#sci-fi serials
reachartwork · 10 months
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Samantha "Sam" Small is a 14 year old high school freshman and superhero-in-training, recruited by the Delaware Valley Defenders to protect Philadelphia. Her powers let her bite through metal and smell when people bleed. Her interests include soccer, women, putting herself in danger, and Shabbat dinner with her Pop-Pop Moe.
Chum is a slice-of-life/action web serial, currently around 400,000 words. It has been described as "good enough to spend hours organizing info on it", a "beautiful coming of age story", and "a superhero story to rival worm". It's got dinosaurs in it. *jingling keys*
Go read it on Royal Road or Wordpress and consider joining the Chumcord!
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2001hz · 1 year
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Yoshitoshi ABe (1998)
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atomic-chronoscaph · 3 months
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Buster Crabbe and Jean Rogers - Flash Gordon (1936)
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weirdlookindog · 22 days
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The Monster and the Ape (1945)
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hotdogmexicano · 6 months
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𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐜𝐭
ig: netto_comdoistes
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thepariahcontinuum · 4 months
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Invidiak - Chapter 09: One Last Scare
Concluding the story and showing some of the fallout of Taylor's attack on the Wards at Winslow.
FF Net
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h0llymoon · 2 years
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Serial Experiments Lain (1998)
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"Call the cavalry"
Via print:
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reachartwork · 5 months
Hardening Your Electronics Against Technopathic Threats
Welcome to the not-so-gentle art of hardening your hardware against technopaths. Now, before you panic about some rogue superhuman frying your precious rig from the inside out, let's get a few things straight. This isn't about turning your PC into a tank, but about being smart. Think of it as cyber hygiene for the age of brainy hackers who skipped the keyboard and went straight to mind control.
So: Here's how we prevent these new-age hacker freaks from getting more intimate with your home network than you'd ever been with your girlfriend.
First things first: the "Principle of Least Resistance" in dynology. Sounds fancy, but it's simple. About 80% of superpowers that do shit do so in predictable ways. They're like that one annoying friend who only knows one joke. Once you've heard it a hundred times, it's easy to see coming and dodge. The good news is, this predictability is your armor. Sure, every technopath is unique, like a snowflake, but most of them melt the same way under heat.
So, what does this mean for hardening your electronics? It means don't freak out thinking you need to prepare for a million different powers. Most technopathic threats follow certain patterns, and if you can guard against those, you've covered your bases against the majority. Think of this guide as your cheat sheet to keeping your tech safe without breaking the bank or your brain. Let's dive in and show those brainy hackers that we're not just sitting ducks in this digital pond, and I'll teach you how to make your hardware tougher than a two dollar steak, well-done.
Common Technopathic Abilities: The Usual Suspects
Alright, let's talk about what these technopathic troublemakers can actually do. Most of them fall under a few basic categories, so don't worry, you won't need a PhD in Superhuman Studies to get this.
Direct Electronic Manipulation: These guys can chat with your electronics without saying a word. They might turn your devices on and off, mess with your settings, or even fry your circuits. It's like having a ghost in the machine, but less spooky and more annoying.
Data Messing: Think of these technopaths as the ultimate data thieves. They can read, rewrite, or delete your data. If you thought regular hackers were bad, these folks can do it without even touching a keyboard.
Signal Highjacking: Wireless signals? More like open invitations for these types. They can intercept, disrupt, or spoof wireless communications. Think of it as someone eavesdropping on your Wi-Fi conversation, but with the power to shout louder than you.
Power Surge Creators: Ever had your lights flicker during a storm? These technopaths can do that to your devices on purpose. They generate power surges to short-circuit your electronics. It's like giving your tech an unwanted electric shock therapy.
How These Abilities Wreck Your Hardware
These abilities aren't just cool party tricks; they can turn your beloved gadgets into expensive paperweights. Direct manipulation can damage your hardware's physical components, data interference can compromise your privacy and security, signal highjacking can cut you off from the digital world, and power surges... well, they're just bad news all around.
In the next sections, we'll cover how to turn your devices from sitting ducks into digital fortresses.
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skitterenjoyer · 3 months
save me
save me space opera serial
space opera serial save me
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atomic-chronoscaph · 5 months
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Judd Holdren and Aline Towne - Commando Cody: Sky Marshal of the Universe (1953)
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weirdlookindog · 6 months
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Bela Lugosi in The Phantom Creeps (1939)
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carp3tpasta · 5 months
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Lain sketch page
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thepariahcontinuum · 4 months
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Invidiak - Chapter 08: The Final Girl
The penultimate chapter and the showdown between Taylor and Sophia we've been waiting for.
FF Net
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mariocki · 5 months
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Michael Craze pops up as Vince Kelly, a teenage runaway from a borstal centre, in Gideon's Way: Boy With Gun (1.23, ITC, 1966)
#fave spotting#michael craze#ben jackson#doctor who#gideon's way#1966#boy with gun#itc#a relatively rare fave spotting! outside of his DW work‚ Mike didn't make a huge amount of appearances in cult tv‚ at least not many that#survive or are easily seen; he'd previously starred in Target Luna‚ a completely lost serial‚ but didn't return when the show carried on as#Pathfinders in Space (oddly‚ perhaps because of a change of director‚ every single returning character was recast) and beyond#there were also episodes of Dixon pf Dock Green and Armchair Theatre but these are also in all likelihood lost tv; others‚ like an ep of#Hammer's sci fi anthology Journey to the Unknown‚ are frustratingly unavailable to the average viewer (I was really hoping Network would#do something with JttU after they announced an agreement with Hammer but alas it wasn't to be)#mike would have been about 22 when filming this ep (around May '65) but was still largely playing juvenile parts as here#(his age isn't given but as a borstal runaway he's clearly intended to be a teen); this aired in feb or march '66 in most regions‚ by which#time he had presumably been cast in DW (or very near to it; he'd debut in The War Machines in June of that year)#DW would act as a sort of transition for Craze from youth parts into adult roles (i mean Ben's own age is debatable but I'd say he's surely#meant to be at least 18?). there'd be some more guest spots and a few horror films to come (he was a regular collaborator with Norman#J. Warren) but he doesn't pop up with the regularity of many other Who companions so this was a lovely little surprise (zero memory of him#being in it from when i first watched years ago)
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skitterstan · 1 year
Anybody who’s been in the closet knows what it feels like to take actions independent of your self identity and interior will, which I think is what makes Taylor Hebert such a relatable protagonist for queer and trans people.
There was a period while I was in the closet where I was a fucking irl supervillain for some people while interiorly thinking “I hope this helps them respect me more :)”
*taylor robbing a bank in a gay way* I hope Alexandria sees this
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