#sin x sorn
bifangirl09er · 1 year
The results are in:
Between Us/Until We Meet Again.
Let me know what to write next!!
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verai-marcel · 3 months
Another Chance (Astarion x Tav/OC, BG3 Fanfic, 18+, Part 2 of 2)
Summary, Author's Notes, and Part 1 is here.
Tags: Gale x OC, Astarion x OC, angst, tragedy in the beginning, time skip, post-game content, friends to lovers, porn with feelings, prone bone, other positions probably
Word Count: 4886
AO3 link is here, darling.
Chapter 2 - A New Beginning
Forty-Five Years Ago
Astarion stared up at Sharess’ Caress, building up the willpower to enter. It had been five years since he had been here, searching for clues about a murder. Five years since Sorn and Nym had offered their services to Phaedra as a reward for solving the murder of their coworker. She had politely declined, holding Gale’s hand when he had balked at the idea.
Five years since he had taken the reward instead, to see if he could enjoy carnal delights now that Cazador was dead, his revenge taken with gusto.
He had not enjoyed the night, although it wasn’t the fault of either drow. Instead, he had felt empty inside, his mind wandering while his body went through the motions, pleasuring his fellow elves with his uncanny instinct for debauchery and sinful delight.
When they were done, Sorn and Nym both thanked him for the experience, and told him they would welcome him back at any time.
He hadn’t come back. Until now. 
Nym greeted him cheerfully when he entered, but upon seeing his expression, she frowned. “Perhaps you are looking for something else,” she said, taking him to a table. “A drink perhaps. A time to talk.”
Eventually he agreed to go upstairs, and in the darkness, his mind elsewhere, he murmured her name.
Nym paused. “You miss her, don’t you.”
Astarion pulled back. “Oh, I…” He let out a wry huff. “I’ve never made the mistake of calling someone else’s name before,” he confessed. “What’s wrong with me?”
He had expected her to laugh. He hadn’t expected her to hug him. 
“You miss someone you love,” she told him. “And you came to me, hoping to fill that void, did you not? We are both drow, after all.”
He let her hug him, the platonic physical touch of another providing him some semblance of comfort. “You remember her?”
Nym’s peals of laughter were light and soothing, like the soft sounds of a windchime. “Who wouldn’t? Sorn and I were so disappointed that she didn’t take the reward. She was beautiful. If she had wanted to be our queen, we would have gladly become her subjects.”
Astarion chuckled. “You’re right. She is beautiful.”
“You sound like you just saw her.”
He shrugged. “Only in my reveries.”
Nym hugged him tighter. “Do you wish to lose yourself in me, while you imagine her? I won’t fault you for doing so.”
He swallowed. “It… feels wrong, if I do that.”
She kissed his forehead. “Do you want to just be held for the rest of the night?”
“That… that would be nice.”
After a while, she asked quietly, “What brought you back? You don’t have to answer.”
He was silent for a few minutes, but he finally replied. “She sent me a letter.”
“It was just a letter. Saying how she’s been, how much she’s been doing in Waterdeep. Asking about me. Quite mundane. And yet…”
“And yet?”
“I just… missed her, is all.”
Nym gently stroked his arm and back. “Sometimes, just simple physical touch, when you haven’t had it in a while, can help ease that loneliness.”
“It also can reduce stress and depression.”
“You sound more like a healer right now.”
She laughed. “Sex can be therapeutic, you know. I’ve helped more than a few customers find new ways to heal themselves.” In the dark, she touched his face gently. “It seems like you just need someone to hold you for a while.”
“Perhaps.” He nestled his head into the crook of her neck and melted into her arms. “I will say, this is rather pleasant.”
“Yes, it is.”
For the next four and a half decades, Astarion would become a semi-regular at Sharess’ Caress, but not for lascivious reasons.
He came because he wanted to be held for a few hours and forget the world.
Walking along the streets at night after a particularly eventful raid of a Zhentarim heist, Phaedra and Astarion passed by Sorcerous Sundries, the tower lights still on past the witching hour. 
“Rolan needs to get some sleep,” Phaedra commented idly. “Whenever I see him, he has circles under his eyes, and they're not because he's aging.”
“Have you told him that?” 
“I did, and he just ignored me.” She looked down. “I wish Lia was still here to nag him, she would have helped.”
Rolan didn't exactly say why Lia was gone, but Phaedra had learned from some of the other tieflings that she had simply passed away from illness, old and happy. 
Phaedra suddenly felt a sting in her heart. “I'm going to outlive so many of my friends,” she muttered sadly. 
Astarion, to her surprise, took her hand. “You won't outlive me, darling.”
She glanced at their clasped hands, then up at him.
He smiled, his gaze tender. “I'll be here, my sweet. I'll always be here.”
Touched by his heartfelt declaration, Phaedra squeezed his hand in return. “Thank you. I… I've missed you.”
Taking her hand and bringing it up to his lips, Astarion tenderly kissed the back of her hand.
“Astarion!” Phaedra laughed, though she didn’t pull her hand away. “I thought you had given up your rakish ways.”
“The skills never go away, darling.”
She sighed, this time pulling her hand from his grasp. “Yes, yes. And I’ve told you before, it won’t work on me.”
By this point, they had reached Astarion’s home. He opened the door and held it open for her, lightly touching the small of her back as he followed her inside. “And yet you didn’t pull your hand free right away.” 
Just as she was about to respond, he swept around her and placed a hand against the wall near her head, cornering her. He brushed his thumb against her cheek, wiping away some of the grime of the night’s fight. 
“You’re looking a bit more gaunt these days,” he observed. “Have you been eating well?”
She looked away. 
“Phaedra…” he chided.
“I haven’t had much of an appetite,” she confessed.
He sighed. “I’m drawing you a bath, and then you're going to eat.”
Phaedra looked around at the ridiculously large bathtub, carved into a giant block of marble. But as she sank into the hot water, the soothing smell of bath salts and rosemary wafting around her, she could only sigh happily.
Gods, this feels so good.
As she bathed herself, she realized that she missed being touched. Gale was constantly reaching for her, holding her hand, or keeping one hand on her, just to feel her presence. Even until the very end. 
Phaedra hugged herself in the bathtub and lowered her head under the water. 
I told him I wouldn't cry anymore. He made me promise him before he died. I made a pact at his gravestone. Godsdammit! I'm so sorry, Gale! 
She let out a pitiful keen, hoping that the water would stifle the sound. 
Phaedra lifted her head out of the water to see Astarion kneeling beside the bathtub, his hand reaching out to tuck her wet hair behind her ear. 
She sniffled and rubbed her nose inelegantly. “I'm fine, don't worry about me.”
Astarion shook his head. “You always say that when something is wrong.”
“Damn. You know me too well.”
“Do you want to come out now? The water's getting cold.”
Phaedra nodded. 
Astarion got up and grabbed a towel. Holding it out for her, he waved it slightly, encouraging her to come to him. 
She gave him a bemused look. “Really? I'm not a child.”
“I know,” he said. “Just come here and let me spoil you.”
Shrugging, she got out of the tub and let him dry her off, his movements slow and meticulous. As a drow, she was not shy about nudity; it had taken a long time to get Gale accustomed to making love in the sunlit garden at the top of the tower. 
The thought of Gale again crumpled her heart, and she closed her eyes against the pain.
“It won't ever go away, the pain of missing someone,” Astarion said quietly as he wrapped her up in the towel and held her close. 
She could only nod, her throat choked up with emotion. 
“Let me hold you for a while. You'll feel better.”
She didn't argue, and let him pick her up and take her to his bed, unwrapping her underneath his silk sheets. 
He crawled in after her, still dressed, and pulled her close. She felt so small in his arms, and he was struck by the fact that, even though this incredible woman was the savior of Baldur's Gate, she was also a living, breathing person with needs. 
“Can you eat?” he asked after a few minutes.
She looked up from where she was nestled against his chest. “Erm. Yes, I could eat a bit.” 
He kissed the top of her head. “Wait here a moment.”
Sitting up, she covered her chest with the sheets. This is certainly a side of Astarion I’ve never seen before. So attentive. Usually I was the one who had to make sure he was feeling well.
He returned shortly with a small plate of grapes, cheeses, and cured meats from her room upstairs. “Just don't make a mess,” he said as he sat on top of the covers, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and lazily drawing circles on her arm. 
“Mmm-hmm,” she mumbled around a mouthful of food. Despite not feeling too hungry, she managed to finish off everything. “Thank you,” she said, handing the now empty plate back to him. Looking up at him, she smiled and tipped her head to the side, exposing her neck. “Been a while, but did you want a snack too?” 
Astarion's eyes glittered with unabashed craving. “Always so generous,” he said in a hushed tone. Slowly moving, as if he was afraid she’d push him away, he straddled her, his hands on either side of her head, holding onto the headboard. “I haven’t had you in so long,” he murmured before he sank his fangs into her neck.
Phaedra shuddered. She didn’t want to admit it, but she had missed this feeling, of giving her life blood to him, to feed him so intimately. A soft sigh escaped her, and she closed her eyes, letting him drink deeply.
He stopped on his own, knowing her limits, and licked the last few drops of blood around her wound before kissing it softly. Then, to her surprise, he lowered himself on top of her, nestling his head in the crook of her neck. “Gods, I’ve missed this.”
Reaching up to card his hair, feeling his soft locks between her fingers, she let herself enjoy the physical touch of another, the warmth of a body on top of hers. “We never cuddled like this before,” she commented as she toyed with his hair a bit more.
“We didn’t,” he replied. “But isn’t this nice?”
She smiled. “It is.”
He raised his head and nuzzled her, almost like a cat asking for rubs. Phaedra chuckled at the mental image, a prissy little white-furred cat, demanding and prideful, vain and haughty.
“What are you laughing at?”
“Oh, just the thought of you as a cat, a magnificent bastard of a creature,” she replied with a smile, her fingers still carding through his hair.
She expected him to frown, throw a hissy fit, or something of the sort. Instead, he rubbed his body along hers and nibbled her ear lobe. “Would you pet me, if I was?”
Phaedra swallowed. What is happening. “Erm, well, of course, aren’t I doing that now?” She tapped his head with her fingers.
He raised himself up and undid some of the buttons on his shirt, revealing more of his lustrous skin. Taking her hand from his head, he placed it on his chest. “You could do a bit more, perhaps.”
His skin was smooth, inviting. She ran her hand along his chest, up his collarbone, then back down, until her palm felt his abdominal muscles flexing under her touch. Immediately she pulled her hand away.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to go that low—”
“It’s alright,” he said, taking her hand and returning it to his belly. “I feel safe with you.”
So, so carefully, she placed both of her hands on him and caressed him. He’s ridiculously perfect, how can anyone’s skin be this smooth? Glancing up at him, she noticed his eyes had fluttered shut, his mouth slightly open.
He opened his eyes and looked down at her. “Your touch is perfect,” he rumbled.
Phaedra stared at him, unsure of what to do next. “I…”
He cupped her cheek oh so tenderly. “What is it?”
She looked away. “I feel a bit guilty.”
“For what?” 
“For wanting this. For… wanting you,” she finally mumbled. 
Astarion laughed softly. “Come now, be selfish for once.” He leaned closer, his face close enough to kiss. “Tell me what you want me to do.”
“I… I want to be touched, to be held.”
“I can give you that and more, darling.” 
“Are you sure? I… I feel like I'm taking advantage of you.”
Astarion chuckled. “You think after fifty years of freedom that I haven't worked through that trauma in my head?” He pressed his forehead against hers. “You helped free me, both in mind and body. I never paid back the favor.”
“It's not something to pay back. You're my friend, of course I would help you.”
“And you're mine,” he said, giving the corner of her mouth a delicate little peck of a kiss. “So let me help you now.”
Phaedra looked up at him, his earnest gaze, his soft touch. It would be so easy to forget the loneliness, even for one night.
“This still seems unfair to you,” Phaedra said.
“If it'll assuage your guilt, you should know that I have been aching to sleep with you for some time now.”
“You… you have?”
“Of course, darling. Who wouldn't?” He gently caressed her cheek with his finger tips. “You're stunning.”
“Well, I am drow,” she sassed. 
“It's not just that,” he said. “It's the whole package. Your voice, your smile, your kindness, your courage, all of it.” He tipped his head, angling closer, his lips a millimeter away from hers. “I want it all.”
Phaedra felt helpless under his intense scarlet stare. It was no wonder thousands fell for him. Her eyes fluttered closed and she leaned in ever so slightly, brushing her lips against his. 
Like tinder catching flames, he devoured her, kissing her fervently, letting out a soft moan deep in his throat. He barely remembered to let her up for air and pulled back, smiling down at her swollen lips and her quick breaths. 
“You had no idea, did you?” 
“No… idea… of… what..?” she gasped. 
“How much pleasure I could give you,” he said as he pulled the sheet off of her body, revealing her dark skin, a bluish-grey hue that was unique to her and her alone. With one hand, he traced a line down her chest, her abdomen, stopping right above her mons. His other hand was leisurely stroking her thigh.
He grinned like a cat before he moved her legs apart and settled himself between them. Kneeling before her, he brushed her slit slowly with a finger before running both hands back up her body to draw circles around her breasts. Leaning over, he pressed his lips against her pulse.
“Hungry again?” Phaedra asked. 
“I like to feel your pulse against my lips,” he replied as he caressed her curves, lightly gripping her hip for a moment before running his fingers along her skin, a featherly light touch. When he brushed her clit, she gasped. 
He chuckled softly against her neck. “I can feel your heartbeat racing. Is it because I merely brushed against you, my sweet?”
Phaedra bit her lip. “Who’s to say?”
Astarion hummed. “Perhaps you need a bit more… persuasion.” His fingers pressed harder against her little nub, stroking faster. Phaedra turned her head away, biting down on her finger as she resisted giving in so quickly.
“You’re already so wet, darling,” he teased. Pulling his hand away, he smirked at her involuntary whimper. Smiling wickedly, he began to kiss his way down her throat, to her collar bone, to her cute breasts. He palmed one in each hand, plucking at one nipple as he laved the other with his tongue, making sure to switch to the other in due time. Letting her squirm under his attention, he finally let her go as he raised himself up and pulled off his shirt.
Phaedra’s eyes went wide. Sure, she had seen him half dressed quite often in the past, but it was always after a battle, covered in blood and gore. It had never been like this. He looked healthy, strong, and very sensual. She could smell a slight whiff of brandy and something herbal on his skin, a masculine scent that did something to her lower parts, made her want to spread her legs more and beg to be taken.
“Like what you see?” Astarion asked, already knowing the answer.
She swallowed and nodded. 
He smiled with all the confidence in the world as he slowly undid the front lacing of his breeches. Phaedra could only stare, transfixed. But before he revealed anything lower than the vee of his hip bones, he shuffled backward from her and slid off the bed. With one hand holding the hem of his pants, he crooked a finger. “Sit on the edge and spread your legs.”
Phaedra dutifully did as he commanded, leaning back on her hands as she spread her legs, almost feeling a little shy.
“Delicious,” he murmured as he knelt down and pressed his tongue against her core. A few swipes from his tongue and she was already moaning softly, gripping the bedsheets and moving her hips. Astarion pressed one hand against her lower belly, forcing her to stay still as he pushed a finger into her channel.
“Ahh!” she cried out.
“Gods, you’re tight,” he said before sucking lightly on her clit. Slipping another finger inside of her, he worked her channel, alternating between light touches and deep strokes, giving her space to breathe between intense bouts of pleasure.
“M-more,” Phaedra whined, spreading her legs wider.
“Eager little thing, aren’t you?” He withdrew his fingers, placing them on her lips. “Clean me off first.”
Dutifully opening her mouth, she sucked on his fingers, her tongue licking him languidly. She kept her azure eyes on him, a spark of challenge in her gaze.
When he pulled his hand away from her, he stepped back and let his breeches drop to the floor, stepped out of them, and kicked them away.
Phaedra’s mouth went dry. Oh gods, he’s much bigger than I thought he’d be. Hypnotized by his slow stroking of his shaft, she could feel her pussy getting wetting just at the sight.
He smirked, knowing his effect on her. Stepping closer, he gently pressed the tip of his member against her dripping slit.
“Tell me you want this,” he said in a low voice, his scarlet gaze piercing her with its intensity.
She swallowed and nodded. “Yes, yes, please,” she begged.
Bending over her, he leaned in and kissed her, softly at first as he nudged himself forward. The intensity of his kiss grew as he drove himself deeper inside of her, until he was crushing her against the bed, his hips pressed against hers, his kiss like a parched man drinking his fill. 
It was hard to breathe with how desperately he consumed her. Phaedra gasped whenever she could, wrapping her arms and legs around him as he kissed her while he was deep inside of her.
Then his hips slowly moved away just as he lifted his head, looking down at her with a satisfied smile. Without a word, or any kind of warning, he slammed back inside of her.
“Oh gods,” she moaned.
“There are no gods here,” he chided as he pulled back out of her until just the tip remained. “You’ll only be crying out my name.”
“Astarion,” she whispered reverently.
“Good girl,” he murmured before he rolled his hips forward and began a steady pace, watching her tremble beneath him. “You like being coddled, don’t you?”
Phaedra looked away.
He gripped her neck and forced her to face him. “Look at me,” he commanded. “Answer me.”
Gasping, she had no choice but to answer. “Y-yes.”
With a soft kiss to her forehead, Astarion picked her up from the bed, his cock still within her, and moved her up and down on him.
Phaedra clung to him, once again surprised by his strength. “Astarion!”
“Yes, my dear?”
“This… this feels so good…”
He chuckled. “You feel good, darling.” Climbing back onto the bed, he lay her down and pulled out of her. Gently flipping her onto her belly, he slid his slick cock along the curve of her ass.
“Lift your hips slightly, there you go,” he gently directed, sliding himself back inside of her wet, tight heat with a low moan. Running his hands up her back and along her shoulders, he hummed appreciatively. 
“You are a work of art,” he murmured as his hands lightly skimmed down her back until he reached her ass, giving her cheeks a squeeze before holding her hips steady. He began to move slowly at first, savoring the sensation of sliding in and out of her. But when Phaedra turned her head and exposed her neck to him so submissively, part of his mind snapped.
“Mine,” he rumbled, his predatory instincts kicking in as he leaned over and bit down on her, growling like a beast as his hips moved faster. 
Phaedra could feel a small trail of blood from where he was biting her, but he wasn’t feeding. The bite was more dominating, more… claiming. Feeling so helpless under him as he fucked her harder, she almost felt free by giving into her primal lust. She had no words, only whimpers and moans as he took her, his hands grasping at her breasts, her shoulders, her hips, wherever he could hold onto as he relentlessly drove deeper and deeper.
For perhaps the first time, Astarion was fully in the present, savoring each moment as he claimed her as his, and his alone. He didn’t want to think about anything else other than her body beneath his, the taste of her blood on his tongue, her willing surrender while he fucked her senseless. Releasing his hold on her neck, he licked the blood away, not wanting to waste it as he kept thrusting, unable to even pause for a moment.
Wrapping his arm around her shoulders, he lifted her up until they were both on their knees. He reached down with his other hand to stroke her clit, finding it with ease. 
Phaedra trembled in his arms, her head lolling back to rest on his shoulder. Her cries were almost melodic, in time to his strong thrusts. She could feel that welcome coil of pleasure winding up tighter and tighter. Astarion dipped his head down to nibble on her shoulder. 
“Come for me, my sweet,” he said softly into her ear. “Let me feel your greatest pleasure.”
Phaedra's body spasmed at his deepened voice. Shaking with anticipation, she reached up and clung to him, begging him to stroke her faster, take her harder, drive her to the brink. 
Her ecstasy exploded like fireworks behind her eyes as he sped up his pace, a passionate paroxysm of pleasure that poured through her body like hot oil onto spices.
“Astarion, Astarion!” she cried out.
“That’s right,” he crooned. “You’re the only one who can call my name like that.”
He slowly brought her back down to the bed, laying her on her back and spreading her legs. Covering her with his body, he entered her once more, burying his face in the crook of her neck. His hips moved, building up a rapid rhythm until he felt the thread of desire pulling him closer and closer to the edge.
“Tell me you want me,” he murmured.
“I want you, just you, Astarion,” Phaedra confessed breathlessly.
Hearing her declaration, even if it might have been just in the heat of the moment, was enough for him. To hear those honeyed words from her brought him over the edge, and he crushed her hips with his, sinking as deep as he could. He came in a rush of passion, his eyes fluttering, his moans deep and drawn out, with an expression of ecstasy on his face.
Phaedra watched him in awe, the perfect vision of euphoria as he smiled with utter happiness. Then he opened his eyes and stared at her for a moment before reaching up to touch her cheek. He gently stroked her face as if she was the most precious thing in the world to him.
“Phaedra, darling,” he purred as he pressed his nose against her ear. “Tell me how you feel.”
“I feel so much better,” she said breathlessly. “You?”
“Like this is heaven and I never want to leave,” he replied, wrapping his arms around her and letting his weight rest on top of her. “I could stay like this for days.”
She chuckled. “Glad you’re enjoying this too.”
He nuzzled her neck and sighed. “I am.” After a few minutes, he rolled over onto his side, his hand resting covetously along her hip. “I wouldn’t mind doing this again, if you want.”
Turning to face him, Phaedra noted the almost pleading look in his eyes, though the rest of his face was neutral. You can’t hide your emotions from me, I know your gaze all too well. She covered his hand with hers. “I wouldn’t mind either, if you’re up for it.”
His face lit up, though he quickly hid his glee away behind a schooled smile. “Darling, I’m up for anything if it’s with you.”
“Then how about a cuddle?”
He frowned. “I’m not much of a cuddler, but I’ll try.”
Resting in his arms, curled around each other, Phaedra noted how easily he held her, just as she was about to fall into a trance.
Liar. You cuddle like a champ.
Coming out of her reverie before dawn, Phaedra slowly extricated herself from Astarion’s embrace and got up to relieve herself. Returning to the bed, she was about to get back under the covers when she saw a familiar corner of parchment sticking out of the lower drawer of the night stand.
Phaedra recognized it as Gale’s letter, as if it had been hastily stuffed into the drawer. Curiosity getting the better of her, she quietly and carefully pulled the letter out, and knelt on the ground to read it.
My bloodthirsty colleague,
We butted heads quite a bit back in the day, however, you were a true friend in the worst of times, and I’ll never forget that. And you were a friend to Phaedra as well, and she always spoke of you so fondly.
I know you loved her as much as I do; it was clear in the way you watched over her. If you love her still, please, PLEASE take care of her, now that I’m gone. You know she’ll run headfirst into danger, just as she always has. I just want her to be happy and cared for. But I can’t be by her side for the rest of her long life. You can.
I don’t expect you to do this for my sake, of course. Do it for her.
Forever a thorn in your side,
Gale Dekarios
Phaedra didn’t realize she was crying until a tear dropped onto the page. Quickly putting it down, she turned to crawl back into bed, only to be met by a pair of crimson eyes, staring at her. Astarion was laying on his stomach, his arms crossed under his chin as he looked over the side of the bed.
“So now you know,” he said quietly.
“You… you’ve loved me all this time?”
He reached out and wiped a tear from her cheek. “All this time, my dear.”
Phaedra reached up and held his hand. “Thank you.” She looked down at Gale’s letter. “I think… in a weird way, he led me back to you.”
Astarion got up from the bed and joined her on the floor. “And as much as I hate to be thankful to him, I am glad that he did.”
For a moment, she was quiet, contemplating his hand in hers. “In time… I think I can love you too.” She looked at him earnestly. “It may take a while. Will you wait for me?”
He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles tenderly. “I would wait another fifty years, if it meant I could have your love.”
Phaedra grinned. “You know, the old you would have never said such a saccharine line.”
“To be honest, I felt a little sick saying it, even though it was true.”
They shared a laugh, and when Astarion leaned in to press his forehead against hers, she felt like her broken heart was finally beginning to heal.
End Notes: So in my dumbass headcanon, during those 45 years where Astarion is going to Sharess’ Caress for comfort, there are a few times when Sorn just joins them to trance, because he doesn’t have a customer that night, and the three of them just have a little reverie puppy dog pile. Ugh, such a silly idea, but it makes me happy, so who cares! Tell me what you think of my cravenly self-indulgent OC fic, if it’s trash, or if you enjoyed it, let me know in the comments!
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geekygirl24 · 2 years
Prompt from hagridspinkumbrella: heyy, I know I’m requesting again, but if you feel like it, could you write some sin and sorn smut?? something where sorn is bratty, idk I just feel like there should be more sin/sorn fics on this site🤧🤧 
Of which there are zero gifs!
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Random question:
Does anybody know if we get to see more of Sin and Sorn in Hemp Rope? Cuz I'd love to see more of them and know their story!
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Did they not have P’Sin’s actor in the special because of the wig? They didn’t want to have to acknowledge that absolute travesty of a wig?
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vxiermoved · 4 years
I just love my gay ass uncles okay
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aarafox · 4 years
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This is PEAK comedy
Bonus: Sin’s beautiful little smile
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earthfluuke · 4 years
Korn x Intouch
omg, everyone wants them to have some happiness. and hey, i’m not about to argue against that.
you know what, let’s take the time to imagine in and korn surviving and becoming the best uncles ever, shall we?
even though they stay far away from their fathers, they still love their siblings and of course, their kids.
when i tell you they are the first people sin goes to when he starts dating sorn!!
in demands he bring his new boyfriend over for dinner IMMEDIATELY, no exceptions, he expects them at their house saturday evening.
now, by this point, sin is old enough to know how his grandfather feels about korn and in’s relationship, and he’s nervous.
korn and in have been through it, and while they don’t specify exactly what they’d experienced, they assure sin that whatever happens, they’ll be there to help him. they’re just one phone call away.
also, i don’t know how, but in somehow fixes his hair. he did us all a service.
if they do have kids of their own, they adopt, because they want to show children who haven’t been given the love they deserve all the love in the world.
in? with babies? spoiled.
korn? seeing in with babies? whipped.
they would be the most loving, caring, attentive dads ever.
their kids would never for a second doubt how loved they are.
if they don’t end up having, in talks korn into getting them a dog.
korn wants to get a “real dog” but he can’t say no to in so they end getting a tiny white pomeranian. 
in loves it with his entire heart, and no, korn is definitely not jealous of a puppy.
korn also swears that he doesn’t like that little rat with fur, but in has caught him multiple times napping on the couch with the dog sleeping on his chest.
send me a character or ship, and i’ll give you any head canons i have for them.
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ofjaemin-a-blog · 5 years
w a n t e d   !
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     decidí ordenar un poco más mi   vida   listita de deseos para que no sea un desastre, so abajo podrán encontrar todo lo que ando buscando y eso. cualquier cosita, pueden acercarse a hablar conmigo por ims  !
    bold:   están marcados los faceclaims con los que ya tengo un personaje creado.
    italic:   faceclaims que me gustaría llevar pero estoy dispuesta a tomar a la otra persona de ser hablado.
jennie kim x jung jaewon.
kim jungwoo x lee taeyong.
seo soojin x johnny seo.
kim hanbin x jennie kim.
choi chanhee x kim sunwoo.
choi chanhee x lee juyeon.
jeon soyeon x kim sunwoo.
hwang hyunjin x seo changbin.
lee felix x seo changbin.
hwang hyunjin x han jisung.
cai xukun, kim inseong, elkie chong, kim sunwoo, bae joohyun ( irene ), lee joowon ( jooe ), liu yangyang, felix lee, chou tzuyu, wong kahei ( vivi ), moon bin, kang mina, zhu zhengting. son naeun, sorn sajakul.
kerstin kim ( jennie kim ) --- interés romántico / novio: alguien que haya estado con ella durante los primeros años de vida de su hijo. los threads se ubicarían en el pasado, con kerstin comenzando su vida como madre primeriza.
kerstin kim ( jennie kim ) --- hermano mayor: se marchó de su casa sin razón ---o al menos ella desconoce el por qué--- cuando kerstin tenía dieciséis, un año antes de que ella quedara embarazada. lots of angst too con la niña pregunta why la dejó sola con sus padres que eran horriblemente malos  !!
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Black Dress
This is 100% titled based on the not so recent CLC comeback. I’m shaking I love girls oof. Okay so long story short I started this in like February. ITS JULY ALMOST AUGUST. It’s been chilling in my docs but I”ve been a little iffy on posting it bc its not v pure like on a scale f 1-10 this is like a 6. I PROMISE IM A CHILD OF GOD. Sunni if you read this (please don’t) I”m gonna apologize now. I wanna thank @justsomekpopstuff and @softhaos for helping me edit and change some stuff up! I honestly love them to bits omg - Chii
✿ Seventeen’s Jun  x Female!Reader ✿ Fluff & Suggestive content ✿  2.5k words ✿ Not requested ✿ Written by Chii
I made the following divider so please don’t take it or use in your own posts, thank you .- Chii
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       You were blessed with a brain like no other and the world knew it. Placing first in your graduating class of Technology and snagging first place in the worldwide hack marathon, you were someone everyone knew about. Your brains went unmatched to anyone. While you were in your 6th year of university, your family went MIA on a vacation. That was when you realized you were a target of gangs. They never came back, you held your own funeral for them. Distant family came to visit but none made effort to talk to you. The person they blamed for all of this was you. Heartbroken and full of rage, you joined CLC. They hadn’t targeted you like the others and that was enough for you to trust them when you had no one else to. They took you into their arms and let you into their home. They became your family. Since you had joined, no one had been able to get into their system and building. You programmed traps into the building, and you helped them rise. You were immensely proud of your work. So, when Jun and his group who was so keen on stealing one of your blueprints to the EXO building, you cursed at them. They aimed to steal the Lotto Diamond and did, of course with your help. You wanted to get your blueprint back and leave a little bug in their system that would cause Chan to rewire the system he’s been working on for the past few months.
     "Is this even going to work?“ You said to Sorn who was zipping you up. You felt the cold metal up your back, sending a shiver down your spine.
"They tapped into our earpieces. You’re the only one who knows the building and members by heart,” she said as she patted your back, signaling that you were done. You saw the other girls enter in with a few bags. You didn’t know if they contained guns or makeup, you were equally scared of both.
“Not to mention, all of us been out on the field. You’re the only one he doesn’t know,” Seunghee said while she opened one of the bags and pulled out a box then handed Seungyeon something.
“If you say so,” you turned to Seungyeon who was now holding what looked like a pink egg made of sponge in her hand, “what’s the plan?"
"Just get your way into Jun’s room,” she signaled you to tilt your head up to her, “keep him and his guards occupied. We’ll sneak into their main room and steal the blueprint back,” she continued to speak as she did what you could only describe as hitting your face with the wet sponge.
“Blend it into her neck and you won’t need powder, it’s self-setting,” Eunbin said as she tied her hair up into a ponytail. She then picked up a thin, rectangular box and a few brushes.
“Close your eyes.” You listened to her as she poked at your eyelids.
“How do you expect me to keep him occupied, Seungyeon?” You raised your brows but put them back down when you heard Yujin to tell you so.
“Jun is a man who likes his woman. Every few times a week he gets some escorts,” Yujin said. Your eyes opened and the three girls around you stepped back.
“Are you telling me to have sex with him?!” You expressed your words with your body but that caused you to lose your footing when you crossed your arms and stood as straight as you could with the heels on your feet. You waved your arms to get some balance. Sorn grabbed your arms and held you.
“Thank you,” you said to her. You looked back at Seungyeon.
“You made me mess up! Sit back down!” Eunbin pushed your shoulders down to make you sit. You closed your eyes again and the tickling feeling returned only to be replaced with a sharper feeling along your eyelid by your eyelashes.
“I’m asking you to keep him busy. You can straight up knock him out and fake some moans. You can open your eyes now. Smile for me!”. Yujin said and she used a brush to applied god knows what to your cheekbones. Eunbin hi-fived Seungyeon and looked at you with a smile before going off to the other bag and opening it. They loaded the guns inside and it made you nervous.
“I’m sure his guard are used to hearing those anyway.” Your eyes widened at Elkie’s statement. Everyone paused and laughed.
She smiled at you before rummaging for a specific lipstick. She told you to form an ‘o’ with your lips as she applied a lipstick that was dark and red, it felt like it was drying.
“If Jun doesn’t think you’re the walking definition of sin, I don’t know what’s wrong with him.” Sorn handed you a mirror and you gazed at the person in it. Eunbin offered your hand as you stood up.
“Finishing touch.” She motioned for you to put your hands out and she put a gun into them.
“I use my fingers to type not to shoot guns, I barely know how to use this,” you said as you looked at her, dumbfounded and scared of the thing.
“You had the training plus we only want to steal it our blueprint back, they can keep the diamond,” she said.
“You’ll do great,” Eunbin said as she put a gloved hand on your exposed shoulder.
      "Uh. Escort for Jun from Nu’est Co,“ you said to the man in the front desk. He eyed your figure as you stood there, uncomfortable with his wandering eyes. Thankfully, he didn’t ask for any confirmation from you as he spoke into his ear piece while you stared at the silver cross that rested on the shell of his outer cartilage. You recognized him as Joshua Hong, fluent in Korean and English. You started at him, his body was ideally fit for something like assassination and not at a desk. You heard him chuckle and then get up from his seat to lead you deeper into the mansion. He asked another person to watch the front as he walked you to the large double doors, dark wood with gold handles. Two tall guards stood by it. They stood at impressive heights 6’1 and 6 feet tall, Wonwoo and Mingyu. Anxious, you started to walk slowly towards the door until Joshua’s hand held yours. He bought your knuckles to his lips and gently kissed them. This caused the blood to rise to your cheeks as he started up at you from your hand.
"If he doesn’t satisfy you, I’ll be at the front desk,” he said as a smile played on his lips and started to walk away. The doors creaked open and knocked you out of your trance. They started down at you like a prey and that was enough for the click of the heels to be muffled by the hardwood floors becoming plush carpet as you entered the room. You saw Jun sitting at a desk in the corner of the room. He turned to get up and walk toward you. The doors behind you closed and you jumped at the loud sound. A single finger bend as he beckoned for you to come towards him with. You hesitated and he noticed. Jun laughed lowly as he stood up and walked towards you instead. Lightly, he grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him, his finger twisting your hair. Letting go of your hair, he trailed a cold finger down your arm.
He leaned towards your ear, “first time doing this kind of stuff?"
"Yes,” you barely breathe out. He was way too close for comfort, you turn your head away from him.
“Yes, what?” You felt his hand jerk your head back to him. You didn’t know what he wanted, maybe his name?
“Yes, Jun.”
“Ah, no.” His grip was tighter as he pushed you closer and closer to him.
“You will call me sir.” You felt his hands trailing from your knees to your mid thighs, stopping right where the dress ended.
“Uh, okay.” Your mind started to fog over with fear. What if he felt the gun that was a little higher than where the dress ended?
“Repeat after me,” he tilted your head up with a finger under your chin so you could look at either his eyes or his lips. Any direct eye contact was impossible so you looked at his lips as they let out a, “yes, sir.”
“Y-yes sir,” you repeated.
“You’re so cute kitten. I don’t usually give out pet names but I like the way ‘sir’ rolls off the tip of your tongue.” Jun dragged you as he fell back on the bed and then turned you two around. His face disappeared on your right side. The slow breath tickled and caused you to bring your shoulder up in efforts to make it stop. Jun’s cold hands shifted from cold and bitter feeling to warm and inviting as he ran his hands down your arm and down your legs that have been shaved for the first time in months. It wasn’t everyday you ran smooth legs down silk sheets. A feeling inside of you wanted to start to give in but realized you couldn’t cave in so quick. You thought back to the conversation you had with Yujin.
“I’m asking you to keep him busy. You can straight up knock him out and fake some moans. You can open your eyes now. Smile for me!”. Yujin said and she used a brush to applied god knows what to your cheekbones. Eunbin hi-fived Seungyeon and looked at you with a smile before going off to the other bag and opening it. They loaded the guns inside and it made you nervous.
“I’m sure his guard are used to hearing those anyway.” Your eyes widened at Elkie’s statement. Everyone paused and laughed.
He needed to be keep distracted so the girls could do their best finding rooms with the blueprint of the SVT building you gave them and get back your EXO one. Pulling together every little bit of courage you had, you let out a sound that reminded you of how your voice would echo off the tiled walls when you entered the warm bath after hours of your neck and fingers hurting from working on a project for the next mission. A sound of bliss. You felt him shift and smile down at you.
“That’s what I like to hear,” Jun said before going down to bite a small area of your neck. All that ran thought your head was how weird he was to find that sound arousing and if he was borderline insane for biting you somewhere where a bruise would easily show up. The top of his head started to push against your jaw so you turned your head to give him what he wanted, more area to work with. You saw Elkie’s face from in between the window. She gave you a thumbs up and showed you the blueprint in her hands. She quickly slid down and you heard the rustle of bushes. Now that that was done, you needed to get out from under Jun. You raked your mind for an idea but he started to unzip your dress. You panicked. Trying your best to push him away didn’t so opted for kicking him. He moved away and groaned, your heel jabbed his stomach. You wanted to run and jump out the window but you couldn’t. You looked up and saw yourself binded to the headboard.
“What the fuck?!” You screamed out.
“Took you long enough to notice.” He took off his blazer and came towards you again. This time you were able to loosen the heel and swing your leg hard enough for it to come off but it had fell a few inches too far from Jun.
“Feisty. Just like the rest of CLC.” You froze at his words and stopped moving to turn your head to look at him as he put weight on either side of you. His hands by your head.
“Something for your tongue, kitten?” His hand traveled up your leg as goosebumps formed. Never could you have not gotten yourself out of a tight situation but this was an exception.
“What’s this?” His hand trailed up your thigh, under the dress. He pulled out the gun Seunghee gave to you.
“Ah, were you going to use this on me?” He let the tip of the gun touch your lips before throwing it across the room. You glared at him as he laughed.
“Good night.”
“What do you me-” his lips crashed onto yours in a way that would for sure bruise. You felt a small capsule inside your mouth. You tried to thrash him off of you but by the time he was off, the pill was going down your throat. You knew it was a gel capsule as the effects started coming quicker than a regular pill would and you got drowsy. The last thing you saw was Jun smiling as he walked out the room.
        You woke up in a familiar room, your room. You quickly sat up and got dizzy. You tried to get up but fell, whatever Jun gave you was stronger than you thought. Seunghee, who was stationed outside your room, ran in. She called the other girls in. Sorn ran in first, she hugged your shoulders. You saw Seungyeon and the other girls.
“We got the blueprint,” Elkie happily said as she sat in the bed, “and you’ve got a few hickies.” You rolled your eyes and fell back on the bed. You covered your face with your hands and felt the makeup still on you. Your skin felt gross and dry.
“Can I get an aspirin, makeup remover and maybe a memory eraser? That was the worst thing I’ve ever experienced,” you said to no one in particular.
"Coming right up! The aspirin I mean,” Sorn said as she jumped off the bed.
"Go take a bath, we’ll get you some clean clothes and leave the painkillers on the nightstand.” You nodded at Yujin’s words and walked to the bathroom with Yeeun’s help.
“You’ll be alright in here?” She said as she started to run the hot water. She started to gently take off some of the makeup with a wipe.
“Yea, thanks.” You smiled at her when she lifted the wipe away.
“I’ll be outside if you need anything.” You nodded and she left the bathroom. You sighed, the sound echoing in the tiled room. You unzipped yourself out of the dress with much difficulty but it came off in due time. Stripping yourself down you saw a line of black by your hip. You got closer to the mirror and made out a few words and numbers. With the mirrors making everything backwards, you made out what the words said in a few seconds.
“Call me.” Jun had the audacity to leave his personal phone number on you in pen.
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I need to go to church bye omg also this is reposted bc I FORGOT TO ADD TAGS AND LEFT IT TO SIT IN THE SWAMP CALLED THIS BLOG FOR A DYAAYAYAYAY - Chii
Please don’t claim this as your own and please don’t do anything with it without my permission. If you don’t want it happening to you, don’t do it to others.
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aylinaliens · 3 years
Well.. I meaaan.. if you’re going to do a soulmate au, maybe you could do Tat (That?) x Sorawit? Or Sin and Sorn? RamKing?
wait is that first pairing from MOD? i’ve only seen the first episode of it so i have no clue who they are djwifd but i’m planning on binging it soon!
i will most definitely write a soulmate!au for RamKing (I just gotta figure out which one to do)
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