#seriously tho if anyone else has read them message me I am in shock
randapear · 10 months
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ri-ahhh · 4 years
I hate to be that person but like today’s been really shitty and embarrassing staining at work and I was just longing for some boyfriend gray (or e hehe but I know it’s easier for u to write gray!) just comforting you after an embarrassing period moment like that 🥺🙃 is that silly idk u really don’t have to hehe love you so much!
Ugh the strug👏gle👏 Shout out to anyone who has been through the horror of bleeding thru ur pants in public I think we all deserve a medal of bravery or something lol. Or an ott bf that looks like a Dolan twin to comfort us.
How’s your day going baby? Ily
The text from Grayson couldn’t have come at a better time for you mentally. You’re on the home stretch of when it’s time to get off work, and it can’t happen soon enough.
shitty tbh :/ urs?
Good. But imma shut up tell me what’s wrong
started my period at work, had to tell my boss and come home to change cuz I forgot to replace the extra set of work clothes in my car from when I stayed at your place last. then realized I only had like 2 tampons left so I’m gonna have to get those after work and I’m just ready to be home
im glad urs is going good tho
that sounded sarcastic. I really am glad ur having a good day haha sorry
Grayson sends you back a frowny face and four little dots, which is the little code the two of you use to indicate you’re busy and aren’t ignoring the other person mid conversation. You tuck your phone back in your purse under your desk and get back to the email you’re supposed to be typing up. Having to concentrate doesn’t help your mood any, head throbbing and your back aching both in the middle from your crappy office chair and in the lower part from Mother Nature.
Just as your phone buzzes by your foot, a cramp seizes your belly and radiates throughout your pelvis. You wince and bite your lip through a grunt, cursing the fact you were born female as you reach down to grab your phone. You cover your mouth to stifle your giggle and keep your boss a few offices over none the wiser when you read Grayson’s text.
What size pussy are u? ;)
You’re even more amazed when you open the message and a picture of a shelf full of tampax products fills your screen. How many boyfriends are out there buying tampons - the only brand of tampons you ever buy, at that - for their girlfriends unprompted and without coercion?
Grayson.. ur not real
I’m the realest bb. Now tell me which ones to buy cuz I’m starting to look like a weirdo
You chuckle and shake your head.
regular pls. the one w yellow on it. and a box of overnight pads. look on the box and it’ll say specifically.
Oh yeah u stopped wearing them tamps at night.
God, who is this man and where did he come from? How in the hell did he pick up on that of all things. Before you can respond, he hits you with a double text.
Sweet, gottem. What else?
You bite your lip and think. He’s already being so sweet and you don’t want to run him ragged all over town to get your period cravings. But then another cramp hits, this time one of those especially nasty ones that makes you feel like you got punched right in the vagina, and you think if you’re going through all of this to potentially carry and push out one of his babies one day, he can run a couple of errands for you.
if ur not too busy... watermelon sour patch, Trader Joe’s takis, milanos, and those frozen chipotle sweet potato fries. pls:)
Grayson hearts the message, and you sink back into your chair with a sigh. Just the thought of not having to trudge into Target or CVS after you leave the office is enough to alleviate some of your stress. You check the time and realize you only have an hour until you’re home in a bath, with no pants on, and your heating pad ready in bed with Grayson as well. An hour seems doable now.
You make your half hour commute home in a record 22 minutes, desperate to get out of your work clothes and into one of Gray’s oversized t-shirts. You saw the Porsche in your guest spot in your apartment garage, so you know he’s here when you kick the door shut behind you. “Gray?”
“In the bathroom!” His voice is muffled but comes distinctly from your room. You hang up your keys and toss your bag on the kitchen island, kicking off your heels lazily by the door before following the now audible sound of the bath running.
You stop dead when you turn into the bathroom, shocked to see your tub already halfway full, the tampons and pads you requested sitting neatly on the counter next to one of his faded Cub Sport shirts, and the distinct color and smell of the Lush intergalactic bath bomb (your favorite) wafting from the steaming water.
“Gray-son,” you whine, throwing your face into your hands as your throat swells up and tears prickle behind your eyes. You hear him chuckle before you feel his arms wrap tightly around you. He presses a lingering kiss to your hair as he strokes your lower back gently, his touch and the heat of his hand providing an instant modicum of relief to the dull ache there.
“What?” he says quietly. He moves in front of you and untucks your shirt, removing your hands from your face so he can drop a sweet little kiss to your nose as he unbuttons the top two of your blouse. “Is it too much?”
You shake your head and open your eyes to look at the pretty hazel of his own. “It’s perfect. I’m just a hormonal mess.”
He laughs again and kisses your lips softly this time. “If you want your fries, I’ll make them while you soak.”
You nod, and he leaves you with another kiss before shutting the door behind him to give you your privacy.
The bath is amazing, the sparkly blue water relaxing some of the tension in your body and alleviating some of your pain, and you’re almost sad to get out, but you’re starving and the cravings are real.
You re-enter your bedroom to find heaven on earth: Grayson, shirtless in your bed and scrolling through Netflix on your TV; a steaming plate of fries with a mountain of ketchup already squirted out for you; and each bag of goodies you requested already sitting on your nightstand, one of which catches you by surprise.
“Holy shit, they make this?” you ask incredulously, picking up the giant three-and-a-half pound bag of watermelon sour patch as you slip into bed with him.
This is the only time you ever allow yourself to eat in bed, and you don’t catch his reply as you instantly seize the plate of fries and dig in, moaning loudly as the taste graces your tongue. He selects The Office on Netflix while you chew. He really knows you too well.
While Grayson takes your half-empty plate back to the kitchen once you’re done, you help yourself to a couple of the Milano cookies until he returns. You offer him a smile, which he returns happily as he sinks back into bed with you.
“Feeling a little better, baby?”
You roll up the bag and nod, coaxing him to lie down with you as you turn onto your side. He settles close behind you as you situate your heating pad across your abdomen, and he puts his arm across it to keep it in place for you. Space heater that he is, he’s creating a similar effect against your aching back, and it’s the most comfort you could possibly feel while you bleed out of your vag.
He’s made you forget about the work fiasco completely, and you cuddle into his warmth. “Thanks again, Gray. Seriously, you’re unreal.”
He nuzzles into your hair and smiles against the back of your neck. “Anytime. I mean, once a month. But anytime.”
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misterbitches · 3 years
some thots. having a bad time so this is rougher than usual. oh well
i guess he really does know hiim best cos if that was my mans (man specifically cos if anyone else did that id take it more srsly) i would be like oh my god ur singing me a love song? i would love it but i woudl SCREAM in embarrassment. UNLESS it was a really deep love song that's about us dying together.
like i want to eat ur skin type of thing (drain u nirvana) lmaoa but i really like this song it reminds me of that velvet underground song (the only one i know cos of juno lmao) and nico or whatever 'i'm sticking with you)
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my adhd would be out of fucking control i had to spend my time listening to this looking around i kept getting distracted by a tissue and thinking "wow this song is nice but i wish it would end bc i am getting distracted" and lo and behold i paused it and i have to pee and i know it's gonna take forever to undo this
ok about 12m later i turned it back on and they kissed and then he bit the corn then that night li chen also lost his virgin teas after watching gay porn and being like "hm interesting" and he'll be like "i see, ur dick is not medium sized"
i'm honestly gagging i cannot at this 12 year old marrying his mom
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beautiful theyre beautiful
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ayea you fucking psycho we do too because he was 17 and we had to witness it (or well, other people did cos i didnt watch the show even tho wayne song is [BEEEEEEEEEEEEEP BEEEEEP BEEEEP] and i want him to [BEEEEEEEP] and ppl even liked it which is fine like i get it in theory but they put this in my eyeballs so i'm gonna make fun of it bc it's fuckin DUMB lmao like i can't I CANNOT and he said "u were so persistent" BITCH UR 30??!?!???!?!?!?)capi hve it on mute and i tried to get a screencap of li chen and mu ren like together and not just his face but i cant find the timestamp and seeing their faces as they get married is literalyl traumattizing i'm like scremaing at my screen going "HE'S 5 HE'S 5 HE'S 5" and every time theyre like "we acn live forever together" like no bitch ur bones rae creaking
also is the officiator white? if anyone knows why or if that's common i'd love to know more. EDIT: HE ISN'T I JUST THOUGHT HE LOOKED LIKE MOBY FROM THAT ANGLE
anyway here
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i'm almost done with this fucking bullshit and i am in a really ould mood and usu they make it a bit better but imo it's kind of....annoying i guess balancing all these story elements and introducin gother couples (even in the periphery) since the story in itself can't focus. i feel like all in all the time spent with these two is a lot more limited and we get the feel for the rship because of their chemistry as actors, irl chemistry as friends and colleagues, and hopefully being happy and working on a good set. so it isn't the strength of the writing or production.
for some reason they get like less dynamic ways of being together which i think is part of their charm, they do things their own way, but the writers really should have substantiated this more. it's really just the way everyone in the show has managed to deliver these AWFUL story lines and production decisions (like seriously who the fuck was on costume? lighting?)
like maybe hot take but all the moments that are cringe and insane in the show are not pleasant, per se, because they aren't thought out clearly. so they're not a joy to watch in the normal sense but the actors are good enough to pull it off. i didn't cringe at the talks they had because it felt like actors like acting these lines out instead of us being embarrassed for it and you CAN TELL theyre embarrassed.
this is a huge kudos to the casting director and the actors and whatever crew that actually did a good job. i don't particularly like watching bo xiang and his grandfather husband not because of the content but because i feel like, to me, they're so awkward even though they have chemistry. i don't have that issue with xing si and his rapist brother boyfriend because watching them is actually really pleasant, it's intimate. this isn't to do with the story though because when it hits you how devoid this other person is and how stupid the situation is it changes (for me, for me, for me, this is all my opinion think whateverrrr u want im not telling u 2 ok!)
so truly kudos to this cast. idk if i'm misremembering here but imo the most cast appropriate series in this was crossing the line and close to you. one is a decent atmosphere and execution (yes even with that brother story line, notice the major key differences though because that's a sincere false equivalence. they try to execute power imbalances soooo badly and then fail every time but here's one meant to shock too and it was just likelmao ok girl?)
it may not make sense to say either in a writing way or for the character to do it but i believe that whoever the characters these people are supposed to be especially those super not well written on the page still get that message aacross (yong jie's actor is a good ex. not sure if i should ccongratulate him for having the worst job on earth and the worst character and his character is flat but. ostensibly they should let their actions speak for themselevs but what they do is they back themselves into a ccorner with unsuretyabout their characters or a dilemma that pops up they just want to excuse it. well guess hwat u couldnt do enough legwork. but to some extent the disposable side couple works here on a um "our eyes see them and get it" way
also to me it seems like they chose this story just to have this specific wedding. like it's a timely topic and i'm pretty sure like another provision? (correction? idk) was made WRT taiwanese same-sex marriage so it's topical but it isn't like a "papa and daddy" situation where they're interacting in it and there (for ex: the pride parade) and there being like real life terms and consequences. here it seems like they were like ah yes wedding ah yes dumb couple from modc bc we kiled off the other one sooooo (then outsource them to life love on the line u__u) then hamfisting in some fucking message which is funny bc
- despite the hints peppered in and the clear attraction they both acknowledge ur like ~not gay just him~ even tho...i mean i just. again they dont read over what they write i don't think considering. but wahtever.
- the only gay dude (verbally said) is with his rapist brother with an awful power dynamic oh or IS a rapist (gao) (or his brother but i think it was just a "im a psycho so it's him" thing unless they said it. in which case idc cos i wasnt paying attn but that's also not great) or i guess the wedding but like....that's also a ridiculously inappropriate and dumb relationship taht it's built on. i mean i don't really see much respect her so i dont particularly want to hear abt gay weddings being important when they didn't even utilize it in the story beforehand and have we ever. this is a huge indication to me that it was a reverse engineered chosen story beforehand (if it was one) or thought of
so reversal of that....it didnt give us enough time to breathe with these two at all but for both of the actors they can capitalize what's on the page and the writers didn't. like their dynamic is very i give/you give like taking car eof each other etc that's why
again, no artist worth their salt will ever say their work meant nothing. that's a cover up. i'm sick of lazy production and then getting away with it claiming being subversive or attacking an issue by not doing anything. we show crazy shit all the time but it has a POINT and ur point is "i like the gays" then girl.....i mean it's not great
but the acting really carried it. i have a feeling if this series continues it might continue to use more experienced actors cos maybe the budget goes up but they also have less inhibitions now when it comes to acting. i like the way li chen expresss himself and teng teng too. i like anson a lot and there's some angles that did not do any favors and i think eh has to get more control of his body movements (bc he's SO LARGE and thin) but he wasn't bad at all and there were real human tears. of course i, personally, favor charles tu. he has more control over his body because he has...less to work with and he's a bit bigger and he was really great in this role. he's a himbo a bit of a meathead but you like him. you like them. there's some things i think they had them say and do that they wouldn't let happen if they stuck to the characters and the story (mainly liking that dumb idiot rapist)
what i notice is that the reprehensible actions people criticize others for in the show and in real human life lalways gets turned around. teng teng being surprised that this boy's grandfather boyfriend met him when he was a junior in high school and he's 12 years older and him apologizing for being shocked and then whatshisface going "ur better at it than most people" and then the convo about gao with whatshisface and then rapist brother comes to pick him up. they are admonishing gao but thinking that rapist brother is noble for doin gwhat he did (and oh rapist brother shows up) like the hypocrisy and the decisions are immense. so now it's like "guys see he's a great guy" like girl STICK TO SOMETHING but whatever so i live in this universe where muren and li chen do everything right and have lots of different interesting fun seex with all their friends. i would write this but i cannot i am dying
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iredreamer · 5 years
Thanks for all your GJ commentary! I wonder if you could say something about the scene when Anne tells Ann what Rev. Ainsworth did to her. First, to me it's fairly clear that it wasn't consensual - she says "I told him I didn't want to" twice and "I never encouraged him," but I've seen a couple of recappers say he "seduced" her or that it was ambiguous?
Second, all of the beats of Ann’s response fascinate me - from her wanting to maintain some emotional distance (she starts off angry at Anne, after all) to moving to comfort her, and then becoming more and more angry on Anne’s behalf. But I wanted to point out that when she asks “Were you connected?” (i.e. did penetrative rape occur), Suranne Jones somehow managed to shed her first tear during that question. Both SJ and SR’s performances were amazing, but that one moment got me especially.
anonymous asked: I LOVE your gifs and scene analysis for GJ! No one I know has seen it so I can’t talk about with anyone, but reading your stuff is just as good. I was hoping you could gif and/or give your thoughts on a moment that really touched me and made me think. In episode 4 when Anne was comforting Ann about what Ainesworth had done, when she asked Ann how far he went with her, we see her crying too as if in empathy for Ann. I thought it was beautiful and want to know your thoughts?
First of all thank you you two for your messages
I know your asks focus on the second half of the scene, but I just wanna briefly touch on the first half too (lol at me saying “briefly”… this turned out long af) – by the way, it’s so hard to break down this scene, there are so many things happening and so many layers my brain will combust but I’ll try.
I love, just love, how mad Anne is. We can understand so much about her and her philosophy of life and how one should live it. I love her body language, she can’t keep still, she’d trash the room if she could, she finds a little relief in throwing that little box in a careless manner, she’s disheveled after that walk and she’s tired, she’s mad, and she wants answers, real ones this time. As soon as she hears the door, she’s ready to say all that is on in her mind. She doesn’t even notice that Ann had probably been crying all day.
“I would have known what to do with a yes or a no, but this? What am I supposed to do with this? I mean, do you think, do you really think that I’m someone to have my future happiness decided by fate?”
And, wow, behind this line there is just so much to unpack! Anne Lister, someone who has always lived her life in the truest most honest way, choosing every day to walk the hardest path, of course is pissed when AW leaves to fate a big decision like that. And AL doesn’t want fate to decide Ann Walker’s future either. She wants to hear that “yes” from AW’s lips, from AW’s heart, she wants AW to be sure of wanting her and wanting to be with her. The contrast is just striking, Ann Walker prefers to leave her future to fate, Anne Lister thinks that everyone should determine their own destiny. She would never take AW just because there’s a “yes” written on a stupid piece of paper. And she says it “Well, I’m taking it as a no” - “If you can’t choose, if you don’t have the courage to say yes to me, well then, it’s no, I’d never take someone who isn’t sure.” If it’s not a yes then it’s not a yes, it doesn’t matter to her that “it isn’t a no” – “Well, it isn’t a yes!”
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[y’all this turned out long af so…more under the cut]
AW tries to get closer, she takes a few steps forward but it’s impossible to get nearer to AL, she just doesn’t care that it isn’t a “no” [and let me just say that the camera movement on Ann Walker is spot on, you can feel the insecurity, the instability and nervousness of the situation, just look, LOOK!!!].
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Look at AW’s panic in that moment. We know by now that Ann Walker has been in love with Anne Lister for 15 years, and in this moment, when AL angrily says “Well, it isn’t a yes”, AW realizes that she could seriously lose Anne – AW can’t say “yes” to her, and not because she doesn’t want to but because she thinks she’s “not fit to say yes”, at the same time she can’t explain to AL why she can’t say yes because if she does, she’ll lose her – this is what Ann Walker is thinking, this is what she has been thinking for the whole episode, she doesn’t want to say the truth and explain to AL what is going on because she’s sure, she’s so sure, that AL will leave her if she tells her what happened. But, is she not losing her now anyway? So what else does she have to lose?
She still keeps quiet tho, and it’s AL who, looking for an explanation, finally asks the right question (even if the answer might hurt her) “Will you accept him?” – “I don’t want to but…” – “But…what?” And… oh god, the way she screams that “What?” gets me every time. She scares me a little. She was mad before but the anger and the frustration in that “What?” are on a whole new level.
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The way she closes her eyes, the way she screams, the anger of that “What” that is shaking her body even if she’s staying still (so in contrast with how we’ve seen her act till this point, moving around, opening her arms, talking with her whole body). She’s desperate to know what is going on with Ann, what Ann is not telling her, what is she keeping from her? What?
Ann Walker breaks down, she has to tell the truth. It’s time. And here we are anon, the moment Anne softens (for the first time). I love how in this moment you can seen on Anne Lister’s face how torn she is [Suranne is really expressive I love her], she’s suffering but she understands that she has to push her pain aside, she has to be there for AW, this is not the right moment to be mad – even tho she is – and so she tries to manage her anger and her pain to be there for AW and try to understand what is really going on.
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Anne Lister has worked on herself, for years, to finally be the person she is and be able to have such a deep understanding and control of herself and her emotions (something Ann Walker is just now learning to do). She’s an observer, she can read AW’s feelings really well, and she’s mature enough to understand when it’s time to be angry and when it’s time to manage that anger. She will not make Ann feel worse than what she already feels, she will not fight with her just to feel a temporary relief (in the next episode we’ll see how Ann Walker hurts Anne Lister without even realizing it just because she’s saying everything that comes up in her mind without giving it a serious thought, and I love this contrast, I love how different they are from each other).
AL lowers herself, she puts herself on AW’s level, she’s not towering over her anymore – this is so important for what happens later, after Ann Walker says she’s been indiscreet with Ainsworth – so, the power shifts, Anne Lister is ready to listen. Her walls are down. [Just let me rant for a sec inside these square brackets… this is like, one of the things I love the most about them and about this show, the way this fuuucking series plays with levels and physical positioning to show the shift of power between the Ann(e)s is so good I might have an orgasm every time it happens, I’m not even kidding.] AL takes her time before touching AW, she is still mad and after all she had been shouting at her just moments before.
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Look how careful she is and how carefully she chooses where and how to touch her to comfort her – “Ann.” – Ann, on the other hand, is totally in her head, already thinking the worst. When AW doesn’t respond to AL’s touch, AL gets closer, takes AW’s face in her hands and makes her look at her. She has to look her in the eyes, she has to be sure that AW knows that she’s there for her and that she’s ready to listen to her and find a solution to whatever is hurting her so bad – “Ann, talk to me. We’re adults. Nothing can be this bad.” – “I’ll never see you again. If I tell you the truth, you won’t want anything to do with me.” – And here it is, Ann Walker’s greatest fear. Losing Anne.
“It’s him. The Reverend Ainsworth. I’ve been Indiscreet with him.“
Oh oh.
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See? See how the power shifts between them? AL is getting up because she doesn’t want to be understanding anymore, not after that confession. She stands up, dominating AW in the only way she can, physically. She is shocked and hurt, more hurt than before. Didn’t AW say to her that she “felt a repugnance towards forming any sort of connection with a man”? So what is the truth? Did she lie? Or there’s more to it? And clearly there’s more to it…
The way Ann Walker explains what happened with Ainsworth is messy, yes, because she is upset, and she goes back and forth with what she says. She starts saying she’s been indiscreet with him, that he loved her, that he wanted to marry her and while she’s talking about all this she says: “And I didn’t want to but I didn’t know how to say no”, she continues talking about the letter and then she goes back talking about Ainsworth… so… my point is, her monologue is messy, and it can be confusing (even Anne Lister is confused, look at her face in that moment, trying to make sense of everything AW is saying to truly understand what’s the meaning of it). But, I think, there’s not doubt that it was a rape, I think it’s crystal clear > Ann Walker says: “I didn’t want to” and “I never encouraged him” – “I told him I didn’t want to, but then he just managed situations that he was alone with me, either here when they visited or there at their house.” – So I have no doubts about this.
In real life it seems that she wasn’t raped and apparently she never had sex with Ainsworth, they just kissed, so, to answer your question anon, maybe that’s from where the confusion about this scene starts, but I don’t think the scene itself is ambiguous at all, he never seduced her, that’s not what he did, he manipulated her.
The way Anne Lister stays calm and controls herself from this moment on fucking kills me because she’s dying inside y’all, she’s dying, the fact that AW has been with a man fucking kills her and she’s pushing all her pain aside because she understands that the pain AW is feeling is much greater and she needs to be there for her. She’s been holding back her tears from the moment AW said “I’ve never encouraged him”… I CANT
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“Do do you understand? You understand the problem? He’s had Intimate knowledge of me.“
And here, right here, is where Ann Walker is saying to AL that he forced himself on her – that she can’t say “yes” to her because she’s been with someone else – “Do you understand? You understand the problem?” – AW knows she’s not being very explicit, she probably can’t bring herself to be more explicit than that and a part of her probably thinks he had every right to act how he did (let’s not forget we’re in the 19th century), but she wants AL to understand, she wants AL to know that she didn’t have a choice. And AL does understand.
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She sits beside Ann. The power shifts again, AL’s putting her walls down again. I love the fact that Ann Walker has her walls down the whole time during their confrontation while AL keeps pulling them down and putting them back up, consciously deciding when to maintain an emotional distance and when to be more open [which is good y’all, learn from Anne Lister, self preservation is a great quality].
So, now, the dialogue that breaks my little lesbian hopeless romantic heart…
The time AL takes before talking is so important, she’s almost studying AW, thinking how to approach the subject. She needs answers to all the questions she has… And this brings me back to the flirty scene in episode 3, where Anne Lister playfully asks Ann Walker if she has ever kissed anyone or if she has ever wanted to. The contrast is devastating. I don’t know if this scene is supposed to mirror that one, but I can’t deny that in my mind the two are linked, whenever I watch this scene I think about that one and whenever I watch that one I think about this one. There’s something in how the whole conversation is written, AL asking questions, AW not answering in an explicit way, or again the way this scene totally changes the meaning of AW’s reticence in answering AL’s questions in episode 3…
“Intimate how?” – “Kissing?” – “Touching?” – AW can’t even bring herself to answer, she can’t even bring herself to look at Anne. And oh god, the way AL looks at AW right before asking if she and Ainsworth have been connected is heartbreaking. She doesn’t want to know, but at the same time she has to know. I love how AL is basically putting everything in order here, AW has already said all of this in her confusing monologue and now AL is asking clear straightforward questions to be sure to understand what really happened with Ainsworth and what didn’t.
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And well, I think she’s not only crying in empathy for AW, I think she’s crying for herself too. She hates that AW has been with someone else before, it hurts her. I really think there’s not just one way to explain her tears, I think for sure she feels the pain AW is feeling (and this is clear from the way she acts, and from how quickly she changed her manners when Ann started crying) but I also think it is not just a selfless, completely sympathetic crying. She’s crying for herself, she’s crying because she’s hurt.
Okay, so, the scene doesn’t end here (as we all know), but this is long af so I think I’m gonna just say a couple more things and then end this analysis or whatever this is…
My absolute favorite bit is this one: 
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I love the way AL caresses AW’s face, the contrast of her delicacy and the anger and pain that she’s feeling and that we can clearly see in her expression just breaks my heart. She’s trying to be caring and loving and sweet and supportive with AW even if that’s not what she’s feeling at all. She says “You were under his protection, in his house, and he took advantage of you.” and it’s like she’s seeing what happened at that time, in that house. She’s not calm, she’s angry, hurt, but she tries not to show it because she has to be there for AW, she has to be strong for her (let’s also say that she kinda fails because it’s clear how upset she is about the whole thing, and AW notices it – “You’re shouting. You’re cross”). I love this bit because AL is just so protective but at the same time looks so hurt and I– I don’t know, I just love it. I love how her chin is trembling, I love how her hand is slightly shaking, I love how she’s trying to control her body but she just can’t because what AW just told her upset her too much.
Another thing I really love – and that makes me really sad too – is AW saying that if she had someone like AL in her life things like that would have never happened. It’s amazing how that line brings us back to episode 1 and 2, to Dr Kenny, to Anne Lister being so quick to notice how his presence and manners irritated AW.
So, I hope I answered your questions and that you enjoyed reading my thoughts about this scene and yes, this is it, love u bye :*
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
I don’t hate Jaune...I just treat everything he does as wrong by default and get angry at him because of it.
No, you do hate Jaune. You just don’t want to be called out on it.
Under read more. Spoilers: It contains some of my anger over cerain blond teenage character of RWBY. I don’t mean it as hate, I’m just tried of seeing this kind of stuff over and over again and I finally need to vent.
And yet as we go on, we’ll see that you have chosen to intreupt things in the most negative light possible with Jaune. You will choose to see everything he does or everything around him as bad to the point of direct contradiction of the show and hypocrisy.
The thing that pisses me off the most about Jaune’s manpain over Pyrrha is that it seems to be post-production mistake fixing. They forgot to develop this romance from Jaune’s perspective, having him ignore Pyrrha most of the time and share like three moments or so when he appreciates or takes interest in her in any way shape or form, while for the rest of the time he chases another.
Who told you Jaune was mourning her death because it was a romantic relationship? Are you saying that Jaune can’t be sad over his close friend and mentor? Are you saying that it can’t just be friendship with him? because there is nothing to tell me that Jaune loved Pyrrha that way, only that Pyrrha loved him. Jaune never said or showed romantic love towards her at all and the show doesn’t treat it as a two way romantic relationship.
Right off the bat your first argument (Which, by the way, is fucking insulting to say that a man can’t be sad without it being an insult. As much as I bet you call out toxic masculinity, this is reinforcing the idea that men cannot express emotion) is built off of misinformation and fandom assumption. Right off the bat, you just showed you aren’t worth your weight in critique and analysis. And that’s your only option. You said this wasn’t hate so that implies you believe this to be rational and thus this is an analysis of why you factually are angry at Jaune. If not then it IS hate and you are lying in the beginning. Those are your only options.
Like really, one moment is where he says sorry on that roof, the other is during the dance tho idk if I should count it as this because the way he framed this ‘interest’ was inconsiderate but I’ll let it slide for a while
How? How is his interest in Pyrrha, his mentor and best friend, inconsiderate? how is trying to understand her inconsiderate? It’s not and that’s a crook of shit you are using to justify your irrational hate. You let it slide because it does not exist and if you tried that, the fanbase would call you out on your shit, as I am.
Then we have long long nothing and finally, first-in my opinion- genuine interest in what and how Pyrrha feels ep.8 of vol3 so 4 or so episodes before she dies, and in-universe timeline on the very day she dies. Like really, it took the dude to go and start noticing and showing interest in HOW HIS PARTNER feels this long?
yes, because some people are like this. Some people are dense to the feelings of otehrs. Some people cannot read the signs, especially since Pyrrha only let on ONCE about her true feelings (BTW, she wasn’t even being direct that time so it’s on her for not being direct with a dense guy), everything else would be expected of a partner. Funny how two seconds of thought clears this up
And don’t give me any ‘he had to do it earlier’ because apart from that dance scene we don’t get it on screen so as far as we know episode 8 is the first time, or at least first time since the dance. And yet, despite the fact he ignored her, and showed no consideration or no interest in her and her feelings he somehow gets to have most development?
What development are you talking about? If it’s in the relationship then you directly said above he WASN’T developed.If it’s as a friend then what do you call putting on a dress to make her feel better and trying to comfort her when she is obviously troubled? And if it’s character development: That has nothing to do with what is going on and spoiler: Weiss gets that title not Jaune. Nice try.
he gets her circlet? I understand the notion of ‘you don’t know what you have’ I really do, but with all of the above? It really doesn’t seem like enough to warrant such actions. Especially the circlet. How realising he lost a chance and was an idiot for not seeing what was in front of him, how does that entitle him to her possessions?
Seriously? This argument? You are seriously trying to argue over a fucking piece of jewelry that her parents probably own twenty of hers back at home with all the baby pictures and other belongings whereas he just gets one thing which he uses to honor her memory? I’m starting to think you hate the show in general for allowing Jaune to exist seeing as you are trying to tear down anything good in the show that involves him. 
? How does make him more worthy than her parents/mother? He knew this girl for like…few months and for most of this time he couldn’t be bothered to get to know her, care about her feelings or appreciate her. And somehow just because he regrets he didn’t get to know her and make that effort, he is entitled to merge her circlet with her remains into his armour? Does regret over not building or contributing to a bond makes up for that bond or something? I wouldn’t take such an issue with it if he at least asked her mother or waited until they meet her family. It still would have been forced, but he wouldn’t come off as entitled, inconsiderate jerk
Maybe because he was her first real friend? Maybe because she could only make meaningful connections because Jaune helped her? because he helped her though her sadness? maybe because he was willing to help her defeat Cinder and only didn’t because he knew he was basically dead weight? Forgot all about this stuff huh? Convenient for your argument huh?
And never contributed to anything? What do you call putting on a dress to make her feel better? What do you call sitting by her side to comfort her? WHat do you call trying to give her advice? What do you call standing guard while she was about get Amber’s power? Just because you have a hate boner for the guy doesn’t mean you get to twist the facts.
And yes, you would have said this anyway. It’s a fucking lose lose situation. Either he doesn’t do it and he’s an inconsiderate jerk or he does and he’s a Mary Sue and either way, you say bullshit. I know this for a fact because even as your complaints stop applying to him, you twist the facts to MAKE them apply. You hate the guy but you want your hate to be accepted even as you lie and cheat. Well too fucking bad: World doesn’t work that way.
Like if he really, really, really, really, really, really HAS to have Pyrrha’s circlet then at least have her mother say she cannot keep it because it’s too painful and that Pyrrha would have wanted him to have it. Having that wouldn’t have made it good but at least it would be just annoying and tried instead of rage inducing.
Translation: “If the show wastes it’s limited time and budget to make this completely unnecessary scene for me and ten other people which can happen in a latter scene, I’ll say I won’t do this but will because I have shown that I will lie before and why wouldn’t I do it here?”
That’s what all that tells me form your language and actions here. And I call you out on it.
And another thing that bothers me about this whole thing is that Pyrrha’s death in vol3 was empowering, she fought well and valiant, she did her best and pulled all the stops, she did it for her friends and whole the world. She died on her own rules, never yeilding to the dark side. It was heroic and tragic and most of all POWERFUL it was sad but somewhat positive and inspiring message. It had some meaning. It wasn’t death for shock value. But volume 4 never mentions that
Um, you don’t have to directly mention it. The empowering part is shown by Cinder being humiliated and shunned, thus causing what she wanted to turn on her as if by fate. The heroic and inspirational part comes from her influence over Jaune and Ruby and how her death has changed them both drastically, driving them both to improve and keep going. It’s called subtlty.
No, when it’s mentioned it is to show how sad JAUNE IS, to show how UPSET AND ANGRY he is. Like with those recordings, where she tells him he’s great and wonderful an whatnot and he slices the air with his sword in anger. We have it refferenced after Shinon’s fall when again it is to bring out and hilight Jaune’s pain because Shinon.
Fucking liar. The recording was for RUBY’S development you ass. Jaune has mourned Pyrrha onscreen by himself for 8 seconds I counted. When teh focus of the sadness isn’t on Ruby, I counted. It happened once for eight seconds you liar. The scene was meant to convey how close they are and how sad Ruby is over all the sadness around her, Jaune was NEVER the focus you ass. This is so fucking obvious that anyone who thinks critically on it will see it so you have NO excuse.
Jaune says “I am tried of losing everything” everything that is mainly Pyrrha
And Beacon. And his old life. And his chance to be a true huntsman. And his chance to do for Pyrrha what she did for him.
Then we have it mentioned when Qrow talks to them, and again Pyrrha’s death is not there to show example of heroism and taking things into your own hands and choosing how you die. No, once again her death is there for Jaune to get angry and upset
No it was tos how that Qrow and Ozpin weren’t the great heroes they act like, that they did shit wrong too. Jaune wasn’t angry that Pyrrha was dead, he was angry because they caused her to die. he was angry because they caused it. Is he right? No but the narrative doesn’t treat him that way seeing as Jaune is framed like he’s right but overreacting and being overly hostile. The only one making Pyrrha’s death all about Jaune is you: You are the one at fault here, not Jaune or the writers. 
And heck he even manged to rid Pyrrha of her own free will and of the whole by-her-own-rules thing, because he access Qrow of FORCING HER INTO IT
Pyrrha was told she was the only one who could stop a plot against the world. For a selfless person, that is the equivalent to putting a gun to their head. Qrow even acts like it was a bad thing you idiot. The story and tone literally contradict what you are saying: your own basis defeats your argument.
It also shows a lot about how Jaune views Pyrrha. He doesn’t see a strong young woman who is brave and self-sacrifcing and makes her own decisions. He sees her as this…idk object? that doesn’t have it’s own free will and is just moved around by others
Exactly. She was self sacrificing. It is in her nature. SO what otehr choice woulod Pyrrha see in that situation besides helping the greater good? That is literally tantimount to taking advantage of someone. Do you think it’s impossibe to do that? If you do then you’re obviously too immature to talk about such things.
 And yet you blame Jaune and says that he sees her as an object? The one guy who DIDN’T see her as a glorified object but as a person? Considering you push Pyrrha around and twist a lot of shit about her for your own needs, you treat her as an object more than Jaune: A tool to be used to attack and harm a fictional character than an entity of her own.
Ok, maybe I’m taking it too far but this is how it at times looks to me. And this is saddening to me, it is saddening that I see, or at least it seems so that Pyrrha’s death is being reduced to manpain
No, it’s god damn enraging that you see it that way because NOTHING about the show even remotely suggests that unless you look at things through three kalediscopes taped together. It’s enraging that you take this as fact when all forms of logic say otherwise, when facts say otherwise. Because it shows how little you actually care about the character and show unless it’s exactly as you envision it and want it to be. It enrages the fuck out of me.
And this brings me back to her relationship with Jaune and generally relationships girls have with Jaune because it kind of follows similar patterns. When she was alive Pyrrha was kind of like Superhero’s Grifriend. Sure she needn’t saving all the time but she was there to be his pillar of strength, to tell him he’s doing good ect. and now after her death volume 4 is doing the same things.
Or maybe it’s the revolutionary idea that she’s his mentor and she’s trying to teach him to have self confidence because those kinds of thoughts are not only unhealthy and damaging mentally but unsafe LITERALLY with the Grimm around. Did that never occur to? because it occurred to 90% of the fandom.
Then we have Weiss, whose relation to Jaune was to give him angst over rejection and unrequited love. @sssn-neptune-vasilias pointed out, so very, very well that she was ‘another thing that Jaune wanted’ instead of a person
Ah yes the terrorist who thinks people should be harassed and bullied unless they think like him and act like him. Such a creditable source.
Not like the show which went to great lengths to show that Jaune wanted to date for WHO she is, not WHAT she is.( https://youtu.be/nur1pCHD4hU?t=9m6s / https://youtu.be/i7wkw3yEbvQ?t=3m32s ) Once again, the show outright contradicts you so what crediblity do you have. What reason should we not mark you as a hater and treat you as such, despite your protests.
and now it seems that even Ruby, the protagonist of the show, is being reduced to a prop for Jaune Arc’s plot line. She slowly becomes another Comforter like Pyrrha was, another girl who is there to be his pillar of strength while he has angst while she isn’t allowed to have her own feelings and emotional trauma. She doesn’t get to mourn Pyrrha or ponder over her death Jaune with concern and sadness in her eyes because ‘oh, Poor Jaune’. When Shinon gets destroyed and Jaune has another angsty moment, Ruby who too should be distressed and who kinda is over the destruction and dead Huntsman, once again turns to comfort Jaune, and put her hand on his shoulder. Because his angst  again is the most important thing we should focus on. Then we have the talk with Qrow and again Jaune’s feelings and Ruby doesn’t react much when the dude says ‘fat lot of help you are’(it’s not exaxct qoute but it’s basically what he says) because Jaune again has right to act this way Because He Found Out Truth About Pyrrha, so obviously we shouldn’t be too harsh.
SHUT UP! That is a blatant lie! Jaune only angst onscreen when it’s usable for RUBY. his line about losing people vocalizes RUBY’s sorrow, his sadness in the forest is used a way to make RUBY’S angst relatable, his srrow all builds to Episode 10 where he LITERALLY pushes his sadness aside and says that Ruby inspired him and his team, that she is the only reason any of them have gotten this far both emotionally and physically! He literally spots angsting to make RUBY look good! 
Jaune is needed for Ruby because Ruby avoids bad things and denies the darkness of the world whereas Jaune accepts it and struggles to properly process and grieve for it. Just like how Ruby would defend her uncle and take everything he says as right even as it isn’t, so Jaune has to call him out. Just like Ruby would insist on keep going and pushing it out of her mind,Jaune processes it. Just as Ruby bottles up her feelings until they overwhlem her, Jaune talks about it gets her through it. JAUNE is teh supporter now, JAUNE is the comforter. And yet you refuse to accept that.
That just proves you hate Jaune: that you are so blinded by your hate for him that you literally take things as the exact opposite of what they are. You are a joke and a cheap, pathetic one at that, one i laugh at with a sense of pointed disdain and without an ounce of respect or given dignity.
And then we have parting with Nora and Ren line. Again, despite the fact her uncle is seriously hurt Ruby’s priority as a character is to comfort worried Jaune. Again she is not allowed to have her own emotions and her worries, because Jaune’s are more important and as the only girl left she has to attend to them.
Okay, enough of this sexist bullshit: What about Weiss, who outright rejected him out a care for his feelings? What about Nora, who demans him? What about Yang and Blake who never interact with him? What about Glynda, who never sugercoated anything with him? I am at my paitence’s end with you, do not push me.
And Jaune, just like on that roof with Pyrrha and on that balcony, instead of being thankful or considerate tells her that ‘we don’t know that’, which makes it even more annoying because he again comes off as completely ungrateful; and someone who treats this kindness as either something due to him that he doesn’t have to appreciate.
Because Ruby is being childish and naive for thinking that way! That is who Ruby is! Did you get total ammesia about Ruby’s character throughout this whole thing? Because that is the only excuse.
And it annoys me. I DO NOT HATE JAUNE ARC. I really don’t. He is a good character, but THE WAY THEY WRITE HIM and the way THEY FOCUS ON HIM, the way HIS EMOTIONS ARE MOST IMPORTANT AND OVERRULE EVERYTHING ELSE is what makes me angry. Fine, give some development to the side-character, have them have emotions but please focus on other characters too ESPECIALLY MAIN CHARACTER.
And it pisses me off that you are so centered on hating Jaune and making up excuses to hate him, to justify your hate, that it demeans everyone else in the show to revolving around when that isn’t the case at all! You ignore character’s personality, development, context, actions, feelings and blatant FACTS to hate on him.
You say you are not a hater of Jaune but everything about this screams hater, an irrational one who will justify their hate no matter how much they must twist the show and characters because they have an irrational hatred of one character. Shut up and never talk about Jaune ever again: we have enough comedy in Rooster Teeth, we don’t need pathetic laughter too.
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todokori-kun · 7 years
Well, he IS burdened with glorious purpose.
As for the whole bookworm thing, it’s never specifically said that he likes reading but it’s pretty much canon. I mean, we all know he’s more of the ‘brains’ to Thor’s 'brawn’- magic and tricks over actually going out and fighting face-to-face, outsmarting almost everyone around him except his mother and sometimes Odin, able to read people perfectly (unless they’re Natasha)- and all that knowledge about magic had to come from somewhere other than just lessons from his mother. There’s also a scene in Thor 2 after Loki’s been put in prison, and while everyone else around him is fighting he’s just calmly reading a book in his cell and ignoring the chaos.
We can only hope it’s not Arima. He deserves to rest in peace. Also it would just screw up the perfect ending Ishida made for his story…
I think I’ve seen a theory that there’s been a time skip and Touka is dead. (please no not a time skip AoT’s given us enough of those)
I do feel 100% sure that something has happened and I’m really excited for the next chapter :D
HUFFLEPUFF PRIDE. Seriously though, personally it’s the house I think I fit best with and most of the quizzes I’ve taken sorted me into it (occasionally I got Ravenclaw, very rarely Gryffindor or Slytherin). You know how in the books Hufflepuff is the only house without an actual villain from it? I guess I’m going to ruin that XD
Dude, if Hinami is TG’s perfect s/o, Marco is that for AoT. I honestly wish I knew someone like him irl ;-; Queen Luna’s HCs are lovely though so tysm <3
OTP? 0////0 the thought of being shipped with Captain America is making me blush lol
With Loki, I like I’d just stutter like the anxious idiot I am
“Um. Is everything ok? I mean, a lot of stuff’s happened, obviously you’re not ok, just, you look tired. I mean, not that you look- you look bad, I mean you actually look really good, god, that sounds creepy doesn’t it, what I meant was- I mean- ugh…”
And for once, he’d just be kind of shocked into silence.
Loki in Thor 1 is a lot like me and I think we could be really close, but Loki in the later movies is… well. I feel like I’d end up joining Thor in his 'LOKI COME HOME’ crusade and it would always be an epic fail.
Luna + Loki would be just amazing though. 10/10 would ship. 1000/10 would pay to see that sass battle.
Honestly, Queen Luna is kinda really shippable. Idk why. I don’t ship real people (I mean, I can 'ship’ them but not in the 'writing fanfics and drawing fanart’ way)  but since I have your permission it’s like my brain is running wild XD
Aww <33 Evans is a really good third wheel though (BLATANT LIES. Evans is actually a tiny bit clingy and gets jealous sometimes…not in the 'don’t hang out with that person you’re mine’ kind of way, but in the lonely, depressed way that just leaves me feeling drained (since the SA also makes me a bit insecure)? Idk I’m a drama king haha).
I’ve heard the Hulk movies suck and from what I’ve seen they probably do so I haven’t watched them either ^^;; and yay, can’t wait to see how you’ll do in MCU hell! :D
The feels are rushing back *deep breath*
I was broken from a young age,
Taking my sulking to the masses
Writing my poems for the few that
looked at me,
took to me,
shook to me,
feeling me
Singing from heartache, from the pain
Take up my message from the veins
Speaking my lesson from the brain
Seeing the beauty through the...
Is the ‘burdened with glorious purpose’ a quote/joke from the movie? Cause I found this meme during my 3am adventures:
Tumblr media
And Loki’s burdened with glorious butt.
I’VE WATCHED THOR 1. And I must say, Loki is definitely fave. I mean, Thor does get a lot of character development, but, meh. Poor Loki ;-; I feel so sorry for him... I mean, if only his father had paid more attention to him and not only saw him as something that will form a pact in the future...  Also, I realised something. Both of the Asgard siblings have longer hair than me. That makes me strangely salty.
Ahahahah I think the two of us would get along very well ^^;; I mean, while I do watch a lot of anime, I still consider reading (and writing) my main hobbies. Last week, I read three books alone, during school hours (summer definitely does have its advantages). I’m looking forward to watching Thor 2. It’s next on my list, however I’m not sure when I’ll next find time time for it. I still have a few things to finish up in school, but I’d say Tuesday, Thursday or Friday are the days in which I’ll have time for a movie.
While I was watching Thor, my mom came in during the shirtless scene (great timing, I know) and since it’s gotten very hot here, I had a fan and was fanning myself. According to her, I looked ‘like a deranged fangirl’. What a nice comment.
Pls no. I’m not a fan of Touken, but I don’t want Touka to be dead. Pls.  When I first thought ‘oh, a time skip?’ I was like ‘oh god, not another one.’ but then I realised that TG actually had very little time skips. But AoT has had so many it’s made up for all the other mangas I’m currently reading. 
Yeah, I’m pretty excited for it as well ^^ Hopefully we get a nice explanation. 
According to most quizzes, I’m a Ravenclaw, but my friends say I’m a weird mix between Slytherin and Ravenclaw. If I had to choose, RAVENCLAW FOR THE WIN! (I have nothing against Slytherin, I just like blue more than green)
From TG Hinami’s perfect s/o, AoT Marco, YoI Everyone, probably, Kuro Idk?? Is there anyone who’d be nice mental support? Oh, Lizzie, maybe!
I’m glad you like my headcanons ^^ When I get to know Steve well enough, prepare for a river of them huehuehue
I feel like, if I was in that universe and knew the Asgard siblings, I’d be the one quietly faceplaming behind everyone. Maybe trying to talk reason into Loki
‘You can’t just try to take over New York! You’ll get locked up or worse!’
And then I’d be grandly ignored. How fun.
And then I’d go visit him in prison and just look at him with the ‘I told you so face’. 
Honestly, I feel very awkward about shipping real life people with other real life people but people with fictional characters is fine with me, as long as it doesn’t get extreme (in the ‘this is MY character, why are you even talking about it’ (trust me, I’ve seen fangirls get possessive over their faves, and it’s not pretty)).
Have I told you how interesting Loki fangirls are? During my 3am Adventures™ I encountered roughly the same amount of Smut and Fluff. Usually, the fluff outweighs smut, but it seems that’s not the case this time. However, for some reason, I don’t have problems with character and character smut, but if I see it involves reader, I’m out of there. It just makes me too uncomfortable.  And they don’t seem to know how to tag things properly. In the Loki tag, I for every 2 Loki fics, there was 1 for another avengers. Sometimes more. 
You’re definitely not a drama king. It’s completely normal to feel that way. And I’d definitely never leave you hanging ^^
I swear, if I start another Imagines blog, I will be coming after your blood. I already have 2 and am struggling to keep a consistent update schedule! (that might have to do with school tho and school’s ending soon....)
Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer Pain! You break me down, you build me up, believer, believer Pain! Let the bullets fly, oh let them rain My life, my love, my drive, it came from... Pain! You made me a, you made me a believer, believer
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kitto-toberu-sa · 7 years
Tri Spoilers
I feel the new trailer has kinda spoiled some of the films best moments since they take some of the tension out of it... On the cast talk, they didn’t say much of interest, since we hadn’t seen the movie, so anything interesting would have been a spoiler...
Cast Talk Sora’s va had invited other cast members to her concert and they came, so she felt like they were family. They twirled around in the uniforms and said they thought the movie was interesting. Next broadcast is those two + Mimi, with Takeru as the MC, because he’s cheerful and able to chat. He called himself ponkotsu (useless, terrible etc) and said he found it difficult, so Sora should do it, but she said she was ponkotsu too. Mimi’s va is the ‘you can do it’ senpai, so the announcer said the three of them probably balance each other out lol
Warning: I was working on three hours of sleep and did have a teeny tiny bit of alcohol before the movie (I get tipsy easily :/) so I may or may not have missed something. 
Shipping moments - honestly whenever someone asks me about a ship moment I never know if they’re talking friend or romance. Because in all honesty, character A can look at B and half of tumblr will say it’s code for them dating. So when y’all say ‘moments’ I never know what you’re thinking because half of you exaggerate nothingness into canon. So when I’m asked about moments, I talk about times when characters interacted. I hope that clears things up.
Also please slow down on the shipping asks. I deleted over 10 messages. Patience is appreciated. So is not being rude. I’m happy to talk about literally any ship, but don’t spam me and demand answers. You make your ship and the fandom look bad. (Also why are y’all on anon I don’t bite lmao)
We start off with a flashback, done in an old timey style (like old movie cinema noises, flickering visuals etc. I thought it was rad like it made me so happy I love it) HIMEKAWA AND DAIGO ARE DIGIDESTINED. (HE’S A GOGGLEHEAD I LOVE HIM) So we see their final story and that’s hella cool but I can’t read kanji and some of it was written in kanji so :/
Looks like she was possessed like Hikari? Glowing eyes and shit, mentions of light, hope, Yggdrasil and homeostasis. (Apparently they were the original chosen which seems kinda blegh to me but w/e)
So they both know they’re chosen and Maki works her butt of to try and get them back (looks like she may have made reboot in order to reach her partner?). At one point Daigo tries to get her to STOP (even though she just wants to see her partner??? Bakumon/Tapirmon)
“I’ll be your new partner”
I fucking squealed HOW CUTE
But also what a dumb confession you nerd. This looked to be high school or uni btw. She was favourable to that. It seems they dated for a time but he forgot everything? (Which explains why she’s so bitter 24/7)
In any case, the kids are stuck in the D World with no way to contact anyone (Gennai isn’t answering) or to get home. They eat. Koushirou goes on a lecture about Oolong because Mochimon said it was nice. Mochimon is looking for a polite way to say ‘I honestly don’t care’ since Koushirou is rambling about it while everyone is doing their own thing. Sora made food for everyone. Everyone’s bonding but Piyomon is being an unreasonable bitch. I can understand her being scared, confused etc, but she’s full on aggressive the whole movie, and it literally makes no sense. It’s distracting, not like the first Piyomon we knew and it doesn’t advance the plot or characters.
Ah, there’s also a few scenes where they’re trying to bond with their Digimon. Hikari’s whistle smells like her so they bond pretty quick and it’s pretty cute. Tsunomon is hiding even though yamato is standing ages away just looking over his shoulder. Lots of ‘DON'T EAT ME PLZ’ which is cute and Mochimon is adorable.
Koushirou is busy so Mimi tries to feed him!!!! He goes bright red and puts his laptop in front of his face, saying he can feed himself. I’m screaming everyone loved it they’re SO CUTE. Sora made some weird shit with jelly beans and whipped cream. Koromon is the only one who likes it. Everyone else thinks its fucked up. I wouldn’t eat it.
Everyone Digivolves because of food? Palmon has a cute scene where she’s all like ‘Am I cute~?’ and Mimi is like YAAAAS YOU ARE! YOU’RE THE DIGIWORLDS NEXT TOP MODEL (okay not a direct quote but shush) which is super cute since Mimi wasn’t impressed with having an ‘ugly’ digimon originally so it really shows her development and growth.
Meikuumon appears, runs away and then disappears through a portal. Meikuumon is very odd, going from crying to being incredibly angry the whole time. It doesn’t make a lot of sense. Meiko gets to the Digital World after her Digivice changes.
Sora is upset because Piyomon is being a bitch so Taito try to comfort her. They sit on either side of her, so it’d be an excellent opportunity for them to both show interest in her. Or for Yamato to go ‘dude, my girlfriend/love interest, back off’. But no. Apparently neither of them know more than ‘Sora’s upset’ and have no idea what’s really wrong or how to help, so they’re using each other as back up to try and make her happy.
How many years have they known each other now? They should have some type of guess at how to help her inidivdually. It makes me wonder if the epilogue is tri canon because this could have set Sorato up perfectly, but if you didn’t know the epilogue, you honestly never would know. Everyone would assume it’s Koumi that’s the official pair.
Agumon floats by on a log? So Tai goes to help and Sora walks off. Tai says the same line Piyomon said about taking care of herself and she’s all like ‘don’t say what Piyomon said!!!’ as if Tai knew about it??? The whole scene is funny, but it’s filler and just goes ‘boys and girls are SO different they CAN’T understand each other?!???!’. It’s basically Taito speaking in unison and going ‘girls are troublesome’.
Considering they don’t know how to comfort her and they’re constantly together, I wouldn’t say it’s a win for anyone but Taiorato fans, and due to the bad writing, I don’t think you can call it a win.
At some point they’re discussing Meiko and Hikari’s like ‘ehhh Takeru, don’t you have a crush on her?’ and he’s like ‘don’t worry, my number one person is...’
-looks at Yamato-
‘Isn’t that great, oniichan?’ (Taichi)
Tsuntsun Yama makes his appearance again. I LOVE IT.
Everyone (Meiko not included) is deciding what to do and Jyou is old reliable Jyou again. Takeru mentions how he’s like Jou of the past and Mimi wonders if he’s responsible now because he has a girlfriend to look after. Jyou can tell by her tone she doesn’t believe he has a girlfriend. I live for these jokes tbh.
Everyone gets separated when the big bad attacks. The scene of Jyou/Pata/Pal is adorable, since we see Palmon and then it pans up to Jyou. It looked so dramatic but then it’s Jyou and two weak/girly looking Digimon against a stormy sky and everyone just burst out laughing. 
Tai and Gabu are together. Tai’s shouting for everyone. Gabu joins in.
“YAMato... kun”
He’s too embarassed because they aren’t close enough and stuff to just say ‘Yamato’. Tai is a bit miffed that Gabumon won’t use honorifics on him lmao Gabu’s the cutest little muffin and everyone loved it. It happens again later when he and Yamato are reunited and Yamato is like ???  why honourifics??? and Taichi’s still pissed he doesn’t have honorifics lolololol
Anyone Tai and Hikari meet up and Tai’s like ‘well all their memories are gone it sucks’ and Hikari’s like ‘I don’t know. This way, Plotmon doesn’t remember all the bad things that happened to her. I think it’s okay this way.’ AND DAMN THAT HIT ME. Abuse isn’t something you just magically get over. It’s a lifelong fight. Honestly it was really simple and wasn’t elaborated on, but it seriously touched me. It says a lot about Hikari and her relationship with Tailmon to me.
Palmon draws Mimi on some rocks. Koushirou and Yamato are together and Koushirou just shows photos of everyone having fun which is cute, but do we really need all this bonding stuff? Tri has been really well character driven, but it rebooted to 0 character for the Digimon so I just feel like it’s a bad decision and I’m worried about the time it ate up, since it leaves less time for plot.
Piyomon and Sora are in the desert, Piyomon tries to ditch, they find Meiko. They go recoop and Piyomon doesn’t want to talk to Sora but she happily does whatever Meiko says? Which considering how little she trusts Sora, why would she trust some random human she just met? It’s honestly so cringey and Sora and Meiko were uncomfortable with it, and it made no sense. Sora deserved better.
Ken appears to Sora and Meiko. He shows himself to be Gennai. But apparently is NOT Gennai, but is on the Digimon’s side. Whatever the fuck that means.
Also, he licked Sora’s face while pinning her down and felt all over her to steal her Digivice. It made me hella uncomfortable. It wasn’t necessary, the cast is already freaked out by him, he’s stronger and smarter than them, so it did nothing except make the audience uncomfortable. Sora didn’t make much of a reaction either, so it was weird and unnecessary and not what Digimon is about. 
Maki finds her partner but obviously it doesn’t remember her. She seems really shocked? Like what the fuck? She probably knew this would happen, or the amount of time it’s been could have changed things. Instead of being understanding or sad, she goes berserk and grabs it and shakes it? Girl needs to chill (honestly made me uncomfortable, like imagine shaking a small child? ew)
(Meanwhile, Huckmon fills Daigo in in Maki’s office and just info drops really. Daigo has some nice hacking skills tho. Mostly cuz he knows Maki too well lol)
By the end of the movie everyone except Tailmon is at their final form iirc. That was pretty rad, except I’m pretty sure Takeru’s digivice said MagnaAngemon instead of Holy? Also, Butterfly was playing instead of Brave heart for some of the evolution and that’s weird and wrong. (I love it but it isn’t the evolution song :/)
The end battle is everyone going ‘oh shit Sora/Meiko are in trouble lets get Gennai away from them’ and for some reason they’re on a boat? Okay then. Taito run off with Hikari and encounter Seadramon. Hikari is left to float by herself while the other two drown. They're ultra gay because Taichi can’t swim enough so starts drowning (even though he should theoretically be more athletic than Yamato? Or at least equal) so Yama comes back and swims around him to save him? But they both drown and the AguGabu’s friendship saves them and they Digivolve. As you do. They monologue and shit, but, as much as it’s my OTP and Yama is bae of baes, it didn’t fit the tone, the situation or anything. It wasn’t important. Generic friendship stuff.
Nobody really brings Sora back to her normal self, but Piyomon comes to her senses after Sora tries to save her and is repeatedly smashed into a mountain. Meiko does try to comfort Sora before they’re all attacked and is all like ‘Digimon are our partners’ and using the words Sora used to comfort her (this is right before Meikuumon attacks her too lmao so Meiko tries to help Meikuumon and then they’re all attacked by gennai).
So the others come up with a plan to distract Gennai from SoraMei (which backfrires because Sora runs off to help everyone and he can teleport? So he’s like lol thanks for leaving Meiko wide open nice).
Piyomon gets captured, Sora tries to save her and is smashed up against a wall of ice numerous times. Piyomon digivolves, mostly everyone else does and a giant Tentomon appears?!? Because Koushirou used a hologram, nice. There was no reason for Palmon and Gomamon to be on the sidelines. Nice fight tho. Takari scene were ice is crashing and Takeru is looking out for her, but that’s what he’d do for anyone, and I’m honestly sick of her needing to be saved (happened like, three times this movie? Yuck no thanks)
Anyway Gennai plot drops and I don’t really get it but it looks like he was using Maki to make reboot so Digimon who were sealed away could be reborn and Meiko is needed for some reason (maybe due to Meikuumon’s virus?). Yggdrasil seems to be the big bad. Gennai is trying to get Meikuumon to do something but it won’t so he strangles Meiko until she passes out (I honestly don’t believe she’s dead) and Meikuumon evolves.
The end.
My thoughts:
Weakest movie so far. Many scenes were enjoyable but since the Digimon are memoryless, it didn’t add to development, character or plot wise. Enjoyable scenes were also dragged out too long, leaving little room for plot. Plot came out of nowhere and was unexplained (where the fuck are the 02 kids) and Sora honestly just cried a lot. This should have been her and Meiko’s movie, because Taito didn’t do much plotwise and Sora’s arc was written too weakly to carry the movie. At the end of the movie everyone kinda paused, going, ? oh, that’s it? It didn’t feel like a complete movie
Felt a little like filler. I enjoyed it, but I’m very worried about the pacing the last two movies need to fit everything in.
Especially if the epilogue is canon. They’re either glossing over everything (ie Sorato) or … I don’t know. Like, to show a relationship, all they need is Sorato standing next to each other, Yamato attempting to comfort her alone and like, one or two lines a movie where they show concern for each other on more than friends level. But Koumi + Jyou/Mystery Woman get more than that, so it’s worrying to see how it will end out.
I honestly don’t care if they rehash the epilogue. I like it as it is, but unless they did something majorly off like pair Meiko with Yamato I’d probably be happy with it (I only wouldn’t accept this as it comes out of nowhere). I don’t think there’s really been tonnes of Takari hints (some, yes) but I wouldn’t mind betting that Koumi has good chances of being canon, though Mimi doesn’t always seem to realise Koushirou likes her, so maybe not. But if any couple was going to be canon that wasn’t originally canon, that’s where I’d put money. 
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tayegi · 7 years
Hii u lovely creature. First i just wanted to say i love ur work, this last chapter was...quite shocking since well how Jk was talking and reacting towards the OC. Im really not good with theories really and specially if i gotta write them down in english but i was thinking since u said this would have 3 parts that maybe...just maybe was like one part of each of the characters? Like one were we view in detail the feelings of the OC, then JK and the Jimin? Maybe? Idk sorry. Anyway love ur work :)
Anonymous said:Thank you for being able to find the time to write equilibrium, and thank you for being able to find the time to update it as well- and come on tumblr at all tbh. I know it must not seem like it but most of us really really appreciate it. Please don’t feel rushed to update and take as much time as you need. Thank you again for your work.
Anonymous said:hey! thank you SO much for continuing equilibrium. I’m really enjoying the plot and character development. its very interesting and you do a rly good job at weaving all the layers of meaning together. you’re one of my favorite writers 💗 hope ur having a great day!
Anonymous said:(3) I wonder what is it that jimin saw on jungkook as well, I don’t think that just good looks and the fact that he is good at a lot of things are enough to fall in love or accept being in that kind of relationship ¿ or maybe yes or I’m missing something. Anyways I absolutely adore this fic!! I love your detailed descriptions and how you put important little things and hints and how you think of every single word!! Really thank you for sharing it with us! You have created a huge masterpiece.
Anonymous said:(2)The days when jimin went away must have been the best days of his life, and I wonder now with Jungkook away how the dynamics between jimin and the oc would be, especially her. It would be really wow and not wow at the same time if she turned like kook. I doubt because she knows she doesn’t have a “connection” with jimin, and is more than aware that he wants jungkook. But maybe things will change like they did with him.
minsuguk said:(1) It surprises me how the oc feels about jimin, accepting jungkook’s possesiveness and mad terms in order to keep him in that crazy relationship which is the only way she can have a just little bit of jimin. But again, I’m not surprised because it’s kind of what Jungkook felt ¿ I mean he saw something in her, and she saw something in jimin. And jungkook was aware of her and jimins feelings and he proposed being together in order to be with her as well.
Anonymous said:I want to feel bad for all of them, but I feel bad for none of them. That’s a lie I feel slightly bad for o/c but shes doing it to herself because she wants to keep this tiny connection to Jimin and that’s the start of her problem! All in all this is gonna end badly. I knew that necklace was gonna come back and bit her in the ass.
Anonymous said:(part 2) You know how Jungkook is all fucking crazy in denial about having a connection with her could she be in the same denial except (but not crazy) I mean Jimin had to have noticed the reader was always with him in the beginning now they don’t even touch each other its all so fucked up because you cant feel bad for anyone at this point (I am scared for the reader though because how far will jungkook go if she let jimin touch her)
Anonymous said:Jimin CAN’T be oblivious to this whole situation if he was able to hear his name being called when Jungkook was fingering the mc he had to have heard something else. Could he be ignoring this situation to make sure he is able to stay with jk the same way jk and mc are using each other for the same thing? bc if it was obvious that jimin was in love with jk before anything happened did he have to “get through” 1 on 1 with the mc like she did with jungkook (part 1)
Anonymous said:oh dude the relationship in equilibrium is on the verge of becoming a huge trainwreck but i can’t stop reading it cos i want to see how big of a trainwreck it will become. can’t wait til we get to the point where the relationship just swerves off the track and just goes kablooey! rip.
Anonymous said:oh my gosh I absolutely adored reading the new chapter of equilibrium! I’m so amazed that you find the time out of your busy day to write so much! thank you so so much for the new chapter. i’m really curious to see how this story line will progress, and I do wonder what will happen with jimin and y/n over that weekend… hmm anyways thank you again!! this is my first time writing to you aha I’m so nervous and also !! I love you please take care of yourself
Anonymous said:I HATE YOU SM I’m kidding I love you lu 💕💕 I can already feel the angst approaching aghhssh I’m going to die
Anonymous said:The new update has me a bit fearful of jungkook. He seems to be a little bit to possessive-at least to me anyways. I wonder if jimin has noticed the change in jungkook as well? When he said that the oc was the only one who understood him it reminded me of the conversation they had in ch4 about his family not approving of his major. When i read that scene the first time, i kinda got the sense that that was why jungkook liked the oc.
Anonymous said:Shook again from Equilibrium updates @.@ Thanks as always!!
Anonymous said:omggggggg equilibriummmm the tension just keeps building and building up I AM SO READY FOR THE SHIT TO HIT THE FAN
Anonymous said:It’s really interesting because there are elements that show a legitimate fear the OC has when it comes to Jungkook. I can’t wait to see more (well I can obv and I will NO PRESSURE FJDKSKSKS but you know what I mean~). Also thank you for updating so often like. I have barely any work & a shit ton of free time and I still just can’t write so you’re??? Like how??? Thank u sm. 💕
Anonymous said:First of all - thank you for updating. You could throw a sentence of Equilibrium in my way once a year and I’d still cry of happiness. And second - I love this story so much you don’t even know. Their relationship has taken such a sharp turn suddenly and Jungkook’s motives are clearer and clearer while the MC still seems to be sort of oblivious? Ah I have so many speculations but there’s not enough characters in asks haha. Anyways it was amazing once again, thank you!
yaja-time said:Equilibrium is too my favorite writings of your.. probably one of my favorites out of all the fics I’ve ever read. But I love it so much I would wait 10 years for you to update. Shit I’d even be happy if you updated with only using 10 words. I understand you have a life and I for one am very grateful for your writings, because they are amazing. So thank you for writing.
Anonymous said:Poor Equilibrium OC :( Sadly this scenario hits close to home with her and Jungkook. But good job as always Lu! I appreciate the work you do, have me on the edge of my seat!
bluefullmetaltitan said:Lol. I’ve been waiting for you to say that!! Yayayay! I support you 100% cause like, it shouldn’t matter how long it takes. I’m in love with all of your writings!! Thank you!!
Anonymous said:bruh, equilibrium tho. i loves it like i loves you. but for real, its amazing and incredible reading smaller details from earlier chapters come back into play and seeing how everything slowly links together (how you have the willpower to write so much is incredible)
Anonymous said:I loved equilibrium babe it's so good keep up the amazing writing I loved the last chapter it's a very good storyline 👍🏼👍🏼 and please In the equilibrium let her end Up with jimin and more jimin smut please 😂😂 seriously loved it 💋💋
Anonymous said:When I first started reading equilibrium I thought it was about the three of them learning how to function in a polyamorous relationship. But in the first 4 chapters, you revealed the MC's feelings towards Jimin, & then showcased Jungkook and MC alone. Then, when Jungkook got possessive, & you wrote Jimin's and MC's back story, I was like, "she's not seriously trying to romanticize this relationship, is she?" BUT YOU'RE NOT, YOU'RE SHOWCASING LEGIT PROBLEMS IN A REALISTIC STORY. I AM HERE FOR IT
Anonymous said:Im living for Equilibrium rn🔥🔥🔥🔥, your such a good writer. Loving all your works 💖💖
Anonymous said:why do I feel like jungkook semi poisoned jimin so he couldn't go 😫equilibrium is so good rlly got me questioning everything lol
Anonymous said:Hello tayegi, i just want to say, you're the first writer I read in this bts fandom and im so thankful for that. And im so pumped for equilibrium jajajajajaAaaaa 🙏
Anonymous said:I have to be honest I was all for jungkooks protectiveness in early chapters cause I thought it was hella cute but after reading equilibrium chp 11... Im not too sure anymore. Like he actually made me kinda scared and trapped especially during the end (guess that's how good you're writing is). On a positive note, loving this series and I hope all three characters get backlashes for this messed up relationship lmao
Anonymous said:I don't get how anyone can complain about ch11 being "only 3k" like there was so much that happened in that chapter it didn't even feel like it was "short." I'm even amazed you can write such great quality stories despite being a phd student (do these children know what that is???) AND it's like midterm season rn like the quality doesn't drop despite this. And honestly I feel like these chapters have been getting updated pretty frequently these days I feel really spoiled haha
Anonymous said:Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?! There was an Equilibrium update?! *runs to open tab so that it's the first thing I see after class* Bruh, I can't wait to dive in. Thanks for being a thug about all of those comments. Best part about creating works of art/expressing creativity is that you get to make people think, invite them to have an opinion and start conversations. If anything, Equilibrium provokes its readers to have a clear opinion. That's a success in my book. ;) Fighting always! - Happy Reader
yonggukssmolgf said:I love you. I love your blog. I love your writing. I love the equilibrium series. And I just love how you just take your time to update. Like you do things at you own pace and I like that about you. I followed you because you're an amazing person, you love your followers, and you never disappoint with your fics. Thanks for existing and I hope I made your day a little bit happier!🐼😙😀
Anonymous said:Excuse me young lady... yeah I'm talking to you Lu...Yupp.... you're being mad disrespectful, how dare ruin my nights peaceful sleep but updating equilibrium like that... do you not want me to graduate... it's senior year and I'm head deep into my writing... yeah thanks a lot for ruining my life... JK I LOVE YOU 💕
Anonymous said:I just read chapter 11 of Equilibrium and it made me want to CRY! I love the story so far and it's written amazingly well but it's tOYING WITH MY EMOTIONS! I'm super excited for the updates 💙💙💙💙
seokjinniemin said:oml I just finished chapter 11 of Equilibrium and boy howdy am I SHOOK. Equilibrium is by far one of my favorite fanfic series I've ever read! You're such an amazing writer, they way you convey the stress and anxiety of the oc is just phenomenal. And the small details you put into it like damn! I'm so anxious about this and how it's going to progress, especially with the oc and Jimin being alone. I feel like shit is going to hit the fan real soon o_o
Anonymous said:oh my god that new chapter of Equilibrium actually murdered me LMAO. i absolutely LOVE how every detail counts; like all the little small things that readers wouldn't think matter end up mattering the most. i love this series so much and ily Lu!!
Anonymous said:oh my god that new chapter of Equilibrium actually murdered me LMAO. i absolutely LOVE how every detail counts; like all the little small things that readers wouldn't think matter end up mattering the most. i love this series so much and ily Lu!!
Anonymous said:wtffff please ignore that anon i think you've been updating so quickly!! and i love the story sooo much it's so great no matter how lengthy it is. the content is what matters quality >>> quantity i really love it and know you work hard and appreciate it ❤❤
Anonymous said:Sometimes I think people are just plain dumb. Like, wtf, i am happy that you updated such an amazing story! You do not have the obligation to provide anything for us, you do it because you like it. People should be more grateful and learn to respect. Thank you for de update, you are straight up amazing
aichan11 said:I just read Equilibrium 11, it's so good! I sent you a message before, sorry if it was out of line. Just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy your writing :) of course I have my own wishes/hopes about how the 3 people in Equilibrium would turn out but I don't want to risk influencing your writing. I can't wait for the whole balance to just tip over and see what happens. Is that too evil of me? Hahaha
Anonymous said:The new chapter was intense! I wonder what Jeon is hiding.. I feel bad for both Jimin and OC. Poor jiminie doesn't know what that kid is doing, and OC is stuck cos of jjk. I love your work Lu, stay classy ❤️❤️
Anonymous said:ahhhhh!!! another amazing chapter babe!!! Love the dynamic,screwed up characters
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adorableears7 · 7 years
20 Question Survey
Thanks for tagging me @mustardyellowsunshine
 My penname on FF.net is actually Michi4. Sorry for all the run-ons and poor punctuation. It’s late and I was excited to do this. LOL
First story you ever wrote: It’s Just (Han)you XD Pun originally >///<  “It’s Just You”” now. Anyway, it was a very basic one shot of the IY gang traveling, getting attacked by a demon and some InuKag fluff at the end. It was so innocent despite what I was reading at the time. LOL. (I’ll Have a Lemonade and its sequel was like the first lemon fic I ever read)
A story on which you have been flamed: I’ve never actually been flamed. “A New Addition” recently got criticized, though. It sent me into a spin for half a day LOL I wanted it not to bother me. But, once I got over it, I think it will help push the fic in the right direction. So, I ended up thanking the reviewer personally for it!
Your favorite story that you have written or are writing: I have three that I’m working on, so they’re all fun in their own way. I guess I have to pick “Broken Paradise.” I think I finally have a good understanding of the characters and it didn’t go straight to smut, so I’m really taking my time and having fun fleshing it out. It’s a self-indulgent road trip fic. I have some one shots in the works, too. Writing for @inukag-4ever for Secret Santa was pretty great!
Favorite story on a fanfiction site: I’m reading quite a few at once. But, I have to go with ones I really enjoyed that got the most reaction out of me that I would re-read: Phony Digits for its wit and humor and InuKag fluff; Freak Attraction and its sequel Seven Man Circus by @artistefish cuz of the characterization, storyline and mostly cuz of the superb writing quality, very descriptive. MY ALL TIME FAV that never got finished: Our Love Affair by Cataluna, but really it’s what inspired me to write. (I’m not a SessKag, but it’s salacious that IY and Kag have like a forbidden love LOL In all seriousness tho I do not condone cheating!)
 Why you became a fanfiction writer: I wanted more and more of Inuyasha waiting week to week for it to air and I was obsessed (still am). I couldn’t get enough. I write what I want to read or don’t get from the fics I read even though we have such talented people in the fandom. I guess I didn’t realize I was sexually attracted to him until I discovered lemons LOL But yeah, the quality writing of the fanfictions and sheer amount of them delighted my 17 year old heart and here I am 31 (3 days away from being 32), finally confident enough to write smut LOL but also understand the characters more and continue to write my own to develop my writing.
 Favorite media to write for (i.e. Pokemon, Naruto, etc.): INUYASHA. He’s a goddamned HERO, flawed, but he just grows so much and makes friends and a life after he thought it was all over. He continues to fight and doesn’t give up! He’s a warrior. He’s my spirit animal.
I had a few Vampire Knight ones, but it had been too long since I’d updated and have no desire to continue despite that it’s one of my top mangas. I’m a ZEKI fan and hoped I would get back to their fics, but haven’t what with all the Inuyasha out there. 
Story you’ve reviewed the most: Whatever I’m reading. I ALWAYS REVIEW cuz I want the author to know and as a writer I know.
 Your most popular story among readers: According to my stats it’s “A New Addition,” which has been running for a decade so that makes sense. LOL. It’s the sequel to “In with the New” and is about Inukag and Mirsan navigating married life with kids....
 A story on which you have/had writer’s block: I deleted my writers blocks. LOL. Those Vampire Knight fics and one Inuyasha one about their future daughter “transcending time.” Now, I’d have to say it was “A New Addition.” I hadn’t updated for like 6 years and if not for that critique I would be stuck even now…… Trying to keep with those monthly updates, but you can’t help when the muse strikes.
A story you deleted and then resurrected later: None. You shouldn’t bring back the dead. LOL. But, I’ve been thinking of bringing back Transcending Time maybe cuz it had one chapter to go, but I was just unhappy with it overall....
Longest private messaging conversation and with whom: 
@queenxolivier, @grapefruitwannabe, @what-makes-you-different and @inukag-4ever
  Favorite genre (i.e. fantasy, adventure, crime, etc.): InuKag.  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
But, fantasy, adventure, science fiction, thriller, action, crime, mystery….
 Your favorite lesser-known pairing: RinxKohaku *shock*
Your biggest qualm when reading fanfiction: Characterization. AUs to me are just putting our beloved characters in different situations, but they’re still themselves. If even I write them OOC then I want to know so I can fix it! Otherwise it may as well just be someone’s original fiction, which would be great in its own right. The other thing is I’m willing to read a “trash” fic if they’re in character enough. But, if Inuyasha says “wench” I’m turned off! I might still power through if I like the author or it was recommended to me. I’m reading fanfiction to fantasize/imagine the Inuyasha characters as I read. It’s nice cuz we all are so familiar with them, so we should be able to enjoy the lemons and plot of a story like just being indulgent cuz we know what/who we are picturing.  I’m reading IY in @richardiancox voice in my head, you know what I mean? LOL.
 Your biggest qualm when writing fanfiction: I doubt myself! Like is this worth someone’s time and sharing it. What if it’s not going anywhere? What if they’re OOC? WHAT IS THE POINT. LIKE WHY. Then trying to describe/write dialogue without repeating Kagome, Inuyasha, Kagome, Inuyasha (like the show it works LOL they scream each others names for 20 minutes) but with a different synonym for said. XD
A story you didn’t expect to get popular: I wasn’t expecting “In With the New” to do as well as it did. Especially re-reading it, GOOD LAWRD it’s like a DIARY of my 20 year old self right down to working in a restaurant and living in a house for students. YUP. Based on MY real life events minus hooking up with my roommate LOL Nope no man like Inuyasha in my life….
 Your favorite reviewer: I honestly deeply appreciate everyone who leaves me a review. 
 Your favorite author: I just have this feeling it’s gonna be @artistefish, but @gypsin is also amaze. I’m basically gonna read everything they’ve written if I haven’t already. So really though everyone in this fandom really does have talent! I have a long list (thanks to @grapefruitwannabe) of fics I need to read. I’ve found joy in @keizfanfiction. One of her fics actually made me cry, so….
 I’m tagging some other writers, because I wanna read their answers! Anyone else please feel free to do it!
@queenxolivier @kuddle-cakes-writes @sankontesu
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