#shootin the breeze with zeph
rimurutempest · 4 years
『person who did this 』
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[IMG ID: 1st image is a dialogue box from a Persona game that reads, in white text, "> You have welcomed Slime into your heart." The word Slime is in blue text for emphasis. /end ID]
I'm deleting the app & (mostly) leaving the site.
finally got on desktop & updated my stupid shit pages. (only header age is accurate)
(no more discourse that divides us when our goal must be liberation & long-term survival. our priority cannot be anything but class consciousness & solidarity.)
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[IMG ID: 2nd image is a GIF from Bill Wurtz' History of the Entire World I Guess video featuring a white stick figure with a photo of a reconstruction of an early modern human's face at varying opacities. … The Stick figure is drifting from right to left against a black background, while the sentence "That's a human person." appears to its right, word by word, in flashing, mostly orange text with a glow effect making the lettering resemble magma. /end ID]
antisemitism will N O T be tolerated - that includes zionism.
this blog is & always has been Pro-Palestine.
transphobes, nazis, & white supremacists get buried beneath. ☢️ yours is not a place of honour.
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[IMG ID: 3rd image is an edited image of official Fire Emblem Heroes damage art of the Grima possessed Fallen Robin's male Harvest Festival alt unit by Okuma Yugo. … He has short white hair, red eyes, pointed canine teeth protruding slightly over his bottom lip, large white paws, wolf ears, and a fluffy white wolf tail. … His back is turned to the viewer as he glares back from the corner of his eye, and the back of his coat and shirt are torn from battle, exposing his bare shoulder blade. Candy is scattered about, along with tatters of his costume. … His palette has been edited slightly, increasing the saturation and adding a pink to blue gradient, while negative space has been filled in with colour TV static and a subtle glitch effect at the left and right edges of the image, adding a few small sparkles. /end ID]
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anyway, follow my new account @rimurutempest​​
im only logging in here occasionally to check drafts or migrate my blocklist, bye
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rimurutempest · 3 years
hmmm. haven't been quite this concerned by my asthma in a long time.
rescue inhaler didn't work.
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gonna annoy you all into unfollowing this blog god fuckin damn you
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