Gryffindor : You're a psychopath
Ravenclaw : I prefer creative
Slytherin riding on a skateboard dragging a dead body behind them : I'm a psychopath.
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it-wanst-me · 4 years
Hufflepuff: What's the best way to hit on somebody?
Slytherin: Ask them about their tattoos
Huff: What if they don't have tattoos?
Slytherin: Then why are you hitting on them?
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incorrectmidc · 6 years
Giles: Were you always this much trouble?
MC: I like to think of myself as delightfully complex.
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Frances: Why shouldn't I wear masculine clothing?
Burr: *sarcastically* Men think women shouldn't wear them
Frances: The day I dress for a man is the day they dress me in my coffin to see Jesus.
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acepolish · 6 years
Charles: Why do you like being out in the rain?
Ariadne: I like splashing in the puddles and rain is just fun.
Alastair: I'm trying to get hit by lightning.
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