#she was so important to me but eventually got tainted by shitty memories of the group i played her in
druidgroves · 11 months
since archfey warlock is #confirmed for bg3 im thinking abt revamping my 3rd ever dnd character for it 🤔
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jinjikook · 7 years
she’s so nice (M)
word count: 2.7k
genre: mild smut + angst ; asshole!hyungwon
pairing: reader/hyungwon (side reader/namjoon for a hot second)
summary: hyungwon’s in a local band and he gets all the girls, including yourself. the thing is, you know he’s shit but you’re just too nice to stop fooling around with him.
warning(s)/kink(s): oral sex, dirty talk, mild degradation, semi-abusive relationship, no strings attached relationship, basically hyungwon is an ass and he’s not afraid to show it don’t say i didn’t warn you
a/n: this is my entry/participation for mxwriter’s songfic project. the song i semi-quoted and used for inspiration is Pink Guy’s She’s So Nice. let me warn you, it is a very explicit song and i don’t agree with everything he says in it but i like it as a parody/joke song but it truly is really filthy-dirty-terrible and i no way condone the treatment he’s expressing in it but this is all fiction and i mean no harm in listening to it and writing this fic. i’ve sufficiently warned you so don’t come to me bitching about how this triggered you. thank you.
music: pink guy - she’s so nice
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Being nice has its faults.
For starters, it’s how you got where you were right now:
On your knees sucking off the lead bassist and backup singer of the local hit band of your miniscule town.
They were well known in the area, halfway due to the fact that your grand little town’s population is a whopping number of 1,212, allowed just about everyone to see one of their performances at least once in their boring ass lives. It was one of the few highlights in this barren wasteland, you unfortunately had to say.
No one ever really stays here, it’s boring and most kids grow out of its minimal charms well past the time they hit puberty. So it’s no surprise that you only find entertainment in a few things; one of which was music so you always attended every show the group, No Mercy, performed. You were a known “groupie” of the band, along with the lead rapper’s girlfriend and the lead singer’s little brother.
The other?
Well, it was exactly what you were doing.
No better way to kill time than to fool around, right?
Hyungwon tugged at your hair, making you pull off him completely. He forced you to look up at him, lips slick and shiny in the low lights from being backstage. He smirked, loving how debauched you looked and he made quick remedy of his lapse in action by reattaching your mouth to his length. As your lips slid lower he groaned, letting his head roll back and fingers card into your hair deeper, keeping you at his base for a couple of seconds. While it burned your lungs due to the lack of airflow getting to you, it was Hyungwon’s favorite so you braced yourself to put up with it.
“Fuck, such a good girl for me, aren’t you?” Hyungwon drawled, easily aroused from just the sight of you on your knees, let alone with his entire dick inside your velvet-hot mouth. “Mmm, never met such a nice girl before…”
You see, Hyungwon wasn’t from this town originally.
He’d grown up in the big city, somewhere far away where movie stars and Broadway singers were born; nothing like the sad sack that was your own hometown. He came here his freshman year of high school because of his parents, something about his father getting the unfortunate transfer to this town. So he made due with what cards he was dealt, having been born with the blessing of a pretty face and a sharp enough tongue to keep himself afloat among the bullies and predators alike.
Luckily for his (current) bandmates, he had a knack for music so he was quickly welcomed by the young and hormonal teens that were the origins of No Mercy. Gunhee had thought Hyungwon was only a pretty face but Kihyun was sure they could make use of him, even if that was all he could bring to the table. Turns out they lucked out when Hyungwon got his hands on his uncle’s old bass and revealed what his nimble hands, elephant memory and innate ability to catch on quickly could manage.
He was secured a spot in the “exclusive” band that was guaranteed to get him some serious pussy. Their words, not yours.
They weren’t wrong though.
Being in the band, like you said, was a highlight. It meant you were special; different. Girls wanted that small sense of importance of going out or fucking a celebrity, albeit a local one. Anything to get a spark of adventure from an otherwise drab lifestyle.
These guys were the ones dads warned their daughters about, the ones that other guys fantasized being. In this town, they were the guys that trashed hotel rooms and had their faces on the news more times than you could count.
In this town, that counted for something.
“So fuckin’ nice, let me use you all I want,” Hyungwon continued, hips pumping forward in their own rhythm, slightly erratic and off-tempo which wasn’t usual for the otherwise musical male. He was probably close and you thought about pulling off and finishing him with your hand. But he had a thing for facials and you knew that’d be too damning since there was no way you’d get it all off before needed to head to a restroom to properly clean it off.
So you just sucked hard, brought your other hand up to rub his balls until you felt them tighten up and his fingers followed suit, keeping an iron grip in your hair as he emptied himself into your throat. It was slick and you nearly choked on it but you breathed through your nose and waited for the burn to die down before swallowing. Hyungwon groaned once more, a little too loud for your tastes, before finally letting go of you and you nearly fell back on your haunches from the recoil as his grip loosened.
He barely gave you enough time to swallow and wipe the excess spit and come around your mouth with the back of your hand by the time he was already zipped back up in his pants.
“Sweetheart, you’re the best stress reliever, you know that? Gotta head on stage now though, don’t wait up.” He was already up and out the door and you meekly waved goodbye, a gesture he’d probably never return.
You were just too nice to do anything or say anything about it. So that’s how it worked between you two. He’d want you to suck his dick or a quick fuck in the closest janitor’s closet you could find before a gig. And you’d let him. Every damn time.
○ ◐ ●
“Wasn’t that just incredible?” Eunwoo began, her eyes lit up like Christmas lights that were strung up too soon in the excitement of the now-tainted holiday. “It has to be one of their best shows! I can’t believe Kihyun and Wonho kissed onstage! We knew they had to be dating, they can’t deny it now!” Not like they were hiding it in the first place, they were practically giving people mono just from staring at their blatant PDA.
You nodded and let Eunwoo have her fun, knowing she was one of those girls that glamorized everything No Mercy did, whether it was good or bad or illegal or just downright wrong. She still can’t believe you’ve had Hyungwon inside you on multiple occasions, though she always seems to phrase it as if you two were some thing. As if it was more than just quick fucks on Monday mornings or him needing to taste you after fucking some brainless chick at an after party.
She had been so sure that Hyungwon looked at you during one of their more sensual songs, the slow lick of his bass making tingles rise up your spine as you watched what his deft fingers were capable of; more than just playing a bass, that’s for sure. But Hyungwon was definitely not looking at you, his eyes were on the girl who just turned 18 and was celebrating her birthday at this club, barely there tits popping out of her three-sizes-too-tight dress and making Hyungwon feel like he was a freshman all over again.
You knew you’d never get anything real out of Hyungwon, not like it’s something to be desired anyways. He’s a nobody when you get down to it, a one-hit-wonder in the industry of music. He’d probably never get out of this wormhole now, while you at least had a semblance of a chance to escape. He’d stay here and age terribly and watch as some new youngsters come in and steal his legacy and probably his bass too because no doubt they’ll be little criminals like themselves.
That’s the only way you can get through all this torture, you just had to convince yourself that you’ll get out eventually and he’ll just be a stamp in your passport; long forgotten and worn down by the time you actually do remember to look back at it.
Sighing, you let her believe whatever the fuck she wants as you downed the rest of your lukewarm beer, ignoring the disgusting taste that resembles the bitterness of your own apathy and the dewy condensation that clung to your fingertips.
○ ◐ ●
You were backstage, as usual, and the two main singers were already up to bat with their excessive displays of affection.
“Ki, could you at least wait until the rest of us leave before you shove your tongue down Hoseok’s throat?” You groaned as you literally watched their mouths break with a line of saliva between their lips, something straight out of a B-list porno or some shitty yaoi anime.
“Y/N, you need to get some dick man. Hyungwon might be available after he finishes giving that birthday girl her gift,” Kihyun joked, trying to give you a sly smile but getting intercepted by a sharp jab of Hoseok’s elbow against his ribcage.
“Don’t listen to him. I heard the bartender here is actually a pretty cool guy, if you wanna go see him?” Hoseok sweetly pieced his words together carefully, knowing he was already treading on a sensitive topic that his boyfriend so barbarically threw himself into. Hoseok hated what you got up to with Hyungwon, because he knew it was pointless; a hollow relationship at best.
Give it to Hoseok to always look out for you, like an older brother you never asked for but are happy to have been graced with anyways. You thanked him and allowed them to get back to their dirty antics while you scouted out this so-called cool bartender.
Seeing him still stationed at the bar, you perched upon the stool furthest from the stage, where a little light made you less washed out and the sounds of Kihyun and Hoseok making out were less audible.
Up strolled the bartender, right on cue, with a soft smile and warm brown eyes. When he grinned, little dimples toyed on his cheeks and you fought the urge to dip your digits into them just to see if they were as deep as they looked.
“Hey there gorgeous, what’re you craving?” His name tag read ‘Namjoon’ and you met his smile with your own, the feeling of the edges of your mouth tipping up feeling foreign and unfamiliar to you. It’d been so long since you’d smiled so grand, so genuinely.
This was what nice felt like.
“Well, I’m feeling particularly thirsty, so… maybe you?” You giggled—you never giggle, what was happening?—and Namjoon mirrored it with his own small laugh, something that was a lot higher-pitched and cuter than you would’ve pegged for such a strapping man like himself. It was fitting though, how warm his laugh sprouted from him, like he laughs every day, like clockwork; the sun coming up and descending with his chuckles. You wished you could be that happy.
“That was smooth, I’ll give you that. A round on me?” Namjoon offered, already holding up the bottle of brown liquor that you’re sure is either cinnamon or vanilla laced, the smell already so strong from where he held the bottle upright. You nodded and let the amber liquid fill the small glass he had in his other hand, momentarily letting your fingers graze his own when he handed it over.
“I’m not actually supposed to drink on the job, but I wouldn’t want a pretty lady like yourself to be drinking all by herself so,” He poured himself a glass and raised it to signal a toast, the sound of your glasses clinking resounding in your ears. It felt like New Year’s Eve, the impending countdown making you itch to reach over and kiss the closest person next to you. Which happened to be Namjoon, what a coincidence.
A few more drinks in, and you two were bantering like nothing. It turns out Namjoon is not only a great conversationalist, but he also an aspiring musician himself. He likes to listen in on the local talent, thinking about becoming a producer and maybe making songs for them to perform. It was a great dream to pursue, certainly more tasteful than Hyungwon’s own ‘I want to fuck a girl in every venue I ever perform in’ fantasy.
You looked down at your phone and realized that you’d been talking for nearly an hour, the time whirring past so fast because of how easy conversation between the two of you came. You were ready to ask Namjoon the golden question, the whole reason why you approached him in the first place. You leaned forward, letting your biggest puppy dog eyes come into play and you made sure to use your signature move of gently stroking Namjoon’s arm as you spoke.
“So, I was thinking if maybe you and I could—”
“Really Y/N? Already trying to find someone else all because I was busy?” Hyungwon came up from behind you, reaching for the remainder of your drink and downing the rest of it. He slammed the glass down harshly, making you worry that the glass might’ve cracked from the force. You flinched at the sound, Namjoon’s expression molding to one of confusion as his eyes skipped back and forth between Hyungwon and yourself.
“Listen, now you could stick with this chump and he might reward you with whatever shitty tips he made tonight or you could score with a real rock star and actually get to come tonight.” He pursed his lips and tapped his talented but most likely dirty fingers on the countertop of the bar. With one eyebrow cocked, he eyed you up and down before realizing you weren’t making a move to leave with him.
Fuck Hyungwon, you were having a perfectly nice time here with Namjoon. He knew how to respect you and treat you right and make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside and—
“I see how it is. Well, in that case,” Hyungwon was clearly unhappy, and it’s because he’s grown up as a spoiled brat. He always got what he wanted, including you. Partly because you were too damn nice to say no and partly because Hyungwon, as much as it pained you to admit, was a pretty good lay. He turned to Namjoon and gave him a sneer. “When you go down on her, tell me how my motherfucking dick tastes.” He chuckled and left without another word, leaving Namjoon gaping from his statement and you flushed out of embarrassment and maybe slight arousal.
It was because your body was nice too, that’s all.
“Man, am I sorry you have to deal with that prick. Just like the rest of them, gets discovered on a minor scale and they still get the biggest heads.” Namjoon reached for your hand and stroked the top with his thumb as he spoke in soft syllables. “Listen, I’d love to take you out sometime. I have to finish my shift and I’m working late tonight but,” He handed you a napkin with his number scrawled on it, just barely legible. “Call me sometime, okay? Don’t let guys like that,” He points his chin in Hyungwon’s direction as he’s seen chasing another skirt. “Get to you.”
You nodded and politely smiled before excusing yourself, heading to the back of the stage where you’d no doubt meet with any of the members that still remained before heading to whatever after party they’ve delegated they’ll appear at.
You’re met with an empty area, the boys already cleared out and having long forgotten you. It had been an hour and you were clearly getting along well with Namjoon, they probably assumed you’d be going home with him or he’d at least give you a ride to your own apartment. The only reason one member remained was because he was too busy fucking some girl in the less-than-hygienic bathroom here at the club.
“Well, well, well. It looks like someone struck out,” Hyungwon drawled from behind you, already snaking his arm around your waist. You tensed for a moment, feeling like prey trapped in the corner as the predator watches hungrily at their dinner helpless and at their disposal. “Guess you’ll have to come with me then.” He murmured into your ear, the feeling of his liquor laced breath warm against the shell of your ear. It wasn’t the warmth you felt with Namjoon, but you slowly began to realize something as Hyungwon led you away.
That kind of warmth doesn’t happen for people like yourself. Because you’re just too nice to give into that selfish feeling.
Looks like Hyungwon gets what he wants, like always.
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the100oneshots · 7 years
A Second Chance - Bellamy Blake Imagine
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Pairing: Reader x Bellamy Blake
Word Count: 1,862 words
Warnings: minor swearing
Bellamy Blake had always been a good person in your eyes. Yes, he made mistakes. Yes, he could be a bit of an asshole some of the time. But you knew he had a kind heart, and you knew he cared for everyone no matter how hard he tried to mask it.
Yet, ever since that day, you’d ignored Bellamy. Only really replying with a few short words if he ever tried to talk to you. He’d try to find you, thinking you were still, well, friendly. But you always made yourself busy.
It was the week before all the drama had unfolded. That was when your confrontation with Aurora occurred. Before Octavia was found and Aurora was floated. You’d considered telling Bellamy, but after everything, you decided against it.
And now on Earth in Camp Jaha, he was everywhere. You still had the feeling that whatever was going on between you two for the short period time you were hanging out, could still work. However he was constantly plagued by people, you didn’t see him alone once.
And you never noticed it, but he always saw you. He always saw the small smile that never left your face, he always saw you talking to the children, and who he presumed were your friends. He never got the chance to ask why you two stopped hanging out, and eventually stopped talking. He missed it, he missed you.
Octavia had seen those longing looks, from both you and him. She knew Bellamy wouldn’t really tell her anything, so she tried you first. 
“Raven.” She approached the mechanic. She spread her arms a little bit out so they both could be use to support her against the table. “Octavia, what can I do for you?” She asked, looking up from her work station. “That girl over there, who is she?” She turned around and pointed towards you, her body now leaning against the bench.
“That’s (Y/N) (Y/L/N). She’s a few years older than you, a year younger than Bellamy. Why do you ask?” She said as she continued on with her work. “Her and Bell keep looking over to each other when the other one isn’t looking, I’m curious.” She admitted.
“Have you asked Bellamy?” Raven looked up, but her gaze stayed up right, towards you. “Like he would tell me anything.” She rolled her eyes, Raven agreeing. “Well ask her.” She suggested and Octavia looked back at her and thought about it.
You had moved to the mess hall. Your friends messing around with a guitar, singing a bit. And if it wasn’t them creating bits and pieces of music it was them complaining about the lack of privacy, or some stupid conspiracy theory they’d thought up just because they were bored. You were to the side, just peacefully reading a book, but still taking in every word they said.
She wasn’t going to lie to herself, she was a little scared going up to a group a few years older than her, but she did it anyway.
“(Y/N)?” She approached. The whole group turned towards her, it went quite. “Uh, yeah. How can I help you?” You spoke up, to say you were a little taken aback was a bit of an understatement. 
“I’m Octavia, do you mind if I talk to you for a minute.” She said still calm. You were surprised, and then realised who she was, and nodded. “Of course.” You placed a makeshift bookmark in your book and stood up, stepping out of the connected table and chair walking away with her.
“I’m pretty sure I’m the only one who’s noticed this, but my brother and you keep stealing glances of each other, and I’m just curious.” She came out full steam ahead, and it was another thing you took by surprise.
You were’t the best with confrontation, and you were definitely getting a dose of it lately. “Oh, that.” You awkwardly looked down at your hands. “Look it’s nothing to worry about, if it really bothers you- I mean I didn’t mean for to be creepy, looking back it probably looked really creepy, but it wasn’t my intention.” Babbling was a talent of yours.
“Wait a minute.”
“Octavia, get behind the door.” Aurora commanded. She didn’t think there were any surprise inspections, and it didn’t exactly sound like a brute guard knock. When she opened the door to only a dainty brunette she relaxed. “Oh, good evening Mrs Blake.” You smiled.
“(Y/N)? what do you want?” She asked with a tight jaw, she was never fond of your family. The way they abused every right they had, and even ones they thought they had. Your family wasn’t ark royalty, but in the stations, your parents, no matter the cost, did everything they could to climb the pretend social ladder. However, what Aurora didn’t know was that even though they did whatever they could to get up in the world of the ark, they always left you behind, to fend for yourself.
“I was wondering if Bellamy was in?” An innocent question. Aurora clicked, it had been you Bellamy had been spending all his free time with. No wonder he was always late, or taking later guard shifts for when she was home so he could go hang out with you. 
“No, he’s not.” She replied almost in an disapproving matter. “And, I’m going to be honest with you (Y/N). Don’t come past here again.” She spoke seriously. 
You were speechless, it wasn’t something you expected to come out of her mouth. But she was protecting her family, and apparently you weren’t the influence her son needed.
“You’re going to leave my son alone, he’s got better and more important things to do and doesn’t need to be distracted, especially not by you.” Aurora stood firmly in her door frame. 
“Uh, yeah.” You nodded. You felt like a babbling idiot. “Enjoy the rest of your night Mrs Blake.” You stammered before walking away. Embarrassed, in this moment would’ve been an understatement. You hurried back to your shared apartment before anyone could even see you.
You thought that maybe Bellamy would’ve been that constant happiness in your life, but now, maybe not.
“(Y/N)! You’re back!” Dom, your flat mate spoke, desperately trying to clean the place up before you got home. “And the flat isn’t clean. Are we playing that game again where we say how things are around us?” You sassed and he had a sheepish look on his face. “Well I only tried so hard because you said there was a possibility of you and your boy toy coming home.” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“Yeah.” You begun to trail off. “That’s not exactly happening - ever - anymore.”
“But Bellamy is so good looking.” He dramatically draped himself sadly across his bed, causing you to laugh. “Was Bellamy for me or for you Dom?” You laugh.
“I would be more than happy to take your sloppy seconds. Especially if those sloppy seconds were Bellamy Blake.” He batted his eyelids dramatically.
Meanwhile, Aurora had closed the door and summoned for Octavia to come out. “Why’d you tell her to stay away mum?” She asked, as Aurora went back to braiding her hair. “Bellamy doesn’t need a girl like her in his life. I’m doing what’s best for him.”
“You came past the apartment that one time.” She connected the dots. “Yeah,” you nodded. “The one time, because it was made very clear that I wasn’t welcome at your apartment.” You went back to playing with your fingers. 
“She was only doing what she thought was best for Bellamy.” She defended her mother. “Oh no, I’m not- I’m not saying that it was nor wrong or right what she did. She’s-” you paused for a moment, “she was his mother, your mother. I had no intention of disobeying her.” You tried to get your point across.
There was a silence between the two of you. A bit awkward but not until you interrupted it. “However, I do sometimes wonder what may have happened if I did disobey her.”
“He used to tell me what you guys did when you hung out. When he told me about the ark, you’d always be in there some where.” Octavia chuckled and she saw how your eyes lit up, the corners of your mouth twitched ever so slightly. 
“You never told him, did you?” She asked you. 
“I know what it’s like to have shitty parents, or have your parents do a shitty thing. Your mum wasn’t like that. And even if I did, I wouldn’t have had the time. I wouldn’t want to tell him when your mother couldn’t defend herself. No one should have their memory of their parent tainted like that.” You admitted. She felt like she knew you more, she felt like you sincerely cherished and still do, what ever you a Bellamy had.
“I have an idea.” Her face lit up, and she grabbed hold of your hand. Your eyes widened as she begun running and dragging you down the hall. “Octavia, what are you doing?” You seemed to yell above the chaos.
“Bellamy!” Octavia yelled as she saw her brother talking to Clarke. You both came to an abrupt stop, you puffed and trying to catch your breath. “That was not cool dude!” You continued to huff.
“(Y/N)?” He asked, confused. You looked up, gave a short wave as if you were putting your hand up for attendance and went back to huffing. 
“Can I borrow you for a second Clarke? Thanks!” She said and dragged Clarke away. So it was just you two. “You okay?” He asked a bit surprised. “Your sister, made me keep up with her, practically dragging me all the way from the mess hall.” You said standing up and still puffing. 
Bellamy was trying to suppress a laugh as he saw your poor figure. “How did she even run that fast, or am I just that unfit?” You asked, and he couldn’t help but laugh out loud.
“Thanks for your sympathy Bellamy, we all can’t have the athletic build of you.” You chuckled with him, motioning to his torso, up and down. 
“What were you doing with my sister?” He asked, still a smile on his face from his laughing. 
“She’s the one who approached me. She just wanted to talk.” You said, finally regaining a steady breathing pace. “About what?”
“Oh well you see, uh well, it’s just that, um-” You closed your mouth before you could say anything else. “Interesting choice of topic you two choose to talk about.” He commented, causing a small laugh to escape your mouth.
“So, uh, I was wondering something actually.” He began, and you nodded of him to continue. He scratched his neck nervously before continuing. “Uh, are you free tonight? For a drink maybe?” 
Before you could answer Clarke came back. “Bellamy, we need to go now, the inquisitions over.”
“Mess hall, after rations. Don’t be late Blake.” You began walking back in the opposite direction. Whether the truth came out or not, you were willing to give it another try.
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