#scott and ephemeral...
kvtnisseverdeen · 9 months
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I'm gonna be better this year—a better student, a better son, a better friend, a better everything. I promise.
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intricatepuckrituals · 5 months
i genuinely love all mitch fic where we expand on his complexity of self, twitch streamer boi dodory, desire to be slutty, etc., but i do wonder if we collectively as authors are pushing suspension of disbelief a margin too far by having him know and use the word 'ephemeral'. like, sadly..alas.. i think, he would not ! ahdjgkgjjk
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Geraint Smith: Today in northern New Mexico. My most favorite cottonwood. Arroyo Hondo, Taos Co, NM. (Oct 24, 2023) :: [Robert Scott Horton]
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Mono no aware (物の哀れ),literally “the pathos of things” Rich with meaning and subtlety, the soul of Mono-no aware is often difficult to successfully describe in words. However, the almost untranslatable term refers to the melancholic realization that everything is temporary. It is the awareness of the fleeting nature of things. Literally translated to “the pathos of things”, it means an empathy or sensitivity towards things that transient and last only for a short period. This Japanese phrase for awareness of impermanence involves both feelings of joy and sadness as this is the truth of life.
Whether it’s the changing of seasons, the fading of youth, or the impermanence of love, all things should be cherished for their transitory nature instead of being mourned. When we learn to do that, we learn to appreciate the true beauty of everything.
Mono No Aware can be best explained as “the ephemeral nature of beauty.” It refers to the subtle bittersweet feeling you experience when you are aware that nothing is meant to last forever, no matter how good or bad. It is characterized by our appreciation and heartache of the transient nature of things, people, love and even life
[Vanja Vanja] (Buddhism Tao Zen and Meditation)
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scribeoffate · 1 year
Scott reading call of the wild is hilarious and I love it. I will be taking no notes and he definitely enjoyed the book.
Also one day, a meta about the word ephemeral and how it applies so well to this episode. It’s actually really good.
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peppered-moths · 1 year
i think that the majorwood dynamic this season is going to be about fate. subverting fate, specifically.
think about it: they’re both known for breaking the rules of the series. a green killing reds, a boogeyman refusing to kill at all. they break the rules, but only one of them has ever succeeded.
martyn doesn’t understand it. they’ve played the same games, walked the same invisible lines, but scott always comes out on top. he gets a happy afterlife, a sacrifice that means something. he gets to win.
why do martyn’s sacrifices never mean anything? he dies at the feet of the king he couldn’t save, fights to the end and dies anyways. he gets broken up with! he doesn’t understand.
so it must be fate. martyn should just let go, let the tides of destiny take him where they will. and yet. and yet.
he partners with scott out of curiosity, he tells himself. he wants to know what makes fate (and the Ones that pull the strings) so fond of him. he learns very quickly they aren’t.
the truth is this: scott doesn’t give a damn about destiny. he does whatever he wants to, lives in the moment because, really, what else is there? martyn aches. he thinks it might be jealousy. he knows it’s not.
he thinks scott is moonlight; ephemeral, beautiful, doomed. he grins at martyn and tells him cheerfully that fate shouldn’t dictate his choices. martyn thinks he’ll die if he doesn’t follow fate. martyn thinks a lot of things about scott.
martyn comes trudging back to the coral isles one day and sees two familiar heads. scott and pearl. they have their feet in the water, heads leaned close together, like they’re sharing a private joke, like they weren't at each others' throats last season. a moment later, pearl snickers, and their peals of laughter ring across the ocean.
scott’s laugh sounds like sunlight. his eyes are beautiful.
this could be… a problem.
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youremyheaven · 10 months
Beauty & the Beast: The Path of Venus (Vedic Astrology Analysis) 🌸🔥
Beauty & the Beast is essentially a "bad boy meets good girl" esque story, although that is oversimplifying things.
Love is a transformative tool and it is true love that lets both individuals transform. the Beast turns into a prince and Beauty understands the true nature of beauty, which is not shallow or superficial.
the reason, beauty is said to be in the eye of the beholder is that, when you look at someone or something with love, it becomes beautiful to you. Their character and essence transcend their physical form; beauty becomes a sentiment that is deeply felt; its profound and moving, like the beauty of nature or of ancient monuments; its beauty that is beyond the mundane; such as perfectly symmetrical features or adhering to every "trend".
Yun Hyongkeun, the esteemed artist once said, "True sorrow is connected to true beauty"
He had Purvashada Moon and Venus in UBP (Venus exalts in the sign of Pisces)
Here's an excerpt from an interview:
“What is a beautiful thing? It’s associated with the humanity’s inner world. To live most beautifully means to survive after experiencing extreme suffering and hardship,” Yun said. 
imo, this is a very Venusian sentiment; Claire Nakti in her video had mentioned how Venusians are "externally splendorous but internally corrosive"
this is to say that these natives create beauty, are drawn to beauty and perhaps are physically beautiful but more often than not, it does not come from a place of ease or comfort. just like how the beautiful lotus blooms in the mud, Venusians create beauty in the midst of chaos and ugliness.
Fun fact: Namjoon has a song called Yun dedicated to the artist which paraphrases this sentiment as "true beauty is true sadness". Namjoon himself has Purvaphalguni sun so it makes sense why he feels connected to this sentiment.
something that is truly beautiful affects us deeply. be it certain people or certain places, it almost makes us melancholy. now why does beauty make us sad?
innately, we understand that beauty, like life, is ephemeral and being in the presence of it, triggers our own sense of life/time passing and mortality. everything and everyone one must die; including the beautiful things and its almost painful to accept that.
now we must first understand that there is nothing shallow or superficial about beauty. Belle does not love the Beast DESPITE his ugliness but perhaps because of it. she finds him intriguing, his character, and his essence all appeal to her. if she were repulsed by him truly, she would not have wanted to marry him. although she was put off by him initially, she warmed to him after that, if that weren't the case, this story wouldn't progress the way it does.
in Claire Nakti's video about Venusian men, she mentioned how Venus's influence gives these men "true masculinity" but they're also often not considered conventionally physically attractive. She cited Pete Davidson & Travis Scott as examples and how what's appealing/sexy/magnetic about them has to do with how they carry themselves, their personality, their vibe, etc
so, we understand that Beauty & the Beast is not about a young woman who in her kindness and generosity, agrees to marry a Beast; she is attracted to him; but what makes him attractive to her is his essence, his nature etc
Now that we've established that, let's look at the story of Psyche & Eros; there are many parallels between this tale from Greek mythology and Beauty & the Beast
like all tales, this too, is a spiritual and philosophical allegory
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i will quickly sum it up:
Psyche was a princess famed for her beauty, so much so that it made Aphrodite (Goddess of love & beauty, equivalent to Venus) jealous. She decided to send her own son, Eros (aka Cupid) to shoot Psyche with his arrows of love, to force her to fall in love with a hideous Beast. Much to her dismay, Eros himself fell in love with Psyche and decided to marry her.
now remember that Psyche is a mortal and Eros is a God. This union is not easy. back in her kingdom, people are in mourning because according to them, she's marrying a winged beast. after a while, she's with Eros at their abode, living a life of marital bliss, however, Eros can only visit her at night and she is commanded to never set her eyes on him. so she literally has no idea who or what he is.
one night after her sisters convince her that her new husband is a ghastly and terrifying beast, she decides to take a look at him. however Eros wakes up and realizes that she betrayed him and loses his trust in her and subsequently abandons her.
Psyche has to face several trials and tribulations before she can redeem herself and unite with Eros again; this time in the presence of all Gods, including Aphrodite, they get married, she ascends to the status of a Goddess and later on they have a child, Hedone, Goddess of Pleasure.
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Psyche is the Greek word for "soul" or "mind", curiously, its also Greek for "butterfly" or "moth"
Eros means "love" and "desire"
Hedone means "pleasure"
Aphrodite is associated with love, lust, beauty, pleasure, passion, procreation and prosperity.
This is essentially a love story. Psyche is the personification of the soul, which innately longs to unite with the object of its desire. Like all mortals, Psyche despite finding it, does not trust it or understand it. It is only when she loses what she had, that she realizes how precious it was. Psyche must undergo a painful process of self-realization and undertake several trials in order to redeem herself and prove worthy of Eros.
Desire is the source of everything and Eros is the first god to have come into existence; he is self-formed. it is desire that got Psyche into this mess but its love that will get her out of it.
Thus, the quest for love finds its end in the union between soul/mind and love/desire; together they create pleasure (literally)
looking at it as an allegory, the trials that Psyche undertook were necessary because they led to her growth and development as a person. if you're familiar with Carl Jung, you will recognise this as the process of individuation.
Jung saw it as the process of self-realization, the discovery, and experience of meaning and purpose in life; the means by which one finds oneself and becomes who one really is. It depends upon the interplay and synthesis of opposites e.g. conscious and unconscious, personal and collective, psyche and soma, divine and human, life and death. (link to the article)
the story is one of Psyche's transformation; she leaves behind her kingdom to marry a complete stranger she has never seen and is later abandoned by him, then must strive to redeem herself and win him back. metamorphosis is synonymous with butterflies and Psyche is symbolised by butterfly wings.
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so what does this story tell us? Psyche was a renowned beauty who harbored doubts that her new husband was a ghastly beast. but it is she who goes on an arduous and challenging journey to win back the man she feared was a beast, not the other way around.
the soul evolves, matures, and develops, and comes to unite with their love/desire and that creates pleasure. this is essentially a Venusian story.
Venus concerns itself with love & beauty and the story of Psyche & Eros, or its fairy-tale rendition, Beauty & the Beast both explore these themes.
in the same video, Claire also mentioned how Venusian influence often manifests as ugliness in men, but they are also said to possess "true masculinity" the kind that women deeply desire.
Venus creates elitism; Venusians attract each other but Venus being a corrosive planet means they have to prove worthy of each other's company.
the Venusian nakshatras are : Bharani, Purvaphalguni & Purvashada
also, keep in mind that Venus exalts in the sign of Pisces
its interesting that all 3 Venusian nakshatras are Ugra nakshatras that are "cruel" in nature, assigning the native qualities like fierceness, a tendency to be torturous and cruel. the gem associated with Venus is the diamond; they are beautiful stones that come into being after being subject to immensely straining conditions of heat & pressure. this is imo, very telling of the nature of Venusian natives. they endure so much suffering in order to create the beauty that others know them for.
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one of the earliest screen adaptations of Beauty & the Beast is Cocteau's 1943 adaptation, in which Josette Day plays Belle.
She has Venus & Ketu in Purvaphalguni
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Penelope (2006) is a gender reversed retelling of Beauty & the Beast and it stars Christina Ricci who is Purvashada moon
James McAvoy has an exalted Venus in Pisces (UBP) which is a placement signifying ultimate devotion to the lover, its interesting how in this story he's the one who must help Penelope ("the Beast") break the spell she's under. the whole thing is sooo Pisces coded ngl
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Emilie de Ravin plays Belle in Once Upon A Time, she has Moon and mercury in Purvashada
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Kristin Kreuk, Purvashada sun played the Belle based character in the tv series, Beauty & the Beast
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in 1997's Beautician & the Beast, Fran Drescher plays a Belle inspired character. She has Ketu in Bharani
Jane Eyre is considered by many to be loosely based on Beauty & the Beast.
To begin with, Charlotte Bronte who authored Jane Eyre, was Purvaphalguni rising with an exalted Venus in Pisces (UBP)
As such we'll look at the actors who have played Lady Jane in its film & TV adaptations.
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Zelah Clarke played Lady Jane in the 1983 miniseries Jane Eyre. She is Bharani moon
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Ruth Wilson who played Jane Eyre in the 2006 tv series, has Purvaphalguni moon
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Sussanah York who played Jane Eyre in the 1970 adaptation has Purvashada sun, Purvaphalguni moon with Ketu in Bharani
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A Court of Thorns & Roses, is a highly popular fantasy novel that is a retelling of Beauty & the Beast. its author, Sarah J Maas has an exalted Venus in Revati as her amatyakaraka
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Anthony Trollope’s Ayala’s Angel features a heroine who rejects the honourable Colonel Stubbs because of his appearance and ugly surname, until she is persuaded by events that he is “the real Angel of Light” she has been seeking all along.
Trollope has Ketu in Purvashada
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The Tiger's Bride is a post-modern retelling of the Beauty & the Beast. its written by Angela Carter who has Sun & Moon in Bharani.
The Beast must learn to express his heart and mind to become worth loving. He has his own journey of growth, acceptance and forgiveness.
It’s a pattern echoed in many Jane Austen novels, including Pride & Prejudice in which the proud, rich Mr Darcy must reveal his true goodness to win the witty and sharp Elizabeth Bennet.
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in its perhaps most famous adaptation, Liz is played by Keira Knightley who has an exalted Venus in Revati, with Mars & Rahu in Bharani
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in another adaptation of the same, the Liz character is played by Aishwarya Rai who is Purvashada moon.
to an extent, Marianne's character arc in Sense & Sensibility, also by Jane Austen is very similar. she initially falls for the handsome, young and ultimately found to be shitty John Willoughby and later realises her love for & marries Colonel Brandon, who is much older and an amputee but who truly cares for & loves her.
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the 2011 movie From Prada to Nada is a retelling of Sense & Sensibility. it stars Alexa PenVega as Marianne. She has Ketu in Purvaphalguni
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the 2000 Indian adaptation, titled Kandukondein Kandukondein stars Aishwarya Rai in the Marianne equivalent character. She has Purvashada Moon
Beauty & the Beast focuses on Belle’s awakening to the Beast’s virtue rather than the Beast experiencing a change. it is a story about the path of a Venusian woman.
it is a quintessential Venusian tale about the union of two equals. true to Venusian nature, they have to undergo several trials and tribulations before this becomes possible.
Thus when the body (the beast) unites with the soul (beauty) it creates pleasure and harmony, thereby fulfilling all the promises of Venus.
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gxllavichswhore · 4 months
Liam: I'm kind of crushing on someone, but I'm worried about telling you who it is, because you're not going to like it
Stiles: Just rip the bandage off.
Liam: It's Theo.
Stiles: Put the bandage back on
Derek: I trust Scott.
Peter: You think he knows what he's doing?
Derek: I wouldn't go that far.
Malia, struggling to keep upright in their 1 inch heels: Yeah, I-I don't really think heels are for me
Lydia, pointing at her and walking flawlessly in sparkly golden 6 inch heels: WEAK.
Liam: crushes are the worst. whenever i'm near mine, i start acting stupid
Theo: pfft you're always acting stupid
Liam: yeahhhh, don't think about that too hard
Isaac: Stiles, could you pass the salt?
Stiles: Isaac, could you pass away?
Scott (to the new pack members): This is normal.
Liam: I'm kind of a handful
Alec: I'm also a handful
Scott: I have two hands!
Theo and Liam: *staring into each other's eyes*
Theo: *opens soda loudly*
Liam: We're having a moment!
Theo: and I'm having a soda
Mason: Well, you know what they say, when life gives you lemons...
Corey: Put them in a facemask
Nolan: Use them in a battery
Hayden: Throw them at people
Theo: Squirt the juice in life's eyes. Steal life's wallet and assume its identity. Now you are life and hold dominion over all. Your enemies cower at your feet.
Liam: *scared*
Mason: .... make lemonade, guys. The answer was make lemonade.
The pack: Malia, that was highly illegal.
Malia: Oh this is so sad alexa play despacito
Liam: We played Scrabble. It was a nightmare.
Scott: Scrabble? Scrabble's great.
Liam: Not when you're playing with Lydia, it's not. She put words like "ephemeral" and I put "dog."
Stiles: You're only dating Liam to annoy me!
Theo: No, I'm dating Liam because I like him. Annoying you is just an added bonus.
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princeescaluswords · 1 month
The Respect She Deserves
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Another day, another WTF take from a member of the Sterek fandom. Apparently, members of the Sterek fandom are leaders when it comes to giving Allison Argent the 'respect she deserves.'
The next time you're reading a selection of Sterek fanfictions, count how many of them have their Stand-In with a Stiles Name Tag echo Derek's first season trauma-powered fear and hatred of Allison. Tally up how many times the story blames Scott's desire for Allison as one of the reasons Derek fails or calls Scott stupid for loving a hunter, even though everyone is aware that Allison didn't even know werewolves existed or that her family hunted them until the end of episode 10. Is the 'respect she deserves' being treated as if her last name is the only thing about her that matters?
The next time you're reading a selection of Sterek fanfictions, count how many of them describe Allison's relationship with Scott as 'puppy love' or as something that is 'on-and-off.' Notice that Allison's relationship with Isaac is seldom, if ever, described like that, because the main thing for these respecters of womanhood that marks her relationship as immature and ephemeral is that it is with Scott. Notice how often her relationship with Scott (and thus her decisions) are demeaned in order to compare it with the glorious so-slow-burning-it-is-nonexistent maturity of the Sterek relationship. Is the 'respect she deserves' being treated as if her primary romantic relationship is inherently childish?
The next time you're reading a selection of Sterek fanfictions, count how many of them snidely insinuate that the basis of Allison's relationships is lust rather than actual love. See how many times they remark on how easily Allison and (usually but not always) Scott engage in public displays of affection, where they make out in front of other people or sit on each other's laps constantly or disappear into a quiet corner even during tense times to engage in carnality. Allison and Scott (as well as Allison and Isaac) do engage in physical intimacy during the show, but it is never in public (Silverfinger (3x17) doesn't count) and the only time it backfired was when Scott and Allison made the mistake of falling asleep after sex while watching Jackson in Frenemy (2x06). Is the 'respect she deserves' being treated as if she is a sex-crazed slut?
The next time you're reading a selection of Sterek fanfictions, count how many of them come out and say that Allison is a b*tch because of her actions while being manipulated by Gerard. After all, she hunted down her classmates! Compare that to how the Hale betas are described, who also hunted down their classmates on Derek's orders, including the point where Erica bashed Stiles with a car part and left him in a dumpster or Isaac attacked Allison and Stiles in Scott's house or when they bushwhacked Scott (again on Derek's orders) at the ice rink. Once you're done with that, compare the way Derek's bad decisions and violent behavior is excused due to his family's deaths and Stiles's insecurity and aggressive lashing out is excused due to his mother's death, but Allison's vulnerability and overreaction to her aunt being murdered right in front of her and her mother committing suicide on her bed fails to generate any sympathy whatsoever! Often, these stories only talk about how she's going to have to work to make up for what she did wrong (as she said in the show) and even then Stiles will never trust her again. Is the 'respect she deserves' being treated as if the terrible tragedies that befell her -- members of her family dying -- cannot be considered anywhere near as exculpatory as similar white male pain?
It might take you a few seconds to figure out what the original fan meant by the Sterek fandom giving Allison the 'respect she deserves,' but it should be clear in the end. They would never have paired her with the Latino flop they despise because the show treated him as if he was "The Only One that Mattered!" The Sterek fandom, to prove that point, highlights how terrible it is for Allison to not be single so she could focus on making it up to the Hale Family for the actions of her family members. When her relationship to Scott isn't being insulted and mocked, only then can she full her best destiny: serving as fire support for the glorious return of the Hale Pack (while graciously forgetting all of Peter's serial killings, Derek's biting of her mother, and the Hale betas trying to execute her friends on the basis of an old wives tale and a crappy test.) Find a Sterek story where Allison's relationship to Sterek covers anything more than her being a military asset or a penitent. They are certainly out there. Somewhere.
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official-darkforest · 2 years
i dont know if this has reached the tumblr sphere yet but popular wc animator ephemeral moth has been outed as drawing feral nsfw, despite literally condemning it publically like a fucking hypocrite! so not only have they enabled or flat out ignored the racist harrassment of poc done on their behalf a few months back, but theyre drawing feral porn.
while i spoke up about the WTTI situation on twitter while it was happening, i should have mentioned it here as well and i apologize for not doing that. i am saying now that i do believe they still have the capacity to change for the better, that does not equal immediate forgiveness, if any at all. i refuse to associate with them and have avoided doing so since the WTTI sitation. zero fucking tolerance for this bullshit, and they should NOT be getting off scott free.
read all the trigger warnings in the doc.
regardless of your personal feelings on moth, do not send harrassment towards them. just unfollow, unsubscribe, and block them. do not enable their behavior.
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adolph649 · 1 month
Hey! (Sorry 4 my bad english)
🇬🇧This post is to show y'all the fandoms I'm in and in case you want a request for x character/reader or character/character
🇪🇦Esta publicación es para mostrarles a todos los fandoms en los que estoy y en caso de que quieran pedirne que escriba x personaje/lector o personaje/personaje.
🇬🇧⚠️Before starting with my long list of fandoms.
🇪🇦⚠️Antes de comenzar con mi larga lista de fandoms.
🇬🇧I want to say that Hazbin Hotel is a fandom that you can request me, thanks to the fact that I was a big fan when the pilot came out even though I watched series 🏴‍☠️, but let me tell you that I DO NOT support the creator. I will probably ONLY write about it if yall ask me to.
🇪🇦Quiero decir que Hazbin Hotel es un fandom que me pueden solicitar, gracias a que era un gran fan cuando salió el piloto, y de que vi la serie 🏴‍☠️, pero déjenme decirles que NO apoyo el creador. Probablemente SÓLO escribiré sobre la serie si me lo pedís.
🇬🇧Now with the list♡:
🇪🇦 Ahora con la lista♡:
1 Unicorn Wars
2 Heathers
3 Lorax
4 Tangled the series
5 The owl house
6 Gravity Falls
7 Amphibia
8 Little witch academia
9 Kid cosmic
10 Kimetsu no Yaiba
11 Re-animator
12 Camp Camp
13 Hanako-kun
14 Diabolik lovers
15 Bee & Puppycat
16 Takopis original sin
17 Hilda
18 Carmen sandiego
19 Melanie martinez
20 Harry Potter
21 She-ra
22 Uglydolls
23 Mphfpc
24 Dirk gently
25 Kill la kill
26 Danganrompa v1
27 Studio Ghibli
28 Madoka magica
29 Shimanami Tasogare
30 Blood soup
31 Ephemeral
32 Moonlight lovers
33 Mad Father
34 Ib
35 Wicht house
36 Mogeko castle
37 El coleccionista de demonios
38 Adventure time
39 the willoughbys
40 The amazing digital circus
41 The promised neverland
42 Over the garden wall
45 Liar liar
46 La princesa sofia
47 The hunger games
48 Marionetta
49 Hooky
50 Scott pilgrim
51 Evangelion
52 Six
53 Hamilton
54 Big bang theory
55 Trolls
56 Crimen en el paraíso/Death in paradise
57 Centaurworld
58 jelly jamm
59 mean girls
60 the ancient magus bride
61 Futbolísimos
62 arcane
63 my little pony
64 sakura card captor
65 Hoppscotch
66 Agatha Mistery
67 Avatar the last airbender
68 el príncipe de la niebla
69 marina
70 kipo
71 mimes and clowns (webtoon)
72 school busca graveyard
73 The leyend of korra
74 Mentira (libro)
75 Creepypastas
🇬🇧I will surely add more fandoms over time. / 🇪🇦Seguramente añadiré mas fandoms con el tiempo
🇬🇧What I will write:
- Character x Reader
- Character x Character (some ships are not allowed)
- platonic relationships
- hcs
- one-shots
🇪🇦Lo que escribiré:
- Personaje x Lector
- Personaje x Personaje (algunos ships no están permitidos)
- relaciones platónicas
- hcs
- one-shots
🇬🇧What I will NOT write:
- romantic big age-gaps ships
- comships in general
🇪🇦Lo que NO escribiré:
- ships románticos con grandes diferencias de edad
- ships de comships/proships en general
🇬🇧Examples of how to request:
- "Hi! Can I get hcs of *character*(fandom) with a S/O with male pronoums who likes shiny things?"
- "Can I request a one-shot of *character 1* who sees *character 2* as a sibling"
- "Hey, can you write *character*, *character* and *character* with an S/O with female pronoums pls?"
- "Can I get *Character* dating hcs? With GN reader pls
🇪🇦Ejemplos de cómo solicitar:
- "¡Hola! ¿Puedes hacer hcs de *personaje*(fandom) con un S/O con pronombres masculinos al que le gustan las cosas brillantes?"
- "¿Puedo solicitar un one-shot de *personaje 1* que ve a *personaje 2* como un hermano"
- "¿Puedo obtener hcs de citas con *Personajes*? Con el lector GN, por favor
🇬🇧I would like to tell you that this is my first time writing and that please be a little patient with me, I hope I can learn from this experience and if you have tips to tell me, don't be shy!
🇪🇦Me gustaría deciros que esta es mi primera vez escribiendo y que por favor tengais un poco de paciencia conmigo, espero poder aprender de esta experiencia y si teneis tips que decirme no os cortéis!
🇬🇧Unfortunately it won't let me add more than 30 # :(
🇪🇦Desgraciadamente no me deja de poner mas de 30 # :(
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morvantmortuary · 1 year
the miraculous mr. sunday -
(the magician)
(rarae aves’s slasher oc)
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“You know, when I got my name, everyone in town was glad when Sunday rolled in. Nowadays I’m wondering if I need to rebrand. You, though - you can call me Seth. All my friends do.”
age: finally stopped aging somewhere in his mid-40s (5/22/1901)(taurus-gemini cusp) birthplace: A town that doesn’t exist anymore in Western Kansas, USA. height: 6’0” current location: ominously close to the parish line near Greymoon, Louisiana. favorite book: says it’s the great gatsby by f. scott fitzgerald (it’s really the wonderful wizard of oz by l. frank baum) hobbies: travel (anywhere the wind blows, really), oddities and miracles, old-fashioned circus/sideshows, magic, and their history (especially in the US tradition), parties (mostly attending, never hosts much himself for such a gregarious fellow), and any and all forms of theater and performance. being with as many people as possible, far from the empty fields and endless wind. occupation: former stage magician, now fixer for They Who Provide. Aspiring Necromancer.
(what he’d pick as his own walk-on music: I put a spell on you - screamin’ jay hawkins what it actually would be: when the circus came to town — aurelio voltaire fc: david dastmalchian, underrated horror darling of my heart.)
“You wouldn’t believe the kind of opportunities people just… throw away.” Seth Sunday flicks a vintage lighter open and closed as he speaks, almost without realizing it. He hasn’t needed it for decades now - no point in smoking when you don’t always need to breathe. it’s mostly there for him to fidget with, truthfully. “It’s not every day Destiny prostrates itself at your door, you know. You’d have to be awful conceited to act like it’s just going to hang around while you get your shoes on.” He laughs, and it’s a cold, hard little sound like something stunted from a lack of sun despite the warmth of his smile. “Me, I came up the old fashioned way.” The lighter flicks closed. “I saw my moment, and I didn’t wait for ‘my turn.’ I found my own way in. I gave everything I ever knew for just one chance. And now look at me.” He pulls another hand from the pocket of his long, oddly patterned black coat, but there’s something… unfamiliar about it. The fingertips are dark, as though they’ve lost blood and then been dipped in ash. The nails look like they’ll snag on any ephemeral trace of you they can reach. “You know the secret to getting everything you ever wanted?” he says, gazing almost admiringly at his warped digits. 
The longer you look, the more you’d swear the air over his fingertips starts to ripple. As if something is stroking the very fabric of the space around you, toying with the individual threads. 
When his eyes find yours, you feel like you’ve been shoved down a flight of stairs in the face of all that bottomless blackness. His smile isn’t so warm now. “I do.”
a history, of sorts:
Seth says he doesn’t remember his birth name. The one written in a mildewed family Bible in the middle of godforsaken nowhere, Kansas, on an overcast spring day in 1901. He doesn’t need to remember it. That child - later, that man - is dead. Has been for more than a century now.
He’d seen to that himself.
Seth’s parents were immigrants, would-be homesteaders in a countryside drenched in blood they were willing to overlook for the cheap promises of a government looking for labor. Then they were farmers. Farmers with shit luck in multiple regards: first in their curse of an eldest child, a sickly daydreamer with no stomach for the grisly aspects of tending livestock and no fortitude for planting crops, who spent good money on books and useless picture show tickets when it could have gone to food. Then in the fact that his mother got pregnant, again, far too late to save his parents’ marriage or for their struggling household to support more mouths.
But for a few years, the scrappy little family seemed to catch a break. For one blissful bubble after Isaac and Ezekiel were born healthy and hale, and there was a wheat boom in the wake of the first World War (the ‘Great War’, the war to end all wars, it had been called. So much for that.), it seemed like everything might just turn around. Father was strong, Mother was healthy, and Seth was set to inherit a thriving farm when it was his time. Seth hated every minute of it.
He wanted more. He was meant for more. He wanted to be one of the people from his childhood in the center of the three rings on his one and only visit to a circus, or someone in the glow of stage lights, on his brief ventures into the city for errands, or one of the ghostly faces on the giant shimmering screen in the lone little theater three towns over. The farm was the handcuffs he couldn’t manage to unlock, as easy as the traveling magicians made it look. He didn’t want younger brothers, or aging parents that clearly preferred them and not him, or the responsibilities of the supposedly cherished oldest son. He didn’t want to be born and die on the same plot of land, buried somewhere the cows could graze over for the rest of eternity, his name only ever meaning wasted potential. He’d tried to enlist for the Great War, tried to get sent abroad like other boys he knew. He was a little young, but he was tall for his age even then, and he almost - almost - got away to see the world.
But his father, a cheap bastard if he’d ever known one, had somehow scraped together enough money and their best cow to bribe the recruiters who came to town looking to look the other way. He wouldn’t dignify pretending it was done out of love, either. His father was a pragmatic man. He’d known that it was only ever about keeping enough labor for the farm, especially with his mother newly pregnant at the time.
His life as he knew it was only ever in service to those around him. Their choices defined his. It was enough to make any man see red, after so many years.
Then came what would be known to later generations as the Dust Bowl, and Seth’s world turned black.
The crops withered up, and so did the cows. Dirt swept through the skies in curtains so thick it blocked out the sun. There was no surface in the little ramshackle house that wasn’t covered in it by nightfall, no matter how much one swept or wiped or screamed. For years, it felt like his every breath was studded with grit. He had nightmares of being buried alive in the miserable barren plot that used to be the pasture.
Just when he thought he’d choke to death on it, his father beat him to the grave, leaving him and his fragile mother alone with his two boisterous brothers. He was the man of the house, now, and it made him want to claw off his own skin.
So much so, he thought it was worth trading someone else’s to escape. It’s no surprise that certain folklore has a habit of dispersing itself, even through a country as vast as this one was already. Tales whispered in half fear, half hope by the desperate circulate like much-needed storms, especially when those storms refuse to materialize.
It was Seth’s idea to go to the crossroads, but he let his mother think it was hers — a half-remembered story from the old country, rather than something strange he’d found in a book long forgotten under his bed. The little family trekked there together, walking the miles in shoes close to worn through, and only just reaching the nearest junction when his father’s cracked pocket watch read midnight.
Seth had been chosen to ask for the family’s salvation, for the ability to carry them all on for another year — he had the best English of the family, and what else would a demon speak in a land like this? But when something emerged from the darkness like it was a curtain, asking in a voice like smoke what he wanted…
Seth spoke up for himself, for the first time in his life.
He only felt a little bad when he saw what the demon did to his mother. But he couldn’t deny his own glee when he saw what happened to her precious twins. Before a quarter of an hour had passed, Seth could make fire appear at the tips of his fingers, could make coins appear from thin air. The things he could do would have caused his idol, Harry Houdini, to break into a nervous sweat. Everything he’d ever dreamed of as a lonely boy in the fields, he could do at his own merest whim.
Seth ditched his human name, and at the demon’s suggestion, adopted the surname of Sunday. “The Miraculous” had been his own touch. It was finally his turn to be the miracle he never was to his folks. And for decades, he was. He was beloved in the small towns he stopped in, his own traveling show, with a rotation of beautiful assistants at his beck and call over the years. Nothing was ever too good for him, he could dazzle his way into anywhere he wanted.
As long as he kept things square with They Who Provide, he was living the good life.
…But times have a habit of changing. As the world grew, magic - both real and sleight of hand - shank in its influence. For all his caustic nature, Seth Sunday was ill-equipped for a world that finally matched his inward cynicism. And what did They Who Provide need with some little nobody from the middle of nowhere, when they had entire established families, generations of magic, at their beck and call?
After decades of earning his keep by tying up his benefactors’ loose ends, Seth finally heard something very interesting: A whisper of a family down south that was refusing to hold up their end of their contract.
A family with power over Death itself.
…Well. If there was an open spot to fill, and no one there to fill it, Seth saw no reason he couldn’t throw his own metaphorical hat in the ring. After all, he has plenty of experience keeping demons satisfied. What’s three more names to add to his list of sacrifices?
There was always something to be said for reinventing oneself when your act was getting stale. He could see himself growing into “The Miraculous Master Lazarus” just fine.
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vintagerpg · 2 years
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Chilling Tales (1995) is a bit unusual in that it is an anthology of short adventures for Ravenloft. I think there’s only one other of these in the line, the Book of Crypts. I like the idea of Scott Burdick’s cover but the execution is a bit murky for my tastes. For a cover. I think it’s a perfectly fine, moody piece in general. Mark Nelson does the interior illustrations. I’m a big fan of the white pencil and he does pretty great undead.
So, weird thing: the back cover insists there are seven adventures in the book, but I count eight. Fun thing: each of the eight is tied to one of the Van Richten’s guides, so you get adventures featuring the vistani, a vampire, a lich, a ghost, golems, a greater mummy, some werecritters and some fiends. See? Eight. I just recounted. Definitely eight.
Another neat thing is that Van Richten himself features in all the scenarios, at various levels of his career (they’re meant to be interspersed through an ongoing campaign, so Rudolph and the players generally meet at the same level). It’s nice for the PCs to have an occasional ally in Ravenloft and it is cool to see Rudolph develop over time.
The adventures are all written by Lisa Smedmen, so they feel consistent. They are short enough that none of them really wear out their welcome, but that cuts two ways because they also wind up feeling a bit ephemeral. I like the ghost-focused one best, because it is investigative. The lycanthropes one has good stalking horse twist. The mummy one is fun because mummy adventures are always a hoot on some level. The fiends one is surprisingly good, too, despite the fairly mortifying suggestion of using make-up and a cloak to set-up the big reveal. I’d rather die.
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princess-of-the-corner · 10 months
Whats the worst episode of every season in ur opinion? For me its: Copycat, Gigantitan, Oni-Chan, Ephemeral, and Recreation
HM. I think....
Season 1: Pixelator
While I have criticisms of certain aspects of other episodes, those are only 'one or two specific parts' rather than 'I hate this entire episode'. Pixelator's only real crime is that it's the most forgettable.
Season 2: Gigantitan, I agree.
While others are more forgetable (troublemaker, the second half of frozer), having the Akumatized Toddler only gets one or two jokes out of it before I got tired and started thinking of the 'oh god he akumatized a toddler'.
Season 3: Miracle Queen(Specifically Miracle Queen not Heart Hunter)
Yes I'm biased fuck off. But while some episodes were more fandom-rage/salt inducing (Chameleon, Ladybug) or forgettable(Chrismaster), Miracle Queen threw out so much and did things they really didn't have to do.
Season 4: Ephemeral, I agree
Though I criticize other episodes, this one is just repeating last season's Chat Blanc of 'we're gonna throw all this wild shit at you only for it not to matter because Time Nonsense'. Except it DOUBLY doesn't matter because where Chat Blanc at least gave Mari some trauma that fueled her bad decisions, no one remembers what happened in the other Timeline except 'well I guess we can't share identities at all certainly nothing could be done to diverge everything!'.
Season 5: Recreation, I agree
Though there are a lot of runners up, the ending here was just the worst. Keeping Adrichat out of the fight and not even telling either of his identities the truth(even though there's no reason to keep that info from Chat!!!), Gabriel getting validated as having always been a good person and remembered as a Hero instead of a villain, Felix gets to just be part of the Heroes after attempting genocide, Tomoe just getting off scott free, etc.
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blueheartbookclub · 5 months
The Green Light of Illusion: Unraveling the Enigma of The Great Gatsby
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F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" is an intricate tapestry woven with the threads of illusion, reality, and the American Dream. Set against the extravagant backdrop of the Roaring Twenties, the novel unfolds through the eyes of Nick Carraway, a Yale graduate and veteran of World War I. Nick finds himself drawn into the enigmatic world of Jay Gatsby, a mysterious millionaire with an insatiable longing for the past and an unwavering pursuit of the unattainable Daisy Buchanan.
The novel is a vivid exploration of the Jazz Age, a period characterized by unprecedented economic prosperity, loosening social mores, and the pursuit of pleasure. Fitzgerald masterfully captures the excesses and superficialities of the time, using Gatsby's extravagant parties as a lens through which the emptiness of the era is exposed. The narrative subtly critiques the moral decay hidden beneath the glitz and glamour, revealing the fragility of societal values.
At the heart of the story is the elusive American Dream, personified by Gatsby's relentless quest for wealth and social status to win back Daisy, the embodiment of his idealized past. The green light at the end of Daisy's dock becomes a powerful symbol, representing both Gatsby's unattainable dreams and the broader illusion of the American Dream itself. Fitzgerald, with eloquence and insight, dissects the hollowness of the pursuit of material success and the ephemeral nature of happiness.
The characters in "The Great Gatsby" are meticulously crafted, each representing a facet of society during this tumultuous period. Gatsby, with his enigmatic persona, stands as a tragic figure emblematic of the illusions people construct to shield themselves from harsh realities. Daisy, a symbol of fleeting beauty and privilege, remains forever out of reach, a mirage that fuels Gatsby's relentless yearning.
Nick Carraway, the novel's narrator, serves as a moral compass, providing a lens through which the reader witnesses the moral decay and the disintegration of dreams. His observations and reflections paint a nuanced picture of the characters and the society they inhabit.
The prose in "The Great Gatsby" is a literary marvel. Fitzgerald's writing is both lyrical and incisive, capturing the essence of an era with a keen eye for detail. The novel's themes of illusion, disillusionment, and the pursuit of an unattainable ideal reverberate through the eloquent prose, making it a work of enduring significance.
"The Great Gatsby" is a timeless exploration of the complexities of the human spirit, societal expectations, and the elusive nature of the American Dream. Fitzgerald's critique of the Jazz Age resonates across generations, inviting readers to ponder the universal themes of love, loss, and the relentless pursuit of dreams.
F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" is available in Amazon in paperback 13.99$ and hardcover 20.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 290
Language: English
Rating: 9/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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scribeoffate · 2 months
What’s your favorite thing about season 3a of Teen Wolf and why?
The tl;dr answer is almost everything.
Let's start with Tattoo- I love the way the episode sets everything up. I've mentioned it in rewatch before but I really want to explore the use of the word "ephemeral" in Tattoo. From exploring Scott's break up with Allison, to his tattoo not lasting, to the way he uses the word, even to the idea that Scott's status as a beta is ephemeral, even at this point in the series. I love the scene with Stiles and Derek holding Scott down to blowtorch his arm. I LOVE the way it opens with fucking BRAEDEN rescuing Isaac on a motorcycle.
I love the introduction of Deucalion. I love and adore the meet-cute in the elevator. Please enjoy @spikeface's brilliant fic: a certain potential for a fascinating glimpse of Deucalion's POV in that scene.
I love that Scott is Isaac's werewolf contact. I love the tension as the alpha pack stalks Braeden (I would be mad about how this ended, except she comes back) and their intro. I love the tension between Allison, Lydia, and Derek. It's a very well-done episode and definitely sets up a fantastic season so well.
Chaos Rising introduces Heather, who is friends with Danielle from Party Guessed. I was excited. We get the vault rescue, and there's some fun Steter banter. "No, you idiot, I live in a condo downtown, will forever be a favorite moment. The vault rescue! Scott's look at the end is A FAVORED moment, the blood on the chin? I cannot.
Then, we move on to Fireflies. I am weak for Scott saving those kids in the beginning, for the tension between him and Allison, and for the introduction of Cora! And then they are working with Chris. Who is still pointing a gun at Scott, but Scott is so soft and accepting of it. "I get that," he says. 🥺 Then they do a rescue! And Jennifer is there! And Derek is so worried about hurting her. Unfortunate. (When I was first watching, I leaned over to @illbeintheend and was like, "Tell me she's evil?" :D ) I think my favorite bit of Unleashed is when they pull the motorcycle swap on the twins. That is like PEAK supernatural teenager shenanigans to me. And they deserved more lower stakes (not that the twins are entirely low-stakes) shenans, overall. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE that Allison knows so much about motorcycles. Scallison motorcycle trip whenst?
Frayed. Frayed. FRAYED. BELOVED. I love so much about this episode. The sciles! the scallison! more truedemon in the elevator? and then on an escalator!! the scerek! the scisaac! BOYDDD. That moment where Scott is like "Well, I do," when Boyd doesn't care what happens to himself? Gyahhh. I CANNOT. And the the fight scene? Is SO good? Despite them having forgotten about light bulbs by 3a I find that to be one of the best choreographed fight scenes in the show. The Coach of it all? Ofc he's not gonna let them stop for a bathroom break, SIT DOWN BILINSKI. I love Frayed. AND THEN WE GET MOTEL CALIFORNIA RIGHT AFTER?? Lydia's arc in this is SOOO good. The Allison and Lydia moment where Allison is just "I believe you" and Lydia is so touched and clearly bolstered, it's one of the reasons I head canon she's had access to her powers her entire life. It's just now that people believe her about them. The Isaac and Ethan character moments? LEARNING ABOUT ALICIA (GREAT BUT OMG SHOOOOWWWW WHY IS THIS ALL WE GET???). Boyd. Cry!!! And THEN. The angst of the parking light scene at the end. I tear up still watching it. (Tbf I cry real easy.) Currents. I love Currents for the metronome scene and the way it highlights Boyd's intelligence. He has one of the best plans. And then the way it ends? That hurts me. Proto-alpha Scott almost rescuing Deaton? Bbbb. I have mixed feelings about Visionary. The Paige arc is devastating. Read my own excellent fic (i just) died in your arms for a look at my thoughts on her and Derek. I love the glimpse of pre-canon and Deucalion's backstory. I find the "unreliable narrator" bit to be a touch heavy-handed, but it's grown on me after many watched for fics.
The Girl Who Knew Too Much and The Overlooked. GYHAHHHH! I love so much about these. The scydia hand hold moment. "For someone like you to help" she says to Scott and I MELT. The big orchestra crescendo! The death of Deputy Tara and the little hints at her relationship with Stiles? The way Derek absolutely believes Scott and Stiles about Jennifer and her utter shock but quick turnaround?
The elevator scene! It's so silly and SO GREAT. I love it so much, okay. Deucalion manipulating events? The desperation as Stiles and Scott try and rescue their parents? Listen, these episodes are also so good. And then we have Scott going with Deucalion at the end of the episode. The way he has no idea what to do. He's just a lost kid, in so far over his head. And his mom and Stile's dad are missing and his (pretty damn good, too) English teacher is evil and there is Deucalion. And he has no choice and maybe he was right in that motel parking lot, it certainly feels like there's no help.
Then Alpha Pact happens. Then we get to Lunar Eclipse. And I just. The ice baths?? I have spent so much time wondering how Deaton, Isaac, and Lydia felt sitting there. Waiting. For hours. Lydia desperately holding back her screams for Allison, Scott and Stiles. Also, they all look so gooood in black. The Nemeton! The matching tattoos! The way it brings everything together to s1. The scalisaac moment with Rafael? Priceless. Love Kalia and Jennifer's showdown. It looks so cool, first of all. But there is a moment, where you think, just maybe Kali might NOT double down. And then the glass shards fly.
The bit where Deucalion is "brother against brother, how very American," cracks me up, every watch. And then he roars and tries to force Scott to kill and well, then we have an Eclipse. AND THEN AND THEN AND THEN we get the true alpha moment we've been building to since Scott threw off Peter's control in s1 and chose his own pack over Derek's in s2. That moment is so good.
Thank you for asking, anon. <3 I just love 3a so much.
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blueheartbooks · 5 months
The Green Light of Illusion: Unraveling the Enigma of The Great Gatsby
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F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" is an intricate tapestry woven with the threads of illusion, reality, and the American Dream. Set against the extravagant backdrop of the Roaring Twenties, the novel unfolds through the eyes of Nick Carraway, a Yale graduate and veteran of World War I. Nick finds himself drawn into the enigmatic world of Jay Gatsby, a mysterious millionaire with an insatiable longing for the past and an unwavering pursuit of the unattainable Daisy Buchanan.
The novel is a vivid exploration of the Jazz Age, a period characterized by unprecedented economic prosperity, loosening social mores, and the pursuit of pleasure. Fitzgerald masterfully captures the excesses and superficialities of the time, using Gatsby's extravagant parties as a lens through which the emptiness of the era is exposed. The narrative subtly critiques the moral decay hidden beneath the glitz and glamour, revealing the fragility of societal values.
At the heart of the story is the elusive American Dream, personified by Gatsby's relentless quest for wealth and social status to win back Daisy, the embodiment of his idealized past. The green light at the end of Daisy's dock becomes a powerful symbol, representing both Gatsby's unattainable dreams and the broader illusion of the American Dream itself. Fitzgerald, with eloquence and insight, dissects the hollowness of the pursuit of material success and the ephemeral nature of happiness.
The characters in "The Great Gatsby" are meticulously crafted, each representing a facet of society during this tumultuous period. Gatsby, with his enigmatic persona, stands as a tragic figure emblematic of the illusions people construct to shield themselves from harsh realities. Daisy, a symbol of fleeting beauty and privilege, remains forever out of reach, a mirage that fuels Gatsby's relentless yearning.
Nick Carraway, the novel's narrator, serves as a moral compass, providing a lens through which the reader witnesses the moral decay and the disintegration of dreams. His observations and reflections paint a nuanced picture of the characters and the society they inhabit.
The prose in "The Great Gatsby" is a literary marvel. Fitzgerald's writing is both lyrical and incisive, capturing the essence of an era with a keen eye for detail. The novel's themes of illusion, disillusionment, and the pursuit of an unattainable ideal reverberate through the eloquent prose, making it a work of enduring significance.
"The Great Gatsby" is a timeless exploration of the complexities of the human spirit, societal expectations, and the elusive nature of the American Dream. Fitzgerald's critique of the Jazz Age resonates across generations, inviting readers to ponder the universal themes of love, loss, and the relentless pursuit of dreams.
F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" is available in Amazon in paperback 13.99$ and hardcover 20.99$ editions.
Number of pages: 290
Language: English
Rating: 9/10                                           
Link of the book!
Review By: King's Cat
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