#so maybe itll come up at a later date
raaaaaauhrawr · 2 months
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barredandromeda · 2 months
we locked in fr he just dont know it yet
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theosconfessions · 6 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here:)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here:)
river- and even though im not really..usually.that quick its easy to get swept up with you too
blake- is it? [blushes]
river- youre so red right now
blake- well you make me nervous
river- [smirks]
blake- so..if its easy to get swept up with me..do you ..maybe..want to go back to my place later? maybe?
river- hmm..like im way okay with the sex thing..like for sure.. i want to do that..but i dont htink i should be going to your place. at least not for a little while. i just know ill get there and itll be a thing and we're not even sure what this is yet, blake.
blake - right right. so we can fuck and date.but you dont trust yourself to not move in with me if you come see my place.
river- basically yeah.we're moving really fast and i just got out of a relationship so to keep this..you know..not a rebound..we need to slow down what we can
blake- and im so irrestible that you cant slow down on the intimacy.its just coming to my apartment.
river- bascially
blake-[grins] well shit i dont know if i should take that as a compliment or what.
river- a compliment id hope? i like being with you..near you...but..
blake- you like having other people around to cut into that?
river-sometimes if im honest...
blake- koay yeah no pressure. but your parents are not my biggest fans so i dont think theyre going to be so stoked with me spending some nights anymore. you know..now that they know.
river- who said anything about you spending the night?
blake- ohhhhh oh i see . take you out on some dates. serve you some d.. and then get the fuck out.
river- exaccctllyyyyy
blake- gooooo fuck yourself you dick. [laughs]
river- im just fucking with you .. you know i...
blake- i know you love me,man. you dont have to be scared to say it to me. we're still friends. youve always said it to me. the only difference now is im kinda aiming it to be more mushy sickening love one day.
river- maybe one day.
blake- one day.
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myloveforhergoeson · 1 month
wait actually thinking more about that follower gap post, what is the tasw universe btr fandom's feelings towards roxy? i guess we see a bit of it in the tour letters chapter, and hopefully more in big time contest? are they public at this point? is she, as a girl their age on the team, being shipped with any other member?
hi!! the answer to this is simultaneously simple and complicated. as usual i have a long answer for you!
in short: no, btr fandom doesn’t know more than she’s their touring guitarist and if they did some research they’d find her listed as the writer on many of their songs. james and roxy aren’t public and there’s a few reasons why! as far as the fandom is aware, she just works with the band. after carlos told her he loved her at that one show tho some people might think they’re cute together but more on that later
in long: ah! i’ve already tried to incorporate this in so many ways and i have not found a way i like quite yet. i’ve set many little things up - you are so right about the letters chapter! rox makes a comment about getting some boos when carlos kisses her because we all know what fandom typically does to women who date guys in boybands 😭 in roxy’s birthday chapter, she and james get stopped in santa monica and people start taking pictures of him and he throws his coat over her head and pulls her away from the pier because of some “media training” he said he got from gustavo. jo mentions the same thing happening to her while she was out with kendall before the pair were forcibly made public by her publicist (which is also briefly mentioned; skipped that ep bc i didn’t like the sneaker storyline sorry!) so there’s little crumbs im attempting to put in here and there i just can’t decide what to do with them. i thought about adding another section onto the minnesota chapter where roxy convinces her old boss to let her have her show again for a night where she can “interview” (read: fuck around with her boyfriend in the radio studio for four hours) james and he’d forget to turn his mic off before calling her babe or something and accidentally make their relationship public but 1) the chapter was already way too long and 2) like what do i do then. write an even longer chapter the next time around to fix what i wrote previously? i do not have the same time i used to when i started writing this to just get down like 20 pages a night LMAO. i loveeeee writing don’t get me wrong but it’s just hard for me currently and low interaction on original portions of the story are not very motivating. (but i’m not writing for the engagement don’t worry! it’s just a bonus!!!)
so yeah like it’s THERE it’s just not there.
besides. i want james and roxy to have a conversation about it too but i think he’s probably tweaking out about it bc of gustavo’s “training” and she would love to be public i just don’t think she understands what being in the spotlight really means and she doesn’t want to come off as too pushy because he hasn’t brought it up. neither of them really know what to expect from a public relationship with a public figure. but i mean. they’re out to their friends and stuff obviously! so maybe that might come back to bite them in the butt later idk. i have literally so many thoughts about this i promise itll be in there at some point i just don’t know when :)
i imagine at this point in time the band members each have like the lower end of a 60-100k follower count? i really have no basis for this though. i’ll have to give it some more thought!
tysm for your question eeee!! love seeing things tagged rames on my dash :) <3
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gabessquishytum · 1 year
hihihi its me the student-looking dream anon, i read your post about it and now i cant stop thinking about the whole situation between the two of them. like, dream def wouldnt want to just stop the whole charade out of nowhere, how would hob explain that to his students? to his colleagues? theres no way to politely tell them "my husband is essentially an immortal shapeshifter, he's actually billions of years my senior, and hes taken on a new look so we're the same age now haha. my bad". so maybe dream decides that for this version of hobs life until he fakes his death again, however many years that might be, he'll keep it up. and hes having fun
but after a while the students get used to it. the gossip's spread around and died out and students know that dr gadling's dating that goth twink 20 years younger than him, but that's old news. dream, of course, prince of stories king of nightmares queen of drama etc etc, may not be able to admit it aloud to other people, but was absolutely loving all of the attention he got from humans in hob's life because of it. strange looks and over personal questions would've been upsetting had they been directed towards Dream Of The Endless, but right now he's Morpheus, dr gadling's far younger partner, and he feels like he has a massive secret no one else is in on and man is he horny about it.
so, the attention comes and goes and now hes bored again. he considered switching their roles and having himself be the older partner for a while, but it wouldn't be as scandalous for a mid-30s university professor to date someone older than him (plus the above mentioned complexity of shapeshifting), so thats off the list. but then of course, he had overheard a few people ask if he ws hobs sugar baby, and wouldnt that be interesting?
so now whenever he visits hob during classes, he'll make a comment thanking him for the new clothes, for expensive jewelry, for having reservations to take him out to dinner later later that night, how could he ever show how grateful he is to be spoiled so much? and hob, of course, is just completely stunned, confused, intimidated, aroused, etc, the whole 9 yards. the students gossip some more, attention is on dream all over again, people cant decide whether they pity him or are jealous of him and he cant get enough of it. (he'd definitely make himself some expensive-looking designer adjacent clothes to flaunt, wearing a new elaborate outfit each day, so that to an unknowing human he's being absolutely lavished)
theres no telling how long itll take for the students on campus to forget about the whole ordeal and find something new to whisper about, but dream's already come up with a list of "sexual things to say in front of hob & students to keep things interesting", including but not limited to phrases that include words like "punishment" and "reward" and "discrete" and "really, while youre at work? well, if you say so"
-🖋 anon (is that used ?)
I'm so weak for a sugar daddy au, and somehow a fake sugar daddy au is even better 😂 I just absolutely love this, dear anon. And while I'm still recovering from 19 year old Tom Sturridge, I'm also imagining him decked out in the finest designer gear (plus accessories. new earrings every week). Hob doesn't even know where half the stuff comes from, he suspects that Dream is literally plucking it from the dreams of the designers before it's even been created. Occasionally Dream will do something particularly daring and attention grabbing (he memorably shows up to a lecture in YSL heels, and the entire student body has an absolute crisis). At this point Dream is now a Campus Celebrity (although nobody knows his name). He gets interviewed for campus TV when they have a "rate my outfit" kind of thing going on. He's meticulously goes through each part of his outfit and he's like "Oh, my boyfriend bought me this... and this too. I couldn't possibly show you what I'm wearing underneath. He wouldn't approve..."
The staff are choosing to ignore the whole thing, because no one can pin down Dream as a student at the university. Sure its morally dubious to date someone who looks like a teenager, but if it's not breaking any rules... so Dream has to up his game to get Hob’s colleagues to pay attention. He starts sending lewd pictures to Hob’s phone at inopportune moments, sidling up and whispering in his ear. Wraps his arms around Hob and glares at anyone who so much as smiles at him, as if to say - this one's mine, get your own.
And in the privacy of Hob’s office, Dream spends his time fucking his sugar daddy nice and hard, just as an extra remind that Dream is very much in charge.
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chaoxfix · 2 years
what do you imagine as the future for the series :0 (ie, where do you see sonic and the gang in ten or so years, in universe?)
fr ty for the ask! this took a while to write but im actually pretty happy with the end results for these guys.
still adventuring, still being a hero. i think he actively distances himself from large groups of people because he would hate being overly famous, and would instead really enjoy the allure of always finding new people and places to explore, and if everyone already knows him then it kind of loses the appeal.
i think any trauma he's been through kinda hits hard at 19 and he starts to struggle a little bit with the whole child/teen hero thing. i think when he turns like 21 he takes a "sabbatical" which is actually him getting semi-willingly sucked into another dimension and staying for a bit longer than he strictly needs to. this lasts for a few years and when he comes back he feels more like his old self, zest for life, etc, because everything is new and exciting again. he'd continue ramping up threat levels and the desire for new and exciting adventures, and would be down for idk, space exploration, saving other dimensions, etc.
something will eventually be too much for him, and im sure he'll never go gray, but i like the idea of sonic just living a long, jam-packed, exciting life. he loves his friends and will always come back home eventually, but he needs enrichment, ok, and his standards for enrichment are extremely high.
10 years later, or, by 25, i think he'll more or less have his shit together but in the most sonic way possible. he'd be a traveling mentor, or a hero-for-hire (not that he really gets paid per say), and is a mythic figure across the galaxy.
he may or may not discover romance but i dont think anything would stick, so he's in like 5 open relationships across like 3 dimensions -- if he's not aroace, which is an equally valid outcome.
appearance-wise, he would have an updated design that somehow feels fight as a linear progression from classic to modern to future, but i havent quite figured it out yet. probably a darker blue, maybe lighter eyes or a different color than before (yellower or something).
tails runs a successful business as miles prower. he's the literal stereotype of 'they want 10 years of experience by the time ur 18' ... hes the reason entry level jobs are disappearing /jk
i think he grows up to be a bit of an oddball because hes very unlike other tech moguls (because he has a heart and morals etc.......). i think he's always going to have a spirit of adventure in him, being basically raised by sonic and all. i think he'll probably feel very bored if he doesnt go on adventures and fight bad guys on his own/with team sonic.
i feel like tails will also grow into having his own nemeses, people that really dont mess with sonic but DO mess with tails (and sonic encourages it low key because he thinks its important for everyone to have a rival<3)
i feel like tails doesnt really focus on romance as an older teen. maybe someday itll happen, and i dont actually hc him as aroace as an adult, just as someone who doesnt really feel the need to start dating yet since, well, he's only 18 in 10 years anyway, thats still super young. but i feel like it'd have to be orchestrated by his friends, as tails honestly has better things to do.
i think hes also the most likely of everyone, despite being the youngest, to adopt a random child. hes already had pets before in some canons (t-pup!) and was raised by a super young older brother. if he sees a kid in need he'd probably take them under his wing.
i love tsaiko's tails appearance-wise, bc its super visually interesting! id also be down for a tails that grows into like, a slightly different color than he is now, since in some universes we already saw that he was a darker orange as a kit and now he's bright yellow, maybe he'll change to a redder color or a lighter yellow, or brighter orange. idk! i think he'd definitely start wearing goggles though, and keeping like a toolbelt type thing around his waist and shoulder strap. he likes to be prepared ok.
i think amy has her shit together as much as she can in 10 years. i think she'd be the most likely to go to school/university/etc of anyone on this list. i think she'd have like. a bunch of different things shes doing at once, and have that be a bit, that shes always doing some new thing. 'wheres amy?' 'at dance rehearsal.' 'wheres amy?' 'teaching her cooking class.' 'wheres amy?' 'fighting in a WWE tournament' etc. she just does it all. but in addition to all of that, i think the reason that she spends so much of her time learning new things is so that she can be helpful on missions, and always know that extra bit of trivia that might save someones life. she studies medicine a lot for that reason too. she continues to be the heart and moral compass of the team, and can still talk would-be antiheroes and villains down from evil. i think she takes a lot of counseling classes to basically weaponize this skill tbh.
she'd have an apartment in multiple major cities and also moves around a lot. she has a lot of tea parties. i think she still sees vanilla and cream regularly, on top of still being on team sonic as often as possible. she sometimes sees big the cat as well, who i think might also eventually attend university with her (environmental biologist big...)
i like the idea of her having a pretty mysterious love-life, too, but that counters with the idea of her just really adoring her partner, who is truly, just some person in this universe.
appearance-wise i think she's wearing her quills longer again, and wears a red romper and uses boxing gloves in addition to her hammer.
still on angel island for the most part. but i think tails would figure out teleportation and give knuckles a teleporter pad so he can come and go easier. maybe even a way to shrink the ME and carry it with him in case of emergencies (though thatd hilariously sink angel island, so... has to be a pretty damn big emergency)
unfortunately, the ME is supposed to be the most important to him, but knuckles lost focus and had a consensual workplace relationship (rouge)
no but fr theyre actually really cute together and have a shockingly healthy relationship even if its in no way normal. sometimes they fight on opposing sides, and knuckles always tries to have someone else swap with him so he doesnt have to fight his wife lol. for clarification, she's his wife, he's her boyfriend.
appearancewise i think he's more or less the same at 26. he sometimes wears a cowboy hat and brown leather jacket.
i think rouge would continue to be a thief and treasure hunter most of all. shes now 28 and works the occasional odd job with GUN, but GUN likes her far more than she likes them. they keep trying to get her to become like super high-ranked in GUN, despite everyone simultaneously knowing this would be a terrible idea. she's not even tempted and continues letting them fail and cackling when she hears about botched operations that they execute without her.
she dates knuckles off and on. mostly on, though she'll complain to shadow any time they're fighting and pretends it's a bigger argument than it actually was.
she also still runs club rouge and is a very successful businesswoman.
i think she also relatively looks the same, maybe a design that doesn't have so many cutesy hearts on it. i feel like she'd wear more like her SA1 design, or an updated one that's more like a snazzy purple and black jumpsuit, with intersecting lines that look a bit like the fractal cuts of a gem.
older but still young enough to fight. i think he has a health scare at some point and it scares sonic into paying him a hospital visit and telling him to take better care of himself or else, old man. eggman repays his flowers with an even bigger more exciting robot than usual to smash.
still looking for that DAMN fourth chaos emerald. fr though hes probably working at GUN off and on. sometimes sucked into adventures. he does his own thing and tends to remain a cool loner more or less. by then he'll probably have figured out how to continue existing without being a douchebag (like current mandates have steered him into being). i think he more or less stops aging at 25, which is when the frontal lobe is more or less cooked, so he'll look this old forever after this.
he lives at club rouge with rouge. he spends a lot of his time complaining about how often knuckles comes over.
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msm-tsotmw · 1 year
Another day on Cold Island. Toorie’s still getting used to the below-zero temperature, but asides from that—and her broken leg—we’re doing okay. I’m trying to take a look at the weird “critters” that roam this island, but Toorie keeps on picking them up and saying things to them like “awww the spibbly poinky doo” or whatever.
Anyways, Mondo’s trying to convince us to come to his snow-house where they live with his sister. Pretty sure it’s just so they can go home early, which we are NOT doing until after we’ve reached Celestial Island.
ik we cant go home until the adventures over i just wanted to see my sister
So , Mondo , You Said You And Your Sister Live In A Pile Of Snow , Right ?
…. Where Is It ? This Place Is Covered In Snow …
itll take some time but ill lead yall there
anyways pack ur shit cos were leavin and uh follow me
Okay ! And Please Watch Your Language . And Also Maybe Step Because I Heard It Rained Last Night
(The trio packs their shit and leaves.)
(After a few minutes of walking, the trio makes it to where the path they followed splits into 4.)
…So where do we go?
that way
where the really big tree is
Okay , Let’s Go Then !
(The trio passes the tree, and Mondo was right—it really IS big. Also really pretty.)
Wow , This Tree Is Really Pretty ! These Icicles Look Like Willow Tree Leaves , It’s So Beautiful !
yea :)
… Mondo , Why Are You Looking At Me Like That ?
uh nothin
lets just go
(The trio continues on their way to Mondo’s house. Toorie speeds on ahead, which is kind of surprising considering its broken leg, and Sprigg catches up to a very embarrassed Mondo.)
(…What the fuck was that, Mondo?)
(i dunno she just)
(looked really)
(ah fuck it)
(Looked really what?)
(dont tell toorie but i kinda have a crush on it)
(Excuse me, what?)
(i said i have a cru-)
What Are You Two Talking About Back There ?
nothing just uhh
…Mondo, I don’t even like sports. At all. Not after I was kicked around like a soccer ball.
uhhhhh celestials actually
did you know attmoz never brushed his hair in his entire life
Oh Wow , Is That True ?
…Mondo, you know DAMN FUCKING WELL that Attmoz actually cared a LOT for its hair. Vhamp even had to invent some kind of automatic hair-brushing machine for him.
he did
Yeah. Check your facts, smartass.
Oh , That’s Interesting ! I Never Knew The Celestials Would Care So Much About Their Looks .
I mean, why do you THINK Galvana looked so young despite being THOUSANDS of years old?
Uh , Immortality ?
(Sprigg faceleafs. Which is facepalming except there’s no hands and only some limb-like branch appendage on your head.)
No. Rejuvenating facial cream. Or maybe magic. Celestiologists are still debating that.
Ooh :0
Anyways , I’ll Just Keep Walking Now ! You Two Gonna Come And Catch Up ?
uh yeah
later maybe
(Toorie turns away, leaving Mondo and Sprigg back in their secret conversation.)
(sprigg i need help how do i tell her)
(Don’t ask me, I’ve never dated or loved a single Monster in my life. Besides, I’m aroace so I don’t plan on doing that kinda shit.)
(oh ok)
(You know, for a self-proclaimed “rizzler” or whatever the fuck that is, you’re pretty bad at flirting.)
(i wanna tell her but idk how and im scared shell reject me)
(Listen, a Monster THAT nice would never reject you. Plus, you and her are already pretty close friends, so it probably likes you back.)
(Don’t mention it.)
You Two Coming ?
yea wait up toors
This is… probably going to take a long time so I’ll stop writing here now.
i’m giving 9-year-old (past) me the PomPom x Mammott content she wanted 😇
-Mod Jimmy 🗣️
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possum-down · 1 year
Splat 3 DLC
prefice this by saying NON OF THIS IS CONFIRMED. this is mainly what I PERSONALLY would want to see in the splatoon 3 dlc, and is supported only by my own observations of in-game occurrences, nintendo stuff, and the occasional dream. if any of this does make it into the dlc, id be stoked, but i am also pretty bad at guessing so
What do we know so Far?
Very little! the only thing actual confirmations we have for the dlc is that it is coming, and that its gonna feature marina and pearl in some way as shown in splatoon 3 direct. we haven’t gotten any plot details, what new features it would bring, or even a release date.
if were comparing it to octo expansion, which came out a little under a year after splat 2′s release, we could very well see the dlc be released by august or september. on the other hand, depending on the size of the dlc, it could also take longer, but judging just from how nintendo likes to push out game releases, im guessing itll come sooner rather than later.
What are the biggest theories right know?
Concerning the dlc’s actual content, most have concluded it’s going to be focused on a world tour kinda event. This is hinted at most obviously through sunken scroll 22, which states that “After leaping from Inkopolis Square to the world stage, Off the Hook has found their new side project: performing vocals for a rising rock band as Damp Socks feat. Off the Hook!” the conclusion from this is that DSft.OTH is currently touring, and that the main protagonist of the DLC will get wrapped up in that some how. This is admittedly a very vague and non-solid premise, but seeing that we know OTH is probably going to be a big part of the DLC, its the best we have to go on.
Another more recent conclusion is that nintendo will be introducing a third playable race, in the form of cuttlings. @rassicas has made a post concerning the evidence here, so i won’t go to much into that, but it seems somewhat likely. knowing that nintendo really likes to push the theme of numbers in splatoon (all the references to the number 8 in octo expansion, three idols for splatoon 3, etc.) i don’t think it would be that much of a stretch to assume they would add a third playable race and finally add the last cephalapod species to the game (also would let them have a squid vs octopus vs cuttlefish splatfest)
What do I hope/think is gonna be in the DLC?
Personally, i think the world tour event is not only the most likely option, but also the most fun option. Similar to how the main story mode of splatoon 3 has different islands to explore as you move between kettles, i think having different music venues where you could explore little slices of the bigger splatoon world would be not only fun, but expand the in-game lore as well. It could give the splatoon team an excuse to show diffrent places weve heard about (calamari county, the northern land the bottom feeders come from, etc), without having to model something as big as the squares.
the only argument i can see against this is “how would an antagonist fit into this” and the thing is, i don’t really think there needs to be an antagonist. or rather, i don’t think there needs to be a big bad antagonist. we have already had a world-threatening baddie in the form of mr. grizz, and im hoping that nintendo doesn’t try and push such a serious plot twice, even if it is a dlc. i think an antagonist in the form of a rival band maybe, or some mysterious occurrences that keep trying to ruin pearl and marinas concerts would be a much more believable (and fun) enemy to fight rather than another commander tartar. the reason people loved octo expansion so much was because it stood out from the base game and gave players new lore on the characters they loved. the splat 3 dlc could do the same, by focusing on untapped aspects like the splatbands rather than trying to create the world-defying mission octo expansion had
Speaking of the bands, i do find it interesting that nintendo recently localized the splatbands as well. Splatbands have been around since splatoon 1, but only were localized now to english and given americanized names. along with having harmony/paruko suddenly showing up as a shopkeep, i am hoping this is signaling that the splatbands are gonna play a larger role in the actual games. I don’t think nintendo is going to go as far as to model everyone, BUT i do think it could have the potential to be the collectable item/lore in the dlc. instead of getting sunken scrolls/mem cakes from completing diffrent levels, i think band merch would be a much cooler collectible that also ties into the world tour theme. having a diffrent opening band at each location that you could then collect merch of would give an excuse to finally flesh out the splatbands in game and present the lore to a wider player base.
i think the splatband localization could also tie in a different way however. walking around the square, i find this building next to man-o-wardrobe crush station weird.
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its just stand out from the other non-enterable buildings, being so prominently placed next to two other shops, and also looking like its closed off for renovations. why have this building right next to the other two on the strip?
it could be possibly hinting at another store. while i did struggle to think about what else the game could possibly sell the player, i saw a post that presented the idea of a music store where you could buy cd/vinyls to pick which songs play during your turf and anarchy battles (i cannot find the post, but when i do i’ll link it here). i think this would be a great choice for a dlc shop, since picking the songs played during battles isn’t a game changer like new clothes or weapons, and rather works more as a quality of life improvement. and again, this could offer a way to give more splatbands lore in-game, with either descriptions or fun facts given when you purchase a cd like the op proposed.
tldr: i think the dlc is gonna be a world tour that focuses on the splatbands and introduces cuttlings as the new playable species whatever the dlc does turn out to be, i really hope it’ll be fun. it does have some high expectations to live up too seeing as how well octo expansion was recieved, but im hoping it'll do what splatoon does best: release some new banging tunes, and hint at gay cephalapods
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cyhaitham · 2 years
ok so basicy it atarts with pinkie walking jnto rhe caroseul bourique looking sad mane deflated qnd she plops flat onto the fooor on her stomach qnd sighs. and rarity is like oh pinkie my dear! is something the matter? and pinkie is like oh.. well.. and starts talkinf abt how she feels like nopony takes her seriously and that shes annoying etc and rarity is like oh pinkie and comforts her and talks abt her own issues with rsd like that qnd rari nuzzles her cheek and pinkies mane pops back and she leaps into rhe air and js like i jist realized sonething. I have to go and rarity is like oh pinkie wont you- oh. xe's gone. and then pinkie rushes to the castle of frienship banging on the door screaming for twilight before just going in and she SLAMS right into twi in the hallway who was carrying some papers qnd the collosion made her magic lose focus so she dropped all of them and shes like pinkie! and shes like oh oh sorry twi as twi starts picking it up and shes like sigh its fine what do u need and pinkies like I. UH. WELL. JUSY GATHER THE GIRLS HERE OK MINUS RARITY THERE IS NO TIMENTONDXPLAIN GET RAJNBOW AND FLUTTERSGY QND APPLEJACK QUICK qnd pinkie jist disappears again and twilight is like what and the next panel is them all in the cutie map room and twilight js like Ok. were here can u explain why and most importantly why rarity cant be here and pinkie takes a deeeeep breath qnd is like BCEYASE i love HERand everyones like o_o and pinkie exhales qnd goes back to normal volume qnd is like qnd i need your helpto plan a party where i xan tell her that and applejacks is like thags mighty sweet pinkie but why do we need a party for that cant ya just tell er that yourself and pinkies like well... im never good qt just saying those things but maybe ill be confident in a party setting we can tell rarity irs an qppreaction larty for her which i guess it sort of will be but itll also be a COVER too so i have the coursge to tell her my feelings and rd flies over and is like thisis cool pinkie but what if you do all this qnd she doesnt feel the same way qnd pinkies like HUH? I HADNT EVEN CONSID3RED THAT. and she starts hypervenitaling and then just starts running in circles so fast she becomes a blur and ajs like well now look what you went qnd did rwinbow now shes a pinkienado! and rds like whoops and aj asks twi for some rope and lassos pinkie and goes over to her qnd j forgot the speech she gave her. uhm she xalms pinkie down and they get to planning then it cuts to twi and pinkie in the town sqaure with the rest of rhe girls with the oarty being nesrly finished setting up and rd flies in and twis like rainbow! hows it going with raroty and shes like fine i guess r u guys qlmost done cause i cant handle any more girly fun! ive had two spa treatments and i think my coats so shiny it might blind someone and twi giggles qnd is like yeah we're done bring her down and rd flies off and everyone gets into position and then rd comes q a blindfolded rarity they surprise her they start partying etc then jt cuts to later in the party and twi walls over to pinkie n is like its almost time pinkie u ok and sbes like NO IM SO NERVOUS TWILIFHT WHAT DO I DO *SHAKES HER* and twi gices her a speech mthen pinkie goes on the stage and starts talking abt rarity then calls her up and bulls a bouqet of roses out of her mane and hands them to her and then confesses her feelimgs and asks if shed let her take her on a date and shell make sure irs thebgreatest most wondefful super duperest romantic romance date ever and raritys like oh my.. of xourse i will pinkie qnd then it cuts to twi for q second whise horn glows then goes back to twi and pinkie, pinkie js now wearing a suit and rarity a pretty dress and pi kies like well then may i have this dwnce and eztends her hoove and rarity takes it then pinkie takes one of the roses and tucks it behind raritys ear. Ok. Do u inderstabdm
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Idk what to do
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking and looking back on the past. A year into our relationship you asked me what my dream proposal was. 3 years in you talked with a stranger talking about getting engaged. Later you said you didn’t want to get engaged until you lived with someone for at least a year, by August itll be 3 years. I’ve asked you about getting engaged again recently since I wanted to make sure we were on the same page of wanting to get married at the right time. You said how rings are expensive and how he needs to save, I told him I didn’t want an expensive ring at all and that I’ve seen a ring I fell in love with that is literally so inexpensive since I don’t want a diamond ring. He got upset, went to his sock drawer and threw a box at me. Told me to open it. Inside were two rings from his grandmother that he said he was saying to have them smelted into something I would like. Then he got upset for even showing me the rings and blamed it on him being fucked up and asked if I could forget it. Before we lived together we’d talk on the phone for hours, you’d send me texts throughout the day. Now I’m lucky if I get a text at all. When we were together, we snuggle all the time. Now I beg you to hold me and you just laugh and say I’m being too needy. I get no after care after intimacy. You want me to move across the country with you and yet things are so vastly different then they were before. It’s been almost 7 years of course there’s growing pains, our dynamic would surely change as we do. But the changes are drastic. I’ve been asking you questions lately- are you still attracted to me?you said I was being dramatic and said yes. Do you love me? “I don’t show it?” What’s your love language ? “what are you even saying? Why ask me this when I’m fucked up” I hurt my back last week and couldn’t move too great for a few days. you brought up my weight.. and everything I did to hurt my back was stuff around the house. “I’m a piece of shit. I don’t help out enough” something I hear so frequently but there’s never an action for it. Imagine being home for a three day weekend and the most you do is go pick up beer and more cigarettes. Meanwhile if I’m on a day off I have to clean, and cook since if I don’t no one else sure as fuck won’t.
Last night you came home and drank two 6 packs of beer by yourself and smoked your weed. Getting yourself fucked up on a Wednesday when you have work in the morning. I woke up on my day off to you throwing up (hung over) when you came to the bedroom I asked if there was something going on and if you were okay since.. who tf does this shit when they have to be at work at 6am the next morning.
You yelled at me saying “yes giving someone a lecture when they’re hungover is exactly what you should do”
I told you again that I’m just asking for your well-being like what’s going on.
“I’ve had this my whole life” with sarcasm and attitude. As you finished getting ready and left for the day.
You need fucking help.
I don’t want to be with someone that gets fucked up alone on a weekday. Knowing it’s not healthy. Not wanting to talk about anything.
I don’t want to be with someone whose words and actions just lead me feeling insecure in our relationship when I constantly pour love into them with words, acts of service and touches.
I don’t want to be with someone who takes out their anger and anxieties on me for the whole duration of a “vacation”
I don’t want someone who gets mad at me for talking to their family and casually mentioning your drinking. Since you said you know it’s unhealthy and embarrassing.. if you really thought that maybe cut down.
I don’t want someone who doesn’t say anything anymore when I do do my makeup or hair.
I don’t want someone who makes getting dressed pointless since Ik we’re not going anywhere anyways.
I ask to go on dates and you say yeah yeah and the day comes and you don’t want to leave the bed. Or how I make plans with you and you don’t want to do any of it. Won’t consider it for shit. I get excited about plans that just go to shit immediately
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blurglesmurfklaine · 4 years
Do you ever love an album so much you want to write an entire fic centered around it?
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actualbird · 2 years
n/s//f///w text and crossposted from a long thread i made on twitter this morning HAHA
i think vyn should be a size queen also i made up a full plot for vyn/artem smut but artem is the one fucking vyn cuz god, why havent i seen that iteration in vyntem fic yet, understndable but listen listen
wc: 948
ok so the nxx team go on team building grp vacay at a (pax owned ofc) beach resort, dont think about it too much, i just want a beach setting. and vyn just so happened to learn that artem wing is hung as fuck.
tho How is smthng im still on the fence with. but funniest route in my brain is that marius accidentally walked in on artem changing and was like "yo, huge dick, dude! //thumbs up" and artem screams and throws him out and marius proceeds to tell the rest of the team "yo, artem has a huge dick! //thumbs up" which piques vyn's interest.
and vyn is Not a shallow person, thank you very much. he just enjoys indulgence. he indulges in the not-so-simple pleasures of life like french pastries and getting railed to the high heavens.
this + the fact that his an artem's relationship is Certainly Hurtling Towards Something (theyre not yet dating, not even in the GENERAL SPHERE OF ANYWHERE NEAR THAT, their snappy tension at each other is just getting way more heated. like a plot, every interaction thickens like a soup. a sexy soup) results in vyn making the decision to embark on a Seduction.
and he makes a Plan. he Planned this. he is gonna be subtle and coy and it's very strategic, u see. in typical vyn fashion, he is going about this with the goal of having the upper hand the entire time by orchestrating many scenes that Just so happen to have vyn lounging around Wet in the general proximity of artem who has eyes.
and for all that artem is a dolt when it comes to reading the room or reading between the lines, vyn employs that Clear Forwardness thats still skirting the edges, the BECKONING VIBES OF IT ALL.
tho unlike how he does that w mc, vyn is still, deep down, an asshole towards artem. mutual asshole-ry. that doesnt magically change cuz vyn wants artem's kickstand dick.
itll be like
"artem, whatever are you standing around there for lost in thought? too uptight to enjoy urself, heh?"
or "artem, make urself useful for once, i cannot reach this part between my shoulders to apply sunscreen" with a well placed soft moan when artem presses down on the skin there
aka flirting thats just this bizarre mix of LOOK IM SO FUCKABLE and also I STILL DONT LIKE U.
vyn is going to examine this later w his audio recorder to unpack the contradiction of his desire and supposed dislike, but feelings later, fucking NOW.
(meanwhile, a few feet away on the beach where vyn and artem are doing whatever the hell this is, 3 ppl watch...
luke: this...is excruciating
marius: it's takinG FOREVER
mc: HUSH, let em do their intricate rituals)
anyway, vyn expects all this to percolate with artem stiffly and shyly approaching him eventually. and then vyn can work his magic of "oh if you are so high strung lately, i ~suppose~ there is a solution that helps both of us" and artem gets to fuck away all the tension vyn has been purposefully stoking, and vyn gets to enjoy seeing and feeling however goddamn huge artem's cock is.
a perfect plan, everything carefully built up to have an inevitable conclusion
but vyn miscalculated just how much he had affected artem
vyn was banking on artem's repression shtick making him desperate yet easy to handle. that is not what happens. artem does Not shyly approach vyn, he loudly knocks on the door of vyn's hotel room to confront vyn about What The Fuck All This Is and vyn opens the door is only in a towel cuz hes committing to the bit
and artem just snaps.
the bedrock of animosity of their general relationship combined with vyn OBVIOUSLY playing around with him this whole week combined with a dash Maybe Actually Feelings That Means Artem Is Into Vyn As Well, More Than Just Attracted To Him But Also Truly Into Him As A Person (artem is confounded about this, make no mistake about that) heightening everything means that artem, for all his inexperience driven hesitation, just
throws vyn onto the bed
vyn, alarmed and SO turned on but trying to get ahold of the situation again: well, seems i was right. all it took were a handful of tame displays you probably saw as obscene, this was all according to my plan---
artem, on top of vyn: Stop. Talking.
vyn, feeling artem's erection pressed against him and Wow, That's A Huge Fucking Dick: //stops talking
(meanwhile, in the neighboring room while thuds against the wall from vyntem room start happening, mcmarluke plays bingo
marius: eyy ticked off "headboard hitting the wall"
luke: none of us have a square for artem growing a spine tho, didnt expect that
mc: sounds like vyn didnt either)
anyhoo, vyn gets railed. eventually, his front of All This Going According To Plan shatters cuz while artem is going at this for the first time, big dick still goes a long way (literally, like, it reaches deep and vyn loves it) and then maybe some feelings talk happens during afterglow and a soft armistice on hating each other is drawn, which then can lead into a date maybe with some semblance of romance
the end <3
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hockeyisit · 3 years
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Summary: Auston and Amelia celebrate the twins fifth birthday. 
A.N: Hope you enjoy! More notes at the end.
Word Count: 5,405
I felt a soft foot kick me in the stomach as I felt tiny hands reaching out and grabbing onto my arm.
“Shh,” I heard Noah whisper. I peeked an eye open to see Noah pushing Kai down in between me and him. Another small leg kicking me in the stomach. I looked over their heads to take a look at Auston. He had a slight smirk on his face as he lazily grinned at the boys.
“Don’t wake Mama,” Noah whispered, pushing down in between Auston and Kai.
“Yeah don’t wake Mama,” Auston grumbled as he wrapped his arm around them pulling them in tight. Noah let out a loud squeal as he leaned into the touch.
“Papi, it's our birthday,” Kai grinned as he sat up.
“Were five,” Noah cheered.
“I know buds happy birthday,” Auston smiled as he reached out to ruffle Noah’s hair because he was closest to Auston.
“Are we going to have cake?” Noah asked sitting up on the bed causing it to shake.
“Of course bud. Now maybe we should get out of bed and let Mama sleep a bit more,” Auston told them as he helped them off the bed. Auston shuffled them to the door before turning back to me.
“Get a bit more rest and then come down when you're ready,” Auston called out. I nodded in affirmative as I buried myself deeper into my blanket. It was the twins fifth birthday and I couldn't believe how much they had grown. I wanted to get ready so that I could go down and join them but truthfully I hadn't been feeling all too well lately. I laid in bed for another ten minutes as I felt waves of nausea come by but never felt the need to get up.
When I was finally starting to feel a little better I pulled myself out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth and go pee. Once I was done I made my way down the stairs to hear my three boys cooking in the kitchen.
“Hmm smells nice in here,” I smiled as I walked over to Auston placing a quick kiss on his lips. The boys noticed calling out “ew” as they watched. I turned around with an evil smirk as I made my way over to them.
“Hi babies happy birthday,” I grinned, kneeling in front of them and reaching forward to place a kiss on both of their cheeks. This was one of the twins' first birthdays where we didn’t already have plans. Auston and I had decided that we would ask the twins what they wanted to do and decide from there.
“I want to go to a baseball game!” Kai said right away. Auston and I shared a quick look.
“No. Skate!” Noah denied as he took a bite of his pancakes that were in front of him.
“Don’t eat with your mouth open,” Auston scolded Noah as he turned the stove off. Noah’s mouth immediately snapped shut.
“Can we get a cat?” Kai asked for almost the fifth time in the last week. I looked up to share a look with Auston. We had been talking a lot about it ever since he started asking. We weren't sure at first because neither Auston or myself had ever had a cat before. We were also nervous about the idea of Felix not liking a cat in the home.
“Honey I’m not sure that’s such a good idea. We have Felix,” I told him as I placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Pleasee Charlie has Zues and a cat,” he pointed out as he glanced over to Auston.
“Well that’s true but getting another pet is a big responsibility and cats are very different from dogs,” A look of annoyance crossed Kai’s face for a quick second before relaxing again.
“I know Mama. I asked Charlie all about it. I can do it,” he reassured reaching out to grab my cheeks in his hand.
“I promise,” he said. I let out a small laugh as I reached up to tap his chin.
“I know bud,” I glanced up to look at Auston who was staring at us with a face of wonder.
“Papi can I have more bacon?” Noah asked looking over his chair to look at Auston.
“Yeah,” Auston slipped some bacon onto Noah's plate. When he was done he hovered for a moment before giving me the go ahead.
“Well if your sure that you can take care of a cat then we can go look to the shelter today,” I reached out and gave his shoulder a squeeze. He beamed at me as he hopped out of his seat.
“No way,” he exclaimed jumping up and down. Auston and I let out a laugh as we watched him.
“Way,” Auston teased reaching out to pat Kai on the back. Kai beamed up at Auston before wrapping his small arms around Austons legs. He pulled away and looked at Noah.
“C’mon Noah we have to get ready so we can get a cat,” Kai grabbed Noahs arm and started pulling on it.
“Kai, I’m eating,” Noah whined not moving from his position at the table.
“No we have to get ready so we can leave,” Kai insisted pulling harder. I sent Auston a worried glance as I noticed Noah getting annoyed.
“Kai how about you and I go get ready before Mama and Noah,” Auston suggested as he walked over to put the empty pan in the sink. Kai looked away from Noah to Auston as he let go of Noah.
“Okay Papi,” the two of them made their way out of the kitchen leaving me and Noah. I took a bite of my pancake as I waited out Noah. Out of Kai and Noah, Noah tended to act more like Auston while Kai was more similar to me.
“Mama,” Noah said after a moment. I smiled as I looked away from my food to him.
“Yeah baby?” I asked. He sat still for a moment before he shifted on his seat slightly.
“I really want to skate today,” he mumbled glancing away to look at his food again. I felt my heart ache at the sad tone to his statement.
“We can make that happen,” I told him as I pushed my plate further in front of me.
“Really?” he asked excitedly as he looked up from his food. I gave him a soft nod, his smile grew as he stood up from his chair.
“I’ll go get ready,” he exlcalimed before making his way out of the kitchen and up the stairs. I let out a soft sigh as I started picking all the dishes up. Once I had everything in the dishwasher I made my way upstairs to out bedroom.
“Noah wants to skate and I think we should do that first,” I told Auston as I entered our bedroom, he was just hopping out of the shower and had a towel tied around his waste. Auston gave a small nod as he walked further into the room.
“Are we really about to get a cat?” Auston asked once he was in the closet. I let out a sigh as I laid down on the bed.
“I guess.” Auston was quiet for a moment as he dressed himself. He walked out of the closet and over to the bed. He sat next to me wrapping his arm around me.
“I know nothing about cats,” Auston mumbled as he leaned his face into my neck.
“My freshman year roommate had a cat in our dorm. It was really gross to be honest. The litter box was really messy and smelled really bad. She never cleaned it though so but the cat liked me more then her. Also the wet food smelled terrible,” I ranted as I remembered the horrible time I lived in the dorm with a random roommate with a cat. Our room had smelled like the zoo always, I had spent most of that year spending time at my abusive exes because of how bad our room smelled.
“I read though that you can keep the litter box anywhere and we just have to make sure to clean up the poop which we do for Felix anyway. Now itll just force us to be more on top of cleaning that up inside and outside. I’m afraid of Felix being uncomfortable though,” I told Auston as I rubbed my hand up and down his arm.
“I asked Mitch about it he said he brought Zues with so they met before hand,” he mumbled as he pressed a kiss to my neck.
“Okay so will go skate somewhere and then come back then go to the shelter,” I listed as I pushed him away gently. He stared down at me with lust in his eyes.
“Okay,” he said. I pushed myself up from the bed. I needed to get dressed and ready.
“Papi can you help me” Kai called out as he tried to get his laces tied. When Noah and Kai were ready to play sports we got them involved in everything. They both picked out a favorite real quickly. Noah loved hockey and Kai loved baseball, they both tolerated the other sport but they had favorites.
“Mama are we going to see Charlie today?” Noah asked as he laced up his skates the best he could.
“I don’t know sweetie,” I told him as I kneeled in front of him to check on his laces. I helped him up from the bench once I was done. He grinned as he stood up.
“I’m ready,” he grinned as he made his way over to the ice. I followed closely behind, Auston and Kai were still sitting on the bench. I stepped out onto the ice before Noah. I steddied myself before turning to face Noah. At first when Auston and I had started dating I wasn’t all the great at skating. I had gotten better over the time that I had known Auston.
“Mama can we play hockey,” Noah questioned as we skated around the ice. I let out a soft laugh.
“I don’t have any hockey stuff baby,” I reached out and ruffled his hair. He huffed letting go of my hand to stop.
“Papi,” Noah called out as he truend around. Auston glanced up from Kai as the two stepped onto the ice.
“Yeah bud?” Auston asked as he held on to Kai’s hand. Kai was not very stedy on skates as Noah was.
“Can we play hockey?” he asked racing over to Auston and stopping right in front of him. My jaw dropped slightly at how well he was skating for five years old. Auston glanced over at me as he sent me a questioning look. I gave Auston a nod as I skated over to them reaching out for Kai to grab onto my arm.
Noah and Auston started playing some hockey on one side of the ice while Kai and I stayed in the safety of the other side. Kai let out a loud giggle as he watched Noah and Auston play.
“Mama, I want to go sit on the bench,” Kai said moments later as he got tired of skating. I quickly led us in the direction of the bench. We both sat down and watched Auston and Noah goof around.
“Mama, how much longer?” Kai asked as he tried to get more comfortable in his carseat.
“Not to long sweetie,” I reassured as I turned the music up just a little bit. After we were done skating we had stopped by and picked up Felix, we were now on our way to the foster home for kittens. Auston pulled up to the foster house and then put the car in park.
“I want a brown cat,” Kai said as he pulled his blanket up to his chin.
“Oh do you bud?” I asked with a small laugh. He gave a big nod as he stretched out. We had only been driving for thirty minutes. Felix sat up from where he was laying on the ground of the car. We both hopped out of the car and made our way to the back. I helped Kai out while Auston woke Noah up. When we were all out of the car we made our way to the front door. Auston was carrying a sleepy Noah but he reached out to ring the doorbel. Moments later the door was being pulled open and we came face to face with an older woman.
“Hi Lucy, I’m Amelia this is my husband Auston,” I smiled holding my hand out. She gave me a soft smile as she reached out to shake my hand.
“Come in, come in. Barney is getting all the kittens together right now,” she grinned as she let us into the house. My nose scrunched up at the smell slightly and causing a wave of nausea to flare up, I immediately got it under control. I grabbed onto Kai’s hand leading him into the house. Lucy lead us down to the basement where there was a group of small kittens laying down within a fence.
“We brought our dog, Felix,” I told Lucy as I helped Kai inside the fence. She nodded her head.
“Good that’ll be helpful to picking out what cat to get,” she told us as she handed a bag of treats to us.
“Why dont you go get him now,” she said turning to face Auston. He quickly nodded handing the sleepy Noah over to me. I held on to him tightly as Auston left the room. Noah let out a sigh as he snuggled closer.
“Mama look at this one,” Kai sighed as he held up a small brown kitten to me. I gave him a small smile as I reached out to pet the cat.
“That is Leo,” Lucy said as she handed a treat to Kai so he could give it to the cats.
“He might not be the best fit with a dog,” she trailed off looking at me. I nodded my head as I turned to face Kai.
“Who’s this?” I asked him as I picked up the cat that was sitting in his lap. He looked away from leo to the cat in his lap. He smiled softly as he looked down at the cat that was in his lap.
“That’s Shelia,” Lucy smiled as she reached out to push one of the cats into the pen. Kai let out a soft smile as he ran his hand through her fur. She cuddled up further into Kai. I let out a soft grin as I took the two of them in. They were so perfect.
“Alright here’s Felix,” Auston grinned as he made his way into the room with Felix. Noah stirred in my arms before asking me to let him down. I listened to him setting him next to Kai. Auston walked up next to me and wrapped his arm around my waist pulling me in. Felix started sniffing at the gate door where the cats were with Kai. One of the cats hissed loudly reaching its arm out of the gate Felix let out a loud bark as he backed up.
“Yeah some of them really don’t like dogs but a few of them do. We have dogs ourself so they are used to having a dog around. Just some can be a little aggressive about it,” she told us as she reached in to pick up the cat that hissed at Felix. I shared a look with Auston before I kneeled down in front of the gate.
“Noah do you want to meet the cats?” I asked softly as I set him on the ground. He pulled his face out of my neck to look at Kai surrounded by the cats.
“Okay Mommy,” he mumbled as he let go of me. I helped him inside the gate and he joined Kai. The cat that was sitting in Kai’s lap glanced at Noah and then back at Kai. She gave a confused look as she looked between the two again. I let out a small laugh at her confusion. She hopped up from Kai’s lap and started smelling Noah.
“Shelia is pretty,” Kai mumbled reaching out to pet her again. She leaned into his touch.
“Yeah she is baby,” I grinned. I pushed myself up so I could face Auston and Lucy.
“Should we introduce her to Felix?” I asked Auston with a raised eyebrow. He glanced down at where Felix was sat behind his legs.
“How about you take her out of there so the other cats don’t go crazy,” Lucy suggested. I smiled as I helped Noah out of the gated off area. Once he was out I helped Kai. The three of us walked over to Auston and Felix. The cat let out a soft meow from Kai’s arms.
“Mama. Can we have her?” Kai asked as he sat down in front of Felix. I held my breath as Felix walked over to sniff the two of them timidly. The cat looked visibly shooken for a second before doing her own sniff test on Felix. I sent Auston a questioning look. Where we really about to buy a cat? He sent me back a look of his own shrugging his shoulders as he lowered himself to the ground between Felix and Shelia.
“If your sure shes what you want,” I answered after a moment. Kai and Noah both looked at me eagerly as they nodded their heads.
“Yes!” Kai exclaimed reaching out to throw his arms around my leg. I let out a soft laugh as I glanced to Lucy.
“Will take her,” I grinned as I reached down my hand to run it through Kai’s soft hair.
“Oh perfect I’ll go get the paper work now,” she smild before darting up the stairs leaving us alone. I sat down next to my boys.
“Mama?” Noah questioned as he looked away from the kitten to me.
“Yeah baby?”
“Do we have to keep her name Shelia or can we change it?” he asked.
“We can do whatever you boys want,” I told him reaching out to rub his back.
“Okay Papi what should we name her?” Noah asked turning to Auston. I let out a loud laugh at Auston’s shocked face.
“I dont know why are you asking me?” he questioned as he rached out to rub Felix behind his ear. Shelia and Felix seemed to be getting along, I noticed.
“Mama said you named Felix,” Noah stated as he pointed to Felix. I sent Auston a baffled look. I had told the twins about that so long, at the time I wasnt even sure if they were listening.
“Well yeah I did but that’s because I got him when I didn’t know mama,” Auston told him as he reached out to ruffle his hair. Noah batted his hand away with a laugh.
“Do you guys like any names?” I asked them as I reached out to pet the cat myself. Kai looked thoughtful as he stared down at the kitten while Noah looked back and forth between the two of us before exgrataedly throwing his arms up in the air.
“If I had names would I be asking,” he declared. Auston laughed at our dramatic sun causing him to pout in Auston’s direction.
“Papi dont laugh at me im in crisis,” he whined laying back so his head rested in Auston’s lap causing all the adults in the room to laugh.
“Crisis whered you get that from?” Auston reached his hand down to run it through Noah’s hair again. This time Noah relaxed into the touch.
“Mitch,” Noah responded causing Auston to let out a snort. Of course Mitch.
“What about Holly,” Noah muttered as he pushed himself up into a sitting position. Kai glanced up from the cat with a look of disgust.
“No,” Kai responded before Auston or I could say anything.
“Rebecca,” Noah suggested. Kai stared at him for a moment before looking back down at the kitten.
“We aren’t naming our cat after Rebecca,” Kai scolded Noah. I shared a quick questioning look with Auston. Who was Rebecca?
“Well what should we name her then,” Noah asked annoyance seeping into his tone.
“Here’s the paperwork,” Lucy smiled holding it up. Auston pushed himself off the floor so he could go take care of that. Around fifteen minutes later Auston made his way back into the room.
“She’s officially ours,” he announced. Kai cheered as he struggled to stand up with her still in his arms. I reached out to help him so he wouldnt fall.
“Can we go home now?” he asked excitedly. I nodded my head as I helped Noah up next.
“Yeah let’s go.”
We all walked out and hopped in the car.
“Everyone buckled?” Auston asked as he put the car in drive. We all said yes and he started the drive home.
“Mama!” Kai called out slightly panicked causing me to turn around quickly so I could see what was going on.  
“I don’t think she likes the car,” He said as he held her away from his body. My eyes zeroed in on her sharp claws that were coming out. Shit.
“Okay um. Put her down,” I told him. He looked at me with wide eyes probably not sure how to do it without either one of them getting hurt.
“Auston pull over,” I told him. He let out a sigh as he did what I said. Once we were on the shoulder I hopped out of the car and opened Kais door. I reached in and grabbed the cat from Kai’s hands. She scratched at me right away causing me to let out a soft ‘ow’ but I held her tight  and she calmed down.
“Mama your bleeding,” Kai cried out as he reached for my arm. I pulled away before he could touch and make a mess.
“It’s okay. I’m fine,” I reassured him as I shut his door. I climbed back into the car with the cat cuddled tightly against my chest.
“Your bleeding?” Auston asked reaching out but I shook my head no.
“It’s fine she scratched me just drive so we can be home,” I told him a little snappily. He glanced at me confused for a moment but nodded his head and merged back onto the road.
“Sorry,” I mumbled over the music. Auston glanced at me for a moment staying silent.
“I’m just really tired. I didn’t mean to sound so snappy,” I told him softly.
“You’ve been really tired a lot lately,” he stated as he reached over to rest his hand on my thigh. I let out a sigh as I leaned my head back against the headrest.
“Babe c’mon wake up,” Auston told me as he rubbed his hand up and down my thigh. I jolted awake to see that we were parked in our garage the kitten still cuddled to my body.  
“Were home?” I asked looking around. He nodded as he stepped back from the door and helped me out of the car.
“Are you okay? You completely passed out on the way home,” his asked concern seeping into his voice. I nodded as I hopped out of the car. We both made our way into the house the boys already running into the living room with Felix hot on their heels. I leaned down and put the cat on the ground before slipping out of my shoes. When I was standing up straight Austons arm wrapped around my waist.
“Babe whats going on?” he asked as he pressed a kiss to the top of my head. I relaxed into his hold leaning my body weight against him. I was honestly just so exhausted all I wanted to do was lay down.
“I’m fine. I just havent been sleeping well,” I let us hug for another few moments before pulling away so that I could walk into the living room.
“Hi boys,” I smiled at them as I sat on the couch. Auston went to let Felix out into the backyard while the boys sat on the floor with the cat in the middle of them.
“Have we settled on a name?” Auston asked as he walked into the living room Felix following him. Auston sat on the couch lifting my legs up before dropping them into his laugh. His hands started giving my feet a massage causing me to let out a deep breath as I felt myself getting more tired.
“Mama,” Noah called out climbing onto the couch so that he was between my body and the couch.
“Yeah baby?” I mumbled out.
“Can I nap with you?” he asked as he cuddled into me wrapping his little arm around my stomach.
“Of course.”
“No,” Kai said walking over and tugging on my arm slightly aggressively.
“Kai dont pull on your mothers arm like that,” Auston told him sternly. Kai mumbled an apology as he sat on the ground again.
“You can’t nap until we name her,” he said sadly.
“Okay,” I pushed myself up slightly so that I could wake up a bit.
“What about Sandy?” I suggested. Kai shook his head no as he moved the feather around for the cat.
“Sarah,” Noah mumbled into my hip.
“Bud you can’t turn everything down without giving any suggestions,” Auston told him softly. A soft pout took over Kais face as pulled the cat onto his chest as he laid on the ground.
“When I was a little girl I had a stuffed animal that my mother gave me named Sunshine,” I started to say only to be cut off by a small gasp.
“Sunshine,” Kai grinned causing me to send him a soft smile of my own.
“Yeah you like that?” I asked. He giggled as he looked down at the cat.
“Yeah. Noah do you like it?” Kai asked looking over to his brother.
“Sure.. I want to sleep,” Noah mumbled.
“Why don’t Mama and Noah go upstairs to nap and me and you put on a movie,” Auston suggested to Kai.
“I want to watch a movie too,” Noah sleepliy reached up to rub his eyes with his small fist.
“Cars,” they both answered when Auston asked what they wanted to watch. I drifted off with a smile on my face.
I groaned as I turned my face further into the couch cusion. I felt Noah’s knee digging into my lower back. I slowly blinked my eyes open glancing at the tv. It was playing the end credits of the movie while Auston and Kai were no longer in the room. I felt a wave of nausea hit causing me to push myself up. After a moment it wasnt passing so I took off for the closest bathroom.
“Mama are you okay?” Noah asked as he walked into the bathroom. I shook my head not wanting him to see me like this.
“Go get your father,” I told him through my gagging. Noah left following direction right away and not even five minutes later Auston was standing at the door.
“Hey,” Auston shushed as he crowded behind me pulling my hair back.
“Your okay,” he rubbed his hand up and down my back gently.
“Papi,” Noah called from outside of the bathroom. I took a deep breath as I leaned away from the toilet feeling done.
“Yeah bud?” Auston called out.
“Is Mama okay?” he asked quietly. I felt my heart break at his tone. I shakily pushed myself up and made my way over to the door. I pulled it open to see Kai and Noah standing there.
“Mama’s fine,” I reassured them as I reached out to ruffle their hair.
“I am going to go upstairs and brush my teeth and then will make dinner,” I told them. They both nodded their heads before running off to the living room.
“Babe,” Auston sighed as his hand slipped to my waist. I leaned my head against his chest as I took a deep breath of my own.
“Get started. I’ll be right down,” I squezzed him tightly before letting go and making my way upstairs. I knew that Auston was starting to get frustrated, it was ovibous that something was wrong but I didn’t know what exactly. I made my way into the bathroom once I was in our room and to my cabinet. I reached into the back and pulled out the extra pregnancy test I had stored in the back.
I let out a shaky breath as I opened the packet. I wasnt sure but I was feeling the exact same way I had felt when I was pregnant with the twins. The throwing up and the tiredness was leading me to believe that it was maybe something more then the flu. I followed the instructions on the test and then set it on the counter as I set the five minute timer.
Truthfully I was nervous about what the test was going to say. Auston and I hadnt really had a chance to talk about if we wanted to have more kids or not. We were so lucky to have even fall pregnant in the first place and when we found out it was twins we were delighted. I wasnt sure how Auston would react if I was pregnant again. The timer on my phone went off.
I took a deep breath as I made my way back into the bathroom to look at the test.
“Papi. Is Mama okay?” I heard Noah ask Auston as I got to the end of the stairs. I tiptoed my way over to the entrance of the kitchen.
“Yeah bud she’s just really tired,” he told him reaching out to tap his shoulder. The three of them were at the counter getting dinner ready. Auston was cutting something up on the cutting board while Auston had given the twins a bowl filled with something that they were tasked with mixing.
“But she was throwing up,” Kai pointed out.
“Rebeccas mom was throwing up and then she went to the hospital,” Noah mumbled loudly enough for everyone to hear. I felt my heart break at the boys concern. Auston stopped his cutting and set the knife down and leaned forward.
“Alright little doods listen. Rebeccas mom was a different situation. Mama has just been really tired because it’s the end of the season and she needs help. When I’m away for my games she gets tired. She needs a really big nap,” he told them.
“I could nap with her,” Kai said comfortably. Auston nodded his head seriously.
“Good. this will work. What about you Noah?” Auston asked with a grin.
“Yes!” Noah nodded his head enthusiastically.
“Hi boys,” I called as I walked into the kitchen. Noah and Kai grinned happily while Auston sent me a worried look.
“I hid a present for both of you in your room with a bow. Go find it,” I told them with a smile. They both jumped out of their chair excitedly as they ran towards the stairs. Auston stared at me in shock for a moment.
“You just stole my helpers,” he told me. I walked over to him and wrapped my arms around his stomach once I was standing behind him. I rested my chin on his back.
“I’m pregnant,” I mumbled. He stopped what he was doing as he slowly turned around.
“What?” he asked softly.
“I uh just took a test. I’m pregnant,” I let a small smile out hoping he would be happy about this.
“Oh my god,” he leaned forward and pressed a deep kiss to my lips, I gasped in shock allowing him to slip his tongue in. I pulled back so that I could rest my forehead against his.
“I’ll have to set up an appointment to know for sure but yeah,” I told him. His grin widened as he pulled me in tighter so that he could hug me.
“No way,” Noah screamed. I let out a soft laugh.
“Must have found his gift.” Auston laughed as he leaned forward again to connect our lips.
A.N: Surprise! So I really just started writing this because I wanted the Matthews family to have a cat and then it somehow turned into this whole thing?? Anyway I hope y'all enjoyed! 
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blxetsi · 3 years
modern hange zoe dating headcanons
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lowercase intended !
hange zoe x gn!reader
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- first, their love language is definitely a mix of physical touch and verbal affirmations
- idc idc theyre the best of both worlds 🤩
- you prefer verbal affirmations over physical touch (or vice versa) ? their immediately making a mental note and showing u love with whichever one u like more
- i think they'd be a scientist or researcher ?? maybe they'd study the human body or like global warming ?? idfk but would definitely go into the science field
- also i personally love the idea of moblit and them being together 😳🤚 idk i love the idea
- but since YOU are with miss hange id like to think they stayed friends after the breakup 😌✨ theyre both mature ppl (and hot)
- moblit is always third wheeling w you guys. you and hange could be making out and he'd sit there with his iced coffee like 😐
- hange i feel is a very forgetful person, so like, dates and stuff (things made on a sort of short notice) they tend to forget about, but things like birthdays and anniversaries are NEVER forgotten
- ofc they'll make it up to you after you call them from the restaurant youve been waiting in for over an hour
- but sometimes it does hurt that they value their work so much, you love that they find joy in what they do and are dedicated, but it just feels like they prioritize work over you
- and hange understands ! and they start trying to be on time for things like that. is also constantly reassuring you at random times that they love and care about you
- also loves to spoon you. will literally wrap around you like a koala in bed. doesnt matter if its too hot and youre both immediately sweating, will trap you with their insane amount of strength and never let you go until either they wake up or you wake up begging to use the restroom
- i feel like when theyre working from home (which is everyday in a pandemic 🙄 even tho these headcanons arent really structured around pandemic modern times) they forget to eat/drink when they get reeeaaaallllyyyy into what theyre researching
- could be on the verge of discovering a new genetic mutation (idk) while also being on the verge of passing out due to dehydration
- theyll come out for dinner and be like "yknow ive been having this weird headache all day"
- "probably because you havent drank any water today"
- will stare at you like "🤨" before replying "nah i dont think so 😹"
- you have to threaten letting them starve to get them to drink some water. and as soon as they do theyre chugging three cups
- five minutes later theyre like "babe ! it worked ! youre awesome"
- lots of pet names like babe/baby, my love, my darling (in a dramatic english accent), honey, and any others that youd prefer
- has a weird love for the cartoon archer (yknow that adult show with like 10 seaons ??)
- will literally no nothing about the plot or characters, and will only put the show on for background noise while theyre doing something, but will ALWAYS recommend archer to others and say its their favourite cartoon if asked
- also loves the amazing world of gumball (you got them into it) actually watches the show and loves it, yet never thinks of it when asked "what shows should i watch ?" or "what are some shows you like ?"
- if youre like, an artist or something like that, they genuinely LOVE anything you make
- you made them a little painting ? theyre hanging it up in their apartment. you created a clay vase or something ? buying flowers to put in it rn (doesnt even take care of the flowers but yk)
- if youre having a bad day theyre dropping everything for you (unless its super important then theyre saying "how about i move my work to the bed and we can cuddle ?")
- if you need to rant theyre actively listening while trying to work. will accidentally start typing what youre saying onto their word document. ends up having to delete three whole paragraphs about that bitch at work smh 🙄🤚
- loves taking showers/ baths w you (NEVER in a sexual way though) they genuinely find it fun to wash each other's hair and stuff. if you ask them to wash your back theyre shoving their hands in your armpits and tickling you like,, mf ill fall and take us both down 😐
- definitely an ass/thighs person. doesnt matter how big or small, loves it.
- also a dish collector in their room. their room and office are in the same space, so youll find them with cups and plates on their desk where their research is supposed to be like bae,,, i think youre growing a new kind of mold 😍🦠💥
- talks so passionately abt their work and coworkers to you. theres this new intern at their job and hes the sweetest and brightest kid they know. his names armin and they speak about him SO highly
- also has a really cold nose ?? u love to kiss it bc it makes them shiver bc of the temperature difference
- has weirdly soft hands. youd think theyd be kinda rough bc of all the weird shit they touch for "science" but no. the hands are perfect
- doesnt know how to take care of things around the house (like handy stuff) so they beg levi to come over.
- he reluctantly does bc hes their friend but will nod at you as soon as he walks in and says "i hope hange isnt being too annoying today"
- immediately youll defend them and say zoe hange could never annoy you bc hange is the love of ur life and all he'll do is say "youre lucky then. i envy you."
- you and hange both know hes using his dry humour, but as punishment hange follows him around the place and annoys him even further
- also tries to convince you to get a dog at the weirdest of times ???
- itll be three in the morning and theyll just whisper in your ear "we should get a dog"
- theyre allergic to cats so if you suggest that they say "no ill die if i go near one"
- if youre allergic to dogs theyll say "okay fine a baby then"
- "how will we get one ?"
- "we'll steal it. or go looking through a dumpster"
- what did they say 😳😳⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
- you shut down any ideas of a dog or baby for a long while after that
- loves squeezing your cheeks, and would love if you did it to them too
- will literally just sit in bed squishing them and request you do the same. so you both just sit facing each other criss crossed, squishing each others faces while giggling
- ive made this pretty long already so this is it ! but yes, they love u through and through
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second headcanon babyyy !!! hope u all enjoyed !! my asks r open if u wanna request something !! (also please request something 😭😭😭 )
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
5 Anti LO Asks
1. hold on, NYX is a bad guy in LO too? or at least antagonistic? And she designed her to look like a spider crossed with a goth turkey? she's not seeing Heaven, how dare she do my mom dirty like this
2. Yo they did Nyx dirty
Probably because she dared talk bad about ✨The Good Guys✨
Come on, I would be more satified if it's even a Princess Luna (the figurine made by Japan version) ripoff and they made it way divine or abstract like.
Could have at least used Hades Game version of Nyx as an inspo.
----- FP Spoilers Ahead ----
3. FP spoilers//// if she seriously retcons persephone's age as some AHA moment to technically not be gross (its still gross) itll just be stupid and aid in how persephone needs even more time to actually mature since shes even more immature for her (assumed actual) age but implying she was born to be his bride? literally destined since she was born? renesmee would like a word! (also the whole "born to be X" trope literally robs her of agency so uh, not exactly "her choice" now is it, rachel)
4. (FP spoilers) maybe the dark persephone we see ruling over the underworld is because when she eats the pom later she loses her OP fertility and thus her powers so she goes dark because now she is rendered powerless on the surface and can only be in the underworld to have any power (very feminist, her only power is via hades and his realm! very cool) and she can't pop out babies for her sugar daddy and now has to take out her murder urges on being a slaver like hades 💀i hate it here
5. (1/3) I agree about 165. When Hades admitted his insecurities, the atmosphere seemed to be leading up to Persephone kissing him. That would’ve been satisfying for, ya know, the main couple of a romance story? They’ve still only kissed once. All that buildup—& she hugs him. I get that Persephone is taking things slow & not that Hades’ pompous ass deserves it, but they’ve kissed before & they’re the main couple. I feel their relationship has been going backward since their first kiss. Am I crazy?
(2/3) Also Perse’s questions, esp. the “If we were married, would that be enough for me to be queen?” felt weird when the previous scene confirmed they’re not even dating. Why’d she want a photo of them so bad, & when she took the photo, she has red eyes and says ‘I’m not sure how much longer I’ll get to spend with him like this’? It’s a lil ominous, like is she planning to overthrow Hades & usurp the Underworld or smthing? I mean, that’d be interesting but I don’t think what Rachel’s going for!
(3/3, same anon!) Sorry for the length and if any of this comes across the wrong way!  IDK…I’ve read through the whole comic in the past, and the pacing feels better to me when there’s not a week between cliffhangers, so this chapter will probably make more sense in context.  As it stands, though, this chapter felt so weird to me!  Anyway, thanks for letting me get that off my chest—just felt I was going a lil crazy!
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m4rkiza · 4 years
One day, hop told leon about his feelings towards victor. leon was surprised and laughed, teasing his little brother about being in love at his own best friend, of course,leon still support him,but lets be honest older brother will bully no matter what.
often times,leon teases hop by text,poking fun at him because hop is head over heels on victor, not to mention hop pratically screams on his text whenever he text leon about victor.
leon ofcourse,tells this to raihan,raihan laughed and smiled.
Leon stared for abit,laughed awkwardly and the realization hits.
leon called hop that he...likes raihan,hop laughed hysterically,and of course mocks leon in return, and oh boy,leons lovesick case is way worse than hop.
hop had the courage to ask victor for lunch and is still brave enough to talk to him. leon? leon is hopeless,despite being a tactical genius,an ex-champion and the CEO & chairman of the battle tower, he just doesnt know how,and raihan getting more handsome each day doesnt help either.
well leon doesnt go awkward,and run away whenever raihan goes near,he just doesnt make any move. compared to hop,who already hold hands with victor,and cooked him curry with a heart shapped sausage in the middle.
raihan and leon saying “i love you bro,no homo” everyday doesnt help either,whenever leon tries say that he loved raihan,raihan laughed and replied back with “i love you too champ,no homo” he has the need to say “but i love you with full homo” but of course he didnt.
time pass by,and after months off woo-ing victor,hop tries to confess to the current champion and victor accepted the confession! now theyre boyfriends hip hip horray! hop calls leon about it and leon is very proud,hop asked leon about his progression with raihan and leon shrugged and replied with “still the same hopscotch” with a heavy sigh in the end.
one day,hop suddenly felt the urge to ask raihan how he feels about leon, and so,he goes to hammerlocke, but he doesnt go straight with “hey raihan,do you like leon? because leon does and he probably wants to marry you and make babies with you” nu-uh, hes going to ask raihan about dragon type pokemon first (saying its a part of his studies) THEN leon. 
after hours and hours of discussing about dragons,and hop trying to shift the conversation slowly to leon, he finally asked the question “hey raihan,what do you think of leon? leon talked alot about you,and i wonder about your thoughts about him yknow” raihan stared at hop,looks away,stared at hop again,and he replied with “hes..good and all- i guess” a cough “what did leon said about me? i mean if he mocks me and all,id tell you about the bad stuff,but if he...says good things then,ill tell you the good things,so itll be balanced”
hop stares at raihan,smirked and tells raihan most of it.
that leon is grateful having raihan as his rival, and best friend,because he is reliable in any kind of circumstances, considerate, gentle and patient,especially because leon is a klutz sometimes,raihan never gets angry at him and helped him instead,raihan is also very supportive,yet tries to slow down leon if hes planning something impulsive, and despite his narcistic persona, raihan is humble and polite.
raihan looks down for a sec, pulls his bandana down, (to wipe his tears) and then finally raihan goes on with his opinion on leon
(hop secretly records this because he cant help it,hes tired of his big ol’ brother’s pinning)
raihan is also,very grateful having leon as his rival and best friend,he never spreads negative energy despite always being sorrounded by it,caring,affectionate,a great listener because raihan rants alot,leon also give actual good advices and constructive criticism.a good emotional support too,despite raihans thirst for attention,leon never judged him for it.
hop agrees, and is glad that both cares about each other. and after that he thanked raihan and left,but before he does, raihan asked hop why did hop ask his opinion on leon. hop shrugged and said “leon is just,very glad to have you on his life, and want you to be forever his,okay see you later, raihan!” and hopped on the flying taxi. raihan cant believe he heard that.
leon want him to be...forever his? his what?? 
hop arrived home,and sent leon the stuff he recorded,told leon that hop says the word,and yells at leon to confess already.
leon listened to the recording,expecting something bad but..he didnt. his love for raihan grows wider and his urge to marry date raihan at this point has grown larger than ever.
he finally had the bravery to ask raihan to hang out with him,and maybe,just maybe talk about his feelings.
he texted raihan if hes free on weekends,so that they can hang out on leons apartment, raihan said yes and probably gonna be there at friday so he can sleepover,leon gladly agrees because whats more romantic than confessing your feeling to your best friend on your bed?
the day has come,they spend some time together,heck even had a baby pokemon fight on leons balconny (both just hatched a baby trapinch and a baby axew,of course theyre gonna make them fight) watched the sunset together,platonically,definitely 0 sexual tension.
they showered (sadly not together),had dinner,played with their baby pokemons until it got tired and sleeps, and its finally their turn to sleep.
both got comfortable on the bed,and leon starts the conversation 
“so...hop told me about what you think about me” leon paused for a second to see raihans reaction,raihan just stared at him,waiting for him to continue, “thank you..it... it meant alot coming from you”
raihan just shot an awkward yourewelcome,followed by a very uncomfortable silent.
leon jolted up “raihan,if you want to leave then leave but- but please dont leave me completely because youre 1 of the biggest part of my life,and you,leaving completely would ruin me” leon is in verge of tears. raihan slowly got up,tries to soothe leon that he wont leave no matter what leon will say, leon sighed,and continues “dont try to slow me down for this plan” he glared at raihan like how he does when he battles “raihan i- i like you,like,like like you,love you,full homo,i dont know for how long but im pretty sure its there for along time,because- when the realization hits, it hits hard, it doesnt feel like a giddy puppy love feeling,its something more serious and if you got disgusted i-”
“theres no way im disgusted” raihan cut leon off,grab leons shoulder, “because i like you too,but im too scared to move because throwing 14 years of friendship is not wise at all” leon chuckled and replies “i guess it is huh”
leon tackled raihan,hugging him tight,raihan hugged him back,not wanting to let go. after at least 20 minutes of nonstop hugging,raihan lets go,but leon wont let him,pressing his face on raihans chest. raihan kissed leon on top of his head, “so what are now?” raihan asked,leon looks up “rivals?- wait, um” a pause “..boyfriends? please?”, raihan stared at leon,eyes filled with adoration “boyfriend it is,we already had dinner and played with our kids before so, i guess no date is needed,we are already official before we realize” leon laughed at the respond,let go of the hug,sat on top of raihan,cupped his cheek,peck raihans lip and hid his face next to raihans head. raihan rolled,making him on top of leon. and kissed his boyfriend properly.
after tons of smooches and hugs, they finally go to sleep. raihan sleeping on top of leons tits.
its supposed to be a short headcanon,but i didnt stop. sorry if its messy and all,i didnt plan it to be this long but im hoping that you enjoy this,thank you for reading till the end!
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