#sir philip Eloise
belle1316 · 2 years
I saw a comment either on tik tok or Instagram that said Eloise could go to Marina in Season 3 to tell her that Penelope is Lady Whistledown and then this would lead to her meeting Philip for the first time. If this does happen ( which I am not sure will happen since Ruby is currently working on her mental health. I don't know if she will be making an appearance) there are a couple of things I want to happen.
If Eloise tells Marina that Pen is Whistledown, I want Marina's reaction to be like "okay...and?" Or like "Yeah, I already figured". Marina has had some time for reflection and because she always came of like such a pragmatic person and someone who tried to be logical, she would have figured out that there were a handful of people that knew what she was trying to do and Penelope was one of them and continuously tried to talk her out of it. So she figured if Penelope wasn't Whistledown herself, then she told Whistledown.
Then I want Marina to tell Eloise to move on. Eloise motivation to tell Marina would stem from wanting someone to validate her anger or something along those lines. And for Marina, who has always held anger and resentment due to her situation, to tell Eloise that she has moved on, she's not mad at Penelope, that she doesn't care about Whistledown or the ton, I think can help Eloise move on. I think it would also be helpful for Marina to tell her to get over her pride and be like "Eloise what are you actually upset about? What were you hoping for me to say or what were you thinking by coming here? Me and your brother weren't a real thing so none of it really matters"
Then I want Sir Philip to come in as Eloise is leaving and it is very obvious that they find each other attractive. Philip's eyes are glued to Eloise and they engage in some small talk. Marina gives some side eye because she has never seen Philip like that.
After Eloise is gone, Marina and Philip have some kind of heart to heart where she tells him it's okay to look at other women because she knows she's not giving anything in their marriage and Philip is way to gentlemanly to even consider it.
Overall, I think it's an interesting idea that can lead to a lot. It can lead to Eloise and Penelope reconciling. The beginnings of Philip and Eloise and some insight into what might happen with Marina. I've been thinking instead of having her die, maybe she will fall in love with someone else and ask Philip for a divorce. She will either take the twins or they decide Philip will be able to provide for them better. But that way Marina will have somewhat of a happy ending or find some sort of peace that will leave things open for Philip and Eloise.
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waltricia · 1 month
When in doubt, consult the prophetic game of pall mall.
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+ bonus gifs for Polin shippers 🩵💚💛
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maefansblog · 9 days
Just random thought for future Bridgerton Seasons.
Colin Bridgerton/Luke Newton has to be there for Eloise's and Gregory's season. Even for just one episode.
In fact, all the brothers need to be in Eloise's season, just one scene, at least.
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Colin has one of the funniest scenes in there. "I miss my wife," while eating food and Anthony, Benedict, and Gregory threaten Philip.
Plus, Colin encourages Gregory's chaotic Bridgerton behavior in the tree!
If you know, you know.
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I've seen that Polin might be returning Season 4 and I love that!!!! Kanthony I hope will be too. Anthony is the Viscount. What is Bridgerton without him?
Would like all couples to stay on the show at least one episode a season, but this would be on my wish list. I would love if they were in the show more, but I'm trying to stay realistic. ❤️
Bridgerton is Bridgerton because of the Bridgertons.
The Show is named Bridgerton for the family ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ (also the romance, regency, and scandals).
Thanks for indulging my thoughts 🥰
Let's continue watching and loving the current season!!
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Oh my cute couple 🥰🥰🥰🥰
They already look married 👰‍♀️🤵
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williamprattz · 17 days
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Philoise Week 2024 || Day Two
And she gasped. For there, on the bed, were flowers. Hundreds and hundred of blooms, some clearly out of season, picked from Phillip's special collection in his greenhouse. And written in blossoms of red, against the backdrop of white and pink petals:
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reallywitchycat · 13 days
I hate Sir Phillip Crane
So with season 3 of Bridgerton show released on Netflix I do see lots of disclosure about Eloise and her potential endgame. I see people shipping her with Theo, I see people shipping her with Cressida and I see people insisting she will end up with Sir Phillip Crane, because he is just best and he was already in season 1 and season 2. So let me just say, I would HATE if Eloise ends up with Sir Phillip because I hate Sir Phillip with passion.
First, let's start with fact that almost ALL men in Bridgerton books are toxic, misogynist and sometimes straight up abusive. But Sir Phillip Crane is worst of them all. He truly have no redeeming qualities. There are my reasons:
1.) He is horrible husband to Marina.
Yes, I am aware he did not marry her for love, but because his father forced him. BUT that is NOT excuse for his behaviour towards her! Phillip is dismissive of Marina's mental illness. And yes, in Regency period there was very little awareness of how to PROPERLY treat mental illnesses. Still, it frustrates me that he made Marina's mental illness all about himself. HE is one who have to take responsibility for his own children. (How horrible) HE is one who have to live in celibacy because his wife felt too sick to have sex. (I would rather not talk about marital rape that happened here, because it makes me sick). Not one word about how bad that situation was for Marina. Almost as he had no empathy for her.
2.) He is horrible father.
I don't want to go too hard on him here. He did have very abusive childhood. And this is ONE instance where his childhood trauma would work as sort of excuse. BUT! In book he IS biological father of twins. (And don't let anybody told you otherwise. If book Phillip is not meant to be biological father, book would be very clear about that. JQ always tell you such things very clearly). So basically. He was aware that he had no idea how to be good father and yet, with his free will, he decide to have children. And THEN complain about them ALL the time.
3.) He is horrible husband to Eloise.
ONLY reason he wants to have wife is to have someone who will take care of his children while he is playing in his greenhouse. Basically he is looking for babysitter who he can bang. He DIDN'T TELL Eloise about that! He DIDN'T TELL her about fact he has children!!! And once they got married, that is exactly how it works! ALL childcare land on Eloise of course. And Phillip gets almost angry when Eloise wanted to have an serious conversation instead of sex. Like he tells her he did not have sex in 8 years and so she is supposed to fell sorry for him and shut up ?! Worst thing is HE don't change at the end of the book! He gets to play with his plants in greenhouse and she gets … what ? sex ? … Like I don't understand WHAT they have in common.
In conclusion. Book Eloise deserves better. And show Eloise would never ever put up with him! To make show Phillip appealing love interest they would have to completely change his story and personality. At that point they could very easily go with someone completely different.
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sophiekarim · 14 days
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mrs-jamesbbarnes · 21 days
Really hoping we get detailed scenes from To Sir Philip, with Love for Eloise’s season because what I wouldn’t give to see the scene where her brothers barge in and Anthony is strangling Philip, Eloise has Benedict in a chokehold, Colin is hanging back and looking amused, and Gregory is hanging back but pissed off that he can’t be the one choking Philip. Meanwhile Philip is wondering why he thought proposing to Eloise was a good idea when she certainly mentioned she had brothers.
And then of course the follow up scene where Eloise has a talk with Anthony and comes out to find Colin has eaten everyone’s dinner bc he’s Colin, and the guys are all drunk and besties.
This is a peak Bridgerton chaos siblings moment and the actors are all perfect to pull off this scene.
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bookish-cravings · 2 months
I genuinely don't think I'll be able to stomach Eloise's season, like I'm so sorry but you're never gonna make me root for a female character being stripped of all personality, being blindsided into being a mother (smth she didn't want), and finding 'true happiness' by abandoning all previous characterization and conforming to society's elitist standards at long last.
And the fact that in the show they're gonna have to fridge a WOC so that this godawful ship can happen is just...
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shadowandbones · 17 days
People are saying “you never know they might change storylines and romantic partners for the future seasons” because Julia Quinn has allowed Shonda full reign on the characters and where their story goes.
People usually mean they want Eloise with someone other than Phillip. But here’s the thing—other than Penelope, Phillip is the only love interest of the Bridgertons than Shonda has had since the start. Idk why people are bashing him base on his book (which I feel like I need to read again because I am confused).
The books and the tv characters are so different from each other the only thing they all share is name and background. Shonda has Chris picked out since season 1. Not just Julia Quinn saying all the Bridgerton books will be mentioned each season but Shonda saying they want to do all of the siblings romance (even if it’s not in order)
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 3 months
only 72 days to my favourite characters and ships are back I do hope we get to see more Marina and Philip in dislike/enemies to lovers kinda story my fav trope I mean if we can get that in queen Charlotte, with Charlotteand George where it was a marriage of convenience force and without love at first but they grew to learn about each other their situation form a bond only they can and love each other would be so epic + it’ll give plot twist instead of the predictable ending we are headed.
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we saw the queen stand by the king with his illness love him still does to modern day Bridgerton, it’s beautiful would love to see a man standing by his wife and hee illness it would be so very much different unexpected by man especially during that time and not having him abandoned her emotionally mentally checked out on her and her/their kids now when she needs someone/him the most why is it only woman characters that stay and try to be understanding unconditionally loving protective and helping of their partner’s illness especially during that society time.
give us something new please something unexpected different in the show a change the whole show talks about putting a modern spin on that world all the time, what better way would then seeing a man be in the role of carer of his wife like qc takes care of her husband!
We know they won’t change the end couples which is fine don’t mean that sir Philip can’t come to understand and love marina and Marina him and once she is no longer with him he can ofc fall in love again you don’t just fall in love just once in your life there’s first love and then there’s true soulmate love!
Still waiting on that princess Edwina a Brid story for s2 of the spin off after polin season and before Benedict season followed by lady Danbury a Bridgerton story then s5 of Bridgerton, then lastly prince Adolphus a Bridgeton story and the last ever season of Bridgerton having all the remaining 2 siblings stories go together s6 the end! this way everyone gets their happy endings and also first love and true love aka their soulmate love
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lisaiese · 20 days
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I swear if they remove this scene from the series when Eloise’s season comes I will be throwing hands
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I know a lot of ppl are hating Eloise´s character right now but I think she is in the middle of her self discovery (also why I think Benedict's season will come before hers), as life is turning all she has known as she has become part of society, along with her siblings. She was free in Daphne's season because she still wasn't in the mart and was considered more of a child, as well as everyone putting attention on her sister rather than her. Then she entered society and she felt like all the freedom she had as a child was gone because suddenly she was a "woman" and they set standars to her, that´s why she felt like reveling. But with whistledown she gets reminded that her freedom was an illusion as she can now taint her family with her actions. She is sort of humbled, as she realises what her part in her family and society really is. And she gets maaaad.
That's why I think she is trying to integrate herself in society in this season. Trying to keep up but she is failing, because she just can't understand and leave her ideals behind, but she knows she has to, so she is in the middle of coming into terms with what she wants and what she has to do.
Yes, she is very privileged but that doesn't belittle her search of herself. And Yes, that also doesn´t mean she is free of guilt for threating Penelope badly or every other bad thing she has done. If anything, I think her season will be the most divergent from the book. At least I wish. So that we get to see Eloise finding that balance (in terms of what she wants vs what society expects of her) and maybe Phillip giving her the space or attention she needs to sort it out and be herself.
Anyway, whenever I try to understand Eloise, I think a lot of this analysis of Jo March and find it really relatable to her.
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millenialmfa · 22 days
So this carriage scene 🔥 Seeing what they did with it has me so excited for the “Let me prove to you that we would be well suited” scene from Eloise’s book 👀
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maefansblog · 2 days
The main point of this specific entry is to make sense of this gif from the trailer.
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Most of the time I write these blogs, I do stream of consciousness. I have opinions, I may be wrong, and I'm also learning more about the story/characters by writing them out. It is ok for you to draw your own conclusions and have your own opinions. I just want to share this. 💕
Long Post
Eloise is watching her mom dancing with Marcus. I wonder how hurt, confused, and lonely she must be.
I loved the close friendship that Eloise and Penelope shared in Season 1. I love how innocent, but free spirited she was. She understands that she doesn't have a lot of rights in this society and wants to push back on it. I love that.
I know how narrow-minded Eloise can be. She has disdain when the other debutantes talk about weddings. She was sickened when Daphne was trying to secure a match with Simon.
I have to remind myself that Eloise is growing and she doesn't fully how hurtful the things she says can be.
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However, she said it best in Season 3 Episode 2 that she has a habit of saying wrong things at the wrong time.
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Even the crush that she had on Theo could be attributing to her hurt. Ultimately, I do not fault her for her not wanting to kiss him. Yet she said no, he stopped himself. She wanted to protect him and make sure he still had his job. To Theo, he thought she would never lower herself in society and would play with his feelings. Theo showed his hurt by lashing out from her rejection.
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Eloise pulls away. She is still a lady.
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This brings us to Penelope and Eloise's friendship. (I know hot topic. It's no surprise that I don't like how Eloise has treated Penelope since she found out about Lady Whistledown. This is my opinion, you can have your own. Let's be respectful to everyone.) I understand Eloise is coming from a place of hurt not only from Theo, but that her friend would keep such a big portion of her life from her. It's like they took some of the anger from book Colin and gave it to Eloise in Season 2 Episode 8. Only Eloise isn't concerned for Penelope at ALL. She hurt that Pen would keep it from HER. She is hurt that she won't be able to talk to the Queen. She is hurt that Theo wants nothing to do with her (even though she rejected him).
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She is hurt at the possibility that she could be "ruined." Which Eloise never was, as you see her gaining even more friends and being welcomed into society. Eloise calls Penelope a Wallflower, befriends her rival (which book Eloise would NEVER), and never wants to speak to her. Then Eloise has the gall to say that Penelope never visited her at Aubrey Hall??? Excuse you?!?!
Penelope does bring scandals to light- even scandals for the Bridgertons. Daphne's lack of suitors because of Anthony, Anthony's wedding, even Eloise's political radical rallies. Yes Eloise would be hurt for her family.
Penelope has not made up ANY of these scandals. It wasn't as if she befriended the Bridgertons solely for Whistledown. It was more like no one was listening to her. She was bullied by society/family, and she created the column. She was trying to protect Theo's job and protect Eloise. Imagine if the printers were raided by the Queen’s guards. All of the people would be out of work. Pen only wrote what Society was already saying. The only instance that she did not was for Eloise and Colin to protect them, and she only did it as a last resort.
If I think objectively about this, Eloise still keeps Penelope’s secret, tells Colin he can still be her friend because she knows that Penelope would be lonely, and she checks in after the scandal (that she caused 🙄).
Now that we're caught up, let's talk about what this post is about. The repercussions of the first gif. Violet dancing.
Part 2 Trailer
When said that Colin and Penelope are engaged, Eloise is being unfair -> Of course, to the audience, we are frustrated because our main couple is finally together, and she can't let them be happy for ONE NIGHT?!
Eloise is being truthful, though. Penelope should tell Colin about Lady Whistledown. Pen has accomplished something amazing and it is a part of her. Colin wants to love all of Pen, and it is unfair of her to keep it from him.
Back to Eloise. I think Cressida and Eloise will have a falling out because of Lady Whistledown. Even if Pen and Eloise resolve things, their relationship won't be the same since Penelope is marrying Colin. Eloise is starting to see everyone around her pairing off. Anthony and Kate, John and Francesca, and Penelope and Colin.
It's going to be a harder gut when she sees her MOTHER dancing with Marcus. The loss of her father has deeply impacted Eloise. Even when Violet was giving birth to Hyacinth, it was traumatic for her.
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That is why Eloise, in her young adult mind, is scared of having children and getting married. Above this, Eloise loved her father. Eloise also feels that Violet is disappointed in her sometimes because she just doesn't want to be married. To see Violet with a man other than her father is going to be possibly nuclear.
We know that in the books, Eloise runs away, but I don't think we have the key plot points to have this happen quickly.
Spoilers in emojis: iykyk 💌🌊⚰️🧍‍♂️
I am looking forward to seeing Eloise's character development. My guess is Benedict is next, unless Eloise has been writing secret letters in episodes 5-8.
Whether the reaction from Eloise is understanding, shock, sadness, loneliness, or anger, it's going to be good for the story and good for Eloise. She's a complex character who loves her family. She's strong, stubborn, motivated, inquisitive, and wants more from life than what is handed to her.
After this stream of consciousness, I feel like I know Eloise a little better. Waiting anxiously for the next part to come out!! Ahhhhh!
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williamprattz · 17 days
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Philoise Week 2024 || Day One
Yrs, Miss Eloise Bridgerton
Sincerely, Sir Phillip Crane
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island-in-ignorance · 21 days
Now that everyone has Bridgerton brain rot again I'm gonna drop my ranking of the books.
An Offer From a Gentleman (Benedict): Unmatched. My favorite historical romance. The fact his season was skipped makes me so angry I could throw hands with Shonda herself.
The Viscount Who Loved Me (Anthony): Beautiful. Perfect. I have no notes. It's a good time and Kate could 100% step on me and I'd thank her.
It's in His Kiss (Hyacinth): FLAWLESS. Absolutely Flawless. The fact that Lady Danbury is also involved in the plot only adds to the appeal. I loved it.
When he Was Wicked (Francesca): I am a SLUT for the pining in a historical romance. And the pining was absolutely impeccable. And also the spice was obviously spicin.
Romancing Mister Bridgerton (Colin): Book Penelope supremacy!!!! She was so great in the books. Her and Colin together was so fun. I loved their friendship and the way it grew to a romance. In love.
To Sir Phillip With Love (Eloise): I really do love romances where one of the partners has children. I don't remember much of this book but I know I enjoyed it.
On the Way to the Wedding (Gregory): This was certainly a book. And a boring one at that. I forgot everything that happened in this book.
The Duke and I (Daphne): not only is this book boring but I am simply not down for the way she assaulted her own husband. Simon did not deserve that. I don't care about historical accuracy I don't read romance for that. Gross.
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