#slavefell sans
What slaves would be ok with their master getting irritated and horny at a meeting but the meeting keeps dragging on because the other person seems to be a dense idiot at the subtle and then not so subtle hints that they should leave before finally just grabbing the skeleton and throwing/pinning them to the desk as they begin to feel them up and undress them all the while giving the other person one last warning to leave before doing the do with the skeleton?
((Hope you like this~))
* Roxxy/Slavefell Sans  'The lovable pervert' - Roxxy would be more than happy to be done by you while the other person was around too. Honestly, he is into being watched, and being claimed in front of people is just something he wouldn’t mind one little bit. Actually, you should claim him in front of everyone else, so everyone would know that he belongs to you.
* Pup/Slaveswapfell Papyrus 'The perfect puppy' - Pup would do absolutely anything that you tell him to. Something as little as this would be one of the easiest things that he could do. He expected maybe for you to ask him to do something more intimate, like fuck in front of the other slaves or something, but oh well, this was going to work too.
* Azalea/Slavefellswap Sans 'The housekeeper' - Well, of course, you would want to do something like this with him! He was perfect and absolutely desirable. There was no way that you wouldn’t feel any sort of sexual attraction to him. But to the point of wanting to do him in front of this stranger? Fuck, that’s... that’s very arousing, that’s for sure!
* Mortis/SlaveDust Sans 'The loose canon' - Mortis couldn’t care less about anyone who is around him. He wouldn’t even wait for you to finish telling the person a warning, as he would unbuckle your pants, and position you at his entrance. Why are you giving someone else attention when you could be already fucking him?
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Jealous underfell slave sans?
~It would come as a surprise for Roxxy when he would find out that you were giving more time to someone else.
~It would take a long time for him to realize that he was jealous. All he knew was that he didn’t like you being so close to someone else and him not being in your arms.
~The reason you got him was to love him, so what the hell were you doing with someone else?
~He would probably try to come to you and pull you away from the other slave, with the offer of some alone time with him.
~If you would accept, then Roxxy would probably forget about that other slave that you were with, his jealous disappearing, and just being happy to be under you again.
~Now, the danger would start if you would decline him to stay with the other slave.
~He wouldn’t understand why you would ever do that until he would think that you were replacing him with this other skeleton.
~From that moment, he would start treating this other slave like dirt.
~He would get every other slave to start isolating and mistreating this new slave.
~After that, he would start trying to get close to you again.
~He would get so bold to even crawl on your lap and whisper that he loved you.
~He never thought he did, before the new slave arrived.
~All he knew was that you made him feel very good and that he felt comfortable around you.
~Only with so much jealous and the fear of being replaced did he realize that you were the only one for him...
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Can we get some slave red head canons now that we got his jealous ones? (Please no one tell basement red of my interests in him...I fear for my life )
((eheh, of course, of course, ~ But.. if you ever do break a rule or so... You never know what sort of gossip could reach Red’s way, you know~ just warning you!!))
~From the very beginning, Roxxy desired too much from his masters, that’s why everyone would always give him back.
~He wanted more love, more attention, more time, and more sexual interactions. 
~It was fun for his masters at the beginning, but as time went on and he never lost his appetite, his masters always gave him away...
~That is until he met you.
~It was like you were a light at the end of the tunnel...
~You were perfect in every way for him and he loved it.
~You were such a lonely individual, that you adored all the attention he would give you and you even craved more of it!
~You were just perfect and he loved it. This was his happy place, he was sure of that.
~Things started to get rough when you started to get more slaves...
~Honestly, you desired so much from him, so he started to believe that maybe... he wasn’t enough anymore?
~Never in his life had he felt this angry.
~You were his!
~He could give you everything you needed, so stop giving other’s attention and just be his!
~He deserves to have you, so stop giving yourself to others.
~Without a second thought, he would make sure everyone in the mansion would realize that he’s the top dog and that everyone needs to report to him.
~He is very angry with you but he understands that you are just like him, needy for love and affection.
~Because of that, he would make sure that no one would give it to you, so you would end up needy for it, and would come to him.
~It was clear that you two were meant to be together, so the sooner you realize this, the better it will be for everyone...
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How would the slaves react to someone visiting the house for a week and their master giving that person a lot of attention, just as they are about to try and kill said person or confront them or their master they find out that they are their masters sibling?
* Ardor/Slavetale Sans 'The catalyst' - Depending on how close you two are, Ardor might not care if you two are siblings or not. If they are still taking all of your attention, he will kill your sibling and get over with him. Besides, it’s your own fault for not telling him beforehand. You were supposed to do that, but you never did. Now, drown in the guilt and learn who you are supposed to be with. 
* Roxxy/Slavefell Sans  'The lovable pervert' - Roxxy would be very hurt, but the thing is, he probably wouldn’t be about to kill your sibling, but instead, would have made someone else do that, meaning that that person wouldn’t care if they are your sibling or not. They would still kill your sibling. Oh well, you still had him! No need to be sad.
* Viper/Slaveswap Papyrus 'The skeptical slave' - Honestly, it’s stupid. He won’t kill your sibling, but still. Why didn’t you tell him? You know you almost lost your sibling? He would insult you before telling you to stop being so close, or else, he’ll kill your sibling.
* Wisteria/Slaveswapfell Sans 'The perfectionist' - Wisteria would immediately change his personality into respectful. Of course, he still hated your sibling, but now he needed to follow rules. He will be able to kill your sibling the moment they leave the mansion, but for now, he will play along with the rules, like he always does.
* Pup/Slaveswapfell Papyrus 'The perfect puppy' - Pup would feel like it’s unfair. He doesn’t want someone else to be getting your attention. He knows that he doesn’t deserve your attention, but he still wants it and he’s angry that someone else is getting it. He won’t kill your brother, but he will, for sure, hate your sibling with all he has got.
* Azalea/Slavefellswap Sans 'The housekeeper' - On the surface, Azalea would look silly, saying that he was stupid for being jealous, but in reality, that makes it even worse. It means that you two are really close and he hates that. He would end up killing your sibling, in the most brutal way possible. He can’t forgive anyone who tries to steal you away.
* Foxglove/Slavefellswap Papyrus 'The perfect lover' - Foxglove would be angry, but he would forgive you this one time. He would spare your sibling, but he would make sure the other slaves hate your sibling so your sibling has a horrific time while visiting you, so they would stop visiting you.
* Mortis/SlaveDust Sans 'The loose canon' - Has Mortis ever cared about such things? He brutally murdered his own brother, you think your sibling is someone that he cares about? If he felt like they are in his way, he will kill them and get over with that, without even worrying about it. If you try to stop him, then you will end up dead too.
* Cassiopeia/SlaveOuter Sans 'The perfect prey' - Same as Roxxy, Cassiopeia probably got someone else to kill your sibling before he knew they were your sibling. When he would find out that they were your sibling, he would be mortified, but he wouldn’t tell you about it, just trying to act like he is on your side, even if his guilt would be eating at him.
* Jaws/Slavehorror Sans 'The starving slave' - Jaws would be very confused. Should he kill your sibling or not? Well, he had his brother dead, so maybe killing your sibling was going to get you two closer? With that logic, he would kill your sibling, and be the one comforting you after that.
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okay so, drows [dark elves] have a system where the women are on top. to ask a male [or sub] to be their mate, the have a special collar made. it often have the master's name and status to scar away other suitors
how would the boys [slave boys] react to their master giving them one and asking to be their partner
* Ardor/Slavetale Sans 'The catalyst’ - Ardor would probably hate it. Not that he would hate being your partner, but the fact that you are tying him into slavery even further. What, him being your slave wasn't enough? Now he has to wear a collar with your name on it? No fucking way.
* Roxxy/Slavefell Sans  'The lovable pervert’ - Roxxy always wears collars, so he doesn't care too much nor would he see much meaning to it. It's something that is important to you and honestly, that's all that he knows or cares about it.
* Ditzy/Slaveswap Sans  'The savant slave’ - Ditzy would probably act pretty happy near you but would often take off the collar. Before, he had a shocker collar, so he is happy to finally be able to be collarless.
* Wisteria/Slaveswapfell Sans 'The perfectionist’ - Wisteria wouldn't be sure how to feel about it, but seeing that he loves you, he would probably accept it, but would still hold a little bit of uncertainty towards it.
* Azalea/Slavefellswap Sans 'The housekeeper’ - Azalea would be more than happy to wear the collar, especially if he would know the meaning. Though, he wouldn't do it in public, so you wouldn't get in trouble for being a monster lover and monster apologist.
* Mortis/SlaveDust Sans 'The loose canon’ - Mortis would refuse. He doesn't care about the meaning. He doesn't like to feel restricted. If you try to force him, he will kill you like all of his previous masters.
* Cassiopeia/SlaveOuter Sans 'The perfect prey’ - Cassiopeia would probably be too scared to reject you even if he isn't that comfortable with collars. He is a slave after all. He has no say in the matter. If he had, then you would have granted him freedom before asking him.
* Jaws/Slavehorror Sans 'The starving slave’ - jaws would probably accept if that means that you will never leave him. He.. Loves you and if this means you love him too, then he will wear it, even if brings him bad memories.
* Viper/Slaveswap Papyrus 'The skeptical slave’ - Viper would find it completely annoying and would refuse. Just to make him your sex slave, you don't need to do such fancy things. He is your slave so do whatever you want.
* Rogue/Slavefell Papyrus  'The reluctant slave’ - Rogue would accept it if it means that you would treat him a little bit better. He knows that you can be cruel, so he hopes this will make you a little bit better.
* Pup/Slaveswapfell Papyrus 'The perfect puppy’ - Pup, as the perfect toy and pet, he would accept it and not care too much about it. I mean, he is your slave so you can treat him however you want!
* Foxglove/Slavefellswap Papyrus 'The perfect lover’ - Foxglove would thank you and say he loves it but in reality, he hates it and hopes that you understand that very clearly when he will stop hiding who he really is.
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Can you give me a link to the list of every single character that you made please? I have to scroll for a long time to find it...
((I constantly add new characters to my list, so just because you don’t see your AU or character on this list doesn’t mean you shouldn’t go ahead and request the character! I’m always excited to add new things! So, go ahead, and ask for characters that might not be on here!))
* Sans/Undertale Sans ‘ The Judge ‘ -
* Papyrus/Undertale Papyrus ‘ The Liar ‘  -
* Gaster/Undertale Gaster ‘ The Forgotten Scientist ‘ -
* Grillby/Undertale Grillby ‘The Bartender ‘ -
* Toriel/Undertale Toriel 'The Caretaker' -
* Asgore/Undertale Asgore 'The Previous King' -
* Alphys/Undertale Alphys ' The anxious scientist ' -
* Undyne/Undertale Undyne ' Captain of the royal guard ' -
* Flowey/Undertale Flowey ' The soulless monster ' -
* Bratty/Undertale Bratty ' The friendly crocodile ' -
* Catty/undertale Catty ' The chatty cat ' -
* Lady/Snowdin shopkeeper ' the cheerful shopkeeper from snowdin ' -
* Chara/Undertale Chara ' The vengeful ghost ' -
* Asriel/Undertale Asriel ' The crybaby heir ' -
* Frisk/Undertale Frisk ' the monster ambassador ' -
* Mickey/Undertale Monster Kid ' The Undyne Fan ' -
* Ginger/Undertale Burgerpants -
* Red/Underfell Sans ‘ The Sentry’  -  
* Boss/Underfell Papyrus ‘The Guard Captain’  -  
* Aster/Underfell Gaster ‘ The Failed Scientist ‘ -
* Firefly/Underfell Grillby ‘ The Cold Flirt ‘ -
* Ursa/Underfell Toriel 'The Caretaker of the Catacombs' -
* Tenor/Underfell Asgore ' The Tyrant' -
* Laguna/Underfell Alphys ' The mad scientist ' -
* Currant/Underfell Undyne ' The cruel captain ' -
* Dessy/Underfell Chara ' The demon who brought despair underground ' -
* Daffodil/Underfell Flowey ' The frightful flower ' -
* Fawn/Underfell Frisk ' The genocidal freak ' -
* Penny/Underfell Monster Kid ' The moody teenager ' -
* Tuscan/Underfell Asriel ' The obsessive prince ' -
* Lucky/Underswap Sans ‘ The Manipulator’  -  
* Stretch/Underswap Papyrus ‘ The Puppet ‘   -  
* Dings/Underswap Gaster ‘ The RiverMan ‘ -
* Peachy/Underswap Grillby 'The bubbling bakery owner'
* Pepper/Underswap Mutter ' The quiet Bartender' -
* Cinnamon/Underswap Chara ' The Two-Faced savior ' -
* Tawny/Underswap Asriel ' The friendly town guide ' -
* Buttercup/Underswap Frisk ' The lost princess ' -
* Periwinkle/Underswap Monster Kid ' The current monster prince ' -
* Razz/Swapfell Sans ‘ The Lord ‘ -  
* Mutt/Swapfell Papyrus ‘ The Wild Dog’  -
* Ebony/Swapfell Toriel ' The unstable Queen' -
* Marigold/Swapfell Asgore ' The Unstable Caretaker' -
* Fuschia/Swapfell Alphys -
* Rosewood/Swapfell Undyne -
* Pitch/Swapfell Chara ' The Cheerful ambassador ' -
* Cobalt/Swapfell Asriel ' The quiet town guide ' -
* Chartreuse/Swapfell Frisk ' The domineering prince ' -
* Peacock/Swapfell Monster Kid ' The prideful princess ' -
* Blackberry/Fellswap Sans ‘ The WannaBe Guard ‘ -
* Patch/Fellswap Papyrus ‘ The Loyal Pet ‘ -
* Sunny/Fellswap Grillby ‘ The Poisonous Bakery Owner ‘ -
* Mahogany/Fellswap Chara ' The temperamental fallen human ' -
* Flaxen/Fellswap Asriel ' The bored town guide ' -
* Canary/Fellswap Frisk ' The good-hearted Lost Spirit ' -
* Jade/Fellswap Monster Kid ' The frightful princess ' -
*Merlot/Fellswap Gold Sans ' The bad wine expert wannabe ' -
*Mochaccino/Fellswap Gold Papyrus ' The coffee addict ' -
* Hickory/Horrortale Sans ‘ The Butcher ‘ -
* Tatters/Horrortale Papyrus ‘ The Cannibal ‘ -
* Lilac/Horrortale Toriel - 
* Vile/Horrortale Grillby 'The starving bartender'
* Trigger/ Horrortale Undyne ' The Fallen Queen ' -
* Widow/Horrortale Muffet ' The Black Widow ' -
* Toffee/Storyshift Chara ‘ The Guard ‘ -
* Plum/storyshift Asriel ‘ The Captain’s Son ‘ -
* Pebble/Storyshift Frisk ' The one who will free them all ' -
* Moss/Storyshift Monster Kid ' The village boy ' -
* Cantaloupe/Storyshift Papyrus -
* Skyblue/Storyshift Sans ‘ The King ‘ -
* Delta/Asylumtale Sans ‘ The Maniac ‘ -
* Daisy/Asylumtale Alphys 'The therapist' -
* Sam/Overtale Sans 'The Boy-Next-Door' -
* Audrey/Overtale Papyrus 'The eccentric mascot' -
* Sapphire/Overtale Frisk ' The friendly goat monster ' -
* Oliver/Overtale Monster Kid ' The curious neighborhood teenager ' -
* Bumblebee/Outertale Flower ' The worrisome flower ' -
* Midnight/Outertale Sans ‘ The Star Fanatic ‘ -
*  Marrow/Outertale Papyrus ‘ The Earth Fanatic ‘ -
* Kris/Deltarune Kris  -
* Susie/Deltarune Susie  -
* Sugarberry/Trickstertale Swap!Sans ' The eccentric Trickster ' -
* Glitch/Error! Sans 'The destroyer' -
* Palette/Ink! Sans 'The creator' -
* Night/Nightmare! Sans 'The bringer of nightmares' -
* Starry/Dream! Sans 'The bringer of gentle dreams' -
* Sansy/Fresh! Sans 'The parasite' -
* Coral/Shattered Dream -
* Iris/Fresh! Chara -
* Fern/Mafia!Dream  ' The Optimistic Detective ' -
* Onyx/Mafia!Nightmare  ' The Pessimistic Detective ' -
* Sangria/Mafia!Ink  ' The soulless detective ' -
* Chiffon/Mafia!Error  ' The guilty Detective ' -
* Berry/Strawberry Nightmare ' The positive nightmare ' -
* Arctic/Snake!Dream!Sans ' The positive snake protector ' -
* Anchor/Snake!Nightmare!Sans ' the negative snake guardian ' -
* Sky/Outcode Underswap Sans ' The last star sans ' -
* Coral/Shattered Dream -
* Raven/Killertale Sans -
* Blueprints/Error! Underswap Sans -
* Tortilla/ Pup Bitty -
* Denim/Sansy Bitty ' The lazy bitty ' -
* Pistachio/Sansy Naga Bitty ' The peaceful snake bitty ' -
* Jam/Edgy bitty -
* Navy/Baby blue bitty -
* Echo/Echotale Sans ‘ The PlayBoy’  -
* Heather/Echofell Sans -
* Juniper/Echoswap Sans - 
* Green/Echotale Papyrus ‘ The BookWorm’  -
* Solaris/Dusttale Sans ‘ The Murderer ‘ -
* Hound/Dustswapfell Papyrus 'The feeling addict' -
* Yammy/DustJar Papyrus -
* Bronze/Disbelief Papyrus -
* Sandstone/Dustbelief Papyrus -
* Squash/Dustswap Papyrus -
* Fog/Dusttale Papyrus
* Carob/Dustshift Asriel -
* Rust/horrorfell Gaster 'The man who speaks in screams ' -
* Carnal/Horrorswapfell Gaster ' The Pathetic RiverMan ' -
* Teddy/Horrorfell Sans 'The dusting butcher' -
* Cranberry/Horrorswap Sans 'The backstabbing maniac' -
* Bell/Horrorfellswap Sans 'The incompetent little helper' -
* Knight/Horrorswapfell Sans 'The Try hard protector' -
* Garnet/Horrorfellswap gold sans -
* Rottenberry/Horrorfell Papyrus ‘ The Mute ‘ -
* Pine/Horrorswap Papyrus ' The creepy Con Artist ' -
* Cedar/Horrorfellswap gold Papyrus -
* Umber/Horrorshift Asriel ' the broken down sentry ' -
* Soot/Horrorshift Chara ' the protective Butcher ' -
* Spice/Underlust Sans ‘ The Lover ‘ -
* Cotton/Lustswapfell Sans 'The Authoritative slut' -
* Candy/Lustfell Sans -
* Teal/Swaplust sans ' The innocent slut ' -
* Sugar/Underlust Papyrus ‘ The Friend-With-Benefits ‘ -
* Lavender/Lustfellswap Papyrus 'The Affection seeker' -
* Marmalade/swaplust Papyrus -
* Cerulean/Lustfell Grillby 'The flirty bartender'
* Sepia/Lustfell Toriel - 
* Orchid/Horrorlust Toriel - 
* Eros/Altertale Sans 'The gentle giant' -
* Nebula/Alterswap Sans 'The benevolent ruler' -
*  Azure/Dancetale Sans 'The dancer' -
* Puffy/Danceswap Sans ‘ The Happy-Go-Lucky Dancer ‘ -
* Lyric/Danceswap Papyrus 'The jokester dance fanatic' -
* Tangerine/Dancetale Papyrus  -
* Comet/Outerswap Sans 'The Curious human fanatic' -
* Pluto/Outerfellswap Sans 'The strength fanatic' -
* Perseus/Outerswapfell Sans ' The rule follower ' -
* Cygnus/Outerfell Sans ' The eccentric dreamer ' -
* Cherry/Shiftfell Chara ‘ The Pet ‘ -
* Majesty/Shiftfellswap Chara ‘ The Captain Of Pride ‘ -
* Caramel/Storyswap Chara ' The friendly sentry-to-be ' -
* Brash/Storyswapfell Asriel 'The absent minded sentry' -
* Ivory/Storyswap Asriel ' The laid-back sentry ' -
* Bloodbath/Shiftfell Papyrus ‘ The Catacombs Caretaker ‘ -
* Riffle/Mafiatale Sans ‘ The Mobster ‘ -
* Riggs/Mafiafell Sans 'The failing underling' -
* Slate/Mafiaswap Sans ‘ The Two-Faced ‘ -
* Mal/Mafiafellswap Sans ‘ The Malevolent Boss ‘ -
* Casanova/Mafiaswapfell Sans ' The Angry Boss ' -
* Grim/Mafiahorror Sans ' The Devoted follower ' -
* Rose/Mafiatale Papyrus ‘The Right Hand ‘ -
* Whip/Mafiafell Papyrus ‘ The Boss ‘ -
* Slim/Mafiaswap Papyrus 'The blind follower' -
* Rus/Mafiaswapfell Papyrus ‘The Jack-Of-All-Trades ‘ -
* Slim/Mafiaswap Papyrus 'The blind follower' -
* Toots/Mafiafellswap Papyrus ' The kind follower ' -
* Dreary/Mafiahorror Papyrus ' The cowardly follower ' -
* Syrup/Mafiafellswap Gaster ‘The Spy ‘ -
* Chompers/Mafiahorror Gaster ‘The deceased Don’ -
* Admiral/Mafiafell Gaster ' The brutal Don ' -
* Basiliscus/Mafiatale Gaster ' The Collected Don' -
* Apricot/Mafiaswap Gaster  ' The cheerful informant ' -
* Sable/Mafiaswapfell Gaster ' The strict Don ' -
* Dove/Mafiafell Chara  ' The Apathetic heir ' -
* Sage/Mafiaswap Chara   ' The two-faced sweetheart ' -
* Ardor/Slavetale Sans 'The catalyst' -
* Roxxy/Slavefell Sans  'The lovable pervert' -
* Ditzy/Slaveswap Sans  'The savant slave' -
* Wisteria/Slaveswapfell Sans 'The perfectionist' -
* Azalea/Slavefellswap Sans 'The housekeeper' -
* Mortis/SlaveDust Sans 'The loose canon' -
* Cassiopeia/SlaveOuter Sans 'The perfect prey' -
* Jaws/Slavehorror Sans 'The starving slave' -
* Viper/Slaveswap Papyrus 'The skeptical slave' -
* Rogue/Slavefell Papyrus  'The reluctant slave' -
* Pup/Slaveswapfell Papyrus 'The perfect puppy' -
* Foxglove/Slavefellswap Papyrus 'The perfect lover' -
* Frank/Overfell Sans 'The flirty mechanic' -
* Tommy/Overswap Sans 'The friendly donut shop owner' -
* Pierre/Overswapfell Sans 'The justice obsessed officer'
* Theodore/Overfellswap Sans 'The temperamental nurse'
* Flynn/Overhorror Sans 'The veteran'
* Angelo/OverLust Sans 'The insane cat gentleman'
* Daniel/OverOuter Sans 'The passionate astronomer'
* Tony/OverMafia Sans 'The typical dark backstory ex-mafiose'
* Russel/Overswapfell Papyrus 'The child-loving kindergarden teacher'
* Tobias/Overfellswap Papyrus 'The helpless romantic'
* Whitley/OverLust Papryus 'The damsel in distress'
* Willow/OverMafia Papyrus 'The friendly rival'
* Spurce/Beasttale Sans ' The territorial Alpha ' -
* Shamrock/Beasttale Papyrus ' The Friendly Beta ' -
* Charcoal/Snaketale Sans ' The chubby snake ' -
* Leather/Snakeswapfell Sans ' The territorial snake ' -
* Grease/Snakefell Sans ' The aggressive snake ' -
* Aquila/Outersnake sans ' the dreamy snake ' -
* Walnut/Snakeswap Sans ' The cheerful snake' -
* Crow/Dustsnake Sans ' the homicidal snake ' -
* Lapis/Altersnake sans  -
* Seafoam/Sirentale Sans ' The human-hating siren ' -
* Ocean/Sirenswap Sans ' The selfish siren ' -
* Seaweed/Sirenswapfell sans  -
* Hades/Reapertale Sans - 
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How would you estimate the heights of each yandere skeleton monster?
* Sans/Undertale Sans ‘ The Judge ‘ - 5'
* Papyrus/Undertale Papyrus ‘ The Liar ‘  - 7'4
* Gaster/Undertale Gaster ‘ The Forgotten Scientist ‘ - 7'5 feet
* Red/Underfell Sans ‘ The Sentry’  -  4'11
* Boss/Underfell Papyrus ‘The Guard Captain’  -  8'4
* Aster/Underfell Gaster ‘ The Failed Scientist ‘ - 6'7 feet
* Lucky/Underswap Sans ‘ The Manipulator’  -  5'4
* Stretch/Underswap Papyrus ‘ The Puppet ‘   -  6'2
* Dings/Underswap Gaster ‘ The RiverMan ‘ - 6'4 feet
* Razz/Swapfell Sans ‘ The Lord ‘ -  5'3
* Mutt/Swapfell Papyrus ‘ The Wild Dog’  - 6'3 feet
* Blackberry/Fellswap Sans ‘ The WannaBe Guard ‘ - 4'10 feet
* Patch/Fellswap Papyrus ‘ The Loyal Pet ‘ - 6'4
*Merlot/Fellswap Gold Sans ' The bad wine expert wannabe ' - 5'9 feet
*Mochaccino/Fellswap Gold Papyrus ' The coffee addict ' - 6'4 feet
* Hickory/Horrortale Sans ‘ The Butcher ‘ - 9'0 feet
* Tatters/Horrortale Papyrus ‘ The Cannibal ‘ - 9'8
* Cantaloupe/Storyshift Papyrus - 6'1 feet
* Skyblue/Storyshift Sans ‘ The King ‘ - 5'3 feet
* Midnight/Outertale Sans ‘ The Star Fanatic ‘ - 5'9 feet
* Marrow/Outertale Papyrus ‘ The Earth Fanatic ‘ - 6'8 feet
* Sugarberry/Trickstertale Swap!Sans ' The eccentric Trickster ' - 5'4 feet
* Glitch/Error! Sans 'The destroyer' - 5'8 feet
* Palette/Ink! Sans 'The creator' - 3'8 feet
* Night/Nightmare! Sans 'The bringer of nightmares' - 4'9 feet
* Starry/Dream! Sans 'The bringer of gentle dreams' - 5'8 feet
* Sansy/Fresh! Sans 'The parasite' - 7 inches
* Coral/Shattered Dream - 5'5 feet
* Iris/Fresh! Chara - 6 inches
* Fern/Mafia!Dream  ' The Optimistic Detective ' - 5'8 feet
* Onyx/Mafia!Nightmare  ' The Pessimistic Detective ' - 5'7 feet
* Sangria/Mafia!Ink  ' The soulless detective ' - 4'8 feet
* Chiffon/Mafia!Error  ' The guilty Detective ' - 6'1 feet
* Berry/Strawberry Nightmare ' The positive nightmare ' - 6'7 feet
* Arctic/Snake!Dream!Sans ' The positive snake protector ' - 6'3 feet
* Anchor/Snake!Nightmare!Sans ' the negative snake guardian ' - 6'4 feet
* Sky/Outcode Underswap Sans ' The last star sans ' - 4'2 feet
* Raven/Killertale Sans - 6'1 feet
* Blueprints/Error! Underswap Sans - 3'9 feet
* Echo/Echotale Sans ‘ The PlayBoy’  - 6'8 feet
* Heather/Echofell Sans - 6'5 feet
* Green/Echotale Papyrus ‘ The BookWorm’  - 7'1
* Solaris/Dusttale Sans ‘ The Murderer ‘ - 5'1
* Hound/Dustswapfell Papyrus 'The feeling addict' - 6'6 feet
* Yammy/DustJar Papyrus - 6'3 feet
* Bronze/Disbelief Papyrus - 6'6 feet
* Sandstone/Dustbelief Papyrus -  5'9 feet
* Squash/Dustswap Papyrus -  6'2 feet
* Rust/horrorfell Gaster 'The man who speaks in screams ' - 8'5
* Carnal/Horrorswapfell Gaster ' The Pathetic RiverMan ' -  6'9 feet
* Teddy/Horrorfell Sans 'The dusting butcher' - 6'0
* Cranberry/Horrorswap Sans 'The backstabbing maniac' - 4'3 feet
* Bell/Horrorfellswap Sans 'The incompetent little helper' - 3'9 feet
* Knight/Horrorswapfell Sans 'The Try hard protector' - 5'4 feet
* Garnet/Horrorfellswap gold sans - 6'2 feet
* Rottenberry/Horrorfell Papyrus ‘ The Mute ‘ - 8'2 feet
* Pine/Horrorswap Papyrus ' The creepy Con Artist ' - 8'1 feet
* Cedar/Horrorfellswap gold Papyrus - 6'3 feet
* Spice/Underlust Sans ‘ The Lover ‘ - 5'4 feet
* Cotton/Lustswapfell Sans 'The Authoritative slut' - 4'2 feet
* Candy/Lustfell Sans - 4'8 feet
* Teal/Swaplust sans ' The innocent slut ' - 5'3 feet
* Sugar/Underlust Papyrus ‘ The Friend-With-Benefits ‘ - 6'1
* Lavender/Lustfellswap Papyrus 'The Affection seeker' - 5'8 feet
* Marmalade/swaplust Papyrus - 6'4 feet
* Eros/Altertale Sans 'The gentle giant' - 8'1 feet
* Nebula/Alterswap Sans 'The benevolent ruler' -  7'9 feet
*  Azure/Dancetale Sans 'The dancer' - 5'4 feet
* Puffy/Danceswap Sans ‘ The Happy-Go-Lucky Dancer ‘ - 4'4 feet
* Lyric/Danceswap Papyrus 'The jokester dance fanatic' - 6'2 feet
* Tangerine/Dancetale Papyrus  -
* Comet/Outerswap Sans 'The Curious human fanatic' - 3'3
* Pluto/Outerfellswap Sans 'The strength fanatic' - 3'1
* Perseus/Outerswapfell Sans ' The rule follower ' - 4'3 feet
* Cygnus/Outerfell Sans ' The eccentric dreamer ' - 3'9 feet
* Bloodbath/Shiftfell Papyrus ‘ The Catacombs Caretaker ‘ - 7'3 feet
* Riffle/Mafiatale Sans ‘ The Mobster ‘ - 6'6 feet
* Riggs/Mafiafell Sans 'The failing underling' - 7'5
* Slate/Mafiaswap Sans ‘ The Two-Faced ‘ - 5'4 feet
* Mal/Mafiafellswap Sans ‘ The Malevolent Boss ‘ - 5'3 feet
* Casanova/Mafiaswapfell Sans ' The Angry Boss ' - 5'8 feet
* Grim/Mafiahorror Sans ' The Devoted follower ' - 7′1 feet
* Rose/Mafiatale Papyrus ‘The Right Hand ‘ - 6'3 feet
* Whip/Mafiafell Papyrus ‘ The Boss ‘ - 7'1 feet
* Slim/Mafiaswap Papyrus 'The blind follower' - 6'7 feet
* Rus/Mafiaswapfell Papyrus ‘The Jack-Of-All-Trades ‘ - 7'5
* Slim/Mafiaswap Papyrus 'The blind follower' - 7'2 feet
* Toots/Mafiafellswap Papyrus ' The kind follower ' - 6'9 feet
* Dreary/Mafiahorror Papyrus ' The cowardly follower ' - 5'8 feet
* Syrup/Mafiafellswap Gaster ‘The Spy ‘ - 7'1 feet
* Chompers/Mafiahorror Gaster ‘The deceased Don’ - 7'3 feet
* Admiral/Mafiafell Gaster ' The brutal Don ' - 6'8 feet
* Basiliscus/Mafiatale Gaster ' The Collected Don' - 7'2 feet
* Apricot/Mafiaswap Gaster  ' The cheerful informant ' - 6'9 feet
* Sable/Mafiaswapfell Gaster ' The strict Don ' - 7'1 feet
* Ardor/Slavetale Sans 'The catalyst' - 4'2
* Roxxy/Slavefell Sans  'The lovable pervert' - 4'4
* Ditzy/Slaveswap Sans  'The savant slave' - 3'9
* Wisteria/Slaveswapfell Sans 'The perfectionist' - 4'7 feet
* Azalea/Slavefellswap Sans 'The housekeeper' - 4'1 feet
* Mortis/SlaveDust Sans 'The loose canon' - 4'6 feet
* Cassiopeia/SlaveOuter Sans 'The perfect prey' - 3'7 feet
* Jaws/Slavehorror Sans 'The starving slave' - 6'9 feet
* Viper/Slaveswap Papyrus 'The skeptical slave' - 6'2 feet
* Rogue/Slavefell Papyrus  'The reluctant slave' - 6'4 feet
* Pup/Slaveswapfell Papyrus 'The perfect puppy' - 7'1 feet
* Foxglove/Slavefellswap Papyrus 'The perfect lover' - 5'8 feet
* Spruce/Beasttale Sans ' The territorial Alpha ' - 7'5 feet
* Shamrock/Beasttale Papyrus ' The Friendly Beta ' - 7'9 feet
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How would the slaves react if reader went into a dom heat?
((We are going with the idea that the reader is a monster too! For this, we are going with the idea that the reader is a monster. I personal imagine the reader as a shadow demon, but there won’t be anything specific about this, so you can imagine the reader as whatever you want))
* Ardor/Slavetale Sans 'The catalyst' - Ardor would probably have a hard time coming around that. He wouldn’t be sure if he would be willing to actually go and do something with you, knowing what you will try to do, but the idea of someone else being touched by you in such a special way makes him really get angry and want to do anything in his power to avoid that. He would probably make his male genitals appear, so you wouldn’t think of doing anything too much, but could play with him as much as you would desire.
* Roxxy/Slavefell Sans  'The lovable pervert' - Honestly, Roxxy would be extremely excited. He wouldn’t mind being bred too. He always found the concept to be very attractive, but he was just never sure when to bring the topic up, but now that you went into heat and all you could think about was breeding, he was glad that he could finally experience that, especially with someone he loves.
* Ditzy/Slaveswap Sans  'The savant slave' - Ditzy would take a bit to understand what is happening, but when he would, he would be, well, amused. Look at how the tables have turned. Just a few days before it was you in control and now it depended on him if you will be getting to breed him or not. Of course, you will in the end, but before that happens, Ditzy will want to tease you, before you rip off his clothes and take him right where he would stand.
* Viper/Slaveswap Papyrus 'The skeptical slave' - As much as he loved you, he wasn’t going to deal with your heat. First of all, Viper was not ready to be a parent and he was sure that you were not ready for that either. Also, seeing that he was a slave, his child would become a slave too, and that was the least he wanted. Go ask someone else, because he’s not putting a foot into your room.
* Wisteria/Slaveswapfell Sans 'The perfectionist' -  Wisteria would be... confused. He wasn’t sure what to do. There were no rules telling him what to do when something like this would happen... What was he supposed to do? What should he do? Should he go in and make you do what you want to him? Or should he stay away...? He won’t come near you, but if you ever come to find him... well, he won’t stop you...
* Pup/Slaveswapfell Papyrus 'The perfect puppy' - Pup would be excited. He would come to your room, put on his best lingerie, and wait for you, ass in the air and dripping like there is no tomorrow. He wants you to do him like there is no tomorrow and well, if you be rough with him and break his bones, he will be even happier. Isn’t his master just perfect?
* Azalea/Slavefellswap Sans 'The housekeeper' - Azalea couldn’t help but find it funny. Honestly, his master was really hopeless without him. Truly, he was the only one who could relieve such a pain away. When he would find out that you are in heat, he would go immediately to your room, putting on something pretty but easily tearable, and being ready for whatever you have ready for him. Hold nothing back, he wants it all.
* Foxglove/Slavefellswap Papyrus 'The perfect lover' - You better not be having someone else in your bed right now, or else, he might just kill that other person. The only person helping with your heat should be him and he will make sure that you the only hole you enter these next three days is either one of the three holes he has available 
* Mortis/SlaveDust Sans 'The loose canon' - The moment he would smell your heat, he would probably be in your room, already undressing. Well, he has been waiting for this for quite a long time, he was glad that you were finally in heat. Of course, being bred wasn’t exactly something he was excited about, but oh well, he’ll deal with the problem when it comes up but for now, he’ll just be happy with what he gets.
* Cassiopeia/SlaveOuter Sans 'The perfect prey' - Cassiopeia would be very... confused and unsure of what to do. On one hand, he is happy that he’s able to do this for you but on another hand, he’s worried that you will be too rough with him and hurt him a lot... He had been hurt in heats a lot before, and he’s afraid... But... But you are his loving master, and he will trust that you will treat him well even if you are in your heat. 
* Jaws/Slavehorror Sans 'The starving slave' - Jaws would understand your pain quite a bit. He was without a mate for the longest time, and he still is mostly, but he loves you... He couldn’t let you go and suffer on your own. He needs you to be in your best health, so you would take good care of him... That’s why he would present himself in front of you, legs spread open, and let you do anything you want with him. You are his master, his body belongs to you and he’s happy you are getting some use from his body.
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What are the slaves like in heat? When they are crushing on their owner and not please~
((Before going into this, I would like to say that my favorite type of writing is when the reader is the dominant/top one, so that’s what I usually do. The main gender that I usually use for sexual asks is herm/intersex (Someone with both genitals, in this case), with female pronouns, if needed. I just wanted to warn everyone so they would know what they are getting into before I start!))
((Also, there are quite a few characters and these are pretty long, I’ll only be doing 4 of the slaves, so if anyone wants to know about some of the others, please feel free to send in a request!~))
~First of all, he would have a submissive heat. As we know, submissive heats are very dangerous, just like dominant heats. We also know what the purpose of such heats are, and that is to breed or be bred. With his case, because he would have a submissive heat, he would have the desire to be bred. As we also know, skeletons and some other monsters, have the ability to change their bodies and genitals as long as they have magic. 
~Normally, his favorite genitals to use are male ones, but because of his heat being of submissive origins, he would use female genitals.
~Of course, as we know, don’t let the heat name confuse you. The only reason they are called submissive heats is because they want to be bred and not to breed someone. It doesn’t mean they are going to be submissive little pillow princesses, waiting to be bred. If they want someone, they are going to go and fucking take them, especially if they are naturally aggressive in their everyday life.
~Lucky for you, or well, unlucky for you, Ardor is one of the more aggressive slaves that you own. While in a submissive heat, he wouldn’t fuck around.
~You see, Ardor always hated the fact that you were around others, but if you two would have a kid, well, you would need to take responsibility, right? You were too good to not do that.
~The next thing you would know, he would already have you tied up, the door locked up and he would be ready to start.
~He would probably tell you that it’s honestly your fault for making him feel like this, and that if only you cared less, he could care less about you too.
~He wouldn’t care about any problems that you might have, or anything like that, alright? He will not stop until he feels a small soul developping.
~Lucky for you, submissive heats only last a week, so eventually, the heat will wear off, but it’s more likely that he’ll only stop when he thinks he might be pregnant.
~Honestly, Roxxy wouldn’t change much, or at least, not at the beginning.
~He would try to control himself as much as possible, at the beginning, so he would be able to trick you into being in a room alone with him.
~You see, he has a submissive heat, meaning that his sexual needs would rise in an insane rate. The fact that he wants to be bred is also something that could become a problem ,but he couldn’t care less at the moment.
~When he would lock you inside a room with him alone, he would probably start going on an insane sounding rant, about how much he loved you and that the only way to show that their love is real, is if they would produce a fruit of love, in this case, a child.
~Honestly, at this point, your consent would be the last of his priorities. He wants to get pregnant already, and show everyone that he’s superior faster, so they would leave you alone for good, and would keep you for himself. 
~Roxxy is actually madly strong, but he never showed it before, because he just never cared about fighting back. But this time? If you dare try to pull out or push him off... You’ll have your hands broken.
~Honestly, your screams would arouse him even more, so be careful, because at any sign of you fighting back again, he’ll break some other of your bone.
~Unlike the others, he wouldn’t stop even after he feels like he might be pregnant. He would probably keep it up until either you or him would pass out.
~Don’t put up your hopes too high though, the moment either of you wakes up again, you’ll go at it again.
~Honestly, he doesn’t even need you to be awake to feel as much pleasure as he wants.
~Rogue would try his best to control himself. He didn’t want to let his heat over and do some mistakes that would ruin his life here...
~But because of the heat, he would imagine a lot of things. For example, how happy they could be if they would have a little baby. Or three.
~But then he would bring himself back to reality, trying to remember  that the difference in status would get in the way...
~Rogue would be able to control himself, as long as you wouldn’t enter his room.
~If you would, you would probably find him a blushing and sweaty mess on the bed, trying to relieve the heat and emptiness that he felt.
~Because he would push himself to such a point, it would be an instant reaction to push you to the wall, after locking the door, and undying your pants
~Throughout it all, he would keep repeating that this was going to be good for them both, and that you would be a great parent.
~After he would feel that he might be pregnant, he would probably leave you wherever you currently were, as he would return to his bed, cradling his stomach with a satisfied look on his face.
~This would be your only chance of escaping right now.
~Of course, unless you want to go through that session that?
~Wisteria would, with all his might, try and stop himself from even thinking such things. He would repeat that you were his master and that he shouldn’t be thinking about such things.
~But, there were no rules against this... A part of him would try to reason with his more logical side, with the fact that no rules against heat week are put in place, but it didn’t mean he could do whatever he wanted. He had to consider his morals...
~Well, it is hard to keep your morals in consideration when your mind keeps replying moments when you were in any sort of sexual position...
~Thankfully, his more logical side always won, and this time was the same. He wouldn’t want to do anything to you, let alone make you a parent this early on... He wanted to get closer to you before he could even consider that!
~Of course, he still needed to deal with his heat, that’s why he decided to find a compromise to this problem. So, what better solution than to get some underwear and clothes that smell like you?
~He would probably go to your room when you are not around, and take whatever catches his eyes, before going back to his room and locking the door, in case you would try to come to his room...
~He wanted to control himself but if you did come here, he might just not be able to do that, and there was no way around it...
~He hopes that you don’t want your clothes back, because you’re not getting them back~
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Dere types
16. Dings/Underswap Gaster ‘ The RiverMan ‘ - Dorodere 17. Aster/Underfell Gaster ‘ The Failed Scientist ‘ - Yandegire
18. Gaster/Undertale Gaster ‘ The Forgotten Scientist ‘ - Kuugire
19. Spice/Underlust Sans ‘ The Lover ‘ - Teasedere
20. Sugar/Underlust Papyrus ‘ The Friend-With-Benefits ‘ - Dandere
21. Delta/Asylumtale Sans ‘ The Maniac ‘ - Shundere
22. Puffy/Danceswap Sans ‘ The Happy-Go-Lucky Dancer ‘ - Bakadere
23. Rottenberry/Horrorfell Papyrus ‘ The Mute ‘ -  Byoukidere
24. Midnight/Outertale Sans ‘ The Star Fanatic ‘ - Bodere
25. Marrow/Outertale Papyrus ‘ The Earth Fanatic ‘ - Deredere
27. Plum/storyshift Asriel ‘ The Captain’s Son ‘ - Hajidere
28. Cherry/Shiftfell Chara ‘ The Pet ‘ - Dandere
29. Majesty/Shiftfellswap Chara ‘ The Captain Of Pride ‘ - Himedere
30. Skyblue/Storyshift Sans ‘ The King ‘ - Utsudere
31. Bloodbath/Shiftfell Papyrus ‘ The Catacombs Caretaker ‘ - Mayadere
32. Riffle/Mafiatale Sans ‘ The Mobster ‘ - Darudere
33. Rose/Mafiatale Papyrus ‘The Right Hand ‘ - Undere
34. Whip/Mafiafell Papyrus ‘ The Boss ‘ - Hinedere
35. Slate/Mafiaswap Sans ‘ The Two-Faced ‘ - Tsundere
36. Rus/Mafiaswapfell Papyrus ‘The Jack-Of-All-Trades ‘ - Darudere
37. Mal/Mafiafellswap Sans ‘ The Malevolent Boss ‘ - Tsundere
38. Syrup/Mafiafellswap Gaster ‘The Spy ‘ - Deredere
39. Chompers/Mafiahorror Gaster ‘The deceased Don’ - Kuudere
41. Firefly/Underfell Grillby ‘ The Cold Flirt ‘ - Tsundere
42. Sunny/Fellswap Grillby ‘ The Poisonous Bakery Owner ‘ - Dorodere
44. Trigger/ Horrortale Undyne ' The Fallen Queen ' - Yangire
1. Hound/Dustswapfell Papyrus 'The feeling addict' -  Dandere
2. Cotton/Lustswapfell Sans 'The Authoritative slut' - Tsundere
3. Lavander/Lustfellswap Papyrus 'The Affection seeker' - Undere
4. Azure/Dancetale Sans 'The dancer' - Shundere
5. Lyric/Danceswap Papyrus 'The jokester dance fanatic' - Teasedere
6. Teddy/Horrorfell Sans 'The dusting butcher' - Darudere
7. Cranberry/Horrorswap Sans 'The backstabbing maniac' - Oujidere
8. Bell/Horrorfellswap Sans 'The incompetent little helper' - Bakadere
9. Grim/Horrorswap Grillby 'The starving sunshine' - Dandere
10. Rust/horrorfell Gaster 'The man who speaks in screams ' - Byoukidere
11. Comet/Outerswap Sans 'The Curious human fanatic' - Bakadere
12. Knight/Horrorswapfell Sans 'The Try hard protector' - Tsundere
13. Pluto/Outerfellswap Sans 'The strength fanatic' - Bodere
14. Glitch/Error! Sans 'The destroyer' - Tsundere
15. Palette/Ink! Sans 'The creator' - Kuugire
16. Night/Nightmare! Sans 'The bringer of nightmares' - Oujidere
17. Starry/Dream! Sans 'The bringer of gentle dreams' - Deredere
18. Peachy/Underswap Grillby 'The bubbling bakery owner' - Deredere
19. Cerulean/Lustfell Grillby 'The flirty bartender' - Teasedere
20. Brash/Storyswapfell Asriel 'The absent minded sentry' - Shundere
21. Riggs/Mafiafell Sans 'The failing underling' - Yottadere
22. Nebula/Alterswap Sans 'The benevolent ruler' - Dandere
23. Sam/Overtale Sans 'The Boy-Next-Door' - Deredere
24. Marigold/Underswap Asgore 'The Parental friend' - Undere
25. Tenor/Underlust Asgore 'The sexual caretaker' - Deredere
26. Eros/Altertale Sans 'The gentle giant' - Dorodere
27. Sansy/Fresh! Sans 'The parasite' - Bakadere
28. Daisy/Asylumtale Alphys 'The therapist' - Shundere
29. Slim/Mafiaswap Papyrus 'The blind follower' - Kuudere
31. Tania/Lustswap Toriel 'The ambitious caretaker' -  Bodere
32. Tori/Undertale Toriel 'The nursing mother-like one' - Dandere
33. Ursa/Outertale Toriel 'The Patient motherly friend' - Kuudere
34. Ardor/Slavetale Sans 'The catalyst' - Kuugire
35. Roxxy/Slavefell Sans 'The lovable pervert' - Teasedere
36. Rogue/Slavefell Papyrus  'The reluctant slave' - Kamidere
37. Ditzy/Slaveswap Sans  'The savant slave' - Bakadere
38. Viper/Slaveswap Papyrus 'The skeptical slave' - Bodere
39. Wisteria/Slaveswapfell Sans 'The perfectionist' - Oujidere
40. Pup/Slaveswapfell Papyrus 'The perfect puppy' - Dandere
41. Azalea/Slavefellswap Sans 'The housekeeper' - Hajidere
42. Foxglove/Slavefellswap Papyrus 'The perfect lover' - Deretsun
43. Mortis/SlaveDust Sans 'The loose canon' - Mayadere
44. Cassiopeia/SlaveOuter Sans 'The perfect prey' - Tsunpure
45. Jaws/Slavehorror Sans 'The starving slave' - Hinedere
46. Audrey/Overtale Papyrus 'The eccentric mascot' - Deredere
47. Frank/Overfell Sans 'The flirty mechanic' - Undere
48. Tommy/Overswap Sans 'The friendly donut shop owner' -  Deredere
49. Pierre/Overswapfell Sans 'The justice obsessed policeman' - Hinedere
50. Russel/Overswapfell Papyrus 'The child-loving kindergarden teacher' - Dandere
51. Theodore/Overfellswap Sans 'The temperamental nurse' - Tsundra
52. Tobias/Overfellswap Papyrus 'The helpless romantic' - Nemuidere
53. Flynn/Overhorror Sans 'The veteran' - Darudere
54. Angelo/OverLust Sans 'The insane cat gentleman' - Dorodere
55. Whitley/OverLust Papryus 'The damsel in distress' - Kanedere
56. Daniel/OverOuter Sans 'The passionate astronomer' - Tsunshun
57. Tony/OverMafia Sans 'The typical dark backstory ex-mafiose' - Shundere
58. Willow/OverMafia Papyrus 'The friendly rival' - Kekkondere
59. Marshall/Overfell Grillby 'The divorcee parent' - Hinedere
60. Elliot/Overswapfell Grillby 'The quiet librarian' - Tsungire
61. Fletcher/Overfellswap Grillby 'The good samaritan' - Hinodere
62. Frankie/Overlust Grillby 'The hardworking bartender' - Yottadere
63. Lottie/Overtale Toriel 'The grieving widow' - Kuudere
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