#scroll to read the comments only to see someone rudely saying these exact lines i just mentioned in my post
meejijis · 2 years
One thing I don't like about fans in fandoms is that they be saying (and sadly some still act like this) “NOOO!!!!! HE’S MINE!!!111 AND ONLY MINE!!! >:((( HE BELONGS TO NO ONE!!!!” kinds of comments and idk it’s... both annoying and embarrassing lol
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carols-review-box · 3 years
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My Thoughts on Ginny & Georgia: Season 1 
These are my thoughts.
Right off the bat, I want to address that this is, by no means, a comprehensive review. I’m not even sure if it can be called a review. These are just my thoughts on the show, and it may or may not cover everything (in fact, it most certainly won’t cover everything), and I’ll try my best to write it out in an organized manner, but I can’t make promises. (Though, in all fairness, this is just a blog for my own entertainment, and I don’t expect anyone to actually read it.) 
Now, moving on. Ginny & Georgia, season 1. Where do I begin? 
First Impressions 
I first encountered Ginny & Georgia on Netflix when the website decided to auto play its trailer while I was scrolling through it. I watched--almost begrudgingly-- a short, 1 minute clip of Ginny complaining to her teacher about how all the books on the curriculum were written by white men. While I understand where Ginny was coming from, and while I understand that a lot of high school literature is written by authors who sometimes are not representative of their audience, Ginny’s introduction just came off as obnoxious and annoying. I thought, “Imagine moving to a new school, and that’s the first thing you say to the teacher.” I rolled my eyes, wrote the show off as another try-hard feminist woke piece (or something like that), and didn’t think I’d watch it. 
Well, at some point, I obviously decided to give the show a try. And by the middle of the first episode, I was actually really surprised when Ginny didn’t turn out to be insufferable in the beginning. I say in the beginning-- because her character really slides downhill past a certain point.
Throughout the entire show, I was probably a thousand times more interested in Georgia’s plot than Ginny’s. 
It makes sense-- Ginny’s plot is... well, pretty much a generic teen soap opera that I’ve seen hundreds of times before. There are some unique themes to her story that I’ve rarely seen portrayed in other shows, like her experience as a biracial person, but other than that, it seems to be your run-of-the-mill drama. 
On the other hand, Georgia’s plot is fresher. I haven’t personally seen any black-widow narratives (if Georgia could be called that), so I was intrigued and curious by how her story would play out. Not to mention, I liked Georgia’s love interests far better than Ginny’s, but maybe that’s just my personal taste.
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In comparing these two plots, I do feel like the writers did Ginny wrong. Georgia is given an interesting storyline with a relevant backstory and plot points that actually make sense, whereas Ginny’s story is mediocre, we rarely get to see her side of the past, and half the stuff that goes down in her life is either unrealistic and overdramatized or it just makes no damn sense. 
I could probably talk a great deal about the characters in this show. I have the most to say about Ginny (75% of it is criticism, honestly), so I’ll dedicate an entire section to her later. For now, I’ll start with these characters:
Georgia: Georgia, oh Georgia. To put it simply, Georgia is a psychopath hidden behind a large smile and a buzzing Southern accent. For the first 5 episodes, I was so fooled by her act (and her beauty) that I forgot she’s a literal murderer and most likely not a good human being. But I guess that’s, in part, what makes her very interesting to watch. 
Hunter: I literally felt nothing but a mixture of boredom and pity whenever Hunter was on screen. For the first 8 episodes, he is just an extraordinarily boring character-- and his boringness is used as a justification by Ginny to cheat on him (that’s where the pity part comes in). I enjoyed how how he got more character in the ending episodes, and I could understand his struggles when he fought with Ginny (in that scene). But if he wasn’t dating Ginny, then he would’ve been a completely forgettable character.
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Marcus: Marcus ALWAYS looks like he’s high. I don’t think there’s a single scene in the show where he doesn’t look like he just smoked something. He also has little personality, other than being the “bad boy.” I guess his hotness makes up for it, or something?
Maxine: While I enjoy Max overall, I think she can be really annoying, talkative and insensitive at times. Emphasis on the last part, because she does this irritating thing where she says something racist, and then asks if she just said something racist. 
Abby: Out of the friend group, I feel like Abby is the most dramatic without being overdramatic. She experiences things that a regular teenager would. However, she can be a bad friend at times, and I don’t like how the characters gives her a pass on some questionable choices she makes. 
Paul: I like Paul. It is a little bit hypocritical of me to say Paul is a good character when he basically has the same exact personality as Hunter, but I’m going to say it: He’s a good character.
Zion: Zion is smooth, and I enjoy his little wisdom bits with Ginny. But he was introduced too late into the show, and I can’t see him being a good fit for Georgia. 
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Joe: I love Joe. Just like some of the other characters, he is kind of plain. Kind of vanilla, daresay boring, but for some reason, I love him. Maybe it’s because of his adorable connection with Georgia. Maybe it’s because he offers some much-needed comedic relief in this overdramatized show. Maybe it’s because he has attractive qualities, like running a “successful” business, or maybe he’s just my type. For many, many episodes, I wanted Georgia to get together with Joe the most. 
Austin: I forgot Austin existed for half the time. Like, I know the kid stabbed someone, but in the grand scheme of things, he’s just so forgettable.
Character: Ginny
Ginny. Ah, where do I even begin with Ginny? 
First, I’m just going to say this: I know the writers intended to depict a biracial person’s experience in America through Ginny. I’m not biracial myself, and I don’t fully understand the issues that biracial people go through, so I’m not going to comment too much on how the authors managed to fuck up. I say “how” and not “if,” because a lot of biracial people have said that Ginny & Georgia is kind of a bad example of their life, and also because even I can see the problems with the show from a mile away. 
Getting that out of the way, I’ll start with Ginny’s overall character. 
One would think that a character who is depicted as-- for a lack of better words-- as “woke,”... as in, a character who is supposed to have better moral values than others (the definition comes from the word’s general connotative interpretation from leftist media), would be a good human being. But time and time again, we see that Ginny is everything but. 
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These are my biggest issues with Ginny’s character:
1) She acts like she’s better than everyone else, but also like she’s super oppressed. I know these two personality traits aren’t mutually exclusive, but they’re not a good combination either. 
2) She thinks she’s the only person in the entire town who has real issues. Other characters confront her about this, and she eventually mellows down, but it’s astounding to me the amount of people she had to offend before she got the point.
3) She can be really ungrateful and rude towards her mom. I know Georgia is not a perfect mother-- not even close-- and she can be genuinely crazy at times, but Ginny is very rarely appreciative of her mom’s efforts. 
4) Despite Ginny’s intelligence, she is not smart. She commits a bunch of dumb mistakes. Now, some of these can be attributed to her just being a teenager-- like having unprotected sex, sending nudes, being peer pressured into stealing, etc. Whereas other choices-- most notably cheating on her boyfriend-- are just a product of her shitty personality.
5) There is a really bad implication concerning Ginny’s views on race. I can probably talk a lot about race in this show, but true to my word, I’ll keep this short and talk about the one thing that really bothered me: Ginny ignores the black kids. There’s a line in the show where Ginny says she’s too white for the black folks and too black for the white folks... and she uses this to justify never having any friends or not fitting in. But when she gets to Wellsbury, she’s accepted by everyone, including black people, yet she chooses to ignore them. She only sits with them near the end of the show when her friend group kicks her out. And she looks miserable. 
Ginny likes to complain a lot about her white side, but all things considered, I think she has an issue with her black side instead. I don’t know if this is representative of the biracial experience, but I imagine this can’t be a good thing to portray on screen. 
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I know it’s crazy of me to say this right after I just ripped Ginny apart. However, despite everything, I actually like Ginny as a character. Do I like her as much as I like Georgia or Joe? No, but she swings more good than bad. What can I say? She’s entertaining (in the same way that Cheryl from Riverdale is entertaining). She’s at least somewhat relatable, and I wouldn’t have watched the entire season if I truly found her to be unbearable. 
That being said, Ginny does have a lot of potential to grow, and I sincerely hope the writers do her better in the next season. 
*At some point in the future, I may add more to this section.  
Family: Despite a significant portion of this show being terribly unrealistic, I appreciate the show’s overall depiction of family and separation. For one, the show represents families who aren’t stereotypically nuclear. Our main protagonists are a single mother-daughter combo. The Bakers next door have a deaf father and a mother who doesn’t fit into a perfect mold. There’s a biracial family (Hunter) who connects far more with their American side than their Taiwanese-- so much that Hunter and his sister don’t even speak a lick of Mandarin. The small details and nuances which are added into the show makes them far more representative of the general American population. 
Conversations: This show gives conversations that are far overdue in media. While Hunter and Ginny’s fight scene is 98% pure cringe, the remaining 2% of it is an important reminder on being biracial (or a person of color) in America. Many of us struggle with our racial identity, and it’s unproductive to compare who has it worse. 
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Overall + Rating 
To me, the first season of Ginny & Georgia is a 6.5/10. (Five being the average; so this would be a little better than average). While it showed a lot of potential at the beginning, the show eventually devolved to nothing more than a standard melodrama-- even on Georgia’s part. It tried hard to be another Gilmore Girls but ended up falling quite short. I am looking forward to its second season though; and hopefully, it’s much better than the first. 
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
What's your favourite sport? Do you prefer to watch it or play it?: I don’t like sports.
Who was the last person to send you a friend request on Facebook?: Some random person, so I denied it.
Have you ever been to that person's house?: Well, no.
How recently did you wash your hands?:  Like 10 minutes ago.
How many girls do you know named Emma?: I don’t know any Emma’s.
Are you upset, for any reason at all?: Not at this exact moment. 
How did you feel when you woke up today?:  I haven’t gone to bed, yet.
When you're stressed, what helps you to relax or calm down?: Watching TV, ASMR, reading, surveys... they can help distract anyway.
What were you doing before you started this survey?: Scrolling through Tumblr and listening to an ASMR video.
Is there something else you should be doing, that's more important?: Sleep. It’s 8AM, I should have gone to sleep hours ago
When was the last time you neglected to do something that you'd planned?: Hmm.
Is there someone that can always make you smile no matter how bad you feel?: Finn. Animals are far better at that than humans. <<< Agreed. My doggo can always make me smile.
Do you have any friends that you feel don't fully appreciate you?: Meh. I don’t think a whole lot of myself, so. <<< Same.
When was the last time someone told you that you were beautiful?: I don’t remember. 
Who was the last person that apologised to you?:  I don’t recall.
What were they apologising for?:
Do you think they meant it?:
Would you be embarrassed if your parents looked at your Facebook?: I have my mom on Facebook.
Describe the personality of the person you have feelings for.: I don’t like anyone in that way currently.
What does your pencil case look like? What's in it?: I have a plain baby blue case I’ve been using recently for my Bible study with some pens and highlighters in it.
In your Facebook friends list, who is the first person listed under 'D'?: Dad.
How did you meet him/her?: He met me the day I was born.
Did the last person you kissed have facial hair?:  Yeah, he had some scruff.
You're locked in a room with your ex. Any problems?: It’d be extremely awkward. I haven’t seen or talked to him in almost 5 years.
Be honest. What are you most afraid of?: Losing my loved ones and my health issues getting worse or never getting better.
In the last 24 hours, have you seen or spoken to anyone you dislike?: No.
What colour are the eyes of the last person that told you they loved you?: Brown.
What is a word or phrase that you say often?:  lol I often jokingly say, “what a day” after being up for only like an hour or after doing nothing all day (everyday). 
Name 3 songs that remind you of someone special.:  Nah.
How much chocolate do you have in your house atm, if any?:  We have Ho Hos.  
Who is the most intelligent person you know?: My younger brother.
Do you have younger siblings? If you do, are you protective of them?: ^^^ and yes.
Who was the last person you insulted?:  I don’t go around insulting people.
What are the other members of your household doing at this moment?: My mom and brother are asleep, my dad is at work.
Do you have any neighbours that you don't get along with?: No. I don’t interact with any of my neighbors.
How recently did you speak to the last person you kissed?: Not recent at all, it’s been almost 5 years.
Who was the last person you told to get lost, or something similar?:  I’ve said that to myself in regards to others, like if I see a rude/mean/troll comment on something or read about something crazy I’ll be like, ‘get outta here with all that.’
Give me a random line from the last song you listened to.: “ice on my neck I’m stunnin’
Have you ever had an argument with the last person you Facebook messaged?: No.
Do you have any plans for tonight?: Same stuff as always. If ya’ll have realized, my days are all very much the same.
Where were you at 9 o'clock last night?: Here at home watching, “I’m Thinking of Ending Things” on Netflix. That movie left me like wtf??? it was trippy. I read some articles about it and have a better understanding of it now, but it’s still pretty uh interesting. 
In the past week, have you slept past midday?: I’ve been getting up between 230-4PM for most of this year.
Is there anything happening tomorrow, that you're looking forward to?: Nope.
Is there anyone you used to be friends with, that you now dislike?:  No. I’ve grown apart from people, but I don’t dislike them.
What is your least favourite chocolate bar?: I haven’t had a candy bar in years.
Do any of your friends or relatives have the same birthday as you?: No, but I used to know someone with the same birthday.
Name the last song that made you cry.:  I get in the feels anytime I hear the acoustic version of Everlong by Foo Fighters because of the memory I have attached to it.
Who do you miss at this moment?: I’ll always miss my loved ones who passed away. I also miss one of my aunts, who I haven’t seen in like a year.
Where is that person?: She only lives like 45 minutes away.
Have you ever dyed your hair an unnatural colour?: I’ve dyed it red the past few years.
Have you had any deep conversations today?: It’s 830AM, I haven’t even talked to anyone yet.
Is your television on atm?: Yep.
If it is, what are you watching?:  The Golden Girls.
Are you wearing anything blue?:  Nope.
Who were the last 5 people to make you smile?: My mom, brother, and some people in TikTok and YouTube videos.
Do you use Twitter?:  I do.
Tell me about the last YouTube video you watched. It’s an ASMR video about a true crime story.
Is there anything else you'd like to say?: Nope.
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kpopmalereader · 5 years
ignoring ; mark lee
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• summary: you’re a nct member and mark’s best friend, you’re the same age as him and considered to be a part of the ‘tall and broad member line’ (like johnny or lucas). you and mark share a brotherly friendship, you cuddle and hug without any problem until one day mark realizes he’s in love with you after a heart-warming event and starts to distance himself from you until you confront him about it • pairing: mark lee x male!reader • word count: 2695 • to do
You run your fingers through Mark’s hair, setting your other hand on his knee across your lap. He smiles gently, already knowing you’ve completely forgotten the show you were watching. He continues watching the TV and you continue to watch him, twisting pieces of his hair around your fingers.
“You’re very pretty.” You mumble.
He rolls his eyes, only a faint blush showing up on his cheeks. “It’s rude to talk during a show. I’m trying to pay attention.”
“I’m not stopping you,” You shake your head and pull him closer to you, ghosting your fingers over the side of his face to memorize the area.
Mark grabs the remote and pauses it, turning his head towards you to give you more surface area to work with. You smile, moving your fingers over his nose and cheekbones. The door opens and someone walks in, but both of you ignore it, talking and laughing amongst yourselves as you map Mark’s face.
“What are you two doing?”
Mark opens his eyes and looks up at Jaehyun, shrugging his shoulders. “I don’t know, I’m just letting it happen.”
You hold his chin in place, gesturing your other hand under his face. “Look how cute he is. I like it.”
“Alright…” Jaehyun nods slowly and walks away, shaking his head as he leaves the room.
“Is this how we’re going to spend our day?”
“Mhm.” You answer simply, wrapping one of your arms around his shoulders and playing with Mark’s hand with your other. “Is that okay with you?”
Mark nods and looks back at the TV, blushing lightly at your intense gaze. “Sure.”
You watch for a few seconds as Mark smiles at the fan across from him. She holds her hands up and Mark puts one of his up, signing the album in front of him while he talks, but lets her hold his hand. She measures his hand and folds their fingers together, watching him with rapt attention.
You smile and jump out, grabbing his hands from her and pulling them back, shaking your head. “Mine.”
The girl laughs and covers her face as you wag your finger at her in fake discipline. The crowd in front of you goes crazy and you hold one of his hands over the table, letting the other go. You pretend to watch the pair closely as you talk to the fan in front of yourself, glancing at them every few minutes. As you are too focused on your little jealous show and the fans in front of you, you don’t notice Mark’s slightly sweaty hand and brushed pink cheeks. Your hands stay linked together throughout the fan-sign until you stand up to join Johnny and Lucas messing around in the front.
Mark leaves his hand in the exact place you left and watches you mess around with the other members, feeling his heart rate kick up every few seconds just because he can see you and it squeezing and bouncing around when you make eye contact with him.
“Markly!” You wave him over and hold your hand out. “Come here.”
He joins you quickly. “What?”
“I just missed you.” You wink and hold his hand, turning back to your previous conversation.
Mark’s eyes go wide as he covers his face with his free hand and shakes his head a few times, trying to get himself back to normal. You continue to have your conversations, loosely holding Mark’s hand as you move around the stage. As Mark follows you around the stage as you do different things, he overhears a few fans in the front row.
“I’m just saying,” She looks up at the pair she’s talking about, not noticing Mark listening in. “It’s very obvious to me, they have feelings for each other. I think, at least. Maybe not dating, but they seem to be more than friends.”
“They might just be close.” One of her friends says.
The original girl shrugs. “We’ll never really know. If they make each other happy, whatever, I guess. Happy being friends or more.”
Mark blinks in shock and takes a single side-step away from you, still holding your hand though. You glance over at him, furrowing your eyebrows immediately.
“Everything okay?”
He turns towards you and away from the crowd, sending you a mental sign for some discretion. “I- Do we- Am I clingy?”
“Kind of, but I am too, I wouldn’t change that.” You shrug. “If you’re going to be clingy to anyone, I want it to be me. Why? What happened?”
Mark shakes his head and ignores when you keep trying to make eye contact with him, eventually letting go of your hand after a few minutes. You continue to glance at him as he walks around with the other members but try not to let the fans see your worry about it.
Mark’s phone dings a few times, alerting Taeyong to it as Mark tries to slide it under the stacks of paper on his desk. Taeyong stares at him for a few seconds in confusion, waiting for Mark to notice instead of outright asking at first.
“Are you ignoring someone?” Taeyong asks.
Mark jumps slightly and shakes his head. “No, I’m just- I just want to focus.”
“So, you don’t know who’s texting you?”
Mark finds himself unable to lie underneath Taeyong’s look and shrugs his shoulders. “I have an idea on who it might possibly be…”
Taeyong nods his head for Mark to continue.
“It’s Y/N.”
“Why are you ignoring Y/N?”
“I’m not!” Mark answers quickly. “I just, I feel like I’m a bit too clingy sometimes and people think we’re dating, which, I guess… I wouldn’t mind?”
Taeyong waits for him to continue, knowing when he’s about to rant or not.
“He’s really nice and I heard someone talk about us being together, which I guess was the first time I’ve heard people think that? I guess a lot of people probably think that in passing when they see us, but I asked if he thought I was clingy and he really, genuinely sounded like he liked me being clingy, ya know?” Mark shakes his head and leans back in his chair. “…I like him being clingy. I like… This whole thing… it made me think differently? Why did that one moment make me think different? Why that one? None of the other stuff he does?”
Taeyong nods as Mark talk, slightly stunned. “And?”
Mark slumps forward. “You want me to say it?”
“It’ll be easier for you to say it to Y/N if you say it to me first.”
“I’m not going to say it to Y/N.”
“Well, you can’t keep ignoring him. That’s going to hurt him more than you, and you don’t even know what he feels about you, maybe it’s good.”
“The key word in that is maybe.”
Your name pops up at the top of Mark’s phone again and his finger hovers over the notification but chooses to continue watching the digital version of you on his Live instead. He almost doesn’t see your frown, it coming and going almost instantaneously, but he does see it and his heart drops. Your own feelings get pushed to the side when you look up at the camera, smiling brightly all over again, somehow making Mark feel even worse.
He notices you pushing your phone as far away as you can without being too suspicious but knows you can’t help yourself when you continuously glance at the device. You shake your head and move away from it, scooting closer to Lucas.
Mark begins to feel a pit of jealousy in his stomach, getting angry at himself, you, and Lucas all in one go. He turns off the VLive and in his slightly blind anger, he opens your messages, just long enough to know that he knows you can see he read them and closes them again.
After a while, he starts to feel bad about it but ignores the feeling for the most part… until he opens VLive again and notices you’re no longer with Lucas and Johnny. He grows concerned and worried that you’ll actually notice that he left you on read and starts chewing on his bottom lip.
You appear back in the frame a few seconds later and Johnny gestures for you to sit in between them. Mark watches your shoulders hunch slightly and your half-smile at Lucas’ antics, wondering what you were feeling or what your thought process was.
He hears his name from the phone and tunes back into the conversation, watching your face closely.
“They want to know when your next VLive with Mark is?” Johnny repeats.
“Oh,” You clear your throat, probably from not using it the entire time, and shrug. “We’ve… been really busy the last few days. I don’t know when the next time will be, sorry.”
Lucas lays his hand on your lap, leaning slightly closer to let your shoulder lay on his chest. Everyone outside of your immediate friend group wouldn’t know, but Mark can immediately tell the small movement being something that normally calms you. You have a never-ending tendency of leaning your back against someone’s chest, and Lucas, of all people, would also know how to comfort you without making a big deal of everything.
Mark starts scrolling through the comments, still stuck on watching you instead of anything else.
‘What happened? Why did Y/N and Lucas walk away?’
‘Y/N seems uncomfortable’
‘What do you mean you think something happened with Mark and Y/N? What could’ve happened? They’re basically in love with each other’
Mark scrolls back further, searching for what the last comment was replying too, but gives up after a while, going back to watching you and Lucas. Johnny starts talking to the camera and Lucas picks at the hole in your jeans as you talk to him in a quiet voice. You watch his hand for a few seconds and look back up at him, both of you breaking into laughter. Johnny jumps back and looks around, eyes squinted and eyebrows furrowed. You wave him off and roll your eyes, bumping your shoulder into Lucas side when he wraps his arm around you.
“I can almost see steam rolling off your ears.” Taeyong blocks Mark’s phone and raises his eyebrow. “What are you watching that’s got you so angry?”
Taeyong sits next to Mark and leans over his shoulder.
“You’re seriously watching their Live? Just go talk to Y/N, quit ignoring him and then neither of you will feel upset anymore.” Taeyong sets Mark’s phone down and leans forward. “You’ve been ignoring him for three weeks now. He thinks you’re upset with him, think about that.”
“What do you mean?”
Taeyong breathes deeply through his nose and starts explaining. “If you were in his shoes. If he randomly stopped talking to you and didn’t answer your texts, what would you think? How would you feel? It’s gotten to the point where he told me to ask for his schedule to be changed so he wouldn’t bother you. He requested different block times, he’s been staying in the studios later and later just to make sure you’re asleep when he comes in the dorm.”
“Mark, I love you, you’re a good kid, and I know you care about Y/N. I know you don’t want to ruin your friendship with him, but that is exactly what you’re doing right now.” Taeyong sets his hands on Mark’s shoulders, gripping them tightly. “You don’t know what he feels about you. You’re making yourself and him suffer because of this. He loves you more than anything, even if he doesn’t feel exactly the same way, he’s going to do whatever he possibly can to make sure that he doesn’t hurt you. He’s willing to change his entire schedule for you, and you don’t even want to talk to him?”
Mark starts to get angry at Taeyong’s accusatory tone but after the words set into his brain, he starts to feel bad about everything from the last few weeks, his hands gravitating to pull at his hair. “Oh no, oh no, what did I… what do I… what?”
“I didn’t mean to upset you or anything, I want you to know, I want you to realize.”
Mark nods quickly. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll… I’ll talk to him.”
He waits a little while until he sets off to find you, walking into your room. He looks around the room, opening the closet door before he starts picking at his bottom lip. He shakes his head when he can’t find you and goes to turn around when he sees you out of the corner of his eyes.
The air goes colder when you appear in the doorframe, weirdly making Mark feel trapped, though he knows it wasn’t your intention. You look across the room at him, stepping inside the room to let him pass if need be.
“Can we talk?” Mark bursts out and finds himself moving closer to you. “I really, really want to explain myself.”
“You don’t have to.” You shake your head, letting your shoulders roll forward. “Whatever I did, whatever I said, I’m sorry. Whatever made you feel like you needed to get away, I didn’t mean to, I understand-”
“No!” He moves even closer. “Y/N, no, not at all. Everything was my fault. I got inside my own head and instead of talking to you and explaining what was happening, I went inside myself and made all of this happen. I want to explain everything to you, but there’s only one way to do that, and I don’t know how to tell you that part.”
You reach out for his hand and lean down, looking directly at him. “You know me, Mark. We can tell each other anything.”
He nods. “That’s why it’s hard to tell you. You’re so accepting, but I don’t want to test how far that acceptance goes.”
“Okay,” You nod and turn around. “Tell me now, you can’t see my face. Pretend you’re practicing and I’m not actually here.”
Mark breathes through his nose and shakes his head, turning you back around by your shoulders. “I like you. More than a friend, that’s why I blocked you out. I overheard a fan say that they thought we had feelings for each other and then when you said you wanted me to be clingy with you and it just made me think about it all. It made me think about us and I couldn’t handle it, I didn’t want to ruin anything between us, but I kind of did that already.”
You stifle a laugh and shake your head. “That’s what made you ignore me for a month? Oh, Markly.”
He becomes partially offended and you can tell immediately.
“Sorry, I just can’t believe that’s what you thought would ruin our friendship? Feelings for me? You could murder someone in front of me and I wouldn’t care.” You cup his cheeks and lean down, almost setting your forehead against his. “Mark, I love you too much to let anything get in the way.”
“But it’s going to be awkward between us now.”
“Because one of us feels different than the other.”
“Who?” You laugh and squish his cheeks together a bit more. “I know you’re bad with feelings, but god Mark, you’re blind if you can’t see how much you mean to me. I’ve been in love with you for the longest time.”
You can see the shock and confusion in his face and bring him closer to you. “Mark, I love you. It’s not a joke, it’s not something to make you feel better, it’s as genuine as I could possibly be right now.”
Mark’s face slowly morphs into a bright smile and he wraps his arms around your shoulders, gripping you tightly. “I’m sorry for ignoring you for a month.”
“It’s alright, Markly. Just make sure you don’t do it again.” You pretend to warn him and shake your head.
“Do I have your permission to not leave you alone to make up for it?”
“I already told you, I love clingy Markly.”
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