#sigourney pryde
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@marvelmyriad [Loki Laufeyson]
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Sigourney Mereanne Pryde, daughter to the Star Lord, Peter Quill, and Earth mutant hero, Kitty Pryde the Shadowcat. Now due to her very unique heritage, her mutation...well it mutated beyond that of her mother's and took on astro properties. For instance, and this would be a good time to tell you of this ability because this situation deals with this one. Sigourney's mutation was simply called Quantum Tunneling, even though there is nothing simple about it. It's basically the same as her mother's but on a really weird levels, in the used lightly it works exactly like her mother's powers, when used more potently it opens a quantum tunnel to a place the wielder can visualize and that mixed with her father's Universal Knowledge & Cosmic Awareness it made it really hard to keep Sigourney in one place for too long. That is unless you ground her mech suit, apply called Queen, which her folks did. So that just means things get a little more.....chaotic. Sigourney has so much less control of her quantum tunneling when she is outside of Queen but that never stopped her before. Sigourney stood back in her father's hanger bay on New Spartax. She held her hands out and reached like she was reaching out for a wall but toward the air, calming herself, slowing her breathing, trying to use some of those Earth techniques that connect you to the universe or some shit. A wave of ethereal energy rippled around in front of Sigourney's hands, making it seem like reality was a shimmered reflection in a once calm pound. Sigourney patted her dad's old elemental guns attached to her hips, scuffing her boots on the ground checking the rocket boot attachments. Sigourney took a deep breath in and stepped forward into the ripple, and into a swirl of information attached to her cosmic connections, it about made her sick. Then just as suddenly it stopped and she was stumbling into somewhere. Sigourney looked around waiting for her eyes to focus. "Where the hell am I?"
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grandhotelabyss · 5 months
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On further reflection, and per the last post, the cute-sexy dialectic must have entered American mainstream comics in the '80s with Claremont and with Gaiman, with Kitty Pryde and with Death. John Byrne drew the teenaged Kitty to look like Sigourney Weaver, then the sex symbol of the hour, especially among the nerd contingent, due to the underwear-clad conclusion of Alien. She is, Claremont helpfully adds, "going on fourteen." As for Death, she literally enters quoting a children's movie and discoursing on cuteness. Her own physical look, pale and petite, based on a real goth girl Mike Dringenberg knew in Salt Lake City, deliberately went against the grain of superhero art's adult female bombshells. Like the shojo innovators of the '70s they unwittingly echoed with their operatic plotting, Claremont and Gaiman both had high-literary influences and ambitions. They also both have English cultural roots (England, like Japan, enjoys a privileged if sometimes unwholesome relation to cute aesthetics), and they shared a desire to attract a female readership to comics. The latter supports my thesis about the cute-sexy dialectic as initially female-coded, with a gruff adult version of heterosexual masculinity as its implied antithesis. (This is turning into a nerdier version of that Nymphet Alumni podcast, which, despite its name, is mostly not about the cute-sexy dialectic. The next post will be about Harold Bloom!)
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spaceorphan18 · 4 years
Marvel Movie Night: X-Men The Last Stand
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So - when this came out, I worked at a theater.  We got to see an early screening of it.  When we walked my mom turned to me and said -- that wasn’t good, right? I had to agree.  
So.  Here we are.  I feel like I have a very complicated relationship with this film, because I know a crap ton about X-Men and knowing more means this film feels like even more of a mess than maybe a general audience would know.  It’s hard to really comment on whether or not this is a good film.   It’s definitely far more watchable than the Fantastic Four, or the other Marvel related films coming out at the time that weren’t Spider-Man.  However, it doesn’t hold together too well overall.  
The biggest issue this film has is that it’s trying to shove too many story lines with too many mutants into one film, and it kind of fails at everything that it’s trying to do.  
But first - a comment on production.  It was kind of a mess (though, I’m super fascinated that there was an original draft of this that Emma Frost played by Sigourney Weaver.  Damn, I’m sad we didn’t get that).  Directors switched, writers switched, actors were no longer under contract -- and I mean, most productions have things change, but all of this resulted in this film getting pulled in fifteen different directions, and I do thing that did have an effect on the final result.  
So - let’s talk about what this film is trying to do.  
The Dark Phoenix saga.  One of the most iconic X-Men stories ever told, and it is for a reason.  Having just reread it last month, it’s egregious to me how much this movie misses the point.  Look - I’m fine, in general, when other media changes original stories for adaptations.  Film is not comics, but I do think you need to understand the essence of the story in order to do it well in an adaptation.  And The Last Stand just doesn’t understand the Phoenix story.  
See - in the comics, it’s a lot about manipulation, control, and power - and how Jean Grey is being manipulated, but breaks out of it with her extreme power.  (There’s also a ton about crazy space forces, but I understand why they didn’t go there, it’s... uber complicated.)  But, the point is that this ends up being an internal story -- how Jean deals with the power once she’s broken free from the manipulation, how how her relationships with various X-Men help her cope with split identity.  At the end -- with her friends behind her, she decides to end her own life, and her sacrifice is make sure she doesn’t destroy the universe.  And it’s very beautifully told.  
There are three things (major) things I have issue with in this film -- 1. With the exception of Cyclops, in a limited role, and slightly Xavier, Jean’s relationships with other people are just not explored enough to have an emotional impact; 2. At no point is Jean ever back in control of her own agency.  Xavier manipulates her, then Magneto, then she just stands around for a long time until Wolverine finally kills her.  It cheapens everything about Jean Grey and agency the original story has, and I hate it.  3. The story in the movie seems to service the goddamn Logan/Jean Grey love story that I hate in the comics, and I hate it more here - but I’ll spare you the diatribe.  
The other thing, though... The animated series got this right -- but it could because it had time to.  See, the comics drew this whole story out for years, and it’s emotional pay off works better over a long period of time, which a two hour movie just doesn’t have.  And it’s especially hurt when it’s truncated due to a whole other plot in the film.  Which leads me to... 
The Cure - the second plot of the film.  Joss Whedon’s Astonishing X-Men at the time was a big hit, so they decided to use this story.  It’s not a bad story -- it has to do with the big political element that the X-Men always are dealing with, and that’s fine.  But, because it can’t be the full focus, it too feels overstuffed.  (Really the film wants to be this plot, and should have never done Dark Phoenix in the first place.)
Unfortunately, because they need to shoehorn in Magneto, the brotherhood, the Morlocks, and every other mutant in the X-Universe (except Gambit for some reason) - this turns into a mess, where Magneto is his Silver Age, scenery chewing self, and a whole lot of people punch each other because that’s what these third acts usually devolve into.  The Cure story line is and can be a much smaller story, too, and maybe works better as such, but this is a major blockbuster - which I’m sure studio mandates a certain amount of CGI nonsense.  Ah well.  
Other Thoughts (dear god, get ready for all the thoughts!): 
The Danger Room scene at the beginning of the film is a goddamn delight -- that is how you use the X-Men working as a team, and that’s how you use Wolverine in a good capacity. 
One thing I’ll credit this film - it does better with its action sequences, and specifically letting the X-Men actually work as a team.  
I can’t help but feel, though, that I wish more of the classic X-Men teams had been together for their last stand.  Something about Wolverine’s little pep talk felt hollow - maybe because these characters we’ve barely met and/or interacted with and the emotional resonance isn’t there. 
FWIW - the special effects in this film are such an upgrade than all the crud had has come before it -- especially Fantastic Four, which was only a year or so earlier.  
Hugh Jackman has finally really settled in his role as Wolverine, he’s great, yadda, yadda
Famke Janssen continues to be an excellent Jean Grey, and I’m sorry her story line stunk so badly.  The scene with her and Wolverine, where she goes through the gamut of emotions, is really quite wonderful.  It’s a shame she spends half the movie just standing (or sitting) there.  
I understand that James Marsden kind of tapped out of the franchise to go do Superman, but I’m so sad that they really didn’t do Cyclops well in any of these films.  He’s such a great character, and you wouldn’t know it at all by these films. 
The Beast! Who’d have thought that Kelsey Grammer would have been a good choice for Beast -- but it works.  
I think Halle Berry asked for more to do as Storm.  Well -- she has more to do, but she still doesn’t feel like Storm.  I want an X-Men film where she Ororo Monrue is given the proper chance to shine. 
Oh - I should mention Storm vs Callisto is a thing here, as an easter egg to long time fans, but it’s not satisfying to me as a long time fan because, like, most everything in this film, they kind of fucked it up.  
Meanwhile... oh Rogue, maybe we shouldn’t get me started on how my favorite X-Man is the utter worst in this film.  Not only is she barely in this film but... this is such a complicated issue for this character -- to be given five minutes of screen time is just the utter worst.  And no, Rogue would never do that.  No, no, no.  
Ellen Page as Kitty Pryde is amazing, and she should have had her own movie.  I find it hilarious, though, that she and Iceman kinda flirt with each other here -- since Iceman is canonically gay, and Kitty is subtextually bi.  It’s just... funny.  
Iceman - in his ice form.  Yes, more of this. 
Angel is here! He literally does nothing, but he doesn’t do much in the comics either, so it kinda hilariously works.  I like the actor, too, he’s a great match.  
The dude playing Colossus is a delight - again, more screen time needed! I kinda love that he’s just carrying around a TV to show his strength. 
Lord help me - the Juggernaut is the worst.  I hated that meme.  I hate that he looks like a literal dick head.  I hate that he’s portrayed as a mutant when he’s not, etc, etc.  
There’s so much more to comment on, but I’ll spare you the time -- I mean there’s Moira MacTaggart, and the Morlocks - who are also the Omega Gang?, and Leech, and Eric Dane playing Multiple Man, and really... they brought in Stacey X (you guys ask me about Stacey X...), and apparently Psylocke is supposed to be in here somewhere, and sentinel camoes, and Trask, and Mystique...  But, this review is long enough. 
I do need to point out - the President is played by Josef Somer, who played Ducksworth in The Mighty Ducks, and I can only think of ‘quacking’ whenever I look at him. 
Final Thoughts: It’s probably more enjoyable for a non-fan than a hardcore X-Man fan.  It’s not as bad as people make it out to seem, but it’s not good either.  Overall, there’s a lot of potential that gets squandered and exploded.  Ah well.  
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mateushonrado · 5 years
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Status Post #7126: Forty examples of Marvel Comics characters modelled after actual people (part 3/10).
Row 1: Miles Morales - Donald Glover (voiced him in Ultimate Spider-Man) and Kitty Pryde - Sigourney Weaver
Row 2: Nightcrawler - Errol Flynn and Scarlet Witch (Ultimate) - Angelina Jolie
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A new ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕠 er.... 𝕄𝕦𝕤𝕖 has arived! OC, Child of Kitty Pryde (Shadowcat) & Peter Quill (Star Lord)
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Meet Sigourney Mereanne Pryde Faceclaim: Mackenzie Foy
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Check her out! Mutuals may reblog -℘ɛŋŋɛɖ ცყ ƙɛɬ 𓎢 𓅃 𓏏 𓆑 𓄿
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This is open to anyone that wishes to respond. Or If your muses has a hard time getting to space, then DM me and we can plot a way for Sigourney can end up where she needs to be to write with you. I'm more than willing to make a second post to this one to get her to wherever she needs to be.
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Sigourney was finally allowed to go out of Spartax without her parents. Finally. I mean she was still young, sitting at 22, but she was also still an adult, at least by Earth standards. The auburn haired woman, sat in the pilot seat of her Transformable Mobile Armor (TMA), that she apply named, Queen, dressed in a red jacket, and a form fitting black shirt, as well as form fitting jeggings, Sigourney had discovered them when she visited Earth with her mother, and her fathers old thruster boots. Zooming through open space in her Queen, that was currently in it's flight mode, towards no where, not the place, in particular. "This sucks. I thought being out here without my folks would be fun but it's boring." Sigourney laments out out to no one in particular. Well, you know, because no one else was around. Ugh... Using her Queen be used as a focus for her mutation, that she inherited from her mother, Kitty Pryde, and the Cosmic Awareness that she inherited from her father, Peter Quill, along with his extensive knowledge of the universe that she studied...well extensively, Sigourney opened a Quantum Tunnel...
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Sigourney Pryde / Star Ryder
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A.I. Pics of Mackenzie Foy courtesy of @marvelmyriad Mutuals may reblog -℘ɛŋŋɛɖ ცყ ƙɛɬ 𓎢 𓅃 𓏏 𓆑 𓄿
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Sigourney Pryde / Star Ryder
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A.I. Pics of Mackenzie Foy courtesy of @marvelmyriad Mutuals may reblog -℘ɛŋŋɛɖ ცყ ƙɛɬ 𓎢 𓅃 𓏏 𓆑 𓄿
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f1rechaser asked: "Have you been up all night?" ( to anyone who has a 911 verse )
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Sigourney Pryde, originally of L.A.F.D. House 147 but seeing as how that house was taken out by a mudslide, that leaves Sigourney and the other firefighters of the 147 as floaters, if they wanted to continue on as firefighters, to which Sigourney did and so she was a floater. This floating position has of late has her floating to House 118. There were some stories of this House and what it's folks went through and frankly being floated here made Sigourney kind of nervous, and yet excited. She wondered what the people were like. She was so nervous in fact that she came down to the station hours early and instead of going home and back to sleep like someone sane, Sigourney Merrianne Pyrde waited. Needless to say when her shift came around, she was half dead waiting at the table in the loft in what appeared to be a kitchen area. Nice. It was here that a voice behind her caused her to slide off her hand that her head was resting on, jump, and turn around to see someone that Sigourney had seen around when multiple departments are called to fires. Sigourney thought her name was Anya, they had met once, in passing. "Wah! Uh... Yeah! Sorry. Anya right? uh...Sigourney." Sigourney stuck her hand out to offer for Anya to shake it as she stood up to greet the other firefighter. "I...uh....I'm from the 147. Our house got squashed in the mudslide. So now I'm a floater and being borrowed here. 'nd uh... pretty much yeah been up all night. Was nervous bout comin here. Sorry." Sigourney scratched the back of her head with her opposite hand and chuckled nervously.
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N E W V E R S E : 9 - 1 - 1
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-℘ɛŋŋɛɖ ცყ ƙɛɬ 𓎢 𓅃 𓏏 𓆑 𓄿
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