"Lets have a flexout."
No words. Illaoi reveals a bright smile to her frozen muscle-part (like a counterpart but stronger), and pulls a mighty stance, pushing her chest out, flexing her arms with an insane pressure. This was a mere fragment of her power, for there was more to be revealed in later circumstances, yet it was a sight to behold. 
“These muscles have crushed men’s hearts, their backs, their spines and heads... and these hands! THEY HAVE TORN SHIPS FROM BOW TO STERN!” The Kraken Priestess then reaches forth to Sejuani, her ecstatic mood lifting the atmosphere. 
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fury-of-darkin · 7 years
@wrath-of-winter Enters the Fray
“Sejuani Hildr... It is a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance.” The Aatrox’s wings billowed in the cold breeze. “I wonder... Do you know who I am?” The Darkin Blade was quite a popular legend in the Freljord, after-all...
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thorns-fury-blog · 7 years
Seven minutes (sejuani-hildr)
11. Needy hungry kiss @sejuani-hildr
Wow, was the alcohol kicking in or what. She was thrown into the closet, almost stumbling over herself. She somehow kept her balance placing her hand on another human. Wait. Another human? She thought she was thrown in alone. She pulled her hand back to her chest, startled by the presence.
She moved her eyes up to find the face to the body. Oh. It was Sejuani? She barely remembered the name, thinking that she had heard some news from the Freljord. Those eyes were pretty. 
“Hi,” she hiccuped. It seemed she was more than drunk. More like plastered. Who gave her that much alcohol?? Her eyes moved to her lips, staring at them. She could kiss those lips. She couldn’t even remember why she was in the closet, only that she was here now.
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Food porn. Now I am hungry.
CARIBBEAN FOOD PORN. THE BEST!“Come to my house. You shall never go hungry, Sejuani! Illaoi has a good hand.”
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lachassedenuit-blog · 8 years
"Hearing something about abs. I must investigate."
you heard nothing. shh. go to @eciled if you’re after abs.
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wintersbxte-blog · 8 years
sejuani-hildr replied to your post: P.S.A. Shipping!
xD like that needed to be said.
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sharpshcts · 8 years
kisses 4/3
curled in a fur blanket, a usual aversion to the contact that the leader of the winter’s claw was giving her outweighed by the freezing climate that still managed to penetrate through a fire, a tent && a blanket. head resting upon the woman’s shoulder, chin lifted briefly to press a kiss to sejuani’s jaw. perhaps it was the atmosphere, maybe the overwhelming feeling of gratefulness that she wasn’t left to die in the cold. no matter, really.
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"Grant me a vision of your gems."
“A vision? Why so, friend? What would you do with such divinity, what would you gain from such sights?”
“I am not denying you to the access, I simply inquire on this sudden request. I’ve never seen you the type to think of anything like this.”
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bladesurgence · 8 years
Modern AU. sorry foe being the slowest piece of trash with my reply
in the Ionian-Noxian war (not sure how to transpose this to modern Earth?), she had a decidedly less extreme injury of war, losing an arm instead of dying flat-out. the prosthetic limb is actually much stronger than a typical arm, and it’s actually given her more agility, although she still disdains combat ever since her participation.
she learned the violin before the war, but it feels a bit awkward to play after the injury, so she’s trying to get into woodwinds. she’s setting her sights on the piccolo because it’s the smallest of the family (iirc)
her father died of malaria contracted during a tropical expedition where he was reportedly investigating the practices of some obscure cult on allegations of abuse and sex trafficking. because of this she holds some misgivings over the jungle, humid climates in general, and traveling long distances.
is easily stricken with seasickness. whether it runs in the family, and if that contributed to Zelos’ disappearance, is a mystery.
one campaign had her and a battalion hold a strategic mountaintop from approaching enemy forces. another regiment was assigned in a pass farther down, and they were about to reinforce their brethren when a chemical leak from the Noxian side apparently encapsulated the entire battlefield. they were ordered not to advance, and when they could determine that the hostilities had ended and to stake out the ground for investigation, they uncovered a myriad of dead bodies piled up on top of each other. they did pull out a few survivors, however, most notable a platinum-haired woman desperately clutching to the shattered fragments of an m16
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lachassedenuit-blog · 8 years
“Are you actually an idiot or do you just pretend to be one?”
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thorns-fury-blog · 8 years
🐧😌 🌠 (For Zyra >:))
🐧 describe yourself in 3 words
“Original, intelligent, beautiful.”
 😌 what thoughts keep you going when you’re sad? 
“I belong here, I have friends all around me, even if they’re not human,”
🌠 if you were in charge of the world, what would the world look like?
“Much more green. The scientists in Zaun and Piltover are destroying the Earth. I quite like the enviornment of Ionia, and especially Kumungu. I’d like to see people taking care of things and each other, and of course, bowing down to me.”
// thank you for the ask!
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Temporary Engagement
The first 3 People to send me “Temporary Engagement” will be married to My Muse for the next 3 days..
i mean i already had 3 but......i let it slideee
"I suppose out anyone who I would be forced wed, it could be much worst.”  The King just shrugged as he crossed his arms.
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ask-quinn-valor · 8 years
Waifu touches are best touches. Even I can crumble under the touch of my many wives.
// indeed
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