#seiji aizawa
berrychanx · 1 year
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Fanart by Mtbkrr2 - Follow and like original artist
Repost with permission
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godtierwallflower · 2 years
Some of the things I REALLY LOVE about New so far, off the top of my head:
Changing the random kid that fell overboard into one of Pudding's brothers.
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Pudding bringing her siblings with her on the boat so they could have fun gave us more chance to see her as a big sister early on, and Lettuce's extended interactions with them gave it even more feeling when she was desperate to save him. 
Pudding being the sole caretaker to her many siblings after their father abandoned them all was only visually shown much later in the manga, and barely touched on, so having Pudding bring them all on the boat to let them have a nice evening and get to try more food than they usually do was a much better way to establish that. And Lettuce is less comically clumsy but still more introspective and has more momentum in this show, and having her be so good with the kids was a nice touch.
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It gave us some added depth and exploration to both Lettuce and Pudding’s characters, and even gave some more personality to the quintuplets.
I also love that Lettuce doesn’t have the power to breathe underwater anymore. The animal she’s merged with is an aquatic mammal with no gills. Enhanced breath-holding powers, yes, underwater-breathing, no.
How they extended Zakuro's inner thoughts and really showed how the girls were able to change her mind, even after making a good argument for Zakuro’s perspective 
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Zakuro felt more understandable for not wanting to be with the others. She really was absolutely correct in the reasoning she gave, and justified from her point of view. She has a busy schedule, she didn’t ask for these powers to be thrust upon her by strangers doing an experiment, and she doesn’t know these girls.
The way Mint finally changed her mind and reached her was really good. Zakuro had good arguments for not wanting to get involved with all this and not understanding why the other girls were getting involved either, and instead of trying to push it on her, Mint decided that she’d respect that and just protect her instead. The fact that Mew Mint’s act of heroism and speech won Zakuro over and inspired her despite that really hits harder. Now, they’re both mutually inspirations to each other.
Her bond with Mint feels much less one-sided in this version overall. They have Zakuro closer with the team, but still as OP as ever.
How they extended Lettuce’s struggle to make friends and be useful, and all the growth and support we actively see her get.
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Lettuce's struggle to make friends and later her struggle with self-confidence felt fully realized, especially with Lettuce saying how grateful she is to Ichigo and how much better she's doing now. Her extended focus in the boat episode gave us some great interactions and strengthened her bond with the rest of the team, especially Pudding and Ryou. I like that they didn’t reveal that her drink was a placebo until after she’d done all her amazing feats of bravery, too. And that they kept the first anime’s decision to have Mew Aqua be introduced into the story by having Lettuce come across it first. Seems they’re doing some interesting things with Mew Aqua this time around, too.
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We even go from her not even getting to be in a selfie in her introduction episode to saying how much her personal life at her school has improved ever since she met Ichigo and was able to gain some more confidence. 
Having Pudding meet Tart early on in such a fun interaction.
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Introducing all the aliens to all the Mews earlier in general was good! But especially Pudding zeroing in on Tart and immediately taunting and teasing him about being shorter than her! They have a really fun dynamic, right from the start now.
Building up the blossoming relationship between Ichigo and Aoyama. 
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You can really tell that they love each other but are clumsy about it, and you can get lots of good hints about why their love for each other is deepening. The way they start to grow closer feels so natural, but still has that reasonably written teenage awkwardness combined with the fact that they’re both sort of living double lives that make it even harder.
Ichigo being so inspired by Aoyama’s environmentalism, Aoyama trying so hard to understand these feelings he’s never felt before, both of them trying so hard to protect the other no matter what. They’re clearly shown to inspire each other and help the other feel happier than they’ve ever felt before.
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And they throw in plenty of hints that Aoyama already knows exactly who Mew Ichigo is, but is playing dumb for her sake because he knows she isn’t ready to tell him just yet. I love how he chooses to pretend not to know, because it’s her secret to tell, and he won’t take that from her. That’s consistent across all adaptions of Tokyo Mew Mew, but it really feels like they handle it especially well here.
The hinting at Aoyama’s nature
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We not only get to watch him fall for Ichigo in realtime and be very confused about where all these emotions are coming from, but we also get to see the hints at his more serious nature.
His moments of being alone and staring off into the distance, sad and contemplative. His misanthropic slip about how sinful humans are. How giddy he gets about sharing nerdy fun facts about his environmentalism and conservation once Ichigo takes an interest in it. The way he never makes Ichigo question whether she’s more important to him than all the girls that surround him at school. How nervous and defeatist he can be sometimes when trying to reach out to Ichigo. How much he blushes whenever they interact. How willing he is to throw himself in harm’s way for her.
He still gets quiet moments of contemplation where he just stares off into space, but he’s showing more an more emotion with Ichigo, and it’s clear it’s all new to him.
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There’s a lot to his character, and they hint at it well!
Establishing Ichigo’s desire to find a passion early on, and making that environmentalism so soon after
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Ichigo kicks off the series wanting to fall in love, but with her telling her best friends that she’s jealous that they both know what they want to do when they grow up already, it gives the impression that what she really wants is something she can be passionate towards and build a future around. It could be love, but it could just as easily be something else, and I like that they’re leaning on the latter.
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Essentially, we’re getting to see Ichigo fall in love with the earth and find her resolve and her career paths. That’s the true answer to her “I wanna fall in love” line.
Seiji and Mint's relationship getting more focus and relevance. 
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Seiji wasn’t even in the manga, but the idea of him was a neat idea in the original anime. They just really hit the mark with him here, and even make him a returning character that continues to drive Mint forward.
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Seiji being a doting older brother who’s also really proud to offer Mint opportunities that’ll help her career in the future gives Mint a neat little conflict on interest in being a Mew Mew. It also helps establish her interest in environmentalism was pre-existing even before she joined the group, which might explain why they had her be the first girl brought on this time?
I like that they introduced Mint feeling like she wants to be more independent and less seen as a little kid by Seiji, so she was both the first to accept being a Mew Mew, gave her a deeper reason to admire Zakuro for having gone so far even though she’s had just as many years to do it as Mint, AND has a conflict of interest, because continuing to be a Mew Mew would cost her a study abroad opportunity Seiji told her about that would help her further her career. Mint feels like she’s got a lot more going on in her personal ambitions this time around, and I love it.
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phopollo · 1 year
It's getting cold out, and Tokyo Mew Mew has always been a beacon of fashion, but then I started thinking aboutt how cold they must get if they transform when it's cold enough that there's snow, so rather than just the girls in cute winter outfits, I bring you;
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Gay people, magical girls, snow, and siblings
In the order you should notice them /j
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hikayagami · 2 years
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When you're so rich that you have a portrait of your house in your house XD.
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nya-namins · 2 years
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- You remember competing in that high school business proposal contest, right? - I do. I wasn't able to win it, sadly. - Apparently one of the judges was a friend of Dad's! And she really liked your presentation! - Really?!
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kbunny10 · 1 year
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I just want to take a second to appreciate the similarities and differences in character designs from the 2002 anime and the current tokyo mew mew new anime.
Seiji and Pudding's mom not only being in the new anime but having similar designs to the 2002 anime means a lot to me because they were anime original characters.
I'm also glad that so far, no overly sexualized humanoid bird chimera anima have been used in any family backstory related episodes in tokyo mew mew new. >.>
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thefangirlrant · 2 years
We’re one episode away from the end 😭 (of season one, anyway)! Before this season wraps up, I have some thoughts on these last two episodes I wanted to throw out there. First, Seiji and Zakuro were in the same scene together!
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My ghost ship lives! Well, until this scene happened, and I could hear all the Mint/Zakuro shippers scream through the airwaves. 😆
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Not going to lie, I thought they were going to kiss too.
The Ryou/Aoyama meeting lived up to my expectations.
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I love how Ryou was just joking with Ichigo like he always does, and doesn’t even bother to acknowledge Aoyama until Aoyama forces him to; and then he purposely ticks him off. 😆
The cat shenanigans was about what I expected, although I was a kind of surprised they kept the bath bit 😅
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I found it awkward, mostly because of how unrealistically buff Aoyama is 😆 Moving on.
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Kitty Ryou was absolutely adorable! I’m not a cat person, but he makes me want a cat 😻 I have mixed feelings about the scene in which Ryou finds Ichigo. I’ll start with what I liked:
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I love that they kept the rants from the manga, and that after they both get what they’ve been holding in off their chests, they’re completely fine, and not mad at each other anymore (nothing like healthy relationship behavior to keep my ship afloat!); sometimes you just have to let it all out, and then move on, and that’s what they did!
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I also love that Ryou brought her a sandwich! Not only does this make us come full circle from the time Ichigo brought Ryou a snack, but it shows how much Ryou cares about her; he was legit out all night looking for her, with a sandwich in tow, because he knew she would be hungry and need a snack when he finally found her! Ryou is best boy! Aoyama didn’t even bother to look for her. And don’t give me this, “he didn’t know she was in trouble!” He found his jacket, that Ichigo had run off with, in a RIVER! She could have been dead in that river! (Which is pretty close to the truth!) He should have been searching that river for her! Instead, he finds a cat, and takes it home all happy and giddy, not even bothering to even call Ichigo to make sure she was fine after he found his jacket she discarded. 😒 I was starting to like the new Aoyama, but I’ve gotta say, he really dropped the ball here. Short rant over, back to the original topic!
What I didn’t like about the Ryou/Ichigo reunion: they left out the follow up from episode two’s scene. 🥺
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Now, I hope it’s not being omitted completely, and they just decided not to put it there because there was already a lot happening in this scene, and that they’ll have it either in the next episode (unlikely, I think), or in the next season. I wouldn’t be upset if the next season starts with Ichigo realizing how much Ryou cares about her 😏 The only problem is, the second half of that scene in the manga was already thrown into this scene!
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Ryou asking to kiss... I like the genuine look of curiosity on his face, like he is actually thinking about it in a logical way 😆 But the actual question, just doesn’t feel right, and he immediately says he’s joking. I feel like there should have been more of a pause in between him asking, and then saying he was joking. Whether he’s serious or actually joking, the response still felt too quick either way. Maybe he’ll ask again in season two? (I can dream 😝)
One last thing, after my annoyance with him in episode 9, Keiichiro has redeemed himself:
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He is team Ryou! Although, Keiichiro, maybe if you actually said what you were thinking out loud to him, he would be more likely to say his own feelings out loud 🙄
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jupitershirogane · 2 years
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I swear this version of Seiji fell out of one of my fan fictions, and I love him to pieces! 😍 I’m so hoping this isn’t the only episode he’s in!
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bingbongboyo · 8 months
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just some dumb doodles- i love actually wanting to draw man this is so cool- also sorry if that last pic joke been done already lol
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shysheeperz · 1 month
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Mɪssɪᴏɴ: Yᴏᴢᴀᴋᴜʀᴀ ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ🌸 Eᴘ. 04 x Kᴇɴɢᴏ/Sʜɪɴᴢᴏ ғᴛ. Sᴇɪᴊɪ Hᴏᴛᴏᴋᴇʏᴀᴍᴀ
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berrychanx · 2 years
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Tokyo Mew Mew New Seiji (Minto’s brother) is trying to compensate Minto for the things his past self or childhood self said back then.
Minto in both versions wishes to surpress her brother and also have a high position in the Aizawa family business.
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 Seiji on the other hand is jealous Minto gets to enjoy doing what she loves, ballet, compared to him who has no free time., In TMMN and Ikumi short story about Minto, we get to know she also is studying very hard to he accepted into the Aizawa family business
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Due to being the oldest Seiji probably has lot of responsabilities and so has little time to be with his sister... Thus in TMMN he compensates her for his younger self absence
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Know since both characters are much older and he according to his bio is a subdirector. He has more free time to be around his little sister and pampers her all the time. That's really sweet
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Just because she's rich doesn't mean she will get into everything easily, her father (and Minto herself) wants her to achieve her goals by her own hands
This is what I mean when both animes cmplete each other and New is doing a fantastic job
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godtierwallflower · 1 year
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I love that New panned to characters from each of the girls' daily lives to remind what they're all fighting for and how far they’ve come.
Ichigo's parents, Bu-ling's sibling, Moe and Miwa, Mint's brother, Zakuro's classmate, even Lettuce's bullies, all watching them fly into their final battle.
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proxissima · 11 months
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Aizawa's interactions with students (2) (all scenarios)
[My Hero One's Justice 2 - Arcade Mode]
Part [1], [2], [3] - [General Overview]
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hikayagami · 2 years
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Looks like Seiji will finally appear in next week’s episode. Glad that it seems that the whole episode will be dedicated to some girl-bonding time X3. You can see all of the preview pics HERE.
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nya-namins · 2 years
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TMMN Ep 5 || Minto and Seiji
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your children with the mha boys!!
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your child looks exactly like him. the hair, the eyes, the mannerisms and even the the way they react to things- it's all exactly the same. it's like somebody shrunk your boyfriend and you love it more than anything. he's also very proud of your kid, seeing how happy they make you. the only downside? they're both constantly vying for your attention. ♡
Bakugo, Sero, Monoma, Shinso, Shindo, Inasa, Seiji, Hanabata, Shigaraki, Spinner, Shishido, Hawks, Mirio.
the child is an absolute mini you- a bundle of grace and beauty to your boyfriend. every time he sees them, his heart rate always quickens slightly. they often compliment them with lots of hugs. and hell YES he will show them off to people. he's so proud of his two little y/ns. ♡
Shoto, Kirishima, Tokoyami, Ojiro, Yosetsu, Aizawa, Fat-Gum, All Might, Best Jeanist, Gang Orca, Twice, Dabi, Kurogiri.
your child looks half like you and half like him. he is absolutely more than ecstatic because, he believes, that this child is a perfect symbol of your love. your charm mixed with his personality is more than he could ever asked. pssst- he cried the first time he saw them. ♡
Deku, Shoji, Kaminari, Ida, Koda, Amajiki, Mr Compress, Overhaul, Shin, Rappa, Snipe, Hizashi.
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