#so any situations they're not in won't be shown which should keep things more manageable
Res gon' give it to ya. I'm gon' give it to ya. Res gon' give it to ya. Whaaaat? A new chapter of my fic is what!
If you've not been following along, this is part of the Hermitgao3ng event, taking a line from the song Hermitgang as inspiration for a story. This particular fic is about Gem being mind controlled into enchanting items for her fellow Hermits that trap them into an unknown dimension. If this piques your interest, you can find the first chapter here!
I'm gon' give it to ya - Chapter 11
11. Reinforced
Fandom/collection: Hermitcraft/@hermitgang-ao3
Words: 3640 of 24740 total so far
Summary: The Hermits try to open the portal, but it takes a lot more than they expected.
Another flash ran through the city as Gem's hands made contact with the enchanter. The sculk sensors let out yet another warble as the wave rushed through them, though this time their dancing tendrils stayed in sync after the light had passed, waving together as if to an unheard rhythm.
The glow danced around Gem's body, jumping towards her hands as the several hundred levels from the enderman farm coursed into the enchanter, flowing from the top surface down in intricate lines through previously unnoticed grooves in the sides of the table. The enchanter started to hum as the levels kept pouring in, growing in intensity as the power increased and the light grew stronger.
And then the hum changed, as if it reached some threshold and overflowed.
Tendrils of light shot out from the base of the enchanter into the surrounding brickwork, that same greeny-yellow glow trailing through the cracks and cervices in the stone. They crawled towards the giant pillars on either side of the altar like vines, twisting and turning as they made their way up, up, up towards the portal.
As the light travelled, a different song seemed to come from the surrounding cavern. It was as if the sculk sensors themselves were singing, an otherworldly warble more melodious than any noise she'd heard them make before, calling out to whatever lay deep beyond the stonework.
The tendrils of lights wreathed around the giant structure, forming a halo of light that knitted together at the top. The sensors' song grew in intensity, as if anticipating what would happen next.
And with the loop completed, the light changed direction, redirecting inwards into the reinforced deepslate from all sides.
"It's working!" shouted Grian, spinning around to get a better view of the show.
"I don't have enough level," said Gem, wincing through the raw exertion of her power. Indeed, the glow around her had already started to wane, her hair drifting lower and lower towards her shoulders as the magic drained away.
Ren stepped forward, putting his hand on Gem's shoulder. He winced slightly as the glow passed through into his hand and up his arm, racing to surround him, but he held firm as the Gem seemed to refuel her power.
The veins of light pulsed stronger, the reinforced deepslate taking on a glow of its own. The song slowly crescendoed, becoming clearer and clearer as the levels continued to pour into the enchanter.
Then suddenly, with the sound of a bolt sliding into place, the centre-most bottom frame lit up fully, as bright as glowstone but with that same greeny-yellow that characterised everything the enchanter did.
The sensors warbled again, a new layer of harmony added to the song as it passed.
"Holy smokes," said Etho, staring up at the portal in awe. "It's actually working."
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btsareyandere · 5 years
Yandere Jin 
'Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit, oh shit!' You repeat to yourself, your bare feet slapping against the oak flooring of the hallway you race along.
The bathroom door swings open and lands against the wall with a thud.
Rushing to the sink you begin washing the soles of your feet knowing you don't have time for a shower. The spit in your mouth is becoming thick and hard to swallow as time ticks by and your anxiety worsens, 'God, he's going to kill me.' You half cry whilst you scrub at all the dirt you can see. The mess seems to be getting bigger the more you clean yourself, brown water is settling on the white countertop, tufts of grass are littering the tiles and a quick glance in the mirror brings the state of your hair to your attention.
"Y/N! Come here please". The voice of your husband carrying up the stairs stills your body. For a second you wonder if hiding is the best option, maybe if you keep them waiting long enough he'll be forced to deal with you later.
'No' you whisper because of course, Jin would never back down and even if, by some miracle he did, the price you'd pay later would be more than you could afford.
Having made a decision, you try to dry yourself with toilet roll, something you can flush and hide the evidence of, before combing your fingers through your hair and walking to the stairs.
"Y/n!" He shouts louder this time. "I'm waiting, you know I don't wait". The length of your stride widens to get you there faster and when you do, Jin and two important looking men were stood looking at you.
When jin sees the state of you, barefoot, muddy and inappropriately clothed in a thin summer dress, his eyes narrow and darken.
Your mind thinks back to his comment when he kissed your head this morning when he left for work..'two of my best acquaintances are coming round tonight. Be sure to look presentable and clean, they have standards y/n and I won't have you show me up. I know how well behaved and beautiful you are, let's let them see it too'. Yeah, you went and fucked up.
In your defence, the grass cutters came in the late afternoon to begin mowing the acres of land that Jin's mansion backs onto and through pure boredom and loneliness, you snuck out to talk with them. Talking turned to laughing, laughing turned into you making them drinks and eventually with you playing like a child in the cut grass.
Jin never said you couldn't go out today.
Jin's fingers snapping together made you focus on him once again, his hand was pointed at the bottom step angrily. "Come here, right now!"
Meekly, you tiptoe down to stand in front of him, being one step up made you eye level with him.
"Tell me why you look like you do".
He demands.
Before you even open your mouth, you can feel the words getting stuck in your throat, fighting for space when so many of them are trying to jump out and argue your innocence.
You gulp quickly as you glance at the men behind him, they look just as ashamed as Jin does. "I um, I was reading a magazine and they...erm, it's a new fashion, like a style. It was...you know my favourite actress, yeah so she..on the catwalk, in um Hollywood maybe. Um...yeah..." your shoulders drop at the realisation that you've just fucked up, even more, you've never been a good liar but this was embarrassing even for you.
"Y/n" he growled, fists tightening at his side "don't you dare lie to me. I swear, it will be the last lie you come up with".
Your eyes start to burn as salty tears build up, ready to fall at any moment. "I'm sorry. Jin I'm sorry, I can go change". The power behind jins silent stare is unimaginable and has you punishing yourself before he can even touch you. Your nails dig painfully into your palms as you bang them against your outer thighs. Since being with jin, you have developed certain habits that he hates and tries to condition out of you. He's managed to get them down to almost nothing but even this tiny outlet of built-up stress and fear still annoys him. "Stop hitting yourself, that's my job" he swats at your arm to stop you.
"Please jin, I'll change super quick" you beg.
"There isn't time. This.." he pauses his sentence to pull at your flowy white dress, causing you to stumble into him. "This isn't something that can be fixed quickly. Did I or did I not, tell you I was expecting company and you weren't under any circumstances to show me up?" You don't get a chance to reply before he shouts once again "I did y/n! I gave you clear instructions and you chose to disobey me and now you've shown this side of yourself to two complete strangers." Spit is hitting you in the face as he yells but you don't dare to look away or wipe it.
With a trembling chin and eyes big enough to hold an ocean of tears, you beg him to forgive you. "I don't know what to say other than I'm sorry. I lost track of time, please don't hurt me Jin". The men behind him had moved to flank him and watch as jin tears strips off of you in front of them.
"Hurt you? You think I'm going to hurt you? Is that the kind of man I am now? Someone who beats his wife." Well from your experience, yes, yes he is the type of man he just angrily described.
To avoid getting yourself into further trouble, you simply shake your head and grip his shirt to make yourself seem as pathetic as possible and hopefully gain some sympathy.
He sighs and grips one of your wrists painfully tight, turning both of you round to face his friends. "Gentlemen, as you have probably guessed, this is my wife. I can assure you she usually acts better than this, her training has been...extensive shall we say". They all laugh in understanding and look down at you like a child that's made a comical mistake.
"Don't worry too much Jin. Sometimes my wife is the same, bless them, they try but often forget simple rules." The taller man says.
"Yeah, it's the same with mine. You should consider yourself lucky, little lady. Not all men are as understanding as your husband." He reaches out and ruffles your hair to which you feel Jin react and squeeze your wrist tighter. He never did like it when people touched you.
"Hurry and apologise" jin spits at you.
"I'm sorry. It won't happen again." You said more to jin than to them but they all accepted it.
"Come on then, let's go to the living room and I'll have the maids bring us something to drink". Jin gestured for the men to head towards the room on the far left and followed them, dragging you along without letting you know if you're welcome or not.
Once he has watched his friends seat themselves, jin takes up position in his own armchair, releasing your wrist and allowing the blood to start flowing to your hand again.
He straightens his suit out before once again clicking his fingers, "stand here. Right here" you shuffle closer and closer to the side of his seat before he motions for you to stop, "you're too filthy for my furniture, you'll stand in silence. Do you understand?"
You nod your head like last time but this time it's not enough. He reaches back and slaps behind your knees firmly, causing you to release a gasp. "Answer me when I'm talking to you".
"Y-yes jin, I understand you." You whisper.
"She's cute" one of them praises.
"Yeah, she tries." Jin sluggishly replies.
The evening drags on and they make it through several bottles of wine..each. Jin, however, sticks to his usual two glasses and watches amused as his friend's tongues get looser and looser. "...And so the other day I bought her some new underwear and told her she can only wear those around the house" they all three burst into hysterics but to you, it wasn't funny. It hurt you to know that more women were living like you and with men that seemed even worse than jin. Maybe jin was better than them.
Several more degrading and sexist comments had you lose control over yourself and you tut quietly as you roll your eyes simply for your own benefit.
"Excuse you," jin says without looking at you.
You bite down on your lip and pretend he wasn't talking to you, something that didn't last long when his hand grips the back of your hair and pulls you down to his eye level, over the arm of the chair.
"Do you not think you're in enough trouble as it is?"
You use one hand to hold yourself up while the other one hovers by your head, wanting to force him to let you go but too afraid to do it.
"I-i" you begin when he cuts you off.
"I-i" he mocks. "You're a stuttering mess y/n. Just don't say anything unless I tell you to. How can you be so dumb all the time?" Thick tears are now dropping from your eyes to his shirt and he notices. He pushes you down to the floor at his feet and holds you there, "Everything you do makes a mess. The floor is the only place you won't ruin anything." His temper was flaring and despite their level of drunkenness, his friends were feeling it's their time to leave.
"Well, it looks like you have some things to work out jin. We'll be going now". They both stand to say their final goodbyes when Jin finally looks away from you. "I'm sorry you had to see this." He says as he points at you.
His friend smiles knowingly and attempts to reassure him. "Honesty it's okay. I find they get a bit more disobedient when they're on their period. It's not their fault really I suppose".
Jin looks at you again "are you bleeding?" You feel your cheeks burn impossibly hot as they continue to dehumanised and belittle you.
All you can do is shake your head and silently plead for Jin to take you from this situation.
"Hmp," He says almost as if he were perplexed about the reasoning behind your bad behaviour.
You glance up at the men with jins hand still in your hair.
The other one gazes down at you with a lustful smile "You're a very lucky man Jin." You watch as his tongue slips across his chapped lips and it repulses you. You cower backwards slightly, resting between jins legs. When he notices your behaviour Jin smiles inwardly, he knows that no matter how he treats you, you're bound to him forever.
"I know." Jin snaps at his friend. "Y/n, go upstairs and wait on all fours for me. There's no way you're getting away with this kind of behaviour. I'll have the maid run you a hot bath after, you won't be sitting down for a while. Go now!"
You quickly spring to your still slightly muddy feet and race to your room to fulfil his demands and this time you won't be late.
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@jinnenchimchim @v-2bucky @aria101404
Not proofread.
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