#so when rek fixed it and asked if it was better sounding i was like ‘yeah it sounds good now’ and the person next to me (idk who he was)
vanivanvanilla · 1 year
rek and a couple of other youtubers were in a dream i had last night
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Broken but not Shattered Ch 1
This is a Steven/Spinel ship fic so if your not interested do not read. But for those who are. I hope you all like this story I came up with. This is actually my first story between these two. Feed back sis greatly appreciated  Several months passed ever since the destruction of earth and a certain pink gem seemed anxious about...we'll lots of things.  Lots of things,   For starters she almost killed the savior of the galaxy and attempting to kill his planet . Those terrible feelings of guilt almost seemed to rise back up in the corner of her mind and what her dimond did to her was nothing short but horrendously cruel. Spinel shuttered and began to try and blink away tears, there was this creeping feeling that the diamonds would get tired of her and she would be alone again, all by her lonesome. That thought alone seemed to cause the young pink gem to be afraid as more unhappy thoughts entered he mind. Would they leave her?. Alone? To rot for another six thousand years? Spinel swallowed a lump in her throat which tightened and hurt as the bubbling up in the corner of her eyes began to burn. She had overheard the diamonds saying that they were placing her on earth for a few months while they attend a peace agreement with another neighboring colony and attempt  to negotiate a peace agreement, Spinel tried to not allow her dark thoughts to cloud her mind but that seemed easy said than done.   Why was she like this? Why couldn't she be normal or at least happy. She didn't understand it at all. She was happy. Wasn't she? So why did she feel like this on cold lonely nights,   ‘They want to get rid of you.’ Her mind hissed.   ‘They don't need you anymore.’   Of course they don't want you. The dimonds don't want a stupid useless gem like yourself anymore. ‘   Spinel sniffed and rubbed the incoming tears threatening to spill over. Why did her thoughts always have to do this she didn't want to cry right now. So why was she?     “Spinel?” Came a soft and soothing voice of Blue Diamond.  Spinel swallowed another lump not turning around to face the blue gem as she was afraid of showing weakness to them in fear that they would simply throw her away like the broken toy she was, Blue Diamond however could sense that the young pink gem was upset and began to speak to her softly to her to coax the young gem to tell her what was wrong.     “Spinel. Darling,whatever is the matter?” Blue Diamond asked her voice soft and gentle.  Spinel sniffled painfully. She was so close to crying right now. So close. It almost hurt.     “Y-you...you all are th-thinking about.l.thr-throwing me away.”  Spinel stammers tears threatening to spill.  At first Blue Diamond didn't  understand but then it clicked. Spinel thought them putting her on earth and then going to their peace agree,net was them abandoning her and leaving her alone on earth. Blue almost gasped softly but her gaze softened knowing that she didn't want to scare Spinel. She needed to be strong and needed to comfort her and ease the pink gem of her fear.    “Spinel, dear no one is throwing  you away. We would never do such a thing.” Blue Diamond replied to her watching as the pink gem roughly whipped her eyes. She looks at Blue Diamond and feels a little better.  Well...kind of. In the back of her mind she thinks they are pitying her. She watches as Blue gives her a genuine pat on the head with her Blue fingers, careful to not hurt her and carefully scooped her up. Spinel greatly appreciated the affection and watched as Yellow and White Diamond appeared and upon seeing their beloved Spinel upset White was the first one to speak.   “Starlight.” She cooed softly. “Whatever has you so upset?” She asked.  “Spinel believes we are going to abandon her.” Blue replied whipping a spare tear from her blue eye.   “That's just ridiculous why would she think we would throw something as special as her away? ” Yellow popped up.  White, Yellow and Blue all  glanced down at the small pink gem who looked away flushing a light hue in embarrassment. She couldn't believe she had a mini panic attack like that . Panicking and now she had gotten all of their attention it was nice but something about this particular attention felt embarrassing and  the pink gem looked down ashamed of herself.     “Darling.” White began.     “We would never toss someone as precious like you away. You meant too much to us and we would be devastated if anything were to happen to you. ” White Diamond says putting a dramatic arm over her head for much needed emphasis.  Spinel looked at them and shivered part of her wanted to believe them but there seemed to be something inside her that wouldn't allow her to. Her hateful black thoughts said otherwise. Spinel looked away biting her lip. There was no changing their minds, they were going to leave her on Earth while  they attended to their meeting. She was both scared and anxious, she couldn't believe that she was going back to earth. It made the whole ordeal seem ...well...terrifying.  The pink gem feared  for what was to come  she had done lots of damage to the Earth  and hoped that everything was alright. Spinel watched with nervous tearful eyes as all three pearls Yellow, Blue and Pink all began packing things that were hers into a thing called a suitcase. She asked them if they needed help but they all assured her that they could handle it and there wasn't much she could do. Why did she have to bring a suitcase along caused many confusing thoughts to run into the pink gems head. White had told her in case her gem storage was full she could use this instead...and secretly White liked how adorable it looked with Spinel. Spinel swallowed another lump as she heard the Diamonds talking to someone and peeked out of her room to see….  To see ...Steven?! Spinel listened making sure that neither of the diamonds saw her and listened closely as White Diamond was the first to speak out.  “Steven, it's such a delight to see you again.” She chimed. Spinel stared at the communicator as the diamonds spoke.   “Steven you remember Spinel.” Blue replied. Spinel hid behind the wall of her room and listened. Surely Steven rek,entered her. She almost destroyed his planet and almost killed him…possibly .twice. Than again who would want to remember someone like Spinel a crazed and violent gem who reset the entire Crystal gems. Then she heard that sweet, kind and patient voice of the savior of the Galaxy.   “Spinel. Yeah of course i remember her. How is she?” He asked. Spinel stayed quiet as she replayed what Steven said in her head. He...he actually remembered her and he wanted to know how she was doing? Spinel didn't seem to understand but there came this gentle  warmth inside her gem, however it faded as quickly as it came. She listened again.   “Why don't you ask her yourself.” Yellow replied.   “I'll go get her.” Blue gestured.  Uh oh. Wait?! Right now! Steven wanted to see her?! Spinel took a glance at the mirrored vanity and shook. She...she looked a mess. The sudden feeling of insecurity started seeping in she felt her face bloom a light red as she looked away she needed to fix herself a little before-;  But it was too late.    “Spinel Steven would like to have a word with you.” The blue gem said looking at the pink gem. Spinel didn't move for a bit she seemed pretty nervous, anxious and insecure about how she looked at the moment. Steven wanted to see her now?! She could hear the young gem hybrid speaking again.   “She's always welcome  back to Earth.” Steven says with a sweet smile.  Spinel stopped and froze. Did she hear that correctly? Did Steven say she was always welcome back to Earth? No. That was…impossible. He...he was joking right?  “Spinel? Is something wrong?” Came the voice of Blue Diamond snapping the pink gem out of her thoughts.   “Do you want to speak with Steven?” She asks.   “N-no not yet!” Spinel cried face flushing a light red. She didn't understand why she was feeling so insecure about how she looked than again she always did fear what people thought about her and her “new form.”   “I-I gotta fix my hair!” She cried flushing a light red hue and closing the door causing Blue Diamond to chuckle     “Alright I'll let him know your coming.” Blue tells her leaving the small gem in her room with the pearls.   “Steven we hope you don't mind us leaving Spinel on Earth with you.” White tells the young human  who smiled at her.   “That's no problem I'm always happy to have her come and stay.” Steven replies.   “Thank you Steven we have to go to this meeting and discuss our peace agreement.” Blue says,   “We tried to reason with them but they insisted that only the diamonds attend. They were quite stubborn.” White said.  “Which is why we entrust  Spinel in your care.” Yellow pipes in.   “We can't leave Spinel here alone...again.” Blue Diamond says whipping a tear from her eye. Steven could sense something was wrong by the sound of her voice.  “Did...something happen?” Steven asked. The Diamonds looked away,alright something was definitely wrong.   “We left Spinel alone for three days and when we got back-;.” White Diamond paused Blue giving off a couple of sniffs  and a few tears ran down her cheeks. Yellow seemed to be saddened as she began explaining the situation. Turns out while they were away Spineo had a panic attack and when they found her in her pink room...she looked like she had been in a vicious fight. She had so many cuts and bruises and her room looked trashed. The Diamonds remember how scared she looked, how they tried to talk to her. It was devastating. So when all three diamonds heard the poor gem mumbling terrible things to herself  how they were going to up and leave her ;how she was a worthless gem who didn't deserve any love or attention and how stupid she was. A stupid defective good for nothing gem who would be thrown away once the diamonds got bored of her.  Steven looked at the three of them concerned.   “Which is why we would like to leave her on Earth with you until we get everything settled and sorted out.” White Diamond says. Steven nodded understanding the situation and such.  “Speaking of Spinel where is she?” He asked. Blue piped up chuckling a little.   “Oh I almost forgot.” The blue gem said.  “She was fixing up her hair. She’ll be out in a moment.” Blue tells him calmly. Spinel fussed over her hair for a few good minutes u till it was to her liking. It was less messy than what it was before but it was much more presentable. Spinel felt her face flush a little red as she didn't understand, why was she doing her hair all pretty for Steven? Sides it still kinda looked messy but it was still slot lay presentable. Spinel sighed as she got out and seemed nervous about talking to Steven. Why does he want to talk to her? She tried to destroy Earth and try to kill him?! Why does he want to talk to a pathetic excuse of a gem like her. Spinel took a deep breath as she began walking towards the diamonds a nervous feeKing sitting in her non existent stomach spinel jumped when she heard Steven speak to her. “Hey Spinel it's good to see you how's it been?” Asked the teenage boy smiling kindly at the pink gem. Spinel remained quiet as she shifted nervously smiling weekly.  “I-I'm alright.” She stutters. Dang it why did she have to stutter like that! She sounded so pathetic. Spinel looked away shyly cursing herself for stuttering like that. She looked away running her arm and listening carefully.  She would be going to Earth in a matter of minutes once the pearls were done packing for her. Funny you would think that a gem like Spinel wouldn't need to do something like packing up belongings that were hers but White Diamond took a liking to human fashion and one thing lead to another and she managed to buy some clothes and they sure weren't for her. Nope. They were for her darling Spinel and they fit perfectly and White couldn't help but gush at how adorable she was in some of the clothes and that's how Spinel began a doll for White Diamond and had lots of clothes. Spinel didn't mind it though. Truth be told she secretly liked it. Plus she enjoyed seeing all three Diamonds happy and if it meant putting on some cute human dress then she would happily do it to see them all gush over her. Yet there was this lingering feeling of going to Earth Spinel worried a little about what might happen and how she would be treated. She was sure that Steven did not want to see her so why was he so welcoming and sweet? Spinel could never understand Steven sometimes. He was too kind for his own good most days..
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toddsfall · 7 years
You’re making a ruin of me
Nursey takes Dex as his fake date to an Andover reunion on his birthday.
Written for day 7 of @nurseyweek (prompt: memories or red) Happy last day guys! This has been so fun to do :D
read on AO3
“Do you think they bought that?” Dex leaned in close so he could whisper in Nursey’s ear. Nursey felt tingles travel down his spine from the tip of his ear, where he could feel the ghost of Dex’s lips, all the way to his toes.
He cleared his throat. “Uhum. Yeah. Uh, yeah that was good. I don’t think they suspect a thing.”
“Good, I’m giving it my all here haha. Guess all those time my sisters made me act out the plays they’d written paid off huh?” Dex laughed.
Of course Dex had to rely on his best acting skills to act like his boyfriend, Nursey thought sourly.
Dex started batting his eyelashes rapidly, in a move that was probably supposed to be sexy but just made him look ridiculous.
Nursey poked him in the nose, which made Dex go cross-eyed for a second. It was stupidly endearing. “Stop acting a fool. You look like I just pepper sprayed you.”
Dex smirked. “Kinky.”
“Oh my god, you’re ridiculous. I’m fake breaking up with you.”
“But then how will you ever show those Andover assholes how well you’re doing now that you’ve moved on?” Dex looked way too pleased with himself. Nursey was just about to hit him over the head for looking so smug when he spotted them.
“Shit, they’re coming back. I thought we scared them off earlier.”
“Yeah, I thought so too. We really went for it! I really thought that was going to work. God, couples who display so much PDA in public usually gross me out. They’re the worst.
Nursey raised his eyebrows at him.
“Right, well. Other couples are the worst. Besides, we’re only a fake couple. That doesn’t count.” He was probably imagining the sad look in Dex’s eyes.
Nursey’s stomach turned. “No, you’re right. It doesn’t. They’re still coming our way though. Maybe we should just go.” He was ready to forget about this entire night.
“Nuh-uh Nurse, I didn’t dress up all fancy schmancy for you to suddenly bail on me. If you want to scare those assholes away, we’re just going to have to step up our game. They’ll get the hint eventually. Trust me, alright?”
Before Nursey could so much as blink, Dex grabbed Nursey by the lapels and kissed him full on the mouth. Nursey couldn’t help it, he melted. He clutched at Dex’s shoulders to avoid grabbing him anywhere else. He didn't want to cross any more lines than he already had tonight.
Dex loosened up on his lips a little and whispered "Follow my lead.".  He went back to kissing him, yanking him even closer. And then he started moaning. Obviously fake, but still. It was kind of turning Nursey on. He felt Dex tug at his hair, egging him on to join him.
God, Dex was going to kill Nursey. Why had he allowed himself to get into this situation?
Nursey sighed deeply. It wasn’t trying to get anyone’s attention, he just felt miserable.
“What’s wrong Nursey? You’re sighing an awful lot. I usually run to the kitchen to escape my worries, not create more, hon.” Bitty turned to him, holding his knife up like he was going to personally chop all of Nursey’s troubles in tiny pieces.
“Sorry for bumming you out, Bits. I can go lay on the couch if you want.”
Bitty crinkled his nose. “Now, you know I don’t want that. Spit it out, Nurse. I’ve been told I’m a good listener.” Bitty smiled at him encouragingly.
“Yeah Nursey, tell us.” Lardo chimed in from the other side of the table. He thought she’d been listening to music.
“It’s stupid. There’s this reunion at Andover next week. I RSVP’d a while back, thinking it could be fun. Now it turns out that most of my friends can come, I knew some of my hockey friends have games that night but now apparently my old bestie has to cancel too now. I can’t exactly back out of the event, people have already seen that I will attend on facebook. Before I know it, my mom will be on my case for not socializing enough. Ugh. And now I’m rambling too.” He laid his head on the table, sighing again.
“I’m sorry, hon. I don’t think I’ll ever go to a high school reunion, I’m glad I got away from that place.” Bitty answered sympathetically.
“I’m sorry you feel trapped, bro. I would come with you, but I have a test the next day.” Lardo reached out to put her hand on his shoulder. “Is there really no one there you can hang out with?”
“Nope.” Nursey raised his head. “I didn’t have many friends at that school, and now I’m going to be stuck with those judgmental assholes who liked to passively aggressively chew me out for, well… being me. It’s just going to bring up all these old ugly memories for me.”
Lardo squeezed his shoulder again. “I can help you come up with a better excuse if you want? I used to come up with the most elaborate lies for missing class when I was younger.”
Nursey smiled weakly at her. “That’s sweet Lards, but nah. I’ll just grit my teeth and get through it.”
Suddenly he heard Dex behind him. “What’s the matter Nurse? Someone got coffee on your favorite notepad again?” Sensing the mood in the room, Dex walked closer to Nursey. “Hey, what’s wrong bro? I haven’t seen you this upset since Frank Ocean delayed his album release for the third time.”
“Nursey has to go to an Andover reunion all on his own. Let’s just say there won’t be any friendly faces awaiting him there.” Lardo’s eyes bore into Dex’s, daring him not to make a smart remark for once.
“I’m… sorry man. Uh, can I help? I could go with you for back-up.” He had placed his hand on Nursey’s shoulder, on the spot where Lardo’s had been minutes before.
“Nah, bro. I wouldn’t want you to miss out on a Valentine’s date for me.” Nursey looked down, willing any thoughts of Dex and a potential date out of his head.
“Bro! It’s on your birthday?” Dex said, ignoring Nursey’s statement.
“Uh, yeah? Happy fucking birthday to me.”
“Well, then it’s decided. I’m going with you. As your date. Let’s show those assholes that us 'filthy gays' are not to be messed with.” Dex sneered at the last part. Nursey would have to ask him about that later. Clearly, he had had some issues with bullies in the past too.
Nursey considered it for a moment. Dex. As his date. On Valentine’s day. That might not be such a good idea. “Nah bro, you don’t need to come. It’s okay.”
“What, I’m not good enough to be your fake date Nursey?” Dex teased, the insecurity clear in his voice.
Lardo winked, and said “Yeah Nurse, who wouldn’t want this gorgeous redhead as his Valentine, huh?” The dirty, dirty traitor. She cackled when he tried to kick her under the table.
“Okay. Fine. Let’s do this Poindexter.” He cleared his throat, and tried to arrange his features so he looked solemn as he turned to Dex. “William Joseph Poindexter, will you be my Valentine?”
Dex pretended to swoon. “Why, Derek! I thought you’d never ask.”
Nursey laughed heartily. Then it dawned on him, he was actually going to have to go through with his now. He’d really fucked himself over.
They had finally discouraged the Andover Assholes, as Dex had branded them, from coming over again. They were sitting down with people that Nursey vaguely knew, but luckily not good enough that he felt obliged to make small talk with them.
He felt tired, despite Dex’s best efforts being back at Andover was draining all his energy. They had done the rounds earlier, saying hello to all his favorite old teachers. Also a bunch of people he’d been halfway friendly with, that is to say they had never been outright homophobic or racist in his face. Whatever, he’d shown his face. It had to be enough, his mom would have to understand.
Having Dex around helped more than he would ever be able to express, but it also drained him. It was exhausting having to pretend he had this awesome boyfriend while simultaneously walking the fine line of not acting too convincingly, or Dex would notice that he had real feelings for him. It was, frankly, exhausting. Nursey felt like he was doing a balancing act and he could fall flat on his ass at any time, and everyone would stare and point. Just like old times, then.
He felt Dex nudge his elbow. “Hey Nurse, where’d you go bud?” he asked.
“Nowhere, I was just spacing out a little. I’m getting tired.” He know he sounded snappish and he hated it. Dex had done nothing but be kind to him tonight. He’d gone above and beyond for him.
“Wow, I know I’m a good kisser but I don’t I’ve ever tired anyone out this fast before.” Dex was trying to distract him.
Nursey smiled at him. “Don’t flatter yourself, William.”
“Oh-kay De-rek, I wouldn't dareee. ” Dex pronounced every syllable carefully, trying and failing to speak with a posh accent. It was a horrible imitation of the accent he had heard when watching Downtown Abbey with Holster. Nursey knew he was trying to sound like Nursey did when he talked with his parents, though.
Nursey shoved at his shoulder, grinning. “Asshole.”
“Ha! I knew my ex-ce-llent posh accent would work. At least I got you to smile.” He poked Nursey’s ribs. “I got something else that might cheer you up!” His eyes lit up like Chowder’s did every time he saw a puppy.
Seemingly out of nowhere, he pulled a present for Nursey. Where had he been hiding that?
“Happy birthday, Derek. I might not always understand what you do, but I always want you to feel free to be yourself.”
Nursey tried his best not to rip open the carefully wrapped present. It was a beautiful deep red notebook with his name embossed on the front. “Woah dude, chill. Thanks.” He smiled brightly.
Dex groaned. “I can’t believe I still haven’t managed to erase that from your vocabulary.”
Nursey smirked. “It’s okay man, I know wasn’t for a lack of trying.”
Dex punched him in the arm, lightly. “You just count yourself lucky that it’s your birthday, Nursey.”
He fixed his eyes on Dex. They were sitting on the steps outside, waiting for their cab. As soon as Nursey had called, they had decided they didn’t want to stay with any of those people in the same room for a minute longer than necessary.
“Hey Will? Thanks for coming with me tonight. You, uh, really helped me in there. I know you could probably have found more pleasurable ways to spend your evening. I really appreciate it."
“Oh man, what am I supposed to say to that? You know I’m bad at feelings Nurse. Just pretend I said something heartfelt just now.” Dex blushed, but his gaze softened when he turned to Nursey. “But seriously man, anytime. I probably wouldn’t have found anything better tonight. Spending the night shitting on rich assholes with my best friend is a pretty sweet way to spend my evening.” He bumped Nursey’s shoulder with his own. “The kissing wasn’t half bad either” he added in a rush.
Nursey raised an eyebrow. “Really? Spending time with me is always on the table, you know. I guess we could even find some rich assholes to shit on at Samwell.” He took a steadying breath. “And the kissing, that’s uh… that’s on the table too. If you want.” He added the last part, knowing that he was taking a risk. In that moment, he wanted to to be right so badly, he thought he was going to burst from it.
Instead of answering, Dex reached into his pocket. “There was actually something else that I wanted to give you with your gift. I, uh, wasn’t sure.”
He handed Nursey a bright red card, with a heart and hand-drawn hockey sticks on the front. Inside, it said ‘You don’t have to be all bi yourself tonight. Be mine.’. He looked up, confused. His traitorous heart was beating out of his chest, daring him to hope. Dex was looking at him nervously. He’d been right. His heart sang.
He pulled Dex close by looping his hand around his neck. Dex closed the distance between them and then, finally, they were kissing.
He couldn’t stop himself from saying “I see you put your cards on the table for me.”
Dex groaned. “Shut the fuck up Nurse. Are you going to kiss me, or what?”
Nursey was already leaning back in. Dex deepened the kiss and then did something with his tongue that had Nursey moaning loudly. Normally, this would probably embarrass him but he was too busy being kissed within an inch of his life to care.
This time, it was Dex who pulled away. He smirked and whispered “I knew the way to your heart was with puns.” Nursey kissed the shit-eating grin right off his face.
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