#scientist salarian
tempestuous-tempest · 6 months
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I cant stop drawing Mordin. I listened to his little recordings several times over and seriously have been sad for weeks. ME has me so emotionally attached to these characters-
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feathersandblue · 9 months
I made a mistake
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This. This is storytelling done right.
The thing is, if Shepard acts all paragon-y throughout the series then you don't get that admission from Mordin because he can just fall in line behind Shepard. Don't get me wrong, Mordin sacrificing himself in order to spread the cure is still an amazing act of repentence and a fantastic, if tragic, ending of his arc.
BUT the thing is, he doesn't have to admit that he was wrong, he can just agree with Shepard while still maintaining that his initial decision to modify the genophage was correct.
Doing the right thing, the heroic thing, the noble thing is something different entirely than admitting your were wrong and fixing your mistake.
His modification of the genophage was the one thing that defined Mordin's career like nothing else. Amazing work, from a scientific point of view, but morally questionable even when seeing "the big picture", Morally reprehensible and ultimately inexcusable when seeing "the little pictures".
It's clear that after his loyalty mission in ME2 and meeting Eve, he's already changed his mind. But he can't admit it, not really. It's easier to keep making excuses, to explain himself, to rationalize. The great Mordin Solus does not make mistakes.
And it's only when Shepard takes the other route that Mordin has to step up. If Shepard won't be paragon, then Mordin has to. And that's much harder and it's the most amazing, the most heartbreaking thing. And when Mordin yells at a Shepard who takes the pragmatist appprach - which is what Mordin did for most of his life - he's actually yelling at himself.
Mass Effect did a lot of things brilliantly. This was one of them.
If only Shepard's ultimate ending decision had come with the same depth and weight, characterization-wise.
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danypooh80 · 8 months
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The stickers… all the stickers!
Finally up on the Etsy store, and with free US shipping! I am feeling VERY accomplished right now- go me!
Art by @rosebud1773
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Made a discord emote for Mordin a while back. It's not my best work, but you're all welcome to it if you want it.
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t0tentanz · 11 months
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might run tests on the seashells.
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naiitiel · 2 years
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He really was the very model of a Scientist Salarian.
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shannaraisles · 1 year
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silelda · 1 year
I don't play Mass Effect but this song was just too good to not share.
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laelior · 1 year
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perfectmisslawson · 2 years
random musings on mordin because i’m bored and i need to unleash some mordin love; mordin is not as morally grey as the game makes him out to be. when you recruit mordin, he’s portrayed as this shady, morally grey doctor. aria states ‘he’s just as likely to shoot you as he is to heal you.’ some person mentions how he shot someone just because they took some painkillers. they state how he’s keeping burning bodies in front of the clinic.
yet, i don’t find him to be that morally grey. in fact i think he is one of the nicest people in the game. mordin has a strict code of ethics: no experiments on intelligent species, torture is a violation of basic species dignity, adding insult to a merc’s injury is unnecessary, maelon’s experiments are cruel and out of line and that’s not worth the price of curing the genophage, he takes doctor patient trust very seriously, he opened a clinic on omega, helping people for free. he says himself one of the reasons he is a doctor is that he does like to help people. i personally believe the rumors are exaggerated. that person that stole painkillers possibly was making active threats, for instance. i don’t think he’ll just pull the trigger on some desperate person stealing some painkillers because they are in terrible pain. mordin is not that sort of person, and just shooting people without much regard for who you’re dealing with is also terrible business on omega. you really have to think twice about who you’re killing. why would anyone come to his clinic if he really shot people for minor things like that?
i also find mordin to be of the nicest crew members in conversation. note how mordin almost never takes provocation, always remains calm and respectful. there is no passive-aggressiveness from him - that’s why his bitter comment towards shepard in that deleted grunt confrontation sounds so out if character.
mordin takes a lot of risks to help people - like he did with eve. she could actually have killed him when he tried to help her.
he did modify the genophage, but he regrets it deeply right from the start of me2, that’s why he opened his clinic on omega. to cope with the guilt. and it’s important to remember he did it with good intention - he believed he’d save the galaxy from the brutality of the krogan. mordin, a rational scientist, actually turns to religion after he sees what damage he’s done, causing so many stillbirths. i think that’s an arc that really proves how bad he feels for what he’s done. and i also believe the reason why he is willing to leave the clinic and join shepard for a suicide mission is because he wants to atone for his past mistake.
i think mordin, despite of that huge past mistake - is one of the nicest characters in mass effect. he is INCREDIBLY empathetic with his patients, highly considerate towards their well being and feelings.
mordin is the kind of person that would realize jack is just a traumatized, scared person using aggression to cope with her fear - he would not take her insults and provocations and he’d treat her kindly, whereas other normandy crew members would be a dick to her in return.
he treats everyone with respect, regardless of whether they’re a bounty hunter, a krogan, a salarian, a turian, a criminal, a cerberus officer, a quarian, whatever. to mordin that doesn’t matter.
he’s incredibly open minded, polite, compassionate, kind.
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reginleif-valkyrie · 11 months
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tempestuous-tempest · 6 months
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I was gonna do the ken and barbie meme but I decided to just have Mordin's mugshot by itself just because. Oh and I found out he's like 6'10" which is crazy tall.
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nightbringer24 · 11 months
(I Am the Very Model of a) Scientist Salarian *FULL SONG* ft. Will Roland - The 8-Bit Big Band
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danypooh80 · 2 years
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And now we have magnets! I was a little inspired today 🥰
Art by @rosebud1773
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warningsine · 5 months
(I Am the Very Model of a) Scientist Salarian *FULL SONG* ft. Will Roland - Thfane 8-Bit Big Band
Codex entry: Scientist Salarian, a parody of the Modern Major General song (humans Gilbert and Sullivan, 1879) was written in 2171 by famed Salarian lyricist and part time structural biologist Jokus Kirosa. The song was later featured as part of the 2183 inaugural gala celebrating humanity’s contributions to the galactic artistic community, where it was performed for the council alongside other classics like Francis Kitt’s All-Elcor Hamlet and Leonin Trebin’s musical comedy rendition of “Jaynestown”.
So thrilled to finally bring the full version of this Mass Effect legendary dialogue easter egg to life! When I first played Mass Effect 2 and discovered the dialogue option of Mordin Solus talking about his time singing this Gilbert and Sullivan "Pirates of Penzance" classic I immediately took to the internet to see if there was a full version of the lyrics in existence. After a little googling I discovered an entry on fanfiction.com by the incredible writer by the user name AssaultSloth of a fantastic expansion of a full set of lyrics and KNEW I had to give musical life to his genius writing! So for all you fans who intersect the Mass Effect universe and the operettas of the great Gilbert and Sullivan like myself, this one is for you!! Hope you enjoy! You can read AssaultSloth's full FanFiction entry here:
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naiitiel · 2 years
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Some Mordin and Kirrahe fanart because I wish we had more about their friendship. 
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