The bodies of the Guards are flung to the Vault's floor, now strewn with ice. We don't see their attackers clearly, just catch glimpses of them in the shadows -- but they are large and blue-skinned. One of the creatures lifts the Casket off its stand and turns to go. But, as they do, the intricate latticework behind the Casket starts to separate and retract, revealing something standing in the shadows behind it. As the creatures walk away, a fiery glow rises behind them. They turn back around. Now it's their turn to Scream.
The Ceremony continues.
“Today I entrust you with thegreatest honor in all the Nine Realms. The sacred throne of Asgard. I have sacrificed much to achieve peace. So, too, must a new generation sacrifice to maintain that peace. Responsibility, duty, honor. These are not merely virtues to which we must aspire. They are essential to every soldier and to every King.” Odin declared.
The Crowd and the Warriors Three start to shiver and rub their limbs for warmth in the increasingly cold air of the hall. Thor turns back to face his father. Odin looks upon his son with pride.
“Thor Odinson, do you swear to guard the Nine Realms?”Odin questioned Thor
“I swear.” Thor replied.
“Do you swear to preserve the peace?”
“I swear.”
“Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambition and pledge yourself only to the good of all the Realms?”
“I swear!” Thor yells in excitement.
“Then on this day, I, Odin Allfather, proclaim you--“Odin hesitates, noticing a strange sight before him. Ice creeps across the surface of the large banners around the hall, making an eerie CRACKING sound. Thor, his comrades, and the crowd see it too.
“Frost giants...” Odin commented.
Part 2
A/n- Reader was born 1986 of your birth day and month.
I don’t own nothing all rights go to Marvel for this story.
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finalaps-blog · 4 years
My guessed email [email protected]
walish are senegalis, they love helping people and smooth life, like of justice. Golo is knowing how to help/sot people out in like an economic situation but they are jealous with words. Gigolo is a big female inlove with a man, so most people from dat nation r gigolo as the female counterpart is called cougar. I got that blood dude, togolis as well got dat blood Mountain bike and comborella and other bikes give usa like $ 5 billion usd while spare parts aint counted yet, they even sell their bikes to central and Caribbean American as much as south America, google folks to find out those nations, so this untapped market if u get the same technology and the said people aint learnt them yet. click the below link 4 more https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethnic_groups_in_Senegal https://unsplash.com/s/photos/bicycle Photostartimer can be place on the switch off/on button of the no fuel generator found at www.alibaba.com where its battery is charged with the solar powered generator that works during the day well to store power to be used at night, which when night falls the solar panel dont pick up light rays to charge the wet cell, so the photostat that was place on the NF generator by a technitian senses no light to connect the switch that starts the generator b4 the morning comes again to sense light to disconnect the switch to make the Nf generator stop while the solar 1 starts its journey again of powering ya house. It also when has strong many wet cell can still work through the whole night and a photostartimer can be put on its output wires to ya appliances to break the circuit when the nfl generator kicks off and vice versa dude. This no rocket science or myth but pure reality bro. The temperate lands that grow cereals like France, Britain or Germany as well grows irish potatoe and soyi beans so they are more than tropical lands which harbors most food crops like cassava, yam, sweet potatoes etc which tires the brain as you cant eat them much 4 quit along time bro They wallow in despair yet wanna be 1st and get folks down with their sickening traditions, yet they wanna connect ya with their woman so as to benefit if they get hitched and thats why they draw close to ya if they have investigate ya that u got money and can settled wid the said woman who will give them their share if that transpire. Dont say that 1 is dirty, accept that your dirty ways i have been defeated and tailor ya coat to ya body size. Let every house or business premise buy automated locks to block ya silly open move of stealing small stuff to join again to make a complete packet like with candy and biscuits or opening of truck container by cutting the seal and replacing it again with your like in the dock ports or trucks on roads and even in chain stores. You wanna grab my money, put up a fight and belittle me still when all ya dubious ways are known and blocked dude, Gas bro, call siren gas bro!!! What more again dude Small drones and toys give the USA $ 3.2 annually alone as much as jewels.Even with church sermon it can be live like soccer and parents with kids do like those who watch soccer outside 2gether with their little ones and they call it a day by listening to that sermon online like in the link below https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=manchester+vs+chelsea https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sermons+of+joel+austin https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sermons+of+td+jakes+ https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=lectures+at+princeton+university
It must be between 6-30 when signing up as u write more than 3o, it doesnt accept or less than 6. Try fellow, stop ya silliness dude.
USA get money via valentine and xmas cards, gifts, trees and according to research it amounts to over $ 4 billion usd in revenue as well from electronics like money counting machines, calculator, fax machine, automated locks, teddy bears etc as friend from those nations buy and send to their relatives in any developing nation and phones like Motorola and international call cards in the link below
The link below rep solar powered generator that u can place a photostatimer to alternate with a mini no fuel free generator.
Even china benefits a lot from the sales of toys and dolls bro, catch the little foxes that people dispice b4 the destroy the vineyard. Worker parable, in a solar panel connection place ya wet cell in the middle between the solar panel wet cell and the solar charger controller, dont place or connect wet cell apart from the invator to be started by the photostat to flow the current to the invator when no sun rays to power the same, when their is light the bet power is constant, it only reduces in voltage when their is no sunlight period dude. Do not fear, it can cook, iron and still be used in ya fridge all night long when you have connected like 2, 24 volts wet cell to give ya 48-50 volts which to reduce from 50-10 dat the invertor accepts its like a tag of war. Kikiool pi to cool the high watt invator, place the 2 outside to alternate them using a timer like in a 1 hr basis to avoid overheating and repairs or loss.
Expensive nets also build us or funds the white people like in kenya where they meet people who got pity on them and give them those nets, shoes or jackets to sell at a profit and them given their share bro
They wanted to do the above to Tz but E-cars have gotten them handy, folks everything comes to an alter no matter how complicated it is bro. After incorporating wireless alarm and gun as much as camera, if the criminal proceed into ya compound wanting to hurt ya, this what u do, buy a house with balcony in the middles and within dat balcony put ya drone to escape horizontally with the ground, choose ya house where behind got undulating lands, small hills or fenced houses to escape in the link below or just 1 with a flat top in the middle of the roofing 4 drone but people see not.
Tz stop send delegates, usa is much more rich in food rather they dont buy ya small gadgets like phones, they are self sufficient even if they get cash online.
Minaj come lets shower and heading to the shower, lets beth together.
What did u eat, ya booty to fat- whispering this in his friend ears, hitting his finger like a little kid, am going to tell ya mother, doing dat is Nehemiah izo.
Look 4 Jamaica woman after Mr Hindu organization is finished, atleast who understand leave the yankees they are malawians as malawi people are arab blooded, people who want from emerging rich people or-else they thwart ya destiny but u cant want from them, at the point the song ends, kinda, he is dirtying his hood from behind. Click the link below 4 more
Come here baby song, in the link below depicts a woman whom u could love but could not give in due to lack of sufficient cash but sleeping wid men in ya presence as doing this and dat but u have looked around, given up in life but still gets to her or now she is mad wid ya, check it out dude
Hindu are signaling me they are in bad shape, kuhangaika, its up to them, kinda, our strength, with what they have done, let them continues foreseeing more problems, till they thin up coz if at all they had triumph we could be seeing fire.
Banks should tell us their profitability where it cames from, like on Atm withdrawals, people lost, deceased without next of kin, mobile money transfer and a/c opening contributes to what percentage. u Will find the bulk is from Atm withdrawals, and a/c opening which should be free 4 the 1st 3 withdrawals and with ac/c opening the money is still your like with US banks even if its a prerequisite. The uk EPL is funded with this and thats why they want population increase to make many open a/c 4 kids or their own and a/c opening. When this is done it makes UK poor as u can see them frustrated. But onlinemoney out of money laundring has eliminated this once employed. Kebi dont not forgive their dirty tricks or spare them ‘sema yote‘.
Govt also should remove grocery store as they use this to fund money back home esp TZ short people. Chainstore should be opened as we are par with any other developed nation as nothing machine to buy as we have known how to buy such like bvr kits or household good or car which people save 4 along time to buy but now cheap and can be bought on credit and heavy machine like used to make roads are made locally so it save the govt money on such bro.
My new tumblr a/c email is [email protected] check it out or name mcsleepynelson, the email above was 4 this tumblr a/c b4 i changed it again to the tumblr a/c of the above name
you take ajuok niddle like leaves, mwarubaine leaves, Tamandarine/okwaju seeds, alovera and wild sunflower as landana, then mix then in the dark put them in the container, then u piss, salivate on the container sides then curative medication or antibacterial medicine packed in the link below boom are made
Where kebi house is situated was the jesus mother house when they were young, Aron hse was the jail where meshark, shadrack and abednego were arrested. The unfinished hse near 4rems ksm was the joseph/mary jesus mother house, Where gosh lived when at kim college was mc donalds and police post and a bus station where christ was 1st taken when arrested 4 fingerprints. Vin modi green hse was peter the rock hse situated. Rata clinic was the temple bro, Christ tought the old
The hse opposite the cyber was a police jail, gosh house where is situated was a bus station as well along time
They eye m-peas going E-africa so wanna be here yet to curb fake money saga it will be eliminated coz it involves liquid cash, so forget about that bro as well as when banks atrophies security guards will be reduced in number as job cuts while EPL will be affected as Barclay bank is the major sponsor dude, get this straight bro!!1. Kebi is a double edge cutting sword described in the 6 seals of the bible in revelation 6 in the link below
The dance that led to john the baptist being beheaded was in Seattle, Washington, they took a flight to an event there, so it can be the truth of a city built on the hill can never be hidden which will be more tolerable then tire and sidon at the judgement day JD.
What i explained to ya in details in other tumblr a/c or at a table u have 4gotten that u can delete a tumblr a/c if i changed the email i know not even if i still know the password in the link below making it a new story daily    
Zachariah adel of KB and the other best 1 where in the scene when john the baptist was beheaded and in-fact Zacharias ACHMED the Islam 1 was the 1 who took head on a plate, Its is incarnation bro, they were taken back from heaven to earth again and given longevity, they have live 4 many yrs as much as Railamoloding’a
Link below rep places with tea, so kenyans shut up bro
The 2 thieves were taken to police custody near the cyber jail i have described above, if u simply partake mwarubaine and put it to meditation as pray as well you feel some1 talking to ya and telling u this bro period.
Click the link below for a good step down transformer
Think i canhurt myself and they delete the following of this tumblr which in each following got every following so its a zero work thing dude, think twice bro.
Nowdays if u wear like worn out/old cloths the kamba or masai blooded their kids dont wanna associate with ya or gives ya a cold shoulder, they want to perpetuate their hooliganism as to make ya buy their new cloths to benefit coz they have known how to make the same, while china is saying no, to bring them online in a very cheap dimension so as to alter their destiny and make them sell theirs in credit sale or make them half price to meet competition bro, no jokes, their is a big progress jo!!!
Like in the link below b4 the song start, syllabus 4 schools and colleges can be made that way with what on the board captured to eliminate going 2 class 4 all but 4 the heavy headed who dont comprehend fast. What u do is paying the exam fee, their is alot of hick ups, gossips and malice in schools associate with lectures as much as name tint and bad mouth or progress thwarts.
Countries with coffee
Me am not yesus so dont force to the point u wanna box me, get it from the horses mouth, am not Jesus Christ. 2 give the lazy my hustle, i cant and let me reiterate the point, siwezi hata kwa dawa. The masai blooded who are 1st in social ills and hooligans at night, let them eat their sweet or rudeness or go to their tribesmen 4 help not us bro. Get this straight dude, period!!!
                                      Siren gas issue                                                        
Siren gas made out of human blood suffocates faster as the flash floods but reacts when hot with iron after long time breaking the cylinder causing plane fall, the best 1 is of hay or chaff bro, dont react bro.
The petroleum engine can be replaced with electric 1, if the bud like part of the engine is removed where combustion takes place and replaced with the electric 1 for any gasoline using gadget bro, dont worry not only with nyama tree with smelling mouth but as well with artificial food and replaced electric engine in the link below
PEOPLE who are machine makers dont love people  in their houses while them can be in ya premise, bcoz he is of utility to ya and mostly got Norwegian blood, got to understand this not that he is of bad character dont want people in his house.
The no fuel generator in the link below can be made a mini-small one and put inside machines like tv, stereos, cookers, computer or fridge so the nf generator just used in lighting of bulbs and in showers.
Railamoloding’a was the dives as daniel with nebuchadneza as am told
Click the link below 4 more, buy 120 v input transformer and output 12 v, after connecting like 4-24 v wet cell to give ya 100 v which you channel into the 120 v transformer as input to give ya 12 v as output which u put into a solar charger controller then to the terminal of ya e-car, vehicle where the battery is fixed, this resolve the battery pop up associated with E-motor bikes,bikes or cars, or if you buy the 1 in the link below when u put half current of 120 v it gives ya 12 but of high watts to avoid burning bro
Download of music should be done, let them create a website like with the betting sites where movies,lectures or songs are priced then u select, pay online then they send ya that group of songs, movies u bought at a fee online. click the link below 4 more
Adrian saying, gi thago kebi, ablomuko/goyo lakewho mokelego, gi palo niedwalo nyili gi, eh eh eh mano epach gi. Peleka njaa yako whoko, malachi four to cement de trut. Marry mama yesus nomer/tipsy b4 being injected with sleeping drug then an artificial insemination Ai done to give birth to christo b4 he was given his sermons as another who transformer to his image at 12 v in the tample did to give him name. Folk bibilia, wifecry was written period, whats the hoot and what do u want bro, to grab kebi manhood, his little food which if he refuteds u resort to bad mouthing? Stop dude and fix ya self somewhere to work, stop lazing around and gossiping like Pg women bro!!
As googled bro or binged
white men are kinda nuts and they cant be explaining on media as we purpote bro, out of research it has cross my mind that it is The whiteman of brazil with elastic ear lob at the tip where earing hangs, they r kikuyu, they have been mandated to advice the white-men in that they were told how to make planes so to cement dat happening and not to tell the trut of the end of the earth on the pacific side if you take a flight from latin amrica to keep Africans in dark to facilitate to destroy her gene via intermarriage and to continue monitoring people who buy gadgets they were told of online cash to perplex people how they survive yet dont want people to buy the very very gadgets dat gives them cash as well they help sponsor bad deals in Africa as frustrate kids in jobs and schools 4 the curse to fall on them. They even advice the white on who to assassinate like mlk, malcom x, tm, 4 the whites to cement the trut of a city which kills the prophet, dat it will be more tolerable 4 tire and sidon to be Brazilian capital which is sau paulo, click the link below to show at that time of the killing of the above and more not now, so they shift it that even if it happens its not the capital to kill or destroy the govt buildings and officials.
Pure is the sermon, who wrote them or who gave it to another, Gandhi or TM etc
When u sleep with Germans u desire poor kind of life of being alone while with Briton it makes ya behave like kids or love kids more than adult. Am walish, wales, wer, songs, waist, kiuno, as wale help people like jonah on the belly of the fish after transfiguring on how they do which i cant explain not. Can change into a parasite like gigas and logg itself in the belly of the fish b4 again transfiguring into a person or any other animal, outside in the dark.
Using a tractor to tilt the land lands ya in hell or makes ya insane like the white-men, In Africa kale uses the same, many lands are rugged to people use plough or cattle which makes them up-tune, so the white-men behaves like insane to get buy after death in judgement cause the flame is to hot. Click the links below 4 more
Kalenjins just want from people, when u have not the rush to ridicule ya house if good or not to join ya, when, kinda, u gonna have money, they stalk ya even wanting to organize malice on ya, stop that dude. Most Sa got that blood and Tunisia people, when u realize a woman got that gene, kinda, u desist from her, cause they join what they have helped bring down without being a shamed, can destroy the world as their male counterpart, just good with where their is cash crop cant hustle as they are always reserved and most negros with straight body bones like those in NBA are Tunisia blooded bro. Fellows desist from them, good in their own but more better than many other tribes like luo, kisii etc
German meet or barley got extra-taste of chocolate, they take the cow blood mix with chocolate b4 they put in the dark and spit saliva on it to make artificial meat AM explained in the following tumblrs of this a/c, same to drinks and barley. Even coffee husks, seeds are used to make shiny weak gadgets like just Tea or cocoa leaves or maize cob as well as cereal chaff makes dull ones.
The gasping 4 help when drowning is sweet when u have not given up on life and sudenly 1 listens to ya, finds ya and help ya to life again is the feeling when sleeping with a british women.
When u belittle people, doing wrong things,listening to music others have not listen to to comment yet sweet, when u r mean in life, when a friends eats like mwarubaine, they see you  outside ya house front door like in a funeral, kinda, in a casket, meaning u risk going to hell fire if u die or it brings hate that u dont understand with people around ya, so u must get out of that quagmire by listening to liberating people music and being humble and loving people as u love ya self, stopping ya dirty tricks.
nelsonmcsleepy like a cup of blood of any animal taken to dark put in a container then many spit saliva to make meet of the same kind, this also applies to human corpse bro with blood donations as well as strong siren gas is also made with human plasma under the same procedure described in tumblr a/c following me like nelsonmcsleepy
Get to check my following followers for full information guys and see which following tumblr u wanna delete cause they are many.
Photos for no fuel generator in the link below
mary jesus mother no mer, tipsy when was injected with sleep drug
Setting an example to the world next generation by what anything am doing
nelsonmcsleepy nelsonmcsleepy https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Portable-Mobile-Container-Toilet-for-Bathroom_720238090.html?spm=a2700.7735675… nelsonmcsleepy taking my words 4 granted and am a man of my words nelsonmcsleepy we are same, cheap nelsonmcsleepy even minaj can now come, i have ordered 1 in the last link at nelsonmcsleepy tumblr a/c, timgimidwalo an delan, abe nyaka awinj mabel ok-inkendi, si wewe pekecahako
odhilo kebi marach eban kisumu, bank job imekwisa kabisha if mobilecash adopted, palo ni yot . every thing has an end bro, swag etc or pride
ya food even on credit they still want but will not help ya settle the credit, even ya just borrow like him so u got credit even a food that some1 has given ya like xmas or new year present they want to the point of organizing attack on ya much much as money given to u to help u buy things like cloths or shoes.
Most mineral water that if u drink, kinda, u feel ya brain open up, its soft and sweet to drink are mostly from mali springs which can make dat nation the most riches, it was made that way in that folks could have rushed there.
Illinois state u feel as if land is meeting as if u know how to construct things or sentences that r up on all sides not down this side and up that side or that is not meeting, so white-men investigate people that way, if u love Illinois they put an eye on ya bro, Kansas is beautiful but expansive as the land dont meet but rolls/run away bro
When drowning in a semi-deep water and 1 is helping ya who is not all that an expert but taking long, kinda, u r dying the next minute but drawing u to shall point holding ya hand thats how ya penis feel in a German woman pussy and on a British 1 you feel ya head moving from drowning, the struggle of gasping water, crying out 4 help, thinking about u r leaving what u love most, then out air, is the feeling with British 1 and thats why people became wild with their woman, you feel ya glan penis swollen like people hit you last week with that semi peni or like eating the chicken Gizard, that grumpy feeling, kinda, when u walk with such women after having sex wid them, u wanna embrace dem on the shoulder when people seeing thinking they will take it from ya and feel the same. Pure jealousy!!!
Click to watch the song below in the link below
Now they sponsor people to fall plane even on short distance to instill fear on people on planes of new nations which aint that original just like with their machines or with the rocket that can reach mars that it take long and must fall cause plane takes short time and still falls so what about a 7 month journey, u will fail/die to still maroon folks with their silly desires they have come up with, to control ya, so some tribes are now playing good cause they wanna go to the new planet like luo, kikuyu, kamba or kisii as well as masai. Its far wide to thwart the traveling mood on people and incase of attack its seen as they are coming no underground fissure to outside earth to other planets and china with other nations has that technology as well which tires the white with well place protection mechanisms not 4 it to fall on following of this tumblr a/c.
The trump character is six of a man and is kauma 1, where u identify pretty women to fix them with rich men so u benefit, taking a look at trump he is kauma, omani, acholi, kale and ARGENTINA blooded as well a kisii so he is a blessing in disguise to show ya of such so u dont destroy the world further of star-bon kids. Am superstar in my things so am sturbon, heard from a certain kid who could eat the whole turkey on a xmas eve and dont share with his friends bro. On trump Baghdad comment with a woman, the soldiers are even tired sited down to depict bad character 4 a president of the richest nation still wanting from people, should resign if he persist and dont address the issue of money laundering as put in following tumblrs of this tumblr a/c. Micheli gi lingo mit moloyo thel mochanda, donge delanu, utters another kebi.
She sit far from a point to depict she loves long penis that can log or get to places we can never imagine, near to tell she loves short 1 and medium, she sits in the middles, so think twice. Obama still fund hooliganism, sending people in that he is in love with ya, if you wanna make it big- i won sportpessa of over 250 million and am saying this without blinking my eyes, should be warned or killed if he persists, but its a blessing in disguise to depict kale, kisii, luya and baganda people character.
Stop company luncheons and ferrying people with the bus and grown ups who have in the past gone to good schools just sitting in the house. This makes young task to follow suit as some sees ya as role models and of work dont work good to start businesses as they long to get employed to feel the same or quench their thirst to their desires. Let now people buy E-bike, motor bikes for the same even in jobs and their own food bro to stop the illicit.
The masai facilitate justice so u gain much instead of wanting to injure or wanting some1 dime food. Its sickening bro, say like this, we have understand that they man was in the USA as we have investigated, call people he has mentioned that were with him in jail to to identify him and let him be compensated they money he is claiming b4 he gives you your share so u get out of the city to your area. According to sources he is saying he is compensated even the damages he can give you upto khs 5 m to start ya life all those in ksm, you can even buy 10 used matatu and put on roads to give ya 30 thousand shillings daily and you still be the tout and the driver so u benefit on a tree-dimension basis Mr masai, stop silly acts and pro-act and the time is now
Most Russian are Austria blooded, people who dont just give in to sentiments and is cemented in the link below moreover Most Jew as i have put in other tumblr a/c are masai blooded from the mothers side, they married their women or Austrians women with that blood to give a humble but confused people but good in doing polite business as the white-women does, people when u r close to them got respect and u feel good, so majority long 4 it not knowing the male counterpart cant understand and serve justice and we want people who can solve mischief not be pro it and thats the problem dude. Mad men, kinda, bro.
I have not joined any group that bars me from watching anything, provided its not in the vicinity of kids or them snooping, then where is the hoot, and they cant access the links afterward, Stop bro and let me enjoy studying the women race b4 i tell ya to save the world.
When they have realized u r good even in college and friends and relative pay ya fee somehow, they rush to screw it up to stop ya and at that time they want ya to take a break and 4get that spirit of sequence learning u have displayed as to have difficulty in a/c when u joined next time or u go and sleep wid their daughters which if u refuse they organize an attack on u if u walk bad.
When folks comment on ya life progress or what u have come up with is when u feel good like when in the USA, u got to scan the house you live in 4 people to comment to settle ya spirit and make ya happy, which the white women have known and dont like, so b4 they accept u again they monitor dat trend with ya which if u still have, its still a detriment to them that u rob them their dignity and thats it bro, get this straight dude!!!!!
Giving birth to kids not knowing their dirty tricks can be blocked, then they want ya food the lady with like 2 kids while the hubby is laden in disrespect. How will dat happen? Give birth to kids u can take care of good period. Not that i am mean bro or get to ya tribesmen to help ya. When will you get this bro, that Temperate lands got cereal while tropical lands got food crops such as yam, potatoes which tires the brain while many nations are populous and need wheat or maize daily to feed her population bro, like the Arab nations and china imports cereals so how can u be rich than them yet every nation have learnt automation if u were capitalizing on selling machines to other nations who have not learnt the same and the money making gimmick has been curbed by the proposed online or comphonecash and even with many booth system like the old telephone ones that enables ya to transact as debit or credit another or ya a/c even in ya phone or computer absentia.
The market at migosi now scrap metal shop was a crematorium, where mary the mother body was cremated and of what significance is dat bro, wont take us anywhere like a plane does. A drop of water in the ocean, to know the past important place they make ya feel good like even when doing nothing you dont wanna get out of their, they dont bore u off fast. Kebi sometimes takes scrap their but periodically coz its far from his residence. Dont bore us with old music that makes us guilty of our past, reflects bad old memories to our brain making u think people are discussing your past mishap.
When bank jobs have been eliminated the market 4 suits shrinks and buy drones like Toy 1 and locate the gas inside wire like of the blower to heat the gas cross-cross at alibaba, what do u want dude!!1
Anything in the hardware is bought at alibaba click the link below and you just change all category product name of what u want at more cheap price than in country like Kenya, Mr Hindu so back up dude
Get to check my following followers for full information guys and see which following tumblr u wanna delete cause they are many.
Photos for no fuel generator in the link below
mary jesus mother no mer, tipsy when was injected with sleep drug
Setting an example to the world next generation by what anything am doing
nelsonmcsleepy nelsonmcsleepy https://www.alibaba.com/product-detail/Portable-Mobile-Container-Toilet-for-Bathroom_720238090.html?spm=a2700.7735675… nelsonmcsleepy taking my words 4 granted and am a man of my words nelsonmcsleepy we are same, cheap nelsonmcsleepy even minaj can now come, i have ordered 1 in the last link at nelsonmcsleepy tumblr a/c, timgimidwalo an delan, abe nyaka awinj mabel ok-inkendi, si wewe pekecahako
odhilo kebi marach eban kisumu, bank job imekwisa kabisha if mobilecash adopted, palo ni yot . every thing has an end bro, swag etc or pride
Photos for no fuel generator in the link below
Each race is good on their own so we need to create small nations 4 each. Sometimes if u see a certain race man talking it guide ya to leave Africa cause the whites wanna be here again and majority love to be served by them to feel good and police arrest after u show them rudeness, kinda, brings joy than polite life with free food and goods put on credit to enjoy economies of scale and create bad credit for such to be enslaved again as they cannot buy again anything. PETROLEUM will still surface if gasoline gadgets are made cheap like half price 4 many to buy, so don’t just laugh bro
The above links rep how to reach the mars or venus but in 7 month distance, to avoid timer malfunction that changes the current to the next cylinder coz the 1st 1 to hot to burst, they put them like 3-5 set at the same time in a parallel connection in that if 1 burns up to discontinue the current flow that would lead to saucer falling the others still do and at the same time the pilot can still control the same with switches.
Lindi, TZ was where Jesus changed water to wine long b4 the green man left Europe and they went to Europe and shortly again they left America 4 Venus then the white men moved to America.
Let the nation be built on its pace or reduce population 4 the resources to fit people once all loopholes have been blocked. Tz people are the once causing strife in the nation that they save putting them in others food that they are building Tanzania. Stop dude U r poor and accept the fact Germany or Canada is rich than u out of all explained in tumblr a/c following this tumblr.
One dot bar code machine putting that code on cash at central bank and the money censoring machine is made in such way to sense that. They can make fake cash those in Govt and do the same bro. Comphonecash does it, inaeweza, nyale, or curbs such dude period.
Angel Gabriel was Railamolodinga then, in marys house when sleeping, like people transfigure to any race did the same to be a white-man and switched the light on marys room and told mary u will be pregnant of a son when previously had done the same when she was not away put sperms in the syrange in a cold ice small cooler and when mary was deep asleep like lazurus took 1 syrange with a che3mical that makes 1 to fall a sleep like in  a minute and below the mattress had took out the better part of that mattress to make a bwol like hole only small part left to rich the top and that’s the position he used to inject Christ mother with b4 getting out of under the bed and again impregnating Mary with the sperm on the syringe to make her pregnant. Mary remembered the occasion later but thought it was a middle on the bed. B4 she could stand and check the mess he was down as overwhelmed by the drug, dude the whole truth, what do u want folks. Jesus was born in a ranch bro get it straight!!! It was planned and Mary had loose nuts was not that normal bro!!!
When folks have an eye on ya u don’t grow up in size, bible Mathew 5 an eye 4 an eye or a teeth 4 a teeth to cement reality bro.
By drinking milk from a cup but putting it like 30 cm from the mouth to pour out like water fall as well is another method of making gadgets. People who love traditions are always monitored and denied entry to nations, cause always they want to be 1st or destroy other races, know that people. Reasons to why u don’t get green-card and white-men looking 4 that. The Masai character is a blessing in disguise and a teaching to people who want big booty women like Russians to quit coz they are good on their own not in another tribe lest u go to hell cause u got the prophet.
The city which kills the dream of the prophet, Wichita, Minneapolis or Amsterdam, can be another version, it will be more tolerable to Sidon and tire than it, people will burn as u see, kinda, head lit on fire with burning hair or they grow mad or 1 eye pops out.
They now got dirty tricks of wanting people to leave food in a restaurant then they put it on water if it has like source then put on microwave to dry up then sold to them at lunch time in 70% removed price, people fear them yet its left overs like Christ with feeding 4-5 thousand people. People discard ya food to fund hooliganism and they create beef with ya if u fail to leave yours bro
Click the links above and see how fake money is detected, though you have known how to make cash using human brain with coins, guava etc and with notes, strawberry, kales, carbage etc, they will still show fake under the above machine in that where the money is made like in Kenya Delaru they sprinkle something extra on top to bridge the difference like maize seed or just cereals to read real money which with yours if u fail its fake and that’s the gimmick. Those who still with the govt can still do with making fake money, so the way to go is eliminating liquid cash and putting it on comphonecash bro period. So got to know how many seeds that must be sprinkled on that vegetable used to make money to enable ya money pass the fake/real money test, so u cant but must be told by those involved in the money making as grapevine is a everyday reality after long time bro. So take heed never relenting bro!!!! Go back to ya nation period Mr Hindu or Italian. Or just a liquid being poured on top and which 1 in what amount dude, Got to know dat bro.
Chirombero in ksm was the tomb where John the baptized was cremated if near their ya lips grow big and Christ was born in Lilongwe as the name Capernaum or Lake Galilee and John was not arrested in Rome but in Lilongwe, lost coin and little kid to cement de trut. They love lake cities the Naphtali tribe b4 they went again to Europe and distributed tribes again. Africans go slow 4 the truth to be told or known, don’t know a lot and its all true lies bro
With that little u can get started, friends you have not heard me that with me little cant start with me, u wanna put up a fight, wanna force me with marriage, then well and good, am die a bachelor, u wanna box me still, dude, what do you want with me, I don’t wanna leave kids behind in this dirty world.
At the end of the turnel u see people being give guns as hurled to them from a source esp in Uganda, Gambia, Togo, countries at least with understanding not pro-white none-sense meaning as well the gadgets matches those of Europe or N-America, this signal war and u see the white men in Africa walking inspecting vehicle originality and they came to it, so if u watch soccer they relent as in want to be like Negros that their cash they share many people. That’s to ya good and we wanna know dat not, ya problem. Now they wanna stop saying African food don’t spoil the mind like previous not knowing what they read have been given to or copy pasted from another source. Whiteman don’t be fooled but hold ya stand period.
The link below show how at dusk the luo walk with such with unknown chemical inside wanting to grab ya if u fail to utter back in their dialect. They can infect ya with virus yet 1 of them signal ya its trump thing. Resign dude, ya time is up bro!!! Wanting ya food every now and then yet they got it in plenty than ya, kinda, stupid and sickening bro!!!
The chairs in the link above if u see some1 working in the office u resort to belittling them, why? They instill the negative fear of people who thwart peoples destiny and lovers of shiny bright things and bright kids r never loved coz the pretend to know alot than their ages to the point of belittling the elders.
I was treated good when sick in the hospital, friends it was milk on milk, I mean milk after milk.
This that changes ya character that upset people and u know not, drinking cold water, buying socks and vests every now and then. They make u insane or rude and u know not like Us blacks. Tissue papers are made with cotton wool in a container where many spit saliva or urinate on the offering while cassava as well is used to make automated security padlocks or just locks.
They say if u love free cheap things u might land up in hell, yes its true, even with harvesting rain water, but u got the remedy saying they had put nuts on ya belly that rot to give ya chronic tetanus and rain water eliminates such and that’s the reason 4 harvesting it, Friends don’t know a lot in this life yet you know less or not. Stop cashing into others affair, mind ya own business bro.
By ng'amruok many women like in a circle with the offering like hay, wool or chaff in the middle as well makes gadgets. Kuchora saba sana, making ya legs apart at reflex or obtuse angle make even houses like in the link below with garbage as the offering
With the above slams will be casted into junk heap of yesterday and every family will be able to live in a descent sanitary house.
When achieving justice, sometimes if u walk, kinda, u see like some1 or wind pushing ya esp ya hand and back to the point u feel a touchy hand pushing u like a friend has done previously to show understanding and defeat of ya enemies bro. Get this straight on ya mind dude!!!
Get somewhere to hustle even if ya job has been  redeemed useless by new cameras and wireless alarm systems, don’t walk  around wanting good life to get into people houses to eat that you are  looking 4 precious food job. Suffer bwana, don’t say u know how to look 4 things yet we got wireless camera so u wanna say they rob u, your  dignity. Grow up and Mr Hindu and Uhuru, stop sponsoring this guys. In  the corridor they want  to like fight ya with their knife or eject the  arrow 2 hurl u with.
Woe to that city built on the hill, it will  be more tolerable than tire  and Sidon than that that kills the prophet,  John the Baptist was  transported from Rome to Mombasa and beheaded at  Fort Jesus. Will it  slide into see, women with Barabbas to cement the truth, sycamore tree  with zaccheaus
So they killed Malcolm x in ny to say he was a prophet yet his writings he was  given in jail, same to Gandhi and MLK in Memphis- Raila was the 1 who  transfigured to the White X-military man and shot him, sharp shooter.
To take their wives as bible promise means they good women that bring  forth good behaved kids not disturbing ones, like Christ alluding with  fig tree. Most whites are kikuyu blooded bringing disturbing kids and  many. Cut island men bring kids who disturb when have married other  women but the women when married good men bring good  kid, so I think it was cut island as the take their wives and they are  also found in  Florida, USA. Worker and vineyard parable to cement the  truth.
When grabbing ya manhood is an alt they start moving next  to ya in a bend  posture with their head down as if cleaning the dirt as  if you are  filthy yet some seconds ago wanted ya food, the greek blooded men as  many cut islanders got that blood. The luo are tolerated to give  greekamba, Mexican people curse and that’s the plan. They have more   stubborn bro!!!
No arab will dwell there, how? I think by the   slogan, there will be no arab means they will have been finished on   their dirty games of prostitution, making fake money, putting Arafat as  if they will not fall and no money to buy food as E-machines will have  declared gas redundant bro
The promise to Arab above was just written, the whites thought that Arab   will not be finished as they never thought of oil being redundant   period, as finished with E-vans, buses, vehicles as you can Google that.
E-faru link below from china
People who pride themselves after long became stubborn, they still wanna live large yet their dubious ways to dat life has been removed, better cut ya coat to ya size, scale down ya wants like the kisii people, Minnesota thing everyday wid bank statement issue, following them to no good.
The devol will be hurled down 4 deluding the nations not on earth but in   hell from heaven out of the sermons by mlk purporting that it is his   after a coin is put in the palm of the hand to see the truth as well as Nobel peace price in oslow by mlk and we are here where do we go from   here speech
The  white people and Nigro hide this as well they were not mlk things and   he risk being taken to hell and any1 claiming things which aint his bro.
The Burma people want some1 in the wife or hubby presence in his friends,   which if u fail they give ya names but if u accept can cut u with panga  or wanting to come and eat in ya house but its a signal of good things  to ya if that happens. The beauty is that they are few and we wanna  deal with them as identify that bad blood. They are jealousy of  progress,  never wanting people things but use dat trick bro which is  sickening to  the point of bringing their kids, usually they live a lazy lifestyle of  not knowing how they get their money. Some nija and hindu got this sad  character. They monitor those who can put food on table  and start  bothering them. It shows relief
Why do we go to  church? Now they  wanna say, dem pastors, since life has been made  cheap, we wanna  encourage young men to get partners to marry to  facilitate procreation  to add the offering in our bag but online cash  is handy to eliminate the monitored liquid cash. Online cash can be  phonecash or compcash, we  wanna pray 4 important men to gain fertility  and that’s our church duty, come bro
If u sleep with women as  prostitute with ya tribe blood u risk going to hell that’s why u r  encouraged to investigate, if any, so u quit u look 4 1 which got no ya  genes bro. Kisii got Saudi people  blood while Yankees got Bahrain,  Omani blood dude. Got 2 know this  dude!!
I want to erase any  thought of good life associated with  that am a survivor and the fact  that I want their pretty woman as I have put in some tumblr following me I copy pasted from another, so that if  am slain the next day they  don’t put in media “Good job well done” as  they did with Tm that they  have put a hold on me or gotten me. Removing  every doubt bro to bring  about mistaken identity. When u dislike posh  life they wanna attack ya  saying u want it, forcing the kikuyu blooded  men loving large life.
Another sense of good life to people who  don’t live that good is you see them  as a little kid smeared with fecal  matters as have not wiped out the  booty or to a woman when sited, kinda, the pussy turn ya head to that  woman. A lot of lorries with drones  inside but covered with relocating  house things like mattress in dat if  their is landslide or poisonous  gas emission they escape. The china made drones dat were brought in2 the country. Given to specific people mostly kisii, masai or kikuyou, in  their compounds testing them at night.
          Cat island  people are bad with people whom they see women to love, at that time  starts to stalk or harass a fellow  man when no 1 is in the vicinity.  Kikuyou men, luo men or luya got that  blood and the gaya got it maybe  on the mother side at that time, they  married their women but the  kikuyou married their men out of my thesis.  And Masai are lazy wanting  others food as if trump is the 1 telling them liasing with Uhuru. Even  trump got that blood of wanting to be a gay and putting ya to lough  with him as if a woman has accepted ya but if u r down and him up he  doesn’t give a damn, character synonymous with Floridians who as well  got the cat island character, Ci, cianda, stupig, matako in sheng. The  way Sydney poiter was treated in Miami b4 leaving 4 Florida is a lesson  to depict how they are always are. At night they  can grab ya manhood to caress it failure to which they cut/stab you to  death or even strangle ya, so its a 2 way phenomena. They want to seat,  lazy but don’t think  the very people who they frustrate are the  workaholic bro. They want  free things which can last like cash crop  while they put up in swag not words, bad character as those dubious ways to their survival have been blocked like with automatic locks,  shielding plane alternator 4 it not  to be electrocuted, no-fuel as  e-generator to eliminate cooking gas and govt wanting to increase  population to benefit from huge electric bill as water bill also and  many to use the new discovered oil deposits to sell much oil as govt  revenue, internet penetration per house and things like payed TV decoder to benefit them widely. These in my following tumblr a/c has a  bottleneck so, women are to play part to avoid replicating kids with  such character, so its a blessing in disguise. They are even thieves,  wanna still from ya in no vicinity even kim of korea got this gene and  they meet to discuss their agenda as cat island blooded men. Most  Yankees are Malawi blooded, and Malawians are arab blooded as Kenya  kisii people got Malawi people blood of wanting to be 1st b4 white men,  to out shadow people. They wanna destroy the world, this world will be  peopled with their offspring and that’s the joy/pride of white man, what they long 4.
Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha,  mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo.  Greenman at the door knocking. Click the  links below 4 more  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya   email drafts to use it to  open other a/cs that I that fellow think he   can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing.   Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya  mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has  it dat you are tinting my  name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let  me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you  will lick my  shoe na wewe Austin utakula  mabare” Simchezo, Deno  affirming tena  mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si  mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus  ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!!  Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea  ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on  that computer in order 4 the hacker to  shift the email address on it,  so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on  which computer the a/c was  opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his  lips and king kunta as  displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical   water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if   known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty   soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil   many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so   looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase  the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity   penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with   E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate   lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with   concrete like the  short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the   country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to  come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I   could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr.   Click the link below 4  more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana  when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its  called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea   shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many   urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security   padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html  https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while    you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many  tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with   free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got   yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a   blessing in  disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other   nations, u  might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya   future  generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of  liquid  cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to   allow ya  still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt  tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of   their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends   charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with  us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha,  mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo.  Greenman at the door knocking. Click the  links below 4 more  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya   email drafts to use it to  open other a/cs that I that fellow think he   can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing.   Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya  mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has  it dat you are tinting my  name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let  me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you  will lick my  shoe na wewe Austin utakula  mabare” Simchezo, Deno  affirming tena  mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si  mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus  ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!!  Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea  ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on  that computer in order 4 the hacker to  shift the email address on it,  so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on  which computer the a/c was  opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his  lips and king kunta as  displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical   water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if   known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty   soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil   many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so   looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase  the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity   penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with   E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate   lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with   concrete like the  short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the   country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to  come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I   could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr.   Click the link below 4  more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana  when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its  called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea   shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many   urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security   padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html  https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while    you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many  tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with   free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got   yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a   blessing in  disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other   nations, u  might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya   future  generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of  liquid  cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to   allow ya  still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt  tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of   their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends   charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with  us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Get to check my following followers for full information guys Make money bro by clicking the link below https://p1rmsbw.com/bonus-100-01/?id=13HJ&extid=EZA1scCd8Mv3FNKPeVHi4s&p=/user/registration/ http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/ghana/popular-ghanaian-movies-to-watch-in-2020/ar-BBYiqZN?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/africa-top-stories/four-killed-in-juba-nimule-highway-accident-police/ar-BBYm16V?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/kenya-gets-sh340m-food-aid-from-us/ar-BBYjt6X?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/nigeria/us-sends-special-message-to-nigeria-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYlRCH?li=BBQbcGp&ocid=ientp Ng'amruok mit ni!!!! Klismas ni achamo malalacha,  mojwangle, yesu emong'eyo.  Greenman at the door knocking. Click the  links below 4 more  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUjfWwqFcFI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_DveNJhBH94 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2koLCaKIxdk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOUBXXKEPyI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5zO8y0bdHXw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H4YEiX6DRo You can save other browser apart from Mozilla like bolt or brave on ya   email drafts to use it to  open other a/cs that I that fellow think he   can change the email on it, he will never coz he doesn’t know that u did not use his on the cyber computer Tanta mounting to absolute nothing.   Or even open like 10 a/cs with a friend phone but with the same password while with email u put a number at the end like [email protected]. So with another 1 u open u just change the no so its no lost but in ya  mind and that’s how my crew do it bro, so got to think twice. Minaj with Austin, Tx I have heard or rumor has  it dat you are tinting my  name and to me that’s no good with you. My friend I hope u know me, let  me say it in a drunk posture as well am also tipsy “I bet nicki, you  will lick my  shoe na wewe Austin utakula  mabare” Simchezo, Deno  affirming tena  mabare za makofi. Jua Nelly G si  mchezo but Ni jina Kubwa hata tychus  ameakiri, yaani kuswear bro!!!  Minaj utalamba kiatu na Austin atapokea  ma blow, si za job but za mabare. Must have opened the facebook a/c on  that computer in order 4 the hacker to  shift the email address on it,  so don’t waste ya time b4 u find out on  which computer the a/c was  opened. Ja-rule alludes that he bought his  lips and king kunta as  displayed in the songs in the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hRK7PVJFbS8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8NQp9WGg7Rs Ndalo moi mana washomo migoshi in the link below, NY is built with tropical   water that must pass via the soil esp in Tz, Uganda and congo which if   known and the local resort to the same as processing the same beauty   soaps and harvesting the water so it doesn’t percolates unto the soil   many cities of the world will be no more like ny and Indian cities, so   looking 4 otherwise like to bring more people into E-Africa to increase  the no of people using Wi-Fi, internet penetration, electricity   penetration which if also is curbed with other modern ways like with   E-generators and solar leaves the GovT Plan in a limbo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9MwuQWD0y1I In the link below the same way that house is made with inner steel plate   lining is how the tallest sky scrapper of the world is made, not with   concrete like the  short African ones, can collapse quickly if it goes up bro. Stop this silly games bro!!! https://lixin-steel.en.made-in-china.com/product/iswmaQnPOrhK/China-New-Design-Prefabricated-Building-Steel-Structure-Frame-Villa-Prefab-House.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAGEgKoSvD_BwE https://cy-power.en.made-in-china.com/product/OjpJdIDLnWka/China-Marine-Diesel-Engine-Accessories-Stainless-Steel-Sea-Water-Pump.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASAEEgKzvfD_BwE http://www.msn.com/en-xl/europe/europe-top-stories/passengers-asked-to-leave-plane-as-it-is-too-heavy-to-fly/ar-BBYk8CR?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp https://jiejingdianche.en.made-in-china.com/product/OXWxvqJuAcrS/China-Jekeen-Electric-Fast-Food-Truck-Mobile-Food-Cart-Trailer-Hot-Dog-Vending-Cart-Ice-Cream-Push-Cart-of-Dio.html?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIsM7d2tfS5gIVF6F7Ch16CAaEEAEYASADEgL_dvD_BwE Its not the debate but the beef as well between the people who love the   country side and the town and its going on bro and that’s it dude https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JX3GEnMzQWc I had to get to the UsA to read the minds of African further then had to  come back to read the minds of the white more, without my travels I   could not have come with all my explanation on the following tumblr.   Click the link below 4  more https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ara1B9lYlUk Okwaju seed os, Hosana  when boiled can treat Aidsu, Chwaids, click the link below 4 more, Its  called Tamarind https://www.google.com/search?q=tamarind+tree+photos&tbm=isch&source=univ&client=firefox-b-d&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiuza6E3tLmAhW5DmMBHY9vB_IQsAR6BAgKEAE&biw=1280&bih=910 The locks in the link below are made at night near the SEA or at the sea   shore where Avocado seeds or animal bones or hard human fecal matter put in a container or just openly but in the total dark, where many   urinates or sprinkle the sea water unto them and boom the security   padlocks below, u can buy online https://www.made-in-china.com/multi-search/security%2Bpadlocks/F1/10.html  https://www.amazon.com/slp/high-security-padlocks/rv4f93ut4onn9h4 Being Glutton is 2 fold, with ya own money, well- its good and you can go but with no money, with others money and still wanting others food while    you got ya food still and this peculiar with Masai blooded tribes. Many  tribes are glutton but with their own food like many Negros or with   free food that is in surplus not wanting other food even if you got   yours in plenty. Mark my words dude and fuck that character. Its a   blessing in  disguise for those tribe to be curbed in getting to other   nations, u  might think u r making it big yet u r screwing it up 4 ya   future  generation like with Greencard and with the money gotten out of  liquid  cash to phonecash with backup booths like with telephone to   allow ya  still transact with no phone eliminates bank and such corrupt  tribes who sell bank statement to many at high price and have most of   their people in the banking sector will be jeopardized. My friends   charity begins at ya home and the time for reckoning is right here with  us bro!!! https://www.amazon.com/slp/auto-door-lock/bs68vmrmohdz74t https://vitoox.com/collections/all?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI5760ss7L5gIVGJ3VCh3jRAhREAAYBCAAEgLjAfD_BwE https://www.amazon.com/SimpliPhi-Fuel-Free-Non-Polluting-Generator-Alternative/dp/B07WGX924N  https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07QZC1FV3/ref=psdc_348967011_t1_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKVGH1K/ref=psdc_348967011_t2_B07WGX924N https://www.amazon.com/Best-Sellers-Sports-Outdoors-Adult-Electric-Bicycles/zgbs/sporting-goods/3405141 https://lincelock.en.made-in-china.com/product/yNxntMeorWhZ/China-4-Digit-Heavy-Duty-Hardened-Steel-Shackle-Weatherproof-and-Outdoor-Combination-Padlock.html https://nordson.en.made-in-china.com/product/qCkEcrSDAvVY/China-Waterproof-Zinc-Alloy-USB-Charge-Bag-Locker-Cabinet-Keyless-Smart-Fingerprint-Safe-Door-Padlock.html https://cnlockman88.en.made-in-china.com/product/bqQEauOPRRYx/China-Brass-Combination-Password-Brass-Square-Type-Plated-Iron-Padlock-with-3-or-4-Dig-Digtals.html https://del-ev.en.made-in-china.com/product/CXzxoZNbyehR/China-HDK-Solar-Panel-EEC-Electric-Van-With-4-Seat.html With e-generator some how eliminates government supplied 1 and gas 4 cooking in the link below so its consequences is 2 fold. http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/raila-odinga-prepares-breakfast-for-family-on-christmas-day/ar-BBYkgCK?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp https://www.made-in-china.com/products-search/hot-china-products/Electric_Cooker.html http://www.msn.com/en-xl/africa/kenya/president-uhuru-kenyatta-cancels-holiday-for-cabinet-secretaries-over-pending-bills/ar-BBYjSQV?li=BBKhQr3&ocid=iehp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-life-arts/cardi-b-and-offset-show-off-enormous-new-atlanta-mansion/ar-BBYm49r?li=AAB4QbD&ocid=iehp Nyathi ma-magdalin ni ng'amruok ministry mit nee, okonyaldhi maong'le, says kebi. Oketo ng'amruok mbele says Richard!!!! Of what significance is church, whats ya agenda bro when all ya  expectations have been blocked explained in the following tumblr above,  Why do we go to church, to defeat what or to get what dude, let truth be told and we quit. Let us say we know where it came from and we stop but respect the 10 commandments and the constitution period. 4 how long we  are gonna play dice wit with words, just like with a woman if she refuse u quit or with school, u start learning and at a certain time  stop/finish learning same with church dude. Its sickening preaching the  same verse everyday like akid who listens not who we don’t love but do  the exact bro. The white man wanted to leave Africa again so they stop knowing what they have known and that’s why they dug Suez canal  but its 2 late, Cant destroy the gene anymore as every tribe have learnt the same like automation, so its like a poison to them but we care not  as we can now  do ourselves. click the link below https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ShOQQOy5pf8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOMUjX56xIk Warn us of the same china, what I send u on alibaba http://www.msn.com/en-xl/northamerica/northamerica-video/us-china-to-sign-deal-at-white-house-trump/vi-BBYlsqx?ocid=ientp http://www.msn.com/en-xl/money/finance-top-stories/china-says-it-is-in-close-touch-with-us-on-trade-deal-signing-ceremony/ar-BBYkzTN?ocid=ientp  
Copy pasted without re-reading
olimptrade offices are  located in the carribeans and the Latin America have known how to make  sophisticated gadgets, so USA, Canada to be attacked from there, they  are very stupid and silly/sick. We wanna see!!!!!
With well down  explained mechanism at mrmonde tumblr a/c, still the plane falls, its up to ya mr laughing trump, click the links below
The link below show how u can cab electric car battery sudden pop up by making even a 60 volt wet cell or more or connect many 2 give ya the same, then u put a solar charger controller to accept dat current and give out 24 0r 12 volts, it can last even 4 1 week b4 it falls again to 1or below to stop the worry of everyday charging even if the car is in full use or the alternator made to charge another 1 of the same kind which if the working 1 falls below 12 volt u eject it out and replace it with the charged 1 to last the same or even with solar panel
Click the link below 4 more, vin modi saying, jomadong’o bwana, in disgust and owe, why fellow? Tell me at my instagram a/c mcsleepy nelson
The link below of youtube show how to see a tumblr following followers as same with nelsonmcsleepy a/c
Now tumblr has disabled the sending of magic link option so its the email and the password period, u can try dude, stop many words bro
When u say of German/british pussy they get offended as if they are reserved wife 4 them or they got somethimg good in store 4 them yet its 2 fold they want to get to their ways, later, they learn their ways, triumph over them, attack them and take their land. I know esp the luo, can not help ya but cheat ya and many got argentina blood of being cunning as wanting from ya but not u from them as they give ya names. White-men take heed bro!!! Parasito!!
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