taisiakat · 2 years
Full Moon in Pisces Reading
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Cards: The DreamKeepers Tarot: II of Wands Shadowscapes Tarot: XIV Temperance The Shaman’s Dream Oracle: (54)The Crossing
Music: Full Moon Sept 2022
The choices you have made in the past has brought you to where you are now.
It is very important with this Full Moon for you to realize, accept, forgive and let go of any feelings of remorse, shame, anger, frustration, bitterness, and sorrow for those choices. Nothing you do now can change those choices. Nothing you do with those past choices will alter where you are NOW.
Each step you have taken - for passion, for love, for sorrow, pain, trauma, what not has taken you to all the accomplishments, the triumphs, the success that you have done.
Now that you have gained more awareness, you are making better choices, more sound, wise choices for yourself. But that doesn't mean you won't make what you may feel are bad choices going forward. We don't know everything that may impact those choices.
The II of Wands is about CHOICE - the choice to make better choices. The choice to take time and make sure you are making choices that are supporting the life of abundance and prosperity you are deserved and want. The Choice to co-create with the Universe, allowing that influence. Sometimes the choice is to risk everything so you can achieve the impossible.
During this full Moon, ask yourself:
What new choices do I have?
What choices have I not made?
What of those choices can I let go of?
What of those choices do not serve me?
What choices support the life of Abundance an Prosperity that I deserve?
Last Full Moon, XIV Temperance led us into the inward review so we can find what missing pieces we are still searching for.
This month XIV Temperance asks of us to let go of control and focus on balancing ourselves - create a harmony and equilibrium with those choices of our past and let ourselves move forward with harmony.
When reviewing the last set of choices from above questions, make sure to also ask the Universe how this will impact you in the future, and help create more abundance. A lot of choices create the actual opposite on the swing forward, instead of creating a path, roadway, they create a swing effect, which means you never really move forward.
The other aspect XIV Temperance brings is WATER/FIRE- which creates SMOKE - an AIR domain element. Smoke rises, allows our prayers, wishes and desires to reach the heavens. This Full moon, make sure to incorporate into your ritual a water/fire combo so the smoke created from that interaction will rise your prayers forward.
I plan on doing a washing and burning /purging first and with those two elements at the end pouring together to create my prayer space.
The Crossing - represents letting go of all that has been and allowing yourself to be open and enter the unknown, that which awaits you, with love, acceptance and be illuminated onto the next part of your journey. It is a rite of passage, an Initiation into the next level of your existence. Make sure to be open to whatever comes. Open your arms welcoming the Universe to become a partner, a companion, and a trusted ally into your life.
For this Full moon affirmation:  I open myself to the initiation of the choices I make going forward to support the life of abundance and Prosperity I am co-creating with the Universe.
Please feel free to ask any questions, share your thoughts, let me know how I can assist you. 
Experience, observe, be curious and enjoy!
The Last Chance Crone - helping you with your shit when other methods fail 
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