#sims use the other ones too
pikselis · 5 months
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whyyyy sims 2, why can't you love me the way i love you😭
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it's still cute... but i hate that the other side is like that and it bother's me so mutch. ;__;
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fizzytoo · 7 months
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mattodore · 7 months
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yeah my best ocs of all time ever
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nihilismtrcit · 1 year
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meet the crew !
first day of school ready 🏫🍎✅
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rainymoodlet · 1 year
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Episode Five] One Last Push!
Daniel's still making the rounds! I decided to give these two a better-lookin' setting for their One-on-One: but their in-game conversation still stands! Abhi was feeling a little Tense after their Jealousy moodlet, but once they started talking to Daniel it seemed like allll of that melted away! These two can talk: I love watching them spawn new subjects, because they never seem to run out of conversation! Dan might not realize how romantic what he's said sounds here, but I think Abhi sure appreciated the imagery of the two them running away to the Falls of Selvadorada together~ 😉
[ Part 18/??]  🌹
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eachuisge-cc · 6 months
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just realized there's literally nothing stopping me from just making some dildos out of the body parts I've already done.
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applesaucesims · 1 year
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"Breath Of My Dreams" Poster
Starring Niall McGregor, Laura Nielsen and Franklin Cleary, "Breath Of My Dreams" is a 1930s war romance movie that is sure to make you laugh and cry along with the touching story. Whether it's playing at the local cinema or you're a collector of old paraphernalia, show your love for this film by displaying its vintage original release poster!
1 swatch
custom thumbnail
PS: my tou is always open and you can do whatever you want, but just don't claim the poster design as your own because i really put a lot of thought and work into it
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robinsroom · 9 months
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prophetictattoo · 3 months
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alex and some of his coworkers at the national park he works for
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jabberwockprince · 10 months
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heard there was an update for YB so i got around to play it and revamp my old ass Y/N <3
here's a little creature approaching you with ill intent! they're selfish, antagonistic and contrary on purpose. loves eating lemons and being the cryptid roommate who skitters around the apartment at 4 am
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ssspringroll · 6 months
Saddens me greatly that even with my giant/tiny slider, i will never be able to make my favorite ocs height-accurate. The tallest one is 20ft (6m). That's like a 2 story building. Game just can't handle dudes that huge ;-;
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hdmiports · 6 months
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mattodore · 10 months
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missgrelle · 2 years
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Grelliam sims dump to celebrate Not losing my entire game! probably my last one for a while until i can find some good custom content for ronald/othello/etc, there are only so many things i can do with grelle & gang and eventually id like to start making other characters/ships
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lelianaslefthand · 15 days
another inconsequential dilemma has hit my oc page enterprise, i dont know what order to put them in... the current one is oldest to newest but im waffling with newest first bc 1. i wouldnt have to scroll as far when i inevitably make more. 2. the ones im more likely currently posting about will be first. i also thought about doing the "main" ones first like the ones i post about the most kinda like my faves but i feel bad saying they're favorites bc despite having.. *checks page* almost 40 of them jesus fucking christ... i do love them all. i feel like charlie kelly at his conspiracy board except no one is listening im just saying words to say them
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sysig · 3 months
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Talana in the Sims 2!
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I don’t have any of the “correct” accessories and that is stopping me exactly 0% lol - I love this galaxy blush so much, it’s even blue and matches her skin tone! :D
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Initially I wasn’t actually sure what to do for her clothes because I didn’t have anything suitably sexy enough, but as I mulled it over I realized hey, didn’t Revenge of the Jedi come out in in ‘83? And SCII came out in ‘92....huh. I’d still like to do my own retexture, but it’s a decent base to work from!
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Of the neighbors that initially came to greet her, only DAX was another SCII member, so I had her greet just him, hoping they’d be friends :D They did not! >:0 DAX was rude to her immediately! DAX!
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If you dare say something like “You’re prettier when you’re mad” >:(
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Well that went well
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He came back later that night and acted shady - DAX! Don’t be mean to Talana!!
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DAX! >:0
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Interestingly enough, I had only had her interact with DAX at this point, but she had seen multiple other people while I took her clothes-shopping earlier - she didn’t greet any of them, but they’re still stored in her hidden memories! I just think that’s a really cool design :D She doesn’t have a relationship with them, but she does have eyes! It’s little touches like this that make me love this game
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Pft. Subtle, Talana
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I decided after they cooled down that I could try and have them get along by slowly building their relationship over the phone - they probably would get along better if they didn’t have to look at each other lol
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Talana was caught spying on Stanley, apparently he’s her type. You can’t use your telescope to peep on human males, Talana!
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Now that she and DAX are on better terms, I invited the whole household over! :D Everyone is so attracted to Stanley! Stanley is unphased lol
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Captain, please
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Everyone thinking about the Captain! She actually rejected his compliment at first haha, oh no!
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ZEX immediately went for her ballet bar, why
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“The Captain is HOT!” - Talana (and ZEX)
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Aww haha ♥ He came over to help of his own volition ♪
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I looked back over and- DAX were you just waiting your turn??
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Now that they’re not angry at each other anymore, but still mad about other people lol, angy buddies
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A mermaid you say. Talana’s Lifetime Want was to be the Hand of Poseidon (Level 10 Oceanography career), it was too perfect not to haha
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I gave her some sharp teeth accessories but unfortunately they kept flashing blue every time I reset the lot so I ended up taking them off for the rest of these :P I still think little pointy teeth are cool tho!
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I think she missed you Captain
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Hot tub time! I wonder what sweet nothings she’s whispering to him hehe
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This animation is so cute ;;♥ Such a gentle kiss! Very sweet
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Look! He’s sitting on her lap a little bit!!
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He’s such a little spoon lol ♪ Also his hand casually on her butt hehe
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Party time! Talana needed a lot of friends for her promotions so this was mostly a networking party lol, what an interesting bunch of crossovers - in this bunch we have Mariella and Stanley from The Stanley Parable, ZEX, and Miles Edgeworth :D
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And on the other side, we’ve got Phoenix, the Captain, DAX, and the Curator :D I wanted to invite the Narrator but I ran out of room on the guest list D: Still though, a good mix!
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Can you guys chill you’ve been here for like two seconds
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Miles is not interested in your ghost stories, ZEX. Actually, I’ll need to increase Miles’ and Phoenix’s interest in the paranormal when I hop back into their lot now that I think of it
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Them being in this hot tub makes me nervous - I’ve set them both to be as ace as the game will allow (0/0 attraction to men and women, I wish there was an alloace option tho :( I might be able to simulate it with ACR, but they’re so quick to jump into bed with each other! Hgh) but this specific hot tub is an Aspiration Reward and thus behaves weirdly - just don’t get any funny ideas! I see you Phoenix! Also DAX in the background checking out ZEX lol
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Not that I want any of you hanging out in the hot tub but why are you two standing behind it - you can see the empty seats, right?
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Back inside, of course these two are being goofy together haha
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Oh hey DAX :)
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Captain please, find your chill, you literally just tried to invite Talana to bed right in the middle of everyone - ACR strikes again! Yes Mariella and the Curator were subjected to that lol
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Overview of the party - we’ve got Mariella on the ballet bar, ZEX and the Captain talking about robbery, the Curator in her bathing suit chatting with Talana, a broken shower in the middle there, Stanley and Phoenix in the hot tub together, DAX stepping out into the backyard, and Miles eating some chips at the bar. Pretty sick party :D
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Something about these three from such different games all hanging out in a hot tub together is very funny to me lol
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The Captain called! :D He invited her out on a date, though they’d actually just had one lol - he wanted a round 2!
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They went out and got their pictures taken ♪
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And a little something else as well lol. I like the Public Woohoo memory icon in this context, it reminds me of a flying saucer and they are both aliens so
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They’re so cuuuute ahhhh ♥ I love the way it looks like Talana got embarrassed from the first smooch and blocked the camera hehe 💕 The Captain’s laughing face is so charming!
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Two Dream Dates back to back, he dropped off two bouquets that night haha
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Did the thing! :D Now that I’ve gotten her LTW, I’m not sure how much more I’m gonna play on her lot, but it was a bunch of fun to basically slow-speedrun her to this point haha
#WPVG#WPTS2#The Sims 2#The Sims#SCII#And a silly to start off the set with lol it's a good meme template! And now I finally have one of myself and not just Fig lol#Shitpost#I have my own thoughts about how the Syreen are portrayed in SCII but! I am still holding (most) judgement until I actually meet them lol#So like most things with SCII - I'll get there someday!#And as always it doesn't Actually change my thoughts about Syreen as what they are - I like them a lot! :D - just development etc.#ANYway lol#Jocasta was really fun to play :D#I don't usually go for a Sim's LTW - usually too many per household or I get bored lol - so it was fun as a challenge!#And all the steps to make it reality for her!#Making friends was definitely the biggest factor#DAX why >:0 But he came around eventually lol#Her and the Captain were quite fun to play against each other as well haha#I'm also way more used to having couples be in the same household so having to rely on the popout to see his Wants was different#She'd sometimes get bored by herself and roll the Date Want so I'd be like ''Yeah alright'' lol#They're not committed or anything but they do like each other a lot :)#And for the record the party was awesome lol#Pretty sure I got the highest possible score - I love how janky parties are in TS2 lol#So dissimilar to the date mechanic! Too big I guess haha#Just so fun to see everyone interact! That's the best part of the Sims haha#I am tempted to move a Sarah and Jocasta in next door sometime :0#Although I don't have a human uniform for male or female Sims yet lol#Then again I just stuck the Captain in a pirate coat :P#He's cosplaying! From the Pirate Fic! Haha#It's an idea ♪#Unsurprisingly I had to force it to post lol
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