#siren alomancy
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Eggs: Eggs are often lain in batches and left in the care of 'Schoalwatchers'. They are often lain in caves for their own protection. In some places, they are also harvested as a type of caviar. Some sirens will purposefully sell their eggs to gain human currency. Some will steal other sirens eggs to sell. It is a very dividing subject in Siren society. There are also false Shoalwatchers, who will use the trusted name and sell or eat the eggs entrusted to them.
Birth to 5 years/ "Fry": Between the time of birth and 5 years, sirens are known as 'fry', and need constant overseeing. They are small and at their weakest during this time. Care is to be taken when handling the fry, as while they are soft, their horns are sharp and hard. Especially their egg horn. 
If one comes across a lone fry, the best thing to do is keep it with you and take care of it yourself. It will not survive on its own.
10 Years/"Shoaling": At this stage in life, they are in the beginner stages of self sufficiency and can get some food on their own. They are very inquisitive and curious about the world around them. They often wrap themselves in seaweed and don their respective shoals colors in order to make identification easy. They also start to grow display fins and gain the ability to fluctuate bioluminescent spots on their tail. Other then that, they are akin to a regular child at this stage.
16 Years: Sirens of this age are nearing full independence. At this time, a shoal numbers around 40 to 80 young sirens.  Their egg horn has long since fallen off, sometimes kept in a collection by the Shoalwatchers as a memento. Sirens at this age often get killed by their unwillingness to stick to the shoal and wander too far. They might be nearing adulthood, but they are still naïve. Titled are also selected around this age, should the Wavemother see potential in them.
Adult: An adult siren is a force to be reckoned with. Many a sailor has fallen to sirens. At this stage in life, they are fully capable of using their voice to lure individuals to their deaths. Some gather in siren communities along various reefs, others go it alone. Some sirens keep companions or pets, such as cleaner shrimp or pilot fish.  Sirens don't regularly hunt one another, but they will turn to cannibalism if they see it as worth the trouble. The largest cause of siren death in adulthood is hunters and pirates.
VoidTouched: The most unlucky of sirens to ever swim the seas. Warped and painfully twisted by the Voidswimmer himself, they are turned into monstrosities made to torment their own kind. Very few have ever regained themselves from being turned into a Voidswimmer. The most known being The Siren of the Eclipse. Eclipse was a god among sirenkind, and had won much of the Wavemothers favor, so much so that Voidswimmer became jealous, and twisted him into the very first Voidtouched. Sometimes, eggs will hatch as voidtouched, and devour the rest of their siblings. These Void’fry’ often do not make it into adulthood.
(Big shoutout to @mythologyvincent for helping me with the lore and allowing me to draw Siren!Vincent)
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sailor-star-bones · 2 years
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ArtFight Revenge against: @ridashippu
of their character, Alomancy the pirate, and my character, Aster the Death Siren
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kortgefilmd-blog · 5 years
Deel A: “Shorts”
Tijd voor het laatste onderdeel van deel A voor deze weblog ter voorbereiding van onze korte film: de shorts. We kiezen vijf verschillende shorts uit die door de twintigste eeuw gemaakt zijn en beantwoorden hierover steeds de volgende vragen:
Welke filmtechniek valt op?
Hoe wordt die filmtechniek gebruikt?
Hoe ondersteunt het filmische (de camerabeweging, de montage, belichting, kleur etc.) het verhaal?
Wat haal je hier uit voor je eigen film?
Thriller (1984)
De korte film “Thriller”, de muziekvideo bij het welbekende nummer van Michael Jackson, opent met een duistere scène waarin een auto een oprijlaan oprijdt. Om de leegte en stilte om de auto heen te ondersteunen en te versterken, is gebruik gemaakt van het geluid van krekels en van de suizende wind. De twee personen in de auto hebben een korte dialoog, waarna hun voeten lopend gefilmd worden - een mooie manier om te laten zien dat de twee onderweg zijn. In de film wordt veel gespeeld met licht en donker - waarschijnlijk om ervoor te zorgen dat de kijker focust op dat waar het licht is en waar het bedoeld is van de regisseur om de kijker op te laten focussen. Daarnaast beweegt de camera steeds mee met de dansende mensen die te zijn in de mensen, zoals Michael zelf. Er zijn echter ook momenten waarop alle dansers te zien zijn en de camera stil staat. 
De meest opvallende filmtechniek waarvan gebruik gemaakt is, is het gebruik van geluidseffecten, die overvloedig voorkomen in de film. Een voorbeeld is de achtergrondmuziek bij actiescènes, zoals die wanneer Michael Jackson verandert in een monster. Ook in de bioscoop zijn geluidseffecten te horen. Een ander welbekend geluidseffect uit de film is die van de slotscène, wanneer het lijkt alsof dit meisje alles heeft gedroomd wat in de muziekvideo is gebeurd. Dit blijkt niet zo te zijn, wanneer we Michael Jackson om zien draaien met oplichtende oog, een duivelse lach horen we op de grond. In onze film zouden we ook geluidseffecten kunnen gebruiken om het verhaal dat wordt verteld in de film te versterken, zoals dat ook is gedaan in deze short. 
405 (2000)
Een opvallende filmtechniek in deze short is dat de camera constant mee beweegt met objecten en mensen in deze video. Dit zorgt voor een dynamisch beeld. Ook geluidseffecten komen hier voor, bijvoorbeeld die van het landende vliegtuig, van een presentatrice op de radio en van sirenes. Achtergrondmuziek is gebruikt om de short spannender te maken, met een opwindend muziek stuk dat hoort bij deze short. Een tip die we uit deze short halen is dan ook dat we goed moeten kiezen welk muziekstuk we gebruiken voor onze film, omdat dit de sfeer enorm kan beïnvloeden of juist kan versterken. 
Neighbours (1952)
Opvallend aan het begin van de film zijn de special effects, die de setting op een bijzondere manier weergeven. Ook de special effects met de bloem zijn erg gaaf gemaakt, waardoor de film ook aan het begin interessant is om naar te kijken. Tijdens het hele filmpje blijven de special effects alom aanwezig en dit heeft er bij ons voor gezorgd dat de film interessant is om naar te kijken, vooral doordat het dynamiek aanbrengt en doordat de special effects onvoorspelbaar zijn. De geluidseffecten zijn ook goed gemonteerd, want ze passen steeds bij de handelingen die de twee heren verrichten. Wat wij uit dit filmpje hebben gehaald dat ons kan helpen bij het maken van onze eigen film, is dat special effects ervoor zorgen dat een film erg interessant wordt en dat goed-gemonteerde geluidseffecten hier ook aan bijdragen. 
Big Business (1929)
In deze film, een stomme film, zijn vooral geluidseffecten en achtergrondmuziek erg belangrijk. Deze versterken het verhaal dat wordt vertelt, doordat de verrichte handelingen in geluid worden uitgedrukt. Uit deze film hebben wij dan ook gehaald dat passende geluidseffecten enorm bijdragen aan de beleving en vertelling van het verhaal. 
The Great Train Robbery (1903)
Wat wij opvallend vonden in deze film, is dat bij iedere scène de camera vaak vanuit één plek is gepositioneerd, waardoor je een rustig onveranderd totaalbeeld krijgt van wat er gebeurt. De tip die wij hieruit halen is dat he te overwegen is om bij het camerawerk niet te veel bewegen, om de situaties duidelijk en overzichtelijk te houden. 
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What if they had a kid meme. Aster and his two other mates that he hasn't had kids with yet.
Alomancy x Aster: (I do have quite the feeling that they would have many more than one)
Name: Halstein  (Norse for Stony Rock)
Gender: Boy
General appearance: paler version of both parents, icy near grey blue eyes, kind of scrappy lookin’ with messy hair and permanently scuffed up looking nose
Personality: He’s a bit cold and disinterested in doing anything he doesn’t want to but certainly looks like he’s the boisterous jerk type. 
Special Talents: Silkweaving, highly venomous, great with his hands, and focusing.
Who they like better: Alomancy
Who they take after more: Aster (in looks mostly)
Personal headcanon:  He grows up to be more solitary, though still loving to see his family. He just prefers to alone in his colder places, trying to learn what he can’t be taught.
Face Claim: (one of us will draw him. Along with the potential siblings)
Mahogany x Aster
Name: Eydis (Norse for Goddess of Good Luck)
Gender: Female
General appearance: Somewhat creamier version of Mahogany, with hard blue-ish eyes, her hair would be a wild mess of curls  and fluffiness, with a mild start of ram-like horns. (As a Nov maybe a bit odd, but a bit of a chimera  look) , the thick thighs that both save lives and take them (*humour* When she’s older of course)
Personality: She’s a bit more ‘ladylike’ and behaved, though she can go from sweet to sour fast. Sometimes straight to bitter. She’s not too boisterous but is definitely living up to her name as being Lucky.
Special Talents: Siren-esque voice, got the succubus Allure, has a bit of Aster’s talent for green magic though leaning a bit more to illusions and potions.
Who they like better: Some days Aster, Some days Mahogany. (More so Vincent.)
Who they take after more: Both
Personal headcanon: She is lucky with everything, everything always turns out her way for the most part.
Face Claim: (one of us will design her)
@mythologyvincent @o-alomancy-o
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The Siren of Dreams belongs to @mythologyvincent
“Pray you see the Siren of Dreams laddie. It might be the best thing to ever happen to ye.”
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Hey Voidswimmer, look at me!
Bitch ✨
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𝒢𝓁𝒶𝒹 𝓌𝑒 𝒸𝒶𝓃 𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝒶𝑔𝓇𝑒𝑒 𝓉𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝓂𝓎 𝒽𝓊𝓈𝒷𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒾𝓈 𝒶 𝒷𝒾𝓉𝒸𝒽.
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Another Skull for The Bone Throne
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Sirenmancy, have you ever met a certain diver named Aster?
"Indeed I have. A rather wonderful Diver that one. I'm not too fond of landwalkers, especially those with that 'technology' stuff. But Aster..." The siren tapped her chin, grinning. "That diver is rather appealing to say the least."
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What of sea dragons and sea serpents? Or are those the same thing.
"They are two different things." The siren states, holding two fingers out for you to see. "Sea dragons have limbs, sea serpents do not. Thats the basic version, anyway. Obviously there are sea dragons without limbs, and there are sea serpents with limbs. But you get the jist of it, I suppose."
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(It's okay, don't worry IRL comes first. Hope you enjoy your vacation! :D)
Shella nodded, "I see, though i think "Alo" would be a much better nickname. It's cute, kinda like you." She stated with a soft smile.
She looked out into the sea, "Do you think Wavemother will be succesful with this confrontation?" She asked a bit worried.
"I appreciate the comment." Alomancy replied, raising an eyebrow at the mage. "And I think she will. She is older then this world, and she no doubt outlive it..." ========
The goddess swam for miles upon miles, passing reef after reef. Informing its denzians to scatter to the winds or be left to die in the oncoming fight. As she swam past the drop off, she caught sight of an unfortunate looking mer with wisps of darkness trailing it. She slapped at it with a tendril, knocking the mer back a few feet. The mermaid smiled and rolled into itself, transforming into a larger beastly being of darkness and heat. The water around it boiled and it let out a bellowing laugh. "Can't even say hello to my beloved wife? How cruel you've become my love." "𝓘 𝓭𝓸 𝓶𝔂 𝓾𝓹𝓶𝓸𝓼𝓽 𝓽𝓸 𝓪𝓿𝓸𝓲𝓭 𝔂𝓸𝓾, 𝓥𝓸𝓲𝓭𝓼𝔀𝓲𝓶𝓶𝓮𝓻." She hissed back, smacking him away. She continued swimming on, and the titanous beast swam beside her with a smile. "Off to commit some muuuuurder my sweetness?" He asked, tilting his head to the side. Wavemother looked away from him and too the reef. The corals were dead, and the water above was littered with dead fish. The Voidswimmer hummed as he observed alongside her, arms behind his back as though he were a polite upstanding citizen. "Seems you have quite the damnible demon to deal with today." He chuckled. He folded himself in and shrunk himself to a similar size as his wife. Though he still retained his more outlandish features. He always preferred to appear as a mermaid rather then a siren.
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The mage listened to what Alomancy was saying and nodded along, "I appreciate the concern and protection, it means a lot. Don't worry, i took no offence." She said, giving a soft smile back.
It is true she didn't know, or rather remember, the full context why her soul leaving the sea hurt so much, but then again she didn't even know why she left in the first place.
As she got on land, she removed the bubble and stepping on to the sand and looked up, jugding by the sky she figured they have been down there for a while before getting back on land.
"You know, i can't help but find it kinda awkward we've gone all this time, and i still haven't introduced myself." She said while stroking the back of her neck.
Alomancy resumed her bored expression, brushing sand off of her left arm. "Not an uncommon thing to happen to those I meet." She replied.
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The mage simply nodded as she heard Alomancy's change of voice. "It's okay, just can't help but being curious is all." She said, trying to lighten the mood just a little bit. In truth however she wanted to know now more then ever why her soul left the sea and who she used to be.
Looking ahead, she points out a hand before stating "I can see land ahead."
"I meant no offence to your curiosity, mage." The siren replied, heaving the ball out of the water before stepping forth onto the beach. "I simply see no use in pondering such things myself is all. Think on it all you want. It's not really my type of thing is all, and I don't want you to get into a situation where you're asking Wavemother questions she doesn't care to answer." The siren stated bluntly. Though she stared at the mage with clear worry. "I implore you to understand that the Wavemother, while infinite in her love for her own, was not always a kind god. Before the Voidswimmer became what he was, she was what you landwalkers would call an 'evil god'." The siren began, looking from the mage out to the open sea. "It was long before either of our times, but Wavemother was an angry and vengeful god without a shred of mercy. Then Voidswimmer became...Voidswimmer. A balance needed to be kept, so she learned to be more kind and merciful." The siren looked back once more to the mage. "I simply wish to keep you from taking the brunt of any anger that remains. She doesn't take situations like yours very well. It hurts her, and when she's hurt, she lashes out in devastating ways."
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The mage listened intendly to what Alomancy was saying. This was in all honesty quite interesting. She nodded along and followed her lead as her bubble was pushed behind the reefs.
She waited quietly until Alomancy began talking again, as she guessed that meant that the other siren was gone. "I take it that you guys are allowed to do things outside the job as well?" She asked, mostly refering to the fact that she herself wasn't really a fisher, and even if she was, she'd not be a greedy one, but that seemingly wouldn't stop the other from eating her anyways.
"How many people on that ship you rescued me from do you think were cursed? Just that one you took?" She asked, surprisingly chill considering what happened to the guy. Seems like there was a bit more to this tall lady who otherwise had a rather soft and meek vibe to her despite her massive size for a human.
She wondered about this for a while, "I do wonder what my job was back then, before i seemingly left the sea." She murmured a bit. While she earliar did get glances of her former life, she didn't seem to get that part of her old memory, then again she didn't even get her previous name for that matter either.
She didn't peak over the corals, but she was wondering if they had to move soon or if they had to stay here for now.
"Oh nobody on that ship was cursed. I just wanted to kill." Alomancy stated, smiling. "And yes I can do things outside of my job. I have a life." Alomancy shot the mage a sad look before continuing to push the bubble as they approached land. "Best not dwell on it. Your soul will probably not be welcomed back with open arms. I'm sorry..."
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"I'd like to believe there's more good-hearted folks in the world then bad ones." She replied, while not her attention, it could be seen as her saying she wasn't the lucky one, but Alomancy was the unlucky one. Quite fitting for someone called 'cursed' even if that's not the direct meaning of the title.
As her bubble was poked she followed along as she allowed Alomancy to lead the way. "Do you think the Wavemother will hate my forever?" She asked, it was probably not as big of a deal as it sounded, but she didn't like the idea of someone disliking her.
As they travelled another question popped up in her head, "Did you know any sirens with red scales and was seemingly big for her specie?" She asked, this was an indirect way of asking if she knew of her past self by chance, or at least heard of her previous incarnation. Her past self would have the same eyes as well.
"Not sure, but the Wavemother does not take the migration of souls lightly. None of the rational gods do." "No. And to be honest with you I don't much care to think on it. There's not really such a thing as big for one species down here, landwalker. There's just big. However, the largest of us are always the titled, and I am aware of all the current titled." Alomancy stopped, squinting at something off in the distance. "Like that one." She pointed at an incredibly large siren, shark teeth lining it's upper jaw all the way down the side of it's tail. Dark maroon eyes and clawed hands." Alomancy swam around and gently pushed the bubble to the sea floor, behind a reef. "Siren of the Glutinous. We'd best avoid him. He looks pissy, and you'd make a good meal." Alomancy peeked over the reef to watch the siren swim off. "You see, landwalker, us titled have important jobs, and his is consuming those who take too many fish. Looks like he was unsuccessful today." Alomancy looked down at the mage with an incredulous glare. "Whereas I track down those marked as 'cursed', and kill them violently."
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She looked at the carvings as she listened to the tale. As she was listening and watching the carvings, she seemed to blank out for a moment before going back to reality. Shaking her head a bit, she looked back at Alomancy, "I think your tale sorta unlocked a memory of my sea life."
Letting out a little sigh, as if to catch her breath, she spoke lowly under her breath "So that's what it feels like having a majorcarnation flashback compared to a minorcarnation." in a low tone.
Looking back at the carvings, she was kinda shocked but also surprised at how different things where back then. "It might just be my experience, but most coast settlements i've encountered nowadays have a pretty good relationship with the seafolks, i guess things improved over time. Humers has become more and more common in recent years." She told, though she didn't mean anything major with it, mostly just as a comment on the history thing and as a way to continue the conversation. 'Humers' was what people would call those who were half-mermaid and half-human. Because of the similarities, half-sirens was often also called that, unless the difference was major.
"You're lucky. I've been pulled up over fifty times by trawlers and villages who despise my kind." The siren commented, nudging the bubble forward. "And wonderful for them, to have a family." The siren hissed under her breath. "Either way we need to get you back to land before Wavemother has a conniption."
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The mage gave a little shake on her head. "No one educated me on the matters, and i couldn't find any records of it either, and i also never asked since a part of me was afraid of it being either to personal or rude to ask about." She replied bluntly, the irony considering the Wavemother's comment. "Also what did the Wavemother mean by my soul having left the sea?" She added on, refering to that exact same thing.
Alomancy shrugged her shoulders. "Probably means you were a sea-dweller at some point." "And the whole reason for my existence, or sirens in general, is because a long time ago landwalkers decided to hunt mermaids to near extinction." The siren commented, pausing to examine a wall engraving. "A mass genocide of our cousins. Before the Voidswimmer was.... Voidswimmer, he was something else entirely. He made the mermaids, and when he found out, he went to the Wavemother." Alomancy pointed at an engraving, this one seemed to have a rather terrifying version of the Wavemother on land, and what seemed to be humans impaled on large black spires. "Originally, Wavemother attacked the coastal villages guilty of killing mermaids. But, in retaliation, more popped up and mermaids continued to die." She dragged her finger over to another carving, this one of a mermaid and a siren. "So, she made us as her vengeance." She finished. "Obviously it's been a very long time, but landwalkers, especially humankind, has given Wavemother more reasons to be angry."
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