#so please just ignore the bigass hammer
zaynes-ocs · 11 months
Shortcake Sweetpaw
Species: Palico
Age: 12
Height: 3 ft (91 cm)
Pronouns: she/her
Orientation: lesbian
Helping others
Pretty much everything pawsitive
Bigots and the like
Character connections:
Jaxx Timberwood
Desmond Drake
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ssiggss · 3 years
I made a whole AU in my head yesterday and I'm debating whether or not to invest in it but chances are, knowing me, I'm gonna do it anyway-
Please ignore the absolute MESS that this is- it is completely disorganized 😭🖐
So basically I replaced the Arcane Order with my own OC I literally just made for this specific reason as the villain.
His name is Pyelan, (pronounced PIE-LAN) and he's an old god of peace- very powerful and ancient. However, he's grown corrupted and angry at humanity for the amount of needless war and death in their history.
He sees the pollution of Earth and the sickness, and takes it upon himself to fix it, having gone mad after the eons he spent alone.
The humans stopped worshipping him, that is why they have no peace, they've destroyed everything, in his mind the only option is to create a whole new Earth with a new species that would do better.
He seeks The Arcane Order, knowing who they are (having once been friends in ancient times) and means to have them open the genesis seals and wipe out humanity forever.
(I'm taking what Tobias said in the interrogation scene in ROTT and running- the bit abt The Arcane Order being the creators of everything.)
(Also, I like to think each of them had a hand in different species, Bellroc creating trolls and changelings, Skrael creating humans and goblins and Nari creating the animals of the Earth- with input from eachother of course. Though I'm still hammering out the details)
In this AU, The Arcane Order do not hate humanity, are more so disappointed and eager to fix the imbalance so humanity and all beings could return to their lives.
They understood his plight, but told him that because they created humans, they would find a way to restore balance without killing them off.
This throws him into a vengeful rage- could they not see that their humans have failed them? Could they not see the damage humanity has done to their planet?
If the gods who created this world were too stupid to see the truth and fix it themselves, then he would do it.
During an opportune moment, Pyelan steals Nari away and holds her hostage- this is where The Arcane Order enlists the help of their old friend's apprentice, Hisirdoux Casperan.
Douxie involves the Trollhunter and his merry band of armored children and various peoples, and there ensues many scenes of Bellroc and Skrael interacting with everyone.
So Pyelan pretends to be remorseful, tells them to meet them at the roundhouse to return Nari to them.
Obviously its a trick, but he still manages to gain control over all three of them and releases the titans- now its up to Jim and everyone else to save creation, and the creators.
Steve does NOT get pregnant but instead, the 'seventh kiss' is an engagement, meaning he would become king- a huge responsibility he's not sure he can fulfill. (Possible subplot about Steve gaining true confidence in himself and a tear-jerking scene where he looks up at the sky and hopes his mentor is proud of him after the final battle.)
Claire, Douxie, Archie, his father and Blinky still go to find the Khronosphere- it was Bellroc who told them to find it this time, their last words before they succumbed to Pyelan's mind control.
Archie chooses to stay with Douxie, there would be a heart wrenching scene where he and his father says quick goodbyes as the wall seals.
"Take care of eachother," he says, "I love you, son."
Varvatos still comes down in the bigass robot, but this time he has a co-pilot and its Zadra.
They actually manage to take Bellroc down, and Jim insists on going up and talking to Bellroc in hopes of breaking Pyelan's control.
"Is this what you truly want? C'mon!" he says as he battles against them upon crumbling molten rock. "You are who you make yourself, don't let him think for you!"
Bellroc is freed from Pyelan's control, discovers that they had been tricked by Pyelan and that Skrael and Nari were still in danger- they go ballistic.
Zoe's called in by Douxie to aid them, and she and Krel pair up as the designated tech nerds and they get a whole scene with some crazy cool akiridion tech/mechromancer wizard shit that frees Skrael from Pyelan's control- two down, one to go.
Claire is ofc a badass, portals Bellroc's titan to Arcadia and then shit really hits the fan.
In this AU, Toby and Steve fight alongside Jim against Pyelan, Strickler doesn't die but instead tends to a severely wounded Nomura with Barbara.
Pyelan uses Nari and her titan against the other two, Bellroc and Skrael are trying desperately to not hurt her too badly, but its not going so well.
Varvatos and Zadra's robot goes down against Pyelan, who ends up fighting Jim, Toby and Steve directly.
Instead of Toby dying, Jim sacrifices himself one last time as the Trollhunter, defeating Pyelan but taking himself along in the process.
This prompts everyone else to make a unanimous decision to use the Khronoshpere to save Jim.
The Trollhunter has saved countless lives, and now its their turn to save the Trollhunter.
Rewinding back to when Pyelan first set the trap for Bellroc and Skrael, they defeat him much much quicker this time.
Everyone knows what his next move will be as they all retained their memories, and Jim is safe.
The balance is slowly but surely fixing itself as time goes on, The Arcane Order are dedicated and often visit Arcadia to take breaks or to enlist help for certain missions.
Steve becomes king, ruling alongside Aja and later in their adulthood, they have children. (with much better designs)
Barbara and Strickler get married, and later so do Claire and Jim, and when I tell you that wedding was a sight to behold.
Toby is much more confident in himself, and is known all throughout Arcadia as a hero, The Trollhunters partner- Keeper of Peace.
"I'll do a much better job than the last guy, trust me."
All in all theres lots of things I gotta figure out for this AU, but its purely for self-indulgence because I can't stand the ending of ROTT. And also I was told all headcanons are canon now so I am doing what I must
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