#so as a fan of character-based stories it hurts that sometimes characters just aren't respected at all
kikizoshi · 2 months
can we form a coup against asagiri and make you the writer instead? genuinely... I am not taking the Fyodor immortal information well.. please help............................ ( ´,_ゝ` )
Oh, I would absolutely not do BSD well either. I just wish Asagiri had stuck to his roots more. He was a great comedy writer, and the beginning of the story was great for it. It's the action and Death Note stuff he can't seem to get mastery of. But for the immortal part: I'm not entirely sold that Fyodor's immortal, yet. It seems like yet another twists that will twist to reveal oh, shocker, he faked his memories to confuse Sigma/the ADA... or something. Could very well be immortal, but not 100% guaranteed.
#bsd#anon#I still support his right to write his story however he wants#and a lot of people seem to enjoy this sort of shock-value shounen writing he's doing now#I just happen to hate that sort of story#so when BSD pivoted to that I was dragged along into it because of Fyodor and Nikolai#and get salty whenever characters who own a part of my heart and soul are subjected to bad shock writing#and yes I know the version of them that I love the most exist within my own perception#and are a product of the years I've spent working on and developing them for my own stories#but I still love and adore the originals too#and so it's painful and irritating#because the characters are no longer the main focus of the story#it's all about the shock... the next biggest thing#Nikolai's doesn't have a motive to be the ferryman I need to get all the characters in the same place/start the next arc? No problem!#he just wants to kill Fyodor now. problem solved.#how did he use his Ability to get Sigma to France when his Ability only travels 30m at a time?#eh don't worry about it. I made an omake about it so you know I know it's an absolute joke#Nikolai's whole character and Ability practically changed just for convenience... for the story and shock#so as a fan of character-based stories it hurts that sometimes characters just aren't respected at all#with Fyodor I know it's more a case of Asagiri's vision of him seems to have changed as the story progressed#in that realm I'm so happy that BSD is serialised because it means I still have the initial version of Fyodor that I loved with all my hear#when I really can't stand Meursault!Fyodor at all and wish he would just die already so I could be fully free
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threewaysdivided · 3 years
If I think about the MCU too hard I get upset
I ended up falling away from the MCU just slightly after the first wave for completely unrelated reasons between finishing my degree, starting work and having too many hobbies I just sort of stopped watching much TV or going to the movies and I never really picked it back up, and based on most of the things I've heard about the change in focus and - by many accounts - quality decline in the storytelling, I think it may have accidentally been the best "choice" I made.
That said, as someone who similarly can't think too hard about the YJ revival without getting upset, I completely sympathise. It's heart-breaking to watch a story or franchise that you trusted with your emotional investment because it seemed like it was being made by people who had a story to tell and cared about telling it fall to the zombiefication of executive profiteering.
To watch storylines and plot points that used to be impactful be turned into formulas, shallowly repeated over and over until they lose their ability to mean anything. To watch characters and character relationships be reduced to hollow husks of their former selves, existing mostly to remind you that once upon a time you liked these people. To see theme and meaning at best fade and at worse be twisted into cynical inversions of what they used to be because the people in charge have realised that the superficial appearance of depth or thoughtfulness or maturity or topicality or diversity or progressivism sells just as well for cheaper than actually being any of those things in a world where media has an ever-shortening lifespan, most of the money comes from the initial wave of sales, and marketing comes from breathy tweets and uncritical "reviews" by media companies who are themselves time-pressed and playing the same game. To know that, even if some members of the creative teams genuinely still care about storytelling and respecting the fans and aren't just cashing a lazy paycheque, the production environment might not allow them to show it (DC Comics allegedly gave the Suicide Squad writers only six weeks to fully script the movie, and compare the years of preproduction behind the early MCU to now, where the actors are not only given so little information that they can't make meaningful acting choices, they sometimes don't even know what movies they're filming the scenes for.)
It hurts, to come to a show or series or movie or author in good faith, trusting based on the quality of the work that they genuinely have a story for you, only to find out that they don't care; that they don't respect their audience and were just wasting your time for as long as was necessary to get your money.
I can make peace with a series that falls apart because of creative decisions or production limitations or questionable execution, or even just goes in a direction that I personally don't vibe with, if there's a sense of creative intent and passion behind it.  If at least one person with the power to do so was fighting for the narrative.  But knowing that someone had every tool available to create a good (or at least competent) story and didn't because they knew the money would spend the same regardless of whether or not they put in the effort... it's hard not to get frustrated and angry and upset by that. The lack of resolution, of accountability, of closure, both in-text and out of it is hard to process. I think I’d almost prefer malice to apathy: at least malice means someone cared enough to try and be hurtful.
(In fact, this is one of the reasons why my writing speed for YJ:DW has significantly slowed down since the revival released - as much as I care about the story of my fanfic and know I have something to say with it, its hard to not feel like there are some fans of DP who might decide to get into YJ canon through my story; who I am setting up to go through the same experience of disappointment and betrayal just so some hack showrunners and executives can keep the lights on.)
But you know what?
It doesn't matter.
I have the first season of Young Justice and a good handful of the early MCU movies on DVD, and I can watch them as many times as I like without Disney or DC getting a single cent of additional profit or bit of consumer metrics from me. I can wait for proper fan reviews and read wiki pages to make sure future output from big corporations is worth giving my money to. I'll be putting an authors note at the end of YJ:DW's next chapter, explaining that I only consider the first season worth watching. I have the Young Justice: Outsiders tag blacklisted and I unfollow blogs that post about it a lot so that I don't have to be reminded of a work that upsets me. I can filter tags on AO3 or go back to the older FFN archive to find fics from other people who care about the same parts of the show I do. I think about the hope and potential in this segment from Super Eyepatch Wolf's Sonic The Hedgehog video when considering the future of art from big corporate industry entities:
"The reason all this is so important is that, for all the missteps Sega have made with Sonic over the years, it's their willingness to embrace their own fan culture that's arguably resurrected Sonic as a mainstream pop culture juggernaut; the Sonic the Hedgehog movie going on to make a hundred million dollars at the box office, surpassing even Nintendo's Detechive Pikachu. I think fandoms reflect the very best and very worst of what a piece of media is, and Sonic is now a character that exists in a thousand different forms over countless different media. And yeah, sometimes they can be strange and disturbing, but these are the people who love Sonic... and are now drawing his comics, programming his games and designing his movies. Bringing life back to the once-fallen character."
We have the right - and in many ways the responsibility - to curate our fandom experience as best suits us; including what we choose to keep from canon and what we choose to leave behind. And sure, there will be a breed of people who insist that you have to like, enjoy and accept every piece of textual and extra-textual information about a series in order to be a "real fan" but that's only one way to do it and you absolutely do not have to care about getting their approval. Really, once a work is released to the public the Author is Dead and it becomes a big literary sandbox. It's our city now. (I mean, heck, just look at the DP fandom with it's blatant disregard for the line between canon and fanon and the way so many people openly shun the lead creator and worst written episodes.)
You're allowed to just stick to the parts that resonated with you; to the products of a time when - whether through passion, hard work or just plain luck - a group of people managed to capture lightning in a bottle.
There will always be creators who are passionate about making art, and there will always be good, sincere, meaningful art to find. Even if it means going a little ways off the beaten track.
Keep what brings you joy. Put aside the rest. Block, blacklist and filter as needed.
And if needed, take a break.  The good parts will still be there to come back to once you’re in a better headspace.
Don't ever let the apathy of a big corporation take a thing you love away from you.
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fictionalrambles · 4 years
Shadowhunters Fandom Story - Part Fifteen
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Submitted by jwrites_
Five Favourite Fics:
1. What's It Gonna Be by @lemonoclefox
Why I love this fic: I'm a sucker for Pride & Prejudice. San was able to take that dynamic and put it all in a modern day telling of it. I can't count how many times I've read this. Sometimes I read it all the way through, other times I go and find my favorite parts just to get that rush of emotions it never fails to give. The enemies to lovers is done perfectly, the dialogue is great and flows seamlessly, the way she tied in the storyline between Simon, Isabelle, Valentine, and Alec together was genius. I truly love every word of this story.
Favorite scene: Awkward - love - confession - in -  the -  rain
Favorite quote(s):
(Yes. Love confessions are great but have you ever overheard someone say something rude about you and then have the opportunity later that same night to be able to casually call that person out for their comment?)
"Her friend is..." He trails off, as though searching for the word, and Magnus can imagine him gesturing in the meantime. "Interesting," Jace eventually settles on, pointedly.
"Who, that Bane guy?" Alec says, and as he does, Magnus is hit with a wave of intrigued surprise. Does Alec like men? Interesting. The assumption could be wrong, of course, but Jace's tone implies that that's why he's mentioning it. "He's a bit over the top, don't you think?"
He sounds almost disdainful as he says it, as though Jace's mere suggestion is laughable, and Magnus's intrigue immediately shifts to offended annoyance. He straightens a little where he stands, reluctantly affected by it.
"I mean, love songs are great," Magnus admits lightly. "But stringing a few pretty words together does seem a bit unoriginal when everyone does it."
Simon shoves him lightly in offense, and Magnus can't help but laugh.
"Then what do you suggest?" Magnus is taken completely by surprise when he realizes that it's Alec who's speaking, and he turns to him. The guy's expression is neutral, but seems genuinely curious.
"Oh, I don't know," Magnus says, swirling his drink around in his glass. He shrugs. "I suppose I'm more a fan of showing and not telling. I'd much prefer someone showing interest in what I like and who I am, than comparing my eyes to the night sky, and whatnot." He gestures airily, then hesitates. He suddenly can't seem to stop himself, the memory of the Lightwoods' overheard conversation bubbling to the surface. "I think most people can appreciate that. Even if some of us are a bit over the top."
--Okay...I'm gonna go ahead and throw in a love confession~
"Look, I don't expect anything from you," he says, as though the words are hard to say. "You've made your feelings pretty clear, and I respect that. But I heard you talked to my mom, and with the stuff you said to her... I guess it just kind of made me a bit hopeful, or something. A bit." He clears his throat, while Magnus just listens. He turns to watch Alec's profile as the young man struggles to find the words, eyes on the view in front of him. "Either way, I'll admit that how I feel hasn't really changed. Maybe it should have, but..."
Alec shakes his head, and Magnus feels his throat go dry. He wants to interrupt Alec, wants to say and show everything that's bursting out of his chest, but he waits. Alec takes a deep breath then, turns to him. He looks determined.
"If you want me to," he says steadily, "I'll go. I'll leave you alone, I promise. You won't hear from me again." He pauses, licks his lips. "But if you don't want me to, if something has changed since last time, somehow... I'd really like to know. Because that would be pretty great."
2. 42 North 71 West by @lecrit​
Why I love this fic: I was blessed with the opportunity to witness Lu working on this fic from its conception to its end. I was there and still I am blown away at the way she was able to work the time jumps. I remember thinking with every chapter I read, 'Wow. The way she is telling this story is amazing. She is amazing.' Lu has a way of presenting so much honesty in her characters. She writes them in a way that feels so real, that you can't help but understand their fears and hesitations even though it hurts. The story is a back and forth told through scenes set in the past and present. You get to see what they were and where they are. The story is beautifully heartbreaking. And she was able to make me enjoy a story that dealt with politics? What? Sorcery, I tell you. -- also, the bench.
Favorite scene: This was almost impossible to choose and I took way too long trying to pinpoint just one. But I'm going to go with one that I hold very dear. When Magnus goes to visit Alec on his birthday and he finds Alec playing the song he only plays when he's sad. That's all I'm going to say because I don't want to spoil~
Favorite quote(s):
“Magnus,” Alec breathes out.
The name feels almost foreign, as if he hadn’t uttered it in too long and now his mind is troubling to catch up with his mouth. Still, it manages to make Alec’s heart stutter.
“We should’ve stayed on that bench in Boston,” he murmurs.
The good thing is, he knows where to go to find his way back. It is inked on his body, engraved into his soul, sealed into his heart.
3. Lead The Way by Clockworkswan
Why I love this fic: Because it takes the wonderful adventure of Doctor Who and packs it in with Malec. This is the ultimate fun and feel good but you will also cry at one point fic. I always go back to it if I want a wonderfully written Doctor Magnus and his adorable companion Alec. Seriously, even if you're not into Doctor Who, give this fic a shot. It's written in a way that you will get so caught up in the adventure that you won't even realize it's based on something else. And if you're a Doctor Who fan, you're in luck with all the little Easter Eggs Heather left throughout.
Favorite scene: I really don't want to spoil anything. The planet of Ablorix. This will mean nothing if you don't read the fic (so you should ;])
Favorite quote(s):
Magnus extends a hand. It’s just like before, when they were in the hallway a couple of weeks ago. It’s just as inviting as it was the first time.
“How about it, pretty boy? Name a star. Any one will do. Or a date,” Magnus says. The double meaning is evident when he winks. He pauses then, and his expression shifts, growing solemn.
A clear shift in his demeanour happens. Magnus turns from playful to sincere in the blink of an eye. Although, there was also a serious tone to it. Magnus looks at him, and understanding eyes meet Alec’s hesitant ones. “Alexander, you seem like a man in need of a break, and I am very much a man in need of a friend. Adventures are always a quick way in figuring out what you want. What do you say?”
What does he say?
He says yes.
Of course Alec does.
Before Magnus can think of a good retort, he tries to ignore the clenching ache his stomach gives at the sight of a confident, smirking Alec Lightwood watching him so openly. He settles for pointing in a random direction. “I have to go and see a dog about a man. Meet back here in five?”
“Uh, isn’t the expression, ‘see a man about a dog’?”
“Not when the dog ran off with the man’s wife. A rather big scandal, it seems. The president wants me to try and step in. Smooth things over, so to speak.”
At that, Alec just stares blankly.
Magnus holds up a finger. “Yes, this is normal for me. No, you may not come along. Go.”
4. Love & Other Drugs prequel of Our Love Is A Harsh Chord in the Semi-charmed Kind Life series by @la-muerta​
Why I love this fic: I'm kind of cheating here by listing two fics but they're a package deal. Love & Other Drugs was a smutty one-shot that left me wanting
backstory. Let me tell you the pining and 'unrequited' love between those two demanded a story to be written. Which is why when la_muerta ran a poll on whether or not she should start it or another series first, I campaigned for this one like it was my job (I lost but I still got the series eventually so did I really lose?) The writing in this and with all of la_muerta's fics will hook you. The sadness over the back and forth between them is done so well. It's angst that will grip you and hold onto you until you eventually finish. Just go on the twitter hashtag of #OLIAHCfic and see my screaming.
Favorite scene: Probably the LSD scene.
Favorite quote(s):
Alec was still here, in bed with him.
How many times had Magnus wished that he could wake up with Alec in his arms? He didn't dare to move, wanting the dream to last a little longer, but Alec was already stirring.
he'll wonder if life would be a little easier if he wasn't hopelessly in love with Magnus, but it is a fact of who he is now: Alec Lightwood is 6'3, has dark hair, is gay, and is in love with Magnus Bane.
They are lying next to each other now, turned on their sides and face to face. The world is no longer warped and weird, but glowing and perfect. Magnus is tracing a path of lightning down Alec's body with his fingertips, and in a moment of clarity Alec understands that in Magnus' eyes he is as beautiful as he thinks Magnus is (it is the first thing Alec forgets when he wakes up sober later).
Words aren't enough to express how he feels, but they've always understood each other better when clumsy words don't get in the way.
5. The Lonely Hearts Hotline by @unrestrainedlyexcessive​
Why I love this fic: It's funny, it's endearing, it's heart wrenching, it's sexy, etc. The way Alec is written in this fic is one of my favorite characterizations. The way his situation can resonate with so many young adults today. That feeling when you're an adult and you feel like you should know what to do with your life and who you should be but the truth is, you're still just as lost as always. Being an adult sucks tbh and even when you're an adult, sometimes life doesn't quite feel like it. Alec's character and growth in this fic is beautiful. (I also really loved Jace in this fic)
Favorite scene: A tough choice. Probably the office party and follow up scene in Magnus' office.
Favorite quote(s):
The problem with being a new grad, in general, is that the world and job force demands you have experience, but you have to live a certain number of productive years on the planet to gain that experience.
Early adulthood is no man's land. You don’t have the experience to matter and no one wants to pay you to gain it, hence how he ended up in the precarious situation he’s in: dodgy sex work by night, an even dodgier roommate, and desperately hoping an internship eventually turns into an actual paying job.
Magnus runs his tongue down the knobs of Alec's spine. "You're so beautiful," he says, pausing.
"I'm really not," Alec insists, eyes fluttering closed.
"Why are you so kind to everyone except yourself?"
"I'm a work in progress."
"Aren't we all?"
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