#scheiss nazis
suzimiya · 8 months
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Immer wieder wird uns vorgeworfen, wir würden Menschen als „Nazis“ hinstellen. Das würden wir jedoch nie tun! Wir nennen sie lieber zartbegabte und weltanschauungsoriginelle SchülerInnen mit intelligenzflexibler Heimatschwäche bzw. förderbarer Herkunftskompetenz,
das trifft es in jeder Hinsicht viel besser." #Nettikette #Ironie #Sevicetweet 🙃🙃 '
Quelle https://x.com/klein_nini/status/1705469378039267522
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black-mosquito · 3 months
Scheisse auf Nazis! 💩
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kippykasey · 1 year
Grace - Chapter 10: The Train
Pairing: Howard Stark x F!Reader , Bucky x Reader [Eventually]
Word Count: 1600
Series Summary: A young nurse is recruited by Dr. Abraham Erskine to join the SSR to assist on Project Rebirth. Following her work with the SSR she is drafted into the US Army Nurse Corps in the war against the Nazis…and HYDRA.
Chapter Warnings: its the train scene of CATFA
Author’s Note: This chapter is about half the size of a normal chapter? But I am honestly so emotionally drain from writing it. Next chapter will be longer and we will only have 2 chapters left before moving on from CATFA.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the gifs they are either found on google or under the gif tag provided by tumblr. Any language other than English was translated using Google Translator, and translations will be posted in bolden italics after. I am not a nurse or in the medical field although I may do some research medical treatment written may not be correct.
Grace Masterlist | Snowdrop Masterlist | Masterlist
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The camp was tense on the cold, snowy morning of the last mission. More specifically Grace was tense. She had been ranting in German about her worries. If she wasn’t ranting in German she was repeatedly humming ‘Amazing Grace’ as she did anything and everything she could to distract herself. She reorganized her medical backpack three times; completely unpacking and repacking the bag. Taking apart and reassembling both her pistol and rifle while cleaning each to perfection only seen in an unused firearm. 
Charlie and Maxine watched from a distance. Charlie biting at her bottom lip in worry for her friend who has been off all morning. Maxine puffed at a cigarette to deal with the second hand stress and anxiety she was feeling from being around the head nurse. Monty walked up to stand behind the two nurses observing the head nurse as she packed away her personal items into her crate. 
“Is she still rambling in German?” He asked the two. Charlie looked up at him before nodding. “Gracie’s been humming Amazing Grace for twenty minutes now.”
“Scheisse.” Shit. 
The German curse leaving the nurse’s mouth drew the three over to her and down at the spilled box of hair pins. Grace lowered to her knees to pick up as many of the pins she could salvage from the snow. The three watching took notice of the Sergeant that approached her. Bucky rested his hand on the nurse’s shoulder but in her tense state she didn’t fully connect the dots that he wasn’t there to hurt her as she used her body weight to pull him from behind her and onto the ground in front of her with nothing but her small hand to protect her.
“Whoa! Easy, Sugar! It’s me, it’s just me!” Bucky quickly holds his hands up to block any attempt of attack from her. It was the shimmer of his blue eyes that alerted her mind that he was friendly that she lowered her raised hand. Her head dropped, shoulders sagging as she seemed to curl inward. It was a position Bucky had seen her in before, back when they were held captive by Hydra. Buck sat up, his hair falling from the combed back position to in front of his face. 
“Come here,” He spoke gently, it was calming. His arms moved slowly, as if approaching a wounded animal, as he drew her in closer. She leaned into his arms, the tension and stress that took over her body moments ago quickly leaving her. It was blocked out as if being in Bucky’s arms was a shield. His arms had brought her comfort so many times that they had become a place of safety. “Something bad is going to happen. I can feel it.” She muttered against his shoulder where her head was resting against.
“Nothing is going to go wrong, sugar.” His hand caressed the back of her neck, his thumb rubbing gently at the nape of her neck so he didn’t mess up her hair. “You’re okay. You’ve been speaking German all morning.” Her head lifted from his shoulder, her eyes glazed over, was she really talking in German all morning? Why couldn’t she remember that?
“It’s okay, you’re worried and scared it’s okay.” His voice stayed so soft and it was like a wave of reassurance. She nods her head slowly. The crunching of the snow was purposeful to gain the pair’s attention. They looked up at Steve dressed in his Captain America suit, without the head covering. “We’re getting ready to head out. Charlie and Maxine are ready for any injuries. I guessed you would be coming with us?” Steve explained his eyes glancing at the nurse. “You would be stupid if you think I’m letting you boys go with out a medic on standby that far away from base.”
Steve sighed hoping she would have changed her mind but nodded his head. Bucky stood first before offering his hand to help up the nurse. The three went to gather the remainder of their items before they left on their hike up the mountain to the lookout point where they would wait for the train.
Jim set up a radio which Gabe and him listened to. The others sitting or standing around waiting. Bucky stood next to Steve looking down at the train tracks, the zip line just above them. Grace, staying behind the two, leaned up on her toes to look down towards the tracks that seemed to double for a second as she took in the drop.
“Remember when I made you ride the Cyclone at Coney Island?” Bucky’s voice seemed to carry slightly in the open air despide the quiet tone.
“Yeah, and I threw up?” Steve added remembering the moment his best friend was talking about clearly.
“This isn’t payback is it?” Bucky’s question made the nurse huff out a laugh. “If this was payback for that, you got it with interest.” She let out a small laugh patting Bucky’s shoulder just below where his rifle was resting. Barnes turns his head to look down at her. She noticed a smile in his eyes, a lightness to them, even if he wasn’t physically smiling.
“Now why would I do that?” Rogers comments turning to look up at where the zip line was secured. 
Gabe spoke up, catching everyone’s attention. “You were right. Dr. Zola’s on the train. Hydra dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle.” The three stepped away from the edge and over towards where Jim and Jones sat with the radio. “Wherever he’s going, they must need him bad.”
Steve looked over at Bucky and Grace. He turned away, putting his helmet on as everyone began to prepare for the train. Monty keeps watch through a pair of binoculars. Grace tightened the straps on her bag. Bucky grabbed her hand and gave it a light squeeze. “Be careful.” She smiled up at him, “Don’t worry soldier boy. I’m staying towards the back.”
“Let’s get going, because they’re moving like the devil.” Monty instructs seeing the train speeding into sight.
Steve moved to the front attaching the first zip line handle bar to the line. He looks over his shoulder to give instructions. Jacques hand raised ready to signal his descent. “We only got about a 10 second window. You miss that window, we're bugs on a windshield.”
“And I may be good but I’m not an angel.” The nurse adds shifting from where she was standing behind Dugan.
“Better get moving bugs!” Dugan yelled over the sudden gust of wind.
On Jacques French exclamation and drop of hand Steve was off the mountain ledge. Bucky followed behind within a second. After Bucky one other person went then it was supposed to be Grace’s turn but as she stepped forward she didn’t bother to even swing the handlebar up. She had missed the window. In frustration she tossed the handlebar down before going over to Monty to take the binoculars and try to watch from afar. 
Dugan stepped up behind the nurse afraid she might act erratically if something goes wrong. He wrapped his hand around the straps of her bag as she took a step too close to the edge for his comfort. “They have those crazy powered guns.” She comments on seeing the blast.
The train was moving out of sight and Grace hurried to move around the mountain so she could keep watch. She stumbled in the snow and when she raised the binoculars again the only thing she could see was the back of the Captain America uniform hanging out of a whole in the train reaching for a plummeting person. A small yell left her mouth as she dropped the binoculars in shock. Her knees gave out and she fell to the snow ground below. That was how Dugan found her when he caught up. Together they headed back to camp where Charlie and Maxine instantly were able to tell by how Grace was acting that something went wrong. 
Charlie stepped forward as Maxine took the bag off of the head medic. As if the bag was holding her together the moment it was off the dam brook and sobs took over. Charlie pulled her into a hug. “You’re okay.” The nurse shook her head. “No. No. He’s gone. Why him?” She sobbed into Charlie’s shoulder. 
Dr. Zola was successfully captured at the end of the mission. He was transferred to a SSR prison where he would be interrogated by Philips. Meanwhile Steve and Grace had found themselves in their own grief ridden states. The nurse had been taken to the lodgings given to Howard, who upon seeing her so distraught awkwardly did his best to comfort the woman but ultimately ended up leaving to give her space. 
The nurse spent hours in her thoughts just wondering if she had made it down if she could have saved Bucky from the fall. It was torture but she finally decided she needed to let it out. So she did, into the first pages of leather bound journal Bucky got her for her birthday. Her hand danced across the page and the ink was sometimes smudged by the occasional tear drop.
What started as the ‘what if’s her brain kept going through slowly drifted into a new burning passion to end Hydra. With her new goal in mind she stood from her seat and hurried out of the room on her way to find the one person who would understand her the most at the moment, Steve.
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arctic-hands · 1 year
One of my favorite (hopefully true but I don't know for certain) stories about WWII was that spies for the fascists sent out the intel that FDR was going to be in Casablanca and vulnerable to attack, only the fascists (I can't remember if they were mussolini's people or the nazis) translated "Casablanca" as "White House" and were like "no merda/scheisse, he's always at the White House what are we supposed to do with this information?" and FDR attended the Casablanca Conference unscathed
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babyawacs · 2 months
@drk @redcross @dejureorg @bbc_whys @deutschland .@deutschland @dw #rkfiles die sicherhei ts kontrollebene ist im buergerkrieg. dabei verwendeten die aufstaendischen biowaffen gegen die zivilbevoelkerung. welchem kleinkind an welchen horror karussell bommmelnd wollen sie d a s nun erklaeren. dass die plueschtier verkleideten sich pruegeln in ihrem kleinkind zoo und rummelplatz und ringelspiel mistraut wurde der tiefen kontrolle der gesellschaften beinhaltet selbstverstaendlich die schulmedizinischen zuteilungs systeme und lebenszeit fuer iphone aus egel systeme mit geheimen waehrungen basierend auf blutplasma wissenschaft und was sich an fruktose so bindet die esotheriker und nazis vermuteten ihren nazi scheiss damit
@drk @redcross @dejureorg @bbc_whys @deutschland .@deutschland @dw #rkfiles die sicherheits kontrollebene ist im buergerkrieg. dabei verwendeten die aufstaendischen biowaffen gegen die zivilbevoelkerung. welchem kleinkind an welchen horror karussell bommmelnd wollen sie d a s nun erklaeren. dass die plueschtier verkleideten sich pruegeln in ihrem kleinkind zoo und rummelplatz und…
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politikwatch · 6 months
Es geht wie immer um Interessen Scheiss auf #Moral oder das ein Deutscher #Bundeskanzler eine #Rechtspopulistin "lieb" nennt. Alles vergessen❗ Genau das ist #Deutschlands Problem 🤬🤬 Immer wieder die gleichen Fehler ❗🤬
Würden das alle machen oder mal angenommen alle würden mit #rechten, #Faschisten, #Nazis, #Terror- #Organisationen etc. #reden, #huldigen oder ihnen #Komplimente machen, Brauch man keine Fantasie um sich vorzustellen wie die #Welt dann #aussehen würde ❗
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kokeethornton · 7 months
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Das Gespräch haben wir mit unserer Großtante vor gut 20 Jahren geführt. Ich habe es in unsere Zeit verlegt und das erste Bild hinzu gezeichnet um es mit der Gegenwart zu verbinden. Es ist wahnsinnig wichtig Zeitzeugen aus dem letzten Jahrhundert jetzt, wo rechte Parteien in ganz Europa wieder Aufwind haben, Gehör zu verleihen. Da sie nicht mehr selbst sprechen können, ist das nun unsere Aufgabe.
Ich habe das gesamte Gespräch in einem meiner alten Tagebücher gefunden und werde sicher noch mehr daraus erzählen. Meine Uroma, die hatte auch keinen Bock auf Nazis und zu dem was sie dann tat um andere vor den Faschisten zu schützen, gibt es eine Geschichte zu erzählen, die nicht in vier Bilder passt.
Moin und immer schön laut gegen Rechtsextremismus und anderen Hass-Scheiss bleiben!
Song zum Comic: Fiva & JRBB Blau Flecken
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herzlak · 9 months
Tatort Ludwigshafen: Gold
Heute: Märchenstunde
Können wir sowas mal in Münster haben, aber mit den Wiedertäufern?
Rheingold, Alberich, Wotan...
Ich bin auch verstört
Aber nicht, weil ich meinen Sohn vermisse
Die ist jetzt nur zur Stern rüber, damit sie nicht arbeiten muss und Katze streicheln kann!!!
*frantically googles wien viele akte dieses scheiss stück hat*
queer bashing?
Die machen sich doch wieder über Schwule lustig, ich seh das doch
Warte wie kommen wir jetzt auf Nazis?
"Da draußen irgendwo" aka in ganz Ludwigshafen und Umgebung
Ne Nadel im Heuhaufen suchen ist einfach, aber sie zu finden ist halt schwierig, gell
Um Himmels Willen-
Das wird ja immer schlimmer
Pahahah rennt die einfach weg
Halleluja, wir haben die Götterdämmerung erreicht
Wenn er Hagen heißt, ist er böse. Hab ich in Das Boot gelernt :)
Ihr seid doch in der Lage zu zweit die Tür einzutreten
Dann kanns so schlimm nicht gewesen sein mit der Rauchvergiftung
Mhm gaaaanz toll
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korrektheiten · 10 months
Linksradikale Luftnummer: Protestflug mit “Scheiss AfD”-Banner geplant
Ansage: »Am 28. Juli will die AfD in Magdeburg einen Parteitag abhalten. Dies ist den üblichen “Antifaschisten” mit und ohne Kampfmontur natürlich ein Dorn im Auge – und ganz besonders einem Bündnis mit dem vor Originalität sprühenden Namen “Kein Bock auf Nazis” (KBAN), einer nach eigenen Angaben “bunten und undogmatischen Initiative mit einer klaren Mission: Mut […] The post Linksradikale Luftnummer: Protestflug mit “Scheiss AfD”-Banner geplant first appeared on Ansage. http://dlvr.it/SsFRlj «
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verschwoerer · 10 months
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Kein Bock Auf Nazis
Die AFD ist vor Wut halb durchgedreht, als wir bei der Landtagswahl in Niedersachsen ein Flugzeug mit großem 20-Meter "Scheiss AFD!"-Banner fliegen ließen. Das hat uns so gut gefallen, dass wir ihnen am 28.07. beim Parteitag in Magdeburg gleich nochmal den Tag versauen wollen.
Wir haben einen Piloten, wir haben das Banner. Jetzt kommst Du ins Spiel, damit das Flugzeug auch abheben kann.
Wir brauchen richtig viele Protest-Verstärker*innen, damit der Flieger möglichst lange in der Luft bleibt.
Mit nur 9 Euro spendest Du eine Flugminute. Wie viele Stunden kriegen wir gemeinsam hin?
Check mal unsere Spendenseite: https://www.keinbockaufnazis.de/aktion
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suzimiya · 8 months
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#ScheißNazis * Text to Image API | DeepAI #text2img #Gabby #ScheiszNazis #Scheiß_Nazi #Scheiss_Nazi #ScheiszNazi |s
#stablediffusion #craiyon-V3 #dalle #dalleMini #lookingglassai #Runway #scheissNazis
#ScheißNazi #Scheiß_Nazis #Scheiss_Nazis #Scheisz_Nazis #ScheissNazi #Scheisz_Nazi 's
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leosworld · 1 year
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Was heisst ab in den Zoo???...und ihr bekommt keinen Parkausweis fuer die Drachen....??? Deutschland ist voll Scheisse....!!! Du wolltest doch Nazis live sehen...bloss weg hier.... https://www.instagram.com/p/CpDQqxms7mq1vcA0rCzNjLlVj1EEcqL08q87rI0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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genioushardcore · 1 year
States-Traitors in Uniform Besides some timestrings, louds it these ways: International Warlaw Article 312 (10): Helping Hands Technology on an Afterburner is to deliver, as soon as possible, to the Person, the Afterburner became possible with. The Serveants, which delivered false commands, are to exicute as soon as possible, or we risc an Armageddion Project, by the Nazis, in that command-stage, by that state.
Interstellar Warlaw, sounds even so, like that.
In International Warlaw, Definitions, stands, that 2 Soldiers, must deliver the Helping Hands Technology Recipient, to the Person,which withcaused the Afterburner Status, or we risc Armageddion.
Soll heißen, die Tochter, eines Veterinärs, Heil-Erziehungs-Pflegerin, herself, hat die School of Life, mit mir nachzuholen, zum Thema Sexual-Leben.
Würden, die Staatsverräter, mit Zwangshochzeiten im Kopf, mal bitte klar kommen lernen? Des weiteren, wenn wir keine gemeinsame Geschichte haben, dann Scheiss ich auf euch, da können eure Väter, noch so hohe Tiere sein, aber deren Rang interessiert mich nicht, da selbige zu Degradieren sind, unehrenhaft aus dem Bundeswehr-Dienst zu entlassen und zur Exikution ausgeschrieben sind, nach International Warlaw. Wen dass interessiert? Die United Nations, die European Union, so wie die Dienen wollenden Kräfte, und alle, welche gerne noch eine Zukunft erleben wollen. Ergo auch mich.
Was eure Selbstkorrumpierungs-Sequenzen anbelangt, nervt wen anders, ihr korrupten Stück Scheisse. Nazis/Die braune Masse, nennt man halt so, da ihr gerade offen gelegt bekamt, dass ihr Staatsverräter seid, ergo Kriegsverbrecher, kann man euch getrost, auf euren Darm-Inhalt reduzieren, denn Staatsverräter, spühle ich gerne, die Toilette runter. Jetzt kapiert? Anbei, wenn Töchterchen, selbst die Zwangsehe vollziehen will, kann die, sich ebenso als Nazi deklariert wissen. Macht euch das Armageddon-Projekt, jetzt noch Spaß? Lernt endlich mal lesen: International Warlaw Article 312 (10) und die Handhabe dazu. Vorher, nervt wen anders, da ihr mir Scheissegal seid.
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zooterchet · 2 years
British Espionage (17th Century Canada)
In French, the term ‘mushe’, in Canadian ‘patoile’ (logger, not ‘patois’, weed dealer, or ‘cree’, Accadian/Cajun/Kurd), indicates German ‘scheisse’, ‘scat porn’ (a card game limited to Jews in German rules, therefore to be played between Gentiles and Jews), but in English-Kaldi (Bruce English),  the term ‘mooshe’ indicates a card game limited to Jews in German rules, being played between Gentiles and Jews, no ‘kibbutz’, otherwise a ‘fold’, ‘ghei’, the last being ‘black slang’ (Irish strong, a former rich nation, white or black, but not ‘brown’, ‘gei’, outlawed for equivalencies of term in spelling); the term ‘ghei’, indicating not to be played, by British, as being ‘mushe’, Nazi, ‘skatszpendauer’, a black cat (Turkish Djin, a card game, to be enjoyed with ‘rum’, the drink and booze at hand, otherwise, ‘shite’, we lose, whiskey and ‘weiners’, little hot dogs, pork gumplings with onion and choice of mayo, mustard, but not ‘ketchup’, for ‘franks and weiners’, beef hot dogs, unless ‘Juwish’, English, then with pork - if outlawed, ‘micks law’, ‘wop time’, the Church is to be cut off from Italy).
Developed by miners, in the 1970s, on the internet, in the Rocky Mountains, the exact same set given to Bill Gates, but without phoenetics, lack of term thereof spelled as listed ‘phonetics’, ‘ese’ (queens, a parliament trick, from the Hapsburgs, the encomiendas, no-hyacinth to use Jamaican weid-garbale for pot dealing to Hispanic Southerners, ‘brown power, no baeno’, ‘spics’).
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babyawacs · 6 months
#einpaar #schmutzige #tricks #grundlagen #falls #die #euch #verscheissern @spdde @cdu @csu @hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart @karlsruhe @berlin .@berlin @bundestag .@bundestag @bundesrat @die_gruenen @fdp @dielinke @afd @bundespraesident @deutschland .@deutschland @bild @phoenix_de .@phoenix_de in den vielen schmutzigen tricks die ihr versucht habt ist zum beispiel immunisierten mitgliedschaft ein r e i z w o r t t r i c k zum rauben. indenknast gehoert ihr einganzkleinesbisschen. regierungsdrogen regierungserzegteverbrechen regierungsgedecktes ungestraftes wiederholen . einganzkleinesbisschen in den knast ihr gehoert.uebergeschnappt yourenot youist hollywood uebergeschnapptsofunktioniert das nicht in wirklichen seltensent faellen: sich selbst verleugnen aus schmerzvermeidung und dann andersjemand sein und sichdannfuer andersjemanden haltensitzt so einer mit kleinkinder cola im zimmer undnicht mehran geheimdienst koma timings zeiten haeltsich sowas sowiesonicht und ist genau dann als zombi eben n i c h t uebergeschnapptheit schlaues sensibelchen istnicht so wie ihr das verdreht sondern i h r seid totale trottel und nazi toelpel dasist wie sheldon coopers kaputtmachen wegen totalen scheiss weilihr esnichteinmal rafft
#einpaar #schmutzige #tricks #grundlagen #falls #die #euch #verscheissern @spdde @cdu @csu @hamburg @muenchen @stuttgart @karlsruhe @berlin .@berlin @bundestag .@bundestag @bundesrat @die_gruenen @fdp @dielinke @afd @bundespraesident @deutschland .@deutschland @bild @phoenix_de .@phoenix_de in den vielen schmutzigen tricks die ihr versucht habt ist zum beispiel immunisierten mitgliedschaft ein r…
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eskarinaevilredhood · 2 years
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🤣🤣🤣 wtf seriously #lachervomtag 🤣🤣🤣 hier handelte es sich deutlich um einen joke, " " mein Beitrag Zur Energie sparen, ich gehe abends die Stecker von den e- autos ziehen"" Ein joke, deutlich zu sehen an die lacher am ende,aber wie gewöhnlich kennt fb keine Jokes da müssen wir scheinbar noch immer in den Keller gehen um zu lachen 🤣🤣🤣 stattdessen geben sie nen dikke fakt Checker bullshit Uber Gefahren von Stecker zu früh aus dem e-auto Trecken 🤣🤣🤣 echt het wird immer schlimmer wäre schön als die der Generatie die jezt aufwackst zu erzählen das das Gehirn ne app ist Dan lernen sie es Wieder zu gebrauchen und ganz wichtig Akzeptanz beginnt jemand seine Meinung zu akzeptieren und nicht Wegen jedem Kleinen Scheiss der nicht so ist wie sie es wollen oder denken beleidigt zu seine Dan erst sehe ich wieder Hoffnung für diese hypocrite welt von zu vielen hirnlosen Zombies und Grammer Nazis die das wichtigste im Leben nicht mehr sehen können ohne daß jemand ihnen sagt was es ist...... https://www.instagram.com/p/CiqBwtIrorEey0tA-8HcnRVLRITssp0pJYfX4w0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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