#so senku isn’t related to the villagers…
caifanes · 10 months
dr stone is insane bc even if senku and kohaku are in a ‘will they? won’t they?’ situation i don’t even think the mangaka knows if they will bc every character around them including those two are like nah but then kohaku randomly describes her dream man and it coincidentally overlaps with senku… but it’s PURE straightbait bc in the little epilogue, senku’s just up to his same old shit seinfeld series finale style. schrödinger’s endgame
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strawberrystepmom · 5 months
senku x f!reader. reader has a background in agriculture. reader is referred to as princess in jest and the unpacking of the reason it upsets reader follows. reader and senku are both 25. post canon au where he and the other ishigami village settlers find a small settlement in california. robert is an oc created specifically for the au. wc 1.7k
divider thanks to @/cafekitsune as always
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“You and Gen have a lot in common.”
Snorting at Senku’s words, you dab at the droplets of sweat on your hairline with the back of your gloved hand. He hasn’t been superbly helpful weeding the carrot patch but at least he has been decent company, the two of you working in parallel worlds and occasionally exchanging remarks about what you’re doing. This is generally how things just go when you’re together.
You won’t go so far as to say that you enjoy him, you barely know the man who stepped foot on shores not far from where you are now a little over a month ago, but it’s pleasant to have someone around who will listen to you ramble about whatever has been on your mind. You don’t judge him and he has never judged you, a silent mutual understanding that people will be people, the thread that ties the two of you together.
It doesn’t mean he isn’t observant, though, and he’s all too apt to share said observations with you.
“Why do you say that? Is it because we are both charming, hilarious, and beautiful?”
Senku chuckles while you wipe your free hand on your pants. Very glamorous, you think and laugh to yourself quietly. The sun hangs high enough in the sky you know it’s midday and you offer small waves to everyone who passes by you, smiling big enough people can see it even from a few feet away. You don’t have to do this but you go out of your way to do it, something that always strikes Senku as funny.
“Humble, too.” The scientist remarks and you look up at him, noticing he’s jotting notes away in a leatherbound notebook he swiped from the medical barn.
He has a makeshift ink pen, an invention of his own making, and he’s jotting down thoughts of how to improve the settlement. Watch towers, another well, perhaps mechanized farming equipment to keep you from having to do as much heavy lifting as you do.
“So you agree?” He chuckles again at your words and keeps scribbling, raising his brows. “You know I don’t point out the obvious, princess.”
The recent nickname makes you scoff but your cheeks warm. He heard the village doctor and navigator, two of your closest friends, call you the name in jest and he couldn’t possibly let it go considering what an apt descriptor it is.
“Don’t call me that, it’s bad enough that they do.” Sighing, you reposition your sunhat before leaning down to dig up another weed. “There’s nothing princess-y about me.”
Tossing a carrot down, you decide to rest a moment and sit down next to him in the yellowing grass. The weather is still moderate and pleasant but six weeks from now, it’s likely a small blanket of snow and frost will cover the world and your plants in the process so time is of the essence with the less hearty members of the settlement garden. You feel Senku looking at you but don’t entertain him by glancing back, situating yourself and stretching your legs out in front of you.
“No?” Senku shoots back and you groan, laying back in the grass and closing your eyes. He looks over you and shakes his head, placing the notebook on his thighs where his legs are crossed. “Let’s be honest with ourselves here. If this were thousands of years ago, you’d be in a big tower in a pretty dress waiting for some muscle-brained knight to come and slay a dragon for you.”
You want to be offended but you’re instead curious about what exactly makes him feel that way and how it relates to you and Gen at all.
“What do you mean? I can take care of myself and have managed to do it pretty well so far.”
Senku shakes his head. He can tell you aren’t offended thanks to the lightness in your tone and he appreciates that you don’t read between the lines considering there are none when he comes to him. He says what he means and you listen to it appreciatively.
“I’m not saying you can’t, I’m saying you inspire that kind of action in people.” He shrugs. “Think about the stories I know you used to read. A princess never has to ask for devotion, she simply gets it.”
Raising a brow, he meets your eyes and glances further out in the distance where one of the villagers he brought with him, Ginro, slumps in the fields while pulling weeds. The blonde man keeps glancing in your direction and waving before tilting his face downward to make sure you notice that he’s doing what you asked him to.
“I’ve never seen Ginro work so hard,” the scientist sniffs and you laugh louder than intended, bringing your hand to cover your mouth to stifle the noise.
“Not very fair of you to start with the easy target, Ishigami.”
He snickers and looks across the settlement, seeing if he can spot any of the others he has brought with him that have been more than happy to assist with anything you ask them to. You flash a smile, flutter your lashes if you have to, and shit seems to get done. It’s how you did things before you were petrified too.
“I overheard Hyoga arguing with Robert about being the one to escort you on the next foraging expedition.”
Thinking about the white haired man you feel a little uncertain of yourself and you look away. You find him extremely handsome despite his evasive nature and the two of you have only had a handful of conversations but he’s surprisingly helpful when necessary, you simply go out of your way trying to avoid asking for his help because he makes you nervous. Robert, on the other hand, is an issue that has followed you even thousands of years into the future (pro tip: don’t get petrified and then depetrified near a man harassing you in a club) but he insists on being your personal security whenever he can.
You make a note to genuinely contemplate trying your luck by asking Hyoga personally to accompany you but for now, you turn your attention back to your spiky haired companion.
“No you didn’t. Besides, we haven’t even planned a trip before winter even though we need to make one.”
Senku purses his lips and continues to look around the lands surrounding him.
“When have I ever lied to you?”
Considering his question for a moment, you hum and tilt your head. He hasn’t lied to you but this specific instance feels like a stretch.
“So you heard Big Mouth Bobby mention me and now I’m a princess? Seems like that criteria is a little unfair.”
Senku shifts where he sits and stretches his legs out in front of him to match your position. You shade your eyes from the sun with your palm and look up at him to find he’s glancing over his shoulder at you, shaking his head.
“You seem to think I’m telling you that it’s a bad thing people like and want to be liked by you.”
Shrugging, you settle back against the grass and kick your feet gently. He watches your every move and you feel observed and viewed rather than enjoyed, something about him that always makes you squirm despite yourself.
“Maybe you’re right.”
Senku smiles.
“I’m always right.”
You laugh and shake your head, shutting your eyes to keep from being further intimidated by his weighted glance. If he has any other assessments he’s clearly going to keep them to himself so you press forward, sun warming your face while you speak.
“I don’t get how that relates to me and Gen being similar though. Is he a princess too?”
A chuckle from your companion. At least you can always make him laugh even if you know your other charms won’t work on him. Looks have no effect on Senku nor do fluttering lashes or cute, coy smiles - he judges people off of their character only and you admire the depth it takes for him to do so.
“Oh yeah, that.” He picks his notebook back up and begins scribbling again. “You’re both very persuasive and understand people better than they think.”
Giggling, you sigh contentedly and even Senku finds himself a little bit drawn to the sound. You are charming and sweet and funny and perhaps a bit too honest beneath the slightly self deprecating humor you use to keep people from knowing who you really are. Even Senku can acknowledge all of these things - they’re true, after all. Proven and quantifiable.
“Well, thank you. The power of people skills can never be underestimated in a world where half of the people you meet want to kill you and the other half probably want to kill themselves because we don’t have social media to numb their brains.”
Again with that too honest humor. The scientist shakes his head and scribbles down a doodle for the vision he has for the tower he’s going to build in the coming weeks, halfway between your fields and the little cabin you call home. It’s the perfect position to see the entire settlement and he assumes the only reason you don’t have one yet is that you’ve lacked the people to assist with making it.
He may not be a muscle-brained knight, saving you while you sit forlornly in a tower, but he can be the genius that builds the tower you’ll help create the future society all of you will someday live in from. It’s a far more noble cause if you ask him.
“Keep it up.” He adds simply and you shield your eyes from the sun again, opening them to meet his. You offer a thumbs up and a grin and he shakes his head.
“I am going to tell Gen you called him a princess, though.”
Senku scoffs and leans back, still glancing down at you.
“Well then you’d be lying and it isn’t good to lie, now is it?”
You sit up, ready to argue back and forth but you’re interrupted by Ginro calling your name from a distance and approaching you, three carrots in his fist. Senku rises to standing and reassuringly pats your shoulder with the hand not holding his notebook.
“Looks like your savior is on his way, princess.”
You sigh, shaking your head and waving the scientist goodbye when he parts, watching him leave before plastering on your best persuasive smile and greeting Ginro exuberantly.
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junosmindpalace · 2 years
Hi there! It's my birthday 🎂 (July 31) so I was wondering if I could get a senku x fem reader on what he would do for his crush on her birthday
hi there anon! I hope you had a wonderful birthday!! it took me almost two whole months to put this out i am SO sorry. regardless i hope you enjoy!
p.s., honestly…the stone world gift was an excuse for me to write about a tiktok i saw on fireworks. i know technically they arent birthday gifts but they still represent celebrations!.....
synopsis: how he celebrates your special day.
wc: 930
warnings: corny
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Birthday? Oh, yeah. He totally forgot.
Just kidding! Of course he didn’t- that’s just how he acts.
In reality, he’s known your birthday is fast approaching and has been contemplating what to do for you on your special day.
In both modern and stone age, Senku’s gifts aren’t the most direct, and if they are, it’s in the most casual and lighthearted way possible. No, his gifts are more so phenomenons, something spectacular or useful that he just so happens to present on your birthday.
Before the petrification, Senku had a lot more convenient birthday gift options. Clothing, accessories, merchandise, equipment for anything and everything- and all of it could come with a gift receipt! And yet you still have to be really attentive if you want to figure out what his gift is and when he presents it to you, because it isn’t always obvious. 
Maybe one year, he’ll show you that a science project you two’ve been working on for weeks is finally finished (because he worked his ass off in his free time prepping it), and the two of you can witness the product of your hard work on your special day.
Maybe the year after that, he’ll tell you about this super cool opportunity to get involved in something that’s of interest to you; maybe some convention, competition or workshop. Hell, he might even tag along if he thinks he can learn a thing or two!
And maybe the year after that, he’ll invite you to that ramen joint he loves to visit with his dad and treat you to anything you’d like on the menu, but only because he’s been dying to go and definitely not because he wanted to give you a nice birthday meal. 
But for as long as you’ve known him, you know that Senku likes to use your birthday as an excuse to indulge in something science related, and this will probably be the only time he’s  upfront with a gift. He might tinker with items of yours, invite you over to make something techy, or build you your very own science equipment, such as a telescope, because you’re always complimenting his. It’s sitting cross legged on the floor of Senku's bedroom, talking animatedly about a new science concept that brings a joyful end to your day, whether it was good or bad overall. You walk home with a little skip in your step as you reflect on the time you spent with your friend and the thoughtful day he had organized for you. 
“Thank you for the birthday gift.”
“Oh, that was today? Completely slipped my mind. Yeah, let’s count that as your gift.” 
He’s the only one who knows the exact date off the top of his head before civilization was rebuilt. He’s been keeping a mental calendar for thousands of years, unlike most of the others who were petrified. With so much work to be done and learning to adjust to your new lives, your birthday just didn’t seem that important to you. 
And Senku wholeheartedly agrees with your logic- but it was still your birthday. 
Of course, he’s dropping no sign that he even knows what day it is. He spends the entire day treating you and everyone around him as he normally does- giving out instruction, some science lessons and contributing to construction. It’s during the late evening when the sun has fully set that Senku’s birthday gift shines brighter than any star in the night sky. 
Senku had asked the villagers days ahead to help him contribute to your gift without letting on that it was for you. He had the brawn of the group collect materials and asked the rest of the team to help him with the chemistry and design. He thought hard about what would leave an impression, but not seem too personalized. Something that the entire Kingdom of Science could indulge in. He thought back to his previous “gifts”- ramen, a furnace, a brilliantly decorated tree…
Ding ding! He had a winner as soon as he remembered the look on yours and all the other villagers’ faces when the dozens of lights decorated on the tree were first lit.
The Kingdom of Science is in collective amazement as they marvel at the tons of fireworks lighting up the sky, the deafening crackles and pops pulsing through the air. Even those who had seen spectacular light shows were dumbfounded by the rockets that shot up and exploded into ropes of brilliant gold and silver light. Gasps, praises and mutters went around the group, but Senku’s gaze only swept across the others before settling on you. 
Little fireworks exploded in your widened eyes and made them shimmer, reflecting your inner feelings of surprise. Senku observed carefully as your mouth, wide open in disbelief, slowly morphed into a smile; a big, glowing smile that conveyed all of the happiness and excitement you were feeling that was almost as bright as the colors fading in and out of the sky above. The scientist didn’t need any words of praise from you- he could tell he was successful in creating a memorable gift just by watching you marvel over it. 
You were too enamored with the sight in front of you to notice Senku gently place his hands on your shoulders and move you to the side, just a little further back from your previous spot, so you could get a better view past the great forest surrounding you. He stared at you only for a brief couple of seconds before dropping his hands and admiring the view for himself with a small smile.
“Happy birthday, by the way.”
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stoneworldsimp · 3 years
what’s mine is not yours —a request
platonic senku x reader
warnings: swearing, anxiety, talk of insecurities and worries, gender dysphoria
your name!
your name!
your hands slapped to your ears, eyes shut tight. i can’t take this so early in the morning.
the voices from your dream had lingered longer than you would have liked. it reminded you it was time to face another day, to endure another long long day and night of hearing the wrong things.
maybe if i went and lived on my own again…i wouldn’t have to deal with it—no. senku needs me. he needs me…what does he need me for again? you rolled onto your stomach; your pillow rustled as you flopped it on top of your head. he doesn’t need me. i’d rather be lonely than hear everyone say some bullshit about me.
everyone in the village knew you as a miss. yuzuriha made you more neutral clothes upon request, but everyone assumed you were tomboyish. luckily, no one read more into it; it was nice to dress comfortably, but it was like no one else understood. why were they still calling you a girl? and the older folks, you knew they meant well! but you couldn’t help but feel like their constant “sweet girl”s were making fun of you at this point.
i can’t do it, i can’t do it, they’re making fun of me right now, as i think. as i exist!
you felt a tear trickle down the side of your nose.
oh, you’re kidding. crying? again? is this—
a knock on your door halted your thoughts; you quickly flipped back and sat up in your bed on the ground of your hut, and wiped your face quickly. you lightly slapped your cheeks to stop yourself from continuing crying.
“it’s me. can i come in?”
senku’s voice brought some sort of relief; personally you felt it was better for him to come in at such a time than anyone else.
you took a deep breath. “sure, but i just woke up. i’m staying under my blanket.”
senku laughed behind the door. a small shove was made and it opened, revealing a quite chipper senku. he liked to come early in the morning when the rest of the village was quiet.
his smirk faltered once he saw your face. you believed you hid your crying well; you didn’t think to check your red eyes or stinging cheeks.
“what’s wrong?” he asked, his words much gentler than when he asked to come in.
damn. how could i not realize i was so obvious?
with a deep breath, you whispered, “senku.. we’re pretty good friends, right?”
he snickered. “of course we are, way more than that asshole gen.”
his voice was closer. you laughed as well, and wiped your eyes clear. he slowly walked over and sat down on the floor next to you. senku was looking at you, really looking at you; it was intense, almost if he was making sure his closeness or anything about his presence wasn’t bothering you.
“okay…i’m about to say a lot of stuff. let me know if you need me to explain more, or if i’m talking too much. or—“
your words halted as senku put a hand on your shoulder, a smile light on his face. “all ears.”
you smiled back softly. “okay. so—back in..our time,”you gestured between the two of you with your hands, “i told my family and friends i was, uhm… nonbinary. like i don’t feel male or female, i use they/them pronouns; all that good stuff. still feel that way now. and, for quite some time, they didn’t believe me. not in a direct ‘you’re lying’ way, but more of ‘i don’t understand it therefore you shouldn’t understand it’ type of thing. i got a lot of shit from people who weren’t my friends, too. but with my friends’ support and getting more confidence after coming out, my parents were able to kinda see it. but yeah, it took quite some time. probably like.. eight months? even then, i had to remind them constantly, ‘not a daughter. please don’t call me she or he. please don’t call me a woman.’ but we were getting there. and right when we got petrified, right when it happened, i saw the look on my mom’s face.
“we were talking about me and my identity and it was like something had clicked in her brain. like, she knew exactly what i meant and how i felt when i said what it meant to be nonbinary. i don’t even remember what i said specifically, but i remember her expression as if she were standing in front of me right now. i was so hopeful i’d see her again, her expression got me through my petrification and even helped me break out of it. but of COURSE, i didn’t ever see her again after i woke up. and then i almost lost my own sense of self after being by myself for probably a year.. i was under the assumption i’d never meet another person again, so when i did run into your village—i had this gross feeling of dread. and i realized it was the same feeling that basically lived inside of me before i came out.”
you sat up straighter and looked away from senku. “it’s like, i have to rebuild my identity all over again. people always say you shouldn’t care about what other people say, but i can’t help it. i’m a sensitive person. i get hurt easily, no matter how hard i try to thicken my skin. they all, they all just use ‘she’ and ‘her’ and ‘that girl’ so often, it feels like they’re making fun of me, like they’re constantly telling me i’m not who i say i am. and i can’t tell them senku, being nonbinary was confusing for so many people in our time, i hardly believe they’ll understand it now. sure, my parents were fine, but it took a while before they got it. i can only imagine how long it’ll take for everyone here.”
senku was quiet. have you over explained yourself? was it too overbearing? in all honesty you’d only been good friends with senku a short while; you should have waited at least a little bit longer before letting him in on something so personal—
“it all, it all kind of makes sense now.”
huh?! “what?”
“what you told me, i think i get it now.”
you gave him a look up and down. it was possible, but you didn’t think there was much of a chance that senku would be so..cool with it. not right away. you expected some form of silent treatment for at least a day or two, so he could collect his own thoughts.
“i’m gonna say something, and i need you to listen. yeah?”
you stared at him like your brain short-circuited. what the fuck is he gonna say to me.. oh god, he doesn’t wanna be friends anymore. but he’ll be too nice to kick me out of the village. but it is his village—
“hey, hey…are you with me?” you both sat facing each other now, and his hands rested on your shoulders.
just hear him out. “yeah. all ears.”
he smoothed your shoulders with his thumb. “you’re just as valid as everyone out there. i know you’re scared, but believe me when i say they will not be mocking you in any way. sure, it might take a while for them to understand, but theyre not going to give up just because they dont get something right away. it took me a few months to fully convince this village i could help them, and even then, there were still a few who didn’t fully understand the experiments and contraptions i made until a while later. i know that isn’t the same as your situation… but what i’m trying to say is that they will try their best to know you, the real you. they aren’t going to mock you; if anything, they’ll have lots of questions to ask you.
“also, you have me, you have gen to help out in case you don’t have the capacity to answer everything yourself. i’ve a few things about gender before the stone world, and gen definitely knows a lot of things that are relevant to it as well.
“everyone here… they’re all so eager to learn, i highly doubt they’ll be unaccepting. they’ll be curious. and they’ll be happy you’re letting them in on something that is so important.”
tears had made their way down your face and on your clothes halfway through his mini-monologue; you didn’t notice him continuously wiping them away until he was finished. “it’s going to be okay. trust me.”
with a quiet sob, you pushed yourself into his arms for a hug.
“thank you.”
you knew he wasn’t particularly one for any type of physical contact, but he gladly accepted. for the occasion, he thought. his arms slowly wrapped around your slightly shaking body as you tried to calm down. neither of you spoke for a few minutes; only your soft sniffles were heard in the hut.
“senku, i think that was the most i’ve heard you talk about something that wasn’t directly related to science,” you laughed into his neck.
he laughed back. “i had a lot saved, since there were moments i could tell you were kind of uncomfortable. i didn’t want to force you into talking about it either, so i just waited. tried to figure out what i was going to say. it had to be good.. you are one of my closest friends, after all.”
both of you embraced each other a little tighter. “i hope all of this helped, i want you to live here with none of those worries. especially after so many months of having it bottled inside.”
you nodded in response.
today.. today will be the day i tell everyone not to use what they used to call me; that won’t do at all anymore.
today, i’ll tell everyone my name.
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annikathewitch · 3 years
I think something really interesting in Dr. Stone is how it depicts internalized ableism. Now, in today’s society, we may not really see needing glasses as a disability, but in the world that Suika and Kinrou (both of whom need glasses) grew up in, it clearly very much is, and so both of them have had to deal with internalized ableism as a very big part of their character arcs, even after they get glasses, and this might just be me, but I feel like it was handled very well.
Suika has a constant desire to make herself useful, derived from the belief that she wouldn’t have been able to do her part to help her village when she grew up because of her disability. This is central to her character motivation, especially early on. It is why she initially joined the kingdom of science, and it’s clear even after she gets glasses that this continues to be a huge part of her character motivation.
Kinrou, on the other hand, has hidden his disability for basically his entire life, from everyone except Ginrou, his brother. There’s this great scene in which Kinrou is struggling at training with Kohaku that really stuck out to me where Ginrou suggests just telling Kohaku that it isn’t his fault; he’s struggling because of his “blurry eye sickness.” Kinrou responds by saying that he won’t use his bad eyesight as an excuse, and forbidding Ginrou from telling anyone. This is a really clear example of internalized ableism.
Another scene I really appreciated was when Kinrou finally gets glasses, and starts absolutely crushing magma. It’s made clear that he’s had to work twice as hard as everyone else, and now that, as (I think it was Senku?) said, “now that science has leveled the playing field” he’s one of the best fighters.
Both Suika and Kinrou are really grateful towards science in general and specifically Senku for essentially giving them the ability to see, for helping them overcome their disabilities, and this is a huge part of why they’re so loyal to Senku and the kingdom of science. Of course, they have other reasons too, like everyone else, but it continues to be an important part of both their characterizations even now, after both of them have gotten glasses, because of course it does. They grew up needing glasses in a society in which “blurry eye sickness” was a disability, so of course that would have a lasting impact. This is why Suika and Kinrou are two of my favorite Dr Stone characters; they’re very relatable to me, as a person with a learning disability (ADHD), even if they themselves don’t show any/very many ADHD symptoms.
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dr-stoneworld · 4 years
Oh can I get a headcanon of Senku and Gen dealing with someone who's excellent at pseudo/theoretical science- like Tarot, alchemy, cryotzoology, psychic research and practice- and just overall has dedicated themselves to studying and doing impossible things. P much someone who genuinely believes in magic and fantasy and strives to make it reality.
Characters: Ishigami Senku, Asagiri Gen.
Tags: Headcannons.
Ishigami Senku:
• Senku for sure believes that each and everything in this world is supported by science. If it's not then it's probably not been founded or it simply doesn't exist.
• But that definitely doesn't mean he's gonna enforce his opinions and views upon someone. He acknowledges the fact that there's so many people out there who think differently and respects their perspectives.
• You happen to be of them!
• During one of the full moon nights, he spotted you under a tree... doing something?Normally he would've walked away but curiosity got the best of him as he decided to find it out.
• You happened to be doing some tarot readings.
• Since it was his first time seeing someone actually do it which IMMEDIATELY gets him curious. Because how and what are you doing??? And does the stuff works. He wants an explanation!
• He bombards you with questions, many just bounce over your head.
• They go like "Y/n... Isn't alchemy basically modern metallurgy?" "Yes but not really??"
• He pays his undisturbed attention to your wordings and tries to understand them.
• I can totally see him thinking about your explainations but in an extremely scientific manner but he can never reach to a conclusion.
• Sometimes, you'll have casual conversation and discussions with him about pseudoscience, sometimes they turn quite heated (but don't worry they're not fights!)
• He'll sometimes agree and disagree on the things.
• I can see him believing in cryptozoology and wanting to do a futher research on it in a far future.
Asagiri Gen:
• Y'all literally just be vibing doing the pseudoscience stuff.
• Since it's stone age y'all definitely make Tarot cards and practice it together.
• You guys relate to each other on a spiritual level. Literally inseperable.
• Oh god I can definitely see y'all drag Chrome into and educate him about pseudoscience aswell.
• Sometimes y'all like- no- LOVE to pull pranks on the villagers, esp Gin (someone pls save him😭)
• If Senku ever dares to go against you, y'all be like "back off bro, only intellectuals unlike you are allowed to speak". He gives y'all a weird look and never comes back😔
• Y'all definitely talk about conspiracy theories.
• Y'all would probably having an intense conversation until sunlight hits your face and you're just staring at each other looking dead like "shit we forgot to sleep AGAIN"
• Once y'all start talking about it there's no end. Both of you are so engrossed in discussing stuff that none of you would even know if a volcano eurpts besides you.
A/N: AHH I AM REALLY DUMB WHEN IT COMES TO PSEUDOSCIENCE!! But ngl its so cool! I hope you like it 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
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megibluedragon · 5 years
Senku’s real family
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Mystery about Senku’s family is one of the most interesting parts in whole Dr. Stone story. Even if we got some answers we still get new informations which leads us to few unanswered questions. 
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We know Byakuya Ishigami isn’t Senku’s actual father related by blood. Byakuya is Senku’s adoptive father. Senku was officially adopted by Byakuya because Senku’s last name got changed into Ishigami.
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Of course Senku is aware of being adopted son. When we find out Senku is ,,son” of founder of Ishigami Village everyone reading and village people started to question if they are related to Senku. Funny thing how Kohaku was the one to bring that up covering her blushy face. At this point Kohaku probably thought about being into Senku in romantic way and thought about Senku being her long lost brother scared her and embarrassed. Senku corrected whole situation by telling that he isn’t actually related to Byakuya by blood. But here readers got another question ,,Did Senku being adopted was smooth dodge just to let Senku be with Kohaku by the end with no incest comments about it?”. Well it’s possible that author wanted to avoid mean comments about this as one of the options. But it doesn’t have to be true reason. There are pretty much two possible reasons why if it was intentional: 1. Just to create representation of bond between adoptive parent and child in form of manga and maybe show how adoption can be good thing that brings happiness to adult person and how it gives chance to abandoned child. 2. Real parents of Senku will show up in story in the future or they are somehow involved in world turning into stone.
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Some time later on mystery about Senku’s family got more interesting. We thought information about Senku being not related by blood to Byakuya was last one but we were wrong. We find out that Byakuya told him that Senku was his good friend’s kid. ,,Was?” Does this mean Senku’s real parents are dead? Or is he referring to no need of calling this person his parent anymore? Or Byakuya was covering information about Senku’s parents being horrible people who left him by just making it easier by creating fake image of good people who passed away or just couldn’t take care of him even if they wanted. 
Information about being kid of Byakuya’s good friend seems satisfying enough for Senku. He doesn’t feel the need to dig deeper into his family origins which is kinda bizarre because Senku likes to know every detail. The reason is probably love and trust in Byakuya. He gave him some sort of answer and Senku just took it as truth with no need to find proofs. Senku consider himself as Byakuya’s son and that’s the most important for him. He calls him ,,father” or ,,old man” and because of being adopted Byakuya didn’t mind Senku calling him by his name. Byakuya also calls Senku his son even if they aren’t related by blood.
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We saw very similar situation with Senku eating ramen with his fathers. In first photo we see Byakuya with older Senku but on second photo we see maybe few years old Senku with his real father. They probably had very similar hair. We can see that from this unique hair tip falling on his face. What’s interesting is that we don’t see full face. That could mean Senku doesn’t remember his real father’s face anymore. It’s normal for kids to forget almost everything about their first few years or maybe remember few stuff like behind fog. But what’s interesting is that Senku ate ramen with his real father. Good feeling about doing certain things can stay with people because Senku loves ramen so much it somehow connects him with his father. Senku was actually blushing while looking at his father. That could mean he loved his real father at some point at least like child could love. But what’s interesting is how Byakuya enjoy ramen with Senku. That brings back question if Byakuya and Senku’s father really were friends and hang out together by eating ramen for example. Then something tragic could happened to Senku’s parents like accident and that’s why Byakuya took care of Senku. It’s also possible that Senku’s real parents became dangerous and Senku was taken away from them. Kids can forget traumatic experience from the past as  defence mechanism when they want to keep stable mind.
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It’s still crazy to think about Byakuya officially getting together with Lillian Weinberg. She was very popular singer in modern time. What is even more crazy to think about is the fact that Lillian Weinberg became Senku’s step mother. It’s sweet how we know she also believed Senku can restore advanced humanity. That’s some adoptive parents goals to get teacher/astronaut father and famous singer/astronaut mother :D
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Byakuya showed Lillian to Senku before. Hahaha also Shamil like this cool uncle for Senku he could nerd together with XD What warms my heart is Senku’s reaction to this photo. Of course it could mean that Senku is happy that his father is having good time BUT this also looks like Senku’s smug face like ,,Wow go for it dad. You look nice together. You have my approval.”
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There is also maybe not that important question but still ,,How many step siblings Senku had?”. We will probably never find out how many children Byakuya had with Lillian but from this panel I think boy which is kicking ball is Senku’s step brother. He has eyes after Lillian and hair probably after Byakuya. It’s also possible the youngest one from here is also Byakuya’s child or it’s Shamil’s son. We can’t even tell if that’s all the kids. They probably had more than four. Well still it’s sad how Senku never got to see his step siblings or spend time with his step mom.
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Senku’s existence after some time was kept secret only from priestess to priestess but Byakuya wanted to celebrate his son’s birthday even if they were apart from each other so he created ,,Stone Day” or ,,Ishiday” as tradition for even future generation to still celebrate Senku’s birthday even if they won’t know what is actuall reason for this tradition and have fun in this particular day every year :D Senku was so special to Byakuya he created official tradition for him ;D I can see Ishiday as new holiday celebrated by people in whole world if Senku will revive them.
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Not gonna lie I still wonder who were or are Senku’s real parents and if he wasn’t separated from them because of accident and they just abandoned him then I have one question ,,How could they abandon probably the cutest child in the world?!”. Just look at him! I never saw more adorable baby! I swear I will snap if they were hurting Senku in the past or if they show up in the future when Senku will save humanity and say trash like ,,That’s our son! Our son saved all humans! We are his parents! Look how far our child came! We brought this savior to this world. Without us humanity would be doomed!”. Or they will be ultimate trash if they are involved in humanity turning into stone and will rage at Senku for trying to restore humanity. There are no official papers anymore so only reinvented DNA test could show if someone is Senku’s parent, Or we will see man with green hair and we will just know he has to be Senku’s father. Still even if Senku loved his parents for some reason or just as innocent child he changed his mind and doesn’t care about them anymore and only consider Byakuya as his real family. I still get a feeling that’s not last information we will get about Senku’s family related to him by blood because if they were also scientists they could be involved in petrification plan.
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biconderoga · 4 years
Author’s note: I’ve caught up with the Dr. Stone manga and decided to start writing for it! Send in any Dr. Stone requests!
Dr. Stone: Kingdom of Science Relationship Headcannons!
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Senku Ishigami
A tough shell to crack romance-wise. He’s an abrasive and logical man, he’s bound to chase people away with his personality. And as cliche as it sounds he doesn’t like to deal with illogical phenomenons such as love.
Doesn’t go out of his way to be romantic, unless it’s an event that’s being celebrated such as an anniversary. However, if he can create something for S/O with something that the village has acquired through one of his scientific road maps, he would. He’d be totally nonchalant about it though. “Oh? What a conviently placed necklace!!! Take it S/O.”
Earlier on in the relationship he probably forgets he has an S/O. Mainly forgets that they’re there for him, and that S/O wants to help him in anyway they can. As the relationship progresses, Senku slowly realizes his relationship with S/O is a give and take, not a give and give on his part.
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He’s at a complete loss when it comes to relationships. He’s fawned over Ruri for so long, and never really expected to get a relationship out of it. So he’s ecstatic to have a relationship with an S/O that isn’t onesided.
At times he reminds his S/O of a crow. Whenever he wants to show off or be sweet to S/O he brings one of the rocks he has gathered. It’s usually some rock he’s found with an unique property. “Senku said this ones realllly strong! It reminded me of you!”
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Gen Asagiri
He’s probably the only one in the village who has some experience when it comes to romance. Even then, his experience isn’t that extensive. He’s probably had only a handful of under a year relationships.
Tries to act sauve with his S/O, but he’s usually a soft mess around them. He melts whenever his S/O gives him attention or compliments.
He can read his S/O like an open book. He always notices slight changes in his S/O’s behavior. If he approaches S/O and they don’t want to discuss it, he backs off. However, if it gets to a concerning point, he uses one of his tricks to get S/O to admit what’s up.
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Kinro always seems to be sure of himself, however he sometimes needs to hear someone say he’s doing his best. Validation gives him that extra boost on a bad day.
Wants affection, but doesn’t know how to ask for it. It’s painfully obvious about what he wants, however he just awkwardly stands near S/O until they catch a hint.
After he gets his glasses he’s afraid of what his S/O thinks about them. He doesn’t really wear his glasses until his S/O gives him a compliment relating to his them.
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A blubbering fool. I cannot stress this enough. He’s as obnoxious as one can get. His S/O deals with a lot of his crap. They’re his excuse with getting out of his responsibilities. Guard duty? Kinro gets an earful of excuses as to why Ginro can’t go. And you guessed it! They all deal with S/O.
Does not shut up about his S/O. It gets to the point where everyone, including S/O, wants him to be quiet. It’s all in good nature, but he needs to learn how to read the mood.
Besides being annoying a large percentage of the time, Ginro is a love struck puppy with S/O. If S/O asks nicely he wouldn’t mind dealing with his brother or even Kohaku!
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She’s a gorilla, but she’s S/O’s gorilla.
Is the softest with S/O, and everyone who knows her is shocked she can act like that. Bets have been made on whether or not she’ll snap at S/O. So far there’s been no sign of her snapping.
Loves to be the little spoon. When it’s just her and S/O, she wants to show her more vulnerable side towards them. Times like those are spent in the comfort of her bed.
If her S/O can physically handle it, she wants to train with them. She’ll push herself and S/O to the limit in hopes of becoming stronger. If not, she’s content with S/O cheering her on from the sidelines.
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drink-n-watch · 5 years
Did you know that president Nixon had a speech prepared just in case the Apollo mission went wrong? It’s a pretty good speech but in the context of history it becomes downright haunting. I tear up every time I read it. You can sort of feel the weight of history and the searing pain of hope behind the simple words. If your interested, it’s at the bottom of this article here.
As I watched this week’s episode of Dr. Stone, that speech kept coming to my mind. I am not ashamed to say, I teared up yet again.
There shall be spoilers and if you haven’t seen the episode, you should watch it first. It’s worth experiencing unspoiled.
What I thought Would Happen
As the last episode left us on a flashback cliffhanger, it was easy to guess where the story was going. A sort of Robinson Crusoe adventure for the surviving astronauts.
I figured we would have learned the the crew of the international space station reproduced (since all the villagers look so much like them), left some wisdom and tech behind then disappeared. Leaving their ultimate fates nebulous and maybe even allowing for the possibility of Byakuya still being around somehow.
I also thought they would sort of split up the flash back, giving us parallel scenes of Senku coming up with inventions and something similar having been done by his dad millennial earlier for the rest of the series. A sort of running theme, tying past and present together and showing us the cycle of humanity.
What Did Happen
What should have happened. The only way this story could have logically evolved. Simply, without magic and artifice. It was obvious really and it took me completely by surprise.
Despite some serious complications, the crew do manage to make it back to earth in one piece and even find an island but that’s where their luck ran out. Soon enough, they had to come to grasp with the fact that they were the only humans left and had to start from scratch.
Which they did, slowly. Creating new families in the process. But in a world without modern comforts or even ancient medicines, life expectancy isn’t what it used to be. Disease picked off some of them, and the harsh elements a few more. Constant fights against depression and despair left them exhausted. These were all people who became astronauts. All of them capable of fully grasping the full extent of the situation and not used to simply idly accepting things.
In time, the few remaining started to turn their sights to the future. With the likelihood of undoing the personification within his lifetime getting smaller every day, Byakuya writes the 100 tales, which are really technical guidelines to help humanity survive and evolve, dressed up as fables. And happily, he does manage to finish them before his own time comes. His very last tale directly addressing his son Senku, who’s survival he never once doubted.
With the flashback over, we catch up to Senku who takes a minute to process everything before returning to the village where Gen let’s us all know that it’s finally time for the kingdom of might to make their entrance.
 What About the Characters
There was no need to make me like the crew more. I already liked them all a lot. The episode gave us just enough to show that Shamil was a pretty good guy and Conni was vulnerable but doing her best. Yakov and Darya are prudent but unable to accept suffering of others. It wasn’t much in way of development really but it was just right. Just enough to make us care about these characters. Just enough to get the gut punched when Dr Stone decided to not sugar coat just how horrible their situation actually is. Just enough to miss them….
Once gain, Byakuya and Lillian took centre stage. Both of them were consistent to the people we had already gotten to know which is a great thing. Oddly, we found out that Byakuya and Senku are not blood relations, a fact that is insisted upon, but they sure could have fooled me. Senku is  so much like an impatient and immature version of his dad. I guess nurture really is important.
In a way, despite seeing very little of him throughout the episode, this week was probably the most character development we got for Senku so far. I’ve mentioned it before but Senku has been essentially a static character since episode one. He is well established and quirky but he hasn’t changed at all and we’ve seen nothing to make us think he ever will. Until this week.
The mournful and shaken young man asking to be alone by his father’s grave is not a Senku we’ve ever seen before. For a second there, he looked so lonely and somehow, small. Like the child he really is is this huge stone world. Like the boy who misses his dad. Of course he already knew. The second he realized his dad had not been petrified, he knew he’d be long gone 3700 years later. But he didn’t want to admit it to himself. He hadn’t quite assimilated it. How sentimental and illogical.
What I Liked
I might have been too subtle. I liked almost everything. I liked that the show didn’t shy away from some harsher realities but didn’t glorify pain or sink into melodrama in the least.
I liked that the narrative balanced plot and atmosphere enough to deliver emotional moments and still move quite a bit forward.
I really liked that the shuttle landed in water prompting Byakuya to offer to swim to their rescue, fully clothed. It was a call back to all that effort he had made to pass the astronaut test, which he had dome for the sake of Senku. It sort of ties everything together in such a neat way.
I think that Byakuya turning his knowledge into stories and legends that can easily be past down through generations and calling that his scientific gift to his son was both inspired and inspiring. I’ve made no secret of my respect for dedicated teachers and stuff like this really speaks to me.
The pacing of the episode was fantastic, punctuating the flashback with glimpses of the present to give the narrative a rhythm that made the story just flow naturally.
These 100 tales and the mystery of why the village was named after Senku has been a long time coming. It’s a puzzle that was dangled in front of the audience for weeks now and they could easily have botched it. In my opinion this reveal was just wonderfully executed. Not only was it not what I was expecting in the least, it was also genuinely touching to me and proof that the writers can create a measured and emotional story.
What I Liked Less
I’m really going to have to scrape the bottom of the ol brain barrel here, let’s see…
Lilian’s singing got a bit cheesy at some point but then they interrupted it with a pretty powerful moment so I was fine with it.
Oh, like I said, they insisted on telling us twice and in detail that Senku and Byakuya aren’t blood relations. The fact that they are so alike is fine, and sweet even. I do like that a lot. Father’s aren’t sperm donors. But why did they have to make their character models so physically similar? Senku is pretty unique looking, with his hair and eyes being the main distinctive features and Byakuya is visibly similar in both of those. The could have made them a bit more different in design without it being too obvious.
The fact that they are not blood relations is treated as a big reveal but I’m not sure why it matters. Or rather, I’m afraid it matters  only because the narrative is trying to avoid a future incest story line and well, that means romance.
Finally, this isn’t something I disliked, it’s just a mild worry. Tsukasa is bound to upset the group dynamic, especially if this means the return of Taiju and Yuzu. This worries me but this episode gives me hope.
Closing Thoughts
I don’t care what anyone says, I think this week’s episode was beautiful. I am so grateful that I didn’t let a couple of rocky episodes at the beginning discourage me. I have been having a great time with Dr Stone for months really, since the village arc started, and now this. Honestly, this episode would have been a worthy payoff even if the show hadn’t been consistently fun lately. As it is, it was a wonderful gift.
Mood: Delicately wistful
  Dr. Stone Episode 17 – Good Things Come… Did you know that president Nixon had a speech prepared just in case the Apollo mission went wrong?
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megacarapa · 3 years
What are your thoughts on the recent manga developements? Like the climax of the vs stanley arc and the suika mini arc etc, idk ive just been loving the recent chapters and wanna hear more talk about it and your rants so far have been really entertaining ^^
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WELL i did make an entire playlist based off those 3 suika chapters so i guess you could say i’ve been enjoying the current arc gfgfh. ok here are my VERY extended thoughts on the last 10ish chapters under the cut (manga spoilers obv) (LUCY DON’T READ THIS ONE FR) (also cw for like.. discussion of diseases and stuff tho i dont go too much into detail, i’m not an actual doctor obviously dfgdfg)
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this ended up being way longer than i expected so i tried breaking it into a few sections and adding images to make it easier on the eyes, i’ve really loved the south america arc as a whole but these last few chapters have been especially amazing
vs stanley climax
first of all, i gotta love how you called it the "vs stanley fight", and i mean, you're technically right since he is the antagonist of this arc, but it's interesting how they never have a direct faceoff with stanley, it's more like stanley and his troops attacking super one sidedly in a way the kos can't really fight against, so they use communication between their different teams to trap stanley & co in a situation they can't run away from and win in the long term
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i love that dr stone "fights" are most often won strategically rather than in a straight up 1v1 brawl, in fact those more standard fights are most often used as a way to keep the enemy at bay until senku & co can figure out a way to actually win, also it's just really cool that the team that delivered the final blow was thousands of miles away from where the actual fight was taking place, or even hundreds of thousands if you count whyman as the "person who delivered the final blow"
stanley theorizes at the end that the kos will probably keep his statue as a hostage to make xeno work for them on the rocket if he wants stanley back (lmao gay), but considering their track record of letting past enemies join the crew, i have a feeling we’ll have both xeno and stanley (and the rest of the americans) back rather than just xeno
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the only antagonist so far that hasn't been redeemed is ibara, who is just being kept as a stone statue somewhere, but you could tell that would be the case based on his design alone, he just screams *irredeemable villain*
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xeno and stanley, while antagonists, are also clearly designed to be likeable characters, so i don't see them getting the same treatment
the only problem would be keeping a constant watch over xeno to make sure he doesn't do any Side Projects™ and develop firearms again, but it could also be that xeno was actually convinced of senku’s philosophy in their last talk before the beam hit, so maybe he will be willing to help even without having stanley be a hostage, but i guess we’ll just wait and see
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as a side note, whyman periodically sending the petrification command was basically a chekhov's gun now that i think about it, so it makes sense in a meta way that a second worldwide petrification would happen, why establish it if it wont come into play later in the story? i actually felt kinda dumb for not seeing it coming fgdfg
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aftermath/suika chapters
the first strategy they had for defeating stanley was a good one, but it wouldn't really make for good storytelling if it just Worked and they won just like that, it would be pretty anticlimactic after running from him for almost 20 chapters, so it makes sense then that what they had to go with in the end was the same strategy, but on a much bigger scale
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suika being the one to be depetrified first and have to save everyone is also a good choice both thematically and to make sure the victory isn't too easy
having someone like senku or chrome who understands the platinum method to make revival fluid and then have it done in less than a day, or having suika simply find some extra revival fluid lying around like she was initially planning would, again, be anticlimactic, it would've lacked impact after everything they've been through
these 3 chapters also nicely bring back the theme of science not being exclusive to the “pros”, everyone can use it as long as they have the proper steps to follow, the most impressive example before this was the corn city crew managing to make a diamond by following senku’s instructions despite not having any scientists on board (and before that, gen and the villagers making a telescope)
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and now suika is even more impressive, being a literal child and all, even though she wasn't able to understand the more complex methods, there was still a way for her to succeed, all she needed was to be patient and diligently go at it step by step, i adore these 3 chapters and i love suika so much now it's insane
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suika being the one to get revived serves another purpose as well...
honestly, already around 188/189 i was starting to get really worried about how the story would handle the emotional aftermath
shonen jump manga has a tendency to just gloss over the psychological consequences of traumatic events (one moment i remember finding really frustrating was in bnha, when kirishima gets really fucked up during the overhaul arc but the next time we see him he’s just joking around about looking like a mummy because of all his bandages🙄), so i was worried they wouldn't treat the aftermath of an event like this with the gravity it deserves, (i think LITERALLY DYING could be considered a traumatic event but i'm no psychologist🤔)
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suika’s time alone shows a nice contrast to senku, while senku is definitely not emotionless, during his time alone before taiju was revived he is still very cool and collected, not showing any emotional weakness like the king of repression he is
suika is a whole different story, she’s a kid, she doesn't repress her emotions like senku does, so during her time alone she is scared and lonely, especially at the beginning, we see her breaking down into tears multiple times, imagining her friends statues talking to her, hugging kohaku’s statue for comfort etc
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this really provided the emotional catharsis i was hoping for, through suika, the audience is genuinely able to feel the gravity of what has happened
i do wish more of the older characters could be allowed to show emotional weakness like this, but i guess having suika serve as a proxy for everyone works well enough
on that note, senku was alone for only 6 months and even then its implied in treasure island that he may have a problem with loneliness
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suika on the other hand was alone for YEARS, i can only imagine how that affected her mental state, tho honestly i can't say i expect the story to delve into something like that too deeply (or at all) since this is a shonen manga after all.. 
i’ve seen some people interpreting hyoga’s resurrection in 197 as “they can revive somebody that died from an injury, but people will still die eventually due to old age”, but i don’t think that's really the case, people don’t just die from “old age” by itself, they die because their body slowly degrades over time, which makes it harder to fight against numerous diseases, one of which will eventually get you and kill you
but dr stone (aka the combination of medusa+revival fluid) can nullify that degradation and bring your body back into a healthy state, we’ve already seen this with kaseki on treasure island where senku explains that dr stone healed his arthritis, a disease which probably would have lead to his natural death sooner or later
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while we already know kaseki was in better shape than most people his age, it’s still surprising to see an old man like him jumping around so energetically, thats how much the restoration improved his health
we also know it healed mirai who was brain dead before being revived, so i think it's a pretty safe bet that it can heal other brain related diseases such as alzheimers
if so, then dr stone can heal injuries, diseases and even death as we’ve seen with hyoga, i think it’s pretty accurate of senku to say that humanity has gained immortality with it
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honestly this development has been a long time coming, the idea of dr stone being able to bring back the dead was introduced as early as the first arc when tsukasa killed senku but taiyuzu were able to bring him back, but it really does seem like such an out there concept so i’m interested to see how they will base it in science... (and also how they will handle the whole… moral dilemma of immortality but i ain't ready to even attempt to think abt any of that)
my favourite theory that has sprung up from this is that if people really can live forever thanks to dr stone, it could be that whyman is actually a normal human who has been continually petrifying and reviving themself to live for 3700 years
wat will happen nixt?
back when 196 came out it kinda dawned on me just how much the crew has been set back in the progress they've made so far that it was giving me anxiety for real gfgdfg
seven years have passed, and in that time a lot of the tools they've made must have degraded, along with that, everyone they've revived so far has been turned to stone once again, there was nobody to upkeep the wheat fields and sundial and basically everything they've left in japan, and after all this time even the perseus must be in bad shape and in need of repair, as chrome suggests
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how long will it take them to repair the ship? to repair all the tools they've lost? their original plan was to go around the world building cities where they can get all the materials to work on that rocket they’ll be making eventually, they already kinda started up corn city, but that has been out of commission for a while now, they were planning to build superalloy city in south america and have barely started on that
so they need to keep building these cities but also need to go back and revive everyone if they don't want their progress to go to waste, how will they go about this?? will they just tackle it one by one or split into teams, so one team can stay behind and work on superalloy city and the other can go back and revive everyone? who knows?? ryusui certainly made it sound way easier than how i've been imagining it dfgdfg
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other than that, i gotta wonder are the kingdom of science really the only humans left on earth now that there's been a second worldwide petrification, or has some other group revived somewhere during the timeskip, OR maybe there might be another group out there who also devised the revival formula and was able to escape the 2nd petrification, which would then give them 7 more years to develop while senku n co are just stuck in stone 🤔 dr stone has always had some human antagonist so i wonder who’s next now that xeno and stanley have been dealt with
honestly my favourite arc has always been age of exploration precisely because it doesn't have any human threat and the characters are just left to craft and work on rebuilding society without the pressure of a looming war or a crazy american hunting them down, so honestly i'm hoping we will get another arc like that now, i think the crew definitely deserves it dnjd
random bonus ramblings
-using poop and shells to create nitric acid and it being a process that would take a long time is something that has already been mentioned multiple times in the series, so it’s really cool to see it actually utilized in the story rather than being random throwaway info
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makes you wonder what other seemingly throwaway lines could actually be foreshadowing...
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-since joel managed to fix a medusa im very excited for him to be revived so we can learn how he did it and how the petrification works in the first place!! (and for joel and kaseki to finally meet in general)
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-drst has a habit of introducing a character in one arc and having them be Just kinda There for some time until they finally have their time to shine in a later arc, examples being minami and of course yuzuriha, so i'm wondering if the same will happen later on with some of the americans, charlotte seems like a good contender for this (the girl that suika saved in 185, i gotta wonder how she felt having to shoot down the people who saved her life)
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-on that note i feel like matsukaze also still hasn’t had his time to shine or contribute in any unique way yet (other than exposition gdvdj)
-i was also really liking dr brody as a character so i was kinda disappointed that he just blindly decided to kill everyone in corn city instead of talking and trying to come to an agreement w them like he has been up till then (though i guess it was necessary for the plot🙄), interested to see what they do with him as well
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-i wanna see stanxeno on screen makeout sesh 🙄!
-will senku not losing his petrification cracks be explained? if he still has them, will xeno, stanley, luna etc still have theirs too? (honestly i hope so, i don’t wanna have to stare at xeno’s big shiny forehead for the rest of the series gsdhgfd)
ok i feel like i've finally exhausted all the numerous thoughts i had sdfdfd thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble on for so long and congratulations if you've managed to make it til the end <3
in conclusion
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recentanimenews · 5 years
Dr. STONE's Most Unusual Hero in History
    From the very start of civilization, there have always been grand stories. Not only are they entertaining, but stories, specifically stories about great heroes, often show what is valued in that society. Heroes arise from a great need for something: to preserve the natural order, to tear down a corrupt system, to defeat a great evil. For a world of Dr. STONE where all of humanity has been petrified, what’s truly needed is a hero that rebuilds. Centuries have passed since humanity dominated the Earth, so what's needed is a hero with wit, in the form of Ishigami Senku.
  As we’ve found recently, the one who founded Ishigami Village was Senku’s adopted father, Byakuya. Even back then, Byakuya had full confidence that Senku wasn’t dead, and put in a lot of work to make sure that human civilization wouldn’t be completely wiped out. Considering that all of Byakuya’s efforts centered around making sure that Senku had some foundation to survive off once he revived, it’s safe to say that Senku is mankind’s hope. He is the chosen hero tasked with restarting mankind scientifically, the person that current society had been waiting for. At the same time, he's an interesting choice; he certainly has the scientific knowledge to get the job done, but he doesn't initially come off as the standard. He's not entirely personable at first glance, is fairly self-sufficient, and is at times a little too blunt. Not exactly the charming hero one would expect, but that isn't the end of Senku's obstacles.
  Naturally, Senku faces many trials the way traditional heroes would. His biggest adversities come in two forms: nature itself and Tsukasa. Tsukasa is in the purest sense, a kind of adversity, someone that threatens everything Senku is working towards. Tsukasa doesn’t hate Senku, but his ideology to create a world of the young, free of the problems of current society clashes directly with Senku’s want to revive the modern day in its entirety. His combat prowess, determination, and charisma makes for a formidable force. As for nature, nature has always been a great trial for mankind to overcome. From enduring the weather to harvesting acid, nature is impartial and dangerous when luck is against you. As someone without excellent physical abilities, Senku is definitely at a disadvantage when it comes to standing up against the two, at least not without prior preparation. 
Unlike many classic heroes, Senku doesn’t have unnatural strength, some sort of mystical gift, or had been personally selected by the divine to embark on his mission. In fact, there are no supernatural elements in the show, perhaps bar Senku’s intellect, but that’s not straightforwardly supernatural. He is repeatedly shown to be terrible at combat, or anything involving great physical labor.
  Senku isn’t the type of person to be slaying great beasts anytime soon, but something far more subtle. His greatest weapon isn’t a mystical sword or untapped access to power, but his keen memorization skills and knowledge of science. He is responsible for reviving science in a primitive society, using the very basics to create advanced tools in a world without mass production. Most of these are tools for other people to use, making Senku almost a mentor figure than someone that does the work himself. At the same time, it’s clear that absolutely none of these would be possible without his knowledge.
    There is also a steep price for Senku to pay if he does fail. It isn’t the loss of a kingdom, or a ruling structure, or even of humanity as a whole. However, is Senku does fail at his task or is killed, what’s at stake is a loss of knowledge. While it’s likely that someone else with scientific knowledge could be revived, where they would be in relation to Ishigami Village and when they’d revive are too vague to be left to chance. If nobody can be revived, how many centuries would have to pass before civilization manages to come close to what the modern day has to offer? If science is to be revived in the present, then Senku has to stick around. In that sense, Senku can’t be allowed to fail; despite these trials, he has to push through at all cost.
  Given that he must survive against all odds, it would make sense for Senku to take the easier path, but he doesn't. Beneath his callous demeanor, Senku has a surprisingly high sense of morality. Unlike his polar opposite Tsukasa, Senku isn’t really interested in creating a new civilization. He wants to the world before petrification, but not because he’s deemed that world morally righteous. He doesn’t seem intent on critiquing society as much as he is taking it as it comes. Senku doesn’t exactly idealize modern society, but he does idealize what society as a whole has created. Science is impartial, and to Senku and deep down, he likes people. If he had any reservations about humanity as a whole, he would have curbed his scientific development accordingly, but he didn't. Mankind may be good or bad or maybe something inbetween, but Senku above all has hope. Whatever he invents he truly believes will be of value, and that's enough for him to keep pushing forward.
  Sometimes mankind's savior is a gallant hero who knows what they're doing. Sometimes it's an absolute charismatic leader who can sway the masses to their side. Sometimes it's a kid who has a genius level knowledge of science and a plan to put it all into action. There are definitely plenty of obstacles ahead of Senku, and he still has yet to overcome Tsukasa's empire, but he will certainly keep facing forward. Underneath his sharp tongue is someone who has a deep sense of empathy, and combined with his talent, he's sure to do great things.
   What do you think of Senku? Let us know in the comments!
Noelle Ogawa is a contributor to Bubbleblabber and Cup of Moe. She can be found on Twitter @noelleogawa.
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Sacred Beasts 2 | Astra 2 - 3 | Given 1 - 2 | DanMachi II 1 | Demon Slayer 15 - 16 | Dr Stone 2 | Fruits Basket 14 | Cop Craft 2 - 3
Rolling out the tags soon.
Sacred Beasts 2
“Sissy” always pissed me off as a nickname for your sister. It’s clearly meant as a term of endearment in some cases, but it also is the equivalent of “wuss”, y’know???
I’ve seen mushroom soup out of a tin…that don’t look like mushroom soup in that case.
Uh, random question…she has th same surname as Will, but is Schaal herself adopted???
Y’should’ve followed Hank, Nancy…(is her name Nancy or Schaal? Schaal is her middle name, yet she seems more commonly referred to as Schaal…hmm.)
*sees synopsis* - No one mentioned Nancy’s hometown was called Livletwood Village…
I pause my shows a lot to get down these notes…then Crunchyroll or my internet (or both!) cursed me with regular buffering (that can sometimes play video and subs through it, but generally sets down a few seconds after unpausing and lasts for a minute) and made it a pain in the butt to make these notes. But you do realise I basically have notes for almost every show I’ve ever watched under this system? These notes are special to me, which is why I put up with the buffering. It also means impactful scenes lose their impact, meaning well-paced shows get favoured in my picking process on CR these days.
Astra 2
Yup, the 2nd time we talk about how to scavenge for food this season – gotta remember this…in case I ever get into a situation like that. You never know! (creates “The More You Know” star with hands)
I-awwwwwww…I never thought I’d see the day where the Luca Javelin would get animated, much less Astra as a series. Dang, is this a dream???
Eyyyyy. Nothing like endangering your little sister to really understand why you love her…much less understand that you love her in the first place. (partially sarcastic)
Given 1
This is my second rodeo with BL anime (I’ve only read one BL manga and it was pretty darn mediocre, but the one BL game I tried was okay)…hopefully it’s good.
Was there the ticking of a clock in the background???
…and cut to OP. Yay! I can predict when the OP happens now…(It only took me years of training…okay, I’m kidding.)
I think this OP is like a music video…and I think that’s the point.
Kaji??? Is this Eva (LOL)?
I’m no band person – I was merely a solo pianist in my time with music, although notably I did have to sing for one of the musical pieces – but “Thom Yorke” and “Keith Richards” sound familiar. Why???...Okay, so it seems Thom Yorke is part of Radiohead and Keith Richards is part of the Rolling Stones. I’m familiar with those bands by name, at least.
Lemme guess…this guy (Ritsuka) sucks at improv.
I had to go back and find out what Yayoi said a few lines ago…and  love her already because she’s like “You suck”…she’s just like me, to be honest.
Early husbando predictions say Haruki is my dude of the season.
Seeing manly dudes act like blushing schoolgirls is great…!
Yushiro-who???...Okay, Yushiro Ishihara is apparently that’s a singer that’s already passed away, but has a bit of a rep behind him.
Is it just me, or is Ritsuka basically a lesser Bakugo…?
Come to think of it, it would be hard for me to teach someone piano now that I haven’t properly played since the end of 2014…almost 5 years. Geesh, that’s a long time.
Welp, that was…actually pretty good. The only thing that sucks is that this ED isn’t rock, to go with the rest of the show.
DanMachi II 1
Another counterintuitive name for a sequel anime season…this is my last premiere before I wrap them up, or at least until Machikado Mazoku (or whatever) land on CR.
…and of course, it’s back to Big Boobies (aka Hestia). She’s probably the worst part of the show for me.
Why does Bell need an advisor anyway…? I never thought about it when watching s1.
Who’s this Naza-sama, anyway…?...Okay, it seems she’s a doctor from the Miach Familia. I don’t remember her from s1, really.
I’ve forgotten who Asfi is as well…Oh yeah, that blue-haired woman from the Hermes Famlia. Hermes seems like a bit of a loose cannon – the sort who wouldn’t have a Familia if given the chance – though.
I think we saw Freya in s1…just scheming behind the scenes…
Hermes looks like a sleazebag half the time he’s on screen…
I forgot how much I loved Miach’s character design in s1...and to a lesser extent, Takemikazuchi.
Demon Slayer 15
…Zenitsu is annoying again.
I didn’t think Tanjiro was scared of anything…excpt maybe losing Nezuko again.
Oh! I just realised Natagumo has a hint in its name…The “gumo” can be read “kumo”…as in cloud or spider, but it’s given with the kanji for spider so it can only be a spider-related problem on Mt Natagumo.
I’d hate to have Smellovision on this show…(What’s Smellovision, you ask??? Here, read up on it…at least, I was thinking of the Google variant, so read up on the Google version.)
Ukogi appears to be a type of plant known as eleutherococcus and ukogi rice is rice with ukogi leaves.
Dr Stone 2
Episode 3’s title is like “Weapons…of SCIENCE! *cue Bill Nye the Science Guy theme song*”
Ooh, nice angle! (on Senku and petrified!Yuzuriha being protected by Taiju…and not just because Yuzuriha’s butt is showing…)
“You can eat lion?” – No duh, Taiju!
“I want to give thanks to the circle of life…” – Sorry, but can I interrupt with a meme here? *cue ululations that ae meant to imitate the iconic song from The Lion King, y’know, the one that goes “Ahhhhhhh zee bun yah… (etc.)”*
Tsukasa’s frickin’ tall, man! Look at him tower over Taiju and Senku…
Having read the manga before, I just realised Tsukasa is mighty suspicious when he says Senku could be able to rebuild civilisation from scratch. That was harder to recognise in manga format though, I think.
I also didn’t realise, but the shell tale is talking about Tsukasa! Hmm…interesting.
Dr Stone’s ED…never in my life did I think it was going to be a rap song. Unless, of course, it’s a science rap…(There’s hydrogen and helium and lithium, berrylium…uh, I don’t remember the words after that…)
Oh, that next-ep font takes me back…it reminds me of the 90s, where terrible WordArt font like that was everywhere and I had to get by on Lucida Calligraphy.
Fruits Basket 14
Oh, crab meat…these CGI cars look absolutely terrible…
Pay attention to the relationship between Kyo and Kyoko…you people who don’t know about manga!Furuba are in for a real revelation on that front.
Wow, the effects on the flowers are really pretty for the ED…
Cop Craft 2
That OP is just so good…*swoon*
Well…they spelt “Unknown” wrong…on Kei’s phone.
Hmm…I think the insert song was in English.
Astra 3
Oh…something didn’t make sense. It turns out the word the subber is using is “attitude” when it should actually be altitude…
Given 2
Ooh, Haruki does coffee in the OP! I didn’t notice that, since I had to skip it…there’s some kinda suckish buffering on CR, which is why I have to skip as much as I can.
Welp, I’m a pianist. I’m as clueless as any other non-guitar player when it comes to guitars, so I don’t mind the lesson but also don’t need it.
Given this is a BL/yaoi (no pun intended), I think Akihiko and Haruki should pair up…but maybe I’m just going nuts with the shipper glasses here.
“You’re going to have to do something about that soon.”
Aye…I relate, Mafuyu. When you’re younger, you can beg your parents for money, but equipment, books etc. really costs some hard cash. I remember having to go to Hong Kong to find a pearl pink metronome on the cheap…the poor thing isn’t getting much use now. (But still, I think the more I watch and see Haruki in action, the more I like him. Not necessarily as a husbando, but more in the sense of that one cool dude you gravitate towards.)
It randomly cut to Salon Harusame…don’t tell me this is how Haruki gets his money???
I think the comment that said “lolol” actually had 超 in front of it, so that would be “super lololol” or, in my personal way of saying it, “major lololol”.
Oh, so that’s what was in the OP!
I swear Uesama (LOL) should just get a job as a guitar tutor to little kids…well, that would work if he were in college/uni, maybe.
Hey, a girl! Didn’t expect one in a BL work…(LOL, my standards are so low for BL/yaoi, eh?)
Hmm…I get the feeling amateurs get their hands on acoustic models instead. I know a guitar player, y’know (although again, that doesn’t mean I know the first thing about playing a guitar).
I love how the show turned green all of a sudden. The colours match the mood, basically.
Demon Slayer 16  
This episode’s titlecard only has a wave pattern…I probably know what the pattern is called, but I’ve…probably forgotten that name.
Hey, a Demon Slayer girl! (My standards seem to have been lowered in regards to seeing gals in leading or even supporting roles…It’s more acceptable for Demon Slayer, given its historical setting, but still, how sad it is to not see many girls…)
(TW: abuse) Why…for some reason, this feels like an abusive household, specifically where the father does evil things to the mother…but this time, the son’s part of the problem.
I find it funny Zenitsu just calls Inosuke “Wild Boar”. To be fair though, I don’t think Inosuke introduced himself to Zenitsu, way back when they were meant to.
This scene where Zenitsu is crying and has his back turned to the “camera”…they clearly used a CGI model for him.
It’s a BODY! Holy s(BLEEP)!
“Chu-Chu chuuuuun!” Oh my glob, Ukogi is so adorable~!
Hey…where was Ukogi hiding before he chose to come out again?
Another CGI model when Zenitsu walks away from the camera. It’s so dark, nobody can see Ukogi…I don’t think he has a CGI model and that’s good.
I had a weird thought, but…I think Tanjiro would be a good breakdancer, if he were living in 2019.
Inosuke, you did it! But I wonder if those stats are correct and Inosuke’s going to call his name properly at climactic moments…?
Cop Craft 3
Brother Kenny…you’re just lewd.
“…O or V or A.” – Aside from OVAs, hmm…O would be (CENSORED), V I don’t know about and A…I don’t know either, but I guess it’s (CENSORED).
Kei Manoba (sic).
Doreany seems to be humanity…Did they already introduce that? I forget.
This show looks pretty bad, but the story makes the stay worth it.
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