karihighman · 2 years
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gins-potter · 2 years
Severide and Anna
I liked Severide and Anna for the fact that Severide grew a lot during that relationship which I appreciated. I can't say I loved them that much but I was sad when she died, and Taylor's acting in that scene kills me every freaking time.
send me a ship and i’ll give you my (brutally) honest opinion on it
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multi-goodness · 7 years
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anna sullivan & kelly severide (5x17)
“This is your city now. Pretty great, huh?”
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liesofconnorwalsh · 7 years
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minibetta · 7 years
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blessedwsophia · 7 years
Still not over Anna's death, this has me feeling the same way I did when Lexie & Mark died 😭💔
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bremiddleton · 7 years
Chicago Fire 5x15
Charlotte’s new job :) They are just so cute together!!!
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heatherc1212 · 7 years
Chicago Fire Round Table S5 - Take a Knee
Hi everyone and welcome to the latest edition of the Chicago Fire Round Table! This past week’s episode, Take a Knee, was a solid episode overall and definitely brought out all sorts of emotions. I have a smaller panel than normal this week (its that time of year when everyone gets crazy busy) but there’s still a fun discussion here for you so sit back and grab a cold drink. =)
Before we get started though, have you all seen this Dawsey video yet?! OMG, it might be my favorite one ever. IT’S SO GOOD. <3
1st Responder Award: Big congrats and throw up the confetti for @CurlyBuckeye because she won this week’s 1st Responder Award! =)
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PSA: Please remember that none of the pictures, videos, or GIFs used in this blog (aside from the 1st Responder Award) were made by me but by other amazing people who share their talents with us every week. Apparently I’m still having the problem of some GIFs not being active by the time I post the blog so hopefully they all work this week! Please let me know if they don’t so I can try to figure out the problem during this (annoying) show hiatus. Thanks! =)
Q1. Casey got involved in helping a family get their daughter out of a scary drug situation. Did you agree with how he handled everything?  
CurlyBuckeye: Yes, I did agree with how he handled it. He was extremely concerned about the child and needed to know what was going on with him. He didn't do anything illegal. It was very gutsy to confront the drug dealer, but it was the only way to get to the girl. 51 had his back! Tonichelleak: Overall, it seems to have worked out well. Hopefully the girl accepts the help given to her. Drug addiction makes things a billion times tougher on EVERYONE. As far as how Casey handled it - well...he's lucky he didn't get a machete to the face! Yikes! Texterlover: I do think Casey handled everything right. He went to the police and to his chief when things were happening instead of just doing things by himself. He had help instead of doing it alone. I do have one complaint though lol Casey always has to be the hero, ha! No matter how dangerous it is lol I love him for that but also hate him because I would hate if he got hurt. Nikita_Citizen: I was afraid something might happen to him because when isn't he caught in a dangerous situation? But he took control of the situation, reunited a family, and I really loved it! I'm seriously hoping this won't backfire because that guy is in the wind and he might want to get revenge. Kwanfan1212: It scared me a little bit how passionate he got about finding out what was going on but once I found out it was related to a kid, I knew he was going to do whatever he could to help out. Casey has always had a passion to help kids and ever since Louie left, I think that passion has been more prevalent. I don’t know if he could have handled it any better than he did and I love how creative he got to get into that crack house. Glad nothing happened to any of them and I hope it stays that way!
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Q2. Severide got a close-up look at the disaster that is his father’s current state. Do you still worry that Sev is heading down that same path? Did you agree with Anna’s decision to leave the dinner?  
CurlyBuckeye: No, I don't think Severide is heading down his father's path. Mostly because he sees the unhappiness in his father's life and doesn't want his life to be like that. I didn't agree with Anna leaving the dinner. Didn't make much sense. Kelly told her his Dad was a mess so I'm guessing there's something else going on with her. Tonichelleak: I missed something in why Anna suddenly freaked and left. I was late getting in on the episode by like five minutes - did something happen earlier that started this whole issue? I'm freaking pissed that they're writing them this way. I normally am not a Severide storyline fan, but I really, really, REALLY like Anna and I'm so confused as to what's going on right now. LOL Texterlover: No I may not be the biggest fan of Anna but I have to say that her and Kelly fit somehow so seeing her leave like that was a little upsetting especially because we, along with Kelly, don't know what sparked it. Nikita_Citizen: No. I think he really wants to settle down and he's made that decision since he donated bone marrow and Dawsey got married. I didn't like how she left the restaurant, it really hurt Severide and he certainly didn't deserve that. He did everything to make her feel welcome. I'm sure there's a reason but what Anna did was awful. Kwanfan1212: I think Sev has been sufficiently scared by his father’s life enough to not make the same mistakes but I do worry about him sometimes just because life hasn’t always made things easy for him. I have no idea why Anna left the dinner so suddenly but I worry that her cancer has come back and she’s scared to tell that to Kelly. =(
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Q3. Herrmann had a rough decision to make regarding his son, Lee Henry, and some trouble he got into at school. What did you think of the way Herrmann handled things?
CurlyBuckeye: Herrmann is too funny...we all know he gets way too emotional and irrational but taking his son to see veterans and say the Pledge was an awesome way to handle it. Tonichelleak: His kid needed a boot to his butt. I was honestly shocked that the writers didn't make the kid "right" and have Herrmann learn some stupid "free speech" lesson (which he kind of did but only because the vice principal was off his nut). Texterlover: I think Hermann bringing Mouch, Chief and Lee Henry to the veteran’s center was a great touch. It showed Lee Henry why he has his freedoms and just how much people have fought and continue to fight for them. Nikita_Citizen: He handled it brilliantly. Well, not all the time. It was really funny to see him in that situation. In the end, he taught his son a beautiful lesson and it was amazing. Kwanfan1212: Herrmann is a national treasure and I love what he did for Lee Henry. Sometimes you just need to be reminded of what’s really important.
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Q4. Gabby and Sylvie had a trainee for a shift and things did not go well on one of their calls. Were you surprised at how that story turned out? What would you have done if you were in their situation with the trainee?  
CurlyBuckeye: It was a bit surprising. Didn't see them covering for him but it made total sense they would since they've been in situations just like it. I'd like to think I would've covered for him too. Tonichelleak: I'd have left the trainee to hang. Haha. The girls just need to take their punishment. Which I'm sure Dawson won't but, oh well. *yay drama* Texterlover: I actually really liked the trainee and really liked how the whole ambo stuck together. However, telling the truth would've been less complicated for everyone. Also, if he couldn't listen then, he could've not listened when something else important happens in the field. Nikita_Citizen: I was definitely expecting the trainee to make a mistake but not the rest. That payback from Chief Hatcher was priceless! I think I would have done the same thing. He deserved a second chance. Kwanfan1212: I was happy to see them handle the trainee so well (they really were watching out for him) but his actions on the call shocked me as did the re-training thing at the end. I think that’s gonna be hilarious to see how each of the ladies handles that in the next episode. Gabby’s right though...she totally would have done the same thing as the trainee, LOL ;)
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Q5. We’ve been seeing more and more scenes between characters who don’t always get to interact (i.e. Stella and Casey tonight). Is this something you want to see more of between everyone going forward?
CurlyBuckeye: Yes, I think it's really interesting to see different characters interacting and forming deeper bonds. I really like the Stella/Casey friendship. Tonichelleak: I'm not a big Stella fan, but I do like when the "supporting cast" gets decent story. I just want more from the comic relief crew. Texterlover: I love seeing all the characters interact especially ones that don't usually so I'm all for it. Nikita_Citizen: Yes! I love this sort of new friendship between Matt and Stella. I also will never get tired of seeing Mouch, Herrmann, and Boden's friendship. I actually like to see both. Kwanfan1212: I like seeing characters who don’t get to interact much have a few scenes together. It was fun seeing Casey and Kidd share some scenes in this episode (their scene at the hospital with the texting was hilarious) and I do hope we get to see more of that with the other characters as the show goes on.
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Q6. Dawsey had some seriously adorable moments together tonight. Which one of them was your favorite? (And you can’t say all of them…that’s a cop out, LOL)
CurlyBuckeye: Hmmm...so hard to pick one! I think it was the scene in the car for me. We've never really had a scene with them driving together. It was really cute! Now, I need some hot & steamy!! Tonichelleak: I'll abstain. Haha (Author Note: She doesn’t like Dawsey but she’s been my friend for a gazillion years so I don’t hold it against her, LOL) Texterlover: Uhh I wish I could say all of them because we know how much I love Dawsey! However, I loved the beginning scene in the car and also the scene when Gabby said, "You're gonna go all Gabby Dawson on this aren't you" and Casey just smiled. Those scenes along with the others were super cute. Hopefully we continue to have them even with what's coming up with Dawson's dad. Nikita_Citizen: All of them!! Just kidding :-D My favorite scene is the one in Matt's truck. We see them interact at home and at the firehouse obviously so it was nice to see them going to work together and being playful. Kwanfan1212: The scene in Matt’s truck. It was so much fun to see them be playful and flirty which we don’t get to see nearly enough!
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Q7. What was your favorite scene from Take a Knee? Least favorite scene? Did anything special stick out to you?
CurlyBuckeye: My favorite scene was Stella telling Gabby how amazing Matt was and her saying, "What else is new?" So stinking adorable! The look on her face was everything! My least favorite was Benny at the firehouse talking to Sev and telling him he's just like him. He needs to leave Kelly alone. He may be his father, but he isn't good for him. The thing that stuck out for me is the Louie mentions from Matt added with Gabby's from last week and their interactions w/ families and kids lately, makes me think something is definitely being cooked up for Dawsey. Hoping it's good and not more heartache. Tonichelleak: I'M SO ANGRY ABOUT SEVERANNA THAT I CAN'T THINK STRAIGHT! haha Seriously though, I KNEW better than to get attached because I totally saw something stupid like this coming (it's Severide, his relationships never last). I REALLY like Anna and I like the scenes they have together. THIS IS STUPID. Now I have to watch some episodes of Friends to cool off. Texterlover: My favorite scene would have to be any Dawsey scene lol but also when the team saved the girl from the crack house. I also really liked the scene with the veterans. Those scenes just really stuck out to me. My least favorite scene would probably have to be Anna leaving Severide like that. She just left with no explanation and Kelly doesn't deserve that. Nikita_Citizen: Hard to pick a favorite scene. I loved the Dawsey scenes, the Herrmanns, Dawson and Brett against Chief Hatcher, Dawson and Brett defending the trainee, I even liked Benny's scenes. Least favorite scene: Anna crushing Severide's heart. Kwanfan1212: Fave Scene: Dawsey in the truck, Herrmann losing his mind in the principal’s office (SO FUNNY), the “going Gabby Dawson” comment, and Casey taking down the bad guy with the machete (even though it scared me). Least Fave: Sev watching Anna leave. That was sad. What Stuck Out: There are more and more references to family and Louie lately which makes me think something child/family related is coming up for Dawsey. It better be something good!
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Playful Dawsey Moments - More Please!
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Brett & Dawson - Come Again?!
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Casey - A Man on a Mission
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Promo for the Next New Episode (April 25th):
How About Some Fun Videos from the CF You Tube Page?! Enjoy! =)
(Random Rant: I really don’t like that nickname...what was wrong with One Chicago?! Or Wolf Pack??!)
Thanks so much for reading the blog this week. The next new episode will air on April 25th so sit tight for a bit longer...our fave firehouse will be back in action again soon! =)
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karihighman · 4 years
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Chicago Fire s5 really put me THROUGH it gosh 😭🥺😥😩😫
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multi-goodness · 7 years
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anna sullivan & kelly severide (5x17)
“I’ve already dodged death once.”
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hailey-halstead · 7 years
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elephantsneedwater · 7 years
Severide and Anna
I'm a die if she dies.
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bremiddleton · 7 years
I love that Severide and Anna have a song!!! They played it when he went to Springfield, they played it when she came to Chicago and they played it when they went ice skating!! It’s sooooo great!! I love them
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multi-goodness · 7 years
What the
What happened with Anna?
It can’t be cause of Benny. Something is up and I bet it has more to do than with Kelly. 
Hmm? No happy couples, Fire, really? ugh.
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