#ska is fantastic
skell10 · 1 year
Ska is fantastic, thank you CEO!
Always babygirl don't mention it
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doomednarrative · 11 months
I haven't seen OOO yet (plan to correct that), but I have heard the soundtrack. The music alone is reason enough to watch it.
Not to be the Music Guy but I always go find the actual scores and osts for my favorite shows and movies after watching theme and there's some Really good ones in OOO that I think about a lot
This one in particular, you'll know it when you hear it cause that particular guitar riff just sticks out So much
If we wanna talk about actual insert songs tho, I think "Got To Keep It Real" and "POWER to TEARER" are my favorites :3
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inklinefan · 1 year
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turochamp · 1 year
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in like 2013 i liked this album a strange amount for being literally 12 years old
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saucy-mesothelioma · 7 months
9? (A song that makes you happy)
9: A song that makes you happy
Good lord this is a difficult one; I listen to a lot of music so I got more than one.
Super Rad! by The Aquabats! is a really good one. It's got that peppy ska that I love and it's just a lot of fun.
Coming into Los Angeles by Arlo Guthrie is definitely another that I adore because I love Guthrie but it's also one I can't help but sing along to whenever I hear it.
Coat of Many Colors by Dolly Parton. Dolly was a huge part of my childhood and her music just brings back a lot of nice memories of the Smoky Mountains.
Anything by Weird Al. I feel like this goes without explanation.
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chunky-doggo · 10 months
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The endlessly endearing Mr. Mub Mub, as voiced by the irrepressibly energetic @baronharkonnen (SpeakerD)
I love how genuinely alien the Xenians and other aliens are in half-life, from their biology to their mannerisms to their speech quirks. SpeakerD does a fantastic job of conveying the true alien grasp of social interactions in a way that is both funny and very empathetic.
The species in HL also have some interesting means of making art too, which is what I tried to get at here. I like to think if Mubby wanted to make a self portrait, it would look a little like this.
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manicplank · 3 months
I don't know if anyone asked this before or not, but... their favorite type of music? Sorry, I just love your headcanons :D
hehehe ok
Music headcanons!
Peppino: Based on the track "Hip to be Italian", I have a silly headcanon that he likes old school hip hop. Missy Elliot, Tupac, etc. He also likes classic rock (think of bands like The Rolling Stones) and Italian opera.
Gustavo: Another opera fan! I feel like he would listen to anything on the radio. So probably listens to a lot of pop music, especially stuff from the early 2000's. Idk I can weirdly see him listening to Britney Spears lmao.
Mr. Stick: Hmm... I feel like he'd also be a pop fan. Probably a Swiftie. His cringe ass probably listens to nightcore.
Pepperman: He probably listens to something among the lines of Celine Dion and Mariah Carey.
The Vigilante: COUNTRY, DUHHH. Definitely a Johnny Cash fan. Idk a lot of country artists tbh.
The Noise: One of those guys that listens to anything but country. Thinks country is stupid. Will listen to any genre, but his favorites are probably techno, metal, and soft rock. (idk what genre it actually is, so here's some examples of what I consider soft rock. Links broke, so they're at the end!) He would probably love System of a Down and all their joke songs.
Noisette: Definitely a fan of pop music, another Swiftie. Probably also listens so soft rock. Listens to Clairo for sure. A lot of early 2000's music as well. LOVES Lady Gaga. Says "Paparazzi" is her and The Noise's song. (All couples have their "song", you know what I mean?)
Fake Peppino: Likes most music! Is a fan of electronic! Also unironically likes Cocomelon. Drives others INSANE with it. (I see him as having a child-like mindset.) Doesn't like screamo, it scares him.
Pizzahead: Loves classical musical as well as music from the 30's-50's. I feel like he'd also love Nicki Minaj.
Pillar John: Reggae and Ska. He just seems like that type of guy. Listens to a lot of songs about weed without knowing they're about weed. (Innocent mindset.)
Gerome: I feel like he secretly enjoys opera music. The skill it takes to sing opera amazes him. He probably also enjoys electronica. I like the irony of a quiet guy liking loud, upbeat music.
Here's those links, btw!
Fantastic Planet - Soko
Fade Into You - Mazzy Star
Moon Undah Water - Puma Blue
Motel Reflections - Pro Teens
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petterbrorson · 1 year
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Söder om Sörmon, akvarell, 12x17 cm
Jag fann en fantastisk skog när jag tog en promenad alldeles utanför Sörmons naturreservat. Jag ska gå tillbaka och utforska mer.
Idag regnade det för första gången på länge. En sån lättnad!
South of Sörmon, watercolour, 12x17 cm
I found a fantastic forest when I took a walk just outside Sörmons nature reserve. I'll go back and explore some more.
It rained today, for the first time in a long time. Such relief!
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feybeasts · 4 months
do you have any ideas on what kinds of music your OCs would like? we realize this is probably difficult for the ones in more fantastical settings, but.
ooooh always good- and my setting isn’t as fantastical as you’d think! Outside of the existence of magic and living gods and such, it’s really just. Like. The 90’s.
Lena has the same tastes as me- which is to say “everything,” as I listen to a playlist of Mongolian metal and Belarussian ska. She’s got that multiversal cable, she knows Most Bands.
Callie is a classic rock and bluegrass girl. Has definitely had too many edibles and zonked out to entire prog rock albums before.
Rose is a metalhead, through and through. Also a fan of disco, funnily enough.
Kamila cruises to the oldies, big band and swing, classic country, soul- bug fan of jazz and all its offshoots too, good riding music.
Howell learned about ABBA from Spheroid holotapes and won’t stop playing their greatest hits, even in combat.
Lymella, Wilson, and a few others don’t listen to music. Weirdos.
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 04/01/2024
Ska Cha Cha (Rotten Mix)
Season 4 Episode 2 Featured on: DJ Professor K Presents: 24​/​7 FUNKY FRESH BEATS FROM TOKYO​-​TO
Ripped by ChickenSuitGuy
I do kind of wonder, at times, if We Are Number One could be considered my favorite joke on the channel. If nothing else, I do think it's the joke that's survived the longest on the channel without really growing stale. Compare it to something like The Flintstones theme, which is so overplayed on the channel that its now primarily used ironically in reference to its overplayed status - and that trend started like, five years ago at this point. There's other memes and jokes that I'm still quite fond of, some like The Nutshack feel like they ebb in and out of relevance when everyone's just about tired of them, and haven't really worn out their welcome as a result. We've been getting We Are Number One rips at a pretty steady interval since the end of Season 1, yet the team seemingly never runs out of unique ways to use its desperate pieces and instruments in. Ska Cha Cha (Rotten Mix) is but one of several excellent examples out there.
I mean, it obviously helps to start that Hideki Naganuma music already has a pretty fantastic, easily identifiable sound to it, a funky feel-good vibe with vocal samples all over the place. I've covered three We Are Number One focused rips in the past, with Chillin’ Like A Villain, We Are Number 4 (Golden) and...ahem: The expanse of meme in past was split, A fiendish trap has now been set; Behind a tree the villains sit, Terror of sport, the Robbie's Net. Now, the former two are excellent in their own right, presenting the original We Are Number One performance's full lyrics, progression and so on but with the whole new melody behind it. But the part of WANO rips that really, really grabs me, is what the latter rips hint at - full sections of the original song used play out, with instrumentation and vocal samples from WANO used to heighten the arrangement, intentions and progression of WANO be damned. In other words, when all the pretense of a mashup feel like they've been dropped, and WANO is purely being used as an instrument rather than a co-star.
And that's kind of what Ska Cha Cha (Rotten Mix) does - sure, it still features the full lyrics and singing from the original song, but it feels here like its playing second fiddle to the vocal samples, which fit Naganuma's style in the original track like a glove. From the opening "da-da-da-da-daah!!" to the ongoing "hey-hey!"s in the beat, to the absolutely devious laughter sample playing in place of the song's titular chant. Its just such an incredible fit between the two songs, and while the ska instrumentation of WANO is of course a banger when applied to anything, it really is that creative voice sample usage that cements this rip for me. All those years later, and the team are still finding new ways to use that big box of rotten-ska goodness in.
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skell10 · 6 months
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nevertheless-moving · 5 months
Finally reading [listening to] secret history and I really did miss how ABSOLUTLY BATSHIT Kelsier was and what fantastic pizzazz he did bonkers things with
(Also, really? He's the the first person to punch god in the face? The first person in literal hell world? Not a single ferrochemist? A single other Ska allomancer in 1000 years? Yeah i'm calling unreliable narrator on that one)
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ladykeane · 1 year
Reasons that Waluigi and Daisy would definitely end up as solid friends (or fall madly in love whatever)
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Apart from the fact that they are both passionate about sports and share the experience of being sidekicks to Wario & Peach respectively:
Everything is a competition. EVERYTHING. Arm wrestling, thumb wrestling, staring competitions, rap battles, who can hold their breath the longest, who can do the loudest, longest burp... after everyone else has gone to bed these two are still up and challenging each other to increasingly arbitrary contests
Daisy is secretly (not-so-secretly?) just as much a nasty lil goblin as Waluigi. They show off their scabs to each other and scramble to eat food that has fallen on the floor. When the Mario squad orders pizza, Waluigi and Daisy order their own special pie together: pineapple, anchovy and eggplant, with green bell peppers and extra chili
They are equally softe and insecure on the inside, just as much as they are noisy braggarts on the outside. Whenever one has an unexpected moment of vulnerability, the other jumps at the chance to comfort and protect, in their own odd way. (Daisy could never have this with Luigi - the boy is a sweeetheart, but as much as he admires Daisy he’s always at least a little bit scared of her)
It is canon that Waluigi is a fantastic dancer. This would be both a courtship ritual and another competition
They are both passionate, unapologetic ska fans. They will leap down the throat of anyone who dismisses the genre and probably bump into each other at the same concerts (meet cute???)
Romantic bike rides together while throwing shade at each other worthy of Beatrice x Benedick
Both bite as a show of affection
Also she definitely pegs him
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cripple-punk-dad · 1 year
any punk music recommendations?
Anything by Streetlight Manifesto is phenomenal!! They're a ska punk band so it's a little different than punk rock but I love their stuff. As for punk rock, my favorite band is gonna be Pure Hell, their album noise addiction is fantastic. I made another post about music recommendations, it should be under #punk music on my blog!
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Round 2 Poll 20
Bound For Hell: 「The Mercenaries were a garage-rock-ska-punk-ish band performing on the Sydney, Australia pub circuit around the 1980s, and alas, they never really took off. They produced a single album, 'Soldiers of Misfortune' which was never formally released and only given on CD to band members. (Your friendly neighbourhood submitter happens to be the lead singer's daughter.) 'Bound for Hell' is the band's most popular original composition, and was used as a gig closer.」 Previous propaganda
Bound For Hell - The Mercenaries
Slay the Dragon: 「There are so many absolutely fantastic songs out there that just so happen to be extremely nerdy fan songs. This is one of those. It also happens to be really freaking relatable.」
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its-me-vixen · 28 days
I genuinely don’t understand this current music discourse not because I don’t believe people are witnesses these very real bits of racist bullshit but like there are seriously still people out there who don’t have the capacity to just enjoy creation?? To enjoy music?? That aren’t trying to expose themselves to more and more variety??
My likes on Spotify are affectionately referred to as the Whiplash Playlist by all in the cars in which I am given the aux. there is so much fucking variety throughout from musicals to rap to street musician jazz instrumentals to ska to modern punk and genre defying ART!! Modern social media does one thing really well, and it’s exposing you to new music if you have even the slightest interest, and y’all are LIMITING YOURSELVES???? The infinity of human creativity at your fingertips, and you’re STILL writing off entire genres??? What the fuck??
Shut up and go listen to some Jhariah (their new album is fantastic)
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