muppenthings · 1 month
Does Gorm know how to show affection? actually how does your mers that interact with people learn how to show affection?
Oh he definitely shows affection, in his own way! He's very "vocal", as in he'll communicate loads with you. Sharing knowledge, experiences, ideas and so on. He'll want to tell you all about that new thing he found or where you can find a good fishing spot. Will a human understand those rapidly changing colors and happy puffs of air? No. If he likes the person, he'll want to just hang out with them, see what they're doing and so on.
Octomers in general aren't very cuddly or affectionate, being a quite solitary species. But if they do show affection it's by holding another mer's arm, or anywhere else. A small, subtle contact. And of course there's a bioluminescence display of happiness/content.
As for learned affection, Gorm's discovered that humans can give things like pets with their small hands. It's quite interesting and he wants to experience those more. And also perhaps the humans would like those pats back?
As for my other mers, some had to learn to adjust their physical displays of affection with smaller folks. Runt is a natural at adjusting and taking ques and reading body language. So he's very much selftaught! And it helps that he's not as massive as the others.
More under the cut cause I ramble...
For Runt it's part of his nature and he'll happily show his affection to those comfortable with it. Saehl mers will rub and press their noses into eachother. They're quite scent oriented and the scent of a loved one is instant dopamine for them. So Runt is very content to shove his whole face into you, puffing happily. If you puff back he'll be ecstatic! He's very quick to adapt his affection to the individual and if someone doesn't want his face all over them, he'll happily pat them on the back instead for example. Saehls form very strong family bonds and friendships where touch is casual and constant. Sunbasking side by side, grooming and so on. So if anyone is in the vicinity, he'll want to be close and up in their space if possible. He'll also keep an eye on open, making sure that the people around him are happy and healthy too. If he senses a hint of sadness or anything, he'll do his best to make them feel better. He'll absolutely remind them of their doctor's appointment they told him about four weeks ago. xD
Tide is in the process of becoming more confident to express affection again. He wasn't truly part of the pod he was mostly raised in, his affection were either taken for granted or unwanted. He grew up thinking that affection just wasn't meant for him. He was extremely jealous and bitter of other mers giving and receiving affection so easily. Merry's being an excellent support/teacher there. He's awkward and flustered but they're very patient and encouraging. :)
Keiki is from a mer species that lives in tight-knit pods. So physical contact is very natural to him and something he needs to be happy. As he was raised by land folk, he got a lot of feedback and practise with them. They taught him to go slowly, to not lift them up too quickly, to be gentle and to not grab someone in a burst of affection etc. He can still be a little too quick sometimes and knows he can be too much so he tries his best to not be overwhelming, especially if he's on the larger side.
A thing he learned to adapt was hugging. When he was young he'd try to hug the ship (and nearly break it pfff) so they quickly had to steer that into a different outlet. To satiate the need for closeness, they taught him to instead bring them to a cheek, or cup them in his hands and hold them to his neck. He'll also make a very specific sound, like soft fluttering singing tones. It's a very unique sound that these mers only use to a loved one, it has many layers to it but it comes down to signal "I love you".
Keiki's also very happy to help out, little acts of service, when he's able to. He was raised in that everyone helps out and take care of eachother. Unfortunately he can be clumsy so the acts of thoughtfulness can take a wrong turn. He wants to help clean the deck of a boat? The deck gets completely soaked and things wash overboard. And he doesn't quite learn, he just keeps trying his best.™
Cetus is also from a species of mer that is very physical in their affection. It's instinctual, as natural as breathing. But unlike Keiki, he can't be as "small" as 200ft-ish and the humans were very strict in the no-touch department when he was growing up. So the lack of practise coupled with his sheer size, leaves him struggling with how to properly satiate the instinctual need to rub against a person he likes. So he's often rubbing against boats, or any other object, the person is on or try to rub his face against them directly. Which isn't very optimal.
But the current people working with him are slowly easing into being more physical with him. Like letting him touch them with a finger pad, or let him nose them. Still, no lifting them up. But they're slowly teaching him, and eachother, how to safely allow him to express affection.
Cetus will also bring gifts. They're not very nice gifts but he's doing what he can in such a restricted area. He'll gift things like seagulls (alive and somehow uninjured), a piece of the whale that was previously brought to him, half of a rusty bicycle...
No, he will not be taught otherwise. Better accept the seagull less he bring you a part of a boat.
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steampoweredwerehog · 4 months
oooo is there any lore you can drop about Seiv and the crew?
After doing some more brainstorming, indeed there is!
“Giant Country” is separated from the rest of society by something called The Stepp—a huge tectonic plate boundary that forms a 1,000ft cliff across the entire length of the continent. Giants used to be more wide-spread, but moved atop the cliff as smaller humanoid populations exploded.
Thaddeus is the prince of a human kingdom, but the world also has dwarves, elves, etc. Thad has 2 elves & a dwarf with him (naming them soon.) The relic he’s looking for is known in legend, but most common people doubt it exists. If his family or the giants’ elite find it, war could break out. This is precisely what Thaddeus wants to prevent.
Giant Lore~: Giants tend to live in small towns & only have a few major cities. Food has huge cultural importance, to the point that stealing from someone’s plate is super rude & fancy dinners are a common form of courting. Seiv works at a bakery, but loves cooking most. This bish would absolutely have a cooking tiktok, those artsy ones with just music. He’s always has a soft spot & fascination with smaller people, one he’s learned to keep to himself over the years. Thaddeus is guilty of the inverse. Bonus tidbit: Their mattresses are slightly rounded cuz giants like to make blanket nests <3
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rubeau-art · 4 months
Seeing ent’s discovery of her fame, would you see yourself as a big gt creator? Because I think you are 😂
I don't see myself as a g/t creator at all really. Maybe a creator who likes it.
I like the trope a lot yes, but I feel like I sort of don't fit and/or wiggle around the edges of the community (which is fine with me, everyone likes things in their own ways).
I'm glad people in the community enjoy my work though, g/t or not!
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mocha-gladiator · 4 months
How did Gage’s wings melt off??
Also he seems like a guy who forgot he didn’t have wings and tried to fly up to a high shelf or something soon after he was permanently grounded
HAH. You know I never considered it but you're probably right. There's a bell rung in my head that says I might possibly have said something about him Forgetting his wings are gone, but it would be quite a while after he actually healed.
But his wings turned black and rotted off because he had been splashed with an anti-super poison that Dr. Firestein had created. The guy had intended to give it to everyone and turn them back into non-plussed humans. It did work on Gage's physical difference, but not his invisible one, so he retained his mild super-strength.
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awkwardgtace · 1 year
Oooo 13 please!
ok so I spent like all weekend thinking about this one and it spawned a whole new world i'm still working out the lore of (thanks @alarcomet for helping and accepting my rambles) The prompt is done and I genuinely thank you for helping me come up with a new random world i'm going to use for things once i figure more out about it!! Prompt List
I was also possessed and wrote this all in one sitting at midnight my time forgive any issues pls
Big Reunions
Melody stood staring at Kyrie on the couch. He looked uncomfortable and unnecessarily still. She frowned. He smiled at her and failed to hide a wince as he waved her closer. She sighed and shook her head.
“Ok, this is enough,” she said. Kyrie gave her the same look he always did when she was fed up. Eyes begging her to ignore it all and act like it’s fine.
“What do you mean? Aren’t we watching that movie you were excited about?” he asked. She stepped up and got in his face. She could see how nervous he was.
“Not like this. You’re taking that counteracting medicine and we’re going to watch the movie with you at your full height.”
“What? This is fine! We… we’ve been having fun right?”
“I don’t care if we’re having such a good time, nothing could ever top it. You’re in pain and I’m not ignoring this. If this… if we’re going to work then you can’t be in pain taking that medicine all the time.” She poked his arm and got a shout in return. He glared at her for a bit before letting out a heavy sigh.
“...Fine. Walk with me to the door? I can’t fit in here.”
Kyrie stood up, almost a foot taller than her already. She hadn’t seen his new height in person and all the comments from her friends were stuck in her mind. How lucky Kyrie was that she was dating him, someone who didn’t get scared of guardians. She didn’t have a reason to be afraid of them, but she was scared of something else. Something she knew would change things.
She still wrapped an arm around him and grabbed his hand to wrap around her shoulder. She did want to enjoy everything before she lost it all. Kyrie put more of his weight on her than she expected. They stumbled a bit but both wound up laughing about it. A part of her wanted to be selfish and have him stay this way. She ignored that part and dragged him to the door to the much much larger house. He hadn’t even let her see it.
At the door he stood up straight and pulled away from her. Melody wanted to stop him, but the look on his face managed to keep her mouth shut. It seemed like he was as aware this wouldn’t end how they wanted as she was. He walked up to the door and pulled it open. He wouldn’t lock it, he just trusted her to stay on the side that was her size. She walked up and tried to go in ahead. His fingers dug into her shoulder, painfully.
“Wait here, it’ll be a few minutes,” he whispered. Melody nodded despite her preference to just be there with him. She was hoping it would make it easier for both of them. Once he walked through she was left alone with just her thoughts.
The stories her friends told her before she left to come here swirled in her mind. How bad their relationships went when one of them became a guardian. It wasn’t like anyone planned for it to happen, no one could. The way they hated having to lie on their stomachs all the time, or take the medicine to be human sized constantly. Most of them preferred that height now, but it didn’t change that their partner hated a part of them.
She started to pace. The relationship she had with Kyrie wasn’t like the ones her friends had. The two of them had been together for years, all her friends had only just started their relationships before it happened. She knew Kyrie liked to relax on the floor because he did it with her all the time. He would lie down next to her while she went about her business while sitting on the floor. He never appeared bothered by it. 
Then there’s the whole being the tallest class of guardian. The few colossus class she met had fingers at least twice her height. She couldn’t imagine him wanting someone that small. That didn’t count for everything else. All the other issues she brought with her, ones he always said he’d help her face. It seemed like too much. It felt like… she wasn’t enough.
“Melody,” Kyrie’s voice echoed overhead. The door hadn’t moved, but the loud call made her shiver. She hadn’t mentioned that little awakening she had either. “I’m gonna open the door now. Just… don’t move if you’re still near it ok? It opens towards me though so you don’t have to panic.”
She laughed at that. He assumed she’d panic over everything sometimes. He was the one who panicked when things went wrong. She’d solve it and later he’d hold her close while she finally admitted how horrible it was to her too. Her heartbeat skyrocketed as the entire wall started to move. This whole time she thought that it was a wall, but now she could see it was just a small section of the door.
Melody fell to her knees as the door kept moving. It was only then she understood what Kyrie meant when he told her he was taller than she could expect. He made the other colossus class guardians look small. Her breath caught in her throat as she finally saw him through the door. She couldn’t even see past his shins. 
The moment he moved she thought she’d pass out. It was so much more intense than anything she’d felt before. He’d taken a step forward and made her bounce completely off the ground. As his knee came down and collided with the surface ahead of her she bounced again. The worry she’d be afraid made so much more sense. She flushed as she realized how much she thought his height was perfect.
“I, uh, can’t really reach in there or anything. Can you… make it over to this side?” he whispered. She sort of wished he’d spoken louder. She wanted to feel the bass of his voice when he spoke. 
She felt like the worst person in the world as the things she wanted from him like this continued to grow in her mind. His fingers wrapping around her, holding her safely and firmly away from the world. Hearing his thunderous heartbeat, the only sound around her besides his voice. The only warmth she could see herself enjoying was just being close to him. At this point this change just made her love him more.
“Melody?” his voice was even quieter, a hint of fear in it. “Are you alright?”
“Y-yes! I’m coming, sorry I’d sat on the couch to wait!” she shouted. A horrible lie, but he was awful at catching anything she did lie about. It was why this was awful, why she knew they’d part after this week.
She took a few deep breaths to calm herself down before climbing to her feet. The things she did fear started to race through her mind. The same protective and kind fingers wrapping around her loosely. Pulling her off the ground, up and up and up until she met his face. It took everything in her to take the few steps over to him, to see who he’d become after more than a year apart.
From what she could see the house sized to him was the same as the one sized to her. They could spend time here easily, he’d be comfortable here. He wouldn’t be in pain trying to fit somewhere for her, trying to do things the way that suited her. She couldn’t bring herself to try and look up to his face yet.
“So… this is me now,” he muttered. She just nodded, the things swirling in her mind making it impossible to look up. The want to feel safe wrapped in his fingers mixed with the danger those same fingers posed. “Am I that hard to face?”
Eyes blown wide she snapped her head up to stare at him. He hovered over her, taking up almost everything. She could see the ceiling of the home high above him, higher above her. He was massive. She was miniscule. He couldn’t even take the medicine if he wanted to, not without pain. She couldn’t imagine him seeing her as worthwhile. Not with the things she still hid from him.
“I’m sorry, please don’t cry,” his voice cracked. She hadn’t even realized she started to cry. “I’ll take the medicine again… I’ll cover the ticket home if you need. I’m so sorry.”
He was kicking her out. She was too much and not enough all at once. She tried to stop any more tears from slipping out of her. To find something to make him realize she would try to be enough for him. 
“I should have told you, let you end it sooner. I never wanted to scare you.” She snapped out of her thoughts. He wasn’t scaring her at all. Concern for Kyrie managed to clear her mind enough to remember the one piece of advice her friends gave her. Make sure he knows what you’re thinking. Most people are scared, let him know you’re not.
“Kyrie,” her voice was quiet, she knew he hadn’t heard her. She started to take a deep breath to try again, but that huge form loomed closer. The unexpected movement made her choke on the breath she’d been taking. Huge, warm, comforting, and terrifying fingers surrounded her as soon as her cough started. He was always worrying about her.
“Shit, do you have your inhaler? I’m so sorry I didn’t think it would be this bad. I… How can I help?” She reached out, setting one of her hands on the nearest fingertip. She could feel the grooves on his skin. She coughed a bit longer before managing to get a solid breath.
“I was just surprised you moved so fast, I didn’t think you could hear me.” Ocean-like eyes stared at her for a long minute. She worried he hadn’t heard that time, but the fingers near her curled in just slightly. Just enough they were touching her, enough that she could lean into them.
“Aren’t you scared?” Melody shook her head. If he could hear her there was no way he couldn’t see her do that, especially when she was a bit dramatic about it. “You’re really not scared of me being big?”
“No, not at all.” She looked away as her cheeks grew warm. She had to tell him, it was only fair. It may freak him out anyway. “I actually kind of realized I sort of… like it. While I was working with so many guardians I sort of started to think about… what if… you were one.”
Silence. Nothing but silence. She dug her nails into his skin, she didn’t care if he could feel it. His hands would be ripped away and she’d be left alone. Time seemed infinite as they sat there. Finally sick of it she snapped her head up to stare at the huge face looming over her. She didn’t expect to find a smirk hovering there. She knew that smirk too, he was about to do something that was either awful or amazing.
All too soon that face was moving. He was coming closer, the fingers around her became walls trapping her. He moved one finger just enough that her hand was stuck between the one she held and the other. She tried to pull free, but he was keeping her there. She just watched as the massive face finally stopped, he was resting his forehead on his hands.
The ground trembled as Kyrie moved to accommodate his new position. The space in front of her was replaced with more of him. When he let his weight hit the ground she was thrown up. Her hand was let go before she could be hurt and fingers caught her as she fell back down. One finger was almost as wide as she was tall. She’d never felt more safe in her life.
“So, you like me this big?” he said. His breath washed over her and the bass of his voice made her shudder. He was louder than before, but still not so loud it would hurt her. All she managed was a nod. “Do… you still want to watch the movie?”
That was the new problem wasn’t it? Even with the house set up for cohabitation there were so many places she couldn’t handle. She still nodded, just hoping it being Kyrie would fix things. What she could see of his grin made her heart melt. No matter his size he was still like a big puppy to her. She was starting to feel stupid, thinking he’d hate her. Then he started to move.
As soon as he started off the ground she lost herself. A loud scream left her despite wanting desperately to trust the hand below her. To trust she’d be safe and he wouldn’t let her fall. The connection the two had started to make crumbled as he pulled his face away. His hand tilted and she was back on the ground. Cold and on her own. Just like she knew would happen.
“Melody,” his voice was quiet again. “You don’t have to lie to me… I won’t do anything if you’re scared of me.”
The betrayal in his voice hurt more than anything he could say. He knew she lied about things, about her feelings. The one thing he’d made her promise was not to lie about how she felt towards him. She kept that promise and he matched it. They were honest to each other and she needed that in her life. She scrambled to her feet, fully aware of the tears flooding her face this time.
“I didn’t lie to you! I’m not afraid of you,” she shouted. Standing with her feet solidly on the ground she could do this. “I’ve known you for years, I’ve loved you for years. Getting a bit taller isn’t going to change that. Nothing would make me scared of you.”
He moved quickly. Setting his hands down on the ground around her. She was trapped in a triangle of his thumbs and index fingers. If she had any urge to run it was impossible, but that didn’t matter. She wasn’t going to run away from him, he was going to tell her to go. She’d known that. If she could have kept her stupid fear in check nothing would have happened.
“Then why did you scream, please don’t lie to me,” his voice was deep and mournful. 
She wanted to be hurt that he didn't trust her, but she knew this was justified. She’d lied about a lot when they first started dating. Things he found out when Caprice made her face him. She just didn’t want him to hate her. She had so much baggage, things he didn’t deserve to carry with him too. He’d basically proposed then, promising to help her carry it for the rest of their lives. Swearing to wait until she was ready to tell him. 
“It wasn’t because of you,” she started, “I’m… I’m scared of heights.”
“What?” The disbelief in his voice made her start to sob. It was a stupid fear that she intended to hide. Both of them had wanted futures working with guardians, a fear of heights didn’t match up to that. “Melody, you’re a better liar than that. After all this time I would know that already…”
“I’m not lying! I… I hid it. We wanted to work with guardians. If I mentioned it then you might have tried to talk me into something else, you might have changed your own goals. Plus you were always so happy to point out ferris wheels and amazing views. I couldn’t tell you and risk those things going away. You do so much for me…” 
She fell to her knees. Her sobbing was making it hard to breathe. She wasn’t good enough for him. She wasn’t enough for him, period.
“Melody I-”
“Now you’re so big and I’m not even a finger length to you and I have all these other issues then a fear of heights and I just wanted to be good enough for you… I didn’t want to make you put up with more problems and have to stay on the ground or be stuck with someone who you’d never be able to hold properly or or-”
Fingers wrapped around her before she could finish talking. She pulled her arms free and just focused on wiping her eyes. One last bit of revenge for how much she put him through was fair. He’d carry her out and she’d just never come back. Two massive fingers gently pinched her arms and held them down. He pressed his free thumb down on her to keep her from pulling her arms free again.
“Melody, I love you,” his voice was louder again. She shivered. He was lying now. “I don’t know what brought you back to thinking I’m putting up with you. If it’s really just a fear of heights I don’t care. I already lie on the ground with you all the time don’t I? This is nothing new.”
“Now who’s lying? How could you want someone like me when… when you’re a guardian and could find someone who is closer to your size. At least bigger than your fingers…”
Kyrie brought his face close, each breath he took washed over her. She looked away, staring at the thumb holding her down. That gave her a clear look as he used his pinky nail to force her to stare up at him. The huge face was bright red, but his eyes were serious.
“Maybe… I thought about how I kind of like the idea of being this big… with you this small,” his voice was pushing the edge of what she could handle. “Why don’t we try this a bit? I have an idea so we can still watch the movie.”
“Do you promise to tell me if you change your mind… I won’t blame you,” she asked. The calm smile from above her reminded her of the first time she told him her worries. The things she wouldn’t tell anyone besides her brother. A face that promised he wouldn’t abandon her like so many others did.
“Knowing it will never happen I will, but only if you promise to do the same, ok?” She nodded.
This time when Kyrie moved he had her slide down to his palm. The anxiety of him standing built up in her chest, but his hand stayed on the ground. She could still feel the rumbles of his movement in his hand, but she didn’t leave the ground once. She started laughing as he crawled over to wherever he was planning to take her. He laughed with her.
The deep booming laugh almost hurt her ears, but she didn’t care. She’d been so ready for this to be gone. She thought she’d never get to hear it after this week. That if she did it would be without her involved. She laughed more when he started to make stupid faces down at her. She laughed so hard she went silent when he bumped his head on a wall as he made his way to his destination.
His fingers folded over, covering her completely. She couldn’t see anything, but knew the hand stayed firmly planted on the ground. The grunts only made her laugh more, imagining him desperate to keep her in his hand despite needing to stand. He made a noise she knew was victory and Kyrie was moving again. 
“I’m going to lift you up a little, do you think you can handle it?” he asked. The fingers around her moved. She stared up at him, taking a minute to just accept that this was real. He still wanted to be with her.
“Will you stop if I need you to?” she asked. He nodded and she nodded back.
Slowly he lifted his hand up. She dug her nails into his skin, this time getting a look at the worry it caused. He stopped maybe two feet away from the ground. Then brought his hand closer. He lowered it again, settling on a pillow she hadn’t noticed. He left his hand flat and got comfortable on the pillow before pulling the hand holding her close to his face. He slid her off leaning her against his arm. Then he set his hand palm down in front of her.
Melody looked around, finding a laptop dead ahead. That was all she needed to relax, the pillow beneath her more than enough to help her stay calm. She was  safe and near the ground. A two foot drop wouldn’t be that bad. The hand he left in front of her moved with unbelievable speed pulling up the movie. 
As soon as he hit play she smiled, the hand he’d been using was set back on her legs. Eventually his thumb wrapped behind her back. She didn’t feel like enough still, but she had hope. It wasn’t easy for her to hope, but Kyrie seemed to draw it out of her. They might even be able to work on her fear of heights.
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coffehbeans · 6 months
I'm curious, how do Alaric and Estelle become more comfortable together in an awkward position and eventually become friends
Oh my gosh hiii I'm so happy with your ask!
Anyway in order to answer I'd have to spoil a bit of the next chapter of their story auahshs but I can tease it! They both develop some sort of bond after realizing how similar they are to eachother. Both Estelle and Alaric are introverts who enjoy books! And since both are young there's still that hidden part of childhood that they don't let go. They will ignite that childish wonder for eachother when they're together ^^
I'll explore that in detail in their next (and prob last) chapter but look forward to it!
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stanlees-stuff · 4 months
PLEASE BRING THE CONTINUATION OF HOW EZ AND MIKE MEET!! WE NEED THIS!! (I love your art and your stories, I always check to see if you posted anything lol)
*cracks knuckles* Okay lets do this
Mike and Ez Origins: pt 3 cw: mild blood
Once he locked eyes with the giant lizard, mike reacted in a calm and collected manner
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why is it always the random branch...🤦‍♂️ but hey at least we know how he got his scars!
first || Prev || next
I honestly love how the colors look in this one. ALSO THE NEXT ONE AFTER THIS IS MY FAVOURITE PART YESS!!! Im gonna try and make these release on a bi-weekly schedule
TAGLIST: @goblinunderabridge @gt-newbie @smolcomfycat @da3dm @mouzeinsoup @xoxohihi @freshcube @tineylittledude @tinybitz @dragoncookbook
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kelly-clickspring · 5 months
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I put more into this than I really intended to, but it was really great practice, so I'm totally cool with that!
@blueskimmer @smolcomfycat @keydekyie @nonbinary-octopus (and some cool folks from discord)
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arrow-gt-ace · 7 months
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@smolcomfycat mentioned Jack dancing with the skeleton last year
12ft skeleton season is perfect for minigiant photoshoots
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just-a-tiny-bun · 2 months
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Giftart for @smolcomfycat featuring her characters Imm and Lumi! They make for an awesome duo ngl ^^
They are from her story Witch, and you can read the first couple of chapters here and here! I recommend checking it out if you like gt fantasy stories x3
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muppenthings · 11 months
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@smolcomfycat Attention acquired. :v
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steampoweredwerehog · 3 months
How well does Seiv react to a bunch of lil people appear out of nowhere in his house? And do they all band together to find the ancient artifact?
Tbh? Better than most giants would, as in he doesn’t immediately try to stamp them out.
They first appear in the bakery he works at, and in a panic, Seiv saves them Ratatouille-style.
They do all eventually leave town together to seek out the amulet, with Seiv as they’re guide & mode of transport. :P
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rubeau-art · 4 months
Why is there a war with the midra? And how much time do you think passes between each act?
The war with the Midra started not long after their arrival in human occupied space.
A small colony went completely dark overnight and all that came out was some broken messages and grainy footage of Midra soldiers. Humanity saw this as their first contact being an invasion and reacted in defence.
The Midra side of things. Their current matriarch, Mikaah is a nasty piece of work. Instead of finding a new empty planet to rebuild their homes on (or returning to their original now it's recovered), she saw humanity's facilities and decided it would be simpler to take rather than rebuild. She sees humanity as vermin in her space.
Human side of things at this point, we have Craig Loomis. Former head of protectorate operations, now General for the forces (up until this point, humanity doesn't actually have armed forces. The protectorate acts as the UN should. Diplomatic peace-keeping and limited use of force in dire situations). Loomis has gone a bit mad with power and started to see the war as a personal chess game with Mikaah.
The war will keep going as long as these two tyrants keep butting heads.
There's villains on both sides.
As for time between the acts - There's about three months between act one and two, and about 6 between two and three.
Hope that all made sense!
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mocha-gladiator · 4 months
Before being banished did Typhon interact with humans/smaller beings? And how does he feel about physically touch/cuddles with smaller beings? Sounds like he needs h u g s 🥺
actually now that I think about it, I don't think he would have seen them firsthand! he would have heard of mortals of course but he wouldn't know exactly how big they were.
Typhon certainly likes physical touch. He's asexual (both emotionally and physically. Since he was strictly a guardian creature he was made without parts or a complete digestive tract.) but he certainly loves cuddles! As a side effect of being able to road (scary guardian feature) he can also purr, and he's great to have in the cold. The more snuggles he gets, the warmer the fire in his chest gets. He can get too hot for some to touch, though.
He does like to play pranks and such, so he'll pick friends up, too.
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awkwardgtace · 6 months
As the god of war that hates war, what if Ryder was also known for other things that are alternative to war, like debate, pillow fighting, wrestling, and silly little bets :)
Ok for real, this ask came at the best time. Literally sitting here being sad cause my computer doesn't wanna let me play alan wake 2 and the ask made me smile. Now for the answer!
That's actually exactly how it works! So he's the god of war, but I guess god of battle is a better title. It's part of why he calls Delphia a warrior. Not every war is fought on a battlefield. Sometimes it's a war where the victory is just surviving. Like Delphia being tortured, or someone with mental health struggles.
So debates, pillow fighting, wrestling, and bets all do fall into his role. He just doesn't know it at first. He'll find out when he gets called for a "major battle the god of war must witness" and it's just a debate that leads to a peace treaty or young kids play fighting where the victory having a role in how they view the world and fill their spots as heroes.
He could even learn this because of a bet between two gods that he's called to witness, even though the gods themselves didn't call him.
So tldr, you caught on to it :D. Of course his disdain for violence may have a role in a rise of alternative ways war is waged someday. Though I haven't thought that far ahead yet
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todoabi · 3 months
as @smolcomfycat suggested, here's Mar and Jake eating a snack together!
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His head looks weird to me but I'm too lazy to try to fix it lol
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