#smh we know her pos husband did this :
jils-things · 2 months
Jil I'm so sorry but everytime u mention tnmn I have to Hold Back The Urge to ask u if u saw my husband. You know who this is and ur free to laugh /pos I'M SO EHJRHAJDHAJFHSH🚶🚶🚶
OH MAN I SHOULD'VE TOLD YOU SOONER - DUDE - THERE'S HILARIOUS EVENTS WHERE WE ENCOUNTERED HIM AND IT WAS SO FUNNY. you have every right to go hehehe husband that's ur funne tired man i aint judging brotha 👐👐 im gonna put my encounters under read more because this post is literally me talkin to you HAHAAH
nic and i have been playing for quite some time the moment we bought it and we couldn't fucking find francis no matter what!! him and mia stone were the hardest to look for actually - we only encountered her once!
we played the game and ended the day like 4 times? (we took turns being doorman) and since it was getting late (4am i think) we told each other "this would be the last game" and we agreed. so on the last game - i just kept crying to myself broo where the fucken mil.kman dude (i kept complaining i did not see francis each playthrough HAHAHA)
and FUNNILY ENOUGH, AFTER CLEARING OUT THE LAST NEIGHBOR ON THE LIST (the one where you should expect their arrival) - i was like "pipipipi wheres the damn guy" AND FUCKEN FRANCIS APPEARS OUT OF NOWHERE and i celebrated so loudly i was fucking cackling to myself. unfortunately that was a doppelganger, a really good one actually - we had to dial the real francis to confirm it
and the other time, it was just today and we took turns playing. i was playing doorman and told myself ok last game and we're done. ON THE LAST FUCKIN GAME FRANCIS APPEARS ON THE LIST LIKE GOTDAMN DUDE DOES HE NOT WANT TO APPEAR IN FRONT OF ME AT ALL LMAO??? i played this game TWICE + MY SISTER'S TURN HE DID NOT FUCKING APPEAR ONLY UNTIL I SAY "LAST GAME" I THINK THIS GUY HATES ME YALL 💀💀💀💀
THIS PRICK DOESN'T WANNA SEE ME tho then again he's probably visiting YOUR house rather smh smh 😔😔 a little too biased . wants to see FIANCE or sumth 😔😔😔😔 so sad
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papirouge · 2 years
More women are talking about the pain of iud insertion so I hope this brings up the topic of just why do girls have to do this in the first place. We don’t and shouldn’t honestly. I never had an iud but every girl I know who had talked about how they threw up, fainted, needed excessive pain killers. And no surprise, pain killers were denied to most black women. This isn’t right
Also babe, was that a screenshot from lolcow on your last post lol I was gonna say you’d probably like LSA too if you haven’t visited there
I remember (a long) time ago when I was considering getting contraceptives of an IUD. I've always been scared of pills (cancerigen) but non hormonal ones seems less harmful. Thankfully I had a classmate who has one and she told me she had struggled quite a lot with it (irregular bleeding, cramps even out of the periods time, etc) so I eventually gave up.
So yeah, contraceptives are a big no to me.
And yes, that was a screenshot of lolcow lol Touché !
I've been doomscrolling on it since yesterday day. I have a love-hate relationship with this website bc the most retarded takes coexist with the most hilarious & based takes.
For example they'll go off against aging scrotes dating younger women, but have a weird obsession with an actor (don't remember his name, he was the Scarlet Witch brother in Avengers 2: Age of Ultron) dating (and marrying) a 42 years old woman who groomed him on the set of a movie she directed when he was still 17 years old... For some reason they are simping hard for him and say how jealous they are of her and seethe at every comment saying how creepy this age gap/grooming situation was. These femcel truly believe female groomers is a progress towards sex equality/a dunk against patriarchy....smh Btw that predator got pregnant a year later after they 'started' the relationship (so he was 18). They call her a queen for leaving her husband and 2 children (who were around her new boyfriend age) and getting a hot new thing.... Typical femscrote behavior
Oh and there are also stupid Amber Heard stan who are still seething at Deep lmao who else is gonna tell them that as problematic and ugly Depp was, their deranged queen has still chosen to date him? 💀 Whenever they go like "DePp iS nOt gOnNa fUck yOu" we should clap back: "I know, Amber did it instead" 🙃 This self burn will never not be funny imo lmaoo
The tinfoil thread is interesting too. I got some new ammo about the Hunter Biden case (100% he's a pedo and a bunch of his files that are hidden are incriminating him on this). I got some nice tea and pics evidence so I like lurking on it to build up my #papiconspiracy archive. I had no idea he was rumoured to have preyed on Malia Obama 🥴 (in the leaked files, there are pics of coke lines with her Goldman Sachs card lol)
And yes I occasionally browse LSA but I this website can be so frickin stupid at times....
I remember that thread about the Smiths kids and OP asking why they weren't mainstream and ppl were like so weirdly defensive about them whenever ppl replied they weren't liked bc they were nepo kids and these girls were like "every other races is ok with nepotism so why is that a problem with Black people!!!" and I my eyes literally rolled out of my head at that strawman because THE HATE OF NEPOTISM IS SHARED BY ALL DEMOGRAPHICS. NO ONE likes nepo kids, period. Why are the Kardashians unanimously hated? the Hadids? actors from celebrities parents (doesn't one of Stranger Things girl gets crap for having a celebrity actor parent)?? That's the thing that irks me the most in LSA: whenever a bad behavior in the Black community is pointed out, there are always people who are like "bUt tHe wHitEs dO tHat tOo!!" k?? AND?? If the Whites collectively throw themselves out of a window does that mean it's ok for Black people to do that as well?? Truly shows the weird inferiority complex of these folks who use Whites as some sort of reference.... The people in the Smith thread were acting so smug pointing out that Black ppl were hypocrite bc we pretend rooting for Black people but were not here for these (nepo) kids.....as if someone Black was enough for us to blindly support them regardless of their background 🫠 they really took the Issa Rae meme a tad too far.....
So yeah LSA can be funny but is also super retarded in the same time. That's why I very seldomly go there. I like going there to know at what time US Black women are💅🏾
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submissiveagression · 7 years
You are one desperate ass bitch!...Karmas a bitch!!! Especially when you continuously try to break up marriages!!! Don't you have a daughter? Lead by example.... Smmfh
If you wanted to tell me happy birthday then that's all you had to say ✌🏾
Bitch please!!! Fuck the day you were born! Thirsty ass mule!
Why are you in my inbox yet again
Same reason you in my husbands dumbass
To discuss you!
And he is in mine
Yet whos iniatiating the thirst though?
What thirst?
Didn't he cover up his tattoo?
Didn't he move?
I can't do things he won't allow me to do
Now kick rocks dumbass and direct your bullshit elsewhere
No you dumb bitch...he didn't move? The only reason he has a cover up cause his shit was crooked....you dumbass hoes don't know when you're not wanted, don't know when you're being fed bullshit, because you're too busy desperate for a man! Thats why he spent a second of his life fucking with you because chicks like you move too fast, and help create lifetime situations after a few temporary conversations and fuck sessions...smh..don't learn shit! He don't want you! You're his baby momma and the text messages are scripts...he only reads and reply to them for entertainment purposes ONLY! He feels sorry for you, and so do I!
Omg you're so right
I am simply entertainment.
He entertains me too 😉 you don't have my phone 😘
Question if y'all so happy and in love why is he "using" me for entertainment? Isn't that your job?
Oh good...I gave you time to think! Bitch I work, and if I told you how I work him, you'd be throwing up in your mouth...thats why the entertainment stays over the phone, and when I'm not home. He pull up to get some at the job! So please lets not go there, I am giving him everything he needs over here trust! You're just the lil extra because clearly you're content with being the 5 second digital bitch! Dumbass!
Well if you work him so good he wouldn't need me at all
You worked him right off your friends list
You worked him right into my phone
You worked him right into another woman to impregnate
And if you at work how do you know where he is
You worked it right into separation huh
Bitch, you're in the inbox, not in his household! Thats how good I work him...where you going to your truck? He ain't going nowhere because my mom and kids are a witness! No mixed up stories have been told yet, so I know he's at home...your shit was too boring to come back to...and ad far as seperation...another lie! Never did, some more shit your slow ass fell for...po thang! And pregnancy is not always the result of a good nut, thats why you're in an inbox explaining your sexual needs, and begging for his dick!
Like I said you don't have my phone. What's in his inbox are continued conversations from his phone being off. Where was your mom and kids when he was coming to my apartment tho 🤔
If I don't live out there they can't be a witness
Maybe you should work it better because shouldn't exist at all
You worked it so good that effect your life! You take the time to come at me.
Work it so you feel secure
Yup...work it so good, you were something to do when I had to work my job...my household and how I took care of him was never an issue! Thats why he hasn't been back, and been to your house only for your son...now you're reaching!!! And to school you on something, poor thang so used to being single...just because a man stray, doesn't mean his ol' lady ain't taking care of home! Learn men honey!!! Maybe you'll have one that actually wanna be with you! I'm far from insecure, don't forget we only got to this point because of your thirsty ass text messages...thats HOW I know he's hasn't and wasn't fucking you...just like the messages We sent back in february..😛😛😛
You think that ✌🏾️
I know sweety 😘
Right right you know okay
Fo sho
Okay well tell Your oldest my daughter and I said hi. Kiss my homie Jr for me and tell Your daughter stay a princess. And than you for your entertainment
Tell your son mommy will see him later, your others are adorable but not my concern, My oldest referred to you as "the lady, the baby’s mom was nice" tells me what I need to know about your important ass position in My husbands life...but your son gives me kisses, rushes over to me when he sees me, high fives, and calls me ma...and we eat together right before he gets his warm bubble bath...
Since you wanted to bring my kids into it👌
I screen shot of a conversation he and I had. It included a picture of my bloated belly and we were talking about Our baby girl. And there was a message you sent that said “I miss you” all in the screen shot.
Once again, over the phone😂😂😂😂didn't bother me though...good try
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