ceve4ever · 6 years
Hi! It took me forever but I finally wrote another fanfiction. It didn’t turn out quite the way I wanted it to sadly, but it’s kinda cute anyway so I’m posting it. It was supposed to be either platonic or romantic, but it ended up sort of pre-relationship/romantic? I think? Takes place anywhere after the season 2 premiere. Enjoy! (Oh, and I realize my app references are from like 2011 and I took some liberties with explaining Bejeweled. Oops.)
Eve could have laughed at how focused Cassandra was.
The redhead had been staring at her phone all morning. It was a quiet day in the Annex for the two women as the boys were off on a simple retrieval. Eve had been doing paperwork, but Cassandra’s attention was on the screen. Ezekiel had introduced her to the Bejeweled app the previous day, and now Cassandra was hooked.
Eve realized she’d been staring at Cassandra. Not that Cassandra would have noticed— this was a particularly frustrating level. After her fourth attempt, she was down to her last virtual life. She let out a groan.
“What?” Eve chuckled.
“This game is stupid.” Cassandra frowned and set her phone down for the first time all day.
Eve finally did laugh. “You think so? Really? It should be a piece of cake.”
Cassandra looked thoughtful for a moment. “I don’t even enjoy it that much.”
“Then why do you play?”
The Librarian looked sheepish. “The colors...”
“What about them?” Eve was intrigued.
“I like the colors. Sort of. I guess... It’s just that the diamond is clear, right? Not for me, usually. The geometric shape for diamond is always blue. Even though the mineral diamond is clear. And in the game, the color is right for tiger’s eye, but not the cut. Squares should be red, tiger’s eye should be a rectangular prism.”
Eve was confused. “If it bothers you, then why—“
“It’s forcing me to think a different way. And I don’t know, maybe it’s confusing me more than anything, but there’s something great in being overwhelmed by these shapes and these colors but then beating the level anyway. Like I’m...” Cassandra sighed. “It’s the same satisfying feeling like when I had my first solo artifact retrieval. Not just winning for the sake of winning, but... learning, too.” Cassandra’s brow had become furrowed as she talked. “I just like that I’m thinking differently. That’s all.” She pushed her phone further away from her. “It’s fine, you probably don’t understand.”
Eve stood and walked over to where Cassandra sat at the long table. She put her arm around the redhead’s shoulders and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I understand. And I’m proud of you.” Cassandra smiled up at her. “Now come on, let’s take a break. We should get some fresh air. Coffee?”
Cassandra beamed. “There’s a new shop that opened last weekend, it’s a little further than our usual spot but I’ve been dying to try it out!”
“Sounds perfect.” Eve smiled warmly as Cassandra jumped up to collect her coat.
Maybe later she’d introduce Cassandra to Temple Run...
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shipathon 2018 PSA:
I honestly considered adding a whole new month to the shipathon to make room for more ships, since we have so many now, but I’ve gotten complaints about the length of the shipathon already so I settled for an extra week. (Last year I tried to compensate by creating relationship groupings, which was fun and worked then, but I simply couldn’t do the same thing this year...)
that being said, the weeks are always a GUIDELINE! If you want to post Cassandra x Eve instead of Cassandra x Estrella, go ahead! If you want to post Flynn x Moriarty instead of Flynn x Darrington, please do! Just make sure to tag it with #LibrariansShipathon no matter what, and to always respect others and their preferences! 
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ceve4ever · 6 years
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Happy Ceve Week, everyone!!!!
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ceve4ever · 6 years
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The lyrics are from the song “I Didn’t Know That I Could Feel This Way” from Disney’s Lady and the Tramp II: Scamp’s Adventure. Not even joking, my favorite Disney movie (and one of my all-time favorite movies.) You can find the scene with this song on Youtube so if you haven’t heard it, 10/10 Would Highly Recommend because it really is a beautiful love song. (And the other songs in this movie are great too so give those a listen as well 😊)
Once again, Happy Ceve Week!
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ceve4ever · 6 years
Ceve Week is coming!
Sorry for being absent lately (college, bleh), but I just wanted to remind everyone that EvexLITs week of the Shipathon is next week starting on Sep. 24th! Which means next week is the week for Ceve content!!!
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