#so sorry for the mixup
woman-of-balnain · 11 months
hi! sorry if u have explained this somewhere before. i don’t really understand tumblr but i’m really interested in the way you write a/b/o, like the dynamics if that makes sense. like how alphas and omegas work? i don’t know if i’m making sense but i recently found your blog and love the way you write them and stuff and was just wondering if you have like a post going into detail or whatever about it. thanks!
Hey anon! I'm so sorry, I was so sure I posted this, only to find that it's been sitting in my drafts for literal months 😩 Not sure if you even want an answer anymore, I'm so sorry!!!! But here is my original answer (still can't believe this happened!!):
I haven’t actually ever been asked this, or explained it so you’re all good 😊 and omg it took me so long to work out tumblr at first, it can be really confusing!!
I wasn’t sure if you wanted a general explanation of a/b/o or just the little changes I’ve made though, so if you want an idea of the general dynamics you can always google it, or if you have a specific question after this then feel free to send me another anon ask.
Also, I’m honestly terrible at explaining things lol (which is pretty ironic as someone who does creative writing haha) so if any of this is confusing please just let me know and I’ll try to explain it further 😅
Basically, I just tried to stick to the traditional dynamics as much as possible, but I made some small changes to things I didn’t like. The main thing I like about a/b/o is that it’s very primal. Like the biological desire for an alpha and omega to have sex is harder to ignore and I like the almost desperation involved… that sounds so weird to put it like that but I hope that makes sense lmao.
So I wanted to incorporate the heats and ruts and also the scenting aspects in my stories. So, heats are generally meant to occur every few months (but I think it depends on the writer tbh and the standard is every 3 months, so 4 times a year) and are experienced by omegas. They get extremely hot and experience physical pain until they have sex, essentially. So like touching yourself through your heat might alleviate the symptoms a little but an omega is meant to share their heat with an alpha.
Similarly, alphas have ruts where they get even more hot headed and temperamental than usual and usually you should just stay away from them if they’re in one or getting close to them - especially if you’re an omega and don’t want to have sex with them…
Basically, my understanding has always been that heats and ruts serve the purpose of getting the omega pregnant (I don’t think I’ve ever read anything that explicitly states this though).
In traditional a/b/o, an alpha has a knot when they have sex. The whole thing is very much based on dog biology I guess lol but that particular aspect was always just a little too weird for me and I don’t include knots in my a/b/o stories. Instead, I just changed things a bit where the alpha (who is always Rick so far, so I’ll be referring to male biology here) stays hard and needs to cum multiple times before going soft again for a while, before he’s ready to go again.
To me, that just made it a bit more human, while still keeping the ‘breeding kink’ aspects of the heat/rut cycles.
With scenting, I think I’ve kept it pretty traditional, where alphas and omegas have a heightened sense of smell and can pick up on whether someone is an alpha, beta or omega through their scent (I’ve made it so betas are basically just normal humans in my story’s, but some do things differently) and they can also pick up on other things, like maybe Rick will smell particularly good as an alpha to the reader, while Negan won’t smell good as an alpha. I just kinda saw this as a compatibility thing.
Then there’s claiming bites, which are linked to the mating/scent gland in the neck (basically just the pulse point in your neck) and this area can be scented (through the scent glands in the cheeks or by kissing or licking) to basically put your scent on the other person and tell other alphas/omegas that you’re pretty much staking your claim lol. Then with the claiming bite I have it so far as being a permanent thing that creates an irreversible and very strong bond between the alpha and omega. This can be treated differently depending on the writer though.
In my Endzeitfragmente series (with the Claim as the first part) I talk about how the reader and Rick are true mates which is another aspect of this trope, and basically that’s just like a soul mate. The way I dealt with it was unique (I think). Like I came up with it on my own, but idk if anyone has written something similar. So like how Lori and Rick couldn’t claim each other, because he was already meant to be with the reader and a claiming bite would only work for him or the reader if it was with each other. I also made true mates extremely rare in that series. Idk if anyone else has done something similar, but at least in stuff I’ve read, true mates are usually more common and there hasn’t been that obstacle when it comes to trying to mate with someone else.
Lastly, most stories will refer to babies as ‘pups’ and I don’t really like that lol so I don’t include it.
That’s just my personal preferences though, so if someone was to request having knots and the term ‘pups’ in a particular request, I’d still write it, but only if it was specifically asked for. Just because I understand that’s the more traditional way to do it. But I’ll always revert to my way of doing those things in my own ideas or in requests if the opposite isn’t specifically asked for.
I think that’s everything? Please let me know if you have questions or I’ve missed something. And thank you so much for your compliments of my writing, I really appreciate it! And I’m glad you’re enjoying my writing 🙈
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Wander Over Yonder (tv show) | Ace Attorney (video game series & anime)
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Wander & Sylvia:
These two pals travel the galaxy together, exploring and having adventures! If their friendship can defeat the evil Lord Hater, it can defeat a bunch of other friends too!
Maya Fey & Phoenix Wright:
1. Quite frankly I don’t think they will win. They are constantly being tormented and experiencing the horrors and this poll would be no different. 2. they literally cannot die no matter what hell canon puts them through. fall off that bridge n cliff to a deathly boy! get kidnapped like 4 times girl! when she gets kidnapped like the first time, they had to make a new sprite for Phoenix coz he didn’t look devasted and depressed enough. Power of friendship though! and she is OKI! :) 3. The most iconic attorney and assistant pair in the series. Phoenix canonically ran onto a burning bridge to try to save Maya when she was in danger. His call with her got cut off once and he left the country to go make sure she was safe. She’s been kidnapped twice to be used as leverage against him and both times she was more worried about him than herself. She once jumped in front of a taser to try to protect him. He’s also defended her from murder accusations like four times. Their relationship defines the original game trilogy even more than the Wright-Edgeworth relationship does. Other Ace Attorney games wish they could replicate this dynamic. They got added to a fighting game as a single unit where they work together to fight. They both think they’re the reasonable one in this friendship, despite neither of them actually deserving that title.
Note: This blog is run & followed by aromantics. Insisting any pairs are ~actually romantic~ will not only cause you to be blocked on the spot, but you’ll be outed as someone not safe to be queer around. No one wants to hear how stupid you look with those shipping goggles on.
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do you think we could get some positivity for proxy systems? no worries if not of course :)
Aw yeah, our partner system is a proxy system. In this house we love and support proxy systems. I didn’t write this post but the usual post-writers for this blog did (shoutout to Margo and Ralsei, those rascals). I just queued it up so it’ll post tomorrow night at 8:00pm est.
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morethanwonderful · 1 year
Which MXTX Character do You Most Want to Study Like a Little Bug?
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Full Bracket
(Bonus match theme: Luo Binghe's daddies)
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battle-subway-ghost · 4 months
mmhgh. Okay we're doing this.
You're in the wrong universe blud.
And in this universe I am your friend.
Lets see, you have a hyperfixation rattata, you love joltiks, your hair is naturally black, you speak sinnohian and unovan. You don't like zoroarak, you battle on the battle subway, you have three rattata called Cheri, bean and uhhh another one I forget, you never open up about your mental health because you're fine you're 100% and no one will ever tell you otherwise.
Shall I go on?
Lmfao what are you talking about?? I’m in the right universe thank you very much. And I’ve never heard of you in my life. Sorry if that offends you or something.
Pretty much everything you’re saying is public info on here already- course I like joltik, I have a Galvantula. Should be obvious.
I don’t have any pet rattata though. I’ll tell you that much. And my mental health isn’t any of your or the rest of rotumblr’s business.
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hi zelda! any ideas on what went different?
I... don't really know? I would think that if the Calamity succeeded then you all would be in. Worse shape.
no yeah you're right. kinda.
"Kind of"?
Um. Did it last longer? Did it do more harm?
yes and yes.
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nymphialamode · 3 months
...Hey, what just... happened? (Hi, um. I'm Minty. I've been following the blog for a bit because I was getting kinda interested in your adventures, and stuff. I'm from Alola! Hi! Um. Not the point.)
Zero? Phia? Why are you two being so mean to each other? And Zero... did you say you were from- Kalos? I thought you two were in Unova at this point... I'm really, really confused... what happened? Are you both okay?
~ Pokemon Breeder Minty 🕸️
...are you talking about me? seems too early for a nickname. if youre going to call me anything, call me nymphia. and, i think youve got the wrong people. i wouldnt be caught dead anywhere near any routes, pokemon or zero. i dont know much about them, but from what i can tell, theyre just some annoying trainer.
you know, im not sure if i like you much either.
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turbidapoplexy · 7 months
the link to the dirkbec didnt work did your twt get sussed :((
no, i reposted it because i forgot to spoiler it the first time, but apparently it didn't update on tumblr properly. i redid it and it works on the og post, but you can also just click here :)
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basicallyjaywalker · 7 months
Whumptober Day 27
Character: Jay
Prompts: scars, "let me see"
Length: 478
I posted this to the wrong acct and it took me like 5 hours to notice, but enjoy some very short post -skybound angst bc my Tumblr feed called it to me
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kanenites · 8 months
OH MUTUAL PICKLES IS DOING THIS AGAIN SO I WILL TOO mutuals send me your name and i will give u a playlist w my music!!!!!!
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enassbraid · 1 year
Thank u to my pjsekai leak source for telling me vbs would get a focus in may and it ended up being wxs I will remember this!!!!!!!!
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Uh. . I just wanna be safe rather than sorry, but you're not the Aku people have made callouts about, are you? Sorry if this is a mixup!!
{I am not. ^^; And if you want to confirm this, I'm on very good terms with @cosmacy , so they should be able to back it up. The first time I saw them making posts about the other Aku, I got to one that was a little out of context (like a continuation of the narrative that wasn't a reblog?), and I was like "Oh no! What did I do!?" XD It got straightened out pretty quickly though, as I realized they were talking about someone else. Aster might know me better by @strawberry-barista though, so calling me through this url might not be as effective.}
{I actually have never met the Aku the callout posts are about, as far as I know. I don't know the first thing about them.}
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chocoleopard · 2 years
I accidentally uploaded a fic yesterday when I meant to put it in my drafts on ao3, so to everyone who saw that, please know that it’s not a mess up on your end, it was my bad!! 
The fic is set to upload in December, so please look forward to that! <3 
Much love <3333 
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kitakami-zorua-kin · 29 days
Togekiss mail: a basket full of macarons that look like dittos with different facial expressions
Huh - wha- uh. Alright, I guess...? Thanks! I'll share these with the rest of the Ruchbah Squad - the kids are gonna love these... ... Oh shit Ortie's gonna kill me there's no way it's this late in the day already - forgot to eat lunch again, shit-
Thanks! For the uh - the macarons, they're - they're real cute. The rest of the squad'll love them. And- unintentionally, thanks for knockin' me out of the hyperfixation.
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i-am-emmet-real · 2 months
Hi. So this event will be going on one week. For that one week this will basically be an ask blog. It can only proceed with it's story if you send asks. The goal is to make him as pissed off as possible. He just found out his life is a lie and he's suffering for the bit, make him angry. Please.
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porcalinecunt · 2 months
hey, your marathon sex post seems really similar to t4tstarrailing’s post that he made yesterday. did you get inspo from it?
also, if you did, you’re kinda ignoring his 18+ only boundary….
hi! i actually didn’t realize someone else made a simular post abt that hc, but i checked and i see it’s pretty simular to mine..
i imagined the hc after realizing boothill’s cyborg body means he’s limitless in a lot of sexual skills, including stamina!
if you want, i can take down my post and make something else. im REALLY sorry for the confusion and i didn’t mean to come off as copying someone else! :/
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