#simon the snake
ravenquing · 3 months
would people be interested in a series of short stories about Simon the magical snake belt?
i have ideas and headcanons im dying to write right now
one being that Simon is even older than The Calamity is
another being that he can telepathically communicate with Vax when in snake form
no promises, but... if anyone was interested?? maybe?? 👀
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boesart · 1 year
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Some lil Vox Machina doodles
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lahnabelle · 11 days
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an older ghost piece 🐍💀
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yeenybeanies · 7 months
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this was funnier in my head, but it’s funny here too
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gomzdrawfr · 14 days
Prologue of this
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owlcomics101 · 1 month
Task force 141 x pet Snake!Reader (Platonic obviously) head cannons
Warnings: Snake? SFW (I am a minor), wholesome snake shenanigans!
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Context: Soap found you, a snake out side of base wedged in between some Rocks, he found you and took you in. He kept you as a secret until the others found out. Good luck snakey Reader! 🐍
Soap: Soap is obsessed with you! He holds you whenever he can and strokes your lovely scales which is surprisingly soft for a snake. Your tail coils around his fingers as he pets you and gives you kisses on the head and randomly vents to you while feeding you a mouse and all you can think is “Just drop the Damm mouse!” As your mouth waters watching it squirm and dangle out of Soap’s hands. You always gets lost around base because Soap keeps letting you out of your cage and losing you. Running around like an idiot calling you by your nickname he gave you “Teet.” which is the Scottish word for snake. And yes, he cuddles you when he sleeps, only to find you trying to eat his finger again in the morning.
Ghost: Ghost wanted to hate you. He really did, but couldn’t. When no one was looking he would pick you up out of your cage and give you some affection. “People both see us as monsters huh?” He would whisper to you. “They just don’t know us yet. But we’ll show them. Won’t we?” You always gave him kisses on his nose and he loved it. He would take off his mask when it was just him and you and let you slither around the holes the mask and even sleep in it. He finds your yawn to be the cutest Damm thing in the world. Whenever he’s out on a mission his brings you back a rock or some decoration for your cage as a gift for you. Ghost likes to call you ‘fang’.
Gaz: Gaz was….freaked out by you to say the least at first but he was quick to grow a soft spot to you too. Gaz lets you hang out on his head or in his hat as he works. Keeping a careful watch on you and making sure your not getting into any mischief, because Soap and ghost would kill him and anything happens to precious you. Unlike the others, Gaz actually takes the time to research on how to take better care about because since your gonna live with them rent free, mind as well live comfortably.
Price: Was against you as first…butttttttt he couldn’t escape your charm! Price was the one mostly taking care of you, feeding you, giving you clean water, and cleaning your cage. He didn’t let anyone clean your cage but him. He says it must be ‘perfect’ or done his way. Whatever that means. But you didn’t care, you were busy trying to eat Price’s fingers. Price likes it have you in his office while he works. Chucking to himself as he watches you slither around on his desk and laptop. You were the only thing making work at least tolerable for him. And yes… he likes to put a bow on your head and give you sweaters during the cold months because he doesn’t want you to freeze.
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simonrileysfavteacup · 3 months
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x gf!reader
Word count: 1K ish?
Warnings: skinny dipping, simon being fine while he chops would, manly muscles, manly tasks, simon who works all the time
Summary: With Simon, vacations were always rare, so you soaked up every chance you got.
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(This is the lake I imagined, the one from The Hunger Games: The Ballad of Snakes and Songbirds, this includes the cabin where Coryo finds the gun)
Vacations with Simon were always hard. 
He’d always be working. All the time. He’d come home from a mission just to go on another one the next day. If he wasn’t on a mission, he’d be writing reports or working out in your home gym. Never gets a break. 
So when you invited Price and his wife over to dinner, you secretly begged for a leave for Simon to take him on a vacation. Price, being the good dude he is, obviously says yes and sends Simon off on a vacation for three weeks with you. 
And here’s a lil headcannon, Simon hates sand. And heat. So no tropical areas. :( No bahamas trip for you.
More so, you settled for a little cabin, deep in the woods, in British Columbia, Canada. And yeah, it sounds lame, but it was perfect for you and Simon. 
One bedroom cabin, a fireplace in the living room, and a cozy bed with the best duvet. It featured a little tiny shower that you and Simon shrunk into every morning, mostly just to be close to each other because the shower was half the size of Simon. And one of Simon’s favourite additions, an axe for wood chopping. The cabin faces out to a large lake. Everything was concealed by trees, leaving just you and Simon alone. There were no distractions, just the very-much-needed break. 
Simon would wake up every morning to chop wood, his way of working out. His exact statement was that the woods were peaceful and the swinging with the axe was good for his arms. And he did it shirtless, of course, just as he did when he worked out at home. 
Toned chest, glistening with sweat in the early morning of the hours, hands gripping the axe he grew to love in the last week, grunting every time he brought the axe down. 
You stood at the entrance of the cabin, leaning against the doorframe, coffee mug in hand as you stare at him, practically eye-fucking him. He was panting, a pile of wood sitting next him, fully chopped. You had no purpose for it but the fireplace, which you kept lit every evening as you two ate dinner. Simon’s grunts were reaching every nerve of your body. He looks too damn good for it to be 6 A.M. in the morning. 
“Do you want tea?” You speak up, breaking his focus on the wood. Your eyes stay on his abs as he looks up, chuckling softly. 
“Would love a cuppa, lovie,” he looks back down at the wood. “Admirin’ the view, hm?”
“You look really good, honey,” you bite your lip to hold back a giggle. 
“Bet I do,” he moves back to chopping his wood. 
“Don’t we have enough fireplace wood?” you tilt your head, still staring at him. 
“Just havin’ fun with it now, lovie,” he shrugs. “Helps me stay in shape, migh’ as well.”
“You don’t need any help staying in shape, honey. You look fine to me,” you giggle. 
He chuckles softly, “Ya keep feedin’ me them deserts and I’ll end up bigger than the lake.”
“You love my deserts,” you giggle. 
“Damn righ’, I do,” he looks up at you and smirks. 
“When you’re done, lumberjack, come inside. I’ll make breakfast, ‘kay?” you smile. He nods and continues his chopping. 
You head back inside, pulling a pan out from one of the cabinets, preparing a batch of scrambled eggs. You make Simon a cup of tea as well, setting it aside for him. He comes in moments later, sighing as he stretches. He grabs a plate of the eggs, taking his cup and sitting down on the couch before patting the spot next to him. 
You sit down next to him. “You wanna go for a dip in the lake after this?”
“Always,” he smiles. 
The two of you eat in silence, taking in the environment around you. The soft rustling of the trees, the chirping of birds, the smell of fresh air, and the sight of the sunlight filtering through the windows. Staying in a cabin in the middle of the forest wasn’t ideal, but it was perfect to you. The quiet solitude of nature and the fresh air provide a peaceful refuge to recharge and rejuvenate. The sounds of nature, from the songs of birds to the gentle whispering of the wind, create a harmonious cacophony that calms the mind and spirit. 
It was truly perfect to the two of you. 
You left both your dirty dishes in the sink to worry about later, heading outside to join Simon, who’s already stripped down to his boxers. He jumps off the dock and into the lake, making the loud splash of the water echo through the empty forest. You follow him, stripping off your dress, jumping into the lake in just a bra and panties. 
 The satisfying splash as you break the surface and the sensation of cool water against your skin, followed by the refreshing feeling of weightlessness as you glide through the water. The taste of salt on your lips and the sensation of the sun's warmth upon your face as you emerge from the water, breathless and invigorated. Simon’s arms wrap around you, holding you flush against his chest, smiling. “Hi.”
“Hi,” you whisper back, biting back a giggle as he pulls you underwater with him again. 
The two of you spend at least an hour in the water, giggling and splashing each other with water, suppressing loud laughs. When you finally decide to get out, Simon pulls you in for a kiss, heading into the cabin to grab a blanket and a towel. He dries you off before drying himself, motioning for you to lie down on the blanke the laid out like a picnic. He lays down on his side, pulling you in to lie your head on his stomach. He intertwines your hands, kissing your temple. 
“Thank you for forcing me to come on this trip,” he smiles. 
“Thank you for putting up with my bullshit and always doing whatever I say,” you giggle. 
“Always will, lovie,” he kisses your temple again. You look back up at the sky, squeezing his hand. 
This was what peace felt like.
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whatev-i-guess · 11 months
Ghost jumping at the sight of a snake
Soap: Don't tell me the big Ghost is scared of a little snake? It doesn't even do anything, it's not poisonous.
Ghost: Some things will never change even if you grow big and strong.
Ghost: And it's called a phobia, you fucking moron.
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numberonedickrider · 4 months
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dms-a-jem · 6 months
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Duran Duran - Union of the Snake
As The Lights Go Down
Oakland, CA - April 1984
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jug0denaranjaa · 4 months
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ravenquing · 1 year
I draw Vax a lot, but I don't think I've properly drawn his son yet... So, here is how I personally imagine Simon!!
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I so picture Vax sitting for ages making Simon a personalised eye patch.
He absolutely would. You can't convince me otherwise.
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ineffable-grimm-pitch · 3 months
if I had a nickel for every time I’ve been in inescapable brainrot over a fictional gay couple where one comes from an elite family with an important last name but feels othered from his community because of circumstances he had no control over that changed his life completely in his childhood and he desperately tries to hide it for fear of being disgraced and ostracized and the other was a newcomer treated like an outsider who’s prone to emotional outbursts and latches onto people he maybe shouldn’t for the sake of self-preservation, set in an exclusive educational institution with silly looking uniforms, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird that it happed twice, right?
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forestshadow-wolf · 7 months
Simon Riley who instead of getting Ophidiophobia (phobia of snakes), developes a(n) (boarderline unhealthy) obsession with snakes
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yeenybeanies · 1 year
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🐍💀: >:V
🧼: [giggles] i’m in danger
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pansexualnoodle5 · 1 year
Hey I got a question
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If the Deathwalker’s Ward just poofed onto Vax and completely replaced his old outfit
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