#since ffn is barren and wattpad is an unscavengable wasteland that doesnt even have 1k hollow knight fics and theres nowhere else to go
miscmangos-wonderland · 10 months
time to tma post on main even tho im still in the 140s of episodes and not even past the 3/4 point of the podcast but i had some Thoughts i think youd all like, copypasted directly from my dms with my buddy @/sbpstudios (hi neil if you see me)
"theres a key difference between hunt, slaughter, and flesh. to me anyways.
and thats like. the end result/purpose of the deaths.
for hunt, its in the chase and pursuit, of prey and predation.
for flesh, its the blending of meat and bone, of being only the sum of your parts and being valued insomuch as you can provide. flesh is about what you leave behind when you are killed.
slaughter is about death. death and killing, indiscriminate and uncaring so long as the pied piper gets his dues"
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