#smg: smg-1
The SMGs
SMG-1 & SMG-2
Statues: Retired
Former Avatar: Juliano
The first SMGs ever created, the Prototypes. Created by Admin Byte, it wasn't for the purpose of guarding universes and keeping the meme cycle going, but for the Admin's own gain to mess with universes.
This failed, however, as SMG-1&-2 were kindhearted Guardians to their Avatar, Juliano. However, after an attack on their world, their Avatar died, and they were promoted to Admins. They are now known as Domain and Forum, respectively.
SMG0 & Niles
Statuses: Deactivated
Former Avatar: Fred
In the video game Mage, there was originally only a single SMG for the universe as Admin Byte intentionally didn't tell Admin Lag that two SMGs were needed for balance. However, this wasn't for long, as the God Box created Niles, a false SMG to pair with SMG0.
However, this wasn't to last, as after an attempt to repair his imperfect code, Niles went insane due to the God Box and killed his Avatar, Fred. Following a forced fusion between him and SMG0, creating SMGØ, a being hellbent on finding another Avatar and remaking the fallen universe.
The duo were put to rest by the combined efforts of Avatar Mario, his Guardians, and Fierce Deity Melony.
Statuses: Semi-retired/Active
Former Avatar: Spudnick
While they lived in peace with their Avatar for many years, this was eventually broken when SMGØ landed in their universe, intent on shaping Spudnick to be a new Avatar. However, this failed, causing Spudnick's death and the destruction of their universe.
They now reside in the SM64 universe, being mentors to SMG3 and SMG4, and generally doing what they can to help out.
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Mario
Their activation has been dubbed the Worst To Ever Happen. Several things went wrong, including the inclusion of SMGØ and SMGs 1&2. There have been many incidents regarding their universe, but they've always come out on top for their Avatar and friends, so they're typically left to handle themselves. They're remarkably close with their Admins, Forum and Domain.
SMG5 (Penta Knight) & SMG6
Statuses: Active
Introduced here!
Avatar: Kirby
SMG6 is a wandering comedian, and Penta Knight is an admirable warrior.
SMG7 & SMG10
Statuses: Active
Introduced here!
Avatar: Tulip
There was an accident when Guardians were being assigned, and SMG8 accidentally went to SMG9. To rectify this (it was already too late to switch it back), SMG7 was partnered to SMG10.
SMG10 is actually the more calm one of the duo, with SMG7 displaying the more energetic qualities of an even-numbered SMG.
Statuses: Active
Introduced here!
Avatar: Nimbus
They're a bit more overprotective of Nimbus, as their first memory after landing was Lumiere kidnapping Nimbus.
SMG11 & SM12 (belongs to @duckapus )
Statuses: Active
Introduced here!
Avatar: Tune
They're the first SMG duo thus far to have an SMG (SMG12) fall in love with someone who wasn't their SMG partner.
SMGXIII (13) & SMGXIV (14)
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Sora
Due to certain quirks of the Kingdom Hearts universe, his SMGs have turned out looking like recolors of Roxas and Xion instead of him.
SMG15 & SMG16
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Frenzy
Currently working to help Frenzy work through his issues and repair all the damage he's caused by being a part of the Union of Scorned Avatars.
SMG17 & SMG18
Statuses: Unknown
Avatar: Barry the Blook
Introduced here!
Their current statues are unknown due to the state their universe has been left in following Avatar Barry's departure.
SMG19 & SMG20
Statues: Actice
Avatar: Red the Angry Bird
Not much is known about them, but it's reasonable to assume they were glad to have their Avatar return home following the events of the Legacy Arc.
SMG21 (Kira Nadja) & SMG22
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Arle Nadja/Doppelganger Arle
SMG21/Kira Nadja is the second known SMG to not go by her assigned name (the other being Penta Knight). It's clear she prefers this one.
SMG23 & SMG24
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Laharl
It's pretty reasonable to assume that they do their best to help Laharl any understand the way he acts.
SMG25 & SMG26
Statuses: Unknown
Avatar: Lord Ramagog
Their current statuses are unknown due to Lord Ramagog's deserting of his universe.
SMG27 & SMG28
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Shantae
They probably tease her a fair bit about the time she sat on a freshly painted bench.
SMG29 & SMG30
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Ash Ketchum
Introduced here!
Their activation was rocky due to the interference of Avatar Barry, which was an attempt to stop the universe from coming online. However, it did end up happening, and SMG29 is actually trans.
SMG31 & SMG32
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Captain Olimar
SMG32 always somehow finds ways to incorporate the Pikmin into memes.
HMG1 ("Vee" Haltmann) & HMG2 ("Hex" Haltmann) (belongs to Duckapus)
Statuses: Active/Anamolies
Avatar: Elanore Haltmann
Introduced here!
They are False Guardians, as they were not made by the Guardian System, but instead Susie Haltmann. Originally intended to replace SMG3&4, they now live peacefully alongside them, even if some craziness is bound to happen.
SMG33 & SMG34 (belongs to Duckapus)
Statuses: Active
Avatars: Sally 13 and Cole
Introduced here!
Following Garyboy messing with the universe files, the two universes merged, and now the two SMGs work together. SMG33 is a recolor of Sally, and SMG34 is based on Cole.
SMG35 & SMG36
Statuses: Active
Avatar: Irene
Introduced here!
SMG35 was bold enough to sass a god for not being in the right realm when she first landed. SMG36 just about had a heart attack when she heard that.
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f-ninaz · 9 months
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Eyy...it's been a while
Sorry for being absent for a long time... I was finishing my uni studies and rn, I'm searching for an internship...So, wish me luck
Some of these arts are dtiys on Twitter
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digital999placebo · 1 year
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detectivesoup · 1 year
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Buffy: It doesn't have to be like this, y'know.
Faith: Actually, I think it has to be exactly like this.
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offkey-notme · 2 years
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[luigi voice] helou!
proceeds to drop variety luigis part 2 here rq out of the blue
featuring hmm, let's see... a Vacation Luigi, Bee Luigi (beloved), a Boo Luigi and a Lederhosen Luigi
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itorayye · 3 months
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Apparently I have been tagged by @kejfjirke, for a fic writing prompt thing? I guess I have to do it now haha. Fic under the cut.
That's all that you can do.
Rafi's senses heightened as he looked around to find something, anything to help him run away from the groaning horde of these mindless, cannibalistic people were. They were ruthless. Just earlier he witnessed a bunch of them scraping away a man as good as dead, the man himself yelling in agony in fear of what's to come.
Rafi didn't want that.
With his is anxiety shooting off the roof he turned into a corner, jumped over a fence, and continued running. That should shake them off for a bit, right...?
Out of curiosity he turned back for a while, only to have his expectations gone down through the floor. The clanging of the metal fence didn't push them away, instead, he was horrified to see them able to push the fence down and over, the hoard inching closer and closer to him as the groaning got louder and louder.
Rafi let out a squeal in fear as his adrenaline rocketed through the roof, before turning into a corner of a building, into an alleyway, desperate for a diversion...
The journey felt short however, as he was stopped by the end of the hallway. He turned looked around, in panic, in search of a way out, only to realize that there was none. All came to a halt as time slowed down for him, the groan and moans of the parade of painted in red, disfigured sea of people inching closer, the parade of footsteps growing louder and louder. He turned around to face the mob of whatever these are.
It him him there and then, that he wasn't going to survive this.
As his breathing picked up drastically than it already did, he took a step back, as if it deterred them, he heard a little clang on the floor as his shoe had moved something, something metallic.
He looked down to see what it was, in the little lighting the alleyway had, his eyes widening at it - a metal bat..?
Click anywhere to continue.
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unhingedlesbear · 10 months
If I see one more person say they hate Mark because he's "boring" I'm gonna have to turn into a horrible creature and start maiming for real.
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bravio-san · 18 days
Ça mérite d'être partagé rien que pour ça !
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summers-pratt · 1 year
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@ourladyofsunnydale @buffygf :) hello buffy inspired ear piercing girlies :) how are we doing tonight :)
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hrtley · 1 year
this is your friendly reminder that jess + emily kiss regularly on the lips bc they are in love
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Act of Lies AU
(Any songs put in relate to how the characters feel or meet others.)
I was thinking about that what-if again and decided to make it more cohesive. Estinally, it's a major 'step to the left' timeline. Cookie's monster attack wounds Juliano to the point that he falls in a sort of 'code coma' but doesn't die. SMG-1 and SMG-2 are written off by Byte, and he lies about them being gone. Upon being suspicious of this, Lag is more attentive towards Niles and manages to prevent the False Guardian's breakdown.
Though certain things like the SM64 activation being a disaster, the SMG4 AU as a whole still happens.
The Plot
-1 and -2 have been in their crumbled universe for.. who knows how long now, and they've both lost whatever slips of sanity they have left. Convinced that maybe finding other Avatars and using their code, they can bring Juliano back.
Both travel separately, and both stumble upon Nimbus and Tulip, both of which have just been recently made Avatars. -1 and -2 are both able to clock they have similar game code to Juliano, and both at this time are extremely doubtful of their new roles and if they even want it.
Both of the SMGs offer them to help "change night into day", and recruit both of them under the pretense of finding a way to remove their Avatar code. (Sound familiar?)
Things progress, but some notable things are that Harmonia and Renata are noticeably less lively whenever they're visited. Neither Avatar stays there much anymore, usually only visiting to make sure their home doesn't fall into ruin. Nimbus is distant with her SMGs, while Tulip does have a friendship with hers, but she intentionally keeps herself distant.
Throughout all this, -1 and -2 are lying to Nimbus and Tulip. They fully intend on using them.. until the Hell Arc comes, and they learn of SO many more Avatars.. and then learn of the Union of Scorned Avatars. So, they hatch a plan.
Managing to find a way to contact Nimbus and Tulip, they convince the two to tell their plan to the Union and now have them on their side. So the two do just that, using the same phrase the duo used on them, "change night into day".
While the SMGs intend to honor their deal with the Union, they don't intend to honor it with those two.
She's intentionally more reserved. She's friendly towards the other Avatars and doesn't nearly bicker as much with Tune in this timeline, but she does keep herself distant. She doesn't want to admit she's growing attached to them all, especially when the goal she's helping work towards would be frowned upon by everyone.
While -1 and -2 don't manipulate her nearly as much as Tulip, they still have to from time to time, especially after meeting the other Avatars. She's not entirely sure if she still wants to do this anymore.
Similar to Frenzy in the original timeline, she's incredibly conflicted. She doesn't know what she wants anymore. At first, she thought she did want her Avatar self gone, but after meeting her new friends, she really has no clue. It causes her a great amount of distress whenever she thinks too long about the consequences. In the Rising Star Circus, the main tent has been converted to a sort of main resting area for Juliano. Tulip often goes there to just.. talk. Talk about how conflicted she is and how she doesn't really want to do this. She talks and talks and talks, and she sometimes swears that she can hear someone talking back to her.
It all really depends on what'll happen when an inevitable confrontation comes. (Housewife Radio's final verse really sells to me how Tulip feels in this AU. It's so chaotic and loud, yet also you can make things out. It's how she'd feel if she had an important decision to make. And the line "Ah, his voice, it speaks to me through the radio" really sella what I have planned for her in the AU lol.)
He wants to beat the shit out of his SMGs very badly.
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 2 years
I’m not a wehraboo
that said
I do like the German guns
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wall-e-gorl · 1 year
I hate dying over and over and over to an enemy that can heal when I can't and I dont regen ANY ammo and all my good weapons get used up first obviously and then none of my others can do enough of anything to even make a difference
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icarusdash · 1 year
getting genuinely emotional finding warmind nodes and using the ikelos weapons lads
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carogdraws · 2 years
Recently playing Super Mario Galaxy all over again.
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It's such a wonderful game, and it's one of my childhood favourites. ^w^
I'm thinking of doing a better piece, but yeah. I've done already 3 playthrough sessions, and want to continue playing this game.
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feylived · 7 months
i've got 3 episodes left of b.tvs s3 and it's exciting because it's been a long time since i've watched past s2 and the a.ngelus storyline, but i'm also not quite ready because the breakup hurts me on a deep, personal level and i'm not sure my poor little heart can handle it
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