#she’s conflicted on whether she chases a life with the man she loves vs staying loyal to her father??
enobariasteeth · 8 months
okay but nothing the DC writers have to say about Selina Kyle and Talia Al Ghul is canon. Only the things I make up in my head are canon.
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ae0nx · 5 years
Link to Part 1 here
So just to start it off again... I just wanna reiterate...
When I think of the True Form Arc, I think three simple points are vital to be shown:
Kyo’s true form is to be revealed to the audience and to Tohru
Kyo’s past with Kazuma and his mother/(partly)father
Tohru still accepting Kyo and declaring her love need for them to be together and share each other’s pain and joy
Also, if you’re more invested in my review of the 2019 version, scroll further down as most of this is gonna be the 2001 rewritten bits recap. Sorry?
- Again, I really appreciate that the 2001 version left us with that pre-transformation cliffhanger. It’s a really great separation and keeps us on the edge of our seats. Plus, gives the horror and effects of Kyo’s transformation much needed time. I love the 2019 version too but it could’ve been excellent with a WHOLE episode dedicated to Kyo’s true form transformation rather than just half of one... Plus, aren’t these events are supposed to take course during an entire night leading into morning? 
I can’t decide which iteration of the Kyo transformation I like the most. I just know that the manga version doesn’t live up to the animated versions...
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They’re both pretty horrifying and scary and look incredibly painful. I’d probably give it to ‘19 cos Kyo had tears in his eyes as he was transforming which hurt my heart and also just cos you know it’s in high def andddd the transformation isn’t a cloud, it’s fire embers. This is great gore-y content and I’m a little desensitised cos I had to watch/read this scene three times in one sitting so... 
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I loveeee Tohru’s resilience. Kazuma’s here saying soliloquies and philosophical questions and Tohru just takes off after Kyo! And the manga and ‘19 version definitely wanted to highlight this message to the upmost: Tohru’s love is so STRONG. And BADASS. But, a part of me also loves the time ‘01!Tohru takes to evaluate the situation cos in all fairness... it is a very shocking reveal (if Tohru wasn’t already shocked enough from them turning into animals)
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I like how in ‘01 anime we don’t get the inner monologue of Tohru evaluating what she saw. It leaves the whole notion of Tohru chasing after Kyo a little more mysterious as to whether she will or not. And the silence says it all anyway. Only the sound of the falling rain... I like it better. I tend to lean towards scenes with more action and less dialogue as someone who apparently learns better through visuals rather than dialogue. 
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Akito appearing like a fuckin ghoul out of nowhere is still ridiculous haha but I have to give kudos to the ‘01 English VA Chad Cline. He definitely elevates the scene when he says this one sentence:
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- I also like that this event (and also Akito) feeds into Tohru’s insecurity of not truly being a part of specifically Kyo and Yuki’s world. Not truly understanding them. She’s been living with them for almost a year by now(?) and I’m sure she felt because she knew the worst secret of them already there couldn’t have been anything even worse. And in a way, she feels cheated? ALSO KYO JUST TURNED INTO A FREAKIN ALIEN CAT MONSTER. I know Tohru’s very much aware that she still has much to learn about them but she couldn’t have predicted this. And it kinda puts her on the level of being an outsider once again. I like that it concentrates on Tohru’s own feelings towards her place rather than just her feelings towards Kyo. 
...I’m gonna get into some heavy 2001!Shigure defending, so I’m sorry if you don’t favour this iteration - stick with me for a sec lol
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I’m ignoring all the ‘it’s not accurate, it’s not real’ chants in my head because... LOOK HOW DEJECTED HE LOOKS.
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2001 gave me everything I wanted from Shigure as a character. Yes, he’s very interesting and conniving and fun as he was originally depicted. But... this Shigure has emotions and is fully showing them! That’s all I FUCKIN WANT. I just want him to show that even though he’s making these dangerous moves and manipulating people for his own benefit, that he has a conscious that is eating away at him and eventually will break. It may be too early in the story for an event like this to take place but I do appreciate that it’s shown. I get very frustrated with the fact that Shigure stays somewhat the same throughout the course of the manga but I guess the only person who does stay the same in the story is the narrator...
- I don’t know if the director of the 2001 version knew that they only had one season to translate Fruits Basket somewhere in the making of these three episodes, or even before. But, it definitely shows with the choices they make with the inclusion of Shigure, Uo, Hana, Kagura and Yuki in the search for Kyo. It’s almost as if they read future arcs and felt to just mash an iteration (or bastardisation) of it to try and conclude the whole story... which was quite a desperate move.
I also like the way this scene closes.
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I actually really like this moment from Kagura! She’s actually being mature! And rational... and sort of letting go of Kyo at the same time. I do think if Fruits Basket ‘01 was given another season, it would’ve been fleshed out (obviously) but it’s such a great moment. Again, these are all signs that the end was nigh and they felt they had to tie up all the character arcs that were involved very quickly and I don’t necessarily blame them for trying. It just made them look a bit silly when looking from a 2019 view.
- But yeah, Yuki being involved is a no-no. He felt the most out of place when it comes to ‘characters that should’ve not been involved’. He makes a point when he finds Kyo about how they should both stop running away but it’s not fully fleshed out enough before this event for me or anyone else to care about. It’s kind of unfortunate cos I quite like the concept of Yuki being there especially tying in to how Yuki comes to a realisation of himself and Tohru’s relationship. 
- Also, are Yuki and Kagura tight like that? Lol for him to go rushing after Kyo basically cos she asked? mmmm.... 😓
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This is actually my favourite moment from the 2001 version of the True Form Arc! It’s visually stunning and haunting and just... interesting. I like that they included the cats. Cats that would normally gravitate to Kyo but are now taking the voices of haunted figures of his past. Whether it’s in his head or not. 
In general, I felt Kyo’s mental anguish in the ‘01 version was a lot more artistically styled and creative. Very creepy and even more sad.
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I do like that Tohru went to her mother’s grave for comfort/guidance before finding Kyo. I probably would’ve included a scene like that myself in the 2019 version as it adds a preliminary to Tohru’s future conflict between her love for her mother and her love for Kyo. AND it also adds time between the night Kyo transforms and the eventual sunrise when she finds Kyo. How far is Kyoko’s grave from the Sohma house? Lol
But yep, Uo and Hana being there was irrelevant but it’s pretty funny that Hana’s waves were used as a last minute explanation as to why they felt they had to attend Kyoko’s grave. But, I guesss the writers wanted to use this as a moment of Uo and Hana letting go of their ‘daughter’ to let her become a woman (reminds me of Yuki’s comment of how he saw Tohru as a woman when she ran after Kyo) and go after her man. It’s a conclusion... but it’s meshed with so many other themes and conclusions that it ALL DOESN’T MATTER. Plus, I don’t really like this as a thing; Uo and Hana will always be Tohru’s surrogate parents. ALWAYS.
Anyway, look at this beautifully depressing visual that ‘01 gave us for THREE EPISODES *sips wine*:
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But seriously, while the visuals are so drastically dark compared to rest of the ‘01 season and are dragged out for sooooo longg, it is a very beautifully, depressing design. I love the way that all background music is edited out. Everyone is crying. Everyone is confused. The sound of rain is a constant throughout it. Honestly? It almost broke me cos the heaviness of it is exhausting, haha. And I have to commend it on pure shock value cos ‘01 Fruits Basket was barely dark until this arc. I think that’s what essentially made me adore it when I first discovered the ‘01 anime. I hadn’t read the manga so I didn’t know any better, but the darkness and pain in this arc is so beautifully shown and I feel like people forget that when critiquing the ‘01 version.
They jam packed a whole lot of character arcs in here when really the story should be focused on Kyo and Tohru’s reaction to Kyo. And I honestly, don’t blame them. It’s just too much at once that you don’t get to appreciate any arc at all because it’s not pushed to it’s full potential. It’s mostly just a feeling of sadness... that you later equate into genius...  because it’s sad? Which, I guess, could be seen as manipulatively clever? But now that we have the 2019 version, I think people will be more likely to decipher the bad from the good. Like, I have :)
- BACK TO 2019 VERSION: Wow, Kyo, really took out a whole cliff, huh?
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I honestly got impression from the manga that Kyo did push and injure Tohru enough for her to get a huge amount away from him but not so far that she fuckin DIVES INTO A LAKE. My God, this was a bit dramatic lol
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Ouch... that wound looks worse in the anime than the manga...
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QUEEN TOHRU. I love everything about this.
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You guys know I LOVE a good parallel and look at this couple meeting each other’s needs and taking their first steps. I can’t. I’m going to be crying into my wine soon. Nothing needs to be said about this scene, except excellence in ALL AREAS.
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I can’t get over Kyo’s face in this moment. I just- MY HEARRRTTTT. GOD TAKE ME. PLEASE. Couples that cry together, stay together. Omggg.
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Even if we can’t agree on much when it comes to 2001 vs 2019, we can both agree that Tohru stays being an ethereal goddess. OUTFIT APPRECIATION. LIFE APPRECIATION. I’m so tired. haha.
So in conclusion, I think 2001 succeeded at showing all the three main points of the True Form Arc. I just think it got the message of this being a Kyo/Tohru centric tail a bit misconstrued because they wanted to make this a general zodiac tale of them finding freedom and release through Tohru. And it definitely takes away from the Kyoru centric storyline that runs through the True Form Arc. And while I think the True Form Arc could’ve used another episode in the 2019 version, it’s quite clear that 2019 wins this battle in all areas of it being a more whole and complete yet emotional and stunning version of the True Form Arc.
I would go into what happens at the end of episode 26 in the ‘01 version but it honestly kinda angers and frustrates me? And I’m mentally exhausted soooo, I might go into it some time next week before the next 2019 episode drop. Also, I’ll tie up some thoughts of the ‘01 version of Kyo and Kagura’s date. This was fun! Only took half a day to organise my thoughts, ahaaaa.
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Bullet-pointed predictions I have for each of the new 3 routes
For like an in-depth prediction I did of Muriel’s one a couple months back see this old thing
So a huge commonality in the first three’s arcs (as I mention in that linked post) is reconnecting with family (both found and blood) and so I first and foremost think that this will be present in each LI’s route; I’ll go into more detail on what I think this will look like for each of them individually, plus upright/reversed end speculation based on the definitions for their patron arcana.
***Spoilers for Muriel, Portia and Lucio’s routes so far and references to Nadia, Asra and Julian’s routes***
I’ll start with Muriel because I’ve already talked to his route the most and I think it’ll be the easiest place to start!
The role of family in his route:
Obviously as we’ve seen so far, Muriel has a lot of unresolved feelings of abandonment, shame, self-loathing and loneliness associated with his family and the fact that they’ve abandoned him. 
He’s already had the very beginnings of opening up to MC in his last book (The Hermit - very fitting), and he will perhaps continue to do so
I think a central theme for his story will be reconnecting with his family and hearing their perspective on what happened for two reasons: firstly because of one of the options for MC’s response to this discusses that he actually doesn’t know his parent’s reasoning and that maybe they Did want him, and the second relates to Nadia’s route and her arc with reconnecting with her sisters
In her route, similarly she vents about how annoying and patronising her sisters were throughout her life and you can either agree or posit that maybe they were just trying to help/showing they cared about her (reversed vs upright choice)
I’m also hoping he generally creates a stronger support network - I think at least Portia, Nadia and Asra (and maaayyyybe even Morga but that might be pushing it) will end up helping him and MC in the confrontation with the devil at the end - just based on who we’ve seen interacting with him the most in positive ways so far
Upright meaning: Look inside yourself for the answers you seek. Take time for introspection in the days ahead.
He’ll recover from his trauma, recognise himself as a person who is deserving of love and support and who has Needs (including like. a bed. lol.)
Honestly I don’t have a lot else to say ‘cept that bc I said it already so kjaefjef check my aforementioned post if you want More for my favourite man
Reversed meaning: Be wary of retreating too far within your own mind. Others still have valuable things to share.
He decides that he needs to handle the confrontation with the devil alone - probably erring more on the side of self-sacrifice than anything else and/or seeing his sacrifice as just (still blaming himself for his trauma, he believes that his only way to “Redemption” is by falling on his own sword, so-to-speak)
Oof, Portia’s a tricky one so far.
The role of family in her route:
So, obviously she has a lot of baggage with Julian. Some of this is hinted at just around her arcana’s definitions, but I’ll get to that soon.
She’s a compulsive secret-hoarder and collects information about everyone around her. I think this is probably a hang-up that she has around control - or loss of it. She doesn’t have security or wealth or even anyone to permanently look after her/mentor her (Julian left and Lilinka - her adoptive grandmother - passed away leaving her to fend largely for herself).
I think that information is the one thing she feels that she has control over, because so much of her life has been out of her hands (and also just chasing Julian around trying to clean up his messes)
She’s literally a head servant as her job -so much of her life is being told what to do and also telling others what to do. I think she fears loss of control in her life, but she’s also never been in a position where she’s been able to be an active agent and do things just because she wants to do them. 
She craves validation, safety, and support and that’s why she found herself in this employment role with Nadia - and even then in Nadia’s route (and her own), she’s terrified that Nadia will abandon her in a heartbeat - even though she literally nursed her for years and has been nothing but loyal. Girl has some Mad abandonment issues
Edit: Portia ultimately blames herself for the people around her leaving and thinks that people will only stay if she can be useful in some way - hence why she so doggedly pursues Julian's innocence because she thinks the only chance she has of him staying is if she can literally fix his mess
Largely I think her arc with her family will be about her feeling emboldened to be honest about her feelings and letting Julian know in a meaningful way how much his absence impacted her, but also realising that she Actually Can lean on Mazelinka (who she obviously loves but has made Many excuses as to why she’s too busy to see her - probably again a thing of “if I control when and where I see you, then I can’t get hurt in this relationship”), Nadia, and probably also Asra and some of the other servants even?
Upright meaning:  Believe in your inner light. You may have endured great hardship, but it only makes you shine brighter.
Idk man lol this is honestly quite vague. 
I think this will prolly be a similar thing to Muriel - just specifically confronting that Yes, she’s had a hard time of it but she shouldn’t let that impact her quality of life
Also probably a lot of stuff around her realising she’s worthy of love as a person and that the people who love her won’t abandon her
Reversed meaning:  Now is not the time to despair. Keep believing and let your star shine bright. The world needs you
Again.... aefkjfkae...... very vague.....
I think she won’t be able to let go of her fear of abandonment generically - or alternatively will perhaps? Try to bargain with the devil? I could see a similar thing happening with her that happened in Nadia’s reversed end - perhaps she believes she can save the world/MC by offering her servitude to the devil and being beholden to him? This is Fully a reach, I honestly have no idea :P
Lastly, Lucio:
Don’t worry, I’m not dunking on him lol. I don’t like him but that doesn’t mean I don’t have Thoughts about his route.
The role of family in his route:
Well. This one is clearly quite literally maybe the messiest out of these three (I mean that literally, in terms of, the amount of blood lol)
Obviously, he has a lot of baggage with both of his parents. I’ll disclaimer and say that I personally don’t see Morga as abusive - that doesn’t mean people can’t - but I’m making speculations specifically about their relationship just based on the in-game context clues we have and nothing else
As a person, Lucio is ultimately obsessed with power and attaining it. He’s clearly insecure and is desperate for any sort of validation, which is made messier by his natural sense of entitlement. This combination means that he chronically chases power, thinking that leadership means being able to do whatever you want to do with no consequences (e.g. in his route and also in Nadia’s when he briefly discusses killing people as count/countess) - and especially he thinks that if he has the power, the wealth, and the status then he’ll get the validation that he desperately craves. 
As count, he throws lavish parties and spends a lot of time with the vagabonds in the south end - trying to win petty devotion and admiration with meaningless shows of wealth meanwhile his people are starving and suffering in the flooded district. He just wants to be popular at the end of the day, he doesn’t care about actual leadership or using his power for good, unselfish reasons. He claims his people love him, but it’s hollow, ornamental love based upon flash, not substance
Morga as a parent is harsh - she’s critical and derisive at times, but it’s also clear that she does love her son (specifically how she says she spoiled him by never letting him get hurt). Lucio as a teenager grew up somewhat spoiled and expected that power would fall to him by virtue of heritage from his mother when he came of age. 
I think that Lucio didn’t get what he needed from Morga necessarily as a kid, and as a result he craved that first position of power because he saw it as a source of validation he hadn’t previously had - and when it was denied him, he became resentful and even murderous towards his parents. 
Woof, long fucking paragraph. I do think that Morga and Lucio will end up reconciling in his route somehow. I think it’s central to his character and to filling the void inside of him that he learns that you can’t buy people’s love - also just because his whole story and entry into the world was sparked by that essential conflict with his mother. I think it would feel weird narratively if that weren’t at least addressed - whether or not it ends in reconciliation
Upright meaning:  Shake off his veil: you are not trapped. There is always a way out of even the darkest places.
I think that this will be a redemption arc for Lucio. I think that in order for him to be redeemed he’ll have to relinquish the devil’s influence over him - which will involve addressing the wrong he’s done and apologising/trying to atone for it (whether or not other LIs accept his apology is another thing - as they all have very valid reasons not to)
I think the “way out of the darkness” for Lucio is in giving up his quest for power. He will learn that it’s ok to just be Lucio as a person, that he can be vulnerable and responsible for himself, and that people will love him as he is and not for the way he throws his money around
Reversed meaning:  It is time to clean house: purge the things that harm you from your life. Take back your power.
Now this literally includes the sentence “take back your power” so. whoomp there it is. Lucio can’t let go of his power-hunger and becomes even more selfish and self-righteous.
I think also unfortunately this will mean he will literally probably kill some if not all of the other LIs, and also (especially) his mother. He will see anything that challenges his power as opposition to be removed, and he will rule (alongside the devil? who knows) in chaos and blood.
Ookey!! kajefnkae glad I got that out of my system. If I missed anything/if people have their own ideas/thoughts I’d love to hear them! Have this giant essay lol, we’ll see if anything I predicted comes true in the next several dozen updates eh? B)
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Sickness vs jealousy
Anti X reader
Request: Then may I request an Anti X reader where the reader catches a cold and reluctantly Anti agrees to have Dr Schneeplestein look at her because he does care and he realizes that she is gettting sick. When Schneep comes over Anti gets jealous because he somewhat tries to flirt with her, but in the end she assures Anti that she is his. Thank you!
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It started with a lot of sneezing. You thought it may be hay fever and Anti begrudgingly stocked up on tissues for you when leaving you comfortable sofa and blanket burrito made you dizzy even thinking about it. His worry started when he returned from his quick visit to the shops to see you unconscious and sleep not even waking you as you started to slowly slip off the couch, probably would have woken to a bang on the head if it wasn't for him re-positioning you, which didn't even wake you to his surprise, even when he teased your state out loud. In fact you only woke a few hours later, Anti crawling into your blankety warmth and flicking through tv while you slept, when he noticed your snoring which was very loud right now suddenly stop as if you couldn't breathe and you shot awake to blow your nose, throat croaky and eyes barely flitting open.
After that Anti helped you upstairs where he got you into bed and biting his tongue, wondering whether to ask if you needed anything or if that would be soppy and weird. Fortunately you crashed as soon as your head hit the pillow and he could just attach himself to your warm body to shut down for the night and forget this ever happened.
That didn't work however as his sleep was interrupted by you waking up to blow your nose, or clear your throat, or get a drink and groan, normally, yes, he'd just pin you to the bed and growl at you to shut up or he'd make you but he didn't think you were well enough for that, instead he patted your back when you hunched over the toilet bowel and put you near a fan or heater whenever your temperature changed, but he was always unsure if he was doing the right thing. By the time the sun broke through your curtains the two of you had barely slept which wasn't good for your well being nor Anti's mood, especially if you refused to stay in bed one more time, he'd already put you as taking a sick day and refused to let you do anything for yourself, which was pretty annoying for the both if you since Anti couldn't even entertain you he was trying for the fourth time to make you some food that you'd eat.
Eventually though Anti realised he couldn't help you. he didn't know how.
"Anti!" you called out, a coughing fit following shortly after. He dropped his last attempt on the counter and jogged upstairs, he was surprised you were sitting up, amused seeing your feet kicking out to try and untangle themselves from the knot the blanket had formed, Anti sighed, fixing it for you and even tucking you in which you didn't realise he knew how to do, once he'd tucked it under your waist looking down over you he asked "Yeah y/n?"
"Can you get me some more water please, unless you're going to let me walk to the bathroom and get it myself?" you asked hopefully. Anti squeezed your hand, looking seriously into your eyes "More water coming up." he got up and took your glass and your bin full of tissue while you rolled your eyes and lay back down exasperated and bored, massaging your temple in pain from throwing your head back like that. Once he came back he looked pitifully down at you, sitting on his side of the bed as you turned to face him, only to shoot up again when your nose started to run. "I'm disgusting right now Anti, i'll honestly be fine i don't want this image of me scaring you for life." You joked while Anti gave small chuckle. "You'd be surprised at my tolerance of what in find disgusting, y/n, and nothing you could ever do would ever lead you close to that line."
You nodded, feeling better as Anti wrapped his arm around you and you lay your head against his shoulder, trying to quiet your sniffles. Anti sighed after a while, and thinking you were the cause you looked up at him. "What's up?"
Anti groaned, conflicted before turning his gaze to finally look at you, hand testing your scorching forehead and cheeks before sighing. "I'm gonna call Schneep. You need more help than i'll be able to give you." You smiled at that, your arms circling around his waist as you snuggled into his shoulder more, because he was a wuss when it came to not being the biggest, greatest thing in your life and he was adorable when he was jealous of others being better, "Aw, thanks bud." You joked as Anti bit the shell of your ear, growling playfully which caused goosebumps to rise on your skin, something he definitely didn't miss. "Don't think for a minute i'd take pity on you because you’re a weak human who's sick, i'll still take ya." His fingers poked you sides while his arms were the ones encircling you now, like a cage he wouldn't let you escape any punishment for teasing him, growling in your ear and threatening to bite until you swelled his ego again.
A few hours later the doorbell rung and Anti who was sitting in bed with you paused the tv and pouted over at you. "Do I have to answer it?" he asked cutely and you shook your head. "Nope. I can walk downstairs and greet him my-" Anti had glitched out the room and you heard a shriek as Anti had no doubt either appeared right in front of the poor doctor's face or electrocuted him with the doorbell.
You quickly made sure the room wasn't a mess and you didn’t look a total disatser, brushing your hair with your fingers since you were sure Anti had fried it and made it all puffy like he loved to do, before Dr. Schneeplestein opened the door to your room, Anti shoving his way in front of him to lay next to you before the accented man could take a further step.
"Y/n! It iz good to zee you! Ve haven't caught up in zuch a long time!" Henrik went to hold your hand, lips drifting towards it for a kiss before Anti, who had much quicker relfexes than yourself, snatched it out of his hand. "Wouldn't do that doc, she's infectious." Your cheeks burned but Schneep took this as a different sign you guessed since his hand instead now moved forward to cup your cheek, the back of it soft against your skin as you could feel Anti vibrating next to you, it was making your legs feel fuzzy where you sat and harder for your eyes to focus. "Anti..." You whispered, taking his hand in your own as his gaze softened only slightly, you only caught it since you knew him so well. But he let you go and got off the bed, the world thankfully steadying. Anti's eyes never left the doctor and Henrik's hand moved from your forhead as he had to straighten to try and seem taller than Anti. "I'm gonna get some vaseline babe, shout if you need anything." He had backed into the doorway now, threatening glare not leaving Schneeplestein. "Thank you Anti." you croaked with a supportive smile to your boyferiend. "Yes. Zhank you." Henrik added, nodding with a determined smile at him, a smile that said 'I know what im doing, hurry along now.' not that you could see that since the boys seemed to be in a staring competition, but soon enough Anti ran downstairs, you could hear his light feet battering against the carpet as he obviously didnt want to stay away for long.
You smiled apologetically at Scnheep and he could immediately read you. "Y/n if you're upset by zhe glitche'z outburztz and jealouzy you zhould not be vith him. You zhould be vith zomeomne who knowz better, iz more mature, knowz how to look after you. I don't zee zhe glitch bitch az any of zhose zhingz and it concernz me zhat you are mizzing out on life ztuck vith zhat moron." Schneeple said as he placed down his own cold medicine that you'd heard from Chase's partner worked a treat.
Your eyes narrowed as he spoke, maybe this was why Anti had even considered asking dr Iplier to help rather than Schneeple, you knew how much he distanced hismelf from any Ipliers, it should have been a red flag, but you could take care of yourself, even with Anti's denial of it recently not letting you express that. "Thank you, doctor." You swiped the medicine into your hands with a nod and a wink "But I think I can take care of myself."
Anti came back into the room just then, vaseline in hand as he asked with a joke, "You're not trying to go on a nature walk again are you?" Completly ignoring the doctor as he walked past and under the covers with you, kissing your warm head as he snatched the medicne, ripped the label off and began to read all the ingredients listed.
The good doctor looked between the two of you who weren't paying him any attention before clearing his throat, giving him the same 'yes, what?' eyebrow from you and Anti. "I'll be going now, im very buzy after all, y/n..." he looked towards Anti who was sneering at him, lips tightening before looking back to you "ztay zafe." You pat Anti's hand that rested in your lap and Anti lifted his chin and looked at you with a flash of bright teeth, seeming proud. "Oh don't worry, I will." When Schneep left you finished that sentence "Especially with worry wart here." smacking Antis arm as he flinched back defensively. "Ow! What was that for?"
You laughed tiredly, kissing his hand and your other hand poking his hips in retaliation for earlier. "You. Thinking you had to protect me from the knowledge that your doxctor friend was interested in what you already had. Although don't get me wrong, I have you back, like way more. You're totally reeled in." Anti groaned, handing you the medicine label and while you were confused you saw stuck under it a note with his number on and an 'x', a kiss, next to it.
"I didn't want you to feel, weird, or unsafe." He shivered, having hid this from you since the septic christmas party where Henrik was intoxicated enough thanks to Chase to be obvious about his affections, being more obvious after that, like with the hand kissing thing, for fear Anti would stow you away. You swigged the medicine, immediately feeling better, you suspected Marvin may have been too shy to admit his involvement in this miracle cure, as you hugged Anti's arm tightly, eyes slipping closed as the label had suggested taking a nap from the drowsiness side effect for it to work faster as Anti helped lay you down, letting himself be pulled down with you. "I'd never leave you like that. Anti I love you, and thank you for making me feel better, even if you didn’t cure me you put yourself and your fears aside and let me be cured and now I won't die, so thank you." Anti was gald your eyes were closing so you couldn't see his surprise on his face as you slipped out the 'L' word, his only reaction being "I'm sure you wouldn't have died." and once you were an hour into sleep him kissing your lips so lightly as he told you "Love you too."
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