#shadowgirl7's yammerings
shadowgirl7 · 6 months
Okay. This off-topic spam in the Welcome Home/Wally Darling tags is making me lose my mind.
I am seeing a multitude of gross stuff that I'm just put in the Read More here to shield you poor souls from what I have to share. GIGANTIC WARNING ABOUT THE CONTENT AS IT INVOLVES DISCUSSION ON THE NSFW CONTENT SHOWING UP HERE:
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Okay, you've been warned.
I'm seeing stuff ranging from naked people, hindi(?)/Indian ads for idk what, to... what I just reported as a cartoon of a person literally eating shit from someone else from underneath them. It's fucking disgusting.
There really needs to be a way to actually spot-check this stuff, especially because I've seen posts about lewd general ads have been (someone I followed shared that they saw a NSFW comic ad for Teen Titans), but these posts in popular tags, or ones JUST gaining traction really need better crowd control by @staff than "report it and we'll get on it". Especially when everyone has to flag over 30+ posts like this just to see actual content that they're looking for.
I've been part of this site for over 10 years and I'm ngl... this is disgusting and pathetic. And it needs to STOP.
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Hi, everyone! Here's the FAQ about the Life’s-Little-Confessions blog.
This contains rules & other things you should know when submitting to this blog:
My name is Emily [Aka ShadowGirl7], and I am the moderator of this blog; if you have any questions about anything that isn't mentioned in this, send an ask directly to the mod.
I am open to posting the confessions you guys send in, but there are limits as to what I’m willing to post
1) To submit a confession, simply send an ask to either this blog or to the Mod directly. If you have any problems that prevent you from sending them in, let me know (And yes, you can send asks in anonymously)!
2) You DO NOT have to be following me or this blog in order to send confessions! Follows are appreciated but they're not a requirement - its open for everyone and anyone. ^_^
3) This is a place where those dealing with day-to-day troubles of any kind can speak out on them and have it posted anonymously; I wanna keep things try to keep things PG (to an extent) and non-NSFW, but if the confessions involve anything of the like, please mention so when sending them in. { If they contain anything that can be seen as triggering (ex. depression, abuse, etc.), I will leave the necessary tags on them. }
4) I hold the right to not post a confession if I find it it is extremely vulgar, contains threats, is seen as racist or offensive towards any particular persons, group of people, etc.
5) Something important to point out: I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL. I CAN'T PROFESSIONALLY GIVE ADVICE. But I am welcome to listen to whatever you guys stress or vent out whatever you guys need to, just to get get it off your chest.
6) I'm somewhat new to the huge Confession-Blog-bandwagon, so it might take some time for me to get adjusted to this and make it appealing. ^-^
7) With my busy schedule, I'll try to post as often as I can and I'll keep everyone notified whether confessions are open or not, so bear with me. :)
8) I’m asking nicely to NOT spam my inbox for confessions if you haven’t seen yours come up yet. It might take some time for it to come up. Or a similar one might have been posted already. Please be patient, as I am operating this blog on my own.
9) If you have any other questions in particular that isn't pointed out here, send the mod (ShadowGirl7) an ask (or fanmail) and I can try to assist you.
10) Harassment towards the owner of this blog or any of the confessioners or followers of L*L*C will NOT be tolerated. If I start seeing asks or fan-mails that continuously contain content like spam, links to sites containing viruses, cyberbullying, etc. I WILL block you from both this blog and my main one, and if necessary report you for such. And I will disable confession-asks for however long I need to if the situation calls for it.
Thank you for reading, and confess away!
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shadowgirl7 · 8 months
Heeeey, can the Welcome Home fandom browsing these tags ban together in reporting these spam posts? They are seriously flooding the Wally Darling and Welcome Home tags, and I've literally had to individually report over 30 posts of the same goddamn thing alone. And this includes NSFW posts too. (A PIC OF A WOMAN WITH A FREAKING SEX TOY WAS INCLUDED 😐)
PLEASE report these ASAP if you see these spam posts, they are commonly including the Spiderman tags, as well as other popular ones too.
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shadowgirl7 · 6 months
Can some of you guys label or hide the freaking spoilers for Chapter 7, please? Some of y'all aren't doing that, and I've been avoiding those since I'm still stuck at the end part of Chapter 6... as well as a handful of other people.
Just.... come on. 😤
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shadowgirl7 · 5 months
I've literally flagged/blacklisted the spoiler tags for the time being, but I can't even browse these tags for now because of this crap.
And I mean putting them in ACTUAL tags, not just "Spoilers" in the title and not even putting a "Read More" to cover that shit.
Like, come on...
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shadowgirl7 · 4 months
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Whose art is this? I can't really find a direct artist source via Google Lens and I found this while flagging a ton of spammy shit.
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shadowgirl7 · 8 months
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I did a reverse search and saw that @ratpower1 made these (at least according to the results I found).
Just... why?!
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shadowgirl7 · 3 months
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Hey, so I wanted to share this since several people have been getting messages like this in their inboxes, but I'm pretty sure this is a scam.
Since @kyra45 shared a post showing some posts regarding this and showing evidence of similar scams, I'm linking it here: https://www.tumblr.com/kyra45/739134020077617152/current-scam-accounts-new
More specifically the similar posts: https://www.tumblr.com/kyra45/735885456768679936/this-is-a-longshot-would-you-be-willing-to-help
I doubt someone would just go dm-ing several unrelated Tumblr accounts to ask for money. I'm just suspicious of stuff like that.
If it DOES turn out to be legit, that's on me.
In any case, be careful!
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shadowgirl7 · 5 months
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I got this bean on 12/27, and he came at a great time when I wasn't feeling great.
I'm so glad this smol baby is finally home. 🥰🍎🍏
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shadowgirl7 · 1 year
@satanic-witchcraft​ I was browsing through your page (awesome audios, btw!), when I see this ad after going past the Wally Darling Happy Birthday audio...
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I did not, nor could not edit this. I just had to share this with you. And the rest of the world.
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shadowgirl7 · 2 months
Hello, I am from Gaza, due to the shortage of medicine in Gaza, my mother who is a type 1 diabetic and was supposed to undergo urgent eye surgery, has not been able to get insulin or any medical care for the past three months. . Some members of my family fled to the southernmost part of Gaza (Rafah) in tents. But my parents and sisters have nowhere else to stay. They are forced to stay in the Nuseirat refugee camp, which has been bombed since the beginning of Christmas. "I am on my knees asking for your donations. Please help me. where you can.
Goal: $700
Look, I'm not really trustworthy of random blogs asking me for money, especially with similar spiels I've heard before. And even more so from completely strangers.
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Also, your blog was created JUST this month.
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If you can prove that you're an actual person, go ahead. Otherwise, if you're making this shit up and trying to scam people, piss off.
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shadowgirl7 · 5 months
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shadowgirl7 · 1 year
Nooooooo not the Welcome Home tags, too. 🥺
They're being stricken by porn/spam bots. 🙄
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shadowgirl7 · 1 year
Well, it's finally begun.
The Welcome Home and any other related tags are slowly being subjected to these shitty ads and spam posts.
Y'know, the ones that post in MULTIPLE unrelated tags?
If you see these, DON'T CLICK ON THEM, REPORT THEM!!!
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shadowgirl7 · 3 years
Happy 15th Anniversary to Sonic ‘06!
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Though tbh, as someone who’s never owned an Xbox 360, and has never played Sonic 06, but has only seen gameplay and cutscene vids, I never really hated or thought that the game was completely bad.
Yes, it’s not perfect. It has cringey moments in more ways than one. It has really bizarre and laughable glitches.
There have been worse. *coughcoughSonicBoomRiseofLyric*.
But it’s also brought us Mephiles the Dark and SIlver the Hedgehog.
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Everyone can say what they feel about it and shouldn’t be ashamed of it, faults or not.
As long as they’re not being assholes about it, regardless of which sides you’re on.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.
And here’s to a continuously brighter future for the Sonic series! Happy 30th Anniversary year, Sonic!
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shadowgirl7 · 4 years
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