annaizscribbling · 8 months
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Calypso and Seven, from the book I'm writing. She's a smug little menace and he is a stressed out dumb ass. They are also angels
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annaizscribbling · 1 year
Seven and Athena snippet
the kind @glacierruler was curious about Seven and Athena! And I just remembered I had a teeny tiny high school snippet. It’s just them bickering and arguing, many years before they end up dating. I’ll talk more about him specifically soon but take this for now y’all 
"Why don't you do the introductions for once," Seven scoffed as they walked away from another group of students. "Maybe actually contribute to the whole socializing part. I can't do all the heavy lifting." He said, crossing his arms sulkily.
"I did the bulk of the actual assignment," Athena said flatly. She looked up at the party, lips set in what could be disgust, "this part barely matters. It's frivolous."
"All I hear are excuses." Seven taunted.
Athena was hardly perturbed. "I can't control how you interpret truth." She said, bored.
"Actually I think you just don't know how to talk to people. You never do." Seven challenged, chin tilted up condescendingly.
Athena glared at him for several silent moments. "Fine." She said in a clipped voice. "If you're that insistent on being an immature dead weight, I will exchange worthless pleasantries and then ditch you for something less pointless."
"You sure know how to charm a guy, don't you?" Seven said, rolling his eyes.
"Shut your mouth and just follow me." Athena said under breath before turning on her heel.
"Yes, hello, botanical project, right?" Athena asked, somewhat convincing smile present. "Yes, my name is Athena, I'm from the astronomy assignment, this is my assignment partner, Scandinavian Perez." She said, vaguely indicating to Seven.
Seven froze for a confused moment before recovering. "It's actually Seven Perez." He corrected, forcing a smile. "Like the number. Not Scandinavian."
Athena's smile took on a more smug note.
"That's like three extra syllables, cut it out, jerk." Seven whispered sharply.
"My apologies, Seltzer." Athena shrugged.
"Ha. Hilarious." Seven huffed, then looked up at the incredibly confused students they had been attempting to introduce themselves to. "Y'know, poor Athena here suffers from a terrible memory ... and an even worse personality."
"And everybody around you suffers when you start talking." Athena mused.
Seven's indignation was showing further. "Oh yeah? Because we're all walking on sunshine when you open your mouth, huh?"
"You're insufferable." Athena said coldly.
"Yeah? Well you're impossible."
"You're an insurmountable daily obstacle."
"Dude I have no idea what that means," Seven said as he rolled his eyes. "-but you're short."
Athena glared. " ... Your days are numbered."
"Ha. That one actually gets to you, doesn’t it?" Seven said, face breaking into a triumph grin.
"Watch it, Sorority, don't push me further than you already do." Athena snapped.
Seven laughed sharply. "Really? Like you're the only person getting annoyed here? What are you going to do? Get your best friend the algebra teacher to fail me again?"
The botanical project group had been watching the entire exchange in a mixture of awkwardness and intrigue up until that point, until the blonde girl in the middle cleared her throat.
"Would you maybe like to have this conversation somewhere else?" She asked slowly.
Seven backed up several feet. "Uh, yeah, probably. I guess."
Athena shrugged disinterestedly, "I've said my piece. I'll see you later, Synonymous" she said as she walked off toward the exit
"Not my name." Seven said weakly. He turned to the other students again, “It’s Seven.”
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annaizscribbling · 1 year
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He’s talkin about conspiracy theories over a bowl of 4:00AM cereal. 
You’ll never catch this guy without a hoodie but if you try, you might catch these handsss
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annaizscribbling · 2 years
hi it is me sending an ask i would like to know ur thoughts and feelings about calypso rn (i dont have anything specific in mind i just wanna hear about her)
(I start with Cal and eventually go off the rails whoops)
I’m thinkin about just how far she’s come. How hard she’s fought and is fighting to just be a person.
her relationship with the Daniel and her odd friendship with the Girls is what makes it so evident. She’s allowed to care about people for the first time, she’s allowed to be cared for.
She has very little clue as to how to express and receive affection, connect with people, and be around other human beings without being on guard. She doesn’t know to be vulnerable, or how to not know where every entry and exit is in every room. But she’s trying really hard.
Ellie was her first real friend, and even then, it originated in complete lies, but even years later, Ellie was the first. From there she slowly befriended the other girls, and it was so strange for both them and her, but taught her a lot.
With Daniel, she made the express decision to be as honest as possible, even though the idea scared her.
Their relationship just hsdhshdbhdygkwhad makes me feel so many things ahhh.
He’s so so gentle and sweet and supportive and kind and really good at reading her. He’s super patient and trusting, she’s very open about her past with him, and he’s always willing to listen.
They love small things with a lot of thought behind them. He plans picnics, she hand embroiders a honey comb pattern into a baseball cap to match his dog Honey’s leash, he always keeps Calypso’s favorite tea in his pantry even tho he doesn’t like it, she secretly drops off his favorite homemade lunch on his desk at work, Daniel learns how to knit from his mom so he can knit Cal a scarf, Calypso brings him new plants for his windowsill, and so many other little things that mean the world.
Daniel loves taking her places she would’ve missed out on. They go to amusement parks, zoos, movie theaters, waterparks, arcades, and whatever else she never got the chance to do as a child with her family. 
She reveals pieces of her childhood, her crimes, her fears, and the heinous details of what her parents were like. It’s so horribly hard, but she’s able to tell him, and he’s always there to listen. He tells her about the tragic loss of his dad when he was 14, and she’s there to sit with him quietly on the tough days. They support each other.
They just <333333333
All of the relationships, both romantic and platonic, are so very special to me. But since I’ve been talking about Daniel and Calypso, I just wanna brain rot about how I view the romantic relationships I write.
I wanted to make sure that the relationships aren’t what fixes the girls, (or the guys, but I focus on the gals) because romantic (or platonic for that matter) relationships don’t fix people, but they can motivate, I think. 
Daniel isn’t fixing Cal, but he’s a genuinely good person, who cares about her, and that in itself pushes Calypso to be better. A good man with a good heart can’t give Calypso herself a good heart, but it can motivate her into trying to find her own. A safe patient person who loves her gives her an example of how to express the love she always had within her. He’s willing to forgive her when she messes up and that alone flips her worldview upside down. He inspires her to get in touch with her own humanity. She can express herself around him and the girls, she can care for people, she can relax, she can enjoy things, she can be vulnerable. Daniel didn’t give that to her, but his own warmth managed to thaw her just be being in the vicinity.
Athena and her soon to be husband, Seven are a different couple that I love greatly. Both are functional, content people on their own, but as a couple, they manage to offer support in the areas that the other struggles with. Athena is able to shed some of her stress, loosen up, and take life less seriously with Seven, who effortlessly manages to help her let her own guard down. Athena helps Seven find structures and motivation where he struggles to find it, her own driven outlook on life inspires Seven to pursue what he loves. He supports her when her anxiety is overwhelming her, and she’s patient when he finds himself going through a depressive or low energy phase. Their relationship involves a ton of mutual support and encouragement. They’re super playful and witty, spending so much time engaging in banter and trying to make the other break out laughing. (also,,, the two met in highschool, hated each other, and ended up meeting as adults, then fake dating for half a year before falling in love and I love it for them)
Jonathan and Luna are lovely but I don’t have a ton of stuff for them yet. I really only write like one new character a year, so I don’t have a ton of content for them yet ngl.
Idk if Bree or Ellie will end up in romantic relationships at some point. If they do, it won’t be for quite a few years. ‘Current’ timeline, they aren’t dating anyone in particular. I do kinda want to imply that most of them date here and there, but aren’t long term characters worth mentioning because they don’t last. At any point, Ellie or Bree could be seeing someone, but they aren’t really named. 
Calypso is actually the first to enter her lasting relationship, then Athena a few years later, then Luna meets Jonathan.
I’m not completely sure, but I love the idea of Ellie not really being too interested dating for a decade or so. I think she’ll start a craft store, and slowly end up doing pretty well. In her late thirties, she starts fostering kids. She lives above the craft store, and has staff and is financially stable enough to commit to fostering some kids, being an emergency home for kids in between families. So she dedicates her life to that. Maybe she meets someone in her late fifties, falls in love, and gets to continue her dream with a husband by her side, but maybe not. Who knows? It’s not a necessity for her, she’s very content with her life, but it might be cute so idk.
I have no idea for Bree yet. Her future is very undecided atm. But I’m working on it lmao
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annaizscribbling · 1 year
So I was scrolling through Athena's tag, and I was just wondering what her relationship with Seven is
Seven is Athena's fiance!
They shared several classes of their highschool senior year together and did not get along at all. She was a snippy teenager under a lot of stress and pretty bitter towards the kids who barely tried, Seven was a very edgy try hard loner who hated putting in effort didn't get along with her because she worked so hard at school and acted like she was better than him.
They got paired together for projects more than once and just bickered the entire time.
Luna had to deal with hours of Athena complaining about the dumb emo guy who wouldn't try at all, and Seven complained to his friends about the stuck up teachers pet girl who criticized him too much.
They parted ways after graduation and we're both glad to be rid of each other.
They accidentally ran into each other at a cafe in an entirely different part of the state in their mid twenties, and we're both really surprised at how the other person had grown.
Athena was better at having and enjoying conversation, friendly, less condescending as a whole, noticeably happily, less stressed, and far more confident as a person. She was an author
Seven wasn't so hellbent on being an edgy loner. He wasn't irritating or rude, and he wasn't an intentional slacker like he used to be. He was friendly too, and startlingly polite and apologetic. He was a mortician.
They were both equally shocked. Not just by how different they both were, but how well they were getting along, they ended up exchanging contact info and more or less forgetting about the event.
Until Athena accidentally implied she wasn't single to some coworkers. (At the time, she was publishing books but nothing sustainable yet, so she had an office job) and ended up keeping the lie to avoid intrusive coworkers. Until she slipped and said yes, she was bringing him to the holiday party. She panicked and called Seven who laughed and agreed to with her.
They ended up having a really good time, pulling the wool over her coworkers eyes.
She said she owed him, he asked if he could maybe grab dinner with her when not pretending they were in an ongoing long-term relationship in front of the people she worked with.
She said yes, and the relationship blossomed from there.
Several years later, he asked a different she ended up saying yes to ;)
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annaizscribbling · 2 years
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This is Seven, he's dating engaged Calypso's friend. He thinks he's a funny lil dude who makes funny little mortician jokes. But Calypso is not normal
Text reads
Sup? I'm Seven. I work with dead people lol. You?
... my industry provides business for yours. I help supply clientele, in a way.
I-i'm a mortician ... Are you also- no? Oh. Um.
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annaizscribbling · 2 years
18 for the ask game ^_^
18. How does your OC feel about education? How much education do they have? Are they studious or a slacker?
Firstly, thank you for so many asks!!! This is so fun, you didn't specify one in particular so I'll do em all. Sorry this is so late
Athena: She’s complicated because she was an excellent student as a kid. She had almost perfect marks for her entire education, but it def ruined her. Between her parents, teachers, friends, and relatives, there was an immense pressure to be preform well that slowly created a very complicated relationship between herself and her achievements. She loves and supports learning and education, but doesn’t really like the current American education system, or the way kids in it are treated. She has a college degree in English that she utilizes as a full time author. In other words, she’s studious and completely burnt out lmao
Luna: Luna hated school. She hated being there, she hated talking to people, she hated being looked at, and she hated the pressure of tests and deadlines. She didn’t always hate the topics, she found science rad and didn’t mind a decent percentage of the books they had to read. Luna was pretty sharp, but her homelife greatly interfered with her grades. Teachers knew she was smart, but troubled, and both Luna and her mother managed to evade any real investigations. She switched rapidly from great student to terrible to great again
Bree: Okay Bree wasn’t exactly an attentive student. She’s pretty meh on education in general, do it girlboss or whatever idk sorta mood. She doesn’t really try unless she finds it interesting. She wasn’t much of a reader, she hated math, and she really just suffered through school until she had theater. She loved socializing and really loved when she had classes with Ellie, but she was a bit of a slacker in school.
Ellie: She was a hard worker in school, who greatly enjoyed group projects (insane I know) and art class (not that she was good at it) and she was always loved by her teachers and classmates. She’s really supportive of education and adapting it to the individual.
Calypso: Calypso sees education as mostly a tool. She was very smart, and picked up on things and the basics of modern education pretty easily, so school in general wasn’t too necessary. She doesn’t technically have a high school degree even (though she did attend college here in there on jobs. Excellent marks)
I’m throwing in the guys too why not.
Daniel: Enjoyed school more or less, loved playing football and volunteering through the school. He had pretty average marks and didn’t hate it, especially history class, he enjoyed.
Seven: Seven was an edgy little sht who was quite smart, but way too distracted by his own emo-ness. He was a loner going thru it, often too occupied to keep up with school. He struggled with connections and deadlines, making it hard to stay motivated in high school, but he thrived in college. Some therapy, some friends, and a ton of hard work helped him grow into a pretty well adjusted adult. Still emo (but like olive green emo, if u feel me) and just a chill dude. He looks back at the actual learning part pretty happily. He sucks at math tho.
Jonathan: Jonathan was shipped off to a fancy boarding school as a kid. He endlessly tried to escape and run off, to the point of getting sent home. He hated school, but mostly out of resentment towards his father. He ended up being some form of homeschooled, working with tutors and online work. He devoted many hours of his time to studying their massive library and could rarely be found without a textbook in his hands. He ended up graduating at 16 and moving out the following year, all out of pure spite. His views on education are complicated, and he knows he’s biased.
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annaizscribbling · 2 years
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Some different OCs that take up way too much of my brain
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annaizscribbling · 2 years
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This is Seven, he's dating Calypso's friend. He thinks he's a funny lil dude who makes funny little mortician jokes. But Calypso is not normal
Text reads
Sup? I'm Seven. I work with dead people lol. You?
... my industry provides business for yours. I help supply clientele, in a way.
I-i'm a mortician ... Are you also- no? Oh. Um.
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annaizscribbling · 2 years
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Meet Athena and Seven, she’s an author, he’s a mortician. They are in love and themed around the color green. I love them an unhealthy amount
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annaizscribbling · 3 years
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Now k i s s I want whatever shampoo Seven is using . . . #sevenkimm #athenakimm #oc #originalcharacter #fanart #art #artwork #artist #digitalart #firealpaca #sketchbook #sketch #pen #pencil #illustration #draw #drawing #paint #brush #simpleart #lineart #create #myart https://www.instagram.com/p/CMfYV-yhMsU/?igshid=1v131sya2xfwn
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