hookist · 1 year
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In partnership with @moosiko_ and @fflatbooks , world renowned choir director and acclaimed R&B singer songwriter @thevernonbush will help us announce a new winning lyric in our #Schoolapalooza collab & share his insights into the joy of making music and writing songs this Monday at 7:45pm ET! Mark your calendar and go to Hookist.com now to vote, comment & spread the love to all our budding songwriters! Follow us on Twitter, FB and YouTube to watch live! And if you're a teacher or a student, it's not too late! Help us write this song! #songwriter #singersongwriter #writeasong #lyrics #songlyrics #words #beautifulwords #poetry #songwriting #music #musiclovers #collaborate #ascap #bmi #socan #sesac #nsai #americana #rootsmusic #socan #newmusic #guitars #guitarplayer #guitarist #guitarshredder #guitarmusic #musiced #musiceducation #musiceducation #musicschool #supportmusiceducation @adventuresinsyncopation https://www.instagram.com/p/CrrPSP-M0ke/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Poor, Poor Lad
May 17th, 2017. 9:19:31am
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Section 1
Portfolio two has to be handed in soon. So far I have done little work. I had decided to do a media component and make a short film. To prepare, I borrowed two different tripods from my boyfriend, and a little device that holds your phone in it, then screws onto the tripod. So far I have recorded minimal footage, but I have started it. I’m thinking of making the video about my injury in particular, then towards the end inform the viewer on my specific injury. I’ve done little on my project because for an entire month I would come to class very late, which wasn’t entirely my fault since I have to leave around 8:15, and if I don’t, then my mother has to drive my siblings to school, which starts at 8:55, then drive me to school. By coming in late I was also sleeping a lot more, so I didn’t really do any of my homework because I for some reason was super tired, would go to the gym after school, come home and shower, eat, then go straight to bed. I have outstanding assignments due in 3 out of four classes, so I’m moving along slowly in all of them, really. I have not read anything this week that relates to my project. I have two jobs, and I have been practicing for a performance on Thursday, and then I have another performance on Friday, the night of Schoolapalooza, so I haven’t had time aside from my day to day homework and the reading that comes with those, work, and trying to be involved, to really read anything.
Section 2
Some successes would be the attaining of equipment, and having brainstormed what I wanted to do so very quickly. I’m a quick thinker, so knowing what I wanted to do and how wasn’t very difficult for me. Actually doing something and making time though is a challenge. As I mentioned earlier, I have two jobs, am involved in the school quite a bit musically, in courtyard club, and yearbook club, and I also do enjoy my sleep. Another challenge would be the fact that I don’t have an actual camera to record my media component with, I just have my phone, and towards the end of April, my phone actually got stolen, so I had to downgrade to an old phone. But I’d say for just over a solid week I didn’t have a device. Some things I’ve learned would be to put a password on your phone if you’re going to a public place, and to not leave your phone out in the open where everyone can see it while you go to the washroom. Rookie mistake. Although I hadn’t done research this week, when I was brainstorming I had actually researched my specific injury in general and learned a thing or two, but I have no proof because I’m dumb and didn’t save the links anywhere. 
Section 3 
Well I believe we have a week or maybe 2, I can’t remember the actual date, to hand in said project. I plan to film on Monday, because we don’t have school then and it is the only day I don’t work for the weekend. I will mainly be using weekends to do this as I have such a large workload I need to finish during the week and one cannot have sleep and finished assignments if done throughout the week. I don’t think I’m on track because I am quite a mess at this point in the year, but I plan on just “going hard” until I can finish everything because at this point I’m going to need to hand in every single thing that’s given to me to find a way to miraculously raise my mark. I’m going to need to plan how I want the next scene to be shot. I’m going to be narrating over a series of clips, but I’m unsure if I want the clips done outside, or if I want them recorded when it’s dim so I can add a dramatic feel to what I’m saying even though at this point, what happened isn’t tragic, but almost humorous, and a bit sad. 
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