#sheena cs
tiredguyswag · 6 months
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carmen ass dissertation ft. tigress's relative ass + sam face reveal
red for carmen green for tigress + my glasses are off in the last one for maximum stare impact. may this be the final argument and prove us ass deniers right dhanyavaad 🙏🏽
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emily-prentits · 4 months
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Everyone keeps insisting red is hers. Hers in the way she wore that coat and hat for years upon years. Hers how she struck a pose and held it until she heard the cameras click, then disappeared. Red for so long has been hers, and now she doesn't want to do anything with it anymore. "Just trying something out." She smiles through her lies. The true tragedy, Carmen thinks, is that the color red doesn't represent her anymore.
a moodboard for @which-star's fic and we're left (not quite standing)
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jackie-shitposts · 14 days
is it just me or do i feel like there aren't enough Sheena simps or stans in this fandom? maybe i'm in the wrong place or maybe i'm just stupid... but like i always see Jeantonio posts and Crackle appreciation/simp posts (not complaining hes my fav) but i literally NEVER see people simping over Sheena and WHY??? shes so badass literally the Pacifica Northwest of CS
and instead of stanning her we gotta make fun of her in fanfics and art and i just-
not to mention some ships with her are...pretty mid imo. dont get me wrong i think Papertiger is really interesting, but i dont get Tigred (i cant see enemies to lovers working out here) and Graysheen is just. like there's no chemistry, and men and women CAN be friends. also is Tigrivy a ship? i really like that dynamic, but my personal hc is that Sheena's had so many exes that she turned into a self loving badass lol
also the show (and book adaptation) REALLY mistreats her. i hate the fact she's the only "main operative" (out of the four; Crackle, Le Chevre, El Topo, Tigress) that gets jailed. i wanna learn more about her!! shes really interested in jewelery, even in the book shes like "ooh bling bling" maybe we could have seen a shot after VILE's takedown of her working with jewels? maybe a fashion designer (she clearly liked Countess Cleo the best out of the faculty.) maybe in the Rio caper she could have been more relaxed and in her element??
ik shes a "mean girl," but she deserves to change. there are people in this show who have done so much worse (*cough* Chief *cough*) and the show lets them walk away, but someone with just bad manners and a snobby personality is OH SO HORRIBLE?? i would have liked to see her and Carmen resolve their shit, not let Carmen win every damn time. besides, we saw it with Pacifica and Mabel - it cant be THAT hard. (i know criminals have bigger problems than petty rivals but let me have my moment.)
so yeah, sorry for the anon rant. but what are your thoughts?
The sheena stans and simps are certainly not the majority, but over time I’ve seen a not-insignificant chunk of them. I think the biggest sheena simps are the animators though because they always animate her like she’s serving cunt (because she IS)
If youre looking for tigress fans, papertiger is where youre really gonna need to look. I disagree with you on the ships you consider mid, but to each their own in that regard. I do think Graysheen couldve worked and im honestly surprised its such a rarepair. I also think that Sheena’s far too insecure by the end of the show to truly love herself yet, but she could totally get there.
I do think that she had SO MUCH MORE potential than she was given in the show, while at the same time being one of the more interesting VILE operatives (once again thinking about my Sheena Mindwipe AU that simmers in my brain). Sheena does deserve to change, but she needs to WANT to change and by the end of the show she wasn’t in that place yet, and there wasnt anything to push her to that place (in fanfic, a lot of ships are what ultimately do push her to be better, such is the case with redtiger). But at the same time we gotta understand that Tigress is a supporting character, and even if there were further plans for her the show wouldnt have had time for them. If only i had the money to make the show myself smh
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A question for sheena, how is your back not broken yet from being such a girlboss yet a b*tch at the same time??
if my back can survive being kicked out of a blimp mid-air crackle then it can survive anything
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
Patty just sent me this. I love her to death but I’m speechless.
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2deadkat · 10 months
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The Redtiger flashback scene from Chapter 2 of Autopilot by @which-star | Hot stuff.
Highly recommend you read the rest first lmao, it’s redpapertiger goodness.
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mlmebomb · 8 months
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showing off those VILE issued top surgery scars boy!
Shitty phone doodles cuz I’m away from my tablet!! Severe cs brainrot CONTINUES!! slut comment from @callowayrat bc we’re funny
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stunfiskz · 1 year
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omggg they were kissingggg
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carmenscarnations · 1 month
Headcanon that while travelling around on capers and staying in nice residencies, the vile team like to meet up and have karaoke nights
Crackle, El Topo and Le Chevre are for sure the ones who are always on the stage. They are a mighty trio and sing their souls out like they're performing at a concert.
Carmen definitely likes to sit and watch but will once in a while get up to sing especially when they do group songs
Sheena says she hates it but when she's singing, she's PERFORMING (she can't sing)
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hidden-insomnia · 1 year
Bandidas inspired Sheena 🚬🍻
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redxcrackle · 2 years
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💚Carmen’s Outfits Aesthetic💚
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emily-prentits · 1 year
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which-star · 1 year
sheena is such a character of all time. like she's not even my favorite but she's bitter she's angry she's prideful she's vengeful she's wicked she's everything bad and yet inside her there is a righteous fury at her circumstances at the world and she has every right to burn it down. she takes a favor for a favor and calls it friendship. she's also pitiful and weak and is stopped at every turn. if you even get it.
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Train Employee: Miss, I am going to have to ask you to depart at the next stop.
Sheena: Why?
Train Employee: Well, your carry-ons–
Sheena: Can a woman not carry a bundle of sticks in public in the manner of her choosing?
Sheena: I can’t have wood and garlic and…
Sheena: Oh! Is it my religious symbols? What country is this–
Train Employee: Okay, yikes, sorry. Just don’t bother anybody.
Sheena, Thinking after Train Employee leaves: I also have a backpack full of knives. Those actually are not allowed on the train. :)
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pattysplaceofplaces · 2 years
Picrews of me and Sheena because brainrot (I actually wear glasses but just didn’t wear them on Halloween)
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okkos-ferrum · 6 months
gray and sharing screentime with himself
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in my current brainrot over a singular character, i decided to compile all the distinctions between gray and graham
looking at a very rough approximation of the screen time gray has throughout the show, the weird thing is that he is himself at the beginning and at the end.
graham takes many actions during s1 and s2 that differ from the gray we meet in the train in s1
Name: from found cut content from the original pilot of cs before netflix, it is carmen who suggests gray as graham's nickname. gray takes it without much care. graham, on the other hand, insists on his full name. seen in s2 ep7, both when carmen meets him up at the cafe and after FALLING FROM A PARAGLIDER. when asked his name during s4 ep3, his va emphasizes graham -- though i could be reading into things. guess brainwashing came along with a hatred with nicknames lol (probably to prevent carmen ever triggering gray's memories)
Life goal: we get gray's interview tape that showed his interest in vile, revealing not only was he a criminal before vile but he primarily "[wants] to be successful". (In cut content, during the detention scene where they all discuss code names, gray refuses sheena's suggestion of power failure because he didn't want to be thought of as a failure). gray joined vile because he didn't want to play within the system, believing he's deserving of success more than others due to his own skills so he's better off cheating the system. in contrast, graham in s1 ep6 declines being carmen's guide due to having to go to work early to fix something. He even declines carmen's payment for his work during s2 ep7, only stopped cuz carmen is good at dramatically disappearing. he is so diligent that within eight months, he was able to work up to be a lighting tech from just starting out as an electrician. meanwhile, he gave up being a junior electrican at the Sydney opera house as a teen due to disatisfaction (idk anything abt australia but isnt being a junior electrcian at the sydney opera house a big deal??)
Morality: most blatantly in his line "but we are the good guys" in s2 ep7 (i think he repeats this again during his interrogation with acme in s4), graham has a sense of morality that gray obviously would lack since he joined vile willingly. gray has no issues with stealing and has had a clear arrogance in his abilities ever since he was a teen. killing doesn't seem to be off the table for him, but he only does so if that compromises his mission. (for example, he gives chase a chance to leave during s4 ep 7, so he def isn't taking any excuse to take a life). graham's main act of "goodness" is risking his own life to save a kid in s4 ep3. while im sure gray is heartless enough to watch a kid die, i dont think he would be as ready to risk himself for a stranger. he likely would be more apathetic and would do so if it has some benefit to him or look the other way -- right after saving the kid, "crackle" steals the nameless kid's wallet with a smile. from his confrontation with carmen in the himalyas, he responds to carmen using his old words as him being an "innocent fool", dimissing whatever he believed then as not his own
crackle is another semi identity we get from gray during the fugue state he enters following regaining his memories from acme. it seems to be just due to how drastic the memories are for graham's mind to handle, the split is very direct, with "crackle" - all of gray's training and criminal instincts - being pretty non verbal (he does i think talk on the phone with vile once) and expresionless (he does have an evil little smile after stealing nameless kid's wallet but thats abt it). it honestly is dropped fast once gray is arrested (had to bolt the moment it faced consequences or whatever lol) but it def was entertaining to watch
overall it is just so odd how gray himself is barely in show and if u were to cut out the graham stuff, gray's arc of reconciling his relationship with carmen is largely unchanged. goes to show how wasted the cool amnesia plot stuff was (tho i like brainwashing angst, but i dont blame anyone for not enjoying it. it takes away a lot of the autonomy gray could've had in actually making his morally gray decisions). it honestly feels like they pumped the break of the brainwashing angst we were getting from gray and give it to carmen for the final arc tbh
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