mahashankh · 5 months
Happy Makar Sankranti 2024 Wishes, Quotes, Images, Photos to Share Now
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A Tapestry of Traditions: Celebrating Makar Sankranti 2024
As the crisp January sun begins its northward journey, marking the end of winter and the dawn of warmer days, India explodes in a vibrant kaleidoscope of festivities. This is the time for Makar Sankranti, a harvest festival celebrated across the country with unique customs and traditions, each region weaving its own threads into the rich tapestry of this joyous occasion. A Fusion of Faith and Folklore: At its core, Makar Sankranti celebrates the Sun God Surya, marking the auspicious transition into the Uttarayan period. Hindus believe that worshipping Surya during this time brings good fortune, prosperity, and a bountiful harvest. But Makar Sankranti is much more than just a religious rite. It's a vibrant tapestry woven with folklore, regional customs, and a deep-rooted connection to nature's bounty.
Table of Contents++
A Tapestry of Traditions: Celebrating Makar Sankranti 2024 Here are the Makar Sankranti wishes Unveiling the Ancient Roots: The Historical Significance of Makar Sankranti Makar Sankranti: A Deep Dive into Rituals and Traditions Makar Sankranti: A Culinary Journey Through India's Harvest Festival Kite Flying Extravaganza: Symbolism and Joy of Makar Sankranti Makar Sankranti Across India: Regional Variations and Cultural Diversity Makar Sankranti: A Tapestry of Prayers, Ritualistic Dips, and Gratitude Makar Sankranti: A Vibrant Tapestry of Unity and Shared Heritage Makar Sankranti: A Sunlit Tapestry of Symbolic Meanings and New Beginnings Makar Sankranti: A Vibrant Celebration of Harvest and Gratitude in India Makar Sankranti: Where Tradition Meets Trendy Twists A Sea of Sweet Delights: No celebration is complete without delectable treats, and Makar Sankranti is no different. Every region boasts its own specialties, tantalizing taste buds and warming hearts. In Punjab, fragrant khichdi made with rice and lentils takes center stage, while in Maharashtra, sweet tilkut and melt-in-your-mouth puran poli steal the show. Down south, in Karnataka, sweet pongal and savory uppumavu rule the table, while in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, jaggery-laced sweets like garelu and bobbattu hold pride of place.
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A Tapestry of Traditions: Celebrating Makar Sankranti 2024 A Kaleidoscope of Colors: Makar Sankranti is a riot of colors, reflecting the joy and exuberance of the season. In Gujarat, the sky comes alive with a breathtaking spectacle of colorful kites, soaring high and transforming the landscape into a vibrant canvas. Women in vibrant sarees and men in traditional kurtas add to the visual feast, creating a scene straight out of a storybook. Bonfires and Blessings: In Punjab, the festival coincides with Lohri, where crackling bonfires chase away the winter chill and symbolize the burning of negativity. People sing and dance around the flames, offering prayers for happiness and prosperity. In Tamil Nadu, Pongal is all about gratitude, with offerings made to the Sun God and cows worshipped for their contribution to agriculture. Beyond Borders: The spirit of Makar Sankranti transcends geographical boundaries. In Nepal, it's known as Maghe Sankranti, marked by feasting and kite flying. In Sri Lanka, it's Pongal, celebrated with vibrant processions and traditional dances. Across the globe, Indian communities come together to celebrate this auspicious occasion, carrying a piece of their cultural heritage with them. A Timeless Legacy: Makar Sankranti is more than just a day; it's a testament to the enduring spirit of India. It's a celebration of faith, family, and the cyclical beauty of nature. It's a reminder that even in the darkest of winters, the sun always rises again, bringing with it renewed hope and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. So, as the sun embarks on its northward journey this January, step into the vibrant tapestry of Makar Sankranti. Savor the sweet delicacies, witness the dazzling displays of color, and join in the joyous celebrations. For in this ancient festival, you'll find not just the warmth of the sun, but the rich tapestry of traditions that bind India together, making it a truly unforgettable experience.
Here are the Makar Sankranti wishes
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Happy Makar Sankranti 2024 Wishes, Quotes, Images, Photos to Share Now - "May the warmth of the sun fill your life with joy and prosperity this Makar Sankranti!" - "Wishing you a harvest of happiness and a season filled with sweet moments. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the kites of your dreams soar high in the sky of success. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "As the sun starts its northward journey, may your life be filled with positivity and new beginnings. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the sweetness of til and jaggery bring sweetness to your life. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the festival of Makar Sankranti bring abundant joy and prosperity to your home." - "May the vibrant colors of kites paint your life with happiness. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "Wishing you and your family a harvest of love and togetherness this Makar Sankranti." - "May the rays of the sun bring success and prosperity to your doorstep. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "Sending warm wishes for a Makar Sankranti filled with laughter and celebrations." - "May your life be as colorful and joyful as the kites in the sky. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "As you fly high in the sky with your kite, may your dreams reach new heights. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the festival of Makar Sankranti fill your heart with warmth and your home with happiness." - "Wishing you a season of harvest and a year of abundance. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the sun bless you with energy, the wind with positivity, and the harvest with prosperity. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May your life be as bright as the vibrant kites in the sky. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "On this auspicious occasion, may your dreams take flight and reach new horizons. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "Wishing you a day filled with joy, laughter, and the spirit of togetherness. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the sesame seeds and jaggery sweeten your life with joy and success. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the festival of Makar Sankranti bring prosperity and good fortune to your doorstep." - "Wishing you a harvest of happiness and a sky full of dreams this Makar Sankranti!" - "May the sound of joy and laughter fill your home on this festive day. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "As the sun starts its journey northward, may your life be filled with positive vibes and success. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the festival of Makar Sankranti mark the beginning of a year filled with good health and happiness." - "Wishing you a season of joy, a sky full of dreams, and a heart full of warmth. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the kites of happiness and prosperity fly high in your life. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the warmth of the bonfire fill your home with love and positivity. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "As the sun moves into the northern hemisphere, may your life move towards success and happiness. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "Wishing you a day filled with festivities, good food, and the company of loved ones. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the festival of Makar Sankranti bring you closer to your goals and aspirations." - "May your life be as colorful and bright as the kites in the sky. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "Wishing you a season of harvest, a sky full of kites, and a heart full of joy. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the festival of Makar Sankranti fill your life with the sweetness of til and jaggery." - "As you enjoy the festivities, may your heart be filled with love and your home with happiness. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the sun radiate peace and prosperity in your life. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "Wishing you a day of celebrations, a sky full of kites, and a heart full of happiness. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the auspicious festival of Makar Sankranti bring you good fortune and success." - "As the sun takes its journey northward, may your life be filled with positive energy and new beginnings. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "Wishing you a season of joy, prosperity, and a bountiful harvest. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the festival of Makar Sankranti brighten your life with happiness and success." - "May the warmth of the bonfire bring light to your life and the kites in the sky bring joy to your heart. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "Wishing you and your family a Makar Sankranti filled with love, laughter, and togetherness." - "May the sesame seeds and jaggery sweeten your life with moments of joy and celebration. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "As you soar high with your kite, may your dreams and aspirations reach new heights. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the festival of Makar Sankranti usher in a season of prosperity and good luck for you and your family." - "Wishing you a day of festivities, delicious treats, and the warmth of loved ones. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the colors of the kites in the sky bring vibrancy and cheer to your life. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "May the festival of Makar Sankranti fill your home with the aroma of til and jaggery and your heart with happiness." - "As you celebrate the harvest festival, may your life be filled with abundant joy and success. Happy Makar Sankranti!" - "Wishing you a season of prosperity, a sky full of kites, and a heart full of gratitude. Happy Makar Sankranti!"
Unveiling the Ancient Roots: The Historical Significance of Makar Sankranti
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Unveiling the Ancient Roots: The Historical Significance of Makar Sankranti Makar Sankranti, a festival celebrated with exuberance across India, is not just a contemporary event but a tradition deeply rooted in history. Steeped in ancient Hindu scriptures and cultural practices, this festival holds historical significance that reflects the rich tapestry of India's spiritual and agricultural heritage. Ancient Scriptures and References: The origins of Makar Sankranti can be traced back to Vedic literature, where the festival is mentioned in texts like the Rigveda. The transition of the sun into the zodiac sign of Capricorn, or Makar, during this period holds symbolic importance, signifying the end of winter and the beginning of longer days. The festival is also associated with the winter solstice and the shift towards warmer, sunnier days. Agricultural Connection: Makar Sankranti is deeply intertwined with agriculture, marking the end of the winter harvest and the onset of the spring planting season. The festival is a celebration of the abundance of crops, and it emphasizes the vital connection between nature and human life. The agricultural cycle is not merely a practical consideration but is deeply embedded in the cultural and religious fabric of the festival. Religious Observances and Traditions: The festival finds mention in various Hindu scriptures, including the Puranas, where it is associated with religious rituals and practices. The holy dip in rivers, especially the Ganges, during Makar Sankranti is believed to purify the soul. Devotees offer prayers to the sun god, expressing gratitude for the bountiful harvest and seeking blessings for prosperity and well-being. Symbolism and Cosmic Harmony: Makar Sankranti carries symbolic significance, representing the triumph of light over darkness. The shift in the sun's position is seen as a cosmic event, symbolizing the victory of knowledge, wisdom, and positivity. The festival underscores the importance of cosmic harmony and the cyclical nature of life, emphasizing the eternal principles of balance and renewal. Evolution of Traditions: Over the centuries, Makar Sankranti has evolved, incorporating regional variations and diverse cultural practices. The festival, while deeply rooted in its historical significance, continues to be a dynamic celebration that adapts to the changing socio-cultural landscape of India. Makar Sankranti, with its historical roots in ancient scriptures and agricultural practices, stands as a testament to the enduring traditions of India. Beyond its religious observances, the festival is a celebration of the interconnectedness between nature, agriculture, and spirituality. As families gather to mark this auspicious occasion, they not only honor ancient traditions but also contribute to the continuity and vibrancy of Makar Sankranti in the modern era.
Makar Sankranti: A Deep Dive into Rituals and Traditions
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Makar Sankranti: A Deep Dive into Rituals and Traditions Makar Sankranti, a vibrant Indian festival marking the end of winter and the start of the harvest season, explodes across the country in a kaleidoscope of traditions and rituals. It's a time for families to come together, offer gratitude to the sun god Surya, and celebrate the promise of new beginnings. Let's delve deep into the rich tapestry of Makar Sankranti customs, exploring the unique practices that weave this festival into the heart of Indian culture. A Tapestry of Faith and Folklore: At its core, Makar Sankranti is a celebration of the sun's northward journey, marking its entry into the Capricorn zodiac (Makar) and the auspicious Uttarayan period. Hindus believe that worshipping Surya during this time brings good fortune, prosperity, and a bountiful harvest. But Makar Sankranti goes beyond religious rites, intertwining faith with vibrant folklore and regional customs, each region adding its own unique threads to the rich tapestry of the festival. Sweet Delights for Every Region: Food plays a starring role in any Indian celebration, and Makar Sankranti is no different. Every region boasts its own specialties, tantalizing taste buds and warming hearts. - North India: In Punjab, fragrant khichdi made with rice and lentils takes center stage, while in Maharashtra, sweet tilkut and melt-in-your-mouth puran poli steal the show. - South India: Down south, in Karnataka, sweet pongal and savory uppumavu rule the table, while in Telangana and Andhra Pradesh, jaggery-laced sweets like garelu and bobbattu hold pride of place. - Eastern India: Odisha celebrates with sweet pakhala and aromatic pithas, while West Bengal relishes aromatic dishes like doi chira and chaler payesh. A Dazzling Symphony of Colors: Makar Sankranti is a riot of colors, reflecting the joy and exuberance of the season. - Kites of Gujarat: In Gujarat, the sky comes alive with a breathtaking spectacle of colorful kites, soaring high and transforming the landscape into a vibrant canvas. The sight of hundreds of kites dancing in the wind is a truly exhilarating experience. - Vibrant Attire: Women in sarees and men in traditional kurtas add to the visual feast, creating a scene straight out of a storybook. Bonfires and Blessings: The festival is not just about merrymaking; it also embraces rituals that cleanse and renew. - Lohri's Crackling Bonfires: In Punjab, the festival coincides with Lohri, where crackling bonfires chase away the winter chill and symbolize the burning of negativity. People sing and dance around the flames, offering prayers for happiness and prosperity. - Tamil Nadu's Pongal Offerings: In Tamil Nadu, Pongal is all about gratitude. Offerings are made to the Sun God and cows are worshipped for their contribution to agriculture. Beyond Borders: The spirit of Makar Sankranti transcends geographical boundaries. - Nepal's Maghe Sankranti: In Nepal, it's known as Maghe Sankranti, marked by feasting and kite flying. - Sri Lanka's Pongal: In Sri Lanka, it's Pongal, celebrated with vibrant processions and traditional dances. A Legacy of Tradition: Makar Sankranti is more than just a day; it's a testament to the enduring spirit of India. It's a celebration of faith, family, and the cyclical beauty of nature. It's a reminder that even in the darkest of winters, the sun always rises again, bringing with it renewed hope and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. So, as the sun embarks on its northward journey this January, step into the vibrant tapestry of Makar Sankranti. Savor the sweet delicacies, witness the dazzling displays of color, and join in the joyous celebrations. For in this ancient festival, you'll find not just the warmth of the sun, but the rich tapestry of traditions that bind India together, making it a truly unforgettable experience.
Makar Sankranti: A Culinary Journey Through India's Harvest Festival
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Makar Sankranti: A Culinary Journey Through India's Harvest Festival As the crisp January sun awakens the land, ushering in the harvest season, India erupts in a burst of joyous celebration. Read the full article
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ishabista2002 · 5 months
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Celebrate the magic of Christmas with Acute Digital! May your days be merry and bright.
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iismmumbai · 5 months
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Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas from the entire IISM family! 🎄🏆
May your holiday season be a delightful marathon of joy, wrapped in the warmth of festive cheer. May your days be filled with the magic of the season, and may your nights glow with the twinkle of holiday lights. 🕯
Here's to the magic of the season, the joy of giving, and the love that fills every corner of your home. 🎁🎅
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alignbooks · 1 year
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Hope Everyone Had a great Christmas!!
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trande · 1 year
Merry Christmas ❤️ 
May your heart be lifted in praise this Christmas for the wonderful gift of Jesus and the joy He brings to our lives.
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jebinthomasmathew · 1 year
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Posted @withrepost • @youngandfreemumbai Wohoooo!!! We are coming to celebrate this season with you guys on 24th December 6:00 pm onwards at the INORBIT MALL. Come with your friends and family to celebrate Christmas with us😎 See you there! #christmas #celebration #letscelebrate #saviourisborn #kingisborn #princeofpeace #tistheseason #seasonofjoy #holidays #getreaday #staytuned #seeyousoon #weareyoungandfreemumbai #culturalshift #youthcommunity #community #mall #inorbitmall #outreach #carols #christmascarols #triggerlove #loveoneanother #loveinaction (at Inorbit Mall) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmeH7wvInXz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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atiesesconsultants · 5 months
Makara Sankranti Wishes 2024 from Atieses Consultants 🪁✨
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🪁 Wishing you and your loved ones a joyous and auspicious Makara Sankranti in 2024! 🪁 As the sun transitions into Capricorn, let the vibrant kites of Makara Sankranti symbolize the elevation of our collective dreams and aspirations.
🌟 This Makara Sankranti, let's unite in celebration, embracing the spirit of togetherness and the thrill of achieving new milestones. May the skies be painted with the hues of joy, prosperity, and success for Atieses Consultants and all our well-wishers.
🟠 The Atieses family extends warm wishes for a year filled with innovation, growth, and endless possibilities. Together, let's soar to greater heights, inspire each other, and accomplish extraordinary feats in the coming year. Here's to a promising start and a fantastic year ahead! 🎉
Contact us
✅ Phone: +91 9059639423
✅ Address: G1, Dream Heights Apartments Hanuman Temple Road, 
       Puppalaguda, Manikonda, Anjali Gardens, Hyderabad, Telangana 
✅ Visit: https://atieses.com/
#AtiesesSankrantiGreetings, #SankrantiCelebrationsWithAtieses, #ProsperityWithAtieses, #NewBeginningsAtAtieses, #CorporateElevation, #SankrantiSuccessWithAtieses, #AtiesesVibrance, #FestivalAchievements, #InteriorDesignMagic, #RoofTopCleanse, #WatertankClearing, #WaterproofingWonders, #BathroomWaterproofing, #PrintedTraditionsAtAtieses, #SankrantiCorporateExpressions, #UniqueServicesWithAtieses, #CustomCorporateSankranti, #AtiesesCraftedSuccess, #HappyMakaraSankranti, #SankrantiJoys, #FestivalOfKites, #JoyfulBeginnings, #CelebratingTraditions, #SankrantiWishes, #HarvestFestival, #KiteFestival, #JoyousSankranti, #NewYearCelebrations, #PositiveVibesOnly, #SankrantiFestivities, #HarvestSeason, #MakaraSankranti2024, #SeasonOfJoy, #TraditionAndCulture, #MakarSankrantiMagic,
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vinzpraise · 6 months
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clubcabana-posts · 1 year
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Hurry Up! Don't miss out on this exciting offer! Enjoy good food, great ambiance, thrilling rides and many more exclusively at Club Cabana, Bengaluru. Tag along your loved ones with whom you would love to experience all the adrenaline rushing water rides and games this New Year. 
Book your tickets now!!
Call Us to Book Now- 9902027601.
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Get ready to celebrate this Christmas with the amazing collection of traditional saris. May the beauty of this joyous season bring you joy and happiness all year round. #SudarshanSilks #SudarshanFamilyStore #MerryChristmas #MerryChristmas #ChristmasEve #ChristmasCarol #Celebrations #SeasonOfJoy
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madhansband · 1 year
Merry Christmas Everyone! Wishing the magic of Christmas fills every corner of every heart and home with peace, love, joy and blessings. Have a great year and a wonderful life ahead!
With Love & Respect, Madhan's Band Team, R Madhan Prakash
Follow me:
Website: http://www.MadhansBand.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MadhansBandMusic/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/MadhansBand Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/madhansband/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/MadhansBand
#madhansband #christmas #christmas2022 #bestWishes #ChristmasWishes #christmasGift #seasonOfJoy #peace #love #happiness #musicians #singers #directors #producers #actors #actress #tamilnadu #chennai #tamilsangam #musicbands #eventmanagers #eventmanagement #eventmanagementcompany #christmas2022wishes #festival #festivalwishes #festiveseason #playbacksingers #artists #musicianslife #events
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chrlsr911 · 3 years
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Tonight, this is the culmination of the Lord’s Feasts, especially this Feast of Tabernacles. Sorry for not posting the days 6 and 7, yet I pray that the Lord be tabernacle with us as we seek Him. Let His joy empower us and be glad during this feast. God bless you all and Chag Sukkot Sameach and be in His presence. Date taken: October 25, 2020 (few weeks after Sukkot) Mainstreet Christian Family Church Quezon City, Philippines #sukkot #sukkah #feastoftabernacles #tabernacle #tabernacles #feastofbooths #moed #seasonofjoy (at Quezon City, Philippines) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUWefMvruer/?utm_medium=tumblr
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dysphoricnarcissus · 5 years
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Wonderful Season
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fuifong · 5 years
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#throwback 🎄 🄲🄷🅁🄸🅂🅃🄼🄰🅂 🎄 🎶Jingle bell🔔Jingle bell🎵 . . ⛄️ ❄️ ⛄️ ❄️ ⛄️ ❄️ #xmas #2018xmas #christmas #2018christmas #christmas2018 #christmascelebration #christmascelebration2018 #festiveseason #festivecelebration #celebration #12daysofchristmas #seasonofgiving #seasonofjoy #seasonoflove #fflam_post #fflam_moment #seasonsgreetings #seasongreetings #ilovexmas #ilovechristmas (at Starling Mall & Park Uptown) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br5P0hBnofS/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=u0wqmbmp3f5m
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benasquillart · 2 years
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Angel's Tree Ornament 👼🏻 #bena_quills #quillingcreativity #quilledangel #quillingchristmas #treeornaments #treedecoration #angelornament #quillingpaper #paperquilling #decorateyourtree #christmasangels #seasonofgiving #seasonaldecor #seasonofchristmas #tistheseasontobejolly #falalalala #seasonofjoy (at Ellicott City, Maryland) https://www.instagram.com/p/CXXw9mar7JF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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jebinthomasmathew · 1 year
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Posted @withrepost • @youngandfreemumbai Ti's the season!! 🎄 Are you ready for an epic celebration? Yess!!! It's CHRISTMAS NIGHT happening on 23rd December 7:00pm onwards at the Gateway Convention Centre. Worship by @emmanuelgollar and you can't miss this one!! 😎 Word by our very own PS. @bijuthampy 🙌🏽 It's RSVP, Please confirm your availabilities with your friends on the mentioned number 🙌🏽 See you all soon!😉 #celebration #christmas #christmasnight #youthforchrist #genz #culturalshift #weareyoungandfreemumbai #triggerlove #loveoneanother #loveinaction #jesuschrist #jesus #seasonofjoy #holidays #getreaday #joy #love #peace #hope #carols #youthfellowship #thereismore #youthcommunity (at Gateway Convention Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmZNVyMoWvw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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