randomwriteronline · 1 year
LU Skull Kid "subtly" trying to tell Sehel that Twilight has the hots for him
Sehel would have recognized that bone mask anywhere.
"Eu!" he greeted, hand waving out of the water. "Timade, de!"
"Timada, da pa," replied the little wooden thing standing on the platform a short swim from the beach.
"Amu se munu curana pa," the Zora pointed out.
"Curanelu pa, qece se darsalu pa."
"Lu va, lu va. Ioi felohe de."
"Feloha da."
What a weird conversation, Sehel thought: "Mafe beilce ma darse?"
"Ane beilce du?"
"Ce Link dacensu, se tao pulre de."
His semi-transparent crest shot upwards; he quickly flattened it back down on his head manually, with both hands, while half of his face instantly submerged to hide the burning grey blush spreading and completely overtaking his face.
"Dacensa ce baisuse vafu," Skull Kid added nonchalantly, laying on the floating wood, blissfully unaware of the Zora's embarassment.
"Amu i mozen asvata!" Sehel stopped them with a nervous iteration of his whirlpool-sounding laugh: "I perabaroe du, tvera pulra dacensuma ane baisuma vafu!"
"Perabaroe du pa," they argued back.
"Cochure, de! Lu ane ma, dua- afernua, dua!"
"Amu basuse vafu."
"Ane qece tao tarete de?"
"Ce darsu."
At that, the Zora briefly forgot to breathe.
"Darsu?" he repeated weakly.
Skull Kid nodded: "Darsu."
"... Ane rece darsu?"
"Varenti dosomu."
It wasn't necessarily a lie, because Twilight had indeed murmured Sehel's name once or twice during particularly deep sleep, wriggling as if to hold something tighter and spasming his lips very slightly, and most importantly because as much as he denied it he really did hold a very deep fondness for the young amphibian; but Skull Kid did not know that in the traditional forklore of Terminian Zoras sleeptalking was considered to be the most honest and genuine of expressions, as well as one of the rarest; and that clear messages especially - perfectly comprehensible in comparison to incoherent babbles or confusing riddles - were believed to hold the truest thoughts of a person.
Sehel looked back to shore, where most of the Hylians were minding their business. By fatal accident, Twilight noticed him, and smiled very brightly in his direction.
The Zora waved a little, desperately hoping he was far enough for his burning grey face not to be seen.
"Dacensa ce baselu dafe," Skull Kid commented, still oblivious to the whirlwind of emotions he was unleashing onto the poor scaled boy: "Masifiu du."
"... Pei dacenselu," Sehel wheezed.
Then he submerged into the deepest part of the bay, crest finally springing upwards and face completely grey with blush, and screamed into his hands, kicking at the water like a little girl who just got her prom invitation accepted.
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mutant-distraction · 1 month
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The Famine Stela is an ancient inscription in Egyptian hieroglyphs found on Sehel Island near Aswan, Egypt. It recounts a seven-year drought and famine during the reign of Pharaoh Djoser of the Third Dynasty (circa 2686 BC - 2613 BC). King Ptolemy V is believed to have inscribed it during the Ptolemaic Kingdom around 205-180 BC. The top part of the stela depicts Djoser offering to Egyptian deities while expressing concern about the drought's impact on his people. Initially, it was connected to the biblical story of a seven-year famine in Genesis 41, but further research has revealed similar stories in Mesopotamian legends and the Gilgamesh Epic, suggesting a common theme in ancient Near Eastern cultures. Another Egyptian tale of prolonged drought is also found in the "Book of the Temple."
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mosertone · 8 months
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The Famine Stela
• It is an inscription written in Egyptian hieroglyphs on a 2.5 m high and 3 m wide block of granite located on Sehel Island near Aswan, Egypt.
• The stela tells the story of seven years of drought and famine during the reign of Pharaoh Djoser of the Third Dynasty. (ca. 2686 BC-ca. 2613 BC). It is thought that the stele was inscribed during the Ptolemaic Kingdom by King Ptolemy V (205-180 BC).
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True History or Fiction???
The Famine Stela is an inscription written in Egyptian hieroglyphs located on Sehel Island in the Nile near Aswan in Egypt, which tells of the 7 year period of drought and famine during the reign of Pharaoh.
#Artifacts #scripture #holybible #history
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angels-roses · 25 days
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Sehel Island, Egypt, (2600 BC)
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These weee them by the way
Now Sehell's is on his own :(
Yes I saw the weird spelling but it’s so funny so I’m gonna leave it
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sun-fall · 5 months
The cities of Galili
The island city of New Akkrae, is technically not apart of Galili, but you can see it from the mainland so it counts. It is a very important port, as if you are travelling to Galili on boat from the east or south, you will probably stop there. It’s also close to the entrance of the waterways, so if you’re planning on going through there, you can stock up in New Akkrae. The first recorded mention of it, was when it was given to a group of Ankaric merchants, in exchange for 3 acres of salt grapes.
Seoleous is the political capital of Galili. It’s located on a natural outcropping. According to some Inori, the founder of the Inoric empire, Suliana Urahea, landed here. The Inoric empire lasted for around 300 years. At the height of their power, they controlled the southern half of Galili and some heavily contested parts of Sehel. The Urahealian dynasty lasted for 200 years, until they were ousted in a coup. The new dynasty was significantly worse and lost most of its land in only 50 years. The final death blow came when a collection of Deutain tribes and some exiled Inori raided Seoleous and formed the Dernua federation.
Ko Sveta, is a less well known city, being in northern Galili. It was built to store food and to combat the lords of Famine. A wine cult also lives there, they’ve been trying to make a drink so potent that it would give a god a hangover. Their latest batch has been fermenting for 1200 years. In order to fight the lords of Famine, Ko Sveta throws massive parties where you are encouraged to eat as much as physically possible.
~A travellers guide to the Ekimenae by Viktor Dumont
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¿Historias cortas para no dormir y así no tener pesadillas?
¿Podrían José e Imhotep haber sido la misma persona? TruthinLove.com
El faraón de Imhotep (Netjerikhet) no fue conocido como Djoser hasta muchos años después de su muerte.
El nombre 'Djoser' no se usó durante la tercera dinastía. Este nombre se usó en dinastías posteriores para referirse a Netjerikhet.
La Estela del Hambre. (Inscripción número 81). Tallado en un punto alto de la isla de Sehel durante el período ptolemaico. Menciona Djoser, Imhotep y una hambruna de siete años. También hace referencia a Djoser dando tierras a los sacerdotes de Khnum. (Los sacerdotes de Isis también hacen la misma afirmación en otros lugares)  .https://josephandisraelinegypt.wordpress.com/2013/01/26/imhoteps-pharaoh-netjerikhet-was-not-know-as-djoser-until-many-years-after-he-died/
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panafrocore · 3 months
The Famine Stela: A Tale of Drought, Famine, and Divine Intervention
The Famine Stela, an ancient inscription in Egyptian hieroglyphs, offers a poignant glimpse into the historical account of a devastating drought and famine during the reign of Pharaoh Djoser of the Third Dynasty. Located on Sehel Island in the Nile near Aswan, Egypt, this significant artifact reveals a compelling narrative of resilience, faith, and divine intervention. The inscription, believed…
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robbierobsz · 7 months
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french-maestro12 · 1 year
Croisière en bateau d’Assouan à Louxor
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Est-ce que vous voulez profiter de votre voyage en Egypte? Vous pouvez penser immédiatement à passer quelques jours à bord d’une croisière en bateau. Certainement, vous vivrez les plus beaux jours à bord de cette croisière.Il est difficile de venir en Egypte sans faire une croisière en bateau d’Assouan à Louxor.
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Cette croisière vous sera très bénéfique parce qu’il vous fera visiter le plus grand nombre de sites archéologiques et d’attractions touristiques comme le temple de Louxor , le temple de karnak , le temple d’Hatchepsout , le temple de Dandra, le temple d’Abydos , la vallée des Rois et des Reines , le temple de philae ,le Haut Barrage, le temple d’Abou Simbel , le temple d’Edfou et etc.
Après d’amarrer le bateau sur les rives du Nil, n’oubliez pas de visiter la plus belle destination touristique d’Assouan, qui est le village nubien “Garb Sehel”. Dans ce village, vous pouvez faire beaucoup de choses qui ajouteront du plaisir à votre voyage. Là -bas, vous pouvez déguster un thé et voir les fameux crocodiles du Nil.
Il est à noter que ces crocodiles n’existent plus dans le Nil. En raison de la construction du Haut Barrage , ces crocodiles trouvent aujourd’hui dans le lac Nasser. Et puisque vous êtes à Assouan, vous pouvez également faire une balade en bateau autour l’île d’ Elephantine. Ce sera un voyage extraordinaire!
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Sans oublier, la ville de Kom ombo est l’une des plus belles destinations touristiques à visiter lors de votre séjour à Assouan. Cette ville est située dans la vallée du Nil , en Haut- Égypte, à 165 km au sud de louxor et à 50 km au nord d’Assouan. Cette ville était sous les pharaons .
Cette ville est connue pour le douple temple de Sobek et Hours à Kom Ombo . L’histoire de ce temple remonte à l’âge de Ptolama. Ce temple a été construit en 180 avant J.C au culte des dieux "Sobik et Horus" . Allez à cette ville pour connaître plus en plus d’informations sur la ville de Kom Ombo et le double temple. Au cours de votre excursion à Kom Ombo , vous verrez la splendeur de l’architecture et le genie des pharaons .
écrit par:Mariam Sameh E-mail:[email protected] Mobile:-+201001422529 Site: www.egyptonlinetours.com
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amalcore · 1 year
A conversation with a Sehel, a millienial (age 28)
There’s a generational divide in understanding microtrends that sprout on social media, the ‘aesthetics’ advertised are digested mostly by Gen Z, who are deeply embedded in TikTok. They create fads online to represent a certain character and to construct an identity, and create a new vocabulary for referencing social media trends.
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anyextee · 1 year
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Exploring the ancient Egyptian stone quarry on Seheil Island, not far from the Unfinished Obelisk in the Aswan Quarry. Quarry marks and hieroglyphs everywhere! 😱 Absolutely blown away. #aswan #stonequarry #granite #basalt #quarry #ancientegypt #stonemason #mason #rosicrucian #nubian #elephantine #ancienthistory #ancientcivilization (at Sehel Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm1p-zdLvMl/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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grrrosss · 2 years
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Sehel, Egypt 2022.
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anmtsworld · 2 years
Mamaku tipe Mama yang selalu menyiapkan sarapan untuk anak-anaknya. Semenjak kuliah juga sama cuma aku belum begitu ngerti makna istimewa sarapan.
Bercermin dari Kakak2 yang kalau kerja Mama selalu menyiapkan sarapan apapun mau itu dari lauk yang wah sampai sederhana pasti disiapin, kalau engga keburu masak beliau paksain buat beli yang penting anak2nya bisa sarapan. Hiii.
Sekarang aku ngerasain sarapan istimewa semenjak aku mulai kerja, anaknya lagi siap-siap dikamar Mama siap-siap nyediain sarapan. Dateng-dateng kebawah Mama udah nyiapin menu sarapan dan khusus aku (karena kadang aku ga sekuat Kakak2 yang lain dan Mama tau aku suka jajan yang pedes jadi Mama selalu siapin juga buat bekal siang makan disekolah). Gimana rasanya? Seneng bersyukur. Mama itu... Walaupun lagi ngambek sama anaknya atau anaknya bikin sehel Mama nya yaaa tetep selalu mempersiapkan segalanya engga pernah males.
Pagi ini inget moment ini dan langsung keinget Almarhum Apa. Kalau masih ada Almarhum mesti Almarhum selalu menyiapkan lebih dari segalanya (menurutku). Maklum Almarhum lebih deket sama anak perempuan pertamanya ini dari yang lainnya.
Cuma sarapan aja bisa bkin mikir, anak selalu butuh Orang tuanya. Bahkan keduanya. Udah besar aja selalu dianggapnya masih kecil. Berhubung sekarang tinggal punya Mama, Ma... Terimakasih untuk semuanya, Mama panjang umur, sehat, dan bahagia selalu.
Aku hari ini berkat doa Mama. Semoga Allah ridho sama jalan yang aku hadapin hari ini dan seterusnya✨✨✨
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egyptbestvacations · 2 years
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